xt7qbz616v79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz616v79/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-09 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, September 1983 text The Wax Bean, September 1983 1983 1983-09 2014 true xt7qbz616v79 section xt7qbz616v79 . _ C »
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  The Univemstty 05 Ken/tuciag ’L£bna1tée,A. $13156 Ongcmizatécm suppliemen/t to the
` ‘ Gneen Bean
I Septernbm 1985
  STATE LIBRARY TOUR - About 20 people were present for the LSO "field
I trips" to the State Library in Frankfort. For those of you who haven't
seen the new building it is something for the state to be proud of.
During the tour we were shown demonstrations of preservation techniques,
the microfilm center, the LBPH (Kentucky Regional Library for the Blind
and Physically Handicapped) program and other programs special to a
I state library. In addition to the departments we toured, the
architecture of the building and its art works were well worth the trip. .
Maybe next year we'll set our sights higher and go to the Library of
_ Congresslll
A - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - It‘s not too early to start thinking about the LSO
christmas bazaar. For those of you are not familiar with the event, it
is a Christmas craft/bake sale which is held annually. Begin on those
crafts you wish to share and get them finished early! The date has not
been set yet but will probably be around Thanksgiving. Last year‘s sale
. was a success and this year's will be even better!
The following are new people or transfers: In Circulation, CHARLES
JAMES and ANN LONG are technicians joining our staff. CAROL MARCUM is
_ new in the Director's Office and RUTH BAYNARD is replacing VALEREE BOGGS
in Periodicals. Valerie has moved to the CSR Unit. Along with the name
· change in Solinet which is now the ONLINE CATALOGING AND CONVERSION
UNIT, there are two new faces. CHRISTIE ROBINSON transferred from the
Catalog Maintenance Unit and JENNIFER MICHENER is new to the area.
Interlibrary Loans has added LINDA WILLIAMS while GPD has a whole sea of
_ new faces in DAN BARTLEY, JANE BRYANT and KIM KNIGHT. Other anew faces
on the staff include LAURA DOUGLAS in Periodicals/Newspapers/Minrntext,
CHERRI SEBREE and SHERRI WEBB in the Microfilming Center; BRIAN CDUTT5
and ROB AKEN in Reference (see interview section); DAN RGLFF and GLEN
MCANINCH in Special Collections; JOELLEN MCCOMB in Law Library; Jhihit
KINDER in Chemistry/Physics and BEVERLY HILTON (who prefers tr be cailed
"BEV") the new AV Librarian at the Medical Center AV Library.
Best wishes to SUE WESTFALL, Microfilming Center, who wiii Le retir ng
on January 31, 198A.

 Condolences to CECIL MADISON, Mail Room, on the recent loss of his
sister EDNA MADISON. On behalf of the staff LS0 has made a contribution
to the American Cancer Society.
Belated Happy Birthday's to Karen Croneis, Paul Willis, and Teresa Smyth
(October Ist) and to Linda Raines (October 8th). We hope they were good
Our feature interviews this issue spotlight some of the folks who
work in the Reference Department of M.l. King Library. Since this
department has so many new members, I though this would be a good chance
for us to get to know them.
KARMEN CROWTHER is the Head of the Reference Department at M.I.
King Library. She came to Kentucky in July of l982 from the University
of Tennessee where she was first the Social Sciences Reference Librarian
and later the Coordinator of Computer Search Services.
_ Karmen was raised in Minnesota and South Dakota. She earned a
master's degree in history from the University of Hawaii, began doctoral
study at the University for two years before giving in to the urge to
_ travel, Karmen scraped her money together and spent two years traveling
in Japan, Siberia and other exotic places. (When the travel bug bites,
‘ it bites HARD!) On that trip she met her husband Michael in Tashkent in
Southern Russia (across the border from Afghanistan).
Karmen worked for a year in Germany before returning to the States.
She then got her library degree from Emory and began working at UT.
Michael is a plant facilities engineer for a magnet company near
_· Knoxville. (One of Karmen's hobbies is travelling, but I don't think
I she meant travelling between Knoxville and Lexingtonlll) The next big
trip they are planning is to England with excursions to other parts of
Europe. They are saving their pennies and hoping to make the journey
next year.
· ROB AKEN is a native of Chester, West Virginia and is the newest
member of the Reference Department at M.|. King Library. Rob attended
` the University of West Virginia and earned a B.A. in English. He came
to Lexington, received a master's degree in English and was the
assistant director of freshman composition. He moved to South Carolina
to teach English at Francis Marion College and to assist the coordinator
. of the writing lab there.
Rob and his wife Connie are expecting their first child in the
Rob's interests include music, films and 18th century poets. the CAi
project that he and Laura Olson are doing will be used to supplement
bibliographic instruction lectures. They hope the interactive computer
program will be ready this coming January. Ideally, the setup will
include a mock card catalog drawer and an old Wilson Index for real
"hands on" experience. (The PRIME computer does not have graphics

 l HANK HARKEN, born and raised in New York City, aslo began working at UK
i in September of 1982. After receiving a B.A. in history from Hofstra,
S Hank joined the Army. Since his specialization was European history, »
— Hank was assigned to 13 months in South Korea (typical military ‘
g strategy, no doubt) with a field artillery unit. 'He also spent time (as A
3 an army man, that is) in Oklahoma, Florida, Kansas and Germany.
1 _ Hank got his M.S.L.S. from Palmer School of Library and information
i Science, C.W. Post Center, Long Island University. His first
k professional job was at King Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia
i on the Persian Gulf. He says he didn‘t see a camel for months at a
1 time. Hank wore two hats there -- one as Reference Librarian and one as
J Serials Librarian. He also made numerous "side trips" to Western and
I Eastern Eurpoe as well as India.
After returning to America, Hank worked as Reference Librarian at
‘ Tennessee Technological University before joining M.|. King's Reference
Department. Hank is currently working as a Reference Librarian and is
J also coordinating library services for handicapped students.
i When he isn’t playing racquet sports, Hank likes to play with his
i new Apple II computer. He went to Europe this summer on vacation to
T visit friends he met in Saudi Arabia. ‘ J
_ NORMA JEAN GIBSON is one of those rare birds in the UK Libraries System
-- she was both born and raised here in Lexington! She got her degree
· from UK and has worked in a number of different areas of the library.
T Norma Jean was the Education Librarian and then later the Fine Arts
l Librarian, in charge of the combined Art and Music Collections. These
two collections split in January 197H when Art moved out and into its
present location in King North.
y · Norma Jean began working in the Reference Department in September
§ i of 1975. Even with all her experience, she says that anything she can
V learn, any knowledge that she can gain can be useful. It may not be
A useful today, but next year that piece of "interesting" information
“ might be exactly what you need! Norma Jean is currently the secretary
of the Special Libraries Section of KLA. She is also a member of the
-, Kentucky Chapter of SLA.
y Norma Jean recently completed a Community Education class in
i" architecture and architectural design, areas which supplement her
T continuing interest in preservation and local history. She has a 4
’ variety of other interests, including the Lexington Philharmonic and UK
, basketball. when she has time, Norma Jean enjoys working in her yard
. and flower garden. She has also been clerk of the Board of the First
Community Church since 1968. The thing that Norma Jean enjoys most is
e working the reference desk, especially when she deals with appreciative
A people. (I'll second that, for sure!)
There‘s more on the back folks!
l 3

 U , _" g m` Lg
LAURA OLSON has been a Reference Librarian at M.I. King since September
1982. She was born and raised a Michigan Wolverine -- born in Flint and
raised in Columblaville (pop. 900), She earned a B.A. in English from
University of Michigan at Flint and her M.L.S. from U of M at Ann Arbor.
She began work on a second master's degree in English in January her at
UK. From 1980-82, Laura was Interlibrary Loan and Reference Librarian
at Hobart and william Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York.
- In addition to her responsibilities for reference, bibliographic
instruction and database searching, Laura is selector for French
language and literature. She and Rob Aken are also working on a CAI
(computer-assisted instruction) program on the PRIME computer. The
I purpose of the program, which is designed for English 102, is to
I introduce freshmen to the card catalog and Wilson Co. indexes.
Laura enjoys playing tennis and racquetball. She is also a novice
runner. (A mile and a half does NOT sound "novice" to me!) Part to her
vacation was spent in California camping and attending the Shakespeare
Festival in Stratford, Ontario.