xt7qbz618h5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618h5n/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1942 xvii, 97 p.: ill.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number  FW 4.14:Ar 4k/no.57 books English Little Rock, Ark.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications Archives -- Arkansas -- Polk County -- Catalogs Polk County (Ark.) -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography -- Catalogs Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 57. Polk County (Mena) text Inventory of the County Archives of Arkansas. No. 57. Polk County (Mena) 1942 1942 2019 true xt7qbz618h5n section xt7qbz618h5n 1@IIMMIWIHITLEWL‘ITEMW"me
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E No. 57 Polk County (Mena)
V Prepared by
‘ The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
E Division of Community {Service Programs
3 Work Projects administration
‘ 3 Little Rock, Arkansas -
E The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
Jénuary 1942

 1 i
‘ ¥
» Sargent B. Child, Director 1
Raymond Foster, State Supervisor !
. 1
Harvey E. Becknell, Director i
John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor §
Howard H. Jacoway, State Chief
3 Florence-Kerr, Assistant Commissioner !
Leo G. Spofford, 'Chief Regional Supervisor _- }
May Bevens, State Director
1 i
‘ Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner E
Chas. 13. Bra’un, Regional Director . g
3 Floyd Sharp, State Administrator i
>o< * >n< >i< >1< * >a< }
, !.
University of Arkansas §
College of JLI'tS and Sciences i
Judgenal. Martin
‘ County Judge of Polk County ' 1


”To bring together the records of the past
‘ and to house them in buildings where they will
‘ be preserved for the use of men living in the
future, a nation must believe in three things.
It must believe in the past. It must "believe
I in the future. It must, above all, believe in
' L the capacity of its people so to learn from the
past that they can gain in judgment for the

1 creation of the future."

1 1 , 1
> ,
| 1
. , 1
I \

 % .
The Eastern 93“. the 22143131 ensures sf. £392,533. is one of a number
: of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States
by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects
¢ Administration. The publication herewith presented, and inVentory of the
i archives of Folk County, is number 57 of the Arkansas series.
The Historical Records SurVUy program was undertaken in the winter
‘ of 1935-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment for needy un- .
i employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical work-
ers. In carrying out this objective, the project wrs organiz d to com-
pile inVentories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished
government documents and records which are basic in the administration
of local gOVernment, and which provide invaluable data for students of
, political, economic, and social history. The archiVal guide herewith
presented is intended to fleet the requirements of day—to-day administra-
tion by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lewyers, bus—
: inessmen, and other citizens who require facts from the public records
, for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that
' it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in
the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed’sources.
, The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey projects
- attempt to do more than give merely a list of records -— they attempt
1 further to sketch in the historical background of the county or Other
. ‘ unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organiza-
} tion and functions of the government agencies whose records they list.
} The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country
‘ will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as
i well as a bibliography of local archives. Up to the preSent time more
then 1,500 Survey publications have been issued in the country as a
, whole.
r The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Lecords
; Survey projects, even in a single couity, would not be possible without
‘ the support of public officials, historical and legal Specialists, and
( many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully ac-
‘ knowledged.
5 The Survey program wrs organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as
' Director until lurch l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
1 The Survey oper tes as a H tion—wide series of locally sponsored pro—
, jccts in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Flo-
‘ rence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge.
' J
1 no: RD 0. EHJTITFR
, _ Commissioner of
1 Work Projects

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E w ., . PREFACE ' ,
E 5' ‘ 1, V ;The Historical Records Survey was initiated in Arkansas in March »
E, '.5 1956 as aabranch of the Federal Writers' Project. In November of the
I ‘ 'same year the survey became an independent unit of Federal Project No. l,
E and functioned under Federal sponsorship until September I, 1939. On
(September 5, 1959, the unit became Stateewide locally sponsored project
I 1 ‘ under the supervision of Howard H. Jacoway. Mr. Iacoway resigned on
r~ ' " September=5, l940 to become State Chief of the Research and Records Pro-
E. °., grams and was sucCeedod by Raymond Foster who has served on the super—
_ E r~ 'lvvisory staff of the Survey since December 1958. ' L
L“. . -- V . . '
E A * E The Survoy is sponsored in Arkansas by the College of Arts and Sci—
' E ' ‘ V’OnCCS of the University of Arkansas and cc—sponsored by the county
E judges of the State. -It operates under the jurisdiction of Research
E and Records Programs of the Division of Community Service Programs of
. E ' the Work Projects Administration. The Arkansas unit_is under the tech— ,
E , ’nical and editorial supervision of the Central office in Washington, D. C.
l ' i
' E The Arkansas Survey has had as its chief objective the publication
E t of county inventories, but at present is also making a.survoy of State,
» E v - municipal, and church archives, early American imprints, manuscript de»
E ' positories and collections, and is preparing a guide to Arkansas news—
E .*' ~papers. ,A list of former publications will be found on the last page of
E this volume; ' " ' ‘ .
I . -The Survey is preparing a velume which will include detailed dis—
E ' Cuesions of the organization, structure, and evolution of-county govern—
E ._Xv»" ment in Arkansas. The material for this volume will be assembled from
. E ' V'the State's constitution, codes; and acts of tho GeneralmAsscmbly. The
E material will consist of all those laws and constitutional previsions
E that are governing and have governed [county offices. It is believed
5 E ' that the publication of this volume will make it unnecessary to repeat
‘ E certain items-of general information in forthcoming county inventories.
E ~Accordingly.the volume herewith presented contains only the historical
E sketch, the essay on housing, care and accessibility of the-records7
“ I and a listing of the records; Pending issuance ‘of the general volume
E «on county government, it is suggested that the reader eonSult ther
I lflslnntor C of; 33139933531 assigns. 2;: messes, in» .231 “Faulkner 99am
E (anflgy) for detailed discussions of county government.
E A consultation of the table of contents of this volume will indi—
E cate that the inventory is divided into two parts. In the first, or
i general section of the volume will be found a historical sketch of the .
county, and an essay on the housing, care, and accessibility of the
records. In the second section of the volume will be found a listing
of thc_records of county offices; The arrangement of offices by functions
is as follows: -General administration; recordings}”administration of
justice; finance; elections; education; health and welfare, and mis-
E ; ‘ cellaneous.: The records are segregated under subject headings, accord—
) ing to office of origin or final deposit, unless other classification

 . 1 ‘ ' - . 5’3.
f Preface . . l
j is directed by law. Under agencies, records have been classified, l
- so far as possible, according to the subjects with which they deal.
They are described in entries whose style is formalized to give the
,r , following information: Title of record, dates for which available,
‘ _ quantity, labeling of volumes or containers,-variant titles, descrip— ' '
g 3 tion of record contents, manner of arrangement,.indexing, nature of
. “. ‘fl'recording, size of volumes or containers,-and location. ,
3 1 . ».. lThe‘inventory of the-Polk County Archives‘was begun during the
f T latter part of 1939 and completed in September, 1941. The original
; ‘ ,_,.field workers were: Christine Buckholtz, Anna Grace and Rex Cunningham
j _,who were assisted in the subsequent completion of the inventory of g
3 ‘Polk County. Field work was done under the supervision of Rand Barker, }
Joe W. Watkins, Rue Whitaker and C. B. Cobb, District Supervisors, {
. j ,r, Joel H. Spragins and Wm, Nickell,»Assistant.State Supervisors of the
‘ Historical Records Survey.v,r . . .", - ' ' I
-'4 The work-in the State office included the editing of forms, - A
“.Jwriting of entries, historical and legal research, writing and edit— y
; . ”I ing of essays and publication of the volume. Persons in the State . i
1 ' editorial office to whom credit is due are: Albert A. Condray, i
‘ ‘.-forms editor; Mary H. Winburne and Jennie Birkhead, entry editors; _
l ‘ ‘Irene Thibault, Maids Arnold_and Gladys Lynn, writers, who prepare » I
1 f ed_the material for publicatiOn; Frances Kbnnedy who directed the l
, ‘ _ mimoographing and publication, assisted by Flossie Blasingame; andm
, Carl E. Ott who directed the preparation of the index, Maybelle ' . I
§ ' Neighbors and Pauline leFevers did the stencil cutting. . ., . . E
; 1
‘ m. The editorial criticisms of Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge
, ... of public records inventories in the central office, and Guy Pi Timboe, . n
j ' assistant editor, has been invaluable to the-Arkansas staff in pre—- l
1 paring this volume for publication. The administrative personnel ~ l
of‘Work Projects Administration, of the Division of Community Service 1
‘Programs, and of Research and Records Programs have cooperated withv 1
1 , the Survey in,all phases of its program. The helpful-suggestions IE ‘ l
I) Z and friendly counsel of.John C. L. Androasson, Regional Supervis0rmw i
' 'of Historical Records Survey, is gratefully acknowledged. ;“;”. :8. E
wj'fl The Survoy's-official sponsor, its(State—wide;Advisory‘Board,- A
, ”and the Community Advisory Board of Polk County each contributed. ’ I
- ,valuablo assistance to the project in the compilation and publica— .
‘ , ‘ tion of this Volume. .chor contributing agencies Wore: vTho firkansas
, History Commission; the Arkansas Supreme Court Library; the Little
. ‘Rock Public.Library; the Secretary.of State; the ArkansaS-State.
3 Library Commission; Arkansas Writers' Project, WPA; and the coun—r“:
ty officials of Polk County. ' ,. -., -‘- ...: $3. . -
. . .. . - , .A ;- .1‘ " l
. ,. . ‘ ' .. - .1 . . ~ . -RAYMOND-.FOSTER , y
, A ' War Membridl Building 2 :1 f - , _ State Supervisor 6 1
Little Rock, Arkansas 3 . , . ,. The-ArkansaS'Historical
. . January l942 ‘. ' , RecordS.Survey ‘ k

k a _ Abbreviations
g AAA ..........,..;............. Agricultural Adjustment Administration 4 7
3 A. Ark,....................;...a............L......... Acts of Arkansas~ ~ '
E Admr..........°..................;.......................'Administrator ,
g alph..........L...¢m.....{......,..........;.....}.....alphabetica1(ly)
g arr. ...............,.....,................................ arrange(d)
;ham § aver.'..........................,.;...................o....}.. "average _
E be. ...0.....a..............................................¢. basement .,
:er, } bdl. ......................................;..;................ bundle ._
g chron. ............................................. chronologica1(ly) '
i { cir. .......................................................... circuit '
' i . elk. ......................,.................................... clerk
co. ............................3............................... county
} d. .......................................:..u.................. drawer 3
. f deft. ......................................................u defendant
3 dist. .................n...................................... districtv
l ed. .4..;.;.;....a..................................... edition, editor ’
E est. .;...................;............................... estimate(d)
; et a1. ...........................;........................ and others~wal
' f.b. 'fild box(e-S)
; f.d, ..m................................................ file‘drawen(s),n
i gdn, .L;...................................................... guardian
' 1 h. ;....g;................................................. handwritten
» : hpf. ...........,..................;...... handwritten on printed‘fdf‘m~~
g hph. ..............................}..., handwritten under printed head
boe, V t ibid. ................................;‘.... ibidem (in the Seme.placel.
‘. i m. ......................................................;L;;.J..j main"
. g min. ................................................... mimaograph(ed)
ce I ms; ........;;;..g.,.........,............................‘\:menusoript
L. { n0(é) ................................,;................... number632~
E i numer. ..........................,.......e............... numerical(ly)
,. ‘ 5 off. ......................,.....................................Office.
a ? Op. cit. ............................} opemxcitato (in'the work cited )
'_ ’; pltf. plaintiff
E n,p(p) ,........................................................ page§SJ
r E r. .5,.....w.......................................J............. range
h ; rec. .......az.............;....,...,..,........JZ;:¢....;,.;W1recorder
ads i - 880(5) ................;......;.........,...;...........,...sectibn (s)
“ g t. ........................................$a;.........;..t....,: typed
f' , tpf. .;......................................... typed on printed foym
.:, [ ..,treas. .............................................225§11.;;~treasurer
, E thL ......;..............................;.°................,.township
. E Um S. ..........;.........;.............................. United States
l i vol(s) 5..............................................;.. -v01ume(S)
r g i WPA ..:....:{..{.,...................... Work Projects Administration
storical E a . " ’~w .a..un.w ,
. i ix

 ‘7,” ‘ ‘ “All”
' 3 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘5 v‘
,_ 3 1 ins».
\ 1 3&2
:1 ‘ . . ' .22;
g AbbreViatlons, Symbols and ”a
’ \S

g ‘ Explanatory Notes t

r ‘ I I
§ ‘ Explanatory Notes ’ g

i v.1

i Titles of Records a
'4! “' Exqct'titlcs of records are written in solid'cspitils'without paren— i

- theses as in.entryvl.. In the absence of titles,‘descriptive titles have i

w . . . . . . A . - ,

g ‘1 been iSSigncd, which are WTlttCfl'ln‘Solld:)fipitflls and enclosed in brack—

'-‘~\ ‘ , . . . . , . ‘

;' “a 2 -sts is Qffifl.entrynllo, If a record title 15 not descriptive of the contents 3

E ; 10f tfieflracord, an assigned-explinatory-title (or explnnqtory words), 1

3 1 written with initial eipitils indhcnelosed in‘parentheses; has been added {

E 3 as in sntry.23. .Thc current or most recent titlo’of'fi record is used as .

f ‘ »the entry title. - ~ “ “'“ 1

§ Dates , .. ...- - ' " ' ‘ "' " '

' ‘ .ill flutes-used ire inclusive. Missing records are indicated by bro—

: f ken dites. i... . . . . ‘ - "' ‘ _

l i Qu'mtity ,.,. .. - " . ,
7 ‘ When two on mOFC‘tyPes of containers ire considered in n'Singlc on» 25
j try, the quantity3is~shown in chronmlogicql order, insofir is posSible,

; j Labeling , - ~ - ' ’ ' ' ‘ — '
3 ' Figures-or letters in parentheses, following the number of volumes, t
: i ,. , . . . . . '
1 iile boxes, or other type of contq1ner, indicate the labeling. If no le— 4
;. bcling is indicated; it may be assumed thit there'is nbno.’ ,
L I . v I . - ' ' ' I ~ I
j i Discontinuance-~ . '~ " "' " '"" ' ' I
' ( Where no-stitement is-mude thit the record Wss discontinued fit the {1;
‘ last date shown~in the entry, it could not bc'definitcly established that
{ ; such W13 the case. ‘Nhere no comment is made on the absence of prior, ?
, j subsequent or intermediitc‘records, no dcfinite'informition Cduld be ob- ' .,
i tiined. - “ " ' ” " i
i i Descriptiyn of-Rcccrds ‘ 1"' ' ' " ' ' " I L
l .s :r .. ~~ ’ ‘ ‘ " H“ ‘l ‘ /'
l The description of'tho cuntents'df 5 record applios'only to the cur- ,
‘ 5 rent or most-recent record unless change in contents is actually shown d
' f in a reecndrsntry,. ' ' ' " ' ~’
1 Indexing -~ - ’ ' ’ ,. . “ . d
. ; 1 _ . . .. , . ‘ .. . , . - . _'
i 1 -‘ill indexes-to records, unless othch1se stited, ire self—contiincd.
3 Condition of Records ‘ * ~ “ ” " "“"" " ' f,
; ‘ Records ire in good condition unless otherwise indicated. .
‘ ~ 1:
1i.. c___________________________*____p________________«_____________‘_____v -H

 ?flsari , __ ,M ,1.» , ,,,1. , , , I,_. . ,1. ,1 , , , _ ,,
4 ': "Tiar'é‘i‘V‘; " ' 3 g; ‘- 1 ' - 1 ’ ‘ , $11-3-
3;‘ Abbreviations, Symbols and ~ '7
, Explanatory Notes , 1 ~,_
Dimensions 4,
Dimensions are always given in inches, unless otherwise indicated; ’ ‘ 4,
in the entries, therefore, the symbol for inches (") is omitted. ‘ *
)aren— ' ‘ ‘3
have LJCition of Records T
>r1ck- ‘ “‘""" ' ' "’ y
>ntonts 4 111 records ire in tho County courthouse unless otherwise noted. ,;*
‘ When all or a majority of the records of an office have a common loca— 4 1
added . tion, the location is indicated in a sentence immediately preceding the H
.1 . . 3 , ,. 1
'Q is 1 entries 01 each office. , »
, Cross References 4
, ,,U Title—line cross references are used to show the continuity of a re- .
' bro— cord series which has been kept separately for a period of time and with ',,
, other records for different periods of time. An example is that in entry 'f
14 "1896-97, 1908—-, in Deed Record, entry 10." They are also used in u‘
, _ all artificial entries, those set up to cover records which must be shown ‘ ;
_ separately under their proper office even though they are kept in files ,1»
on» or records appearing elsewhere in the inventory, as, for example, the , _3
1lc, ; title—line reference in entry 42; "In mortgage Record, entry 20," The ,3
description of the entry shows the title and entry number of the record .}
from which the cross reference is made, as, for example, these words in -f
entry 54; "Also contains: Bail Bonds, 1917-19, entry 73." Dates shown d
mos, 1 in the description of the master entry or entry of miscellaneous contents .3
>3 13‘ are used only for the part or parts of the record contained therein, and “Q
,, are shown only when they vary from those of the master entry. I
4 Citations W
the : A citation of an act of the Legislature of the Territory of Arkansas, , ‘JV
that ‘ or of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, or an act of a legis— H
r " lative body of another Territory or State, refers to the page number of ,5
ob— - - the official publication of the laws. .4'
A citation of a decision of tho Arkansas Stato Suprrmo Court gives i
_ ' the style of the case and the Volume and page number »f the publication. 4 ,t
cur— , The title of any other published volums is always shown in full the ”3
wn _, first time used.; Thereafter the short-title form is used. 1 ”3
Symbols ' ,,j_§
- ‘ —— ............................................to date and continuing 1'_. L
mod. ' foot, feet *‘fiiii
" ......................................................... inch(es) ' ;~,fi
‘ X ...........................................;...by (in dimensions ) , .1“fl
" . ’ 1&2“?
4 ‘ ‘3?
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:TA-i, . ~ , > , .e1ixidififi

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E AbbreV1atlons’ etc. .G.‘OIIQaOIOIIfiOI’JUOOO..°O.°OOIIOO.lllI-O.OOII_D.VOI 1x .
l M1 ,_ _ General
i ' " ' ‘
E His-borical SketCh IllIIII.I0.0.000.000'OOCDOOIOOQIOOIIIII...OIOUCI. 1
9 .
E Chart Of County Goverrunent vDUI-IoOQ‘von1-...‘1‘1axon-o'n‘a.Ignacio-0'01. 16
l ,
i .
I: Floor PlanS'Of Court House tho-o...Duncan-‘qlooo‘ouncooa'ooocuaouncovol 23
§ , County Offices and Their Records
a ....“ . i.... ...‘n .
j ,, , . I . r, . c . . . , .
E Circuj—t Clerk as Recorder cocci-Iuo'oooouonn-olpnud-noooloaotoo-coo 5'2
3 Real property conveyances:~ Papers,-deeds, leases, mortgages,
§ mortgage releases, liens and lis pendens, surveys and plats,
’ i Personal property:~ Convoyances, mortgages; Bonds, commissions"
E and credentials. Miscellaneous.
; CerU-lt Court I...ouoo-vucoooo-con-cocoa...soooouucutouscoot-onntib‘ 42
E Civil division: Case papers, proceedingsy‘judgments and exocu- *
§ tions, financial. .
E Criminal'division:' CaSo papers, indictments, proceedings, foes. **
. , ,
E Chancery Co‘qr‘b'II...0......I‘Qfiyohlit‘00‘0"I'IOII.IIO‘OIOO~|OOGFOOGIlv'OGOOII’OII‘ '47
t Probate Court ago.:o-a-oua.;oooooacooooocan...ocoooéct-oo-oo-oooIOO 4‘8
5 Case papers. Wills. Bonds and letters. Accounts. Inventories,
f appraisements, and sales bills. Proaccdings. Financial.
i Juvenile Court loco-Ootloonncnonouboooo‘oaooooo-gglucose.nocn-nultuol 52
; JuStice Of the Peace cuboIa...«can.o.Itoo-.-Iplogyopocooooo-ooonoog 52
i Sheriff I'll-IcocflocoonoOIO’IIDOOUOU‘OJDIOODIInoooooo-OOQII'OCOlpot 52
{I QHOI'IUTL Court oncoono.coo.In.Inca-oonauaooooc-tloo‘u3006’s..anooooyou 53
i xvi

 i E51 ' l ;
1 p gfl { l > V
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5 W: E E
3 g l Table of Contents %
l 1? 3 V . Page 3
i i3 ‘ E
l 1‘} i ‘ County Clerlc . I. l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 53 i
i if f ‘ Financial: Accounts, warrants. Assessments and taxation: Im— ‘
'1 » l
‘ l ‘ . . . .
‘ %v i 1 provement districts, collections, tax sales, redemption. Elec— g
if A j ‘ tionz‘“Marriagesz"COrporations;‘Professional‘licenses.-~Live— “ é
‘ M 3 , stock. Pistols. School lands. Roads. Miscellaneous. ;
w “ '. i. ....i..\ g. .. .. r.. . ......H...«.‘..‘.. .... H. .i ‘
i M. 3 i ' , ' » - ' , , ;
‘ d ' ; a
i [1;]\ ; 3 Ta}: Assessor, _.\ g
t 25} ‘ } ' g
; i» ‘1 . . g
i W 3 1 Equalization Board ...........................................n..e 65 i
: 7* 5 , 65
pi County Treasurer ................................................ ;
; ‘ ‘ ‘ t '4. -t u- up, air I. . ... . ‘ t
2 $1 ‘ FinaDCial: Atcounts, “" "“"*"*"**' ' 3
, V} 1‘ WAerngst‘flkpcreis.qnngpcts.‘ . , , . _ , Z
,"l 1 , .‘ ~‘ ‘,|- ., - 5}
1“ i CQLln-{J' ,EX‘TLH‘;3J1.‘3.I', g.._.‘.‘.‘.‘.'..._.fl._.‘5.1. '-'.'.A'.'.'.'.';'.'|'.‘.'.‘.'.‘.'.’.'.',"."“‘."°"°"_- 67 i
Mi _‘ ‘ v i
H1 '1 , . ;
u} l 1 Health. Lima” 68 p
w: i. To - a” . .n‘ t . ;
H? i; a L
IQ ' Board of Public.fleifere ..n,b..................................... 71 ;
fij 5 . Confederate Pension Board ........................................ 72 f
; ‘5‘ 1 1 2:3.7 .,.... .. .. .. ,. . .. ,7 i » I
m ‘1 . ., ..4.,.......,‘. \‘, . »
Q i , County Surveyor ...........................................u...... 72 ;
1'1 1
iii 1‘: -: {c.a:...‘.. 2.... 1"...-‘«A-'\Avalv.p, ‘ J ?
H4 1 1 Agricultnral Service Agents_.,...5,H,..;..flr.,,...a.,i............ 72 .
Ml :? .'- .;.‘ , ', A. - E
‘ Hi 1; Bibliography ..a.fi...,...........,..5............................. 75 g
‘5 3 i . ‘ . é
$11 ‘ List of County Officials .......................;........L...{.... ' 81 §
Ha 3 n .
w}; : Chronological Index ......fi...;,...,...{.......,,,.,.,...,....,... »; 89 i
lifl ‘ i ‘ ' . ‘ " 3
i} l 1 . , ‘1 ' ,. *5. =,
“*1 1 1‘ SUijCt Index Invococ-lc‘uolnor-o-qIt's-unnnoooocoa.-too.-anoun-0:00.049.“ , 91
3'? f , v. - « .x g
Vii , . A . » E
W3 1 List qf Survey‘Pdnlications """""'""‘t"""'""""""fi'w 97 i
3“? 1 1 .. .., ._«.. \ ...v'4 .- _, _~.,‘ , _. _ I
11,: ‘ I
qt ‘ ‘ _ E
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.. 53 i u ;r 1: -1 . - 1. V . - ‘ .. . . . . p
n— E 'PhysicglpFeatures ' . 1- m _ : x .
0' i . I ‘ . 1 " .' . ' -. 1 2 “.'
‘ "' ) “ii1 [Polk County lies in the extreme western part of the Arkansas Ouach—
_ i itas,‘a region of forested mountain peaks, long pine-covered ridges, and .
, ‘;ulv : 1pleasant valleys, (1) It has an area ofi 860 square miles (2), bounded
.' ,\ Z on the north by Scott County, on the east by‘Montgomery, on the south by
1 i Howard and Sevier, and on the west by the State of Oklahoma. (3) From
-= 65 1 an average of-l,300 feet'above Sea level (4), the'surface rises to its
% ~highest point-at Rich Mountain, 1,800 feet above the valley floor and
" 65 f 2,800-feet above sea level. (5) ~ . i .1.. . - 1 1
1 g The spindle-shaped end of the Novaculite Uplift,extends-to the cen-
1 ter of the county, circled by ridges of white, flinty rock. Elsewhere
' i are sandstone, shale, and slate (6), which form a soil best adapted to
_. 57 E the production of timber.: In the valleys is found a rich, sendy lodm1_
: 1 with: a red clay subsoil, and along the streams is a highly productive
__ 68 i, alluvial soil. (7) '. . . . . - 1
.. 71 ) r :Countless springs of varying mineral content, swift streams felling
£‘j15”over rocks.und boulders, and clear rivers are attractive features of this
_. 72 ? section of the~0uachites.' The historic Oudchito River, which has its
i source here, rebeives most of the northern drainage. Rolling Fork, Cos-
._ 72 ; satot, and Saline Rivers filow South, feeding into‘Littlo.Rivor in the
g 1‘ 1‘ a bounty of: that-slang. (8). ' . - .
i. 72 E 1 5 KIn the northern and southern parts of the county, forest lands to- ‘
p; 75 g tuling 187gb91 ecres, about oneathird 0T the county, have been acquired
} by the Ouuchita National Forest (9), and it has been proposed that the
__ "