xt7q833n0783 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n0783/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2010 text GLSO News, August 2010 2010 2010-08 2019 true xt7q833n0783 section xt7q833n0783 % The August 2010



A Publication'of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 8

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' We Are Family: Two

surveys sent out to 400,000 Moms, A Baster And A

service members Baddie

[Jim Miklaszewski, “First Read from [Bob Mondello, “NPR”, 14 July 2010]
‘ NBC News”, 07 July 2010] The Penta- The Kids Are All Right, 3 film in which

gon today sent out 400,000 surveys to lesbian moms played by Julianne Moore

service members for their opinions on and Annette Bening are at once suppor-

the repeal Of the "Don't Ask, Don't tive and protective when they sense

Tell" policy barring gay and lesbian there's something their teenage son isn't

personnel from serving Openly. The telling them. Is he having a relation-

survey includes questions about the ship? They say they'll be there for him.

impact the repeal might have on morale He says he is, with a guy named Paul,

and readiness, and a service member's but as they ask about the circumstances,

willingness to share quarters, bath— they get more and more worried. He's

rooms, and shower facilities with gay only seen Paul once, and under odd cir-

or lesbian service members. cumstan‘ces. Who is this guy, the moms

The 200,000 active duty and 200,000 wonder. You’ll have to watch the film

guard and reserve forces were chosen to find out. In select theaters now.

at random for the surveys, which were

e—mailed and must be completed and L

. . 00k for a new layout of the

returned by Aug. 15. A Similar survey _ ,

will be sent to the family members of GLSO News 1“ neXt month 5

service members around the first week edifion- There Will be a lOt 0f

in August. exciting changes made!

Although the identity of all those who

respond will remain confidential, there

is a separate link within the survey for

those gay or lesbian service members, S onsor of the Month

who Wish to prov1de additional com-

ment without fear of being singled out

and separated from the service as re- Lexington Lyons LeVi/

quired by the existing law. Leather Club

Once the surveys are completed and _

analyzed, the Pentagon has until Dec. 1 Hal Kutter

to come up With an implementation

plan for the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't 8593510286

Tell" and the open service of gay and

lesbian service members.

 Ga (1 Argentina Approves
y an Gay Marriage
0 0
LeSblan.s . ces [By Alexei Barrionuevo, New York ‘
Organuahon Times “Americas”, 15 July 2010]
BUENOS AIRES — Argentina’s Senate
lncor orated as narrowly approved a measure early on
p Thursday authorizing same-sex mar-
The Gay services Organization riages, making Argentina the first coun-
try in Latin America to allow gay cou-
P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 ples to wed.
The same—sex marriage measure will ,
www.g|so.org give gay people the same marital rights
as heterosexuals, including adoption and
Glso New inheritance rights.
Volume 32 No 8 Mexico City became the first jurisdiction
' in Latin America to legalize same-sex
marriages last year. Two other countries
News Editors and Staff in the region, Uruguay and Colombia,
allow civil unions for same-sex couples.
Mary Crone,
Ginger Moore-Minder,
Dennis Wheat/ey Sarah Phillips,
David Spencer News/cflcrEubscnPt/on
Administrative Assistant
Bill Chandler ' _ '_ _ '—
859-253-3233 Address
Dennis Wheatley, President St t 2'
Thomas Collins, VP & Vols. 3 e — 'P -—
Jane Minder, Secretary
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas. .
Mary Crone, GSA Email:
Jesse Howard, Marketing
Orvis Kean, Events . , ,
Charlotta Brunson — 1 yr.$20 Couple or 1nd1v1dual
Jessica Sucik membership and newsletter,
David Spencer additional donations welcome.
Next meeting August 8, Please send this form with payment to:
1pm at the Pride Center GLSO P.O. Box 1172
Lexington, KY 40588

 GSA Sponsors including posting racist, homophobic
Anti-BUIIYlng Film and anti—Semitic messages to social net-
working websites and e—mail lists or
maintaining online profiles filled with

The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance extremist materials .

e for Youth used it’s profits from the An unclaSSified FBI Intelligence
Pride Festival to become a financial Assessment in Fall 2008 detailed more
sponsor of the Southern Poverty Law than-a dozen investigative findings and

' Center (SPLC) film “BulliedzAStudent, criminal cases involvmg Iraq and Af‘
a School and a Case that Made His— ghanistan veterans as well as. other ac—
tory.” The 40 minute film will highlight tive—duty personnel engaging “1 extrem—

l the experiences of Jamie Nabozny who ist activ1ty in recent years: The FB.I .re-
was bullied throughout middle school port warns that the "“11er training

1 and high school. veterans bring to the white supremacist

Nationally, more than 80 percent of movement increases the _P°SSlbhit?' hf

n LGBTQ youths said their teachers Offend?” carrying out Violence Within
never, or rarely, interrupt homophobic the United States. .

‘ remarks, according to a 2007 survey by The Pentagon has recently. tight—
the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educa— ened its policy on entremist actiVity and
tion Network (GLSEN). While some made it more speCific. The policy has
teachers may look away due to their been in effect since November 2010 but
own biases, most teachers fail to inter- was announced ‘3le a .‘hOhth ago. Uh‘
rupt these remarks because they don’t get the new POhCY’ "”11er personnel
understand their obligations or know must not actively advocate supremacist
how to help. doctrine, ideology or causes” or

The SPLC film will be distributed “otherwise advance eHorts to deprive
free to many schools The GSA will individuals of their civil rights.” The

. . ' _ new rules specify that “active participa—
receive a copy for its sponsorship. We tion” includes activities such as recruit-
will arrange a screening of the film iin ing, fundraising, demonstrating or rally—
the fall. Thanks to all who supported ing, training, organizing and distribut-
the GSA booth at the festival. ing supremacist material, including

Another focus of SPLC has been online P05“-
the presence of members of hate groups As the “Don’t A51" Don’t Tell”

' in the U.S. military. In 2006. The SPLC Policy approaches its end, it will be in-
informed the US. military about ex— teresting ‘0 see if anti gay harassment
tremist activity among active-duty per- increases Wich the military. If it does,
sonnel. For years the Pentagon denied we can count on the SPLC ‘0 continue
that a problem existed and said that it’s to pay attention to hate crimes ihVOIV‘
policy of “no active participation” was ing military personnel and to be an ally
sulficient to keep organized racists out in our progress for full inclusion in all
of the military. aspects of American life.

SPCL sends information to the ))
Pentagon when they find evidence that .
soldiers are participating in hate groups. 0 l")
Numerous active—duty members were '0 .
found to engage in a range of activities (9 jRW

((y/::9/ (fj/ ( Ii

 t p h .i .‘ \1 ‘\ k ‘" ‘; “V N
’v’ ' f -.—- “5.2-“ “5:. " ,2: " - .r’“ _ 41
. ‘ ': WW1“, - ‘ ‘f'f; 1.“ .. .. ‘i if f ‘
k . v V’fi‘ 7- - J 5W} i 7‘ A ”‘1'“. -_. . ' é .
Whoever Or Wherever You Are On Your 1
Spiritual Path Of Discovery §
You Are Welcome Here i
Some People Are Looking For Religion... {
Ot hers For Spirit ua l ity i
Celebrate with us at our new location and time '
Sunday, J une 6th
168 Burt Road, Lexington
Service time: Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M.
» Com munity Spiritual Leader W“ I' 27\§
5..., Rev. Soni Cantrell 2-3
www.Ahavacenter.com -' ' “"‘ g
h” .. We Are A New Thought Community . . p
Ahava Center for Spiritual Living A New Thought Communiy
Ahava is the Hebrew name for LOVE. The name Ahava is not associated with
any one religion. We are an open and affirming community which accepts all
religious paths. We are here to embody and express the Divine Love of God that
is calling us to transform our personal lives through the practice of universal
principles. Whoever you are or wherever you are on your personal journey of
discovery, you are welcome here. We are located at 168 Burt Rd., in Lexington.
Our services are Sundays at 10:30am.
Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Walbel i
Professmnal Splrltual Dlrectlon
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive

 Bible Study Gmup port group, will be meeting on
, The gay affirming Charismatic lSunilllay, Aug. 21 for a pot luck
' Christian bible study meets on Sundays un‘ijnfijgnthénsiigfiim has a lib-
‘ at the Pride Center at 10:30am. Email al 1' . d' . . h f
Karen at ktaylor@fewpb net for more er re igious tra ition Wit room or
. f ti ' ’ many beliefs. Our congregation in—
f m ”3:: o:iission statement We are cludes people who identity as Christian,
i called to reach those who have been £12: A3135; d fifingisyufllm’
wounded by the church with the love ’ ’ '
‘ and grace of Jesus Christ, to proclaim

liberty to those who have been held cap— St“ Mychal The Martyr.

tive to the false idea that we can not be You.are Hunted to our worship _

gay and Christian, and to proclaim semces on Sundays at 10:30 With

God's love to all. We pledge our love Rev Ken Waibel performing mass.

a“ and commitment to Jesus Christ and to We are at 1033 Industry Rd" .Suite. #5’

3 one another, that we might be the bea— off Winchester Rd: We are a‘lltllt.gl cal

‘ con of light to everyone in the greater church, our worship filled.w1th ritual
, Lexington area, with specific focus in the and 0“,: hearts filled With 10):.

GLBT community. The Mission of St. Mychal’s is to
provide a church that welcomes people
in all their uni ueuess and ' eduess.

® The Unitarian Universalist Church Our church Peg-mm 51mg:
3564 Clays Mill Rd. f . 1c to di d
I The Unitarian Universalist Church 0 gay unions, we 0 es vorce
l . . people, and ordains all persons
t has worship serv1ce at .1 lam each Sun- into the orders of Deacon,
I day. We are a welcomng congregation Priest and Bishop.
E that celebrates our GLBT members. We Our church is available for meetings
are located at 3564 Clays Mill Road, and receptions. Rev. Ken offers
. just inside Man 0, W313 Please pay us a couple counseling and can also
V151" speak to individuals about the spiritual
Interweave, the GLBTQS sup- concerns. 859 338—1195.
57. Mycflfil THE MART]!!! PARISH
Sunday Worship 10:30
W ”A W M0 VED '
1033 Industry Rd.
(859) 338-1195

 . confidence) that He has everything
Falth under control. I would say that proba—
By Karen Taylor bly most of us fall somewhere in the
u . middle.
have faithciiimfni)2 ’31:. CZ: 3:1 dfizv: Faith is at the center of the Chris—
faith ,, “31’3“; faithyin out-self” tian live. Hebrews 11:6, “But without
“ng take that ste of faith aiid do it.” faith it is impossible to please Him, for
We have all hear}; these phrases I); he who comes to God must believe that
fore, but what are we really saying? :6 18’ 11nd dtilll.” 1:: fee: $2113“ of
Aren’t we saying, have confidence, ose W. o igen Y '
know that you can do it believe in would like to be able to say that I have
ourselfi ’ confidence in God and not get upset or
y Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is worried, but I know (through experi—
the substance of things hoped for, the ence) that I don t always do that.
evidence of things not seen.” I have However, It should be our goal to as-
heard it said that to have faith is to pire to this level of faith. The Word
have the title deed to Whatever it is. It :ell; us thal: if: laflkfim‘il’ifiu we 1.13:6
is having the evidence or the proof of u: o Is as 0 an e give 1 o
:11: ‘11:: EOnll e};- 1:311:18): dwihfi: d: Then there is the faith that leads to
deed or the proof even if we don’t see salvation .“fludl. Is a personal attach—
it with our eyes. ment (abiding) in Christ. Apart from
New Testament faith covers a God we can do nothing, even believe
. that He is. He chose me I didn’t
variety of levels of personal commit- . .’.
ment. In Hebrews 11 we see a variety cflosetHlm'I Unless the f? ":10: GOd
of men of faith being mentioned due P If: aHnie, am una e o a c my-
to their intense level of faith. We also se (E) lmI' d t d thi I h d
see the disciples themselves demon- h I nce :nf ersdpol t 5’1 c angek
strating a variety of levels of faith. Yet ow prays or e os ' now as
the one common thread with each of God to begin to {Peak to the person, to
these is the fact that they put their woo them to Himself, to open their
faith to work spiritual eyes to see. I can have faith
James i1 4_2 6 says that faith (confidence) that God hears this prayer
works together with our work. Vs. 18 because I know that ls.Hls desue, to
“But someone will say, ‘you have have intimate communion With each
faith, and I have works’, Show me one ofus.
your faith without your works and I I”.
will show you my faith by my works.” "
In other words to simply said you , {figs 1 lgrmvld-youwmim
have faith doesn’t mean a whole lot. ‘2 w,,.;"m;m:¥-M
However, you can demonstrate your j“ 3“ ’ "M'-
faith b how on live and what on “‘V I "I!“
do. y y y Teresa Combs
How do you handle difficult cir— "71‘? T‘s-”I’d Realtor'ABR' GRI’QSC
cumstances that come up in your life? _ _ 126““?
Do you fall apart at the first mention Sflf’é‘ggggflso
or notion of problems or do you turn Email: temsacombs@remax>nel “WK
your eyes upon Jesus and know (have webzw'ygeaéacombsrealior'com L: Creative Realty

 ii Will I always see it come to reality? A footnote in my Bible says, “The
. No, it may not come in my life time. It same faith that enables some to escape
' may not come at all because we all have trouble enables others to endure it. The
_ our will, the right to choose or not to same faith that delivers some from
t accept Christ as our personal Savior. death enables others to die Victoriously.
r This is part of what use to confuse me Faith is not a bridge over troubled wa-
t so much about faith. I can have the ters, but is a pathway through them.”
f faith, but in this instance, the person This truth brought me a long way into
[ has to choose as well. It takes both. my understanding 0f Biblical faith.
, The Bible defines faith in the book Whether or not I see an answer to my
: of Hebrews. Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith prayer is net the important part. It’s
; is the substance of things hoped for, the the attitude Of my heart. 1“ my heart, I
_ evidence of things not seen.” The sub- know GOd to be true to His word- HOW
_ stance of things hoped for, or in other He chooses to answer is totally up to
1 words, the concrete evidence of things Him. HOW 1 respond to His answer it
: hoped for. To have faith is to know that totally up to me.
, you know a given thing is here, or on The first part Of the book Of
the way, even if we don’t see anyway for Jude talks about how false teachers have
> it to happen. come in trying to teach something other
‘ Faith in Christ is confidence in then the true faith. In verse 3 Jude
Christ. God told Sarah she would bear pleads with the saints to hold on to the
i a child and she believed God even faith handed down to them, the faith of
1 though she was entering the age of be— their forefathers like Abraham, Isaac,
ing unable to bear a child. Hebrews and Moses. Jude 3’ “mi " urgently
11:11, “...and she bore a child when appeal to and exhort (yon) to contend
she was past the age, because she judged for the faith which was once for all
Him faithful who had promised.” handed down to the saints — the faith
Abraham was willing to offer his son to (which is that sum of Christian belief)
God as a sacrifice because of His faith which was delivered verbally t0 the holy
in God. He knew God would provide people Of Go‘i-i, (Amplified Bible)
for him and he did. (Hebrews 11:17— This is my plea to the body 0f
19) Christ, hold fast to the faith of our fore—
Moses who could have had a very fathers. Don’t allow the ideologies of
comfortable life being the son of Phar— this world to creep in and overtake
aoh’s daughter, but he refused. Instead, What you know to be true in God’s
he chose to suffer and call himself a word. Have confidence in Christ.
child of God. Hebrews 11:24-25, “... Know that He Wiii do that which He
choosing rather to suffer aflliction with says He Wiii do. Has my understanding
the people of God than to enjoy the Oh faith changed as I’ve grown in GOd?
. passing pleasure of sin.” Hebrews con— Absolutely! Do i Stiii wonder at times
tinues on in verses 34-40 showing all why God chooses to do a certain thing a
i the turmoil, difficulties, and heartaches certain way? Sometimes, but the differ—
of those who chose to follow Christ. ence now is that even though I don’t
This tells me that having faith doesn’t understand why, i know that He is in
mean we will not have difficulties in control and that I can rest in that truth.
I live, but rather it shows me that
\ through faith we are able to endure the
y difficulties.

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 Summer of Celebrations 313:6 0“ Samr‘tiéyodJUIY 3otCentiaLIflfn'
B C - Cam k cycameou 1n roves owac e
y ra1g mac parade. With over two dozen walkers/
This has been quite the summer of pride- 2211;330:213:55$:kfl023d‘gifréri?e-
filled celebrations in our community! thankin all the volun)t,eers who hel ed
Lexington Fairness is very proud to have k hg fl p
taken part in many of the events ma (7' t. e oat % success. We hope you
' w111 Jom us agam next year and hope-
On June 25, Lexington Fairness brought fulcliy we can get evenr;cirebcomm}11rn1ty-
ou the 3rd Annual Fairness Awards W1 e'organlzations t? e p nngt ls .
Zvith the Summerfest cast of RENT ,Ju- exerting float to Lexmgton. Again this
'ubee and Hal S arks This won deffill year, the Lexington Fairness booth dur-
Jnight was filled $0 the brim with 350 ing the Lexington Fourth of July Festival
guests taking part in the sold out night. let Central Kentucky knova morg/about
The true meaning of the night came the lssues LGBT c1tlzens ace. e are
when Lexington Fairness was able to so happy to note the booth was .flooded
present Sandy Linville, Jack Cofer, Egg‘fsppon from so many during the
Nicole Diamond, Wesley Nelson and '
Joey Rose With Fairness Awards. Each Finall Summerfest’s RENT roduction
individual was honored for their leader— brou i; the LGBT communi t pan d Lex-
ship in the LGBT community in Central . g . y
Kentucky ington Fairness more exposure to our
' region. Partnermg with the production,
The next day Saturday June 26 Lexing- Lexington Fairness was able to reach
oooooo-o oo mm...
ence entertainment, education and time limeli ht Usin a Broadwa Cari/S a _
with friends during the Lexington Pride 5 ' gf y . p
Festival. Lexington Fairness was proud prose. ’ Summer est shone the spotlight
to be the Platinum Sponsor for this event, on arrness by helping raise funds and
helping bring a day filled with celebra- explalnlng the work of our organlzation.
tion to our communit Our or anization We are so excited about this partnership
was able to als h y. b th fg th and the possibilities that will continue to
. . O ave a 09 or e rise from it.
event, glvmg the communlty an opportu-
ildtchfirfigierrféirfitilr: 3:11;:2fljlggim Please join us in thanking all the volun-
. . . . p teers and supporters of this summer’s
Jects. The Lex1ngton Pride Fest1va1 al- ride events It has been an amazin
lowed everyone to come together, learn, p ' . . g
. . . few months. At the same time, It has
and celebrate and Lexmgton Fairness lS .
. been an exhaustmg few months! But,
proud to have been a part of th1s wonder- h k ,
ful day t e wor doesn t stop there... we must
‘ contmue to forge the fairness path in
The following weekend, Lexington Fair— Eggmfgllfn if: 1:: 13:11:? excmng news
ness was honored to be joined by the g '
Imperial Court of Kentucky and PFLAG .
. . . , . In fairness,
in presenting our community 5 pr1de
2:: d: tlllgeviffigigfil flagginotftiloll: Your friends at Lexington Fairness

 e 61.50 INFO
The 'mpena' court 0f Kentucky ............ImpCtKY@aoI.com
WpenalCaartKaflmckfl mg
Diverse Music for All Women
Richardson Vision Center ...........859-278-4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Ctr.
KCHIP 877-524-4718
Debra Hensley |nsurance..............................859—276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Fairness......................................859-951-4450
Moveable Feast...........................................859-252-2867
474 Silver Maple Way
Unitarian Universalist Church... ...859—223—1448
3564 Clays Mill Rd.
Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish...... ..859-338-1 195
ScottAckerman .........................................859-338-8483
Email: SAcker4224@aol.com
To become a monthly sponsor of the Newsletter and have your group or business advertised
here for a year, have a full page ad once a year, plus other ways to advertise here and online
please email us at Sponsorships@glso.org, or call 859-253—3233 and leave your contact in-
formation and we will send you a sponsorship packet. If not this year perhaps next year.

 S . 0“ tfie {/3 ~ 17‘ & and off for about 8 years now. He says
by Helena Handbasket that his favorite artist to perform to is
Bette Midler and names Tracy Taylor as
This column his drag mother. One of his dreams
shines the spotlight . _,. , V would be to perform with RuPaul.
on people in the I i He lists his favorite charitable or—
community “1?, {J " a , ganization as the Alzheimer’s Associa-
deserve recognition. ié : ., , tion because his mother had this dread
Beauty is not always " » I M i disease. If he was ever stranded on a
skin deep and these “if k desert island, the 3 people he would
“beautiful p BOP le” Mi}. ‘5‘? want to be there with him are Jamie of
either devote their xiii": * W course, and two hunks so the time
time and energy to a ‘1” .i W i would fly by (we don’t have a clue what
worthy cause or !ust he means by that, do we readers?) The
plain make our lives , « quality he most admires in a man is
better by entertain- honesty. Honest hunks... mmm
ing us Either way, it is time that they (lunchtime).
are recognized for their talents and ef- Orvis’ favorites: color, blue; music
forts. , , , _ to listen to, anything but rap; dream

Our SPOdlght for August ls shining vacation, Hawaii (not exactly a desert
on someone that devotes much Of: his island but a good choice); favorite TV
time staying “five w1th community pro- show, Law and Order; favorite movie, a
jects and organizations: The 013‘: and tie between Steel Magnolias and Sordid
only, ONES Kean, who is sometimes Lives; book he is reading right now, by
known as Champagne Taylor. James Patterson.

He is on the Regional Advisory When asked what he thought the
Board Of the Kentucky Alzheimer’s As— biggest misconception or false rumore
sociation, the Chair for the Memory about his was he said, “That I am stuck
Walk for 2010 and 2011. He works with up. Never have been _ never will be. I
the Salvation Army kettle program dur— just have to get to trust someone before
ing Christmas, and with the Angel Tree. really opening up.” He says that the
He donates time to the United Way and thing he would most want to be remem—
American Cancer Society. He also do- bered for would be for “just being a
nates some time to the HOPE Center. good, decent person.”

He serves on the Board of Directors for Last question... complete this sen—
the GLSO and this past year was the tence. The world would be a better
Finance Chair for the Pride Festival. place if... “everyone would realize they
“ I have been a member of the Imperial are just a piece in the overall puzzle.”
Court of Kentucky for 10 years and have Orvis, on behalf of myself and our
served on the board for three years and city, we thank you for all you do behind
was also Imperial Prince Royale 20'” the scenes to make our world a better

He is originally from Russell County, place. You inspire us all and we are
Kentucky but has been living in Lexing— lucky to have you in our corner.
ton for 15 years. Orvis is partnered with *H If there is someone in the commu-

James Carie (aka. " Caviar Towers) and nity that you feel deserves to be honored
has been for 10 years. They share their in this column, send your request to
home With their babies, Angel AdvicefromHelena@aol.com and let’s be
(Chihuahua), Sheena and Precious, who facebook friends. Just look for Helena
are both mixed breeds (aren’t we all). Han dbasket.

Champagne has been performing on See ya’ll in the funny papers.

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Ally for Fairness Award Fairness Leadership Award
Awarded to: Sandy Linville Awarded to: Wes Nelson &
(pictured directly above) Nicole Diamond

(pictured at top)
Jennifer Crossen Ernesto Scorsone
Out for Fairness Award Political Leadership Award
Awarded to: Jack Cofer Awarded to: Joey Rose
(pictured at top on the left) (pictured directly above)

 389 W II A S I00 Hours |0am to 3pm M, Tue, Thur, & Fri.
3 er V6» “3- Phone 859-253-3233
Every Wednesday at 7pm PFLAG Lexington continues to meet
Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 the 1st 8c 3rd Sunday of each month.
All Are Welcome May 2nd's meeting will be at the Center
from 1—3p. May 16th's meeting will be
. at Rochdale Room at Good Foods Mar-
liiSight Group kc. 3; café,
. If you have questions or need more