xt7qbz618q3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618q3s/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1988-04 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, April 1988, volume 11 number 3 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, April 1988, volume 11 number 3 1988 1988-04 2020 true xt7qbz618q3s section xt7qbz618q3s  

CK 3:3JF






APRIL 1988

NO. 3



On Friday afternoon 5 Ivar, 19A8,
guests arrived at the Tel Aviv Museum:
half the city has turned out to wait for
them. At 4:00 p.m., David Ben—Gurion,
whose entire life was directed toward this
moment, arrived. (Reading from the
Declaration of Independence):

”Fret: Israel was the birthplace of the
Jewish people. Here their spiritual,
religious and political identity was
shaped. Here they first attained state—
hood, created cultural values of national
and universal significance and gave to the
world the eternal book of books. After
being forcibly expelled from their land.
the people kept faith with it throughout
their dispersion and never ceased to pray
and hope for the return to it and the
restoration in it of their political
freedom ... which would open the gates of
the homeland wide to every Jew and confer
upon the Jewish people the status of a
fully privileged member of the community
of nations. ...This right is the natural
right of the Jewish people to be masters
of their own fate, like other nations, in
their own sovereign state. Accordingly
we, members of the people’s council, by
virture of our natural and historic right
and in the strength of the resolution of
the United Nations General Assembly,
hereby declare the establishment of a
Jewish State in Eret: Israel, to be known
as the State of Israel.

Placing our trust in the almighty, we
affix our signatures to this proclamation
at this session of a provincial council of


state, on the soil of the homeland, in the
city of Tel Aviv on this Sabbath eve, the
5th day of lyar, 19A8.“

Come join us with pride and joy for the
90th anniversary celebration of Israel’s
independence on Thursday, April 81 begin-
ning at 7:15 p.m. at Temple Adath Israel,
124 N. Ashland Avenue.

This family program will include Hebrew
dancing and refreshments. We anticipate
the participation of one or more Kentucky
dignitaries who have been invited to join

The Jewish Federation’s celebration of
Israel’s AOth anniversary is a program
made possible by the community’s support
of the annual CKJF—UJA fund raising




Consul General David Ben-Dov meets with Lieutenant Governor Brereton Jones.


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‘oy Linda Remain

On Monday, March 21st, it was my
privilege to accompany the Consul General
of Israel, Mr. David Ben-Dov to Frankfort.
CKJF had been contacted weeks earlier by
Edith Schwab, Deputy Director of Legisla—
tive Research for the state, concerning a
proposed resolution honoring Israel on its
90th anniversary. I was able to provide
background information to Frankfort on
Israel and also a suggested resolution
with appropriate wording.

The CKJF office was able, with the
assistance of Edith Schwab, to arrange for
the Consul General to address the State
Senate and meet the House leaders. We
were both present when the resolution was
adopted. The resolution was proposed by
Representative Tom Riner and Senator Gene
Huff, both of whom we met.

In addition to the House and Senate
events, the CKJF office scheduled meetings



with Governor Wallace Wilkinson,
ant Governor Brereton Jones and
of Agriculture,

At these sessions, which
friendly and open, different avenues of
cooperation between Kentucky and Israel
were explored. The possibility of an
agricultural exchange program was dis—
cussed and groundwork is being laid for an

Commissioner Butch

were very

agricultural workshop to take place in
Frankfort utilizing experts from the
Israeli Embassy staff.

Possibilities of trade exchanges were

also investigated. Participation by CKJF

in the success of this visit served to
make our presence better known in Frank—
fort, honor the State of Israel, and

further establish our Jewish community as
a positive, vibrant force.



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MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1988


A RESOLUTION honoring Israel on its 40th independence day.

WHEREAS, the State of Israel is a fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to Abraham as recorded in Genesis
12:2, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing”; and

WHEREAS, the State of Israel redeems the Biblical promise of a homeland for the Jewish people - a land
which affirms Jewish freedom and independence and underscores the extraordinary relationship
between a people, its faith and its land; and

WHEREAS, the land of Israel remained the focus of the Jewish faith and national aspirations during two
thousand years of exile and hardship; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations in 1948 recognized the State of Israel as a free and independent nation; and

WHEREAS, since its establishment 40 years ago in 1948, Israel has rebuilt a nation, forged a new society,
created an economic, cultural, academic and military infrastructure and emerged as a symbol of democracy
and freedom; and

WHEREAS, despite the heavy costs of war, terrorism and economic boycott, the people of Israel have
never relinquished theirfervent desire to live in peace with their neighbors and with all nations of the world; and

WHEREAS, Israel is a model for democratic nations, guaranteeing freedom of speech, press, assembly
and religion, and freely electing a Parliament representing a politically diverse population; and

WHEREAS, the many faiths for whom the Land of Israel is holy are free to practice their religion and to
worship at the holy sites; and

WHEREAS, the State of Israel has redeemed and absorbed hundreds of thousands of Jews from disparate
countries and cultures, many of them survivors of the Holocaust (the most horrible crime in history) or refugees
driven from Arab countries, and integrated them into a society whose roots extend back thousands of years; and

WHEREAS, Israel has shared the benefits of industrial, agricultural and medical achievements with many
nations helping them combat hunger, poverty and underdevelopment; and

WHEREAS, the American people recognize our country’s affinity for Israel and regard her as a stalwart
ally and strategic asset; and

WHEREAS, Genesis 12:3 records the Lord’s promise to those who stand with His people: “I will bless
those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. That the Senate hereby goes on record in
support of the State of Israel.

Section 2. That the Senate hereby salutes Israel’s
historic achievements on her 40th anniversary, supports
her search for freedom and peace and joins her in

Section 3. That a copy of this resolution be
presented on this the 21 st day of March, 1988, for
transmittal to the Knesset, the Parliament of the State
of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel and to Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir, Jerusalem, Israel.







SUPER SUNDAY ’88 —— It’s over! And
thanks to all the volunteers -— 100 strong
—— we had a super day! Of course, without
the pledges from over 880 people totalling
over $20,000 our day wouldn’t have been

The commitments we made as a Jewish
community will go far to improve the
plight of Jews around the world, as well
as continue the fine programs locally.

”As I stop and reflect on the activity
that took place,“ said Super Sunday
Co—Chair Mark Hides, ”I am proud of the
work we accomplished. Judy and I started
back in December formulating the basic
organizations. We borrowed ideas from
other communities such as St. Louis,
Philadelphia and Cincinnati; we visited
Cincinnati on the day of their Super
Sunday; we talked to lots of people who
had been involved in previous Super
Sundays. But most importantly, we sur—
rounded ourselves with people who were as
enthusiastic and committed as we were.

“There were those with years of prior
experience and those like me with no
experience. Central Kentucky and specifi—
cally CKJF is blessed to have so many
caring people.”

"John Milton said ’No man is an is—
land’,“ Wides continued, ”and never were
those words more appropriate. We worked
hard; we planned; we conferred; and three
months after we started -- ’ABRACADABRA’
-— it all came together. The awesome task
that began with a phone call from Cheri
[Rose] in November was complete. Our job
was done.

figamhu; .
Super Sunday Volunteer Carmit Sadove




Super Sunday Co—Chairs Judy Baumann and
Mark Nides

”You, the members of CKJF, should also
be proud of your fellow members for their
hard work and diligent efforts in making
Super Sunday ’88 a truly super day, for
’THE MAGIC DF GIVING” was present every~
where and will continue until Super Sunday

Super Sunday Co—Chairs Judy Baumann and
Mark Hides are to be congratulated for one
of the most successful Super Sundays since
the Federation began this effort in 1983.
The $80,381 pledged that day represented a
87 percent card-for-card increase over
last year.


Former CKJF President Gloria Katz





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1987 Men’s Division Chair Bob Baumann

CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin


CKJF Board Member Roy Peck

CKJF Board Member David Nekstein


Super Sunday Volunteer Alice Neber




The Temple Adath Israel and the Dhavay
Zion Synagogue have officially “adopted”
Soviet refusenik families.

Both families have compelling stories.

Denied exit visas, they remain in perpetu-
al bondage and experience endless harass-
ment. Having lost their regular jobs
simply because they are refuseniks, these
families have little but their astounding
courage. ‘

Letter writing campaigns are underway
and your help is sorely needed. One
letter per year per family or individual

will help sustain these remarkable people
and will help lead to their liberation and

Please contact Marty Kaplan (TAI) at
877—3998; or Charlotte Levy (028) at
873-5410 or Ricki Rosenberg (DZS) at


DZS Sisterhood Manages Time
On Tuesday, April 19 the Dhavay Zion
Sisterhood will meet with Kathy Horowitz
speaking on ”Time Management: Setting
Priorities in our Busy Lives“ at 8:00 p.m.
at the Synagogue.

Ms. Horowitz is from Cincinnati where
she currently chairs the Women’s Division
Israel Bonds Campaign and is chairman of
the Developmental Services Division of the
Cincinnati Jewish Federation.

All members of the community
invited to attend this meeting.


Israel Sisterhood will
meet Wednesday, April 20 at noon when
Rabbi Adland will introduce a panel
discussion entitled ”To Convert or Not To
Convert — No ”Right” Way.” Panel
discussants include Marilyn Moosnick,
Suzanne Miller, JoAnn Miller and Liz

The program will take place at noon at
the Temple. There will be a brown bag
luncheon, and drinks and dessert will be
provided, as will a baby sitter.

Temple Adath



The Louisville Jewish Community Center
will host the lnbal Dance Theatre Nednes~
day evening, April 80th, at the JCC.
According to Chava Cohen, schlica and
organizer of many of the events in Louis—

ville marking the 40th anniversary, ”the
lnbal Dance Theatre of Israel has capti-
vated audiences throughout the world with
its programs of pagentry, music, song and
dance derived from the history and folk—
lore of ancient Yemenite culture.“

The program will include a brief

memorial day ceremony, followed by brief
remarks from Center President Ed Goldberg
and Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson.

Tickets for the event are $6 for
adults, $4 for students and senior citi—
zens and $3 for children under 12.
Tickets are available at the door but
because of limited seating, you are

tickets held

advised to have
calling the

for you by
JCC at

in Cincinnati

The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
will be celebrating Israel’s 40th Anniver-
sary with a variety of programs including
an Israel Film Festival.

On Sunday, April 84th, beginning at
11:00 a.m. a Salute to Israel Parade will
assemble at Swifton Commons and proceed to

the JCC on Summit Road. The parade will
be followed by “Israel: One People — 100
Faces,” performed by Jewish Religious and
Day School students of Cincinnati at the

JCC Auditorium.

That same day from 1:00 — 5:00 p.m. a
”Walk Through Israel” involving hands on
taste and touch of Israel through activi—
ties and booths for children and adults
will take place at the JCC.

The day concludes with a performance of
”Life Begins at 40”, a gala performance
direct from Israel featuring singers and
dancers. The program begins at 7:30 p.m.
at the Rockdale Temple Auditorium, 8501

Ridge Road. Admission is $6 at the door.
For more information on any of the
Cincinnati Federation’s programming call

CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin.






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The Elst fun—packed session of Camp
Shalom is now being planned. Besides an
array of games, songs, dances, field trips
and arts and crafts, this year’s camp will
revolve around the theme of ”Cycles in
Judaism.” Cycles to be explored include:
Shabbat in its weekly cycle, the seasons,
moon and stars, growth and change of human
and other animal life, and cycles within

CKJF’s Camp Shalom is a three—week day
camp for children ages A through 8 taking
place June 6th through June 24th weekdays.

Camp Shalom’s popular adventure program
for A and 5 year old children will be in
session this year at the campsite along
with the older campers from 9 a.m. to
18:30 p.m., combining creative play,
songs, games and stories with the activi-
ties of camp life.

The afternoon session for Emzayee
campers, ages 6-8, will group together
approximately ten children with a counsel—
or and junior counselor in more advanced
camp activities and long—term projects.

Fees are $90 for Adventure Campers and
$135 for Emzayee Campers for the entire
three~week session. CKJF scholarships may
be available by calling the Federation
office at 252-7688.

Camp Shalom brochures have been mailed
to the community. If you haven’t received
one and would like one or more, please
call the Federation.

Camp Shalom is one of the continuing
projects of the CKJF made possible by your
contributions to the CKJF—UJA fund raising



Anytown, Kentucky, a one-week summer
human relations/leadership workshop for
teenagers, is now accepting applications
from students who will be juniors or
seniors in the fall.

For a week, teenagers of varied cultur—
al, racial, religious and ethnic back—
grounds will come together to share their
unique individuality. Workshops, discus~
sion groups, sports, cultural and talent




nights, campfires and xgg_make this an
unforgettable experience.

Sponsored by the National Conference of
Christians and Jews, the camp will be held
June 18 through 18 near Leitchfield,
Kentucky, at beautiful Rough River Lake
Camp. Tuition is $185 with scholarships
available from CKJF. For more information
contact CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin at
858—7688 or Lauren Weinberg at 877-4434.

You may also wish to contact Ruth
Belin, David Ades, Tammy Fitzpatrick or
Michelle Mayer who have all attending

- ...7_‘ 3’1}!- iklifi' '2'.- Tl—lz‘.:'*
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Camp Young
Hadassah, is

Judaea, sponsored by
located in Nelsonville,
Wisconsin. A full camping and educational

program is offered with programming
structc ed toward Jewish content through
speCial activities centered around our
heritage in both the United States and
Israel. Kashrut and Shabbat are observed.

There are two camp sessions -- June 28
- July 28 and July 89 - August 88 -— with

an optional three-day wilderness program
following each session.

Tuition is $1080 plus a non—refundable
$65 registration fee. The wilderness
program costs an additional $175.

For more information about Camp Young
Judaea call Gail Cohen at 878~1459.



1988 marks G.U.C.l.’s 30th season of
Jewish programming. Nestled in the tall
trees of Zionsville, Indiana, G.U.C.I. is
a place where a child can discover the joy
of our Jewish heritage through songs sung
around a campfire and through worship in
an outdoor chapel.

The camp program of activities and
study for boys and girls entering grades 4
through 10 costs $1,075 for four weeks or
$8,150 for eight weeks. Camp sessions are
Kallah Aleph: June 1A — July 10; and
Kallah Bet: July 13 — August 7.

An Ohio Valley Federation of Temple
Youth institute runs August 8-14 at a cost
of $160 for youth in grades 9-12.

For more information contact Rabbi
Jonathan Adland at Temple Adath Esrael.



Programs Department of

The University
UJA has developed a 3-week summer
of 35-40 Students to Poland and Israel.
Similar to other missions, the program
will emphasize our Jewish heritage with
visits to places representing the most
significant events to the Jewish people in
the twentieth century.

In addition, this program will offer a
living experience on kibbutz, extensive
programming with Israeli soldiers, and
one-on-one activities with Israeli college

The Mission will take place from July
10 to July 31 at a cost of $2,900.

In addition, UJA is offering a special
2-week mission for 1st and End year
medical students from July 10~24 at a cost

of $8,800. Partially subsidized by UJA,
the program will include visits to medical
facilities, lectures by prominent Israeli
doctors, a unique view of the health
system in Israel plus the regular mission

UJA will be offering two Hatikvah
Singles Missions this summer. At a cost
of $2,100, mission highlights include
meeting and mingling with Israeli peers,

visiting Project Renewal neighborhoods, a

disco and BBQ on Lake Kinneret, partici—
pating in an archaeological seminar at
Zadekaya’s cave, Kabbalat Shabbat at the

western Hall, and ascending Massada and
floating on the Dead Sea.

Mission participants must make a
minimum gift of $500 to the CKJF-UJA

Steve and Susan Caller are making final
plans for the CKJF Mission to Israel to
take place June 86 to July 6, 1988. Also
a UJA Mission, it will include many of the
same features of other UJA Missions.

Contact Steve and Susan today if you’re
interested in learning more about this
unique opportunity (265-131A).


Hadassah Art Auction

An exciting exhibition and auction of
fine art from all over the world, present—
ed by Lexington Chapter of Hadassah as a
benefit, will take place on Sunday, April
84, at Temple Adath Israel, IPA N. Ashland

Original oils, watercolors and graphics
by a variety of artists will be featured,
including works by Agam, Chagall,
Delacroix, Soutine, Appel, Modigliani,
Monet and Vasarely. All art is custom
framed and guaranteed by written certifi—

The event is produced by Art Auctions,
Inc., the largest benefit art—auction
gallery in the world. Because of its
size, Art Auctions, Inc. can purchase fine
art throughout the world at low prices,
enabling the auctioneer to start at
extremely low opening bids.

An exhibition of the art work will
begin at 6:30 p.m., April 29. The auction
will start promptly at 7:15 p.m. Light

refreshments will be served.

Hadassah Raff 1e and

Installation Dinner Announced

The grand prize for the Lexington
Chapter of Hadassah’s Raffle this year
will be an exquisite 19 K gold necklace,

valued at $1000. The drawing for this and
many other prizes will be held May 10th at
the Installatin Dinner of the Lexington
Chapter of Hadassah. The dinner will be
held at the University of Kentucky Boone
Faculty Club. Ninner need not be present
to win.

For further information about the
drawing or the Installation Dinner call
Ruth Dsser at 878—5191, Michele Peck at
271-8593 or Susan Cantor at 278—2530.

Raffle tickets sell for $85 each or
three for $60. Your tax deductible
donation benefits Hadassah’s projects in
Israel and the U.S.



333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, KY 40504


Bail R. Cohen, President
Charlotte Levy, Editor


(606) 252-7622

Linda Ravvin, Administrator
Beth Altenkirch, Office Manager










Ce‘ebrfie Cincinnati at the
iZ’th Annual Jewish Folk Festival

Plans are in full swing for the 18th
Annual Cincinnati Jewish Folk Festival to
be held on Sunday, May 15 in the Burnet
Woods Bandshell, across from the main
campus at U.C. The Festival, sponsored by
the B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation at
U.C., under the direction of Rabbi Abie
Ingber, is this year officially designated
as a Cincinnati Bicentennial Event. An
annual celebration of Jewish life and
culture, the Festival is an opportunity
for people of all ages to join together
with Jewish artists, musicians and enter—
tainers to share in a day of fun, food,
and excitement.

This year’s Jewish Folk Festival will
include entertainment and activities for
toddlers, older children and adults.
Families can listen to music at the main
stage, browse through displays of local
and regional artist’s work, and visit the
booths of many local community organiza-
tions. Children can enjoy the clowns,
puppets, zoo animals, Israeli dancing, and

New to the festival this year will be a
variety of social action activities,
including an appearance by ex-Soviet
refusenik Yevgeny Yakir who will place a
phone call to Jews in the U.S.S.R. The
aroma of delicious hotdogs and felafel
will permeate the bandshell area, as an
expected 4,000 people enjoy an afternoon n
the park (or at Hughes High School, in
care of a spring shower). So, mark your
calendar now for May 15 and Celebrate
Cincinnati at the 18th Annual Jewish Folk

TAI Principal Position Open

Temple Adath Israel is looking for a
Religious School Principal to replace
Marsha Matthews who is resigning this
position as of May 15th.

If you are interested in this position
and have a background in education, please
send your resume to Sally Kocen, Chairman,
Youuth Education Committee, Temple Adath
Israel, 189 N. Ashland Avenue, Lexington,
KY 40508.

Resumes should be received by April




With great joy we invite you to worship
with us at the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter

Angela Rachelle
Saturday, April 83, 1988
at ten thirty in the morning

at Temple Adath Israel.

He would be honored to have you join us
for lunch following the service.

Janice and Larry Newman


AIPAC Conferenr‘e in May

The American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) announces its 89th
Annual Policy Conference, May 15-17, 1988.
Held at the Sheraton Washington Hotel in
Nashington, D.C., the conference is
entitled ”The Forty-Year Partnership:
Shaping the Future Agenda.“

At last year’s conference over 350
members of Congress and Administration
officials participated in the Policy
Conference and featured speakers such as
U.S. Secretary of State, George Shultz and
Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister, State of

This year’s conference promises to be
even more exciting as it analyzes the
candidates in Campaign ’88, explores the
agenda for the next Administration, and
demonstrates the strength of the
pro-Israel community in the halls of
Congress. Speaking at a banquet on Monday,
May lb will be Senator Mitch McConnell
from Kentucky.

Registration for all events is $850
($195 for students). For more informa—
tion, contact CKJF at 858-7688.



Commentary on Conflict

Editor’s Note: The following has been
excerpted from an article appearing in the
Nashington Times, January 9, 1988, written
by Cal Thomas, a nationally syndicated

As of the oft-heard criticism from
liberal quarters that Israel uses exces—
sive force to quell disturbances in areas
it controls, one should reflect on a
speech delivered by Associate Justice
Nilliam Brennan at Hebrew University in
Jerusalem on Dec. 22, during the recent

Justice Brennan said it may well be
Israel, not the United States, that
provides the best hope for building a
jurisprudence that can protect civil
liberties against the demands of national

”For it is Israel,“ said Justice
Brennan, ”that has been facing real and
serious threats to its security for the
last 40 years and seems destined to
continue facing such threats in the
foreseeable future. The struggle to
establish civil liberties against the
backdrop of these security threats, while
difficult, promises to build bulwarks of
liberty that can endure the fears and
frenzy of sudden danger —" bulwarks to
help guarantee that a nation fighting for
its survival does not sacrifice those
national values that make the fight
worthwhile. In this way, adversity may
yet be the handmaiden of liberty.“


Famine Threatens Ethiopia

Editor’s Note: The following is excerpted
from We Are One, a publication of The
Jewish Federation of Greater Orange
County, Newburgh, NY, written by Andrew
Silow Carroll.

A second famine in three years is
treatening to devastate Ethiopia, and with
it the l0,000—E0,000 Jews living primarily
in the country’s Gondar region. As many
as 7.3 million of Ethiopia’s estimated 45
million people may again face starvation.

Faced with a crop—withering drought,
civil war and an agricultural economy that
has yet to recover from the famine of
1984-85, the Ethiopian government has
appealed for donations of 1.4 million tons
of food.

For Ethiopian Jews in Gondar and
Israel, the fear of starvation is com—
pounded by anguish at separation from
family members. In addition, say
Ethiopian Jewry activists in this country,
the resumption of forced resettlement
could destroy the fragile social fabric of
the Jewish community.

Private volunteer organizations such as
JDC and the Boston—based American Jewish
World Service are continuing to provide
relief and development assistance to
Ethiopia on a non—sectarian basis.

The fortunes of all Ethiopians, howev—
er, may live in the generosity of the
donor community. Officials hope that
individual donors respond more quickly
than they did three years ago.



Jerry and Karen Sander wish you to share
their happiness on the occasion of the
Bar Mitzvah of their son

Aaron Machesney Sander

to be observed
Friday, May 13th at 8:00 o’clock
in the evening at Temple Adath Israel.

On this day, it will be Aaron’s privilege
to share his Bar Mitzvah with his
Russian friend, Vladimir Grinberg,

of Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Also. please join us for an open house
in Aaron’s honor,
Saturday, May 1Ath from 1 to A p.m.
at our home, 3514 Kedgewick Court.




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Taming the Seas

Jewish Agency Settlement Department
supports mariculture -- new livelihood for
Arava settlers.

Editor’s Note: The following is excerpted
from The Partnershi , a monthly report
from the United Jewish Appeal.

Settling and working the land were the
inextricably linked purposes which drove
early Zionist pioneers in Eretz Israel.
The marriage of agriculture to settlement
continues today, but has opened up to
include mariculture (Marine life culture
of “fish farming”) as well.

Mariculture, like its land-bound
counterpart, seeks to domesticate and
control maritime organisms in a way which
can best meet human needs.

Today’s main project focuses on the
gilthead seabream (known as "Dorade
Royale” in Europe and ”Denise“ in Israel).
After almost ten years of experimentation,
the fish have been successfully bred in
captivity. This year, 85 tons of the fish
were sold in Italy for four to five
dollars a pound.

By manipulating temperature and day
length, and by using hormones, researchers
can control the development of eggs and
sperm so that fish can spawn throughout
the year. In commercial terms, this
represents an improvement on the work of
Mother Nature, who allowed for spawning
only four to six weeks a year.

Along with its experimentation with the
gilthead seabream, the National Institute
for the Development of Mariculture has
begun cultivating sea bass and striped
mullet and developing oysters and shrimp
for export.

Stress Management Lecture

Chabad Rabbi Litvan has announced that
Dr. Abraham Twerski will give a community
lecture on "Stress Management and Self
Esteem,“ Tuesday, May 10th from noon to
1:00 p.m. at the Grenelefe Inn on
Nicholasville Road.

Dr. Twerski is the founder and director
of the Gateway Drug and Alcohol
Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh. The
lecture is open to the public.


Registration of Hon—Orthodox.
Hailed as Victory for Pluralism

Editor’s Note: The following is excerpted
from the Jewish Observer, a publication of
the Jewish Federation of Syracuse, N.Y.

New York — The decision by Israel’s
Interior Ministry to register four
non—Orthodox converts to Judaism as Jews
was hailed by the head of the Reform
Zionist movement as ”a major victory for
the cause of religious pluralism in

The ARZA—sponsored Israel Religious
Action Center in Jerusalem, which provides
legal assistance for persons who have
suffered from religious discrimination in
Israel, represented Shoshana Miller in a
key test case challenging the Ministry’s
refusal to register persons entering
Israel under the Law of Return if their
conversions had not been done by Orthodox

Three other non—Orthodox converts -—
Gail Moscowitch and Claudia and Julia
Varella —- will also be registered as Jews
in accordance with the Interior Ministry’s


,_ . 0k
Our daughter, Laura Suzanne,
will be called to the Torah
as a Bat Mitzvah
Saturday, May 21, 1988 at 10:30 a.m.
at Temple Adath Israel.

We invite you to join us in worship
on this joyous occasion
and to celebrate with us at a luncheon
following the service.

Connie and John Loventhal


Senators Criticize Leaders

Editor’s Note:
from the Near East Re art,

is reprinted

The following
March 14,

Thirty pro-Israel Senators wrote
Secretary of State George Shultz in
support of his Middle East peace efforts.
They were ”dismayed" to read of Israeli
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s rejection
of the land—for—peace formula.

According to the letter, initiated by
Sens. Carl Levin (D—Mich.) and Rudy
Boschwitz (R-Minn.), the Shultz peace plan

is ”based on U.N. Security Council Resolu-
tion 848 (as restated in Resolution 338),
a resolution which has been at the founda—
tion of United States diplomacy in the
region through five Administrations and
which has been endorsed by Israel and most
of the Arab parties to the conflict....lt
can be summarized in three words: land for

The Senators stated that,
Egypt, ”no Arab state has
willingness to implement this
...Israel cannot be expected to give up
all the territory gained in 1967 or to
return to the dangerous and insecure
ore—’67 borders.... 0n the other hand,
peace negotiations have little chance of

except for

success if the Israeli government’s
position rules out territorial compro—

Two Senators disagreed with the
Levin-Boschwitz letter. Sen. Arlen
Specter (R-Pa.), according