xt7q833n0g4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n0g4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 2007 2007 2007-10-12 2020 true xt7q833n0g4m section xt7q833n0g4m Big Blue Mad




neSS Two new coaches face high expectations

leading into season ’5 first practice tonight

0( TOBER 12, 2007





Campus neighborhoods get more game-day security

Bihehecca Sweeney

nestkykeriiel corn

Unnersity‘ and cIty officials
met yesterday with residents of
neighborhoods surrounding UK
and announced changes de-
signed to improve safety. securi—
ty and parking during football

“Throughout the remainder
of the season. were going to
monitor the success of the pro-
gram and improve the efforts as
necessary.” said Mayor Jim

['K President Lee Todd said
the university community needs
to learn how to better coexist
with surrounding neighbor—

The university and the city
are implementing measures in
neighborhoods near the stadium
to assist with the transition.

Forty-one extra Lexington
police officers will be on duty
during Saturday‘s home football
game against topvranked
l.oUIsiana State University.
Newberry said.

Lt. Ken Armstrong of the
Lexington police said after the
meeting that the majority of the
extra police officers will be on
foot. bikes and horses so they
can interact with the public in
addition to providing security
and answering questions from

To reduce parking problems.

more than 600 free spaces will

be available in Parking Structure
#6 at Virginia and Press Av-
enues. “no parking" signs will
be distributed in some neighbor—
hoods for homeowners to post
in their yards and yellow curbs
between Transcript Avenue and
Barberry Lane have been re-
painted to ensure that no park-
ing areas are clearly designated
to reduce parking problems.
During the football game
against Florida Atlantic on Sept.
29. the city‘s new game day
work group picked up trash. in—
creased safety by stepping up
police patrols. enforced building
codes in neighborhoods sur-
rounding Commonwealth Stadi—
um and distributed fliers ex—
plaining city ordinances to resi—

dents. Newberiy said.

Students have reacted posi—
tively to the additional police
patrol. Armstrong said.

“We have made a lot of pre-
emptive contact with students to
let them know we aren‘t center-
ing our effons on alcohol disci-
pline." he said. “We don‘t want
students to become victims of
assault or any other crime."

Residents of neighborhoods
surrounding Elizabeth Street
thought the fliers made a differ—
ence and were a good start to
the progress they hope follows.
said Anne Marie Stamatiadis.



president of the Seven Parks
Neighborhood Association and


Mayor Jim Newberry speaks at a neighborhood meeting In Elizabeth Park

yesterday about plans for managing traffic and parties tomorrow when UK

See Neighbors on page 8

plays LDLllSlaDa State UniveISIty at Commonwealth Stadium





timer Mantegflelzqr

imccoy@kykernel com

UK student leaders gathered at a student—
organi/ed meeting last night to discuss carn-
pus diversity problems and solutions that they
will present to the administration.

The discussion was led by y'oumalisni and
political science senior Brittany Langdon.
who is also Student Government \ice presi-
dent. marketing and integrated strategic com»
munications junior Patrick Nally and Spanish
sophomore Wesley Robinson Robinson also
writes for the Kernel.

The meeting was held to address larger
diversity issues at UK. Robinson said. not just
the editorial cartoon published in the Oct. 5
Kernel. which likened l'K's Greek system to
a slave auction and sparked student protests.

Media was not allowed in the meeting to
keep people from being quoted who didn‘t
want to be. Nally said. tThree Kernel editors
attended the meeting to listen but did not par—
ticipate or report on it. A staff writer covered
the meeting and did intenicws after It coit-

Obtaining more funding for diversity-rc-
lated events on campus was one of the solu~
tions proposed at the meeting. Nally said.

"Funding is an issUL‘. We need a fund for
diversity." hc said. "But funding can‘t change
students' hearts. and the adIiIInIstration can‘t
change students' hearts. We also need to edu-

See Leaders on page 8



of Vietnam
in Iraq

By Stephanie ”Short

newsfiikyliernel corn

EomIer Sen. (ieorgc McGovern held back
tears as he discussed the Vietnam War and
choked on his words as he recalled the many
broken and bloody bodies he saw during his
three \Isits.

His only hope he took from the war was
that America would not go down that road of
destruction again. As of now. his hope is

“I used to tell my daughters when they
would get discouraged about the Vietnam
War. in history. frequently. some good comes
out of tragedy." he said last night at a speech
In Memorial Hall. "I think we can learn from
this obvious blunder and we will never go
down that road again I don‘t know what to
tell them now."

Students. faculty. staff and community
members gathered to hear the former US
Senator and l972 Democratic presidential
candidate compare Vietnam to the Iraq war in
his speech. “Legacy of Vietnam and the War
in Iraq." McGovern's speech was co-spon-
sored by the Wendell H. Ford Public Policy
Research (‘entcr and the Department of His-
tory and was part of the Making Sense of the
Vietnam Wars Conference. The event started
and began with a standing ovation

See McGovern on page 8






History iunior Dylan Williams, right, walks through a door, representing 'coming out of the closet."

.- . . c A...


Coming Out Day on the Student Center patio.







ALLlE cum I smrr
KineSIoIogy sophomore Patrick Sims paints a patch for a patchwork omit that will be displayed

at the OutSource center yesterday during National Coming Out Day



white chemistry Junior Justin Baas watches yesterday afternoon for

Students came out to the Student
(Icntcr patio yesterday for ( Tomingr
Out Day. which has been an annual
event since I988. The [K ( lay-Straight
Alliance and the ()utSourcc center

spi )Itsorcd the event this year.

Organizer s set up tables with actiy itics
such as a bake sale. face painting. and

a patchwork quilt for people to work
The event aimed to raise awareness
and ti )lerancc of sexual-iiricntation
minorities and to promote suppoit

for per )plc who are questioning their

Sororities to hold breast cancer vigil tonight


news®lryliernel corn

Keisha Hilson sees the effect of
breast cancer every time she looks at
her mother. who is undergoing radia-
tion treatment as she battles the dis-

As part of National Breast (‘an-
cer Awareness Month. Hilson. a
Spanish and accounting senior and
president of Delta Sigma Theta. Inc..
is taking part in a campus-wide vigil
created to raise awareness of the dis-
ease and bring people together who
have been affected by breast cancer.

“I want to be more educated and
get out and help the cause." Hilson

"I‘m helping my mom and the
cause at the same time. and I can re—

Fint issue free. Subsequent issues 25 com.


late to the people who are going
through it." she said.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Inc.. and Delta Sigma Theta worked
together to organize the vigil this
year. which begins today at 6 pm. at
the Memorial Hall Amphitheater.

The vigil will make its way to the
(‘ommons Market on South Campus.
where participants can get a pizza
dinner for a minimum $2 donation.

Cameron Stokes. an integrated
strategic communications senior and
Alpha Kappa Alpha member. said
the vigil Is one of the sorority‘s main
programs. The event will allow stue
dents to speak out about breast can»
eer. Stokes said. while also helping
to raise funds and support for more
medical research and technology,

“We are trying to gch people a


chance to remember the people who
have passed and to remember loved
ones." she said.

Men can also suffer from breast
cancer. said Ruth Ann Rhamcky at a
breast cancer awareness forum
Wednesday night at the Student (‘enter

Rhanicky. a nurse at [K Hospr
tal. said that male cases of breast
cancer are often worse than those In

Both men and women who have
gone through puberty should get
mammograms and do self exams
regularly to diagnose breast cancer as
early as possible. Rhanicky said

Kinesiology senior Kenisha
Brown said breast cancer struck her
personally when her mother died In

Her mother. Anita Bmwn. was di-

ibtgnosed with cancer in 2?“ The dis
ease resurfaced twice. spreading to
her lungs and brain before she died.

"Breast cancer is not anything to
be taken lightly." Brown said. “Cher
Ish your loved ones,“

Breast cancer has also affected
Brittany Fulton. a social work senior.
w hose mother Lynnette Fulton was
diagnosed I2 years ago.

“I was young and didn't know
exactly what was going on." said
Fulton. a member of Delta Sigma

But she Is happy to have her
mother alive. she said. and hopes
that by spreading awareness through
events like tonight‘s vigil. others will
have the same opportunity she has to
enjoy life with their mother after
breast cancer.

Newsroom: 257-1915; Ml”: 257-2872



 your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ a.


Nicole & Joel house hunt
























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most cha/leng/ng.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 5 v~ It's best not to talk about
money in these circumstances Look
sharp and be frugal. and the others
will be gurte Impressed

Taurus (April - 20 May 20) Today
is a 7 — As you may know, all com»
munication is not verbal A lot of it
comes from looks, gestures, hugs
and other actions Conditions are
great for that stuff

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
is a 7 — When you set out on an
adventure, you Will encounter obstar
cles. This is perfectly natural and
one of the reasons it's so exciting
Don't turn back



Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Today
is a 7 __ Being passronate iS lots of
fun, but caution is adyised The
costs may be higher than anticipat
ed Don't make expensrve promises
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a 7
.._ Some of your secret hopes and
dreams are difficult to express
That's OK Don't talk about them yet.
Stan working on your plans

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 w OK, so you don't know what
to do How scary is that? Not very,
You have tons of information at your
fingertips. Start doing the research
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct 22) Today is a
7 J Odds are good you can get
more money Take on more responsi
hility Also, let somebody in authority
know you're in line for a promotion
But don't shop like you have it yet
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 M You're a natural busr-
nessperson and conditions have
been in your favor Don't get cocky
and tail for a trick the car utiOn flag is
out one

Happy Hour all Day & Night!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) To-
day is a 7 »— Check out your suspi-
Cions They're apt to be accurate
There's something not gurte right
about something you're being told
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 iv A private consultation
With friends is definitely in order To
gether you can separate fact from
fantasy in your business negotia-
tions Get some objective obsen/ers
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Today
is a 6 .__ The Dragon Master ex-
pects a fee for what you've just ac-
quired, He/She thinks you stole it.
yet you found it fair and square
Make a token offering and boogie
out of there.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) Today
is a 7 ~77 The Ghost of Past Dilem-
mas haunts projects begun now
There may be other delays and set-
backs. Can you wait another two
weeks? if not, just watch where
you're gomg


cm . _ .. -fi
\Mi M ii. >\
L“. atrium 5N1 A \Jbtu um”...

in the suburbs

file DiSl-l

Richie also begins
taking mandatory
alcohol ed classes

What's next. a ininiy'an‘.’
Nicole Richie. 26. and beau Joel
Madden. 28. liayc been touring
family—friendly houses in the $3
million range that all hayc "large
yards. rolling lawns and play or
cars." a real estate source tells
Hot Stuff. (They’re looking in
suburban Southcm ('alifornia
'hoods outside of l..A.. such as
(‘alabasas and Agoura Hills.)
More cvidcncc Richie has tran»
sitioncd from wild child to re—
sponsible mama: The two-tirnc
DUI offender was spotted Octo-
bcr 5 at her mandated alcohol
education class in LA. And just
a couple days later. she left for
Australia with Madden. who's
touring with Good Charlotte.
Sums up a Richie pal. "She's do-
ing great. and taking good care
of herself."

Whitney: her cute movie

The rcyicws arc in: The
Hills star Whitney Port. 22. is
”really into" her new guy. El
News film critic Bcn Lyons.
"'l‘hcy'yc been hanging out for
three weeks." says a source.
who saw them making out at
Lyons' birthday party at Win-
ston’s in LA. October 6. "It's
getting more scrioUsl"

humor: in tutu on bike

Rumer Willis. 1‘). doesn‘t
need workout gear. Dcrni
Moore's daughter "was riding
the exercise bike barefoot and
had on a crazy rainbowcolored
tutu." an eyewitness at Equinox
gym October 1 in West Holly—
wood tells Us. "Everyonc was
looking at her.“

Jessica 8: Brody — flirting!

Hc's romanccd Lauren (‘on—
rad and Kristin Cay‘allari. Now
Brody Jenner. 24. has his eye on
a new bombshell - Jessica Sirnp~
son. 27. On October 2. the duo
met up at NYC hot spot Tcnjune
and headed with pals to The
Box. where they flirted and
gawkcd at the club's racy show
(silhouettes engaged in amorous
acts). An eyewitness tells L's
Jenner lavished attention on the
star: "He was trying to kick it
with her." Her reaction? "She
was entertained and laughed at
his jokes!" They left together at
4 am. Still. "there's nothing go—
ing on?" Jcnncr told [is the next
day at the launch for -Lucid Ab-
sinthc. "Our tables w crc next to
each other." A Simpson source
echoes: "They were just there
the same night." No matter what
may have happened with Jcnncr.
a source tells L's Simpson has
fallen in love - with Manhattan?
During her NYC holiday. she
checked out a $3 million down—
town pad.

Drea de Matteo's baby

Motherhood is lcss than two

months away for l)rca dc Mate
tco' .»\ crow d of 51) friends and
family of the actress. 15. and
beau Shooter Jennings. IS. gathh
cred at NYCs ('hm (‘hm cater}
October 7 it) (etc llic still at llt‘t‘
baby show er (she‘s due to hayc a
daughter December 5). "There
was a Bugaboo strollcr “Hit a
ribbon that said it's a girl'" a
guest tclls is. adding that a
group of male guests wctc glued
to the Yankees game 'l‘hough it
was initially meant to be a sur-
prise party. dc Mattco's mother.
Donna. let the cat out of the bag
when the tnornetobc . w ho‘s
been suffering moming sickness
- said she couldnt go out that
night. Says the sourcc. "Hcr
mom told her and said she had
to act surprised” Still. dc Matw
tco. clad in a long black dress.
was all smiles as she and Jen
nings grcctcd wellvwishcrs lll’l'
cluding pal Joy Beliari. Says the
guest. "She was yokmg about
how much w cight she‘s gained
and said she probably out»
weighed all the men there?"

Jolie didn't see her dad

Though a sourcc lclls l's it
was the late Marchclmc
Bertrand‘s "dying wish" that ex,
husband Jon Voigln. (is. and
their daughter.
32. make amends. it hasn't liap»
pcncd yet. The lntcrnct bu/lcd
with rumors of a truce when
Vorght was spotted October 7 at
the WaldorllAstoria. the NYL
hotel where Jolie is stay ing.



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 More on pages 4 and 6

After disappointing seasons last year, the
men’s and women's basketball teams are

ready to rebound starting tonight.


W\NW.KYKERNEL.(‘()M FRIDA ’ ()(‘T( )BER l2, 2007



rans painted the stands at Ruhr Are. a be? lit: the Uk’ theirs teatt‘ last to Honda last season UK lost titlitltttld titltlll‘. ldlt‘t 13iilir"y(‘ii" .'.t

hens andtNonuntshasketbahteanislJK\anshutthetuoeesstnietunnng hiehanunonshnihinn Ntwwlunulroarhes BMW Gdhsna‘im


'3‘ .)nmmx L 1'

av: >l ‘t'ltlil saint .ri a: co?

thirst-a Mitt hell out to


‘ 7 llltnm.

i t" it l

' it the B .e t la'lnms

\{li‘lv'l int "HDTU

. ..
“at: ‘l"f““

First-year head coaches share similar expectations

()n the surlaee. Matthen Mitehell
and Bill) (iillispie might seem like too
eompletel) dil‘lerent people.

One is mar
tied to the loimei
Jenna Ramse).
Mitchell, and the
other. Gillispie. is
married to basket
. . ball But othei
’ thati that. the}'re
strikingly similar,

And alter
tonight. the)‘ll
ha\e a ehanee to
be linked exen
eloser together.
they‘ll be on the
Rupp Arena floor at the same time.
ushering in neu beginnings loi the
men‘s and \sonien‘s basketball pro
grams. And their goals aie equal
quirkly e|e\ate eaeh program to the
high level that [K tans expeet.



4 Q






Let the expeetations begin.

l‘lthl the minute he arrixed in In-
iiigton. big things haw been antieipated
out ol' Hill} (iillispie.

i‘he lans greeted him “fill an iinr
promptu pep ra||_\ on :\pril (i uord
broke that he had been hired tail} l'rir
da_\ morning and b} noon. thousands
tame to meet him at Memorial (‘oliser
um l‘he pereeption and attitude about
t K basketball ha\en't been the same

tine ot the main reasons has been
betause ot' the instant impact he's made
on the reeruitmg trail

lle nabbed l’ati‘iek Patterson. one
ol l'K‘s biggest resi'uiting LUUP\ in
the last it) wars. trom Duke and

lle grabbed .‘\le\ Legion. a eonsen
sus top ‘0 pla_\er \\ ho originall} eom
mitted to Miehigan but baeked out
“hen then toath loinm) .»\maker \\ as

Both of those pla) ers \\ ill be tount
ed on to eontribute iinniediateb

\Nith Randolph Morris gone to the
NBA. l'attei'son \Hll likel) step right
mto the starting lineup. (iilhspie has .il
read} [H‘Ultttst'tl to get him at IL‘JsI l§
shots a game

Legion too seems destined loi
the starting lineup in his liist )eai
\\ hen l'K \\ as eliminated b} kansas
in the N('.s\:\ lournament last war
the .la_\ha\\ks ran around and o\ er a
[K lineup that \\ as lar less athletie.
Legion is supposed to possess the
ope ol' athletieism that the ('ats

l'hose e\peetations are high. espe
eiall} loi lreshmeii. But that's iust the
\\a) thing. are around the [K basket
ball programs tight no“

Mitehell built his reputation in
the Southeastern (‘onterente uith
assistant eoaehing stops at ten
iiessee. l‘lUtttlil and [K as a ieeiuit

ing guru.

When he got his thanee to be a
lle‘atl Ll‘dkll til .\ltH‘Cllt‘.ttl Stillt‘. llL'.
like (iillispie did at |e\as l‘l Pam
and le\as \t\.\l. tuiiied a bruised
piogiam into .i tonletente threat
llt‘dl l‘t‘ t'\pt‘t’letl it) tlti the satile at

that might be .i lot to ask tor a man
thats onl) been a head eoath lor too

Sinee the ION-ll: season. the 1K
men ha\e been ranked lth. lfith. tlIth.
0th. ‘)th and 22nd m the preseason .\s
l'his seat. tlie_\'il
probabl} be tloser to (Hot againi 33nd
than 4th

But that doesn't mean amthing.
lhe e\peetatioiis aien‘t high beeatlse ol
the preseason rankings but betatise ol

slit iated l’tt‘ss poll

the ltittiie season possibilities .\nd be
talise ol \tbat (iillispie has been able to
do at othei sehools in sueh .i short
amount ol time

Ihe women's team hasn't garnered
the same {\pe ol pit-season retogni
iron as the men lhe} \e been ianked
iii one preseason poll, last _\t'.lt. at \'o,

But that lllllslt'.tlt‘\ \lihhell's ehal
lenge loimei toath .\l|tjl\t.‘ l)e.\loss
built a solid toundation that people
around the nation are no\\ beginning to
ietogni/e lle s going to be e\peeted to
prodtit e iioiiiedia'eb \xith loui starters
ieturning. some of \xhith he helped ie
ttllll to l e\ington

So there _\ou ha\e it

l\\(‘ eoaeh
l\\o toatbes \xho ha\e pimen the)

es \sho ti, to iheti
\Jl] tiiin around a team in a llash.
tvto t't‘dxllt“ who are ret iuitiiig “1/7

loo toathes \\|tile ostensibl} dil
teient, “ho .ire totall} tomparable

let the e\peetations begin

.luiialhiiii \m/I/i I\ ll iomritlliun \i‘
mm l Hitii/ win/ht" lukt'im‘l HUN



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Paced | Friday, October 12, 2007


Senior guard eager to ‘soak in'
his final Big Blue Madness

BJ_ Travis Walilron
twaidron®kyirernel cont

When Ramel Bradley laces
up his Nikes for his last Big
Blue Madness tonight. it won‘t
be the same experience for him
as the first three.

Instead of treating the eyent
as a way to showcase his skills.
the senior guard is trying to see
Madness from a fan‘s perspec~

"This year. I'm going to let
it soak in." Bradley said. “I‘m
just going to sit back and w atcli.
take it all in. l‘TCshillitll year. you
want to come and show all the
fans you can play, Sophomore
year. it‘s like. 'I got a little bet-
ter. let me show them where I
got better.‘ and junior year is
like that too, It‘s my last year. I
want to be a fan."

Bradley came to UK as part
of the most heralded recruiting
class in former head coach Tub—
by Smith's tenure. Now. he is

one of two players 7 senior
guard Joe (‘raw ford is the other
left from that class. and he
feels like he has something to

"As seniors. we've been
here for four years." Bradley

said. “We want to_go out as w in—
ners. We want to be remem«
bcred as winners and great play
ers. and that‘s our motiyation to
work harder,"

Big Blue Madness tiflg‘lllcil’
ed at l'K in 1983. when former
head coach .loe B. Hall hosted
8.500 tans in Memorial ('olisev
inn for "Midnight Special" to es
celebrate the iiist piactiee oi {in

lit"; ill]



1 giail’“U
its Bradley w W tit-art n tn ii no n his to il Big Blue Madnt ss tonight

Ran el 8 aritey att erupts 1 law 1 against Louisiana

Mike Williams.

This won't be Patterson‘s
first go-round with Big Blue
Madness. The forward.
the nation‘s top recruits in the
2007 class. Visited UK for
Madness last season. as did

"it was era/y coming in as a
recruit." Patterson said. "You
got 20,000 people chanting your
name and cheering and trying to
get you to come. You could just
imagine being a basketball play—
er for Kentucky."

Now. Patterson is ready to
go to Madness as a ptmicipant.

“i can‘t wait to finally step
foot on the coun." he said. “As
a recruit. I could just imagine
what it would be like. This is
my first oppoitunity. and I can't
wait for it."

Though Madness marks the
official beginning of the sea—
son. UK players got to know
their new coach through indi—
vidual workouts this summer
and fall.

Gillispie built a reputation as
an intense coach who whipped
his team into peak condition at
Texas A&M and Texas—El Paso.
and thus far. that has can'ied
over to his first preseason at
UK. Patterson said.

“It‘s the hardest thing I‘ve
ever done in my life." Patterson
said. "He lives up to his word.
He says (workouts) will be hard
and so far they ha\'e been. He‘s
running us into shape.”

Those workouts helped
bring UK together as a team in
the offseason. Bradley said.
Though he admitted he was glad

the season. The eycnt grew to get past the preseason.
through Smith‘s tenure. and in marketing relations. l'K named (iillispie its knows more tough practices will
3005.11 moycd to Rupp Arena. "It‘s still a Title celebration head coach in ;\[)l’ll. but for come.

This season over 33.000 oi Kentucky basketball." many fans. Madness is the first But right now. the senior
tans will welcome the (tits and Seltlafel' said. "ll will just be s‘hiltls‘s' to see the new coach in guard wants to celebrate his last
new head coach Billy (iillispic. belief." action. Big Blue Madness.

Although ['K‘s coach has .-\s in the past. Madness will Madness also giycs fans "This is the most fun we‘re
changed from last year. the lcatui‘e player introductions. and their iii‘st glimpse at the ircsh- going to haye at practice all
meaning behind the madness scrimmages for both teams. men class: forward Patrick l’at- year." he said. “It‘s good to kick
hasn’t. said Jason Schlafer. the ‘siyls‘ttst \kib and a slam slllttk terson. 101‘“ ill‘sl .r\..l. 510W”. off with a paity‘. and that‘s what
assistant athletic director for contest guard :\ls‘.\ legion and s’s‘ttiL‘t‘ Madness is,"

Mitchell embraces challenges of rising program

By James Pennington
sportslkykernel com

On Oct. 3004. Matthew Mitchell
was preparing for Big Blue Madness as an
assistant coach on the women‘s basketball
team under former head coach Mickie

Almost three years later.
Mitchell is preparing ioi the
first otiicial practice oi the sea;
son again this time as the
lic‘dtl coach.

"This night is


about our

”We're now at
a different place

progiams.” Mitchell said. "Now they ‘yc
come in and helped establish ['K as a pro-
gram to be reckoned w ith."

()ne of those recruits. senior center
Sarah Elliott. is thrilled to hate her former
assistant back on board.

"It's really great to hayc him back
around." lilliott said. “He‘s a wry smart

coach that brings a lot of energy
to the table."

When .i new head coach is
brought in to lead a team. there
oiten is a period oi time where
the players ha\ c to adjust to a

tans getting to see a group oi / new style oi play. But with
\ci'y liaid working young WE? have made Mitchell. the ('ats are picking up
women and young men.” - . i’lt'lll w here they lctt oi

- . - some teat > . -
Mitchell said, "i in not the g “I think that cyeryonc has al-

least bit concerned about it be

ing my iirst apr'icarantc.”
Since Mitchell lcit his .isr

sistant iob at l K tor thg head

post at Moiehcad \tate in
3005. the women’s pi'ogiaiii
has iindeigone l substantial


lii :iiiiod l\ made its liist \('.\.\ loin
nanicnt appcaiaiit c since NW), The
(rail Center the new staterol lllL‘ull'l basket
ball practice tacility. has helped bolster i't"
criiiting ctloits. \lllLllCll said

“We’re now .it .i diitcicnt place compei
much." he said. "We hayc made some great
strides M

Mitchell was highly iesponsiblc toi the
(kits impioycd silky css cyen though he lclt
l‘K to be the head coach at Morehead state.
\lllsllc‘ll helped it“ not this year 's entiic sc
an assistant at l K

" This class is so special to me because
they decided to go to l'ls' at a time when
llic‘) l‘altl itplioth li‘ g‘ii tit iiitti‘c L'\ltll‘rll\lls‘ll


moi tldss while he was


ready adopted w hat coach
Mitchell is trying to do." said «in»
MATTHEW nioi' guard (‘arly ()rinciod. “The
MITCHELL transition is easy because he al-

ready kiiows how we play “

Not only does Mitchell know
how the team plays. but his
coaching style compares to that oi l)cl\loss

" The coaching styles ol coacli Mitchell
and coach |)eMoss are similar.“ lzlliot said.
"He works \ci'y hard and he pushes iis quite
a bit ”

\ttei .i m iidiicc season in -005 00. l is
failed to liyc up to its high cyptctations in
the 300007 campaign. Mitchell is being
cai'clul oi publicly stating this year’s goals.
but he acknowledged the bar is set high tor
the team

"We don‘t think we have to get out and
t ilk about it.” Mitchell said. “but be assured
that nobody eypetts more oi this team than
the people inyolycd "

Those t‘\|)c'\‘l;lll(\|is begin tonight with the
sultstiliriitX‘Iillig eyent Big Blue Madness



Smut litmlt‘l Sarah Ell iott scrar nth!e' ‘or a loose
bait ana Dbl. South Carolma and at it [iltott is,
we :r ‘rnr returning starters


"Tye been counting down for weeks
now ()rmcrod said. “i couldn‘t be more

excited. (‘oach Mitchell has been fired up
about this team from the get-go and I'm
icady tor the season to stait.”

.\lthoiigh he's not undermining his per—
sonai excitement for tonight. Mitchell is
adamant that Madness is about the players.

“I‘m a Kentucky fan like cyerybody
else." Mitchell said. “I‘ll be \ery happy to
be down there. I‘ll just have a little bit oi a
bettei scat than cyery body else."

one of





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The t’l't'IlI mtg/ii he the .\(lHlt'
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will he hinting s/it'ciu! cicnlv to
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North Carolina

Late Night with Roy and the
Tar Heels features contests.
giveaway. a blueswhite scrim-
mage and [NC players per-
forming skits. such as former
player W‘s Miller‘s imperson—
ation of head coach Roy