xt7q833n0938 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n0938/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2002 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2002 Vol.73 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2002 Vol.73 No.3 2002 2002 2019 true xt7q833n0938 section xt7q833n0938 I I ‘ A‘ - . - £32.; A” I
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- PERIODICALS Volume 73, Number 3 - March 2002 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service as /
T o o o o 0 El 'f
raining seminars 3 OH“ “1 EII'C April 0 I
. X s
I < 3'
C ,
staffers from every department of your . . Registration will be from 8 to 9 03 ,
SN PA’ KPA’ AP to Sponsor newspaper. WKU t0 hOId DUbllc affalrs am. CST. Participants will depart at g A
- - - On Wednesday, April 17, sessions ' ’ ' 9:15 am. for the courthouse. 1] f,
Traveling campus In April Will cover readership, computer—assist— reporting semmar In MarCh Transportation will be provided by the a ';
The Southern Newspaper ed reporting, improving writing skills The Western .Kentucky Univer31ty university. .
Publishers Association and the and essential skills for new managers. SChOOl 0f Journahsm and . . From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Warren '
Kentucky Press Association are spon— Thursday’s schedule includes Broadcasting, In cooperation Wlth the County Deputy Court Clerk Janice ;.
soring the SNPA Traveling Campus to copy editing and headline writing, WKU SoCiety 0f Profess10nal Beach will show participants how to
be held in Louisville April 17—19 at the succeeding in ad sales, single copy Journalists and the Kentucky Press use courthouse computers to gather '
Hurstbourne Hotel and Convention sales and providing extraordinary cus- Assoc1ation, {5 sponsoring a 13“.th information for stories. .
Center, off Hurstbourne Lane, and tomer service. affairs reporting 59mm” on Friday, From 10:45 to 11:45 a.m., Frank
near Interstate 64. Best of all, Friday’s session will cover tele- March 15' . Boyette, a reporter at the Henderson ,
Traveling Campus sessions are free. phone selling skills, building home The seminar, geared toward those Gleaner, will discuss researching :
The Kentucky AP Editors delivery circulation, design and graph- who cover government for the“ records for stories. ,.
Association is helping support atten- ics and photojournalism. papers, W111 include a field trlP to the Lunch will be served from 11:45 .3,
dance of the event which is funded by The Traveling Campus is designed Warren County Courthouse. On-cam— am. to 12:45 pm.
a grant from the John S. and James L. so that your staff members can drive pus presentations W111 be m Room 30,8 From 12:45 to 1:45 p.m., Matt ‘
p Knight Foundation, which promotes in for one day or even a half day, so 0f Gordon Wilson Hall. The seminar 5 Batcheldor, a Courier-Journal police
excellence in journalism. The three-day that newspapers will not have COSt 15 $30 per person which includes ‘. .
extravaganza of sessions will appeal to See SNPA on Page 12 lunch. See WKU on Page 6
Earnhardtls death Se t 1 1 L . SNPA NIE conference Feb. 3-5. The
. awards are given annually to recog-
’ p EXI ngton, nize excellence in NTE projects, literacy .
' ' o programs, and community service and ;
lead to legislative proposals Winchester and hteracypmgmmg. 3
' ,. .. . . The Herald~Leader won first lace ;
het' 51.3 136 would allow Pebhe ' ' in Best Literacy Idea '
, on second agenc1es more 9PP°mhes to go . H 0p kl nSVI l I e m at: among papers in the l
«3? into closed seSSion anytime a securi- - _ .
p p ‘s . . , 75,000 to 150,000 Circula 1
Thought s ty issue or p ‘1th record was to be ' ' SN PA tion category for its lead— } g
} issue gkemgyéginlyagjj’? Three Kentucky newspa ‘ -’ Really Big Pickle,” a seri- I I
By D id in Th i... - ' , - " . . . - - 2’ ,
a” amps” ““1 adrmru' 'stration last fall following the pers were honored recently _ W :23 " :tehzirge/vsirlegnfg;young I
N ASC AR and Attack on events of Sept. 11. But before the With five awards IECOgTIiZ- e,» K e ntu ck authors and j j,
America events are getting lots of session started, the administration ing their excellence in htera— $333 1» publisheed in 43 ‘i I
attention in legislatures across the announced that the current open _cy programs, Newspapers {:fiécfie’e‘ Kentucky papers. More '-' :
nation. And Kentucky is no differ— records law was adequate enough ln Education and advertis- 19v ‘a'lfiwzére ,‘5 than 420 000 copies of I 1‘
ent. to cover security concerns. ing. -_ )3; h h , _ _ 4
. , . . . «xii-{3.11}. , eac c a ter were rint ‘
Dale Earnhardt’s death in last Roeding s legislation, passed by The Lexmgton Herald- , -»___-' E‘ZAWx :va ed in n ex 5 p a p ers 0’} all L ,
V y e a r’ 5 Daytona 500 has led several the Senate 24-14 in mid-February, Leader was recogruzed for . A“ .1“ N egg”? sizes across the state , 3
states to take up discussions on would allow a pubhc agency to go usmg its efforts to drive up 1" 1%“??? each week for seven . .
autopsy photos and records, whfle into a closed sesSion if a record sales while being named in raw , weeks. The project was . ,
. the Attack on America in September involvmg security issues was to be the dealer category of the ’ i ‘1 I I CO-SPOHSOI‘ed by KP A, f
has resulted in numerous govern- discussed. Any action concerrung Newspaper Assoc1ation of A”; '2 Kentucky Educational , {
ment security bills around the coun- that record would have to be done America 5 2002 Dandy. I Television and LG&E 1' ’I
try. And strangely enough, the ver- “'1 a pubhc meeting, however. Awards for excellence m m is coming . Energy Foundation. :4
’ sions between states vary only Terrorism is one thing but automotive newspaper ”murmured-w It was spearheaded by . .
slightly. ”other criminal acts” are another. advertismg. KP A' 5 Kentucky ,_ 3,
Kentucky’ 5 current 60-day ses— And under the version approved by The Herald—Leader won‘in the Best Network for Newspapers in L
sion has also included many of the the Senate, discussions about “other Ad Campaign by a Franclused New Education. Kriss Johnson, KNNIE : :.
old standbys -- public notice adver- criminal acts could as well be done Ca? dealer category. The ad, II/nvest chairwoman, is educational outreach "
tising, Open records/ Open meetings, behm‘i Closed doors‘ W‘seIX/Zere Percent melee” was for manager for The Herald—Leader. / ‘1
. telemarketing, the environment and KPA 5 general counsel Lora Green 5 Lincoln Mercury in Lexmgton. LG &E Energy Foundation / KU ;
eavesdropping. Morris testified against SB 136 m Meanwhile, The Herald-Leader, agreed to sponsor special scrapbooks, ‘-
Prioritized, Senate Bill 136, filed committee and SUggested that lan- Kentucky New Era and Wmchester available through participating news- ; ;
by 531- Richard Roeding, a guage be deleted and a sunset Sun were mm“? m the South?“ , papers. The scrapbooks allowed story 3
Republican from Northern 113%? spgplf‘rt szlli‘ererSSgfiggsvirs ds readers to collect each chapter as it ,I 4
tuk, lb -- an 1ercy wa. n
Ken c y wou d e at the top of the See BILLS l MR 111 02 re announced in Atlanta during the See AWARDS on Page 6 f-

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, March 2002
K t ky I ' th 3
, en uc peop e papers in e news
I Men
I O I ~ ~ I D U I
Filkins named publisher $1313iggtgigfirygesl’erryton(Tean) White 15 new reporter at Weekly publisher to run tratii
of Kentucky Standard Filkins had a 3.5. ee re in h- Shepherdsville paper for Louisville council seat With
R F'lk‘ h g e istory AP B
b on Id mstVash _yfiEgee and journalism from the State College Bob White is now a reporter for John H- Harralson Jr., editor and coun
een name pu is er :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVFVVirVVVVVV of Arkansas as well as a M. A. degree . . . publisher of The Voice-Tribune, a
of The Kentuck . Hetsa=szssssaa:sasaes . . . . . the Pioneer News in ShepherdSVille. . . . long.
Standard in y a .. '11 Joumallsm from the UmverSItY 0f He is a graduate of the KPA weekly 1“ Jefferson count)” ‘5 a cane“ becm
Iowa. . date for the Republican primary for .
Bardstoan. He has , .. Filkins replaces David Greer as Journalism BOOt Camp held last sum— the new Metro Council District 7 seat. Aeri]
been With Landmark * .\~‘,ij: ;,» » . mer at Georgetown College. ' ‘ ' retire
C 't ~ *~ Bardstown publisher. Greer accepted a The second am lb t '11 The primary election W111 be held May of sei
. Neal???» Inc f0 ' _ position with KPA as its member ser- be held Jul 15 th r opiah :0 cgmtp W1 28- The Metro Council was created as a Char
. p p s . ' r ’ A . ' vices director and administrator of the y 8 ug. a- - result Of the merged Louisville and I
five years and is currently publisher of . . Georgetown College- llm St- Clair W111 plan
. . Kentucky High School Journalism - . Jefferson County governments. The
The Perry County News in Tell City, . . again be the bOOt camp instructor. l'd ' l< ff ' after
Ind The Standard is a tri—weekly pub Assoc1ation. conso i atlion ta es e ect in 2003. n
. ‘. ' As ublisher Filkins will have Harra son served three terms as
lc t .Th P C - p ’ ' ' . there
lishefrtlwiceea 5,:ng ounty News Pnb responsibilities for The Standard, its Weeklies 1n Muhlenburg, mayor of Brownsboro Village and was said (
Before joining Landmark, Filkins :VablelfelCeVVVIiVsVi/opgolgal prigkiniitiion sta- l NlChOIaS counties launCh £22315; (gilie‘Zerdfiliioy‘eErimHte’ was amor
- ~ ion, - , en uc ome rea - - i
Evieliilggilgj: (:1;ng ggflmégxas) estate magazine and the phper’s web Internet Web SlteS employed by BellSouth Telephone CO' Kiri:
p . site www.k standard.com. The co _ The Leader—News in Muhlenburg for more than 30 years and is active in -
Newspapers Inc. for Six years and The . I y m C d th Th - b f 1- . - - - for A‘
Moore County (Texas) News-Press for bmed operations, all under one roof, ountVy an e e NlChOIaS . a num er 0 p0 itical and CIVIC organi- photc
four years. Prior to that, he was news have a total 0f 33 employees. Countian have launched Web Sltes‘ zations. tionsl
Both Sites feature local news, sports, I
VV 2 . VV . . , , , . . V .- obtituarielslenld otclVier Ii\tVems of locil Bottom named LCN I Kentt
__.—__.... . ' VV 2 ., » ’ , _ ' , __.—__.. »V in erest. e ea er- ews’sitea so 2 sonali
- Th6 KentUCky Press " V V, ’V includes classified ads. Hulfn an Resource manager On th
Th K k P [$5. ' V V, ' > I. . _ ‘ ' ' ' . ' - .V The Leader-News’ site can be hum;Ziiolffigligifgénfgamed
e entuc y ress( Noozsmzzi) is Ente rise 2 " 2 . fo nd t .k -1 d . . r
published monthly by the Kentucky Press V __’ rp ' V " ' ' . Th: Niihzvltévsvxéoymegnegflgyasnc :1: Landmark Community Newspapers V
. Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. -» District 12 — David Thornberry, Somerset found at www n i h 1 t' Inc-r headquartered in Shelbyville.
SerpoflicilsKgaisprplstggeb is Palid atV . . $8 Commonwealth Journal I V . , V_ V ' C O ascoun ian.com. Bottom joined LCNI in 1984 as person—
ra or, . . u scrip on price 15 VV » 2 , - '_ ., . . nel assistant. She was romot dt
per year. Postmaster. Send change of ‘ District 13 {Tom Caudill, Lexingtonnegeiaég Woods )oms Morehead staff benefits manager in 191337 and :0 o CNI
address to The Kentucky Press, 101 " leader ., ’ ’ ' I f,’ '_ g-EV' V"? . - -
Consumer Lane, Frankfort, Ky 40601; (502) _, . ,_ ,. ' , . V~ . . Erin Woods, 23, of Morehead, has human resource generalist in 1994. D 3“
223—8821. District 14 - john Neisoh. DanvilleAdvocate, lomed the advertismg Staff Of The The “MS“? title .Capmres more Of sour
_ ., Meésenger . V V , z , V V V V Morehead News and its sister papers her daily activ1ties, Kim Hogan, LCNI J
Officers V V_ .V _ , ' » . ' V' 7 ‘V " ' = ~ i in northeastern Kentucky. She is a HR director, said. That includes coun- E' ‘ ones
Kentucky Press Association . ’ .V V. V State’At—Large V' . V ” ' graduate of Morehead State sel With general managers, department a had 5(
President-David Eldrid filessamine éflthgondeyhfibgtg 0:031:11? Time?“ ‘ I i '1 University. managers and employees. 5 gews
Journal g I Keelly Rbeginnzoh tRecitrrcllfr Newzpatipers 2. i I The addition Of WOOdS Will help . . ' A232;
d , V . Chris Poor'é, Kentucky-Kernel the papers broaden tlctVeir sales market Liebman to chair .2 Indepn
Presi ent-Elechhamn Tuminski, ’ i ’ ,V _ . , west to exington an east to Associa I .
Winchester Sun . , . Division Chairman V * Huntington, W. Va., according to Jack Ph 11' t5?) nduVstrles h f. ‘ $3132]
NeWS Editorial‘Division~JeffM0reIand, McNeel ubli h r f - - y 15 1e mar” W 0 we“ e “5t ‘
. . V . V V . V _V y, p s e 0 Community Th ‘
Treasurer « Davrd Thornberry, Somerset V Citizen Voice &2Times_ V' '> i -' . Hold in fK t k Th female reporter for the Frankfort State .e tr.
Commonwealth Journal . V , . * - . V , V , I d gsfil 151“ u; yd Ne group Journal, is the first chairwoman of by the
P P d M B k A V . Advertising Division- Kelly Robinson,‘ - .. $123553] e (1):: ea e815; H'll Associated Industries of Kentucky. In a:
ast resi ent- arty ac us, ppa achian , RecOrde'r‘Newspapexs ~ , V ourna ' nquirer, we 1 AIK with2 800 members represents 1 ‘ chasec
News Express ' ' » . V‘ ‘VV ', .. * j ,V,_VVV_V;:_VV Times, Greenup County News~Times, -/ I I I ‘ Mankz
‘ ' " 2 ~ 1 2 V 7,'Circulatiori;Divis‘ion ~',Krisslohnsoiti)7 Menifee County News and The the interests Of the state s employers ‘ . Sh
Boa rd of Directors .. .. . V . . . .: LaxingtonHerald-Ieader .. 2 . V. : ,V . before legislators and government ; aror
District1~ AliceiRouse, Murray Ledger and" _ V . _1VV 1 V'V jgi Carhsle Mercury. agencies. Liebman, 56, a Frankfort ;' pell’lers
Times , . 2 ,V ' Associates-Dwight, .2C1fffV'15éi'flqam,_ 5 __.—_— See PEOPLE on Page 6 ‘ ml i0!
, , V V . Kentucky Utilities ., . V . . V Deaths V; millior
District 2 - Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs ,. .. ..,f:'-j' ____—__________ 1151‘ 15
Progress V V . General Counsels Jon Fleischaker,Kim " I papers
D1 3 D0 w Ha 'k Cl: VV . Greene, Di nsmor e s:Shohl,Louisville_ii‘,lf3j5 V. -. Tony Curnutte director of the Baptist Student Union : ‘ ”Aft
'strict - nVn' immer, nVcoc - arion V‘ .' ‘ ‘ , V V V j , , V ' . . at Ashland Communit Colle e since i news
. V , ' VV . ‘3 Kentucky PreSSjAssociatiantaff ' 1 I If dTony Curnutte, 339' a copy editor 1989. He was also an (yrdaineg minis- l to foe]:
Dlsmct 4' Charhe Portmann,-Frarfldin - x T, epefiidm Thompson. EXecutive Directdt an ormer sports writer for The Daily ter and was an associate astor at Fi st l these Ii
Favorite : ‘ ,, Bonnie Hdwatdi'Confroller’ -, ' Independent 1n Ashland diEd unex- Ba t' t Ch h f F1 t P 51 rd i
» , V , ' g; Vv..:V,TerésaiReyVletfi.DirectoroflSales2v» pectedly Jan. 17 of an apparent heart . p 15 urc O a. W00 5’ accor _ per acc
Districts — Teresa Rice, Lebanon Enterprise =»David GreenMemberSei-wcesDirechor it??? attack. 123313;: deant story In The Daily '
' ‘ , 1 . . ’2 . j .' {Davids titer}:NevaediaDirééfiir’ctu “ .1," ' '
Disma64Artttur-B;Poét,-Louisviile .» ,.;.;Bst,ty_;s'£§s;aagokkeeping Assxstant ? up $25,333,133igf‘g‘jrfiilggdfig The state Senate observed a ‘
C0 '6‘- 11131 V. ' . ' VV VV' '1- -- .V 5- »V. V ‘V '1 , ,, . . .
but ”of; . .‘ 2 ': , ' Q ' -’ geogzmfieResearch/Markeung 1»- V fund was established to help his fami- 3833?: e :fnsllggciabnrtfixggrgg ' -