xt7qbz618g05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz618g05/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2012 text GLSO News, September 2012 2012 2012-09 2019 true xt7qbz618g05 section xt7qbz618g05 Q Q G L S 0
GLSO heads
. _ to the movies
U :
LU ”J Lu ”J r “a ‘FW‘ i.
Sponsored by
sQeciaI Media

 Straightlaced notes that “Saving your sexurgil-|
- ity questione is a very powe u
By Mary Crone, Contributor tool in controlling sor‘neoneb Id.
- , it’s so easy to contro some 0 y
agifihf—lggegb Haogogfiggfigwcg by questioning something that
’ - they don’t know, by making fun of
Debra Chasnoff, Will be shown on somethin the can't hel ” Fortu-
Saturday, September 22 at 10 am I g yf h tp' t lk
at the Kentucky Theater in down— nate y, many 0 t ese eens a
town Lexington about how support from friends,
' ans less often teacheLS, can make
- - - . a i erence. Rey, w o i enti 'es
ER? 3‘? flgfidesschgtoclmgtsudfegt‘; as 'transgender and transitioned
who speak frankly and powerfully dugmg lh'grr“ 5,2??? notes, Idm
about their experiences with gen- gfienll’ggy tman suu ogrrtny snag:
der, gender identity and sexual ori- They’ve stuck W13? me tel/rough
entation. While most of the youth the vivhole wa "
interviewed do identify as male or y.
airg‘sriiitvrrlirasra222W 33:28; errep serrprp fgr peep;
express a felt need to be vigilant, tors are}; ehmoments _w en youth
to make sure their clothes, be- :Bteigolgasfadeladfiltgerlgnncfg attic
havior and attitudes fit inside the e t ll fil d l ' 't t, _
male or female gender box. tvgtn 96% y ted itsaf‘il'sijilw tr? pr:
Others share how their gender _e 0 er 5 u e 0 . e ad
identity doesn’t conform to social tigay harassment he experience '
ex ectations reflects, I had a group of teach-
p ' ‘ers (brl‘ carlnkpus thaht lrhwas (:on
“ , orta e ta ing wit . ey wou
fig; fiégtmgsfiatrdfojhggim 1m? listen and they| were sympathetic,
body may be, and other people bUt njone Of E em stepped up as
may think that’s how I identify . . . arr‘i a vocate or me ' ‘ knone 0
[but] it doesn’t match.” Sky adds, Evin ggipapgg suapfet’c’) ma e sure I
“My experience is that there’s not 9 '
m%gw§§é§g§§tfiig%grfip€5 Straightlaced is_a compelling film
and girl to transgender to uh that offers a unique View into the
tomboys'. And part of growing UK; lives of adolescents across Amer-
is finding out where you fit on that icafiYogng preolplet: needtourhsup-
spectrum.” po an our_ ep 0 crea esc 005
The second part of the movie ad- where bullying and harassment
dresses the intersection of gender arsoncfietge‘rgtggrand where real
and sexuality as youth explore g '
mgghgeifigngé’nfib‘égnfififil?’ 33: If you want to contribute to school
seida talks about her struggle to safety, conSidert fin.anc'§‘“" 5‘43;
regain a “sense of self” after com- po ing or V9 un eering ime V5"
ing out as a lesbian: “You know the Gay Lesbian Serwce Organiza-
how people say that you’re hid- tion. We have been working With
ing in the closet?’f she notes..“1t's teens for twelve years.
ngtsgncloset. ' ' 'ts sort 0f hke a Our Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)
p ' f0;1 youtgsis worléigig tc; support
As. r in ormation
A young man, who does not seem SC 00
to identify as gay, DOignantlY Spsnotaég Mary Crone at mary@

 Issue 9 20 1 2 Feature Story
GLSO heads to the
CONTENTS movies “Straightlaced” Page 2
Trans_Ky October GSA Meeting
Meeting 6 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
LGBT Scholarships Trans Kentucky
Available from KFA Meeting
6 Saturday, Sept 1, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Bhere Wi" Be A GLSO Board Meeting
ay 8 Thursday, Sept 6, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
ClaSSIfieds KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
10 Saturday, Sept 8, 9 pm.
ICK puts the “fun" Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
in Fundraising Sunday, Sept 9 & 23, 6 pm.
Pride Center
_ Negative Partners of Gay Men with
s_Qec:al presents HIV Support Group
film series 12 Monday, Sept 17, 7 pm.
I —

 GLSO News Issue 9 2012

. _ Aaron Baker, President
The GLSO News '5 PUP'BhEd Vice President, Ginger Moore—
monthly by and for the Lexmgton Minder
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi— Paul Brown Secretary
zation members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services
. Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA community. Jeremy Law, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Don Lowe, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza-
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA GLSO STAFF
community through voice.
Chad Hundley, Office Manager .
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
servrce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
GLSO Pride Center nteviyf cIcirnartlbutotrsdand ediltorlal

389 Waller Avenue Sgt' @' l eres e ’ e mai
Suite 100 e Ior .g so.org.

Lexington, Ky. 40504 Pride Center Hours
859.253.3233 sit/1nd Mo3n &7TuesTH Clgsed,

e nes m- m urs m-
www.g|so.org 7pm, Fri P11afi1-5pm andpSat

"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."


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 3 Kentucky LGBT Schol- dent colleague, faculty member,
arships Available! Apply Zgrginistrator, community member,
before Sept. 15! C- -
By Ehalttzllt-Jlupdley, Undergraduate and graduate stu-
on n u or dents are welcome to apply.
Kentitijcky Faitrnless Align? (SKFA) E£b33€|gw§€P2 deadline '5 Sep
Foun ation eieves a e uca- - ’ - ' - - _
tion is the key to strong social “Ange Information is available on
p{ogress.h Discrimination fh‘as hno '
pace in t e community 0 lg er -
education. With that being said, www.kentuckyfairness.org
an ever-increasing component of
the collegiate experience is stu- TransKentucky
dents’ exposure to diversity. October Meeting
Three scholar Ships valued {it TransKentucky is once again proud
$1500 each WI“ be awarded this to host several physicians and/or
fall at the annual stateWIde fair- nurses from the UK department of
“€55 gala, OUt & AbOUt- They Will Endocrinology, Department of In-
be awarded F0 Kentucky students ternal Medicine and possibly also
based on soaal and finanCIal need, the Department of Family Medi-
scholastic aptitude and leadership cine at UK for our October Meet-
potential as well as community in- ing.
_ . The discussion will be centered on
Please PFOVlde all Of W? fONOWng the use of hormonal therapy for
m an MS word or PDF file: transgendered patients, but, will
1- Namel Home Address, Phone, also include other health concerns
Email, Grade POW AVeraQF-‘l Class and discussion relevant to the oth-
RBNK, and M.a]or(s).. er medical practices represented.
2. An autobiographical statement
thatdescribes YOU and your aca- This has become something of an
demic and future 9035- The state- annual event and is well attended.
merit should describe your educa-
tional and community experiences 50 please come out on Saturday
and your plans for future educa- October 6th, 2012 at 7:30pm to
U0“ or work- (up to 500 WOFdS) the GLSO Pride Center on Waller
3- A def5Cl'lPtl0n 0f any _S<‘_3l'_V|C¢S Avenue and lets show our grati-
to, contributions to, or actiVities in tude to these fine doctors who
the gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans- happily serve the medical needs
gender community in Kentucky. of our community.
(up to 250 words)
4. An outline of (your student in—
volvement, lea ership experi- Volunteers Needed
ences, volunteer efforts and/or
work experience. Please provide To work with Gay Straight
reference and contact information All' nc - h' h h l
for gafh experience. (up to 500 'a es m '9 SC 005
wor s
5. A statement describing your fi- Please contact Mary
nancial need. (up to 250 words) Crone
6. Three letter: of recomlmenda-
tion to suppo your app ication.
They should vary in scope (stu- at mary@glso.org

 Join the GLSO
Member Program

 There WI“ Be a Pay have it in me. I was too beaten
By Karen Taylor, Contributor down. After much prayer, tears,
and talking with Lisa we came to
In light of all the heartache, hurt the conclusion it was time to let it
feelings, and anger over the go and move on to the next stage
Chick-fil-a situation I felt the urge Of my life. Now I’m free to fig t
to write about our response as the battle from another perspec-
a community. I know we as hu- tive. Project Speak Out, the anti-
mans react to such things in vari- bullying campaign sponsored by
ous ways mostly in some form of Lexington Fairness. So instead
anger. Itotally understand, of fig ting in retaliation with my
anger and hurt I have chosen to
As one of the laws of motion state fight from a point 0f love, concern
(the first one I think), for every for the defenseless and educate
action there is an opposite and graCIously those that ignore what
equal reaction. So when hurtfu|/ is before their own eyes or are ig-
hateful actions/words are thrown norant 0f bullying effects.
out there will be hurtful/hateful
actions/words in response. How— That’s what I would love to see
ever, let’s consider for a moment our community do as we con-
the (fossibiiity that the reaction tynue to fight the battle of injus-
coul be different. It can have the tice and inequality. When they
same intensity but opposite of the throw hate speech, we pour OUt
hurt and hate. love and work to teach those who
simply do not understand what it’s
There was a time in my not too like and what it is we truly desire.
distant past where 1 was hurt Clergy for Fairness in Louisville is
more deeply than I thought imag- one SUCh approach 1 support.
inable. I was working toward
my ordination as minister with a On September the 11th, they
group who ended up turning on StOQd 50 _or so strong (gay and
me and I was totaiiy crushed. 1 straight alike) in front of Chick-fil-
was done! Never to go back to any a_ With a message 0f love. Their
church! 1 withdrew from the peo- SignS_read of God’s love for all,
pie and the church (not God but equality for all. Whenever possible
yes the people). After a period of they spoke to people who asked
mourning I finally came to a point about why they were there. NOt
of forgiveness. I approached In anger, bUt in calmnessl Wlth
those who hurt me, shared my love, and a desire to educate.
thoughts and feelings, and asked
for forgiveness for how I reacted. I pray that one day we Wlll see
It was healing for me. There, un- equality for all. I pray all Will come
fortunately, have been many situ- to know the knowledge 0f God’s
ations in my past where I reacted unconditional non-condemning
with anger then later was regret- love for us. I pray for a day When
ful for how I reacted. It’s not that all Christians gay or straight Will
the anger I felt was wrong or bad, choose to worship together, serve
it’s just that my reaction was not GOd together, pray together and
beneficial for anyone, honestly love one another as Je-
sus commanded.
I'm happy to say there have also
been times when my reaction was I encourage you find a place of
helpful; for one, m recent retire- worship and proudly, lovingly
merit. Iwas basically bullied out of Stand for What you believe in re-
my job. Sure I could have stayed gardless of what anyone says.
and fought but honestly I didn’t GOd bless you all.

 ‘14:! n ’ ‘3’ ‘1 I " ff ”‘\ ' I - ' Jiiffv‘V‘}: 3‘33““? 3
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,.k.1 ' " ’5 7 ’ ’ '
Come explore the SCience Fiction and Fantasy scene from a uniquely LGBTQQl Viewpoint Covering current
works in print, cinema. televiSion and online.
Meeting monthly at the '- e , , e : x. .n ‘13: : p. . and online to pick a new book
discuss the book from the previous month. and hold lively discussions about current projects in all media
Come and join us for what's sure to be an out of this world experience!

 September 2012 FlectaiIC. 323-0 d8ep\oAsit|, pet
- - rien , e ion ecome.
CIaSSIfiEdS Laundry room on site. Please

call Nori at 859-230-8079.
Barely Used A9 U'l“t5 For more information

' $325 Negotiab e or to _place a FREE
Two Pinguino PAC c1205 Air ClaSSIfiEd ad
conditioning units with re-
mote controls and all that have in our next edition, please
barely been used. Works great! email the detailed info to Chad
Retai s normally for $400+ but at chad@glso.org.
selling for $32 but negotiable.

Contact the Pride Center at All classifieds should be direct-

859-253-3233 for more infor- ed through the Pride Center

mation and/or to see the units. and shou d be short but con-

tain the basic information of

Historic Victorian For Wthor What, When, Where, cost,
Rent - $620 e C-

. Deadline for all submissions to
Main flQOF apartment DOWN' the GLSO Newsletter is Sep-
TOWN in restored 110 year tember 20 201;
old home! ZBR lBA, livin%,l ’
lar e kitchen w/dishwasher
will) hookucps. Hdwd floors,
rear deck, ff-Street parking.

Ready Aug lst. Aduts 21+

pletasgl. Pr$e63r0né> pets;é blut ne-

on e. e051, ear -- - -
Pease, pay own uptilities. lear- '5 YOUIGlftlngln MUSIC,
tin Luther King at 4TH Street.

Email sross@qx.net. ,

Fur Coat For Sale ‘ , »
Gorgeous Fur Coat valued at leourheart on fire for the Lord?
$15,000. Asking only $3,000. ,

Would be great for an elegant Are you searching fora place?
drag Bgecgformera orwacltaésyurgal

ir. i ures vai n ' '
gequest. If interested, please Open Arms 0f GOd MlnlStl'y
contact Joyce K Cruse a 859- I
254-682. Needs You.

1 BR Apartments for


North Hanover Avewjust off

East Main St, near oodland

Park. Kitchen & bath. Private . . . ~ ,
entry. $550 per month plus

_ I

 Putting the FUN, in incLedibleh taleétts to thedésfitag‘t’ac
' ' ' ' ma ing e ]U ging very i cu
FUNdra's'Ҥ1w'th Re'gn and szOSE' Uitimiteiry, Mi|ss Avg
- - - Mac - t. James too t e tite wit
By Trinity, Contributor her illusion of Beyonce, narrowly
It’s been a busy month for Reign geagrligeoug‘igl; S'Qggw'é'gc Shim/g
31 and the ICK' mere) 8 pts. Thedpggearht \fivorthy
_ num ers provi e y t e emae
After the huge success 0f Inves line filled the competition time
titures 31, we continued the mo- and rocked Bogarts Lounge for
mentum and held the lst Emper- the full hour'
or’shCarwarsh on Eatunday, Augtlist '
1.“ I .i” t e par ing 0t at Pu 5e For the month of Se tember
Nightlife (http://www.pulsenight- we will continue our schgdule of
“Te-COW)- It was a beaUt'fu‘ day FUNdraising starting with our Di—
on fact several 0f us even 9°t vas of Hazzard show at Crossings
sunburned) and the event was an on Wed the 5th Complete with
enormous success. With the male a Down. Home buffet of Spam
and female lines washing over 30 cheese in a can bugles moon
(tars and receivmg several dona- pies, Vieeny sausages, and all the
tions. fixins.
The following evening was the Rei - - _
n ,, gn 31 Will be traveling to Wash
HYSTERICAL Judy Show held ington DC for their lst Coronation
at The Horse 8‘ 33"“ 59b .(http.// Ball the weekend of the 14-16th,
dams-COW)- . Judy S interac— with a large contingency repre—
tive, impersonation, comedy show senting the ICK
incledeéi “appearances" b8: J(udy '
Gar an r Peare Bai ey, my On the 26th we will be hostin a
favorite) Bette Davis, another benefit for the American Canger
greatly successful night!!! Society at Pulse Nightlife. Put-
ting on a show in memory of Jon
HMIM Emperor 3.1 hosted the “JUICE” Noland (aka Jeanette Wil—
lst monthly edition of ana de Mother of the Court)
with The Emperor, at ouEhhom/e ’
bar Crossings Lexington _ttp:. As ou can tell we’ve been ex-
crossmgslexmgtoncoml) With his trem/ely busy thus far and will
co—hostess, M'SS l-ielena Handbas- continue with even more FUN
ket. JUSt. a evening 0f fun, tF'Y'aI filled events and shows through-
& cocktails. This months edition out the Reign We look forward to
will be held at Pulse Nightlife on seeing you at'future events
Thursday, September I27th. Dtfi- '
ry’s specia co— OSt t is mon : Anyone interested in becoming a
HIM lPowager Emfi'flhw Fred member of the Imperial Court of
WC”? am, (5 I rumor Kentucky can contact either Mon-
has it........there could be a speCIal arch or any member of our Board
assesses3.3.333?$3 .ofct WWW-
you didn’t hear it from me.) imperialcourtkentucky.org/
Most recently, we held the annual In SerVice,
ICK Julie Vaughn Memorial Closet Trinity
Ball at Bogart’s Lounge. We hatjhz
FIERCE contestants wing or e
coveted title of Closet Ball Queen/ fiwwfiggéefgg 1Empress
King. Both contestants brought

 sQecial presents themjes as my ihort films — Iciilte
' | t e iscovery t at you are i-
queer films" ferent. But my short films didn’t
In celebration of the Lexington explore what happens-$1 after
LGBTQ community, and as a way that discovery. This film lS about
of saying thanks, independent whats next, and I war’i’ted that
counte'r/quger cutture bookstore to be something happy.
sQecia Me ia wi sponsor our .
films to be shown throughout Oct9ber21St-Par'ah0011?
the month of October, three of Coming 0‘“ '5 generally a wel
which will comprise the first of— trodden' path. 'h the land of
ficial GLSO Queer Film Series. queer crnema, luckllv Dee Rees
brilliantly engaging Pariah gives
First, as the final installment in us_ new eyes W'th Wh‘eh tosee
this year’s Rosa Goddard Inter- th's often awkward and difficult
national Film Festival, sQecial ”thal-
will feature Weekend (2011), a . . 'h .
British art house release from di- th‘m'hg W't tenaCJtY: _op—
rector Andrew Haigh. This boy— timism, and verve, Al'ke '.5 a
meets-boy indie ode to new love 17-year-old African—American
will be shown at the Kentucky woman navlgetmg the complex“
Theater on Wednesday, October ties 0f family "fe and community
3rd at 7:15pm. Tickets will cost “me trying _to figure (”it Net
$5 where she fits In. Rees abil-
' ity to show the humanity of all
Only a few days later, the GLSO the film’? major players, and the
"Queer Film Series will begin! In overall srdestepping 0f one—note
partnership with the GLSO, sQe- characterisations make Pariah a
ciral will prerslené three film: to bfi genre-defying tour de force.
s own att e owntown ranc
of the Lexington Public Library in October 28th T Heartbeats
the Farish Theater on Sundays (20.10) ,
at 2pm. Free admission. Xavrer Dolans amorous an_d
candy-coloured Heartbeats lS
October 7th _ North Sea a glossy and darkly comic look
Texas (2011) ’ at the lengths gay man Francis
After nearly two decades of and his gal pal Marie go to in the
making acclaimed gay-themed battle for the heart of the same
short films, Belgian director fellow, the strikingly beautiful,
Bavo Defurne adapts André Sol— albeit sexually ambiguous NICO-
he’sbnovelfooitgahat rcIl'it ovelr fog las.
is eauti u an i s ise . .
first feature length gum], guts Th's acerblca'W astute 'Cannes
Noordzee Texas. Film Festival award—Winning fea-
’ ture plums the depths of friend-
It is the story of young dreamer Sh'p! love, Owe-55'9“]. an?! the
Pim, a Walter Mitty of sorts, who fragile yet resrlient mtrrcacres of
grows up and falls for Gino, the the human heart.
somewhat older and fiber-cool I
boy next door with attitude and Hope_ to See you there. Please
a motorcycle to boot. In writing e-mail sqecral@g_mail.com or call
about the film, Defurne says, (859).255'4316 'f you have any
“It explores many of the same questions. I

Th GLSO R ‘ b S
f_-ii\-‘-"l \ raft”
_ .13 515 3 Harrison 300050!
The Imperial Court of Kentucky '
iInpclky@aoi.mm V’va.Impcn"a]CouflKcnllucky.0rg
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors

SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.g|so.org 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Festival—www.|expridefest.org 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
. . Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
W TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoo.com
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 W
377-606-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Hea'th DePt-I W°°df°rd 859373-4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/ AIDS Legal Project 5025841254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
L°“i5""'e Re9i°n 502574-0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339
Norther” KY- Regi°n 859341-4254 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
Community and Social EEQIIDS Studenxfimuns
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Be'ea C°“ege ACE 859958-3533
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 centre C°”ege BGLA 859238-5332
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 :
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 '\ («0‘ View
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ cOS“:dof‘*‘g
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 dgfid°¢§®
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ “$89923; .
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 “©9690th
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 3’8 r
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 '
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO NEWS Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 September 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor©glso_org
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