xt7q833n0f0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n0f0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1996 1996 1996-10-11 2020 true xt7q833n0f0q section xt7q833n0f0q who‘ve... ,, p x-..¢.....=a..,.,..'....sw..



iywm-‘O.W~m~.‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ _. fiW'tvx- we * 0‘ ‘_ _ . ‘ g < -la.u...gu—Ms.:w "mgr“, .

WEATHER Cloudy today, big/2
60. Partly cloudy tonigbt, low

5 7. Partly sunny Saturday,

big/2 66.

FAMILY TME SAB Family Wiekend

oflérxfim and festivities-for all ages. See

-.. . 1‘


October I I, 1996 i
Z.“ Clan‘ljiedrT @




(.‘t‘on'v'ord 7 Sports




e I H Family Meleend tab inside.

joke to UK

“With all the pranking and practical jokes, if
something really does happen someone will get

Divmlom 4 Viewpoint 5



Pranks no

By Gary Wull

Avrinam .N'rmr I'Iditor



BflSkBthall expo


“It’s like going into a theater and yelling ‘fire,’"

saidjim Kuder, vice chancellor for Student Affairs.

hurt,” said physical therapy freshman Katie Brown.
English freshman Maggie Pearler said she has
gone to 16 fire drills and is tired of them happening




I‘iarly in the morning on Sept. 22 residents were

awakened at 4:21 a.m. when students

stuck paper and other objects into Bland-
ing Tower smoke detectors and lit them



in her residence hall.

Pearler said.

“I don’t understand why it’s funny,”

Neither does the University.


tickets on sale Monday .

Student tickets for the first two men’s basket—
ball exhibition games —— Nov. 4 against Athletes
in Action and Nov. 20 against the Australian
National Team — will go on sale Monday at 9
a.m. at the ticket office in front ofMemorial Coli-

on fire. . . . . . “his a bad tradition and it needs to The tickets will not be distributed via ticket

U" 531“ 30 3 “mu?" ineldent “OP!” DCBm said. lottery. Instead it will be first-come, first—served.
occurred when the Lexmgton Fire VVben and not UK Police Chief W.H. McComas Each ticket costs $5 per full—time student with a
Department was called to Kirwan Tower . ’. . . said if found the individuals would be valid UK ll). Guest tickets, which cost $13, will
ill 2.12 8.111. If; the Indiv’d: charged With the highest level ofarson. go on sale on Tuesday morning.

The administration is trying to take W15 are Men?" “Nobody takes the fire drills seriously General admission tickets for the Cats’
serious steps in cracking down on the fied, tbey 201” because there are so many of them that Blue/White exhibitions at Memorial Coliseum on
people who set the smoke detectors on no longer be haven’t been legitimate,” said music edu- Oct. 26 at 1 pm, and Nov. 1 at 7 p.m., are on sale
fire. part ofthe rtu- cation freshman Angela Jones. now at the UK Ticket Office. They are $5 each.

“When, and not if, the individuals are
identified they will no longer be part of
the student body and be turned over to

dent body...”

ment has told residents of Kirwan Tower
that they will begin searching the floors

To curb this feeling the fire depart-




The ticket office is open from 9 a.m. to 4 pm.
from Monday to Friday.

the appropriate authoritigfs,” said Vice Georgelyijlrn whefi fire filfirms are fpli1


















Kmmrky Kernel, Friday. ()nober ll, I996 8












1 7K [Oaks 10 repeat Sour/y Corolmo boomg no
, , problems colt/7 new quarterback
By Chris Easterling a little bit oftime to get familiar to
0 a at Spam lid/rm our offense and to really learn to
play the tailback poSItion. He had
By Rob Herbs! have averaged l55 yards per game After f"”r yeais Ymh ,‘9”’"" I" ”PM”: from the running back
‘41,,‘fmmspmj Editor and a Who ping 5.4 points a game. setting tlllilllt‘llmt’k Steve I aiiey~ positionior two years. He came
But tffe Cats have made hill at the tt-ntrols, South ( jaiioliiizi along a little bit toward the end of
There is some good news for improvements offensively. Last w!” 1m" "l’ "Wm“ UK "”““'“,"" ("c “'"f last “a" . ,,
the UK football team this week— week’s Billy Jack Haskins touch- w1tli someone new calling the slg “l lc s ‘3 determined player,
end. down run was UK’s first touch— nals. Scott said, “and we're able to get
The South Carolina Game- down since a pass from Tim Rum“? 5“l’h””‘““’ ""“h‘mY him ‘I'C (”Q‘l’a“ a 10‘1“” Of our
cocks are coming to town. Couch to Issac Curtis III in the anht Will take the snaps from one‘lizick offense and in the run-
(Ions’dering that UK was (Iats’ opener against Louisville center f0r("{3:F}l' Brmfl 5W“ 9‘1“" ning Ram“-
outscored 100—7 in their last two back on Aug. 3]. tomorrow. “’5 “r '” _ , .
games against Southeastern Con- “We know that we must per- 1996; “Might has mml’lu' NOTEBOOK cal'lmfla "WISH!"
fer-emu powers Florida and Alaba- forin offensively; we must move ed Z) ”l ”5 passes f‘" (jamhna is expected to bring a
ma. the 2-3 Gamecocks may be the ball, keep the ball and score 1’2”) yards. “‘3 has ””0“" m.“ number of its loyal fans to Lexing-
thc'best medicine for the 1-4 Cats. points in order to win a ainst the mUChd‘M" F3553, but three “f h“ [On for the an"; tomorrow. At
I_n previous years, UK has had people we play,"“said K head P3531? have ’eftfimir'iep‘ti‘": ll .1 least 4,000 xamecock fans have
some success against South Car- coach Bill Curry. We ll continue , n ““Y’ m , ”5‘ ‘m “n bought tickets through the USC
olina. The Cats lead the overall to work on those things and we h‘s first year‘ at quarterback well, ticket Office.
series 4-2-1, including a 35-30 just have to get the job done and 590“ said. He really has played While it is nowhere near the
shootout in Columbia last year. we need to do it now.” good every week now; “9,5, m nutnber of fans a Tennessee or an
But this year the Cats ave no The Cats will be looking for control out tlgeri; I think he s 3 Alabama game brings, it is still a
Moe Williams. In UK’s victory senior tailback Raymond McLau- young quarter a? that has a great substantial number of people to
last year, Williams accounted for rim to do the 'ob Williams did last future ahead Of h’m' make the lengthyjourney from the
429 all-purpose yards, the second— year against e Gamecocks. Palmetto State u to Blue rass
highest single-game total in SEC But McLaurin has not done the cm the “flute" muse country. P g
history. job thus far. \Vhlle he does lead Carolina tailback Duce Staley
. “Let’s don’t forget that this is a the Wildcats in rushing With 209 has burst upon the scene in 1996, comparisons
football team tha}: probably took it yargs, he is onljyhaveraging 2.8 FiIePbora having gained 669 yards on 137 just like UK the Camecocks
t . . . . ‘ , . _ _ , )
b. was 5:25 steam: 3:2: in A m vxmnnmgw Ray McLaurmfiWr 3535:5233; w... one“ om me or
said South Carolina head coach season was 19 yards against Afl ”fi vegarrres, MeLaurm barfo ugbtfo r only 209yardr. The 5-foot-ll 211-pound Alabama. .
Brad Scott. “That concerns me as Cincinnati. go With a variety of freshman tail— Unlike the Cats, the Game— senior who transferred from But unlike the Cats who were
we head into this ballgame.” “We all thought as a staff that acks including Michael Daies, cocks have no problems running ltawamba Community College in thrashed by Alabama, South Car-
While UK may be the football this would be Ray McLaurin’s Anthony White and Derick the football. Mississippi is second iii the South- olina comes in after dominating
team that “took it to South Caroli- year and it just simply hasn’t Logan- SOUth C'M‘OhM has one Of the eastern Conference in rushing Auburn statistically except for the
na.” this ear’s Cats are havin a worked that wa ” Cur said. Out of the three newcomers, SEC's top offensive producers, - ~ _' stat on the scoreboard.

Y , g y , Yr ry . . , , , . . and leading the Conference in all . ,
problem taking it past the 50-yard “'I here are times when he shows Daies has the most experience. He Duce Staley. Ihe senior running purpose yardage. Staley has 240 AgfilnSt Auburn, the .Game—
line. his ability, and there are times has started two games and rushed back from Columbia is currently yards receiving to go along with web had more than tw’ce the

UK is dead last in the SEC in when he doesn’t.” for 92 yards against Indiana, but second in the SEC in average his yards ofrushin number 0f first downs; nearly 160
mm] offense and scoring offense. Because ochLaurin’s ineffec- he has been. bothered by numer— rushing yards per game. He has “He’s made treigtiendous strides more yards of total offense; ran 32
’l’ll ‘ough five games, the Cats tiveness, Curry and the Cats may 0115 leg anUFIeS- averaged over 133 yard per game. this year,” Scott said. “It took him more “fl-995“": fplayS, and domi-
nated the time 0 posseSSion.
Cats have homestantl Scrimmage takes
I ' II I
VBI‘SIIS GOIIlflI‘BIICB llBSt “x I) ace lllt e [100
a, By Chris campiieii
By Jay G. Tate On Sunday, UK takes on the No. 3- cmmbutmg an
.SiqffWriter ranked Flori a Gators. After losing their a, If . lfh l" h h h .
first tnatch to powerhouse and No. l— ygu gag pici‘ture yougse ur ing t rpug t e air
CAUTION: BLASTING ZONE. ranked Hawaii, UF has gone on a rampage ignite: Cznyet: water, t en get over to t e ancaster
It reads like a hi hwa si , but for UK __, a run that has yielded 18 strai ht wins, . ' .
volleyball, it’s a pFOihCC; gn compiling an aggregate game totafof 54-6. w tYhutrliugngttA/iga Ki) do itgegs‘znallyéabutsyéoutcptn
After laying sub—satisfactory volleyball Florida fires away from every position “:51,“ th: wate: mm “8' an ' “g m ru 5
in’Tues aynight’s win over a satisfactory on the court. They are led by senior hitter Not only are they holding the Blue—White scrim—
Western entucly team, the Cats now Jenny Wood, who, like many of her Gator ma e 'ust to show off to the hometown crowd but
host two of the Southeastern Conference's teammates, is among SEC leaders in hit- moge ilrnportantly they are there to make a statement.
:li‘rilof‘hflarrlrgiznable attacks in South Carolina ting percextage (3.31é).iS.he is juih’edhby The team is beginning its quest to return to the
UK had. been progressing .3llllfiyvrtI/ith 2ffl’lfilfis’lez, W O "5 5533335303: e an impressmn on other SChOOIS
well in the weeks. {0'1“in ‘ . AS 3 team, Florida hits .296 The Wildcats’rbest chance looks to be in the hands
their 1;) 51E“;- 3‘11““ the “3‘1“ and allows opponents to attack of the women, as they are preseason ranked 14th in
over‘t e ‘a y oppers, t e I “t the pathetic rate 0f:094. It is the nation, where the team finished at the NCAA
'Cflt'h‘ anemic ”Sq“: seemed to f?” hope to generally accepted that a team cham ionships last year. Returning four All-Ameri-
‘“ iii? a sltep dac ' l 70m, we 1"? needs to hit .200 to win a match. cans rom last season, depth in most events is a key
. e ‘vye Y’eréKpiorE‘i going to have No one has attacked with that strength for the women’s squad.
333?“; it?” Fl 8.31 tofmd mm? kind ofefficiency against UF. Freshmen Annabel Kosten, Jennifer Priester and
SEE": rt?“ 3 ston: 0W 53" - continent ‘7 RalstotrHury knows it will Kassidy Gala will be strengthening the shorter
. we 0 e ’to W'Fv dwe are ‘ g I lie a struggle. freesty es, with honorable mention All-American
gonfg to a“: to m more "l'lorida is in a league of Rachel Komisarz keeping depth with the distance
“23:53:32 are oin to have Fran Halston- their own," Ralston-Flory said freestyles, along with All-American Leigh Dalton.
to ste u theirg “fie. both Flory ”(the omnipotent Gators. “We ‘After the loss of two All—Americans,_ UK coach
9 hpC Pl. Fl ,'d . UKt'o/Ieyfmllhmd are going m have to play the Mike Lyden returns two other All-Americans in the
‘ 0‘" aroma an . on a 5“ “MC/J. best we can to compete.” divmg competition. Lyden received the NCAA
atop the SEC East With UK. . . _ Women’s Divin Coach of the Year award last year
South Carolina comes into UK Will look for senior out . . E
‘ . . ' . - . ~- . ~ for his accomplis ments at the helm.
Lexmgton at 13-3 4_0' The .. m.“ Side hitter (win?! Hetistis to lead B h L k l d h .. l g _ . ll .
Gamecocks are led by junior middle block- the attack. In SEC matches, llcustis is fir- I UK jet: firsiaefere‘ilg‘A/fti’ille‘ihnswiriarhi’iiigtgiilidxiii];
er Heather Larkin. As 0 )osed to UK's ing on all cylinders, ranking 4th in hitting ., . .‘ ‘ . ‘ , .‘ , ‘ . t »'
defensive-minded pla ersp’in the middle (374) “”‘l averaging an SEC-best 5-17 kills Eight ’ii’llnd. her laffliiIISIIVTmlakdsiiwiio garnered
llarkin is USC'S ofgénsivc ilnpctus -_’ [KT gillllc. fungira ) L mention 'i mcrlcan avtan 5 «15‘ )Lar dS J
amdn the SEC leaders in hittingefficien— “(iina's made a huge improvement,” refil‘fileaiiieii's team should be much im )roved from .
CY ahtfkills. Ralston ‘l‘lory said. “09" veteran players last season. lien Fowler, a sophomore, is back to com— ‘. /
“South Carolina is t