xt7qbz616v9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz616v9g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-12-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 4, 1987, no. 516 text The Green Bean, December 4, 1987, no. 516 1987 1987-12-04 2014 true xt7qbz616v9g section xt7qbz616v9g   TQ G    ;    €‘ ,A   E   l  J   B   A  I aris    
Number 516 A December 4, 1987
Q 5. P. E E Q Q B
December 1-31 "Read a New Book" Month.
December 4 Gallery Series -— "Anorexia and Bulimia" : .
Lecture and audio-visual presentation: Dr.
Laurie Humphries, Department of Psychiatry,
School of Medicine. `
Thomas Carlyle, 1795-1881, Scottish essayist.
December 7 Willa Cather, 1873-1947, American author.
December 8 James Thurber, 1894-1961, American essayist
and artist.
December 9 John Milton, 1608-1674, English poet. '
December 10 Melvil Dewey, 1851-1931, American librarian. y
Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886, American poet.
December 11 Gallery Series: Baroque Instrumental and
Vocal Music: Concert: Collegium Baroque
Ensemble: Jonathan Glixon, Director.
Annie Jump Cannon, 1863-1941, American
astronomer and discoverer of five stars.
December 16 Jane Austen, 1775-1817, English novelist.
Next Green Bean: Friday, December 18.
Deadline: Friday, December 11.
Production Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; ,
Typist7pr0ofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
Ina Newsletterlof the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 FROM TEE EDITOR°S DESK my Mass Communication and
Social Issues classes this
With the Christmas and New ,semester. I know it takes a
Year's holidays coming up, the lot of time and effort on your
GB schedule will undergo some parts but I frankly don't know
temporary changes. Note that what my students or I would do `
the next GB will be on without your expertise... A
schedule, December 18; however, Sincerely,
there will then not be an issue
until January 8. Deadline for Ramona Rush,
that issue will be Monday, Professor of
January 4. Communications
ABOVE A_N_D BEYOND ****>’<***
Barb Hale in Government Mr. Willis has received the
Publications and Rob Aken and following letter:
Kathy Martin in Reference
received the following letters: Dear Mr. Willis:
Dear Barbara: Recently I attended the
I want to thank you for annual conference of the ‘
taking the time and effort to Kentucky Library Association at
teach both my classes on Mass Ft. Mitchell, Ky. At that
Communications and Social conference I heard a
Issues how to access government presentation by Teresa Burgett
documents. These sessions take and Kit Roberts concerning a
a lot of effort on your part, list they had compiled of
but they are well worth it for "Significant Changes in LC I
the students. . . Subject Headings, l974~l985."
Sincerely, I was very impressed and
gratified that the two of them
Ramona Rush, had taken the time and trouble
Professor of to create such a xieeful and
Communications practical aid for catalogers.
As you may have heard, I
**** have been working as a
cataloger in Crabbe Library at
Dear Rob and Kathy: Eastern Kentucky University
I wanted to thank you for since January 1985. For the _
preparing and teaching such past year I have been
good sessions on accessing coordinator of the
library references to both of Bibliographic Control Unit. In

 that role I must spend a lot of Sale on November 12 raised a
time seeing that the subject total of $166.60.
headings in our card catalog The LSO Christmas luncheon
are correct, up—to-date, etc. vwill be held on Thursday,
Therefore, I was very happy to December 17, at the King Alumni
receive a copy of Teresa House on Rose Street at 11:30
Burgett's and Kit Robert’s list a.m. The luncheon ls open to
of old and new forms of subject both members and non—members.
headings. We have made copies LSO members should bring a
of it for a number of dish. Non—members will be ·
departments in our library charged a $2 admission in
including the Reference addition to bringing a dish.
Section. we have already found LSO will also be collecting
the list useful in the toys for children in the
Cataloging Section. University Hospital at
You are fortunate to have Christmas at the luncheon.
someone as capable as Mrs. Members and non—members are
Burgett. I heard her make a urged to bring a toy in
presentation on LS2000 at a addition to their dish. ‘
SOLINET Users' Group meeting a
year or two ago and I was » PHONE NUMBER CHANGE
favorably lmpressed at how well
· she spoke and how clearly she Please note that the phone ·
presented her ideas. numbers for the Head of
Sincerely, Acquisitions and for Mary
McLaren's personal number have I
Nancy McKenney been changed from 7-8388 to 7-
****** .-
Jean Robinson of Technical
Services was nominated by that Ling-yu W. (Mlko) Pattle
un1t’s staff for radio station became the head of cataloging .
WCOZ’s "Secretary of the Day" on August 17. A 1968 graduate .
in November. Not only ·d1d . of the University of Kentucky,
their combined recommendations Miko has worked as a cataloger
wln her that honor for November at Kentucky State University,
9, but she was also named as head of cataloging at
"Secretary of the week" for the Eastern Kentucky University,
week of November 9-13. and, most recently, as library
automation coordinator and _
DSO NOTES technical services director at ;
The LSO Bake and Craft M1ko's main goals are to
3 .

 provide quick and effective of this semester. Percival I
access to library materials and Everett of the English .
to maintain a complete and Department will be the guest on f
clean database. Her immediate December 9 from noon until 1:00 {
goal is to keep her desk p.m. Q
cleared once a week. All faculty and staff are  
A native of Taiwan, China, eligible to attend. Please *
she ls presently serving as the contact Brad Grissom at 7-8397
principal for the Lexington to register for the luncheon. ( .
Chinese School. (Submitted by Rob Aken.)
At the November 23 meeting ’
of the PC Learners Group, Gary In response to the results
Stottlemyer demonstrated the of the survey circulated
use of telecommunications, recently by the Branch Training
reviewed terms used in remote Committee, the committee has
communication and showed how to scheduled a number of training
define parameters in Smartcom and information sessions for
communications software. this year. The first of these
. The next meeting of the was a session on December 1
group will be a tour of the (repeated on December 3) with ‘
Computing Center in Mcvey Hall. the Circulation Policies Group
Levine Thrailkill, manager of at which policy and procedure
academic user services at the statements were handed out and
center, will conduct the tour discussed.
and answer questions. On December 7 from 10:00
The tour will be held a.m. until noon (and again on
Thursday, December 17, from December 10 from 1:00-3:00
10:00 — 11:00 a.m. The group p.m.) there will be a session
will meet at the front entrance on managing and running jobs.
to Mcvey Hall. Since The circulation department
. reservations are necessary for staff will cover such topics as
the tour, please call Christie how often to run fines, ·
Robinson at 7-8372 or Gary procedures for delinquents, 3
Stottlemyer at 7-8349 to recalls and related topics from
reserve your place. (Submitted the perspective of a large
by Christie Robinson.) system. The same toplcs will
also be discussed from the
GAINES CENTER LUNCHEON perspective of a branch or _
department. If there is enough
A few openings remain for time, the meeting will also
the last Gaines Center luncheon cover when cleanup work should
‘ 4

 be done online or when errors software collection at Mankato
should kx  reported ·to Online State University (Minnesota)
Cataloging. when a water pipe burst in the
In the spring there will be ,ceiling above the technical
a session on other functions of services area of Memorial
the administrative subsystem, Zbibrary during the early
including circulation backup, morning hours of June 18, 1986.
the options in the view reports In addition to soaking trucks _
function and other possible of posters, sound recordings,
reports. There will also be a kits and other audiovisual
three—part session on student materials, the water thoroughly
training, covering training in drenched the complete run of
general, ideas for student the microcomputer serial,
manuals and CAI circulation Softnisk. All fifty—five
training packages. issues (l~4 disks per issue)
The session on electronic were in open boxes on top of a
mail, beginning in early book truck, waiting to be
January, will be handled labeled, Dirty water poured
through the Staff Development from the ceiling tiles, filling
Committee as a series of brown the boxes and plastic jackets
J bag lunch sessions for small in which the disks are kept.
groups followed by hands—on As we picked up individual
practice. disks, water dripped out of the
Procedures for changing the openings in the disk sleeves.
texts of notices will be we decided to experiment with
handled through the Systems these wet disks.
Office rather than being done Disks have a cloth—like
as a workshop. Information lining inside the black plastic
will be forthcoming. permanent sealed jacket. This
If you have questions or lining absorbs moisture. Some `
suggestions, please call Joanne of our disks were only damp —— t
Goode at 7~8365 (JMS (xi E— they neither dripped nor ·
Mail). (Submitted by Joanne spurted water when squeezed.
Goode. These we dried using a handheld
hair dryer with an "air"
SALVAGING wgg QISES setting. The disks were held
in such a way that air could be
[The article below, reprinted directed into an Vopening on 2
from the U*N*A*B*A*S*Hjgjg either side