xt7qbz618n48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618n48/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1996 1996 1996-01-25 2020 true xt7qbz618n48 section xt7qbz618n48 D‘w—‘V'W‘wwwfi—Vv' -













around 40; cloudy tonight. lot."

around ill; i‘boa‘erx tomorrow,

.Tle/norial Coliseum. Story, page i.





Clinton's visit tecuses on crime,


MATT BARTON Await I ~iai‘l

SPEAK 0'" Clinton, who declared his commitment to den‘eaxing crime in America. .i'po/ce to a noted ofmon' than
30/) peopleyexterday at Ala/e Traditional High School in Louirt‘il/e, Ky.

By Jenniter Smith
Alia/aging I-fi/itar

dent Bill Clinton wants you.

Specifically, he wants you to
help him light crime in the streets
of America, increase the war on
drugs and clean up the environ«

“\Ve want you," (llinton said.
“That is ultimately the message —~
and what it is I need to say to

Joined onstage by members of
state and local governments,
Attorney (ieneral .lanet Reno and
more than l0 Louisville police
officers, Clinton reiterated his
coiiitnitinent to fighting crime
that he began in 'l‘uesday‘s State
ofthe Union Address.

“America will not become what
we want it to he," he said, "until
people can feel like thev aren't at

He encouraged people to work
together atid with their police
officers to tnake neighborhoods

Clinton said community polio
ing, a system that he says is work“
ing well lit Louisville, should serve
as a model for other cities.

He said America needs to focus
on prevention instead of the end

"\Ve will never be able to jail
our way out of this crisis," he said.

Although (:linton spent most
of the speech presenting his vow
to fight crime in
America, he took
time to focus on his

mostly students, in
the Male 'Iiriltlltltltlill
High School audito«

He said the federal
government will do
”everything it can to
make getting a col
lege education .l reality for every

He wanted students in college
and preparing to enter college to
know" the government is working

oti increasing the iiiiinher of

scholarships, loans and

:\ls(), he said he would like to
see the minimum wage increased
so that the American people, espe»
cially the ones w ho ate struggling
to get through college. liaic a shot
.it making ends meet.
He added that


some of his

lut‘idt’ “ It was

audience, who were 7

Local and nilnpar-
(ijiclilla' I't’ilt‘f ft!
the State oft/w
(. 'nton .‘lilill't’a‘fi'.

Sec ,ttoijv, page 3.

WEATHER Sunny today. big/J

fi [71gb near )7).

BAT FIGHT ( 'K women} basket/tall team

loves to South Carolina 66— 53 [art tug/at at


anuaijy 25, 1996


{EL 6

o (Jan/tails 5

l I [NI/ii 2

(_'iim:;'oi‘il 5 lien/min 4

\f'lo-I'Ii 3





other goals were to have c\erjv
student iii every school hooked up
to the Internet,

Adam lidelen. .i L'ls' student
who is working iii (iov. l’aul I’at
ton's office this semt stel‘, said lic
thought (:linton‘s speech w .l‘t
important to



l‘ideleli said. "I le
touched on almost
every issue that con

ceriis the people. llc
got to the root of Ill"
problems. he didn't just
ltitik for easy political
ways out."

(.linton said he
w asn't looking for the political
way out when it comes to dealing.t
with recent federal budget \lls’
putes with (i( ll) members

“No party is blameless in this.
ldon't come here to point the fin
ger.“ he said.

He said e\ery party in \\’aslir
ingtoii, l).(:. is working to solve
the budget trisis.

"I ask for your prayers, your
support, whether you're .i Repub
lican or a Democrat, this is some
thing we have to do for the kililtUl


lllt lacing increase
in marijuana abuse

8y Lance Williams
Editor In Chief

Victor Hazard doesn't need national statistics to
tell him about the marijuana problem spreading
throughout high schools and colleges nationwide.

He sees it all the time in the faces of the growing
numbers of students who have to make the trek to his
office to face the penalties for using marijuana.

In fact, the number of students he has dealt with is
on pace to double the previous year‘s total.

This brings up two big problems for Hazard,
UK'S associate dean of students and the man who
disciplines student drug users.

First, UK doesn't have a real program in place to
deal with marijuana abusers. Second, Hazard’s not
sure the students are receptive to the help.

“Clearly the attitude I’m dealing with here is
WVhat's the big deal?" Hazard said. “They know it's
a yainst the law, but there is a feeling of nonchalance
about it. They have not had to face the repercussions













Marijuana use among youth*
30 i
g 0 12th Graders
< 25* . i
3 A Ages 12—17
E 20 . .
E C ’
in high school and they are just car- 0 15 .
rying on that habit.“ E A Q
In the 1995 fall semester alone, 9 10 *
Hazard dealt with 30 marijuana y. + A
cases. He had 30 in the entire 1994- E 5 ‘ A A. *
95 acadetnic year. The national 0 A
statistics show that trend is devel- CE
oping around the nation as well. :3 0 I
In the 1994 National Household 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994
Survey on Drug Abuse, the number MD, .peycemage 0, youth who have ,ewnedmamana usage”. the ,as, mm











of twelfth-graders who had used
drugs in the past month was at 19 percent, nearly
twice the 1992 results. The numbers are rising just as
fast for tenth- and eighth-graders.

Another survey, sponsored by the National Par—
ents" Resource Institute for Drug Education, showed
that one in three teen-agers had smoked marijuana in
the past year; one in five had smoked marijuana in
the last month.

Both studies also recognized that attitudes about
the effects of marijuana were changing. Nearly ()0

percent of the students surveyed in the NI ISI)A stir—
vey said marijuana was easy for them to get, and less
than halfofthe respondents felt that marijuana could
harm them. None ofthose nuttihers surprise Hazard.

“Students are coming with habits already
entrenched," he said, ”and I think that's a problem."

Hazard said many students don't recognize it as a

He said too many students are looking at the

.Si't‘ INCREASE Mi 2





[m I" PARKHG? LCC.i‘rudent5 are hoping to get a parking lot to tbmni‘elt'er, but

tome UK residents don 't like the possibility.

By Gary Wult
. Stafl‘W'ritrr

meeting last Friday.


Cathie Hill, president of
LCC SGA, asked for the
green lot located in front of
LCC to he sectioned off for








“ e: 47
as J a

i S
‘ |.C)1' 47

the use of LCC students

“A lot of LCC students
are commuters," Hill said.

< “For our students it is very
aggravating when it’s been
snowing and you see cars
that have snow on them for
three, four or five days and
you know they have not
moved and are in front of
the building you need to get
to "

This is the third year
LCC has proposed the
restriction of the reen lot.

The arkin e artment

executive assistant.

money to par




A proposal to restrict the green lot
section of K—lot for the use of Lexing-
ton Community College students was
presented by LCC's Student Govern-
ment Association to the Parking and
Transportation Services Committee

Both representatives of Lexington
Community College and the Residence
Hall Association attended the presenta—

icc students want own lot

with a K—lot sticker.

There are 750 parking spots available
in the area.

“The complaint was mainly of con—
venience and we’re trying to prove to
them that they already have the tiiost
convenient spot," Roth said.

Here are the facts:

VFrom the blue lot to LCC. it is
approximately a six-minute walk.

VBlue lot to the Kirwan/Blanding

complexes: Ill-15 minutes.


VGreen lot to LCC: one—
iniiiute walk.

VGreen lot to

Kirwan/Blanding: 7—8 minA


Roth sees safety as a main

Ifu'e allpay issue. “At night there isn't a
[be mmc- safety guard posted," .she
amount ofk “If the green lot was
money to par restricted for LCC students
m ”-79 K'IOt» then the green lot would be
then we should empty at night and our resi-
all bave dents would be forced to
the same pleirk furthefr bjck. A lllpt of
. n t em are a rm to wa out
oppmum’y' ' ' that far when it's dark.”
' Though safety is a main
Ahren Roth issue, Brandon Tosti, presi—
RHA ereaitive dent of RHA, also believes
murmur students should take advan—

tage of the free services pro-




approac ed R A ecause most of the

pee le that park in K-lot are residents.
hey wanted to know the opinions

of the residents, said Ahren Roth, RHA

Roth opposes the proposal.
“If we all ay the same amount of
{in K—lot then we should
all have the same opportunity to find
the most convenient spot,” she said.
The green lot is open to any person

vided, such as the CATS bus
and ROTC escorts.

The Parking and Trans ortation
Services Committee suggeste the pos-
sibility of putting parking meters in the
green lot.

“In theory it really should (work), but
in order to make sure you get a parking
spot you'll need a K-lot sticker, then
maybe $3 a da on the meter,” Hill said.
“It will hurt oth LCC and UK stu-

" 0'



GOP might accept
plan closer to Clinton's

\VASI ll.\i(i'l‘( ).\' r~ Republican leaders, retreat
ing from their goal of a balanced budget deal. sug-
gested yesterday they would accept modest spending
.iiid tax cuts from President Clinton as the pricc lot
heading off a government default.

Although the “'hite House showed immediate
interest in the (9UP offer, a \Vall Street credit .lgt'll'
cy still issued a threat later to downgrade Sin." billion
in government bonds if the federal debt ceiling isn‘t

The Republican offer and (llinton‘s ipuck‘
embrace ofit underlined a desire by both sides to sal
vage something from their intractable budget
impasse. liven if the two sides could shake hands on
some savings, it would leave the parties' yearlong
conflict over reshaping .\ledicare. Medicaid and wel~
fare to be decided by the voters in this autumn's elecr

“Barring a dramatic change of heart on President
(llinton‘s part, I don‘t expect us to get a seveniyear
balanced budget while President (Ilinton is in office."
(iingricli, R—(ia., told reporters. “But I do think you
can take steps."

(iingrich discussed his plan \Vednesday evening
with House CUP freshmen, a large, confrontatiiinal
group that has been adamant all year that they want
nothing less than a seven—year budget—balancing

Americans could see lero'calm‘le clllli

\VASI ll.\v(iT( )N «7 Americans will soon he eat»
ing potato chips tnade with the first zero~calorie arti-
ficial fat.

The Food and Drug Administration approved
Procter & (iamhle‘s olestra yesterday, over the
protests of some scientists who called the fake fat

The FDA wartied consumers that olestra can
cause such gastrointestinal side effects as diarrhea
and can literally wash out of the body certain nutri-
ents, particularly when eaten along with that
lunchtime bowl ofsoup or pile of earn it sticks.

But the FDA concluded that while some people
will find olestra unpleasant, it is safe for the general
population to eat in potato chips .itid other snack
foods A as long as the foods bear a label warning of
those side effects.

“There are real effects in some people," said I“I).-\
Commissioner David Kessler. “They may be annoy—
ing. But we do not believe they are medically sig»


Fonda tackles teen pregnancy problem

ATLANTA — Jane Fonda's latest cause is curb-
ing curb teen pregnancy.

The 58-year-old movie star and
fitness guru got husband Ted Turn-
er‘s Turner Foundation to put an
estimated $500,000 into the Georgia
Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy

She took on the issue after attend-
ing the 1994 U.N. world population
conference in Cairo.

“When you're dealin with teen
pregnancy, you’re also ealing with crime, alcohol
and drug abuse, school dropout, alienation,” she said
in Wednesday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“Wecame back here thinking, ‘Wow. What can


we do:



(,‘ompi/rdfimn my? "pom.




_ I.‘ ...' H tam—M...“

WHiALN 2; use

2 Thursday, ~7onmny 2i, 1W)". Kmmrh Kernel





































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V a email but lucrative market: belt buckles. and personalized complete Without 8 WV, Hark Williams. rt‘Jr. T6??? I
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‘. ‘ misrdentitled the property as a part of Equity Residential Properties, How many 0' t , . Look at: this C . Endowmcntwrthc rte. Oohh.... Adlai 513%"st
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Let's Give It A Try. an tractor : ll.
Kt'NT/ICKY Newsroom: 2574915 8
Advertising: 2 S 7-2 87 I , 5.
ax: 323-1906 l
EsMail: Kerneleopukyedu 5
Internet: w
. .3.
Lance Williams ................................................... Editor in Chief ' :1
Jennifer Smith ................................................. Managing Editor . .
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor i U
Jeff Vinson ........................................................... Campus Editor : L
Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Editor , ‘ a:
Matt Felice ......................................................... Editorial Editor C.
JasonDamlo ........................................................ SpomEdflOr ::
Robert Duffy .............................................................. Arts Editor . ~ ~ ,_ , . _ . ‘ .
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design Editor Beastlon ' f i " ' ’ ‘ Increase I P
Benjamin Abes ‘ h
Anhdlreas I(Eustafsson ............................................ On—line Editors - Marijuana use up :3
As ey S rewsbury .................................... Asst. Editorial Edittir mIXEd on r.
Chris Easterling ........................................... Asst. Sports Editor among UKfleSbmen P
Julie Anderson .................................................. Asst. Arts Editor From PAGE 1 t‘
Claire JOhnStOIl ........................................................ KEG Editor short—term effects of synokingy l S!
YiBien Thain ............................................... Photography Editor instead of looking at their futures. ,r
Tracie Pardon For instance, when a student is '
. . . . lA. min found smoking pot on campus,
Sheri Phalsaphie ....................... . .................. As st. De51gn Editors gxlitngslfluggfr they come before the Dean of “
John Abbott, Scott Gordon, Lindsay Hendrix, Beth McKenzie, Students and it is put ontheir per- g
Jeff Vinson and Tiffany White ............................... Copy Editors Some called President Bill mane?“ rewrd' DePend'“g (”Lil“) E
Clinton's Tuesday State of the :everlty. bthfl’ can get anyt mg \i
Union address a victory for Clin- rom pro TOO“ to a suspenston. .
ton's image while others won— b Iftheyéwe on campus, they wrll
' ' ' dered how much substance was e move t-O another room in
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behind the president’s words.

Clinton heralded the coming
of an “age of possibility” and
encouraged support of programs
for thc'cmironment, economic
security, education and the fight
against crime. He also took cred«
it for a healthy economy and
challenged Congress to never
shut down the federal govern-
ment again.

The latter especially worked
in Clinton’s favor, L'K political
science professor Donald (iross

“The public seems to be most
upset with Congress about shut—
ting down the government." he

(x‘ross called the address a suc-
cess in part because ofClinton‘s
ability to identify with themes,
such as “family values” and
toughness on crime, that helped
Republicans win control of
Congress in 1994.

Fayette County Democratic
Party Chairman Louie Mack said
the speech shows Clinton is will-
ing to compromise with the

“I think he's reaching out to


both sides to try to find a middle
approach to try to solve the prob<
lcms the nation faces." he said.

Still. the president's speech
was not without shortcomings,
analysts said.

(Ilinton failed to account for
the economic feasibility of new
proposals, which included eco—
nomic programs to help troubled
workers and give $1.000 mcrit

"They sound very good. but
the specifics of the implementa—
tion becomes very problematic,"
(iross said. “The money starts
piling up very quickly."

Aside from applauding efforts
in Bosnia. Clinton also failed to
adequately define the United
States~ role in foreign affairs, said
Vince Davis of UK's Patterson
School of Diplomacy.

“Are we going to try to be a
leader in the world?" he asked.
“\‘l'liat's our game plan?"

MATT BARTON Kr-mr/ luff
CHIEF CONCERN Clinton merry r/Jc Ini/Iii‘t'illc' cram]warm/try iff’ft'l‘llllr‘lll.

Neither (:linton nor Republi—
cans seein ready to address the
issue because they are under the
impression that Americans only
care about domestic issues, he

Republican attorney Stan Lee
was most critical ofClinton, say—
ing he was not sinccrc in espous—
ing conscn ativc vicws.

“If he believes saying conscr~
vativc things will get him elected,
who‘s going to challenge him on
it?" he asked. “No onc in his
party. llc‘s free to say whatever
he wants."

As the presidential race heats
up, Gross cxpccts Republicans to
continue to characterize Clinton
as “Slick \Villie" and create an
ambiguity concerning his sinceri~
ty. “L'ntil the Republicans think
of an effective counter—strategy,
(Clinton's current' position is)
going to be a fairly effective
strategy," he said.


Breaking the rules a second
time can mean big trouble. Most
of the students getting caught are
freshmen who live on-campus.

“(Freshman residents) may be
less aware, or not take the rules as
serious," said Pat \Vhitlow, associ~
ate director of residence life.

\Vhitlow agreed that finding a
way to fight the problem is hard.

“\Ve've been trying to find
some education program,” \Vhitr
low said, “but there's not anything
that we’ve found yet."

The only alternative for the
campus is the On Campus Talk—
ing About Alcohol program, or
()(ITAA. The main problem with
the program is that it focuses on
alcohol, and includes very little
about marijuana.

Ina addition, ()CTAA “already
has a caseload that is as big as a
well is deep," Hazard said.

UK is left scrambling for some-
thing to help educate the students,
but Hazard said there is a nation-
wide problem as well.

“It's not something we take
lightly," Hazard said.

“The key is that you have to do


Constitutional changes

SEA downs

By Alison Kight

lix'r'i‘lmz'r Iii/rim-

The Student Government
Association Senate voted over-
whelmingly to keep its operations
status quo, both this year and in
the future.

The Senate vetoed three bills
that would change the duties of
the SGA vice president, who cur-
rently runs the Senate meetings.
The bill would have created sena—
torial positions to run meetings
without executive branch assis—

Another bill that would have
made some ofthe SGA president’s
the vicea president's were sent

back to the Operations and Evalu—
ations Committee for clarifica-

“What we brought here today
were rough drafts of what we
would eventually like to see for
this organization,” said Senator at
Large Kevin Kidd, who sponsored
the bills along with several other

“The attempts of these bills
were to get (the Senate) an agenda
so we could actually get some-
thing done.

I don't think anyone is going to
argue that the Senate does very,
very little at this point.

We could have a lot more to do
than sit around and languish over

stupid constitutional amend‘


Kidd said he was optimistic
about getting the bills passed in

the future.

“It doesn’t matter how long it

takes us to pass these (bills)," he
said. “we believe in them whole—
heartedly. We’ll take them back to
committee as many times as we

Some of the concerns raised by
senators about the bills related to
newly—elected senators’ ability to
elect com etent senators to lead
meetings or the rest of the year at
the very beginning of the fall


“I don't know about anyone

else here," said College of Social
\Vork Senator Amy Razor, “but
(the Senate) could’ve elected Fu
Manchu as president of the Senate
durin my first meeting and l
woul n't have known the differ-

SGA President Shea Chaney
refuted Kidd's previous statement
that the resident didn’t have time
to fulfil his duties and needed
more help from the vice—presi—
dent. ,

“I think things are workinglfine
as they are,” Chaney said. '

Vice President Heather Hen—
nel said she alread fulfills the
duties the propose bills Would
have mandated her to do.

“In constitutionality, no, I'm
not held accountable for ese
duties,” Hennel said. “But in actu—
ality, yes, I do them." '



lllt environmentalists concerned about Rhode Island oil snill's damage

By Lindsay Hendrix
Sniff ll 'r'm'r

Although the latest environ—
mental disastcr occurred in Rhode
Island, the consequences could
affect people and wildlife on a
worldwide scale.

\Vhen the tugboat of a barge
carrying four million gallons of
heating oil caught on fire, the six
crew members had to abandon
ship. The barge ran ashore Friday
night near a wildlife refuge,
spilling at least 828,000 gallons of


Members ofthe UK communi-
tv have concerns for the safety of
the wildlife as well as the possibili-
ty for disastrous future ecological
problems as a result of the spill.

“Of course there’s the obvious
thing that hap ens right away — oil
gets all over (the animals), birds in
particular, and they die because it
ruins the integrity of their feath-
ers," said David \Nestneat, associ-
ate professor in biological sciences
and director of the center for ecol-
ogy, evolution and behavior.

VVestneat said in addition to
having these immediate effects on


the animals, spills can hurt the
environment permanently when
the oil sinks to the bottom of the
ocean floor.

This type of problem makes it
difficult for experts to predict the
amount of damage such a disaster
will cause. Some )roblems cannot
even be detected until well into
the future, VVestneat said.

“There’s certainly some nasty
chemicals, like carcinogens, in oil
that could get into the ecosystem
and build up in birds and mam—
mals," he said.

Although others are not certain

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rrlril r




V‘ I\V/ V Ytty"¥.li \v
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II" i/v'l ii/ .'\ l \ III I I A







of the environment's future after
the spill, most feel its impact:will
be substantial. I

“It‘s very often hard to project
the environmental effects and very
often it can be worse than wha‘l’ we
thought," said Susan Mains, a
third—year geography doctoral

Although thousands of lobsters
and several dozen birds already
have been killed, Mains thinks this
5 ill may be an opportunity for
tliose in charge of keeping the
environment safe.

“It ties back into the relation~
ship between wide scale business-
es, multi-national corporations
and the environment itself
what role they have and what
res ionsibilities,” said Mains. “\Ve
really need to get all these groups
to ether so that they have some
effictive way of dealing with these

The overnor of Rhode Island
has decTared an emer ency and
requested disaster-relief funds,
but many believe it should not be
the tax-payers responsibility.












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Bats finally get competition in SE

Bi] Jason Dallilo
Spam Ifditor

' :\'I‘IIF..\’S. (;.I.
wanted a war.

\\ hat he got was \riiiaueddon
as the Georgia Bulldogs battled
the C ats into the final minute last
night before falling 83-77.

I The showdown was .\'o. 2 UK's
toughest test since their loss to
UMass earlier in the season.

The game was full of emotion
as a sell—out crowd of 10,533 at the
Georgia Coliseum watched Pitino
faced his former pupil, UGA
coach Tubby Smith.

— Rick I’Itino

At one point in the second half,
Pitino exchanged words with fans
behind the UK bench before secu—
ritI stepped In. (In another occa—
sion, a young Ian sitting in the first .
roII behind the basket step )ed
partially on the court and trashed

talked L K s Iony Delk.

“(. mon, you want to start
something man?" the young fan
yelled at Delk. ‘

“I don't know what that guy
was doing.” Delk said after the
game. “If he came down bIr him-
self, the whole teatn would haIe
got him so he was smart to stay
where he was."

Just another night on the road

in the Southeastern Conference.

“\\'ith a sell-out crowd, it's
roing to be emotional, but we
knew that coming in," I’itino said.

\Vith the victory L'K (lo—I, (I—(l
SEC) extends its winning streak to
I5 games while the Bulldogs, who
have now lost four of live, fell to
11—5 overall, 2—4 in the league.

The Cats were led by Delk who
scored a game-high 3‘) points.
Delk was the Cats' man in the
clutch, responding with a basket
seetningly every time the momen—
tum swung (ieorgia's way.

In addition to hitting four of
seven from behind the three—point
line, Delk went inside on numer-
ous occasions to post up Georgia s
Pertha Robinson for e asI baskets.

“He gets it done every time,"
UK's Anthony I‘ipps said. “\Ve
designed plays to get him the ball
down low. "

Him the C ats leading " )-7_,
Katu DaI is hit consecutive baskets
pulling the Bulldogs to within two
at the 52 —second mark (Ieor ia
quickly fouled, but Epps only hit
one of two free throws, putting
the Cats up by three.

A wild three by Georgia's Steve
jones was no good and Delk
grabbed the rebound. Delk was
fouled by L'(i.~\'s Robinson. and
Delk calmly hit two free throws to

put the Cats ahead to stay at 83—

“Yoti gotta really play with
intensity against Kentucky." said
Smith, whose team lost its first
home game of the season. "\Ve
just didn't get things down the

\Vith 17 ll‘ left in the game and

lust ll~of— 33 attempts.

“I wish I could say I \\ as happy
about coming close. but you can‘t
get much satisfaction out oltliat."
.Siiiith said.

During the Iirst hall it looked as
il'the \V'ildcats were going to blow
out the "dawgs.

L'Kis biggest lead of the first


UK leading 5‘)-
45, Georgia
ripped off a II-
() run, tying the
game at (IS on a
Carlos Strong
three-pointer at
the 8:43 point.

Ill 82. GEORGIA 77

Illa): D Anderson 4-9 0-0 9. Waiker6-15.
1-414.McCarty 5~7.0~210,Delk11-19.3-4
29. Turner 1-1. 1-1 3. Edwards 2-4. 1-1 5.
Sheppard 0-1. 1-21;Epps 0-2. 2-5 2. Mercer
1-3. 0-1 2. Pope 2-2. 2-3 7. Simmons 0-0. 0-0
0 Totals 32-63. 11-23 82.

ball came at the
I213 mark when
Delk hit a three-

pointer to put L'K
up 44-28. Delk hit
four three—pointers
in the first stanza,
but his most incin-

The tie was orable play was a
Georgia's first W07): Strong 6-14.4-13 17.5 Anderson reverse one-hand-
since a l-I—I-l 33 3'10‘1'8832124 586 :Bgog'gsg'yf-O' ed iain in the face
,_ . .av:s-.- .mi -.-.ones ~ . -,.,,
“,"E‘ “t the. 6-8.0-012.Harri$on1-2.0-O2,Chadwrck0- "l. “‘“ (“”5”
I-:)“l' lt‘lill‘lvi ()l 1_ (yo 0‘ 5,0er 0410.0 0. Nordin 2.2. 2.2 6 defenders.

the first half.
Georgia had

Totals 25-49, 24-37 77

Hailtime UK 46. USA 36 Rebounds UK 31 {Walker

(ieorgia finished

numerous . 9I,UGA37lSl'00991 meewmpg UK 7.15 the half on an ts' .‘
opportunities to (Delhi-7 Walkerl-1 Porter1 0 Anderson” run as the (Iats
. , SheppardO—t.EppsO-21UGA 3-14IUavis 2-5. . - _ ‘ . .
take the lead, SNOW,_,’Joneso_,‘Hamsonomchddwwko, committed ‘ll\L
but poor foul s Anderson 02 Robinson 0-31 ASSISIS UK 19 Iouls in the linal
shooting and (Walla M593“ “UGA ‘8 ’ROWSO" 7* ‘9‘”5 1% of the half.


killed the Bull— A10523


UK 24,UGA21 Fouled out Turner Pope S Ancei
son. Robinson Technicals None

:\llen Edwards
contributed down



dogs‘ chance for
an upset. L7(i:\ only hit Z-l—of—fi,"
from the line and finished with 23
turnoverst‘he Cats actually faired
worse from the stripe. hitting on

the stretch. lhe
sophomore scored S points in the
game's final four minutes. includ-
ing an old—fashioned three—point
play to preserve the (:ats' lead.

llll lalls to last in SE6 East alter home loss to Gamecocks

By 0. Jason Stapleton
Sir/[fill 'i'in'r

One person c an't c IrrI an
entire team but that s what L K
sophomore center Kim I)enk'ins
tried to do in the women's basket-
ball team‘s loss to South Carolina
last night.

The Cats fell by Ii score of ()6-
53 to the Lady Gamecocks in
I\1einorial Coliseum, even though
Denkins scored 35.

And she wasn‘t even

She had injured her wrist on

at full



uac (88): Johnson 9-15. 5-7 27; Hickey 0-3. 0-
0 0;Funderburl<1-4.1-2 3: Kelly 1-3. 0-0 3;
Miars 3-6, 2-4 10; Carr 4-7. 2-2 10; Williams
4-12. 1-1 9: Godfrey 0-4. 2-2 2: Ramsey 15.
0-0 2 Totals 23-59. 13-18 66

II (53): Manning 2-10. 1-2 S; Roberts 6-22. 0-
O 17; Denkins 11-15. 3-3 25; Beickman 1-7. 0-
0 2; Jansen 0-4. 0-0 0. Jackson 2-4. 0-0 4;
Mitchell 00, 0-0 0: Greenfield 0-0. 0-0 0: Till-
man 0-0. 0-0 0. Totals 22-62. 4-5 53.
