xt7q833n0b3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n0b3t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1971 1971 1971-01-15 2020 true xt7q833n0b3t section xt7q833n0b3t . , . I , f . ,
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Cor )or'ilions l\ttem 1 St I . F I ' - ' . i- l '.
l ( . . p . m t nt pr oitation
. . .s Collegiate ropaganda Signlfles JV 0th mg = «
Bl'lEAV RENAK FR l‘roin the outset (-l.'s iepicseiitatiies— )i) pirthi iillli\!'l; l;\itflI_il’l . . .. - * * “is" .' ‘_
~ Managing Editor pated during the two-day H'lllt‘lt‘iiyt‘ - .ulnnttml that ll"l\ l-t 'hi- :i. tart, “if/.:. j? _‘ -.
“hen a large corporation decides to hold a con- the conference was hen-g held lo; Wkll’i‘d v. Visor; i i . ; ’ ' , - ~ '7« '
lt'rCHL't‘ for :iselectedgroupofyoiingpeople,the tendency “CHOU! himseli said that (.l'. wantid to in! w i' homo-(l :1 i; i' ‘ l- .. .' ' ' “ .'f l.
of many is to view the conference with skepticism .it 'sensiblc' young people thought .dxmt indisti; in! it Y“~’il-‘t'- .:. - ' ' , .‘l'L ’. 3 '. .'
best, and cy iiicism .it wont. its relations to the soc ieti. \ililllillllifl it -‘ ‘TA 3' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ‘ . elf/It- ff." 1
v.l ,2 . .. . .- -¢ .. ii, .; . , V'f';44."-( A
_ Such was the s tiiation early last l)c( ember when I‘ll All: ”all" ”hit I'll. WlIUlIHHI l ' ' “I f 7. ‘ , . _ ' -I' 1: .v
- -. . . . - at .iast 'vllliilll‘) iv :.\..i.i 'o' ..i_ ,v 2, . o . y , 1 _ .. .,
(:(:;it_'l’ill liectric. among the nation s 20 largest corpora- li‘r't‘ilii' 1‘ I I, l \. \ _ I i- \ I . . , . I . . .v . I, . II.I«I’,I.,II.IIII
tioiis, held ii conference for some it} editors of collegiate L‘m {E "El: lI o I‘ ' f “I ' ‘ ‘ " ‘7 , ' _,',_ .H.‘ _ ' ' EVIL—33:5}: ..
newspapers across the nation to discuss such topics as ll 5 l I N H h ' 7 , . . , 7 I: .zl‘,’:'. ' ~
“Technology and Society Ilillt' lii(li\ l(ltlill and the —-—-————~—-——-——»-~-——-—~—---r—‘-——'——-‘"H —‘-’*“ .._..-. l i ‘ Ill ll \ l’i . t . . “ii-'23 (is
Urganization, and industry and the linironinent. (JUHIHN‘IIIIII‘V 'e.’ A and 19...? .t I._II. _ . . . II, “if "
L‘nder the guidance of Cli‘s l‘:iliit';1ili)ildl Relations ————-———————————-———-—-—-——-————-————~——-- No dialogue it mots . ,~ - ~ ,~ - . I‘, '
()perzition manager, Joseph liertotti, (Ll. organized what lwirdering on stniadity did i‘.‘ or»: .: , v '.’ n ,_ -' 7 viii",
could only be termed a carefully unbiased discussion of in selecting the students to be involved in (in the penod ot .. lt'\\ days , ,1: in; ~ W ;’:;I7."‘I2.I“', V
' subjects that (if; considered important to important to meeting, it was decided that collegiate editors should Uiiht‘rsi' tor the most put ltiltflllgt‘iill‘y thou car . - .2 I.-'
society, students, and, 0f CONT-‘6. (ill. be invited because they are generally among the more upon whit h the} held totally diftcrtgni mm. s ,v .7: .s _
I ()f the 20 editors who actually participated in the involved, active students on campuses. Schools were that short period oi time, there was .i nyillingn' 13:51-42
conference—editors from such schools as L'(ZlA. Purdue, selected on the basis of their having a technical school expressed by both groups. to iicct‘izt as partially, 1mm. -I'fI"". , ‘.
Duke, Penn State, M.l.T.. UK and Georgia Tech—the of some kind. "13(8le Others New 3‘ I.- . ."
overwhelming majority expected, as oneeditor remarked, There was also an effort, by one (Jli representa- The tragedy of such conferences. howeyer is heir -; It'll"; ".
”to be brainwashed" by the (IE hierarchy. By the end tive's admission, to keep radicals" away from the lack of permanency and their restricted scope. The no kl iii/i. .‘
of the conference opinions changed to outright praise conference. If that was indeed the case, (fr: failed. people who participated came away from sulphtfiwh 4;:le I
, ., for what CE had attempted to accomplish. if your definition of a radical is one who thinks for Continued on Page 8, (‘01, 1 ~. 1 .
‘33. .9 Lil-s“ _'i .‘I
. . {’25: _ ' a h '--, . , .7 7.
' Friday, Jan. 15. 197] l'nivci‘sity of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXll. .\o, ti7 ' ;, I i?
‘i. I . H; c .- . I‘.
I OHtl‘OVCI‘Slal I'tl C16 [Xe/BPS - - 95" g: 1.1 .-;
T , a l :4 'I ‘. .5 7:]
aw . i agaz me L 11 published .. a, | .
,3; -:- -_ - , ._ I, .1 .
By FRANK COOTS ilixson said the article was libe- tion” on the part oi Hi\son and . ”z ‘ _ i . 2
And DALE MA'I'I'HEWS lous because it “detained sonic was intended to ”keep CeneI Ma ”-7319; $5 3: . ". .‘ '-,.
The ”Kentucky (luilllilt‘ilitr ofthc people downtown.”Acting son from having a foniin. I' . a“! " I : j
tor." a legal-social magazine on Hixson's advice, W.L. Mat- Wendelsdori also clainiedthat . °.:« l. 37",“:
funded by the College of Lil“: the‘w's, Dean ofthc Law School, Hixson s politics, which are ra- ° _ .9 ~23 I {III/II, 1-. ; .33. I-II;
may not be published this year. withheld the innds ior publica- ther conservative, and his per - , . - his. ‘ l 0' . i.‘.‘-.?--".?:I""g", ’ ..-.I
.~ ‘UThC funds for the ”Cominen- tion. sonal distaste for both Wendels- x ' - ° f; . . .v .
. tator" were withheld when it In addition. Hixsonconiment- don and Taylor PW‘hPtt‘d hi7 “ . ' , W 3'} If
b Was discovered that the mag- ed that the article was ”tanta— ‘lccmoh to halt l"‘bl“'“tl"“' ‘ . .I “"‘w f! '.
azine was to include a controver- mount to StCVC Bright's ‘tUdehl Ray of Ho e 3 '° ' \‘g iris/I: . j," f‘jII
sial article by Political Science directory COVER” and “”45 Tl . . i }p f l 7 r Mg: “ l i. ‘ : lr-Lh’l' i 2.7
Professor Cene Mason. "highlydistasteful." ,.(, "3 ”ht: ”.3. 0 . 1919“ [or t “' KNEW mm,” b... intrw's, . 3 I ‘.
.onunentator rests in tae cur- - 2" ~ '-'
‘ Originally Speech Editors Deny rent SBA elections in which Tay- 4 nd Tile” W/IIat? zI ’. . _,'.
Mason's article wasoriginally Ernie Taylor, editor of the lor is a candidate for president. f _ , l B ll m l' Ii ;_ ;- - "I;5
presented as a speech last Sept— ”Commentator," and Scott Wen- Taylor received a plurality ofthc Al the hassles 0‘ pr‘Add emeoped Eye ‘ for?! “filth-f 5‘; ‘I .1, C .»
ember to the annual meeting oi delsdorf, one of the co—editors, vote on the first ballot LN WW]- some 0f the more fortunate “Udell“ were d e m Rd ( U“ .:ll(“'.“l‘_ ;;~"f .' f
- ' ~ - , . , -, , - . . , . . to the tables to ask, And then what am I supposed to do. Illt ~;. I~ F. -
”'7 “\lmmdl' Pnlmml swan,“ b.0th deny that the. 7"th lb nesday and 1H“) WU” 1” Md“) ‘7 lines were long and the process confusing, but most managed to if s. , 'L.
Association in Los Angeles. ILn- libelous. Wendelsdori said the nin-offthe magazine may lWPUl)‘ tth l onehow is ,2 1?; .
titled, ”He Knew orShoiildHavc charge of libel was a "fabrica— lished after all. ge [WKLLSJ ' ' ___w~_r __ if if;- .5" m; .
‘ Known.“ the speech dealt with 7'7" I- ,‘.~‘-"-‘-"'.~I- ,I' '
. A what a political Science piolcs- craCk(lOWIl 0n [)1'att l)0(l”(‘l'8 ,I LUI- a"
, sor should know about political t" _ '. .' I, ‘. 3
trials and contained a descrip- . . . . . IgI.II;iI.,zI~ 1', 7‘, InI
tion of» Mason's own trial. C d Tl htens Im rat . 0 Restr ct 0 . . If"): . II.
Mason was arrested last year ana a g m lg t n , l l Ills t“, I« m‘
for knowingly receiving stolen . . . .A I I . . II it)". . -. 'II If, III'
property'just as hewas beginning OTTAWA (CPS)—The Canadian Federal government isInioying DH“ (loom I, and ,p.“ m ,, mud”) H... “I, H Mimi: .7 . it '. 1,157.2:
his campaign as a Congressional to crack down on the flow into Canada of draft dodgers. ccserttrs m .(,""“1(l“ it. ~Momnlan- thi- points they lt‘llllllt toi cllliidssi :, .I III '. .0
e ,. candidate. He was convicted but and politically active people generally. , to (.anada under the point sy stem. . I l. .- .II '.' . o
his case is under appeal. Otto Lang, minister of manpower andimmigration. told a rc- Ii they are ordeitd deported heiansc they do not .it lost 'iicci i-l‘ji' .‘ -I
- cent press conference that stringent immigration rules proposed the requirements. they can appeal the ruling Andhecaiisc tin l?.l(l\ 3" .3; .' 5,.
Clearly leelous in a special report for the government are aimed at ensuring that log oi appeals is so heayy. thcir case may be postponnl to! up to .“t - .- .
According to Steve Hixson, Canada gets "the cream ofthc crop." at year. In the meantime they can line up tor a Jill) and be "'cn : 7 III ,._"-._i I
13“?“de 0f the Student Bar AS‘ ”Revolutionaries would be kept out oi the country if they are trenched.” '. .. _v . . {I I .
SOCiation (SBA)’ the ankle came intending to subvert 01” democratic process,” 1‘1"”: said. Under the new proposal. the draft dodger or desciter would not I .2 , 7. i i- 1.2,
to his attention 13“ December. The report, compiled by TOWN” ”“3"“ loscph Sedgvsick at be able to make that long appeal. lle could only go to a special .I' .‘i ~3- .7
Since the SBA president has the government request, calls for a security review board Wthh “'“hld inquiry officer who the report say s should deal with appeals .~‘ - . , f .
power to hire and metheeditins’ COHSidCr the cases Of 980916 engaged in extra-parliamentary "l" quickly. The person would be swept out of the country. " If .7 I: s.
l'Ilixson mum"), stopped Wbllca- position in their homelands. . .. . . . The only recourse would be to apply tor political asylum. —“‘ N5 7'
ho" 0f the "“33sz because, The government would have the last word in defining security S .1 .- -k . . . l l‘ l . __ . 't l- f l ' .I . . -. i, _
he said. ”My own personal opin- risks because the minister of immigration would decide on appeals filihu Irfilfn‘u‘lfl“ '7, t. l‘n ‘9‘. push" .n hpmm ) t ”l t "7 lat" ,' L. i . .. .
ion, supported by one of our against negative review board decisions. 0 ”HS person it t it minister o immigration. . I-I . . . .l’ -
own professors who specializes The operation of such a board is complicated, Sedgwick says, The granting oi political asylum is essentially a political -. . ._ '
inthis field, was ”13‘ itlglason's “because those in charge of security cannot in most cases reveal, question which I\\()l|l(l be more sensibly receiyed by the nnnistei 2 . I, . . :7 ’.
article) was Clearly 1i elous." publicly, their information or its source.” than by a quasi-pidicial body such as the appeal board. Sedg— ., . ,' . _
WW ”I assume that the security board will sit in camera.” he “'it‘lf WH- . _ . w. .. .
writes, "and that it will have the power to consider evidence that S‘Hdt‘il ‘5 ”W ““h “HIM". “lmh “TURN/.08 (lt'wltloli as . . . ~ .
weather “’(yuld not be CVldCllCt’ under illt‘ strict [uh-5 they apply in (:()u[t\ “THINK“: if” phllllk‘ill .l\}llllll. illl(l llltlt‘ l\ H‘.l\
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 —————-—————————W THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday, Jun. 15, l‘l7l 3 1 , ' ”‘ 2
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onapre-a us n .Ad b ' ‘ " - .3. V ’
)3 $73: oirrrbypegzrli oMo’nday‘th'Il‘Ezugd; : 6J3 #597 .— SI‘IOW Time — 7:36 & I 1'09 . .' . : 3'. ~'., V .
- . paymen nc ose , . .- _ . .. '4, . I -~
. 3123535353332; “my“, ...... my \ , 22/ eAn adventure ‘l'hat’s gar Out In The ' , ,’ ; ~ ..
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m [or .ther'eeucimglefgti’voerifigexgrndlmol‘figg ‘ p 1‘ ' wear (EaSt . ‘ I . ' " ..‘ J l ‘ ‘
)- same ad of 20 words. and $3.75 per - / 4‘» -' 3’ '.', u ' '
week. 20 words. . . 'V , “V r .5 ,_ " _ .
The deadline is ll mm. the day . / ' ‘\ .‘ - ..4
(I prior to publication. No advertisement » 2w... 9 x J l I- J . - ‘ ,
C may cite race, religion or national _ . ~'...-,.-.-. . .T . V V.
origin as a qualification for renting " $155312: fl , ,g \ . , .‘V , .
y rooms or {or employment. 0 i, ‘ ,3. < 'g V ." . "'- ~ . ‘ ' A' 'f if
.- M-------,-,,,,,,,, '- .. ”as” _-
ll F03 BALE - / $53 { ,. H " :; .... .. WI;\ ' '; .
'64 VW N tCh-B k. V‘ . :, ,V,' 'V s. V\1.. . ~ - ,VWVMi' . VV‘V 2“,... 1," rV {I’-
'I sunroof, XM-FMafz £3uiltre§nwlli . , I w I: .49 j ' y .. '1‘” -i. f ‘. . "V. :' '1. . ' ‘. .
i . - - ‘ I l V," (it: fl I. I: ,y‘ . -. VV ’ ,II‘I "1.153211: "'2’ -, _I . ‘ . . 1.1 t?
- asx— '. d - _ ..
r 3‘ 3?:35g8“§51 01233322520 1.3% Em“: c‘l'm Charla machete -. ;
'- on c . . aom, . . m fr, "-‘.'..-‘
,,- JANUARY 23 - FEBRUARY 2, 1971 ...... "RT" ‘BRONSON um 2' . 2'3: .
ron BENT ,9 I‘vf ., V. V ‘-V
1- W R EGISTRATION . . . ,1} w (I an” 3% in gm w” V .V. ' I I ‘ ‘. I', .- ‘ - . 1*.
, B-A-C-H-E-L—O-R efficiencies to 6 . Q . . (‘7 V -, . ..
6' ggg'hfgoshbmgug- Aggséeipfigl Com lex Donovan d BI A owe CORMAN pnooucnou . PANAVISION . COLOR GPA 2.22: -2 : ‘ V .:
1. town. Nice. 254-6134,p266-4632. 41:42:; P ' ’ an ozer ,. .—,..— PIus _— ‘ -‘
g SUB-LEASE —Fu ' h d l-bedr ' .. a. ‘1- ‘ ? «meow-m - ' ‘ I. ”
e apartment at Gregggogke, 1814 833:: cafeteflas 0" Room 559 0.1-. Wk 2 ;’ m‘fli ‘L 2‘ . .I"
sailles Rd.. Spring Semester only; { 4 V-’ MN. I -' ’. '~. . 5
' lease ends May 31, 1971. Call 254-4328 January 14 15 18 I9 I97] . ,- - g . ; .- . ~. .' -
evenings. iiJlB ’ I I I f M. ' \3. ref“ 0" .. . . ' '2 .' L
l W “’92.. , @m 3. W .... .‘ ~ ._ .
e i APARTMENTS—316 Rose Street, Allen Be Involved '22:: , . 3- ’3! . 1 . - . . -. 1. '
. I Manor; furnished; all electric; air— 0 e o ::g_-V 1-". 1': 'i 5 o o _.-.4, - , K ".- -, V:
5 . conditioned; carpeted. Call 299-9376 Q?“ 5- ' 3 , .Tab "1 “km . 5» ~~ -
t or see Manager in Apartments. 14.122 Be A Greek' fi_g. \ VVK . ‘. .V .' '-, VV V:
- QUIET, neat room. house with two ° 332 ,4, .V , ';-_.;1 .. .. '_ ., .7" . ’i {“t.’ .
. oldV ladies, parakeet. Refrigerator . .._ . .. , 3 ”A“, Ham x ' _ - . -.— V- ;
d . avallable. Sunset Drive. Phone 266- «2" ‘ ‘ .. ‘: . . . ‘.
r 2573. 15.121 VA......:.‘V.‘?- ~ A“ V . ‘ . f . -. V ~ . - 'a . .
——————-——-—-—§- 2: "- J . y » (002E . -, ' . .j. .
, , , , , , , , , ,. , , , -'. , , , , , , ,. 2":gz...}__ I ‘v .;§‘5;""-.r.;s54 { RJQ (V V. ’ -‘ V ‘ 2‘ '
“W n.7, ..«bom ———_—___—__—_—— -. 3 ._ V; V1 : '." V V.
PIANO TUNING -—Reasonable prices. \ = '- ' ~
‘ 2V1; work 8‘gléaranteedfi Tr‘zVainidng ' ~ ":~’~_ .. -. l
mwa ons ln ew or . . .' ' ' .
Davies. 52,52-1989. 29S-Mch2 ’ ’ Vfl'. ‘ . 'T . ._ . .
WWW / .- -. ‘: , , , VrVV V- ' . ; ~. . V. 2V"
BABYSITTER for two small children; "“9 \ g;_:_V:;’; ' " ' ' , ‘ . , j . . , ,V
must be available all day Tuesdays w ‘a/‘Bfi =5) :V.V;-V 3; . . . . V. V.V .. V . . ..
-r and Thursdays; must drive. 272-342fi2é NE W \ “\‘V/ // ‘ LISTERINE -, . _. . ‘ VrVVV . 3", .VV'ge
/ 1f; ANTISEPTIC “x '. 'VVV ‘ . . . 7“,
0 MALE t h t bed- - ’r . -\ V V. V, , . . ,.
, room arga’rTnTeallf. C‘snfpfertiiyxgmish- mm / "\‘e ‘\ " I =Ifiiffigfl§ The spray _-'. ' '. ._.' r: 1- ‘
r ed. $77.50 per month, all utilities. R \‘(ab 0»; conrmc that ‘1 . V, r -,.
C Grad student preferred. Call Charlie. o u W V. VV t . . r fl _
V 2 233-1977. 14-129 “S . 332% am” ' y- H . ‘2 protec S :9)? . ‘ ' .l ' ‘L
‘ ; MALE “ d d to h t. M0 I EUSTERINE'QE " K4 ion ! . . .- , . -. z, .. ,
i ...... {22:22.2222 .2... 22.22% pp. A“ ONLY -..... away a V . _ . -, .
s f irlglgfrsSVfergl-sezggnpus; 1/2 baths. Iasflgig . “EGut 33:33:“:‘2: 32.1.1173: ' I 1: )9 e V . . ,. V
- ~::::::._ 2 ‘ ' ‘ “ ’ " A . ' " '
WWW _ I g ~§ {12/ C I ' ‘ I ‘1 V ._ : ‘ V. i
5 MISCELLANEOUS 5 oz. Size WWW ‘4'01‘ @233. WJSYEB .' . - ' . -
- IMPROVE YOUR GRADES—Volunteer $1 09 I “M 'j“ m I» u- I ‘- .‘
for study skills improvement project. ' ~ 0 1 W ’~ ~ ,’
Respond immediately. call 258-8659 or ' . . 5IOI .79: I 3 Sn!!! " ‘I x -' I -.L I, .
come by Kastle Hall 008. 14327 6.." 4 ’2’an . ; , .‘ . . . . .
1 TfiREIl)‘ SF WINlTEfIR l—gLREAEYf? ~— A . . eiie. . V ;:;:_».;.:.:.;..,. .. -.:.:; .- , ;. I, ' ‘- I I, ‘ “ ' -‘ .> 4.
ln ’ t » , ” \ {gag,‘Iff55.;,;{33:"- .i' . z. , ' ,i . , ' r. j
_ now. Wig; nyoaujoinefls o:1 infaiul‘ggs .. H m §s§:§:}f=:1§’:f5553:555:”WWs” $1 39 t I ‘ ‘ " V . r -
7-day cruise of the Caribbean this SUPER S'lL-‘il 531253538 “ "I VW '“31'i':7'-'3'””' .- ' l' ‘ '. I '. t
I spring break? Write for details. Don- VIM-ilJllAllfs ' " - -‘ . , ' -
aid fiilkinltonl5 OWhoslesaiszél‘Voul; In- ... . I . . i" ‘- I r" : :‘.
erna lona . . . ox , no - - , ' ' - - ' ' . ‘ '
' ~—-——~—~—————————— .;2.i. a “we“... ----~, , _ V,_ . .. ~.
KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS ' “ \JXW 61’ waitleue smo . , -' . '- -. ', -. »' g
' mummum '._T '4'01- ., -- \\ 3 ; "f 3 '. ‘4
BRING RESULTS _ “€60 g! 79 gym JV . V, K.
I — — I. I: , . V,(r 5‘. ,.i::':~ ‘0‘”? l l I V , V VV ». V V "J' V
= .3 ‘. '. ‘ :1 t :V 1V I : .V . ‘.V I . ; .. .
-_=_ , I222 :3! 11-02. J w t i q , z. _3-
—""= 3 ' J "1"?” ‘33“ C; - ' I333: ' . j .. ' , ._
l :- alQ9l99129@ 2?: $1.07 . J . 1 53:53. _, . a.
." ‘ _a—E , I" l 3”: ‘Al-‘I i Ssmr stainless steel-edges 1 Giant he . a --*‘ ’ “'1‘, .1"
—= 3— large suze— 73c ' .Wuwnnm- ml“, HWM_L_L___¢A___LW;MJ — W improve VVV. . V. V ’3- .
= 3:: , V" ‘ ,' ‘5 '_ . ‘ . ,
= — ‘/ VVVV . ,V .'V V 5 V VV
— ‘= > e . , .. _ . ‘.
0—“ X —___= . HALO SHAMPOO, Family SIZe . . . . . . . . . SI .39 Kzng . _ , »:;’:-‘ .---
. .. ;; HYPER-PHAZE .............. .. $I.59 98c w
= '1 ii . "‘7'" . ‘7
—_-..— 3i . . 5; . .V.
J?! !' -‘ ’
[ill “I ~ .z ~. : - ,: -'.
.l .. .J I . ‘ TEQUIBT 8'01- C ‘Beat ' f 1‘
. ‘1‘;th 11/11/2111] , . . n V V ;,
13‘ f c With Body 8-01 I 09 ' :2wa 9mm '2 " l."
‘1‘ o . .V .1 j . >' 2 .
WIS/vim - 4 Z / - . -— -,
'0 .—' ' .. -~ 2 1.
Enhance your luck. accord- V V I; I .. VVtV VV . ,.
ing to ageold legends, by A 98c ”W . - \ t
., wearing the special gem asso- - I 09 . _, ~_ . VV . . VV -.
ciatcd with your month of . VV , .V . . _ V.
birth. Select from our array ”up. u.” Split Ends Disappear ‘ V‘ .‘ , ‘ ‘ V fl '3.
rings, cufllinks. brooches or N - . l IR FORMULAS V, - ,, ~ . V
pendants. We will be happy TAME Ll SE WIth lemon . . . . . . . . . 8'01. $1.09 - ‘ . ' ‘
to explain the gcmological HITE RAI HAI , . ‘ . .V ' .
characteristics of the stone w N $ " . . ‘V
you choose. and perhaps R SPRAY ' ' ' ‘ ' 13-01. 1‘39 _ ’ . ‘ _ . - . V
some of the lore iiS well. You For Olly Hair 1 .V . . -, .
run he \lli'c of null rompctcnt .V , , , .V
lntcrt‘s‘t uml hpr \ihcncwr . V V
V\(\l| I‘lllkIl.I\C IlllC Ii‘\\\‘II'\ ill ., V‘ ‘
:i mvmiu-i mm M 'hc \mvll- | 01.0". ; . .
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can (icm \Uklt‘lL V R V V
. IGHT l - ~
v r‘ _‘__1,
PM 221mm COMMONS SUNDRY snap ~ .
(at? LA) _ g, 2.2/4 , _
0 .. Servrced by Edger Sales, Inc. ~~‘~« -. ‘ . .
108 Esplanade V '
c .

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. . , , erlle 03p )OX Joseph
” E l t' F ll a we “m"
, _ L k va ua ton of a so 9 g 1.21;“;
. - . 4 . PISTAB S' 7‘ THE ' ' ' '
. . . . - H m”) ’4 FRIDAY‘ JAN' 15' 197% Bl wf‘an H' DAVIS of three names on the ballot, having or rati(
'. p p . . Ifr/zhiizu’s olin'w'nl {/n' opinions of Hu‘ Editors. no! of thc (illfi‘t‘rxlfll. Professor 0f Zwlogy . . been nominated by \‘Ott? 0f the entire accusa
. ~ _ . I l't’t'ehth' l't‘fhb‘t‘d 10.5%" ‘4 Pt‘t’tlof‘ to faculty of the College of Arts and Sci- indistii
. . . “Mk 8 (Wm lll. ICrlihn-—In»(.‘liiwf the Administration asking that Dr. Gene (inces' ePll K
.‘ , -. lint, liiowii. Int/iluriai [Law I'iilitor Jean licuzikcr. .Vunaging Editor ““591” contract lie rf‘newod' I 1010‘" I COllld g0 on but the point has been the 21C
_ . _ . Win '1 ii-rn. 3. 51mm lit/nor Dahlia ”a”. Copy Editor nothingr about this mans performance as made that the Department of Political guilty.
, . . lam! hurl, fimam. .WfHHliji r Km“, “mu. (imlwnm a teacher and scholar in his field of Science at UK is competent and is the ,
. . i . _l ,m- liniuii Hm! ll .u‘ltjvixv Brillltiy ”loft-rips ~li‘i‘r} li‘u'is“ \liLv \Viiu‘s POllth‘dl SClCllCt’, and, being a ZOUlOngt, best (‘Llftlif