xt7qbz618h42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618h42/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1937 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1937 Vol.8 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, April 1937 Vol.8 No.11 1937 1937 2019 true xt7qbz618h42 section xt7qbz618h42 :mccrat: LEEE. E
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 . Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS Aiirll, 1937 April,
__ ____#A_L_—r_____in_______ins#.i._. fl_.fini~—\ /#
Rules Gwen For Entries In I937 Prize Contests WAGNER ACT N0 THREAT » Lexi
" ‘7 Call is hereb issued for the 1937 elude: first, silver set; second and of Kentucky. Factors to be judged‘ _’— .1.
4 prize contestsy of the Kentucky third, certificates. First prize given l include the physical appearance of 'WiSHINSIEOET- —tThatqlthe 811- For
.' Press Association. Every editor in by The Lexington Herald. the page, subject matter and qual— 131313 .001“ .. OvS 110 tCrfiislder the,
l the state, whether members of the Best Editorial Contest ity of the editorials, subject matter Wagner labor 3“ asha Y ieat F0 the , Lexingto
' association (they should be) or not, In order to stimulate the editors and quality of features, cartoons, £1“ng O‘feithetFEES) “:5 mglcleilti‘d y“ lected as t
:- I may enter each and every contest. in expressing individuality, initia— forums, literary matter, syndicated “1'31 5 @1131“ 1 S ereM “13.091111: ; summer in
ff There will be seven contests in all. ‘ tive, and leadership in this depart— matter. and typographical arrange- “L act‘cln ‘h e (3:93? (1)1115 Wat- executive
' ' Please read the rules governing ment which is the editor’s own, at— ment. While advertisements are not son, Associated. 1555,91“? oyte. , spring m,
- each contest and follow them to the‘ tractive prizes are offered in this considered a detriment, yet too‘ _ {11513106'RmeéSfel‘Weled NC nia- Laurel Cr
letter. Any violation of the rules ’ contest. The factors which will be much advertising not in “tone" with ' 3911ty :3me b?“ Etmtngtlthat ASSO- ~ 2335 Th
will result in the entries being dis-- 1 considered in the judging are: sub- the page will be counted against tm1rc‘latecld.i‘ess Cu geih O ‘ “9 “father by Publis
carded. Send in as many entries as ‘ ject matter, thought sequence, com- entry. i get at“ getlvlli‘ieme 16 131:3: :‘~5v31ah t7 Editor Tr
- you please. The judges are glut— ‘ munity appeal, rhetoric (diction, Each contestant is required to se- Q1011 010 81 1 31mg oyrnd tho 'IWati the Lexing
7 tons for punishment, and say “the‘ unity, figure of speech, punctua- lect two pages published between non, “’10 was so argef, . e abs} that ne
; more the merrier." Please observe1 tion), and vocabulary. Prizes of— May 1, 1936, and May 1, 1937, from board alleged, befall”? 0 ms actiyi- Leader, an
i the deadline. According to thetfered are: first, silver set; second which the judges will select the: 3111;“ the Amrllcdn Newspaper Commerce
' standing rules. amended last year, 1 and third, certificates. best. The prizes include: first, 511- . e j , . ‘ .. hosts. Pal
: no newspaper is eligible to enter“ Each contestant is required to se— ver set; second and third, ceLtifi—K‘ C111,dfseln13at1ng If“? 1:111? 131935 plicant, W
' any contest in which it has won‘lect two editorials published in his cates. $592310”: telit ctoeui c 1:11“ 9“: account 0
first place for the preceding two . paper between the dates of May 1. Open to Every Newspaper tgag‘? in ‘1“ V}: a C m ElCe‘ and » flood.
years. 11936, and May 1, 1937. Each edi— Each and every contest is Open to ‘ therefore subject tilgawf’ to 910:?“ The cor
4 Attention is particularly called to i‘ torial should be pasted on a sheet every weekly or semi—weekly in the 1 if; gilmirilottfgn Tm} 13126135513123}? i important
the requirements that entries in the l of paper with the notation of name state. The news story contest is ‘ char .6 that Watson was discharoe? mously to
editorial, news, and advertising‘of newspaper, date of issue, and open to country dailies. Every editor . f ~ g , a t' itL b” 1:05 at“ T of the KE
contests must be each pasted on a writer‘s name. No “canned” 01“ls urged to send in his entries forts? ginion tl C IV 3; fl ii tetho Bureau f0
separate 511D 0f paper, 01‘ cardboard. ‘ Clipped editorials will be consider-ed 1 each contest and every entry will be 1 ‘rflegclllel'alcn 01118811132151} 11:“ rliludetl ~ Manager 1
elsewise the entry will not be con- in this contest. Prize contributed l judged on its merits. Let us make i ff ‘ , tgrfer n- _ ‘ts 1:120" ‘1 , tended al
:idered. [by past President J. L. Crawford. this 1937 contest the biggest contest iom m e e co m 1 1 19?" ’ 0f the W0
. The exhibit this year promises :0. Best News Story Contest ‘of them all! No newspaper shall ‘ trons by the fiist €I;l€tl;idme.11t 1310- H the first t
’ be 0118 Of the largest and best since‘ At the request of a number of ed- be eligible for more than one of “(hing fOI flteeiorf; 0m 1: EieSS'fr'r latlve D91
the contest began. The committee 1itors, this contest is continued forlthe above first prizes. 1 Tled coutr Bf ‘ la 1:1 .m' was encou
I is issuing this call for the newspa- 1 competition this year on the best June 5, Deadline lament mail :on els no‘dsutcfl lm' Buleau “’1
pers to be entered, and, as in the ‘ community news story. The factors All entries must be in the hands munl y. . evopapers, salt to in? ly and E
_ past, valuable prizes will be offered. 1 to be considered are content, sen- of Prof. Victor R. Portmann on or lei;llb3ia;:1n1;1;l‘e Zing}? Jggsesscesb‘e‘n: vintedSht);
, The rules and regulations for each tence and paragraph structure, before June 5. Entries can be in- e ecial rivile 'e to “1:131:18 the right; 9 pl; ed in
, contest follow. The papers will be‘ thought, unity, coherence, vocabu- cluded in the same bundle, but each aid liblzrties gof others He must Facts in q
'- put on display at the mid-summer lary, the lead, and comunity serv— entry must be plainly marked as to answer for libel He may be pm ing field “
meeting. ice value. The prizes include: first. I the contest. The package must be ished for contempt of court He is and that
All-Around Contest silver set‘ second and third, certi— marked ”.K P. A. Newspaper Con— . . ‘ . ,7 ,
- - ‘ - u . subject to the anti—trust laws. let‘ leady bee
For guidance of the competitors , ficates, Contestants are required to test, and addressed to Prof. Victor th ‘ h t ’table and papers E
the following will constitute the ‘ select two of the best news stories R. Portmann, University of Kenv O eels, .8 .muts ‘ payt equi 1, ' roll ever
percentages by which the newspa- published between May 1, 1936, and tucky, Lexington. It is suggested Sgginljgsriwma 01y axes on “" in the Bi
, pers will be scored: May 1, 1937. Each story is to be that the editor write a note an~ Full libertv to publish the news ‘ Presider
, General appearance, 30 per cent; pasted on a sheet of paper with the nouncing that the package has been is not interfered with by the Wain Thomas
local news, 25 per cent; country cor— notation of the name of newspaper, sent, to avoid .delay and possible ner act regulations said the (3011131.. . Herald, I
respondence, 5 Der Gem: personal date of issue, name of editor, and loss of the entries. [and the Asusociated ’Press “is free at Leader, a}
rams, 10 per cent; farm, news or name of the writer of the storv. any time to discharge Watson or “_ cock as u
news pertaining to the chief indus- open to weekly, semi-weekly, and “N0 TYPEWRITERS” any editorial employee who failsto ‘
try of the section where the paper country dailies in the state. Only comply with the policies it mm, —-
is published, 5 per cent; general crime stories will be barred from It was less than 30 years ago that adopt ” But it may not dischargh‘
news, 5tpe; cetrét, :Ddb edltfilizlé €23 thls contest. FIrSt 'pri‘zTe glvin by William Rockhill Nelson, the great an employee for union membership. "
z: l m or mm... Thh
include make—u of front age and h‘ .- .11 b awarded to refused to allow his reporters to use by Justice Sutherland, was confined en ucky
- - p - - p . T lee prizes W. e. . typewriters. He entertained the be— to the argument that the 31313th 7 heard, Wll
mSIde page‘s,‘ advertlsmg make-up KentuCky editors m thls contest. $5 lief that typewriters destroyed tion of the Wagner act to the AS- death OfI
‘ and compOSition, headline schedule, for beSt full-page advertisement; something in a man's creative ef- rociated Press represented an inva- . With Pres
literary excellence’ commumty 5.91.“ $5 f°r be“ half'page advertisemefli fort His reporters had to write Zion of the freedom of the press Campbells
. ive, headlines’ content, illustrations, $5 for best quarter—page, or less, ad- . ' . . " , , t ‘ O
. . With a soft penCll. Machines have guaranteed by the Constitution. 1 , vertak
typography and press work. vertlsement. Factors to be Judged 1W3 h d to in their wa ' . + V, th , "t, f the pm, his useful
Each contestant is required to se— . «1 d ’57 ontent t e arrano‘e— a ys a , W _ , y‘agains. \lewed e SUbJev 101“ 0 .
~ ~ mVu e 3pc C . ’ yp ° the prejudices and limitations of t th Wa ner act as one of the 7 frultful r
lect two issues of his paper from‘ment, value of illustrations, selec— ,0 ,9 _ g ,, (mi more to b
May 1 1936 to May 1, 1937 from tin of b rder and decorative mate— the. leaders among men. New gene— ‘begmnmgs 0f encroachment . , t
- ’ - . I .n o rations must be born before new the liberties uaranteed by the firit hcse Whi
which the Judge Will select the best rial, and fulfillmEnt of the three in e tions 0 a i to their g . h “11 jchifllgtr Newberry
issue to be judged. Prizes to be functions of advertising—attention, Fv‘enrnow 51:; art; men in 51:21. zrrtrengnaent Whlc “1 vans applicatio
awarded are: first, silver set; seC~ interest, and conviction. The en— middle years who have compacts e en e ' direction
. ond and third, certificates. First‘tries are limited to advertisements with business partners not to 115‘: gEWS TO HISTORY member,.
prize given by the courtesy of The I that have been set in the contest- airplanes—Linotype‘s Shining Lines Come an
. Lexington Leader. gant’s office, either hand or machine _'- ‘ “Once News, New History,” says ,‘r DUbhcatio
Front Page Contest icomposition. _—‘: the Genesseo (N y) Living'ST/O” Brief a:
Factors to be judged includet Each contestant may select any CHURCH PAGE C t L d . b tits items {f I attitudet
headline content, headline sched- advertisement that appeared dur- —— houn fin :3 561103 :51 30 40 and 5.). manly qu:
ule, type balance, make-up, name ing the year, May 1, 1936, and May‘ The Grand Rapids (Mich) South appe Log , , , , r T . traits Ina
plate and ears, press work and ink— , 1, 1937; each entry to be mounted 1 Kent County News devotes a full years an - tion by al
ing, appearance and illustrations} on a sheet of cardboard with the page each week to church an— . —‘ ——4. . F and , ESD‘SClally
‘ (if any), and contrast. Each con- notation as to the name of the nouncements and a short sermon by Wlth increasmg bu51ne¢§t01‘of.' Resolver
. testant is required to select two is— newspaper, date of issue, and name , a local minister. The page is paid prospects, J. W. Simpson, 6d} Q in ,5 DTBSSion ‘
sues of his paper from his files of contestant. for by business men and other in— the Monticello Outlook, had-line he sent
, from May 1, 1936 to May 1, 1937 Best Editorial Page Contest terested individuals in the (Dine stalled a new tYDBSettlng m:”mp_ DHblished
from which the judge will select the This contest, again sponsored munity, whose names also appear as well as other up—to—date q NEWS-Jon
best issue. Prizes to be awarded ill— by Prof. Enoch Grehan, University a, on the page. merit to take care of it.

 mm ., 1 ,,
l' 1
, 1 t-
1 April, 1937 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1 1, 11
\ “(ff-V‘fi—‘fim—w—AWH—“bh— 1‘ _ , 1
. T B KPA H t Local Paper Deserves :15 good a source of revenue for the 1 1 ‘1 .
_ . own’s newspaper and its printing 1 11
23111188 Lex'ngton 0 e . OS ngh SChOOI Support plant as any other firm or institu- 1 1 1 11 i
1 ad h a . o The approach of the high school 3:: ti: S::£ 1111
35e to Bureau for the balance of the year. feel at home, and the spring meet- ‘38 wcck “1 and week out. Per— moted by an aggressive policy on 111 : 1111
at the .. Manager Hal V, Brown gave an ex— ing is another milestone in the 11.3135 he has_ given hours of the part of the local publisher 1 111:.
CillCiCd tended and comprehensive report minds of the executive committee. $231 to servme on the 5011001 Funds are forthcoming from a. 1 is'1111
1‘ 1'913‘ " of the work of that Bureau during Those who enjoyed the outing ' _ - , . 1 . " '1' [=11
t pm" the first two months of its formu- were J. P. Gozder, president, Tom ‘He and the local Jeweler have a £31363:-tgiclfgiilrczzsojicattggrlisbOZItis—y ‘ 1 11111
‘55. “ lative period, and the committee Underwood, chairman of the KPA right to expect some cons1deration letic exhibitions dramatic produc- ‘ .1111
3 f1“: was encouraged to believe that the executive committee, and Gilmore when orders are placed for print— tions genial. class contributions ' 1 1-111
h im- Bureau will be functioning smooth- Nunn, Lexington Herald; J. L. ing and Jewelry. :and ,advertisers who do anything i 11 , 17
le ma- ly and self-supporting, within a Bardley, vice—president, Providence Other School Printing ii'easonable to help along the cause 1 1 1:

D 9611- very short time. Mr. Brown re— Enterprise; Russel Dyche, London There are a number of ways a of education or the student activi- ,; 1 11
$85 “110 ported that much time was em- Sentinel-Echo; Robt. L. Kincaid, local newspaper and printing plant ties in connection therewith 11,! :1
rights t ployed in making important con- Middlesboro News; Vance Armen- may profit by school business. The town’s newspaper properly 111111
a must tacts in selling the state advertis- trout and Donald McWain, Courier— There’s the printing of a: school managed is a: service institution ‘ 11: 1111
e pun- ing field to prospective advertisers Journal; J. L. Crawford, Corbin yearbook, or annual, in the larger1ranking along with the school sys~ 1 ‘11;
He is . and that several accounts had al— Tribune; R. L. Elkin, honorary high schools, the printing of a tem and the church. The communi- 1-1 11
5. Like " ready been placed in many news- member, Lancaster; Geo. A. Joplin, weekly school newspaper, the sen- ty benefits most in which these 1‘ 11
1e and , papers. Efforts will 1;.) made to en- Jr., Somerset Commonwealth; Vic- ior class announcements, the sen- three fundamental institutions work ,_ ‘11‘j11
ii his roll every newspaper in the state tor Portmann, Kentucky Press, ior class day programs, tickets and in harmony. If the newspaper 1 11 1

, in the Bureau. 1Lexington; W. V. Richardson, Ad— the advertisements of the seat sale. without compensation allows itself 11
a new President Jody Gozder appointed1vocate and Secretary J. C. Alcock, During the year athletic games, to carry more than its share of the 11:111 s,11 1
1Wag- Thomas Underwood, Lexington Messenger, Danvilie, and J. Hal especially football, call for printed burden that’s the neWS‘Japer's 1111' 1

court." Herald, Fred Wachs, Lexington Brown, manager of the Kentucky tickets, handbills, window cardslfault ' i 1111 1, 1
free at 1 Leader, and Secretary J. Curtis Al— Press Advertising Bureau, Louis- and newsp aper advertisements. ’ ' 1 1 ! T1
son or ,~ cock as the program committee for . ville. School dramatics call for printing John Deere Motion Pictures 1 1 111, ,1 1
ftails 110 ‘ _———-—- an’ghpublicitytof likte aim“; , s John Deere has a motion picture 1 111 ‘1

m.‘-‘ e way 0 ge is usmes, . . 1 . _ ,1 . ‘
101mg. 1: RESOLUTION 1minutes of this association. however, is not to sit back and 2:21:11; arguing" cgfigifiglal 13:21 1 .11 '1 ,
)ersliip. — 1 J‘ Curtis AICOCk growl about how it was taken Wt dealers are using space to advertise :11 1 1 1
alivered , The executive committee of the: Robert L. Elkins of town or to the cut-rate job shop showings of the film 1 111 ‘ I
Dnfined ’ Kentucky Press Association has Victor R. Portmann up the street. The youngsters and . 1 1 j
,pplica- 1 heard, with profound regret of thej Committee the school authorities do these County Blueprints 1 11 1‘ 1
.he AS- death Of David Newberry, associated; ——————— things which offend thoughtlessly Blueprints of your count show- 1 1:1 11 '
1 1m. , with President J. P. Gozder on the1 THEY DO READ THE ADS rather than with malice. This busi- mg we location of an home: on thn 1 1-1 1
3 press Campbellsville News-Journal. 1 — ness should be sought aggressively rural‘routes may be obtained 1); :‘1 1 1
1011, It 1 Overtaken at a time even when: When your merchant says, “NO— from the time school begins in the writing the Fourth Assistant Post— ‘I , ' 1
e pr€55 his useful life was just coming into ‘ body reads the paper, so why ad- fall until the seniors sign off in master General Division of Typo— 11 1 1

of the 17: fruitful result, his passing is theivertise?” ask him: May. graph Washington D C and en‘- 1:: 1 .
nt” on more to be regretted by friends and 1. Why publicity seekers and local Contact School Authorities 1 closing 50 cents ’ ‘ " ,1; 11 1
he first: thcse who loved him most. Dave organizations want space in the pa- Everything is in the newspaper- ' 1;; ‘ 1
3 if not Newberry found opportunity for the 1 per. man‘s favor if he puts his case Frigidaire Tie-Ups 1'11 1

application of his talents under the‘ 2. Why the politicians are so an- squarely before the school authori- See your local dealer for details ,11 1
. dIrECtion of our beloved fellow, xious for the paper’s support. ties. They can be made to see the of the Fi‘iO‘idaire tie-ups advertis— 1 1 1
. member, J. P. Gozder, and had be—. 3. Why does the delinquent sub— advantage of keeping on good terms ing campaign 1 1 1

come an indispensible factor in thegscriber squawk when his paper is with the local newspaper from ‘ 1,1' 1
1,” says 1’ DHblication of the News-Journal. 1dropped, and why do they all yell which many favors are sought 1' 1 1
vingstol‘: Brief as his career was, his fine . when they fail to get a weekly edi- thruout the year—even at prices Bord Mat? and Cuts 1 ,1, 1 ‘ 1
,em5 {1 1 attitude toward his work, his many tion. above those charged by the cut- Portfolios showmg mats and cuts 13‘} ’ 1

and 511’ manly qualities, and general lovable1 4. Why are residents so anxious rate job shop or the out-of—town of Ford ads and emblems Wm be 1 11 ,1

‘ traits made him a object of affec- ‘ to have their misdeeds kept out of printer. distributed to Ford d‘éaler? m all .‘; 1 .1
_ 1 tion by all who knew him, but more 1 the paper.—Wisconsin Press. If the local newspaper doesn’t states soon. Check thls “nth your , 31 1 i
55 and . ESp‘eCially this committee. ———-~————— get the business, it comes pret- local dealer. 1: 1,
ditcr of 1 ReFjolved that the foregoing ex- The Campto-n Herald, J. C. Kop- t-y near being due to the leth— _ ——" .‘ f 1
has in ‘ firemen of sympathy and concern penol, managing editor, a new news- argy cr inertia of the local Editor and Mrs. Vernon Richard-
machine 9 sent to his wife and mother, 1 paper on our list, changed to a six- publisher. , son are back at work on the. Dan- :1
. pquip' I)llbllshed in the Campbellsville column edition after a few weeks And this school business is worth V1116 Advocate Iafter acquiring a , . 1 1

NEWS-Journal, and spread upon the , trial of five columns. cultivating. The local schools are sun-tan In Florida. ' 1 j
4 s K
1 ,I

 . , Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1937 April,
. W 7 ._ , E ,m..__\ f
by the advertiser and what propor- Such a result is not only fl‘aUdu. Nowhere
/7 tion by the reader? lent, but demonstrates that the 10+. ' beyond th
, 3 8 There is no standard formula, but tery element of ‘chance’ was inheli. , States and
-, L , . > ’ “:3 average figures from various week— ent in the proposition from its in- .‘ a country
- S {E = g % 32$ ly newspaper surveys are helpful. A ception. The small
: . _. - k national survey fOl‘ the Years 193] “Thus it is that the Office Of the an Americ
, " ,and 1932 shows that of the total Solicitor in examining a plan to he , H. Casey,
, i _ _ ___—___ 'newspaper revenue of a large group advertised through the mails must 7" Yet, it is
,. . ‘ Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association of weeklies, 22 per cent was derived assume, in the absence of indica- stitutions 1
fl' __—W_—. from subscriptions and 78 per cent tions to the contrary, that there. ’ pei‘imental
. . VICTOR R. PORTMANN.................E(li[0r from advertising. How do your presentations as to how winners are - ly made a
. _ ___ figures check up against this aver- to be selected will be lived up to, self, but 1“
Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, age?—Indiana Publisher. “Sometimes they are not and the . Th? e
' University Of Kentucky, Lexington I * postal service has been made an mum?“
, POST OFFICE RULING innocent assistant to a violation of 'r 5m“? 10'
1 PRESS Assocuriox OFFICERS 0N “BEST” CONTESTS the law. Aside, however, from the public
- _ Jodie P. Gozder President Ne\\'s—Journal,_Campbellsville W . . honesty of purpose in determining “fad es
; 3’."33????Cliffs?ei..::::;::::1:111:11":1:323:£2iit?“E,:j:.:‘;:.::i‘:_::::_.,,E.“iiéiiéffgieFEES-iii: Wane? 13- Kelly, ASSIStant Solici- winners, frequently the proposed “m“ I”
_ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ’ tor, United States Post Office De- method of determination itself nec. and ha
‘ Thomas R. Underwood. Lexington Herald, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedley, Herald, 1 partment, has rained the IOttery essarily involves chance. SDECifiC Wm? -
' Eddyville; Vance Armentrout,Courier—Journal, Louisville; Dolph Creal. Herald- laws as they relate to “has”! con— methods Of award must he InStlltUt]
: H“restraints;tidassiiiinifsglsti; arcane; ltests and the has.“ Which sueh examined carefully in detail and “’15”
. Middlesboro; James T. Norris, Independent, Ashland; Victor R. Portmann. Ken— Icontests are admlttEd 1n the malls eaCh plan paSSEd upon individually 1 fig S v
, tucky Press, Lexingtoni Martin Dyche. Echo. London; Joe Richardson, Times, F215 follows: on its own merits." ' But the:
. Glasw‘“ RObe‘t L' Emmi :::::::‘:['V:I°g:;:i’I'TTEE . “For many years it was accepted —And Sweepstakes I (Tillie 113:5]
. dcrwood Herald Lexington Chairman‘ Warren Fisher Mercury lias alymOSt ax10matic that a so—called A more recent ruling Of the P03 :y f
Eligllisi‘tes;1§.axgi}]ence W. ilager, Messenger, Owensboro; George A. JoplinYJr” Com: ‘ be“ contest COUld n0t be Operated Ofllce Department, having to do i any on? O
, monwealth, Somerset; Francis M. Burke, Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg. without infraction 0f the lottery with publishing of news of Sweep- that hlS l’l
ADVERTISING COMMITTEE laws. By ‘best’ contests is meant stakes winners, is not so “liberal.’ - It was thlr
Robert L. Kincaid, News. Middlesboro, Chairman; Thomas T. Wilson, Log Cabin, those plans which offer to the pub— Solicitor Karl A. Crowley has an- years ago,“
32:11:31]:S_h$531Siuggqtif;5tsizng';°rlél“§1;gasx~“aDamon! Oldham Elav La lic prizes for the best name, best nounced that all postmasters have " pagers thl?‘
I NEWSPAPER Exnmn COMMITTEE slogan, best letter, best essay, etc. been notified that newspapers car- | Nev stifle?
' Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, Chairman; S. B. Goodman, Ccn- It was therefore, held that. In suCh rying reports Of sweepstakes Win' V And neit
”a1 Record’ Lancaster; Flam Smith, News, Georgetown, contests to qualify as admissible to ners will be barred from the mails
'. I the mails, no consideration could be and the publishers will be liable to t,he same.
___—“___— expected from the participants. a maximum fine of $1,000, two Years lgraph 313111
—_______ ———'——*—— “Without- consideration elimi- in the Federal Penitentiary, or both. {rigoug '
. (e) Known office of publication haltedt,h thtere iiemained fof lcourse, —N. E. A. Bulletin. , gilt 5563‘
' , a , (f) Subscri tion rice on y e “’0 e emen 5 0 a Ottery: P Y
MEMBER @ The Waging. fading must be ‘prize’ and ‘chance.’ LOUISVILLE PUBLISHER Is 111:5 $35:
W ICOnSpiCuously printed on one of thel ”HIOWiaver’ some years ago the INDICTED BY GRAND JURY life and 0f
, first n a es, ref ra on the cone usmn was reached that such -——- ,
K ‘ TUCKY PRES lfirst 13:26:11)? t1“: pueblilcfition and a ‘best’ contest need not ecessarily Four libel indictments were re- " torI‘ia‘ilsOItifie‘;
, ASSOCIATION each item marked on the copy sub« Involve the. ‘chance’ element, and turned by the April grand jury to- , today couii
mitted as evidence that proper since that time the Department has day against the EditOT and pub- served th<
oxcuuzcn JANUARY. 1569 lexamination has been made by the been. accepting as mailable, matter lisher of the Louisville Democrat, They were
- :pcstmaster. Where publications are[relating to ‘best’ contests even weekly tabloid-size newspaper. no doubt.
‘ HOW ABOUT YOUR INDICIA? [printed in foreign languages, it is though a consideration be paid, The true bills charge James J. : ferent, mo
‘required that the indicia Indicated When? there appears reasonable Hart! as ““03 and Moses Fortv as sound, we
In a recent letter a correspondent! also appear in English. certainty that the awards could be published“ libeled Mayor Neville 5 Many of ti
says “in so far as your publication Moved thereto by the letter from "1:38 501% on “39 b351§ 9f merit Mill“, hls brother, Shackelford the skies r
is a guide, mentor and friend to the this correspondent, we have been WI out bringing chance Into the Mlller Jr., and M. J. Brenuan, 01‘- , who later 1
country press of the nation, why i making an informal investigation conSIderationpf the Winners. . ganization chairman of the Demo- rels unworl
don’t you pass the word along to among the hundreds of country' . The adoption of the more liberal cratic city and county comrmttee. _ they were'
publishers that too many of them I weeklies which come to our desk View .by the. Department has been The indictments are based. on an assume, an
are growing careless in regard to ! and we find that his estimate of adhered to In recent years despite alticlc appearing in the April 315- I, Yet, is that
the indicia of their newspapers. Re— I 10% of the publishers who are vio- much grief, misunderstanding, the sue. A news story and a. purported ) years we f,
cently I have been amazed to find I lating the postal laws is, if any- ifs'uan‘ce of fraud orders, and court photostat of .a letter dealt with ac- Experience
that at least 10% of the publishers > thing, a 10W one. If these papers litigation. . tion of the City In awarding a $60: else we he
in this section of the country are I which we have examined are fairly d This has been particularly true 000 contract for parking meters and ‘ enlightened
violating the federal laws in this representative 0f the whole number turing the current year when rill' the asserted payment Of a $15’000 I hope, And
respect and that percentage is of such papers, then at least 25%, Ings 01f the Department, accepting fee to Shackelford Miller Jr., tore: Condil
probably higher in other sections." and possibly more, are ignoring this advertlsements of best contests present the parking meter comm“l .. In fact,
Indicia? Indicia? Ah, yes, nowlparticular postal regulation. Some 956d by manufacturers and dealers as attorney. _ ~ _ . I 50 ”111i!
we remember! It has been somelnewspapers did not carry the in- in the sale of articles of commerce Pleading guilty in the trial, M1. .. what is
, time since we’ve had occasion toldieia at all, 0th9rS Carried only a have been take?“ by promoters as a Hart accepted probated Jail sen- P Steer at
read the postal laws and regula— ‘ portion of the necessary informa— basis for thedistribution of money tences totaling Sixty days and fines If adve
tions, but we do recall seeing among‘ tion and in some it tOOk a careful prizes m,Whmh- nothing of‘conse- totaling $20.9 I fallen o
the rules defining and regulating l search all through the paper to find quernce except tickets were given m . ‘ , y “0t payi
second—class matter the following i it buried far bad“ in the paper. exc age for the entrance