xt7qft8djp1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qft8djp1w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, May 1985 text GSO Newsletter, May 1985 1985 1985-05 2019 true xt7qft8djp1w section xt7qft8djp1w (@535 Q NEWSLETTER
© ‘5 s a,
L€Xlngt0n POST OFFICE Box 11471
May 1985
This year our annual Derby Brunch will be held
at the elegant hell House on Bell Court, on Sunday,
May 5th tron 1:00 to 5:06 pm. Tickets ($26.00 per
person) are llmzted and oust be purchased by
Saturday. Hay 4th. Contact any ESE board member or
bartenders a: The Bar and Brezinos for tacket: to
QPEN HOUSE UFEIEE EARNING FQRT: this event. Don’t miss this annual favorite?
anl to of 880's Goals for 1?35 has been
achieved! Slnce rece1v1no 1ts grant to December_ol _ _ __
East year, we have_been looklng {or sultable o+fzce hSh AUNT huh?
space for the Lealhgton an_3era1ces Drganlzatxon.
fitter much searchlng, haoollno, and waiting, we Dear hunt dare: I an a student at a college in a
have flnally obtalned fittICE space at small central Kentucky city who is doing through a
431 S. Broadway Suzt 322. (Corner of Flne a roooh tzme rloht now. The plat of the patter .15
Broadway, I lock south of haauell.) Everyone, that I ah going through the process of dlscoverlng
member and non-member alike, 15 inv1ted to help .us my sexualltp, and at is obvxous to he that I am
celebrate the opening of our new home by attending oat. ‘ _ ‘ . _ .
our Dpen House_fll£1ce Warmlho Party, on Sunday, hay Hhat l an wrttlhg about SEEEltIEBIIV as meetlhg
1?, 1985, J:UUpm. Champalon and hors d’oeuvres people. I have been to bars‘ elore, but I became
W111 he served. tlFEd ot the scene ouxckly; and the tense
. _+ _ __ _ . _ _ _
. p1 .qu : a ,, , a ,r: atoos-here of those place: was no. pleaSant to he.
Lelumonewanotsa N. to . .I l . -
‘ J ’ JUNE q£?fi FRIDL MEEL dJ' Is tyere any t1nd_ of correspondehce that takes
he are Proud to announce_ the unitioo of the place around thE Lexxngtoh fig? cohnunlty, say EUCh
Lexington Lesbian and Gay Coonunite for this vears EEFFEEZIPEdJS or SDNQtEEHQS 0r somethlng IlkE the
eat and lesbian ride c-lebr'ti'r.' lt u E r ‘ ”9 ' 3‘
inhp ' ?-i€ an rhorgn :ErU’ the lirttfftiegf t'o really not a toruard person and l know there
~-_‘-§- = -‘=- -—v - -. .1- c' ‘.-;.p -‘ '—=:
Partlclnatlno Groups 1nclude: Amber hoon. Dignitv. ”F? faiUt 5' tfinEl! guys ”gt there JUSt-llkerm’591f
Bar and Lesbian hemocrates of Kentnctv Gav ahd who u:ten don‘t know what to say 1n a sltuatlon and
!_= .__ , ;" , E ' :4. _ ' ' T_j"n 5: often ease up an opportunltv that could be
cesblan unlon or otudents. teaxngton Edy aervxces _ _,;_-'1 f- +. __ » u ' , r 1~l
Eroanization and Imperial Court of the Blueorass bEHEY‘LIa‘ ‘” bo_n EEUEIE InVDIVEd' ‘ TEE! ‘lke
Eooire. é tentative schedule n; activities for f“; correspondence would‘ e a great way to get to know
week is as tollous; ' ‘ ' "‘ ‘ ‘ someone a little easzer and would 1nvolve ‘less
' ' ‘ tenslon ias In a bar or any type of cruxslng
r\ ,4.” r4. SEEHE‘}.
oleav id‘s: . ‘
hondat ldth' prpgTalefit Fair Flease respond to these questions, and may I say
Tuesdav 11th: Political Tooic that what you are doing Is very Horthuhzle and
blednesda‘g' 12th: m: Festival he1‘93“”: ..
Thursda: 13m. Helioious Topic {with ouest elven?!”
‘ spgaggr} ' a :aithtu: reader
. Friday ttth: S:ecials at articioatin: local : .
‘ ' ogre. p ' 3 Dear Fatthrol: Thank you for your letter and let
gaturdfiu lhth- Grand Finale Celebration at he apologize for the delay In answering. Due to
- - —: '— - - ~ - _— 1 - - .— —-‘.f - ‘--
JEtE’t—ES FLU-l Dfi ThE Farm. ”CH-E {ELt'l-ll. haiath problem: I hdie bEErl undblE' tfiv til-1E?
details on this and the other up WIth my correspondence. fine of the questions
event: in air dune newsletter am asked most often 15 "how do I go about aeetxng
Continued on page 3

P Y ‘
H (OH would like to adVETtlSE in ”ii Newsletter Ehsztrhiii’zntgarxziEgoyzzzstree
newslet er, please send your ad copy and gayaent to 12””.
650, 9.0. Box 11471. Lexington, Ky. 40 75. See
“I calendar for the “SIS etter deadline. DUE to Heehership lo hecole a 1550 Ielher, include
postal regulations, we reserve the right to refuse the aeabership ree n1t10.oo or
advertising due to conazgésor space availability. $5.00 tar students.
Eigth Pa e t 8.00
Quarter gage $15.00 “M5“
Halt P“)9 ‘25-00 CITY/SIATE/ZIP:
Full Page $40.00
CliSSHIEd $ 1-00 (uphtadg lines‘ $ 3? Please Iail above turn to: 550, 00 Box 11171, Lexington, xv 40575
eat a 1 mm wor
NEH DlSCDURTSHaHective inediatelyl \T‘Ji‘tl'r
1/4oH for 6 no. N. ,sa‘r,’
1/311” tor 12 lo. .°"-° f / fifi‘e
1/2 0“ for non-profit groups. {gig/a ,, 5W0,
The 650 newsletter is Buhlished eonthly by the /v/ , 1. 1
Lexington Say Services rganization lncorporated, // '7 fl'fixi.‘ii//
P.0. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. BSD is 1‘, r. 7. '43;
a non-profit organization whose purpose is to 1;; «i m [47‘3“
provide educational, recreational, social and ‘ bfig’ ' l!§:;:\~
referral services directly involving or relating to \ 'iatt/ ' "-..'.=i\
gay/lesbian people. . “<5“ 3w” Q. /, , ,-
Views or oginions eeressed in stories or /, fifi .‘ " ',.//’
letters are t ose ot t e writers and do not ' § § . -' ‘
necessarily represent those of the 1550 board or the "\‘\ \Rsip
newsletter staH. Publication of the naee or .9 {3 § is? «A
photograph of any person, organization or other . ‘ f\ M“
entity in articles or advertising in the newsletter 2‘: § ...\'&/
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation -/§3 3;; 'fa/
at such person, organization or entity. \é ' ,
Subeissions tor the newsletter are welcoae. All
subeissions becoae the groperty oi the Lexington SUPPORTOUR ADVERTISERS
Say Services Organiza ion, nc. All Suheisswns _____———-———
lust indicate the lull naae and address at the 550 sronsnns 550
author. although no byline will he published __-_____...__~.—~—___-_..—__-._
without pereission of the author. Non-original Unitarian Universalist Church. 35c»: Clavs 11111 223-1413
laterial lust indicate that that person has given The Bar. 224 E. Hm St. 255-1551
his/her gereission for the use of his[her line in m Bologna’s, 10:1 11. ”am“ 51. 25249;;
the g“ ”“1”“. “9°"Y'W5 5"“‘55Wn5 cannot be tKeith Buchanan, Trendsetters 3513 Landsdowne 0r. 273-1097
accep “- The-editorial 5t?” h“ the right t° Kentucky Theatre, 214 E. hair. St. 254—5010
alter suimsswns lincluding advertise-en s) to "who”. 1759n1exendria Dr. 2754451
“9t publishing require-ents. : Fur’N Feathers, 2909 Richlond Rd. 200—0225
DIRECTORY Richardson vision Center. 1757 Alexandria Dr. 273411.10 l
1 Flowers by Don, 200 Suuthland Dr. 278-0555 I
650 Bayline..............................231-0335 Cate‘ LhNaP, 3:17 E. Main st. 252-7131
6511 Newsletter Beneral..................299-0352 Bluegrass Landscape Design, 4397 Harrodsburg Rd. 223—9111
’ Advertiselent, , . . . u. H. .273-3809 Silk Green House, 1050 Chinoe Rd. 263—8100
Hailin LiSt....--.--. __ ,268-3935 l Marque Cross Productions, PO Box 25.501, Lex., Ky. 40524
690 Recreational Eventgggg-gggg Jesters. 107 11- Short St. 252-5510 “00
Di nit lLexin tun - Green Earth Landscaping Companv. 272-
Iegerizl Cour? of the Bleugrass Eepire...252-1155 Brezing’S. 234 East Short Street 233-3309
Bay and Lesbian Deaocrates of Kentucky...255-4865 Complete Landscape Sevens. 293-125? or 915-3125
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........15 2) 637-4342 imperial Caurt of the Bluegrass Elplrea 242-1155
Owensboro Gay Alliance............. (502) 685-5246 Isheael and Co. Salon 419 Suuthland Dr. 277—24117 or 5143
Cincinnati Ba Switchboard...m.... (513) 221-7800 David E- Radar- FSC Securities Corp. 269-7611
National Gay ¥ask Force Crisis Line18001 221-7044 - .. .
NGTF AIDS Crisis Line..............1BOO) 221-70442 ' Ask about DISCOUNTS W 1350 lie-hers.-

Lexington Gay Services Urbanization TM
Guszggriy ' ROOMMATERS
,_ -r
EnMnthch31,1%5 Roommate Matchlng Serv1ce

Rmemta‘. Discrete—Professional—Friendly
Advertising $459.9? 293 214
Donations 33.55 -

Imperial Court of the ‘ 8
Bluegrass Empire Benefit 479.05 Box 54594, Lexington, KY 40555
hatchin' Fund 20.00 2
Memberships 45.00
T-Bhirts 53,00
VfleMiM’sBmefit ZNLM $5.00 off with this ad.
Total Receipts $13TB.5?

Expenditures: Many of the couples I have talked to have told
General administration $92.39 me that they met in very ordinary situations. such
Imperial Court of the as at the grocery store, while buying shoes or
Bluegrass Empire Benefit 27.70 getting gas. Others met at various social events
Newsletter 382.26 or were introduced by friends. it seems to me that
Phoneline 81.03 for individuals who are just Icoming out,‘ one of
Telephone 170.49 the most important things is to make some new gay
Valentine’s Benefit 88.00 friends. Romantic involvements seem to follow in a
Volleyball 15:00 natural progression, either directly or indirectly.

Total Expenditures ggaigz Ihe socifl events hosted by 858 offer you a chance
.0 nee. rew eo le ir a rel"ed. l k ‘ d
Total excess of Receipts ‘ _ situation. Ifill $88p events are Sgtailedouin Ethe
over Expenditures $461.?0 monthly newsletter and are listed on the calander
====== shown on the last page. If you are not on 658’s
mgiling ligt, write them and ask to be included -
, ‘._ ' '- t in a lain envelo 9. You can
, otucnnt ausmess MEETING HINUTES 4/1/3= ‘ ‘ “3E.” 1“ 59“ __ B - . h .

Last month’s minutes were read and approved? :hftrshghgnt: Esped_ffs:agetfutlEgangpfihe gpcooing
Treasury stands at $1 345.80 (34 000.00 in grant nvl-iaz=' ' ' It CE- I”? ’9 .ione the a

account plus interest ) a i - iul idea. The Phoneline is magned by volunteers on
Jim announted that there were approximately 30 Hedoesdays and Thursdays from t to it pm It you

eoxle at tte AIDS U date would iite to talk to someone in person.

9 tThere ahé a ro'p gag _ th .1. . The ‘888 newsletter accepts personal ads (at the

115, PP h' “ hahh’ 0” 9 ha‘ thh discretion ofIEhe editgrlydas go magy nationaé .gay
-; _ . . maiazines. you ec1 e o p ace an a in a

Bruhghque “hhhhhthh the t‘hat plans 0" the Derby national magazine, I recommend THE RDVDCATEé Post

.dh’o progggss reported on airing ”I? “015139” glhtgevogateegtthtbonittgutoatgttgglgl;$26332?ng

V1 Eh hh_" _- _ F , to know pedple through correspondence. you may wan

. Ehs caéangersr_?pnated to Eafl by Jester s were to give the personal ad route a try. ' ' '
pltéfir :gal: aghslzbedule for 1985 were reviewed j {in clgsipg IEttfie say that I understand what a
- - b - - .i t 3 ti ficu.. .ime is is for you bt reoeaber that
The (international Bay Bowling ”nu are finger alone Han‘ .’u ’

:1 . _ . _ _: . 3-. ._- . y, many men and wooen are
QgfiggiEfitiggg_vlh?ghdh9ht 15 the ”EEhEhh ht Hay going through or have gone through the same thing.
L “ ' 5' ' Have faith, you will be a better person for having

A + h'r" _ t' d the courage to learn who you are. Please write
“”0- 1’! L90 1””? from PBQE 1 again and at me know how you are doing.
hunt Mary

worthwhile eo-le.l According to may of of readers.

the answer ts Fnot by hanging out at tthe bars It YR” "h”th 11h? t0 write th hhht hhhyi send

looking for a ick' up - although most all of my thfi tPttEF t0: nunt hiTYi 1530i P°5t htttte Box

readers tell me that they enjoy going to the bars tth’t! thhththhi h9htUFhV 49575, All names are

A with friends occasionally té 'have a qfigd tine. kept strictly confidential. If you wish a personal
hpparently the atmosphere is quite diffefent when reply, 919359 lhilhd? a stamped 5Elt addressed
you go with friends than when you go alone. EhVEthPE-

 ,, , could or could not say in a classroom situation,
b' q l"‘ N_tNDT THEIR RIGHT but whether they could be fired for statements made
Y “V V1“ ‘ ress in their everyday life away from school that night
This letter is in response to an article from Ind$§“‘§ '22; {liihgffei”Slsgrtiigpgiggéiiofictgdhil
the March 26 HeraldjLeader ."1th 'the" heaéllne Natresses’ statement that “the hetrosewual people
Supreme Court Sellt.‘” gay rights C‘SE' I C“"”°t of a community are obviously the ones who have
understand a cour "hit“ 53Y5 that teachers have a minor children and it is their‘ children who are
right. t2 Eadvpcstea sygourgge hogdprooote sexual being subjected to the influences cited.” I feel
ac 1Vlty D any ;?5 ."1 "’ C 1. CEY' _ . safe in stating that my many friends who are
The sexual actiVities of consenting adults is a parents and also ha pen to be ‘av are as concerned
personal inatter.‘ th _ae ”0t opposedhto homosexgzl as I am about just what our children are taught in
persons 8*9r5151ng 91’ persona {19 t5! but ? the classroom. however. the Supreme Court decision
eterosexual PEQPIS 0* ? community are obViously in question had nothing to .do with classroom
the ones who have minor children and it is the1r subiert matter
children who are being subjected to the influences ' The statement “Every home and every religious
CitEd 1” th35.C35?' . y . _ . group has its own set of principles. and the moral
. Sex edUCation is a sensitive issue cooperation values of the home cannot _ must not _ be i nored."
"ilh. hone. agg SChDDX-h It_seegs that t?e_fan%;y seems to indicate a belief that homosexualigy is ‘a
ElYSICta" 15 B one " 0 Cd” 95 _EXP 31? . E moral issue. Most all current research points to
iological 35P?Ct5 .Of 59“ bESt' Personal hygiene basic biological differences between heterosexual
(“595 are available 1“ “OSt 5Ch°°15' Every home and homosexual individuals. Gays do not make a
and SVE’Y religious 9’0”? has Its 0"" SEt 0* choice to be av any more than blacks or Jews sake
principles, and 'he moral Values of the home cannot a choice gfi- be‘ members of their respective
' ogsthnot ‘tfiet192§79d' d t t t' _1 minorities. The only choice we make as consenting
d ”£9 Ea ‘5 5:59 ”95 ”0. if atna 12"“ adults is whether we will acce t ourselves and live
prece 9? ' veryone .35 . a r19 3 o FEE our lives openly or remain closeted and fearful
9‘9r9551°”' However, 1t 15.the.d”ty 0* a parent that "someone” mav find out who we reallv are.
and teacher to see that vulgarity is not claSSified As far as hoping 'that this case does not set a
as Ere: expresslop- t v l j _ _, . t t h' h national precedent, unfortunately it does not.
ay- ”‘X. '15] o 9“p at” ‘ VIEHPDI” 9 " it Since on y eight justices voted and the vote was
thEY are 9“ 1t19dr DUt #5 advocate. encourage ”9d split four to four. the Court of Appeals decision
promote homosexual actiVity is not a part 0 their was left standin , but it applys only to that
C°“5t‘t”t1°”“1 rights. , _ . . jurisdiction (Co?orado, Kansas. New ‘ Hexico.
'lt is not a part of anyone 5 constitutional Oklahoma. Utah and Hvomin ). ~ -
PTIVIIEQE t” encourage sexual art‘VItY among Finally. if Ms.' Naeress reallv believes that
minors, regardless 0* . sexual PrEferEHCE- "homosexuals have the same rights as other
Hoeosexuals have the sage rights as other Citizens. citizens." she is sadlv mistaken. if I had the
Dther P9°§t9.d° "0t hFVE a _right t0 encourage sane riohts as other citiiens I would not have to
sexual ac iVity anong minor children and ne1ther do request' that my name not be printed with this
the 93y5- ietter for fear of reprisals in 'my professional
‘ i e.
In response to H5. Natresses’ letter, a BBB
board member has sent the following letter to the
Herald-Leader. Since he requested hat his name Tfl~w~~ ~~~N~w~~~~v~f~~y
"(It be gubhahed MU“? letters "9 d“ not km 1* i any mu) LESBIAN Deuocnmes or KENTUCKY HISHES TD l
Ms let 9? “I“ be Printed- CGRDIALLY’ INVITE all members of the lesbian and gay :
~ ‘ community and our supporters to a ‘cocktail party :
f”. her IEttEF regarding the Supreme Court : honoring the first openly gay candidate for public .
deCiSion upholding the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of 1 office in Kentucky, Deney Priddy. Hr. Priddy 15 |
geneals ru 1“? that an Oklahoma law allowing the : formerly the president of Gays and Lesbians United \
“rings 0‘ Bath?” rho mm“: 9”““399 ‘3’ for Equality. (GLUE), in Louisville. He has a :
promo e honosexuality Violates teachers free—speach ‘ degree in 'Law Enforcement fron Eastern Kentucky |
{13ht5' SYIVI? Natress EXPVESSES- opinions that : Universitv and is currently running for Alderman in l
in icate a ba51c lack of understanding of several ‘ the city of Louisville. .
issues. I would like to offer a few comments which : Let’s all come out and show our support gor his}
I _hope "111 cause some 990919 to {ECD“SIder ‘ campaign on Wednesday. Ha‘ 8th from 9-llpn at the ‘
WIND“. they “Y “D” “as“ ‘3" “1mm” ‘Sheraton Inn on ”Richmond Road (1—75 emit). .‘
information. . . : Admission is on a sliding scale, $5-$25. There‘
F1r5t’ the Oklahoma law 1". q995t1”” was not will be free beer and hors d’oeuvres and a no host
restricted to what teachers said in the classroom, i bar. For more information call ELD at 254-1923.
but HDMd use have rewflated Mmt they sad {,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,..3
outside of school. The issue is not what teachers

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Do Not wake me up a a' v
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LEX. t

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 We are calling on every individual to give — and Proposition Six.T he assassinations of
some fresh thought to the AIDS crisis and to AIDS SAFE SEX GUIDELUVES Harvey Milk and George Moscone.

. . . sin . . .
m%§tea§°am.fdny déin‘s‘s‘ffi‘ititii’fitemasf‘ fin... Bytinifiéi‘é‘i‘flivyfli‘éi‘éfiihfid
A diseasiek 31%) isr tlransmittgedtpertshon [SD S Bodyqimaéiilyxififimfmge, energies. our collective strength and
person. e . e way 5 op e Egg—e e courage. .
epidemic is through the transmission of Anal inertial; szllhwcghdom We can do the same With AIDS.
information. person to person. And then to fififig‘gfiffigfi’fiflw Change is taking place. _
act on 1L “UH—mg The good news is that people are having
The latest information about ADS. Wfimfinfimfimm less Unsafe Sex. Sweeping change is taking
- Since the beginning of theepidemie. 900 5333:3333 place. The maJOUtYPf sexually active Gay

cases of AIDS have been diagnosed m Rimming men have made major alterations in high
San Francisco. At the current rate,we can Vaginal Inlemmmélmom Condom “5k sexual practices
expect to see 900 new C3565 in 1985 alone. an Mu Physicians”: Human momma“ Ye gage Shfilééglmmfth yOLtl‘ithe mgst .
- Development of a vaccine or cure for partners and our communityThe only way 13%;; AICDHSe—inclu (113% on an opin-
. ~ ~ g ormation
AIDS 18 probably years away. No re- 1.9 reduce 115k of contracting the AIDS about Safe and Unsafe Sex
searcher feels even close. ms is to practice safer sex.There is some . . ‘ . . .
- - We believe that informed act: fy is
. Two out of three Gay men in San Fran- confusron about what is completely safe. th b t d f , 1; AIDS B“ d
cisco have not yet been exposed and have There is no confusion. however, about what stjndtifig afiifilniiesiigqlufizrmation again
the o ortuni to com letel avoid ls completely unsafe. sto th s d f AIDS. '
expogfie to mtg, AIDS v3.15. y We have to do it ourselves. p e prea 0
- Studies indicate that about one out We applaud the efforts 0f many in our
of three Gay men in San Francisco have wmumty who are working to get more 5 F
already been exposed That‘s roughly . funding for AIDS research. But research, AI S
30 000 men ' even when properly funded. is an agoniz~ F—CU TION
' ' . , ingly slow process It may take many 7. .. _ [SQ/L. .
- Exposure to the AIDS Virus doesnt mean years to develop. test. and produce a .
that the final harm has been done. It Vaccine or cure for AIDS. ' ... we,
may take repeated exposures before AIDS ' Until a medical solution is developed, Wfl/
develops. However. people who have ‘ only we Gay and bisexual men can stop the
been exposed may be capable 0f spreading spread of this epidemic in our community. .
the “ms to the“ sex partners. No one else. right now. can do that for us. For more information about AIDS
The most important information AIDS may be thgamostfltliifficult issue Kgsflhmn'dwtl'l the[ Slash graniilschOS
about AIDS. we‘ve ever had to d wi .But we've over- on.“ :1 ion: 4 ) 63-
All of this means that AIDS prevention come challenges before, and won.There Toll-Free in N 0. CA (800] FOR-AIDS
is vital for ourselves, our friends. our sex was Stonewall. Anita Bryant John Briggs ’I‘TY (415) 864-6606

 TRQGED? 0F “IDS SUBJECT DF PLAYS . HUttlTIEl—lts Solutlfln was'tfi HritE ”at abUUt the
a New York Times News Service storv disease, Ibut ‘the reaction to it. 'hs ls" charts
= the relationship between Richard, a novelist who
new toot: — utter. William Hoffman beoan writing a [Wrist-5. “5'5: 5‘29 Saul; tbslm‘sbhe left before
play about the mysterious disease' called #103 htthhth? 1tt' .1” h5 ls,: as 1” "hthhtShEat. and
neatly three years aoo, he thought he was alone in FEVEF‘ {t ts the tt‘tEh lover hhh returns th
the callinr. He was writin‘ out of pain - the thhthtt the hYthU man. , .
death of a triend who only months before had been Cttt‘ts tdhhhh the play 5 humanity, 35 "911 55
robust enou h to run a marathon - and he was facing the hE’th'hhhtES ‘and‘ thE hlrECtlhh ht Marshall
a subject that seemed far too grisly for the stage. hashh'. hht Shthta‘.ttttlts 315h thhhtathEh that
By the time Hoffman’s .95 IS" opened last month As 15 described Richard's sexual adventures, fro:
at the Circle Repertory leather bars to a Marrakesh oraveyard, in rather
~ . elegiac terns. There was little indication that he
Company, it was part of a wave of plays about htg't have hEVEthhhh AIDS through sexual
acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Horeover, “As Prhfi‘SCUItt', . .
ls' has become a critical and financial success 1. ththt Shh? tttttt5 "hhtEh me. th. be
that is likely to transfer to a Broadway or hht3115t1t* hhtthah.531h' 'hhh I'h ”ht thtlthhh
commercial offtflroadway theater. The first New t” hh' t hhh t ththt people ”99h th be told what
York play about ams — often fatal disease that tn ‘10 W "hat "fit to 4'3- 1 d0" *- thmt W13"?!
weakens the body’s resistance to infection, and PEhE}? ”ht has ever StQPFEd anyone fro: doing
that disproportionately afflicts homosexual and ‘hlnhthg'
bisexual men, intravenous drug users, heaophiliacs ht play 5thhh for a tht. ht values that were
and recent immi rants from Haiti - was Robert ShtEShlhhahtE 1“ ,thE PrhhtSChhhS '75s“ Holt 531d-
Ehesley’s "Nightsweat.' which played last May at I‘ve seen that lifestyle do nothing but cause
the heridian Bay Theater. Four 'months later. ththEht' disease and heartbreak. the tried th
Stephen Holt’s “Fever of Unknown Origin" opened at t3159.th9 consciousness ht 93? people 5“ that love
the Theater for the New City. Performances of and Hfidelity become more impor ant than casual
Larry Kramer’s 'Normal Heart" begin today at the 59h; _ a .
Public Theater. 9 play recently at the Public, gthE Normal Heart” thh1595 th be the '05t
“Coming of fi‘e in SoHo“ by Albert lnnaurato, also Eh1*tltht ht the “thh P §Y5- Its Prhduteri JOSEPh
refers to the tear of AIDS among homosexuals. fill app, has refused th.hrhV‘h9 the press 'tth advance
these plays share a sense a; mission that 9595 copies of the script — reportedly because Kramer
bevond art. While writing “Fever," for instance, at acks hayor Edward t- Khtli thE New York tt'95«
Holt took the Ga“ Men 5 Health Crisis training the Natiopal Institutes of Health and segments ot
course for "buddiesh who sup ort QIDS victims. One the New thth hoeoseuual thhhhhttt tht thEtT
of the major characters in the play is a 'buddie.“ purported thattthh 1“ the early stages ht the AIDS
in the case of "As Is,“ the Glines - an Eh‘ghhtt-_. . __ n
organization that produces works bv homosexual . hY htdY 15 VHF? angry and accusatory, Kramer
artists, like Harvey Fiersteins’s hTorch Son Sith' t ght ththtve 1” the hthh mess ea’tY 0“ '
Trilo v“ _ put up' half the budget of about I lost two riends and someone l was in love with -
$1G0,30U. and it knew it was the saddest thing I’d ever know.
"if there’s any topic so le don’t want to see And it_was obscenely difficult to get anyone to pay
onsta e. it’s nine. Chestey said. 'But this attsntm“ “3 “DS- hJEFE“? a We “3 the plat in
tragegy is so immediate. Writing a play about dIDS hhtth thE Yhhhh man who's hythh says,. there’s hht
now is comparable to Euripides writing about a “ good word th be 531d th’ anybody 1“ this entire
current war that was affecting his audience. mess.; tt SEEhS th as that "55 “'at had to be
Each play was born in death - the death of a 5d1h- .e ea.t,hev a - ea '
friend or lover, the fear of one’s own death. From {hi *g7'§a#.2:f_ fit
there, however, the plays represent extremely ffj‘*¢‘a]§%§§53;a§”th
different approaches , from the personal "its 15' to L Btgfi’hffi;
the politica "Normal Heart.“ from the black comedy taszza .ttt‘ t~¥l ’ 3
of "tightsweat" to the deathbed realism of "Fever.’ ' rm“ t
The plays also indicate the divisions within the ’> ,eaaex,s:§e st'””h.i?_
homosexual community about the relationshi between . h“““jf$&fl§§§t ‘ii"g
RIDE and the casual sex available in Bars and » t=thttgag e,v. gkt
bathhouses. ‘ ' ~,t~3¢t ‘5
The common problem for anyone writing about AIDS -‘ ' »c*'**“_t;:;bt.
is how to convey the disease without rivialiaing , 5§LN§"_ ,ahfl,
it, how to humanize a tra edy without sugar-coating ~ _ _ , '“'t%3tte§§§
it. "The subject itsetf is so horrifying, g! vni,gm7::?ssr Za;;§EFt
innaurato said, "that it’s hard to do it justice g¥3“"v i j"'?ff essagae
you would write about a disease.‘ “' "hhs: 5""h»&

 SUPREME COURT SPLlT ON BAY-RIGHTS CASE The court’s action. like its 4-4 rulin'u la
from the_Herald-Leader, week barring Oklahoma public schools from hirihh
an associated Press story teachets who speak out in favor of oav rights, set

. ‘ no na ional recedent. But ‘ "e3: ' '
NOSHINGTON - On evenly d1v1ded Supreee Court homosexual orgup. Gav Studentlhervithtfihz hethi’h A
barred Oklahoma public sch