xt7qbz616375 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qbz616375/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1892-02-jun1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1892-02-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1892-02-jun1. 1892 1892-02-jun1. 2011 true xt7qbz616375 section xt7qbz616375 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May 31, 1892 - pag8 105

    The Board of Trustees met at the College Tuesday May
31st, 1892.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead,
                         Judge Ireland
                         P. P. Johnston
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Philemon Bird
                         Hart Gibson
                         Judge Riddle

     Messrs. R. A. Spurr & Judge Riddle appeared and were
qualified. The President submitted his report in writing
which was referred to appropriate Committee. The report of
the Treasurer was received and referred to Messrs. Johnston
& Riddle. The Business Agent submitted his report which
was received & referred to an appropriate Committee.

                         June 1, 1892

     The Board of Trustees met at 10 A. M. Wednesday.

Present                  Judge W. B. Kinkead
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Judge Ireland
                         Judge Robert Riddle
                         Judge P. P. Johnston
                         Hart Gibson
                         Philemon Bird

     On motion Judge Johnston and Judge Ireland were appointed
a Committee on nomination of various offices.


M1ITZTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1892 - page 106

Judge Riddle presented a verbal report on the Treasurer
and Business Agents reports, to the effect that the Reports
as are satisfactory & approved, adopted. Judge Johnston
reported from the Veterinary Dept. recommending the establish-
ment of a Hospital and dormitory room so soon as practicable
in the judgment of the Executive Committee. Dr. Spurr
reported from the Horticultural Dept. recommending that
the requisitions of Prof. Mathews be acceeded to, except
as to appointment of assistant. Dr. Spurr reported also
from the Experiment Station which report was received and
adopted. The Committee on the Academy asked for further time
and on motion the Board adopted a resolution that when it
adjourned it should adjourn to meet the last Tuesday in
July. It was moved and adopted that the Report on Veterinary,
Military & Mechanical be referred to general meeting in

     David H. Jam es a Trustee appeared and qualified. The
Committee on Examinations reported the following Executive

                         Judge W. B. Kinkead
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Judge Riddle
                         Hart Gibson

     Treasurer - Robert Bullock, Sec'y. Hart Gibson.
The following appointees, nominated by the Executive Com.
were confirmed Mathew Prof. of Agriculture   Horticulture
& Botany $1750.00 Dr. Pryor $1000.00, Dr. Bennett Prof.
of Veterinary Science $1500.00. Paul Anderson Prof. of
Mechanical Engineering $1750.00. J. P. Nelson Prof. of
Civil Engineering $2000.00. Davis instructor $1000.00.
Muncy instructor $750.00. Terrel assistant Experiment
Station 6750.00. Mr. Bird reported from the Dept. of
Chemistry & the Normal Dept. which was received, ordered
that the Secy. be instructed to furnish each member of the
Board of Trustees with a copy of the reports on which further
time was given, thereafter to furnish copies of all reports
before the regular meeting of the Board. The following
degrees were authorized to be granted.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1, 1892 - page 107

f, go Pottinger B. A. Elkin  B. S. Page C. E. Shelby  C. E.
     Scovell C. E. Reynolds C. E. Cox   A. B. Maxey  B. S.
 u.  Shaw B. S. Miss Hunt B. S. Southgate B. A. H. E. Curtis
 ,t- -M. D. Ch. Hoeing M. A.
'14. f  

          The question of Encampment was referred to a committee
     consisting of Maj. Johnston & D. H. James to the Board at
     its meeting in July.   Adjourned.

     Hart Gibson              W. B. Kinkead,  Ch. Ex. Com.

                              July 26, 1892

          The Board of Trustees met Tuesday in adjourned session'.

     Present                 W. B. Kinkead
                              Dr. R. J. Spurr
                              R. A. Spurr
                              W. L. Davis
                              Davis H. James
                              Philemon Bird
                              Hart Gibson.

          Moved that no further encampments of students be held,
     yeas six, nay one. Mr. Gibson moved by Dr. Spurr that the
     Summer Normal School be abandoned in the future . Yeas five
     nays two Mr. Gibson & Mr. Bird. The above motion was re-
     considered & received yeas three nays three. Moved that all
     students in the Dept. of Civil & Electrical Engineering be
     assigned to 'Prof. Nelson & all students applying for
     instruction Dept. of Mechanical duly be assigned to Prof.
     Anderson and shall be directed by said Professors in their
     respective Depts. Motion adopted.. It was further determined
     that the Normal Dept. be confined to strictly technical
     instruction in the art of teaching and all other named
     instruction be given in the Academic Depts. It was ordered
     that the President be authorized to report to the Legislature
     the sense of the Board of Trustees as to commutation of
     traveling expenses of State Beneficiaries. Moved that A.
     M. Miller be elected to the chair of Geology & Paleontology
     at such salary as may be decided upon by the Ex. Com.
     Further ordered that Jas. H. Wells is appointed assistant
     in the Dept. of Mechanical engineering, at a salary of $900
     per annum.   Ordered that the salary of Mik  Shelby be
     increased to $50 per month beginning with the following

academical year.