xt7qbz618h67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618h67/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/5 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 8,1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 8,1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt7qbz618h67 section xt7qbz618h67 j W , ‘2’ .‘ // 1.17 ,,
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Vol.1, No.5 Federal Works Agency, U. 3. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator September 8, 1939
N F'dl' Bd ° NYC' dB
ew 1 e 1ty on s Detrort Realtors Fear . . 1ty an oston
H ' 311 C Add U '
, to Increase Coverage longing ortage Cut osts, nits
. . n ear Future
A new form 0f fidehty bond, With The housing authorities of New
rates based on the pos1tion of persons Detroit fears a housing shortage. York City and Boston will build 1524
disburSing funds rather than on the Pointing out that vacancies have additional homes for low-income
dISbUYSng officers as InellVldualS, W111 dwindled from about 30,000 to 2,000 families with savings effected on
enable local authorities to obtain 313‘ dwelling units in the last 7 years, the construction of earlier projects.
DTOXHYlately five times the bonding W. E. Knoertzer, Research Director There could be no more dramatic evi-
coverage 110W obtained WlthOUt 1n“ for the Detroit Real Estate Board, dence that local housing authorities
creaSing the aggregate COSt- recently said: “We must do much are achieving low-cost, as well as low-
Detalls 0n the new bonds Wlll be building and reconditioning of pres— rent housing.
released 0ffic1ally some . time thlS ent housmg in the period Just ahead. In New York the first loan of $30,-
month by the Towner Rating Bureau, An influx 0f new 1301311131510“ 1n De- 000,000 from the USHA was expected
Ith and the USHA' . troit WOUId create an extreme short- to cover 90 percent of the cost of the
. Under the new system, the pos1- age of dwelling units.” entire Red Hook Project and about 80
tions of check-signer, counter-signer, The population of Detroit increased percent of the Queensbridge Project,
and voucher certifier will be bonded from 1,480,000 in 1932 to 1,670,000 which together would provide about
at the rate of $1 per $1,000 of the in 1938. It is estimated that it will 5100 family dwellings. Savings have
amount covered by the bond. For- reach 1,700,000 in 1940. so reduced construction costs over
‘ merly, each person disbursmg funds original estimates as to permit the
' was bonded at a rate of $2.50 per USHA Heads to Address completion of Queensbridge as well,
7 ' ' . .
$1,000 covered. World 3 Fan Conference or about 600 more dwellings. Now it
The lower rate was established “ . . . is found that an additional project of
. . . Public Housmg in the World of . .
upon condition that the amount of 1,188 units in Brooklyn can be con-
. . . . ”Tomorrow—There shall be no more . . . .
coverage for disbursmg Jobs Will be ,, . . structed, still With no additional loan
- slums is the theme of Public Hous-
10 percent of the estimated.-develo:p7-*igz; .. , _ from the USHA.
f . , HA iiig floufierence Day at the New York . .
”{th cost.0 a community 3 US ' World’s Fair' on September 19 The Boston Housmg Authority’s
aided prOJects under loan contract, Representatives from many local USHA loan 0f $16,924,000 was origi-
but not less than 50 000 and not more . . . - , - ,
than $500 000 $ ’ authorities which have started the nally conSideied suffic1ent t0 COVE“
’ ' uphill climb to “Public Housing in 90 percent Of_ the ‘30le Of 3’009 units
theWorld OfTomorrow” are expected in four prOJects. Latest estimates
SLUMS COST YOU MONEY! The 1939 to attend. Speakers scheduled for place the total number of units at
Report of the New Jersey Housmg the day will include Nathan Straus, 3,8361}, and tcut Eh: total estimacteld
- - . . , ev 03men cos a rox a
Authority includes a statement of USHA Administrator, Secretary of 0 e I y DD 1m ey
income and expense for a blighted Labor Frances Perkins, Assistant At- $050,000
area in Atlantic City, N - J. Total torney General Thurman Arnold, Major factors in reducing costs on
expenses for the areae paid out of Mayor LaGuardia, NAHO Director the projects were: Signing of no-
taxes, were $153,372; total 111- Coleman Woodbury, Edward Wein- strike, steady-wage agreements with
; come from taxes and water rents feld’ Administrator New York State labor before construction bids were
. amounted to $17,070; total operat— Housing Authority, and Alfred called for; simplified design; favora-
ing 1055, $136,302. Rheinstein, chairman, New York City ble prices on building materials due
Housing Authority. to large-scale purchases.
3., ~'

 Big Denver Mass Meeting News of Local Authorities Housmg Exhibit to Tour . l
Backs Housmg Program , _ Country at Close of Fair :
, , , The Housing Authority of the City , . , “ d H i
ClimaXing a several weeks cam- of Los Angeles has purchased32acres . The exhibition Houses an ous— l
pale“ led by the Denver Fousmg AC" of land for construction of its first ing, now on (1151913137 at the Museum . .
tion Committee, nearly‘o,000 repre- low-rent housing project. It will ad- of. Modern Art in New York City, .
sentatives Of Dewey S c1v1c,bus1ness, vertise for bids about September 15. “ell be Circulated by the Museum. to
labor, and soc1al-welfare interests The project will consist of 97 build- Cities throughout the country during !
gathered in the City Auditorium Au— ings containing 610 dwelling units. the next 2 years. Already the show i
gust 23 to. stop an effort to block the Applications for loans on three addi- has been almost solidly booked for l
local housmgprogram. tional projects will be submitted to 1989—40. The'first shoWing of the ,.
The prinCipal speaker was Mr. the USHA. this month. Circulating exhibitionWill be in Phila- l
Ernest Bohn, Chairman of-the Pub- Spartanburg, S. C., has signed a delphia beginning November 19. ' i
lic Development and Housmg Com- cooperation agreement with the local Local housmg organizations deSIr— :
niittee of the Cleveland City CounCil housing authority. Formal applica- ing information on the exhibit may i
and first president of NAHO. .John tion is expected to be made shortly to communicate With the. USHA .Infor' ,
A- Hogan, Pl‘OfeSSOI‘ 0f EC0100111108 at the USH A for a loan contract for mational Service DiViSion, or directly l
Denver University, presided. construction of two proposed low- with Miss Elodie Counter, Director ‘
A resolution was adopted by acclal- rent housing projects estimated to ii; Circulating Exhibitions of the
mation, calling upon the City Counci , cost 450,000 each. useum.
the Mayor, and the Denver Housing $ . By photographs, drawings, and l
Authority to do nothing to halt the Coming Events models the exhibition illustrates the .
10031 program. ‘ . __ ' work of modern architects in design- F
The Housing Action Committee has The nineteenth annual convention ing individual houses; the value of if
recently published “Homes for Low 0f the National Council Of Catholic this experimental design to large-
Wage Earners of Denver,” a pam- Women, in San Francisco, September scale housing operations; the best .
phlet addressed to “the citizens of 9—14, Will feature an address by MISS current housing designs in America ,
Denver.” The booklet describes Den- Elizabeth Moore, 0f the USHA: on and Europe; and the importance of
ver’s housing problem, explains the “HOW Catholic Women Can Help the housing in city planning. About
program of the local authority, and Housing _ Program in 'Their Own 1,000 persons a day are attending the . .
urges public support of the program. Communities.” ApprOXimately 3,000 exhibition, which opened May 10 and 1
R l . H H d women are expected to attend. will close October 19. 1
9V0 utlonary ero (more _____.____ The exhibition has received favor—

' r' ' ~ Low—rent housing will be the prin- able comment in architectural ma a- ]
loxliiiigisife liar?iiieiliofdiitShSOtxaiifig eipal sebjeet discussed 0.“ the $969“? zines and in the press, and is regarfed i
of local slums the Pensacola Housing day’s program Of the mmms Mumel' as the most comprehensive exhibition
A thc "t l i d 't N ' ‘ l pal League’s twenty-sixth annual yet assembled on the architectural
. u City lag name Is . egio 10118: convention in Kankakee, September and d i n a t f th 1 t 1
mg Diogect Attuclis Cou1t, m hOHOl 12—14. Officials from over800 Illinois - es g“ spec S 0 e ow-ren ]
of Crispus Attucks, a Negro, the first . . .11 t1; d th t' housmg piogram. ]
person to fall in the struggle to lib— communities W1 a. en e mee ing. . _ _ 1
erate American colonists from the Jeceb ACrane, Ass1stant USHA Ad- Straus VISlts Pennsylvania

ministi ator, Will speak. (
tyranny of George III. Nathan Straus, USHA Administra- s
The name was oifered by a group Problems confronting local housing tor, will be the featured speakerhon 1
Of Citizens asbeing more appropriate authorities will be discussed at the Public Housmg Day at the Reading 3
than Camellla Court, the original first annual conference of the Indiana '(Pa.) Eair, September 13' The Read- 1
suggestion. Council of Housing Authorities, to be ing Eel? .WhIFh Is one Of the largest (
In 1770 Crispus AttLleS, Who is held under the auspices of the Na— SiOUIltytallstH’lfiglfi Ease-1’ 1? celebrat- l
also honored by a statue on Boston tional Association of Housing Ofl'l- mg; SS wen 3170— anniveisaiy. . 1
Common, was ShOt while leading a cials, in Indianapolis, Ind., September tt 11d efI; em er .15’ Mr.“ Straus W111 l
crowd of angry citizens in the clash 26. Delegates from local housing Haigver :ggrraismg. cteiefmtcilnielsl at E
with British soldiers, since known as authorities, labor, civic, and social ing authoritis, iriirOJiillegtow: %:S' l
the BOStOD Massacre. organizations will hold round-table which is nearing completion ’On the l
The Pensacola Housing Authority discussions on the legal aspects of following day, September 16, the Ad- 1

has USHA loan contracts for the con- public housing, on planning and con- ministrator will address a meeting on
struction of two prOJects, each to struction, on initiation and develop— public housing in Scranton, Pa. or— . . 2
provide about 120 dwellings for low— ment of local housing programs, and ganized by the mayor, Scranton Hous- k
income families. on rural housing needs in Indiana. ing Authority, and leading citizens. I

2 .
5 . f : . 9-3: V‘ YAi-‘I‘i'fi'iiée

 . x" ' ,
tea ’ fimewyzefien Brltlsh Housmg Program
”Tea. 3» ”WAtzeeg’ Active to Eve of War
”'4‘? _'”"“*”""5"~'W;§§§W Up to the actual outbreak of war,
D . ”’“ ready 5““ W “~ 7 neither the current private building
' #321”::£12a?f1 " "‘ ' " A ' ' boom nor intensive preparation for
first :I, .n A”, ”$1! 1""; '1.‘ A » , ' . war were able to curb Britain s pub-
éfdeee“ '9 ”T _. M” -_ A . : » A' , lic housing program. According to a
5"; »“g e," ., ”'35 5 1 recent issue of the Christian Science
T ~23“. “1" ,1 *\ j Monitor, the London County Council
flfiii’i‘ egg t; aflmui'_ "e ' 'f~g.,3_._~ is now accepting tenants in its largest
'1" '1,“ AA "A ‘ I .f4 ‘\ .. 7‘“ development, a community to house
W E n — ‘ " 11,000 persons—1,000 more than will
E; Area“ ‘ng "'3,” 4 , M ,' arm be rehoused in New York City’s Red
”, it ”A4 " WI... ‘ . ' "We _‘ » ' "‘é‘:\\‘"' Hook, biggest American slum clear-
' ' " 3‘3“}? 4' ' 1., ’3" t ance project to date.
fig/:1“; 3' . '2' ' ‘f'i Since 1933 some 92,000 Londoners
31* ,2." ”£23; "m‘_l_""" . MT 13;.” y L“; have found new homes in public hous-
’ "5 “i f. M , 'é' , * ...._“;’9' » » ing projects, and contracts have been
.-........ M~-“‘"‘““'“ x“'“"":"““":_ “.~.. : , ""' placed to provide for 80,000 more.
g, “ '" ' " » .' ~ Five miles from the center of Lon-
A jig?“ 1 '_ ., , , ‘ v , . .V 3“ don, and built at a cost of over $8,-
i ' ‘ '4"? ', A"? _ ' 1‘,;27""",'~e' _ ' 000,000, the new project creates a
'. ‘~ ‘ A a”... complete new community, including
' Air View of Parkside, PWA Housing Division Project in Detroit ChuI'Ch’ _SChOOl’ playgrounds, ShOpS’
. . ‘ community center, reading rooms,
New Bedford Alds In Public Relations Manual clinic, and administrative offices.
. . , Rental for a four-room flat with a
Relocation of Tenants For Local Authorities kitchen and “white-tiled bathroom”
D O cane IssuedbyNAHO estimateterriers};
molished their occupants must be To sucqeed’ public 119115ng must water. The larger flats have individ-
rilalocaitetd. 1:111ng homes for bihs' have public understanding and pub- ual sun balconies.
p ace 811311 S IS a serious pro em lic su ort. In an endeavor to hel - .
faced by every local authority bUild' local 1".a'l'uthorities to establish ang thThe firzt houseWIfte to moge 1nto
ing a Slum clearance project. maintain favorable contacts with the 6 new eve opmen says S 8 now
. . . . pays about 65 cents per week less
* A method followed by several local community, the National Association than in her 01 d quarters which had no
authorities in meeting this problem . of Housing Oflicials has issued a re- living room and no private lavatory.
has recently been tried out by the port called Public Relations of Local
New Bedford (Mass) Housing Au- Housing Authorities.
thority. The authority has endeav— The first rule for sound public re- Legal NOtes
ored to list all tenement vacancies lations, the report points out, is that
suitable for low-income families the authority know what it is doing That local authorities, under the
forced to vacate the site of its pro- and why. As a corollary, it must tell Massachusetts Housing Authority
posed $1,187,000 low-rent housing a clear, consistent story through as Law, may exercise the right of emi-
project. It has requested tenement many mediums and to as many nent domain in obtaining land for
owners to register their properties groups as possible. “Make jthuman,” public housing projects was con-
with the housing authority, listingthe the report advocates. “A very good firmed recently in the first two such
number and location of vacant rooms, general rule in public relations cases to be tested before Massachu-
the sanitary and other conveniences methods is to be specific, local, and setts courts.
available, and the rentals asked. Such human.” Actions Were brought against the
listings enable the authority to guide The report deals with public rela— housing authorities of Lowell and
tenants of dwellings to be demol- tions problems and objectives, meth- Boston to prevent their obtaining cer-
ished in finding temporary quarters. ods and mediums, the special problems tain areas for project sites by con-
The approximately 181 families. of new and old housing authorities, demnation. 30th aUthOTiti§S filed
’ . affected by the order to vacate will and annual and other reports. The demurrers Wthh were sustained by
be given first choice of homes in the USHA public relations services are the Superior Courts 0f Suffolk and
‘ new project, if eligible. described in the appendix. Middlesex Counties.
. 3
' "' “ - ”it"?

 . , 1,4,3];
. . Summary of USHA Program as of Sept. 1, 1939
Current Housmg Literature Construction Bids
Status as of
Item Sept 1 193%)
Newman, The Philmlelpl'zrz'a Housing Asso— NCOETRAE‘T: ‘ State and 10031 Project Em“; lfliitel
,- . n hila 1 hia 1939. 30 1. um er 0 prOJectsflnfinnu 267 authority number ”>0 U )l‘
czatm ’ P de p ’ p1 Number of loan contracts..- 176 units Openmg

Progress report on local hOIISing for 1933- Dis- Number of local authorities. 129 ——‘-_——__—

Cusses USHA costs. Number of States‘_-____.______ 30 BID OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED
, _ . Number of dwelling units 102 114 —

I r a A.

INEGRO HOUSING SURVE‘ 01“ CHARLLSTON: Total estimated over—all cost ’ Athens, Ga.,,,__,_____ GA—3—1_.,_-,_ 50 943430
REYSTONE KIMBALL, WHEELING, AND WIL- f h - .2 Athensv Ga....--.--__ GA‘H-n-u» 120 9’15‘39

’ , 0 new 91151113 ---—--——— $484,007,000 Atlanta. Ga GA—6—2 604 9410—39
LIAMSON, Bureau of Negro Welfare and Total estimated deve10p— Baltimore, Mann“..- MDeHILII 203 9-13-39
Statistics, Charleston, w. Va., 1938. 35 pp. Vnwnt feelst“~--~—-—E»——t~—m-_- gigglglmo B°St°”'MaSS~----~~- MASS—Hm 30“ “5’39

, . . ‘ . . , a ue 0 can con raw 5"... 5 5 000 on ltt N. 0 NC— —2 4r2 e 2—

x} study sf ihellvgnfe mndltwnwf “‘6 New WP“- “Advances” by USHA to ’ ’ Cofifrfibfié, Ga._‘::::::: (i.i—i—I£R'f§ff 350 13—22—33
lutmn in West Virginia. Illustratlons and chartS- date____________ $82,111,000 Sox'ington, Eywufifi KY—‘271.______ 203 l3—21739

-""-""""---- 3 '1' t , KY»2—2_____V 724.

CHECK LIST OF SELECTED SURVEYS WHICH P R0,; 331575 UNDER CONSTRUC‘ Hairilslyniilgfixm PA—s—I----.._- $83 372433
SUPPLY PERTINENT HOUSING DATA FOR IN— Number of projects_____-__‘___ 92 Laurel, Miss.___,:__:__ MISS—2—1._,__ 150 9715430
DIVIDUAL CITIES, United States Housmg Au- Number of cities- 66 1T