xt7qbz618h3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618h3g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1998 Vol.69 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1998 Vol.69 No.11 1998 1998 2019 true xt7qbz618h3g section xt7qbz618h3g I .
. i t
I . V
. InSIde T H E K F Vrl‘!‘ .- H'N -— ,. November, 1998
- r , i L kt ,
; .Kenmckypeople’m . . t. .1 L . . . . Volume 69, Number 11
. inthe news... 2 . . . .
pg The OffiCIal Publication 5
OOp-Eds open the editorial . Of the KentU'Cky Press
' ; pagestoyounieadexs...” 5 j Servnce .
oiack Thomas retires ;
: KPA/[CPS Board... 8 l
p l P5 3 4/
i l ' ' I
3 .: ”WWW '
__._. 7‘ Mailings-4:58 ;
H B d 1 t KPS h°t $3 11’ k° d I
l R 1 VP For the first time in history, the Kentucky Press "I wouldn't be at all surprised if we hit the $1 mil-
‘0 eV ett ’ Service has passed the $3 million mark in ad sales. lion mark for Indiana newspapers next year." said
;_ surpassing the ’97 record of $2.459 million. Thompson.
; G At the end of October. KPS had paid Kentucky Davis attributes the high sales in part to advertis-
. reer Heasurer newspapers more than $2.7 million. Early in the year. ing agencies searching for ways to help their clients
- ‘ ad sales were boosted by the handling of «l(‘ Penney cut costs without cutting their advertising budgets.
I Effective at the . . placement which totaled $645,000. KPS canceled that “I think they are beginning to realize more and
. CODCIUSiOD 0f the ‘v \ agreement as ofMay 31. The $3.1 million also includes more that we can save them time and money." she
- Board Of Directors’ 1., about $250,000 placed in Indiana newspapers through said. “By using our service. they don‘t have to tool with
2 Fall Retreat, Teresa t - r f the Indiana Newspaper Advertising Network tINANl writing all those checks. getting all those tearsheets
i Revlett W3.S elected that began in April. and making all those calls. Instead. they make one call
, .3 Vice PFGSldent 0f " fl Ni KPS hit the million dollar mark for the first time to us and we do it for them."
L, KPA/K138. 4‘” in 1987 and since 1996 has consistently recorded $2 Davis believes newspapers will continue to see an
,h. Revlett, pub— Revlett million in yearly sales. increase in the use ot'third-party vendors.
lisher 0f the "We anticipate ending 1998 with about $3.6 mil— “It‘s not just us. its press associations all over the
3'} McLean County lion in sales," said KPA Executive Director David T. country," said Davis. “I think a lot of the large retail-
News. will become .' n <- . Thompson. "In 1996 we hit the $2 million mark for the ers will realize how much easier it is. like .I(‘ Penney
'L. president-elect after '-'.- a first time and I kidded Gloria (KI’S Sales Director did. and start looking at the press services and other
’.- the 1999 Winter {a Gloria Davis) and told her I hoped it wouldn't take too third party-vendors."
1 Convention. She ~,_ ,9" long to reach the $3 million mark...and it hasn't. The increase in sales has made it necessary for
had served as trea- ’ " ‘ "Overall, the most important part of the advertis- expansion ot‘the KPH ad stati'.
5': surer 0f the board Greer ing placement service is the return in investment to “We‘ve had to put more people on statt' in a cleri-~
.3 during 1998. The Kentucky newspapers. That shows with the $2.7 mil- cal position. in ad sales support and we‘re looking at,
treasurer’s position has been filled lion paid to them." an additional sales person for Kentucky." said Davis.
if by David Greer. publisher Of The Thompson said INAN had seen a successful first “Hopefully. we will accomplish all these goals in the
1 See BOARD, page 12 year with tremendous growth. coming year.“
/ . Board conSIders establlshln g Fall Retreat busy time for Board
‘ ' ’ ' ' ' items discussed bv the board:
, - 6C 0 e Or mem rs Search IS on tor logo, exhibit -
‘ _ photos; convention sites set -KPA Logo
Just what does it mean when tion about computer software and _ The Kentucky Press
your Macintosh bombs or tells you hardware, fonts, error messages. The KPA/KPS Board of Association is searching for a bet—
an “Error of Type 1 has occurred?” cabling and connections. network- Directors met Oct. 8-9 for its annu— ter way to identity itself. KPA
. Got a question about database soft- ing...just about any question vou al Fall Retreat. This year‘s meeting hasn‘t had a logo. with the excep—
ware programs or are you thinking might have about Macintosh cbm_ was held at the Natural Bridge tion of the words “Kentucky Press
', about paginating your newspaper. puters. State Park in Slade. Among th" See RETREAT. page 12
but you don t know where to turn. At its Fall Retreat. the KPA -————-———-—————————
By the start of the new year. B d f D' t . t t' t've
" KPA hopes to have in place a new oar 0] irecrors gaze “(13“ ‘31,! h ‘
member service hotline that will approva to creating t e r ec , Q ; ."
give you another source for informa- See HOTLINE, page 12 'g r ' f .,
98 a Contest sets recor s ‘ - c- ‘ ~‘ '
The 1998 Fall Newspaper 29 in Tampa by the Florida Press “ ‘ ‘6‘ fi‘ 32‘-
5_ Contest set a record with 95 news- Association. Awards will be handed . 1%.] '1 ;‘
papers participating. A total of out Friday. Jan. 22 at the 1999 g - . .. 1
4,271 entries were submitted, KPA Winter Convention at the KPA sponsoredaworkshop on covering school and workplace violenceOct
another record-breaker, for a total Galt House East in Louisville. 15. Among the panelists were, left to right, Mike Scogin, Georgetown News-
contest revenue of$18,066. Award notification letters will Graphic; Jon Fleischaker, KPA General Counsel; Bill Bartleman. Paducah Sun;
The entries were judged Oct. be mailed in mid December and Brad Hughes, Kentucky School Boards Association. Seestory on page 10.
1 i / I

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, November, 1998

K t k 1 . th

Ponder named pUblISher ment of the Pella (Iowa) Chronicle The Louisville Times on street cor- named editor of The Beattyville
. f for Boone Newspapers. ners to the current centralized dis- Enterprise.

at Glasgow Dally TlmeS He has a bachelor's degree in tribution and marketing systems A lifelong resident of Lee

K 'th P d 14 ) 1 mass communications/advertismg He spent three years as circulation County, Watterson has written sev-

el on er, a -year mw‘s' from Morningside College, Sioux director at the Clarion Led er in eral articles for the a er. He Trad-
3 er veteran has been named - - - - g p p g‘
p :1. ‘h f th Gl D .1 City, Iowa. Ponder was active in Jackson, Miss, before returning to uated in 1997 from Eastern
gu lb gr 0 e d alga??? 2.111 y ClViC organizations in Iowa and is a The Courier—Journal to head circu- Kentucky University with a degree
ihmes.' gsuzcee ‘8 l ins ey former president of the Iowa lation in 1993. in marketing. Since graduation, he
w Opret‘dre .1“ “g‘t‘Pt' {I d NewsPaper Association Services has worked for the Lee County
on er IS a na we 0 owa an Com an Board of Directors. ‘ ' B ' d f u t" z ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ ' .‘
to p y Hooverioms staff resins; ;:?§:‘§23$‘.
Oskaloosa (Iowa) Herald and - ' ‘ I ‘ ‘ 5
. ‘ _ b ‘kitb 11 h. H s z )
Oskaloosa Shopper. Both the Daily Gray retlreh frOm C J at Brandenburg LilibistKizlbucf:chaslbefifdnirilihtlihre
Times and Iowa newspaper are Larry Gray, vice president of Steve Hoover is the new staff Enter ~ I» ' j ,. ”y ,
. , , , . , prise. or ovcr 1.) years.
part of Community Newspaper Circulation for The Courier- writer at the Meade County
Holdings Inc. and both were Journal, retired from the newspa- Messenger. D. l - - ‘ ‘ f ‘
acquired from the Donrey Media per Oct. 2. Hoover is a native of la JOINS “CW5 Stat
Group. Gray, 55, began his newspaper Pennsylvania and spent 17 years in , ' ,

Ponder worked for Donrey career as a carrier trainer at the Q the Army, retiring in 1995 as a at campbellSVIllC paper l
newspapers in Weatherford, Texas, J in 1955. He spent his entire sergeant first class. He has held Becky Dial, who has been ‘
and Rogers, Ark., as ad director career in newspaper circulation, several reporting positions and working part-time for the Central
and account executive. He also from the days when newsbo s public relations positions including Kentucky News-Journal for the 1

y I
worked in the advertising de art— hawked the Red Flash edition of public affairs su ervisor for the past five years, has been promoted '
P P ' _
US. Army in Alaska at Fort to full-time staffwriter, l
——- —— Richardson near Anchora e. Dial attended Western ~
6 611 11C I'OSS ‘5 . . - -
A graduate of the Univers1ty of Kentucky LianOI‘SIt)’ and
The Kentucky press (lSSN-0023-0324) is pub- District 12 Maryland with a degree in manage— Eliz‘abethtown Community College.
lished monthlyby the Kmmckypmss Jack C. Thomas, Jacky)“ Times ment and Journalism, Hoover spent Shes worked for the newspaper as
Association/Kenmckyl’ressService, Inc. the last two years as a store man— a receptionist, proofreader, book-
PmOdlcal'dass postage ‘5 paid at Frankfm't/ District 13 ager for Thornton Oil Company. keeper and social news writer,
EV 4060} 5:2“?gggn Pdfcefdfgsger 13:“- Clenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise
ostmas er: geo a to e . . . .
KentuckyPress,101ConsumerLane, mm,” Perry hired as reporter Ricker hired as graphic
Frankfort, KY. 40601,(502)223—8821. Stuart Simpson, B h C . V . N. h l ‘ .”
Officeisand Directors Somerset Pulaski News_]0umal at at Ounly paper artlbt 1“ IC 0 aSVI C
i .. - - es ie erry as 'oine t esta ' om ic er, a recent 'ra uate
Kentucky Press Assoaation . . _ L l P - h J d h ff ‘ T R k h d
1315"“ l5'A of the Bath County News-Outlook of Asbury College, has been hired
President D0“ Wh'te'Andc'wn New” as a staffwriter. at the Jessamine Journal as a l
Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice & Times District 198 Pe rry grad u ated from graphickartist. g
‘ . . . , Morehead State University in May Ric er is a native of Ohio and
President Elect . 10h" Nelsm' Danwlk Adwute-Messenber with a bachelor‘s degree in psychol- moved to Kentucky to attend
Tom Caudill,Lex1ngton Herald-Leader State at Large my and a minor in horsemanship. Asbury. He earned a bachelor's
Past President Sharon Turninski, Winchester sun An accomplished rider, Perry has degree in art with an emphasis in
Gene Clabes, Florence accumulated 7 world titles, includ- photography and is the third recent
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer ing the 1992 and 1993 Equitation Asbury graduate to join the news—
VicePresident . World Grand Championship. She paper's Staff.
Teresa Revlett. McLean County News Teresa Mullins, 59"” Citizen began free lance writing after being .
T Associates Division asked to write about her riding COllInS JOInS Stalf
“33.511119? Ed Mastrean Kentuck Educational skills and she is now a regular con- _ .
DaV‘d L.reer,TheKentuckyStandard, T l . . ’ y tributor to the Voice, the official at Trl—Clty NCWS
Bardstown e eVi5ion ~
Breed Journal. . , .
Ad rti - Di In addition to her position at Pauline (’Ollms. ls. thp newest
District] V9 5mg V1510" th ’ B th C t ) P addition to the stafI of the Tri-City
Will' m m Mitchell, Fulton Leader Larry B’OOI‘S' Lenngton Herald'l‘ead" initruacts 113:8: nbi agiiig‘ anedrriii News in Cumberland.
District2 News Editorial Division working toward her master's Citiccsoalrirdshhs 3:11:13]:an tdhirTrilr;
. . _ ' i“ ( S ) . i S
led DillinghamDawsmSpringsProgress Mark Nem’k’Kenmky “’5‘ 30‘3“” 1“ 3‘1”” and high" educa‘ Oklahoma and Michigan. ghg grad-
Di trict3 Circulation Division ion. uated from college in Tahlequah,
5 Dave EldridgeJessamineloumal . Oklahoma where she studied jour-
Teresa Revlett,McmnCountyNews Watterson named edltor nalism. Her grandmother, Belle
‘ . Journalism Education - - ‘ Fore, wrote for the Tri-Citv News
Dismct4 _ . Jo—Ann Huff-Albert», Western Kentucky at BeattyVIIle Enterpn SC for over 50 years. ‘
ePortmann,F Favorite University Matt Watterson 24 has b
L i , i een See PEOPLE, page 11
DaVld Greer, The KEN‘KI‘Y Standard, Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene .
W... mmmmshom Deat s
Districté K m k A5503. ti ' —'—‘-——"'_—'——_—
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era thuzk; 2:: Serviceasgh Ransom Todd member of the Flemingsburg
Dis 7 David T. Thompson, ExecutiveDirector Ransom Todd, former owner 3”“er 0f hducation.‘ d h‘ 'f‘
'trict . . BonnieHoward,Controller and ublisher of the Flemin’ . urVivors me u e is wr e.
KelleyWamickGallatinCounty News Gloria Davis, Advertising Director Gazetrfe died Se t 22 He was 90 h Fr-anCes Todd; a daughter Mary
LisaCamahan, News Bureau Director T dd k hp) .Fl )’ . E“ ' , Winston Hamilton. Louisville; and
District8-9 Reba Lewis,Researdi/Marketinngrdinator ” ran t ‘ tming ounty two grandchildren. Sidney Todd
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOutlook SueCammack, Administrative-Assistant newspaper from the 1930s to the Hamilton and Stuart Hamilton.
‘ BuffySams, Bookkeeping Assistant 1950s. He later Worked for the both ofLouisville
Districth-ll , RachelMcCarty,AdvertisingAssistant state Department 0f SON“ Burial was in the Fleming .
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Km“ Toles,TearsheetCoordinator Services. Todd also was a former (‘ounty (‘enietery =
. , I

 The Kentucky Press, November, 1998 - Page 3
B . 9 g - 0‘ -u '__~"__’-:‘_-‘—.' V ' ‘~- _-—_‘ _
e conc1sc but don t cut your reportlng short
' 9
, out a (list‘rv‘piiiit‘j» between {WU toimcil members, scrap your original idea, and scrutiniZe every lit-
CoaCh s but Willi only it inches, why bother" Niiaiices tle mote that might lead to a better story
" are the first things editors ciit disci'epaiicies Talk to people you've never met: A great
corner ‘ I take too much space to explain reporter once told me that no matter where he
.4 , \. Joe made the mistake of walking into the went meeting. speech. county fair 7 he Would
'—'—_'—‘—- Q ' 1 meeting thinking short lle tuned his reporting walk up to total strangers, introduce hiinselfand
By Jim Staswwskl ' l l‘Fkllll to a short. simplistii ~tory. .ind niit‘t' llt' say. ”Hi What are you doing here"" He wanted
"""" I ” ‘ knew he had ll, he didn't care to find .iiiythiiig to know what particular personal interest people
\Vriting short is good. reporting short isn‘t. more lime in the eyent Not eyery introduction led to a
l was a lousy newspaper writer until 1 (land Wl‘ltlll: means finding ii way to maki- story but he kept a tile of each name. plume
learned to write short. I needed thi- discipline of stories short and meaningful. l'lll that lt‘llt'llt‘s number .iiid issue the person was interested in
a length limit to forci- me to i-iivisinn a brisk. oil a battle lutween .lot and his human nature it he ~-\~r llt't’tlt‘tl tn find someone “Hilt't‘l'llt'tl
substantive story. \‘(e all seek comfort, so when .liu' l\ thinking hoax about the \i'Wi'l‘ protect on North 17) Street. hr
l'nderstand, I don't buy all the :irgumeiits easy his lsslglllllt‘lll is. he's not yoiiii' tn ~tr.iin to had the ll.llllt‘ in his Roloilt-\
against long stories. i think readers eiiioy any git L’nerl st iiltllill H'itil‘il l't‘ lHHlt‘Y‘ the \Ht'fm " Think i" 4‘ “'1‘." opposite “f lh" "W”(l ”fl
‘ story that continuously rewards them \\llli .‘\n ot'tslwot at that niiilnrtthh re; ortiiz, is th1‘(‘\'(‘llt1ll‘t'llllttl board mi-mlwi-s .ii'i- iiplu-at l
|exciteinent. humor, drama. a range of human even lll"l't' lll\l(l!illl\ When Salh cuiuioiiailt illii'lll building the lit \\ ‘iigh si'linnl Illlt‘ __ 11in a competitive edge in the
medium of the new century: something oiiline. and 27 percent Raleigh. N.C. . ____ minds ot some |.t)ll.\llnl(’r,“‘ .
°Online commerce accounted have purchumid from a Web Sm. In the local F'N office there is . Theres no reason llllillllllitlll;ll- t
ft” $218 billion in 1997 m an Its focus group said it like online - I i - i i It) l”““‘.“‘““ m nationa pro< ”“5
. ... V ‘ .7 £1 51%!“ “Cur tho SOTVlCt‘ C(lllnt(‘r \Vlth r‘ llltl(’ (‘rv-‘tlvp think!“ 1 you
increase ”f more than 100 percent advertising because “There are no which reads “Service in five min» .. l‘ilv l .. l .‘l . 1' .I . lit-.1
over the prUVNHJS V0211. )US‘h 9110‘ )(‘0 )l(‘ ”n '1 “’01) Sltt‘ u ’ ‘ ‘V. ‘ . (tin l( K) (K d a“ \(r lint r5 ( ( \t ()p
_ h 7 I ‘ y | ( i} I ‘ h '— Utes ()T l(‘SS }{I-)Wi S that {Ur Sllp' gin))lvir \‘tr‘ltt‘i’HN t” \‘(x‘ t}"(l’11\‘()l\'(\\‘ .
oRevean-S collected by Web What is missing from the (r 0 \writinr" t ( Vi t h. - - ’ . . i
' . ~ ( e u \ ):L V C l ‘ X . 4 t t *1 x ‘ \ l
Sluts rose tenfold m 1997 and are online commerce er uation tod'iv l 3 P. s . apart trom thi ir cimpt titors. Ht rt l
. . . - - l ‘ 4. . What Would happen if someone rm, a fpw pmm‘q to keep m mind: ’
forecast to reach $1.2 trillion by how ‘V Ir .‘ , l d iliver' m . ‘h'i— , ‘
2002 iugt four ypqrg from n()\~v , ( ( ‘ IE LJHX ( . 'V (L K St"“ppvd up to th{' C(lllntfl‘r and Silld. i. [go generoufi. 1)“th nlilkt’ il :
"Advertisers spend $351 ‘3 nisms. (Jonsumers. ”bl/“"15”" ”r" “l've waited for ten minutes. What wimpv promise. Be hold. Let the i
. . ‘ ‘ ‘ . . ",' " readv to buv And businesses. .0“ i , . ,»; . _ ~. '_. ,. ~ ,, ., _
million on Web advertising m the l .- . ‘l' . ~‘ V l , t ~41 thi (“1:31 IdilNVt tht) El L”? (k Kt oflt r.b( an (\prtssion of thi advir
first quarter (,f 1998 m an :I";“"\l£f f d“ “1“} ” N Vim ly what, was promised‘ Nothing tisers confidence in what they sell l
. r, ie e) ant news )a )er en ' i c ’ w , ( ‘ D i . ills i
increase of 211 percent over the ‘. p 4 ' kl [h ' n“ “K“ lmpllte' hill (1‘)” _“‘”~ I“ 1390." . Itm S V BUM 5 .
fourth quarter 0{1997 ”11“” "' 4"“ ready t” Wt (‘ \t‘hl‘ state. a guarantee It s nothing announced a five-year ( ustomer
- ‘ i , (' ’ i ‘23 "'.‘l (l)(‘ A 4 I ' . « l v ‘- 'N-V. ‘. ‘ - . ., . 'i
'Revenue tor all online adver» 1‘ ' or ‘t l‘ “l ”My sioull more than .“ slogan. an t mptt Sailildttltfll~(1Uilrilllltt . which
tising is expected to soar from 3;] Bl” Wh” 1-“ PWPRN‘d U) (it‘lm'r promise which doesnt otter to do stated that “it )ou are not satisfied ;
billion m 1997 to $7.7 mum” in 11 ”mm“ (““3” W‘Wlh ”1 goods t“ anything for customers who wait With the performance of this prod
2002 doorsteps around the world five longer than five minutes uct. l’itney Bowes will promptly 1
OThe number ”1' online iner- 3’01”“ from now',’ In reality. the post office replace it at our expense." This
chants doubled in 1997 and is (‘ertainlv not the world's post doesn't need guarantees, because it sounds good. but gets better with
expected to reach 1.6 million bv offices lii virtually ever_v country doesn’t have to worry about compe- the added promise of a full refund
2002 . they are geared toward delivering tition. But what about the private "11 tht‘ “‘Pliwt'm‘f“t lmldm't (10‘5“
°()nline shopping is forecast letters. not boxes and parcels sector" W“ llt'l‘l‘lrm W'WHlmL’ l" Sllt‘cmt‘i‘
to overtake direct mail m terms (,f' (‘ertainlv no l'nited l’arcel In the business world. guaran- Wm? . . '
“emu“. b_v (‘hristmas 3000 Service or Federal Express (‘orp tees and warranties can be pow'er— 2- BO Spt‘f'lflu l)ont my film":
These statistics and more They haven't the capacity to move tul marketing tools Both make {hm}; l'k‘V “‘“irilnlm‘d “TH?" ;
from sources such as Jupiter that much merchandise We saw strongr statements about quality, “11‘1“.“5‘ £15 \'iitht‘ ”Nd HH’Mttnfl'
(‘ommutiications. ActivMedia, and plenty of evidence of that during T” Pm 1t 5”“le ii guarantee 15 it 1055 ‘L‘ 1h“ Slim m 1h“ “”51 ”m“
the Internet :‘xdvertisiner Bureau the l'l’S strike in the l'nited promise to replace an unsutlstagti). l‘et readers know exact]; what is :1
are the light at the end oftlie tune States last year. ry product or retund lh“ purchase See LOCAL page 11
nel for the newspaper Web sites. (‘ould newspapers position i
While many of us around the thvlnsplvp> u, 1”. mp carriers" It ‘
werld still are losing money pub~ would seem a long shot, but in i
Video workshop can help
l‘ltlkm‘s' brighter and brighter ll)" alreadv have trucks that drive up
. ur staff create better ads
“HT“ are Wm” ““5“” 1"" seven davs a week Perhaps the
this kind of growth forecast For parcel “(HWWS can get H“. boxes _
consumers. online shopping 150:1er m cities and the newspaper (“rm ' . . . pg}
ier and more convenient than any “1.5M ”w tuture can (“hum packs _’$~..:";f? ' ‘ , ‘ 2‘ ‘ . '
prt-VIHUS method ot'obtaiuiiig ages instead of or along With. ‘5» , .dvenisamw*’“°°' -: \'
goods and services lliev dont ““W‘lHl’l'l‘ 3-? ~ _, t ‘1
‘ ‘ ‘ t; .0 .- - ‘
even haVe to be targeted bv a cat- ‘ ~. , . _ . , l .. ‘l . 1 ,1 -;;;;_:‘ .. » I“
. I know its a stretch, perhaps r .t *‘a .‘
alogue to become a customer And MT” 1 NW" “it“! but there i\ .1 _ _. i K
for athertisers. going on the \Veli ‘ ‘ . i ‘ . ' ‘ “ts -- .
need that is going to grow dramat- g-g- . .
is easier. cheaper and more (‘oiiVe 5;.
. . . icallv over the next tew vears. and 5;}; *-
nieiit than other torms ot advertis ‘ * .‘.<*'»'
in” somebodv is going to make a great v p _ -
h ‘ i x h I ~ i l - '~:..- ~ ' '
Sony (tori) .. for example, is (\llkt'lal o: miflim‘t)'tilillllm‘itll‘n ll(ttl
. ~ . - - iv 3 ion t n i )t‘ l.‘. - « . ,
“WWW“ With ”1“ “U-‘Hlilllti' “7 l t “it. t tlast...a program thatistailor-made tor newspapers?
_ . ,. ) ' I I I ‘ ) Y , . t t .
online advertising otters. A single t if ‘m “ :“l”’“ “J“ 1”“: Basics of Lavoutand Lopvis getting rave reviews from
- . . . . . ~~.— in o us new \usiness tan mo; - ' ’ ’
WIN A“ Uh“ “hm” WWW)” ‘” wmp‘mifl wt ‘1“ “h h n m: publishers and ad managerscoast-to-coast
l’f‘f‘l““~ 5””37‘ 'I”h“ ,H‘ ‘ 3“” WM trmk‘ ,md 1h“ . ) l . t ) d , ‘ ltsaworkshop.not alt’t‘tUt‘t’.\l\'ed 1
l 5A TM” ”1 Apr" F” “L“ " i p“ pi ( rm fromthestart—workingonlavoutsgettingadideasand .
£10000 in production (Mtg S‘onv them And we alreadv know our . , -
" ‘ ‘ “ ‘ - . ' writing more effective headlines.
was able to create and test 10“ “fly around WW“ . ,.
.. . ,(v -I‘ , . I ., . . ,- I , Find out how totrain vour statfthequitkand easv wav
dittereiit banner ads on the \\eb_ (I! so.) Is t 1H t to! o, fit it t‘fitlt' flir/r“/trri‘}1ilr' .
instantl)’ tidiieliiii.’ reaction troin Ill/t‘t‘rl’tll" ”Vt/HI LU” HI ”I" Hi (H- ' H l l |
consumers ("FINN/ti “I HUM/H (Vt/lt‘fs’t‘ 0/ .lohii Fons! idler/15mg Scmmrns .
'l‘liei',‘ is little doubt that con Jot/i'mi/Ism (l/lt/ .llo'ss [’(lltoxltlHtilRalemerC27¢Uifr'zfiti1tiis31 '_’tl.m l
siiiiiet‘s are i‘e.IIIlI ot' 'l‘ht' Washington for good tastt‘ or 1,1”.1‘ limits on In.
apothvosis on SI-ptvInlII-r Zli ltti‘ll, [)0le III .I 1977 hook (“Hod ’l‘hp (“WWW (,t' sulInIIssIon/puhln'atIon.
Issues \\ltt'll tln= _\'I-\\ York 'l‘InII-s lwt'an l‘alitortal l’.I:'.o~ "l‘hv [Htpt't‘ statvs Jud any possililt' [IzlleIt‘nt arranpo
__ Its no“ I l‘ t‘tl [LIEU Its oun position III Its t'tlllttl‘ldls ”Hints
By Randy Hines lllt' hirth ot todax s (I'prt'tl'piltlt‘ But our ot tho t'ruI'Ial dm'IsIons lI\' Sonn' nvwspapcrs occasionallV
&Jen_y Hilliard Is also attrIlIutt-d to tho .\t'\\ \ork‘ uhn'h .I nt-u'spapvr cstahlishvs Its SIIllt'lt gm,“ columns tor ”H. opt-d
liast 'l‘t'nnvsst'vStatt‘ l'tiin'rsitv i'ml" l” H“ ”W” H“”"”” l“ llVl'SMldl'll ‘m‘l “NIH” I". lh“ pagi' troni corporatt- t-xct'iItIVt's.
talislaur} In his Introdut'tIon to t‘Xlt‘lll to \xhn‘h It IIIH‘IIS sparv to l "l l . H_ I .~ v W
. Thi- Indiunant Yvars. ltt‘ “rotv lllt' tlt‘l).tlt‘ and to thller Into otht-r Md ml In” In” writ“ I" LU“ r”-
()“" "l th“ l)"*51l’l" “WU" l" following opinions and othI-r \‘llldt'k'l‘ nn-nt lcadcrs “r nt'arhy “Ill“lrsn‘v
Int'roasv rcadvrshtp ”l lh" ”QK’P‘“ ”Tho Smu-ntivs IIsht-rI-d In an "l‘htirt- nw-ds to ho a plau- III lirllfldllnh’ Emil] Indi\'Iduals should
l)” 15 l" prosont ” \‘arn‘ty ”l “W” ago ot'skcptit'IsIn lt was Into thIs tln- papt-r \Vllt‘rt‘ “'1‘ ran print con “ml hlml'rul I” addrI-ss kl'y (lWli
ions ht-ld hy your rt'adt'rs And oiu- I-ra that tho Unlid pagr M 'I'ht- trIlIutIons ”Hm ”Mp,“ puliln' otti sion I]t;l