xt7qbz616v8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz616v8w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-06-05 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 5, 1987, no. 505 text The Green Bean, June 5, 1987, no. 505 1987 1987-06-05 2014 true xt7qbz616v8w section xt7qbz616v8w No. 505 June 5, 1987
June 5 Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in 1968 in Los Angeles.
June 8 Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959.
June 9 Hong Kong leased to the British in 1898. It reverts to
the People's Republic of China in 1997.
June 9 George Stephenson, 1781-1848. British inventor and
designer of the steam locomotive.
June 11 Richard Strauss, 1864-1949. German composer.
June 12 Founding of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and
Museum in Cooperstown, NY in 1939.
June 13 william Butler Yeats, 1865-1939. Irish poet, dramatist
and Nobel Pr1ze—w1nner.
June 14 John Bartlett, 1820 - 1905. Compiler of Bartlett's
Famous Quotations.
June 14 Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811-1896. American writer, 1
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
June 15 Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907. Norwegian composer.
June 17 Anniversary of the break—1n and consequential arrests
in the Watergate Office Complex in 1972.
June 21 Father's Day. ` A
Next Green Bean: Friday, June 19
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, June 12
Production Staff: Editor/typist: Kerry Kresse; Typist/copy
editor: _iggoI wnta; Printer: Cecil Madison. _ _
he ewsletter of the Umversnty
  of Kentuclky Lnbrarnes
(Cn ,0 ·,". z,. , ? .·   ( 4T   bf   , ·"’ _/5C-!
      ra. an we /» < » 9/ aq, ou!./6 J,   J »

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK -- July 24), please submit it ‘
by June 12 for the next lssue.
Immediately following this Thanks.
column ls a very lmportant Happy reading! ——KLK
announcement regarding
employment with the University.
Please read it carefully and IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL
keep a copy for your records. ACT OF 1986
This issue has a few new
features, most of which involve All em lo ees hired after
LS2000 hints, and hardware November 6, 1986 must prove
and/or software information. c1tIzensHIp or verify
Tari Keller will be submitting employment eligibility to work
information on a regular basis. at the University. This
So, if there is anything that includes faculty, staff and
you would especially like her students. Employees hired
to cover in future issues of after this date have until
the Green Bean, please contact September 1, 1987 to prove that i ‘
either Tarl Keller at 257-2643 they are eligible for  
or me at 257-5954. employment with UK. Unless I 
we will begin with hints these documents are provided, g
for electronic mail, especially the University has no choice I
how fo read your mail and how but to terminate your i
to delete messages from your employment at that time. ’
flle. From my own experience, In order to prove that you 1
electronic mail is a helpful are eligible to work, you must l
way to transmit information provide the following: E
without being frustrated by · .  
mail delays or busy s:Lgnals!! A. Any lng of the following: t
I would also like to 1. U.S. passport
salute the Univac computer, the 2. Certificate of U.S. _
world's first commercial cltlzenshlp I
computer, who is going to be 36 3. Naturalization certi-
years old on June 14. Happy flcate
birthday! where would we be 4. An unexpired foreign
without you??! passport if the pass-
port has an unexpired
=·=> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT <·== endorsement by the I
Because of {He ALA Attorney General for Q
conference in San Francisco work in the U.S.  
from June 25-30, and my 5. A resident alien card K
vacation for the week or registration card
V immediately following, the if it contains a
Green Bean will be following a photograph and is
rather irregular publication evidence of author-
schedule. June 19 will be the ization for employ-
next issue, but the issue after ment.
that will not be published
until July 24. The deadline —---— gg ———--
_ for inclusion will be July 17.
If you need to publicize any
events for that period (June 19

 · B. gpg from each sect1¤n should subm1t the I-9 forms to
below: Ann Howell along w1th payroll
1. Employment Author1zat1on act1vat1on forms, and the
1. Soc1al Secur1ty card standard l1brary appl1cat1on-
(unless 1t states on for-employment forms, w-4 and
— 1ts face that 1t does K-4 forms, 1f necessary, for
not au tho r 1 z e all new employees. It 1s the
employment) emEloyee's res?pons1b1I1ty to
11. U.S. b1rth cert1- o a n e I-9 orm an g ve
ficate o e r su ervisor.
111. Any other document If you Have any questlons,
approved by the call Ann Howell 1n the
Attorney General. D1rector's Off1ce at 257-3801.
2. Ident1f1cat1on
1. Dr1ver's llcense ACTS NEWS
11. State 1.d. card, 1f
1t conta1ns a photo The ACTS Executive ‘
or other suff1c1ent Comm1ttee held a spec1al
1dent1fy1ng 1nforma— election to f1ll Gerald Morse's
t1on pos1t1on on the Comm1ttee. we
11. Other 1dent1f1cat1on are proud to announce that
approved by the Steve Savage of PNM 1s the new
Attorney General. ACTS Execut1ve Committee member
__ for the remainder of the year.
Effect1ve 1mmed1ately, all The ACTS Executive
new employees (students, Committee 1s acceptlng names of
faculty, and staff) must volunteers to run for the 1987-
complete an I-9 form before 1988 ACTS Executlve Committee.
they beg1n work. The I-9 forms Nom1nat1ons w1ll also be
and cert1f1er are avallable accepted. Please send your
only at the locatlons l1sted suggestions to Julie Stone 1n
below. THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE Collect1on Development or Mary A
FROM THE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE. Geyer 1n Acqu1s1t1ons.
(Subm1tted by Cindy Parker)
-—Campus Employment Off1ce, 252
East Maxwell
——Med1cal Center Personnel LS2000 NOTES & NEWS
Off1ce, ClO1E Chandle_r (By TarI Keller)
Medical Center
--Chancellor's Off1ce, Medical For the Medlcal Llbrary
_ Center (faculty only) Staff on Saturday, May 9th, you
--Commun1ty College Associate may have notlced the system
Director or Bus1ness would not let you log on after
Off1cer 12:00 noon. On Saturday, for
—-Certa1n Agr1c:ultural Exten- some unknown reason, we used up
s1on Agents almost all of the rema1n1ng
d1sk space on the current d1sk
Students return1ng to work dr1ve. we were expecting to
. 1n the Fall w1ll be required to last at least another week: It
obtain an I-9 form before be1ng was not noticed until 9:30pm by
able to work. Supervisors a systems admlnistrator, who

 then called OCLC. Maureen a data compression. They will I
Dorian, after consultation with rearrange the data on the disk
that system administrator, drives to use the space on the
erased some old files to create drives as efficiently as ‘
enough space for the system to possible. I'll tell you more L
be able to work normally on about that in a later issue. .
Sunday. On Friday, May 22, we were
For all LSZOOO users, on at a point in the procedures
Tuesday, May 12 at 12:15am for cleaning out files and
(just past midnight!) I compression that enabled us to
received a call from Mcvey take the system down for (
Hall. The Library Computer several small tasks. The
console printer had left a system was down for about 20
message "POWER GOING DOWN, minutes. During that time, we A
FATAL SYSTEM POWER FAILURE." changed the baud rates for the
After trying unsuccessfully to Music Library ports and I
bring the system up in the wee expanded the buffer size for an -
hours of the morning, OCLC and OCLC downloading port rn T ,
Meditech (SOftWBfB) decided Agriculture. we also wrote a [
. that Data General (hardware) patch to record permanently to ‘ 
needed to be called in the disk a correction in the l I
morning. After doing some operating system (the [
testing of the hardware, the min:Lcomputer's version of DOS) (
Data General service that prevents records from i
representative found a fuse had merging when they are g
blown in the expansion cha sis. downloaded.  
The expansion chassis is W e r e c e i v e d ' 5
connected to the Central recommendations from several f
Processing Unit (CPU), and when librarians concerning taking I
it lost power, the CPU decided the system down and we are
to power itself down for a few incorporating their suggestions
minutes to give the circulation into our procedures. whenever
transactions in the CPU time to possible, we will put a message _
file safely away before on the computer giving advance
allowing the CPU to totally warning when the system has to 3
turn itself off. (The battery go down, and approximately how
backup system is not supposed long it will be down. (This
to keep the LS2000 operational was not really possible in the
for any longer than that.) _ May 22 instance.) In the '
After the fuse was warning messages sent out when
replaced, the service we are about to take the system I
representative was able to down, we will include the I
bring the system back up. We approximate down time so _
ran some tests over the last circulation units know whether
few days to make sure the or not to bring out circ
system suffered no damage backup. This is very important
because of the blown fuse. when an advanced warning
Late Sunday night, the tests message has not been in place. y
were finished and the system Speaking of down time, on
had an error free report. Friday, June 5 the computer had _
. Thank goodness! its quarterly maintenance .
OCLC is now ready to start check—up. During the

 4 Preventatlve Maintenance, alread read.
otherwise known as "PM", the MaII you have already read ‘
Data General servlce ls stored ln your GENERAL flle.
representative runs tests to At the MAIL) prompt, you can
check out the computer•s type R  and you are now ln
central processlng unlt and our the READ>> part of electronic _
peripheral equipment (tape mall. If you then t pe H A ‘
drlves, dlsk drlves, console , the system wlll glll out d
terminal and hlgh speed the comman Headers All and
printer). He may also replace wlll glve you a Ilst df the
any belts that are wearlng out message numbers and subjects of
(like you would replace the fan the mall you have received so
belt ln your car) and run far. Now you can type T and a
speclal checks per our request message number wlth a  and
(llke examining the dlsk drlve the system wlll display that
heads.) These PM's usually message on the screen. Another I
take about three to four hours  wlll allow the system to
depending on the extra work put more of a long message on
needed and lf there are any the screen, or lt wlll put you ‘
parts that need to be replaced. back at the READ>> prompt.
We try to schedule the PM's
when the system ls relatlvely How to delete messa es
qulet lf at all possible. They To deIeEe unwanted
wlll probably be done ln June, messages, you must be at the
_. September, December and March. READ>> prompt. Type D and the
message number you want to
delete and then . (HINT--
LS2000 HELP AFTERHOURS Don’t know which message
numbef(S) you want to delete??
Have you been havlng Read the above lnstructlons for
problems wlth the Llbrary readlng old messages.) when
Computer after 4:30pm and on you are ready to leave the
weekends?? Help ls at hand! READ>> mode, be sure to type E _
All you need to do ls:  for EXIT ng e READ>>
mode. Thls wlll erase those
1. Call 231-4342. old messages from our files. ,
2. After you hear three beeps, You may delete ali your old
dlal your phone number and messages from any one flle by (
hang up. _ typlng D A , for DELETE “.
3. Mlke, Gall, Tarl or Paul ALL.
wlll call you as soon as
they can. Is there a speclflc aspect
. of LS2000 that you would llke a
(Submitted by Tarl Keller) llttle clarlflcatlon on that
would also beneflt other
members of the staff?? If so,
HOw—TO TIPS FOR LS20g_Q_ slmply call Tarl Keller at 257-
(By Tarl Keller) 2643 with your request.
****ELECTRONIC MAlL**** Next _lssue—-how to store
mall tha? you send, and how to
How to read mall you have look at lt at a later date.

 KENTUCKY SOLINET USERS GROUP have Wordstar 2000, but have ·
EPRING MEETING not yet installed lt for your L
computer, please let us know y
The Kentucky SOLINET Users tha , too.)
Group wlll meet at Northern To sign up, ~ please call g
Kentucky University for its Mary Vass at 257-1351. If you ?
"Spr1ng Meeting" on June 19th. are unable to attend this
After the usual SOLINET update, work hop but would like to see ?
the program will consist of another offered, or if you
either the Serials Format would like an advanced wordstar
workshop g_r the Machine- 2000 workshop, please call Mary
Readable Dataflle Format Vass at 257-1351, Joanne Goode
workshop. This is a great at 257-8365, or aonnle Cox at
opportunity to attend a MARC 257-5895. we will try to
format workshop CHEAPII schedule other workshops if the
Registration deadline is June demand is sufficient. l
12th. Call Janet Chlsman at p
257-8411 to register. For a §
copy of the registration form, COPY CARDS COME TO THE {
I please call Kerry Kresse at CHEMISTRY7PHYSICS LIBRARY j 
257-5954. i
The Chemistry/Physics j
Library recently received a new |
PC LEARNERS GROUP photocopier machine, along with {
the new copy card system. y
The PC Learners Group is Plastic cards with magnetic _ 1
sponsoring a workshop strips, very similar to bank  
introducing Wordstar 2000. All machine cards, are now u ed in
interested library staff are place of cash. A copy card
invited to attend, whether you machine was installed next to
are brand new wordstar 2000 the copier. This machine .
users or old pros. The allows the patron, for $1, to
workshop will cover the basics buy a card for 50 cents, and -
of wordstar 2000 (Versions 1 then credits him/her for 50 g
and 2), and will be held on cents worth of copies. The .
wednesday, June 10 from 8:00 to card can be recharged by
10:0Oam 1n the University putting it back lnto the 7
Extens1on’s Microcomputer Lab machine, and then inserting $1 v»
in 203 Frazee Hall. Mary Vass or $5 bills. The machine then j
and Kerry Kresse will be credits the card for whatever 3
leading the workshop. amount was inserted :Ln the
This will be a hands-on machine.
workshop wlth some practice Another type of card can H
involved. we plan to keep the be purchased for departmental
session limited to two people use or library use. The cards L
per terminal. Those who sign are purchased for a certain
up will need to brlng their number of copies (up to K
copies of DOS and their 10,000), and each copy is
wordstar 2000 disks and deducted as it is made.
manuals. (If you don't have Although the Chemistry! I
either one of these, please let Physics Library is currently
Mary or Kerry know. If you the only library with the copy

 card system, other branch School of Library Serv1ce and 2
l1brar1es and the King Llbrary be U.S. citizens or dpermanent ‘
w1ll soon be rece1v1ng the copg residents. The dea l1ne for Q
card equ1pment. If you woul fellowsh1p applications w1ll be
like a demonstrat1on of the July 3, 1987. Rec1p1ents of Y
system, just stop 1n the awards must beg1n the programs Y
Chem1stry/Physics Library and of study full-t1me ln the Fall
ask Kerry or C1ndy. 1987 term. 3
For further information 1
and application forms, please .
LIBRARY FELLOWSHIPS contact Carol L. Learmont,
Assoc1ate Dean of Admissions, y
School of Llbrar Service, School of L1brary Serv1ce, 516
CoIumEIa UnIversIE . Butler Library, Columbla
THe ScHooI of Library University, New York, NY. Y
Servlce, Columbia Un1vers1ty, 10027. (212)280—2292.
has been awarded three
fellow h1ps by the U.S. Dept. Universit of Southern I
of Education under the Title CaIIfornIa L¥5rar FeIIowsHI s. I
II—B of the Hlgher Education T w o U S C L I 5 r a r y Y Y
Act of 1987-1988. Pr1or1ty for Fellowships are awarded
all three awards w1ll go to annually to early or m1d—career 1
members of under-represented 1 n f 0 r m a t 1 o n s c 1 e n c e T
groups who are 1nterested 1n professlonals, and are designed _
1ncreased opportunities for to continue for s1x months’
profess1onal advancement which duration. The fellowships Y
would otherwlse be unavallable carry a v1s1t1ng appointment to ` ’
to them. ` the Central Library System. Y
The Cert1f1cate in They are designed to enhance '
1nformat1on Management 1s strategic plannlng and applied
intended to provide advanced research for electronlcally
opportun1t1es for study and generated 1nformat1on required A
tra1n1ng for persons not by the scholarly community.
necessarily w1sh1ng to pursue a The Fellows' programs will be
research degree. It 1s developed 1n consultation w1th
especially useful for managers. the Assoc1ate Un1vers1ty ,
Emphasis 1n the program will be Librarian for Academ1c
on attaining a fundamental Information Services. ;
understanding of the pr1nc1ple_s Practicum and hands-gon y
of b1bl1ograph1c control, the experience w1ll be emphasized.
core of l1brar1ansh1p, how it Each fellowsh1p w1ll carry Y
1s being and will be influenced an award of $15,000 and an
by new 1nformat1on technol09Y. additional sum for certa1n Q
and the importance of policy as r e l a t e d e x p e n s e _s . l
‘ _ a gu1d1ng force. Qualifications include the MLS g
Fellowships in the or Information Sclence degree, l
Cert1f1cate program will and evidence of substantlal “
receive full u1t1on and a accomplishment in electron1c I
_ stipend of $6000 for twelve academic 1nformat1on j
months. environments 1n the research
Appl1cants must meet the l1brary community. Appllcants ~
adm1ss1on requ1rements of the are expected to show at lea t I
7 A

seven years’ relevant Court. l
experience in research
libraries or academic June4 Yueh—hua Glza. ~
information systems. For Chemistry, synthesls,
information write: Dean characterization and
Charles Rltcheson, University utilization of 1,2
Librarian and Vlce-Provost, dicarbonyl polymers.
Doheny Memorial Library, .
University of Southern June 11 Frederick Solomon.
p California, University Park, M u l t 1 c o m p o n e n t
Los Angeles, CA. 90089—0182. systems.
The University of Southern June ll John Rink. Civil
Ca orn a Mar a Boaz rights and liberties.
~ DIs`€InguIsHed ResearcH
- Pro essors . June 18 Philip Sturm.
THe Martha Boaz Conflict in the Ohlo `
Distinguished Research valley. ;
Professorship is awarded
annually to a distinguished June 25 Robin Geiger. Ordinal
member of the Library, categorical data. . 
Information Science or Human  
y Resources professions for June 25 Linda Woolsey. Thomas 2
research during a six-month DeQu1ncey.  
period running from January lst . r
to June 30th. During that time  
the incumbent will hold a 1987-1988 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE .
visiting appointment to the ASSIGNMENTS 2
University of Southern  
» California Central Library The 1987-1988 University i
System and conduct research on committee assignments have been i
a problem mutually identified announced. The Librarians  
as of major importance to the Academic Area Advisory Q
research library community and Committee members are: %
to the University of Southern  
I California Library System in william Marshall, '88, Chair  
particular. Michael Harris, '88 3
For more information, Hubert Martin, '89 l
write Dean Charles Rltcheson, Janet Stlth, '89 'L
University Librarian and vice- Judith worell, '89 I
Provost, Doheny Memorial Gall Kennedy, ’88, alternate _
Library, University of Southern E
California, University Park, .
Los Angeles, CA 90089—0182. STAFF ACTIVITIES ‘
Karen Cobb attended the
Approximately 2000 people
‘ All programs are informal and attended the conference, and
held during the lunch hour about 112 exhibitors
every Thursday at 110 Maxwelton participated. She has compiled

 a 4-page report of activities Assistant or Associate ·
at the conference, and has Librarian. Environmental I
placed a copy of the conference Design Library. University of
proceedings in the Reference California-Berkley. Salary:
¤apartme¤t•¤ Computer Search $24,012 - $32,232. Deadline: I
Room in Klng South. July 15, 1987. ;
Head, Access Services, 1
THEBOOKSHELF Associate Librarian. ;
University of California, San I
Handbook of Librar§ Training Diego. Salary: $29,340- »
Prac ce E e y Ray $42,264. Deadline: July 31, ’
PryEHercH. Brookfield, VT: 1987. J
Gower; 1986. Call no. Z688.5 {
.H36 1986. Japanese Studies Librarian.
University of California, San t
Diego. Salary: Assistant , _
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Librarian, $24,012 - $30,720; 3
Associate Librarian, $29,340 - ©
LT IV, Grade 8, Education $42,264; Librarian, $39,456 -
Library, M. I. King. $54,696. Deadline: July 31, [
1987. ·
Head, Reference and Research s
Acquisitions Librarian, serv1¤es Department. !
‘ Assistant Professor. University of California, San Q
University of Alabama. Salary Diego. Salary: Assoclate i
$21,000. Deadline: July 15, Librarian, $29,340*- $42,264. E
1987. Librarian, $39,456 - $54,696.  
Deadline: July 31, 1987. I
Associate Curator (Assistant
Professor). unlverslty of Head, Cataloging Services }
Alabama. Salary: Assist. Department. University of i
Prof. rank, salary minimum, California, San Diego. Salary: ¤
$21,000. Permanent, 12-mo., Associate Librarian, $29,340- ¤
full-time posltlon, tenure $42,264. Librarian, $39,456 - I
track. Deadline: July 1, $54,696. Deadline: July 31,
1987. wav. p
Head, Systems Services , Head, Circulation Department.  
Associate Librarian. Yale University. Salary: 2
University of California- $27,000 minimum. Deadline: [
Berkley. Salary: $29,340- May 31, 1987. s
$34,452. Deadline: July 15, ’
1987. HAWAII y
Collection Development Officer, i
University of Hawaii at Manoa. ?
· Salary: $33,648 - $49,812. ;
- Deadline: July 8, 1987. E
9 m

 Social Science Reference NEW YORK
Librarian. University of
Hawaii at Manoa. Salary: Associate Dean of Libraries for
$21,864 — $39,340 Junior Technical, Automated, and
Specialist; $26,592 - $39,360, Administrative. Services.
Assistant Library Specialist. Adelphi University, Garden
Deadline: July 8, 1987. City, Long Island. Salary:
$34,000 minimum, 12 month
Science Technology Reference appointment (22 days vacation);
Librarian. University of excellent benefits. Deadline:
Hawaii at Manoa. Sa ary: July 3, 1987.
$21,864 - $32,340 for Junior
Specialist; $26,592 — $39,360 Public Services Librarian
for As lstant Specialist. (Assistant or Senior Assistant
Deadline: July 8, 1987. Librarian). Cornell
University. Salary: $18,750-
KENTUCKY $21,800. Deadline: June 15,
1987. 3
Reference Librarian. Medical `
( Center Library, University of Mlcrocomputer Coordinator.
Kentucky. Salary: variable. University at Buffalo. Salary:  
Deadline: July 1, 1987. $23,000 - $25,000; pending  
classification approval. E
Associate Librarian —  hared Deadline: none given. 2
responsibilities 1n cataloging I
and reference. Lexington OREGON ,
Theological Seminary. Salary: .
$18,500 — $20,500. Deadline: Law Reference Llbrarian. 5
not specified. University of Oregon. 1
Assistant Professor or higher. 1
MAINE Salary: $20,000. Deadline: f
July 10, 1987. ;
s¤1ence/sng1neer1ng Librarian. . _:
University of Maine. Salary: PENNSYLVANIA ?
$18,500 minimum. Deadline:  
June 30, 1987. Head, Afro-American Collection.  
University of Pittsburgh. ·
MASSACHUSETTS Salary: commensurate with §
_ qualifications. Deadline: ‘_
Principal Monograph July 31,1987.
Cataloger/Catalogue Editor .
Librarian II. Massachusetts Database Searcher/Reference 1
Institute of Technology. Librarian. University of
Salary: $25,000 — $30,000. Pittsburgh - Hillman Library.
Deadline: June 30, 1987. Salary: commensurate with
qualifications. Deadline:
NEW JERSEY July 31, 1987.
Cataloger, Near East Cataloging Librarian for the Archives of
Team, Librarian I. Princeton Scientific Philosophy in the
University. Salary: $20,500. Twentieth Century and General I
- Deadline: June 30, 1987. Manuscript Collection. i

_ University of P1ttsburgh.
Salary: appointment as a
faculty librarian commensurate
with qualifications. Deadline:
July 31, 1987. .
Assistant Cataloging Librarian.
University of Washington.
Salary: $23,000 minimum.
Deadline: 5:00 pm, Wednesday,
July 15, 1987.
Library Director. Upshur _
County Public Library in
Buckhannon, WV. Salary: a
$18,000. Deadline: June 15,
Arabic Catalog Librarian.
M Yemen Arab Republic. _
Cataloging and processing of A
Arab language material. ‘
Salary: not specified.
Deadline: July 30, 1987.