xt7q833n077h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n077h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1997-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1997 text GLSO News, November 1997 1997 1997-11 2019 true xt7q833n077h section xt7q833n077h   6“ GLSO NE W S
BRV! '
ORG. 4,.
_ . ‘Mgmnww Vol. 10 November 1997 No 11
v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
OLSO Sticking Sgonsors World AIDS DAY l997 Miss Daisg’s
and bubscn crs )‘londau, December )5) Toys For K1 dles

In the last two years, the GLSO News The World AIDS Day program, On December 1st, immediately
established a sponsorship program that has commencing with Registration at the following the World AIDS Day candle light
brought us financial stability. We ask Radisson Plaza Hotel at 8 am, will include vigil in Triangle Park, Ebony Male is
individuals, businesses, or community groups an overview of the epidemic in Kentucky by hosting Miss Daisy’s TOYS FOR KlDDlES
to help us by paying one month's newsletter Jamie Rittenhouse (HlVIAlDS Program party at Vertigo, This is NOT your typical
printing cost ($175). in exchange we publish Director) followed by a Medical Treatment Toys For Kiddies party that happens this
a list ct alt sponsors every month in the Update and Discussion by Dr. Ardls Hoven time of the year. Miss Dalsy's party will be
newsletter, and feature one sponsor each (infection Disease Specialist from the for children in families that are dealing
month withatull page ad andatistlng on the Lexington Clinic) and Patricia Jennings with AiDS. whether it be the children
iront page. (MHS,P.A.-C from the UK Clinic). themselves or their parents who are ill.

We are now seeking sponsors for l998. in the afternoon, the program will This is the second year the party is ‘
Letters will be sent out to sponsors trom continue with an HiV/‘AlDS PREVENTlON being held and the first year it has been '
previous years and to other interested Panel discussion with specialists on MSM. named tor Miss Daisy (AKA Richard
people. if you do not receive a letter but Youth, Women, African Americans, lDUs, Armstrong). Richard, a member of Ebony
would like more lntormation, please contact Sex Workers and Workplace. The afternoon Male ( it was his idea to hold this party
Terry at 255—5469. We greatly appreciate the will continue with break out sessions tor last year). died this year, and Ebony Male
individuals and groups that have been willing providers, complimentary healing therapies has decided to honor him perpetually by
to sponsor the newsletter. and a film fest with films specific to HlV/AlDS naming this party atter him.

The GLSO Board debated increasing medical and psychosocial issues. Ebony Mate will serve food and
the cost oi sponsorshipstor l998 to pay for an The day will conclude with a candle refreshments, The admission price: A
increase due to addition of color such as was light vigil and memorial service at Triangle NEW TOY, it you cannot attend but would
used this year in June and October. The cost Park at 5:30 pm. You need not be a like to donate atoy, call John at 389—7081
of color in October was financed by our conference participant to attend. The public or Bill at 255-5469.
“Queer as a Three Dollar Bill Campaign" is welcome and encouraged to attend.
which brought in the extra $45 needed for Registration information and cost can be Sponsor of the
printing. We decided against increasing obtained from AVOL (278—7494) and must be M 011th
sponsorships for 1998 but would like to know received by Nov, 14th.
the opinions oi sponsors and readers about
the possibility of doing this for l999. GLSO ONLINE

We are also seeking an increase in Peter: pjtay100@ukcc.uky.edu F [‘0 n t
subscribers and are uttering a special deal for Ma ; Mar crouc@aol.com
renewal and new subscriptions during the 3&2: misteib®gtemet B u n n e r S
ne)d two months. [See page 5.)

 fl '
Christmas Card Fund Raiser Establishing a LBGT
,. #GA‘YS‘” Archives in Lexington
LESBIAN The holiday season is coming once
. . “VIC - , again and that means that the Christmas Card GLSO has been offered a
. ER I . Board is about to makeareappearanoe. This collection of personal papers and a small
_. 036' year proceeds Wt” benefit AVOL and the AtDS amount oi seed money to establish an
to”, Kef‘m‘ky Medication Fund at the Fayette 0(3th Health archives devoted to preserving the history of
rec’d“g Department. This is the thttd year that it has our gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered
v made the rounds 0t local holiday events and community.
gay friendly businesses. It you have missed it Documenting the local history ot
The GLSI] N e w 5 is years past. please try to CfitCh tt this year. any LBGT community is important but many
Vol 1 0 “we 1 1 ti YOU are at one 0t the events listed times overlooked. Mainstream institutions are
' ” below or at one 0t our COhithh'ti’ bars, it Witt often unable or unwilling to acquire and make
Published Monthly try the" be hard to miss. it is a very large Christmas accessible the personal papers and
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services card and you. the charitable giver that we organizational records of the LBGT
_ . know you are, purchase a small card that has community. Likewise community members
orgammtm” room inside for a personal message 0’ and organizations are often hesitant to place
321 E 2nd Street memorial message. There are a variety 0t papers in mainstream archives.
Lexington, lQ' 40508 cards designed by Bill Chandler available tor ‘ This has lead over the years to the
$1. $2, 0i $3 The Sine“ cards YOU purchase establishment oi several independent LBGT
_ are placed on the large Christmas Card Board archives. Among these are the Lesbian
Editon and can be read by other people as iiie care Herstory Archives in New York. Gerber/Hart
Peter Taylor travels. The board with all our messages will Ubrary in Chicago, and the Kentucky Gay and
be kept for showing each year until AiDS is Lesbian Archives and Library in Louisville.
. g . _7 conquered, A committee has been formed to
Community News Edm’r: This year the Card has gotten develop a plan for proceeding with such a
Mary Crone several new sponsors trom organizations project in Lexington. We want to insure that all
around the community including Gt—SO. MCC, donations to the archives will be well
La our Edi tor' Ebony Male, the Royal Sovereign Imperial preserved and accessible to individuals
y . . ’ Court, and the Lexrngton Men S ChOhiS A iew wanting to explore our local history. This will
Charlie PCI‘ktnS more SDOhSOtS Wt” be added to this “St. take careful planning, commitment and fund
The traveling schedule is W raising. It you would like to participate or have
G 1.80 Annual Duos and finalized but some of the dates are as follows: any input regarding establishing a local LBGT
Dec. 151 at the Radisson for the World’s AIDS archivesY p|ease Contact Jane at 502-875- ‘
NeWStetteri $15 Days Conference and that evening at Ebony 3294 (Leave a message).
Dues and Ncwslemr tor Male's Toys for Kiddies party at Vertigo. Dec,
6th at Crossings from 9 to t, Dec. 7th at MCC l #—
COUPteS= $20 from 11AM to 2 PM, Dec. 13m at the imperial ' Toiadd 017 Update a ‘
Court Benefit at Vertigo, and Dec. 20th at The . memory hSUng, 1
Bar Complex. it will be on display at the Pride please contaCt ‘
Views or opinions expressed in the Center from the 21.5! to the 28th. Additiona Mary at 2665904- r
GLSO News are those of the authors and dates will be iisted in next month‘s i
don‘t necessarily represent those oi the GLSO News. For mailing address l
GLSO Board oi Directors. Please find us at one of these label corrections
Submissions are welcome. All locations and make a donation. The .
submissions become the property oi contribution requested is so small ($1 to $3) please contaCt Pemr t
GLSO and must indicate lull name and and the money is so badly needed for at 273—9649
addrees oi the author. The staff reserves medication. Just think, it every lesbigaytrans t
the right to edit submissions and ads to person in Lexington Doughi iusi a $1 card. we “'— YOUP MAtLiNG LABEL i
meet publishing requirements, as well as could collect $20,000. Wouldn‘t that be [S YELLOW 1
the right to reject any submissions. lantastic? l

 NETWORKING MEETING group of any kind is invited to do so by raised by the show will support Dignity's
All members of our community are contacting Mary Crone (266-5904) or by volunteer activities.
invited to attend the Networking Forum on announcing it at the networking meeting.
Tuesday. Nov. 11th, at 7 pm. at the Pride We will try another lesbian discussion Watts to Sign Novel
Center (387 Waller Ave). We will start with group in February. Stay tuned. The 16th Annual Kentucky Book Fair
a pot luck and casual conversation and will include lesbian author, Julia Watts.
then move into an exchange of information Game Night Watts will be signing her latest novel, Phases
about community activities and needs. MCC is hosting regular game nights of the Moon, the story of a lesbian rockabilly
We hope that all community on the fourth Friday of each month, which singer, born in southeastern Kentucky who
organizations will send a representative or falls on the 28th in Nov. We start at 7 pm. at finds success with the emergence of
two to this gathering. This is an easy way the Pride Center. Please join us. "women's music" in the 19705.
of building bridges among various groups Some may know Watts' first novel
and thereby increasing our community P-FLAG Wi/dwood Flowers, also set in Kentucky. She
‘ cohesion. Parents, Friends, and Family of is the recipient of a Kentucky Foundation for
. We also encourage attendance by Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) is again Women Writers grant. Watts will be among
» any individuals who would like to learn scheduling regular meeting on the second more than 150 authors signing their works,
more about what is going on in Lexington Tuesday of each month. We meet at the which will be sold at a 20% discount.
- and how they can become a part of our Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church at the comer This years Book Fair will be held on
i LBGT activities. (Michael 225-1828) of Tates Creek and Armstrong Milt. Contact Saturday, November 22 from 9 am. to 5 pm.
Perry ( 502-226-5478) for more information in the William Exum Building at the entrance
’ Interweave to the campus of Kentucky State University in
l The next interweave luncheon will be “Sisters for Dignity” Frankfort. Admission and parking are free.
I Sunday, Nov. 9th immediately following the Great Success For additional information or a complete fair
_ church service (approximately 12:30 pm) in Dignity Lexington would like to thank guide, call the Kentucky Department for
E the Fellowship House Please bring a everyone who made their October fund- Libraries and Archives at 502-564-8300.
I potluck dish to share. Join us for good raiser, “Sisters for Dignity,“ such a rousing
; food and fellowship. success. Special thanks go to all the Marga Gomez
‘ All women are invited to join us fora performers who donated their time and Marga Gomez.alesbian comedlenne,
- girl’s night out Sat. Nov. foh. The fun considerable talents to put on a fabulously will be preforming Memory Tricks, her one
begins with dinner at The Metodeon (200 entertaining show. Special kudos to the woman show, at UK’s Worsham Theatre, In
W. Main St,) at 7 pm. At 9 pm. we will walk lovely and talented Brianna Carey who the Singletary Center, on Nov. 8th. Marga
to The Watering Hole (M? N. Limestone) served as mistress of ceremonies. has been performing for gay and lesbian
for karaoke and a few games of pool. From For providing the time, space, and audiences for many years and it is great to
there, who knows where the night will take advertising Dignity owes a great debt to The see her breaking into the mainstream with
us. lnterweave programs are always open Bar. And lastly, to the 75+ stalwart souls who this current piece of work.
to the larger community. Please call came out on a Wednesday night to support This performance focuses on Marga’s
Davinai271-6174 for more information. Dignity, we hope you all had a great time and relationship with her mother and ranges
that you tell your friends. There just may be from childhood memories to current
Lesbian Discussion Group 3 "Sisters for Dignity: 2" in the future. impressions of her aging mother who has
The lesbian discussion group will no Dignity is a Catholic gay and lesbian Alzheimer's disease. The show has been
longer meet this fall. We invite you to support group, open to all, which provides called a drama with a sense of humorl and
attend the networking meeting on Nov. ttth opportunities for fellowship and service has received great reviews. Tickets ($13
for discussion and good fellowship. through regular worship services and several tor the general public) are available
Anyone interested in starting a discussion community based volunteer projects. Funds through the Student Center Ticket Office.

 DOMESTIC U IMF-NEE found in a survey of 12 cities between i986 from persisting in seeking help. San
[U IT“ I N [NIB FHMIL I ES? and l997, that the amount oi violence among Francisco stood out in this study tor the work
by Mary Crone gay and lesbian couples is comparable to the done to reach out to and provide services ior
Recently, our Lesbigaytrans community rate among straight couples. They estimate our community. They have, for example, a
has protested a bill introduced by Senator that some torm of abuse, including physical, stait oi seven attorneys that work exclusively
Tim Philpot that would exclude same sex sexual, and verbal abuse, occurs in 25% to with domestic violence cases within the
couples irom coverage under existing 33% ct all relationships. LBGT community.
domestic violence laws. Most ot us believe The study also found that gays and Fairness will be looking for phone tree
that we should be able to request services lesbians have their access to crisis volunteers as the Kentucky Legislature
that are provided by the state for individuals intervention and legal services limited in a meets again in January of l998, Protesting
who have been battered or otherwise abused number of states. Seven states ban same Philpot‘s amendment by writing or calling
within a relationship. These services include gender couples from receiving such services. your state representatives is one thing you
crisis intervention trom police or from spouse Other states do not speclticaliy ban access can do to increase the probability that LBGT
abuse hotllnes. the possibility of staying in a but do not train workers in specific ways to couples will receive the help they need. And
spouse abuse shelter, and legal alternatives work with members oi the LBGT community i believe that it is just as important tor us to
such as prosecution or obtaining protection Without some basic sensitivity training, i can recognize that we do have this problem oi
orders. imagine that many people working with violence within our community, which is true
How much do you know about the domestic violence would intentidnaily or not because we are queer but because we
violence that occurs between same gender unintentionally discourage LBGT individuals are human.
couples and the help that is actually available ’ E m Oil on a I Hbu S e
to Indthduais In our community? I. have Emotional abuse is common and very damaging. it is oiten more dliilcult to recognize or to
spoken wrth Sheryl Withers at the Lexrngton name because it leaves no obvious scars. Here are some of the forms emotional abuse can
Spouse Abuse Shelter. They do “OT keep take in a relationship and some indicators that you could benefit from counseling.
statistics concerning the sexual orientation oi
clients but do otter help to all callers. They t. isolation: is your partner jealous ct your friends or family? Does slhe object to your
have had lesbian women make use oi the spending time with friends or try to limit your phone calls? Does slhe insult people you like?
shelter here in town as well as their outreach
counseling program. Housing tor male 2. Does your partner belittle or degrade you?lDoes slhecali your names (stupid, slut) or
victims is not available at this shelter but can say no one else would want you? Does slhe ridicule your interests, work, or opinions?
be arranged. Counseling tor men (not 3. Does your partner intentionally embarrass or humiliate you? Does slhe tell your secrets
perpetrators who are reterred to Comp Care) in public? Does his/her "teasing“ teel mean? Does slhe say you are “too sensitive“? ,
is also available and has been used by 58
men, some 0i them gay. 4. Do you iind yourseit being carelul not to upset your partner? Do you feel like your "walking
Ms. Withers also emphasized that on eggshells"? Have you changed a lot about yourselt to please him or her?
when we talk about domestic violence, we
are not just talking about physical abuse. 5. Does slhe use homophobia against you? By saying you‘re "not man enough“ to take it?
Domestic violence may include many torms By implying that your not a "real lesbian", that you're‘too "tem" or too “butchj’. By saying that
of intimidation and control including abuse isn‘t possrbte in a gay relationship? By implying that no one writ believe or help you
. because you are gay?
economic abuse, sexual abuse, and
emotional abuse. (See [79" at right) The 6. Does your partner say you are a bad parent (perhaps because you are gay)? Does slhe
SDOUSS abuse shelter has intormaiion they threaten to tell your ex-spouse or authorities that you are gay or lesbian so they will take your
can mail YOU. including at if385l one handout children? Does slhe belittle or threaten your children, "punish" them without your consent?
focusing on abuse within gay and lesbian
relationships, Give them a call at 255-9808. 7. Does your partner threaten to leave you irequentiy? Does slhe say slhe will kill him or
How much domestic violence 000mg herselt it you leave? Does slhe threaten to hurt or kill you, your children, or your pets?
within our community? A national study by . . .
the National Coalition oi Domestic Vi 0‘ en oe 8. Does your partner say that abuse isn‘t real? or is your fault, that you provoke it?

 2 Eli; Sister Sound EEl
“ I .
3 [Eli Lexington Women s Chorus EEEE
V l :2:
3 iii; presents EEEE
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? Eli? A Holiday Concert EEEE
1‘! .
9 it it
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{if Date: Saturday, December 6 E.EEE
‘ - - EEEE
ill Time: 8.00 pm. _ EEE
in Location: Singletary Center Recrtal Hall EEE
[iii Tickets: $10 in advance, $12 at the door EEE
Eiii $8 for seniors and students EEEE
n. [5!
Ill} . E
[iii Tickets available through the Singletatry t a EEEE
Ell Center ticket office (257-4929) or con ac EEE
E?- chorus member. EEE
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 1 11‘1- ‘1‘ 1 111111111111111
11111111. ..11111191111111.. 1 111111 1‘11111111111111 ‘11 11111111 1111111111 "‘111111111111111 "111 111W '1“ "1111111111111111 1111111 1 1.111111111111111 1. .. 11111111111111 “111111111“11111 “ "" ' ‘ ‘ “
111 111111111“ ‘ ‘1 ‘11 1111111111 1,111 111111..1.11111 111111,... 1 11111111 “111111111 1111. 1111111 111, 1111111 111111 9:00am. 1
31111 "111111111111111 1111111. 111111 1111111 111111 :1111111111111111 1111111 1 11,111 11111111111111111111, 111111111111 111111111111111 1111111 ‘111111111111111 '111111111111111: 11111111 Fronnunners
1111111 1:11 1 111111111 111111111. .111111111! 11:11:11,111'1111- 31111111 1111} 11 {11111111111111 11151111 “111111 5111 1111‘ ‘1, 1‘1; 5111111151 2111111111 1111111 1:: ,1 :11 [1' 1. .
111111. 1111111111 "1111111i111111111111"‘ 1111111111111 “11 1 11111 1i11111111111111111‘ ”1‘1 .111 "11111 1111 .111111111111111111 1,111,11111111‘ 111111111 (Arboretum)
" ' ' ‘ ' 7:30 pm.
Gay/Lesbian AA
“1 113" 1' "1 1 21-21111" "‘1 131111111111'11‘ 11'1'1'1 111-111 13., .1171 ":1 '1 11131 1111 1'11; 11- 3111‘ '1 '1'1 11"1‘11‘1111 51111 11111111111111 11"11. 11111.11 11‘11111 5-
":11' .1 .1 11 .11 :1:, 111,1‘ 1: 1- 1111-11, 1111.1 '1'” 11111111 111111-11“ 1-1 1 1’ '11:;1. 11.1.1 111111: :1" a. 11 :1 1:: :11 111' .‘r ':1 11,111" 11 W11“ 11"‘111 1‘11 1111,11 ".111' 1‘1;'11"‘1i 11‘111‘11- 11111 11.1' “i1 (.5
11. ‘ ‘1 ‘1111 ,‘1‘111‘31 1 1111‘ 1;'111"'11 11‘ 11 1111111 1‘ 111 1‘: 51 '11}: 11 2111 1 n =1 ,1' .1‘111' 11111111. 111 I‘ 1 1111 1: 11: :1 I11-111.11, 11 111III111 11 11 111 11,31 1111 1:11 it. 11:11.11 -11- 111 11 31"‘11 11 1; 1111111111 111 111111 T
10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
Unitarian Universalist Ch. AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League Frontrunners (Woodland Men's Chorus Rehearsal Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners
1 1:30 am. Park) (Pride Center) (Arboretum)
Lexington’s Metropolitan 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm,
Community Church HIV/AIDS Support Group Film — (UU Church) Gay/Lesbian AA
7:00 pm. Dignity (Pride 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. ‘ . .
Center) MCC Study Group UK Lambda (Room 231 R E S T 1‘ l n A N T
8:00 pm. Student Center)
gem/”SW“ 5S7 Q I imestone
:00 pm. 0,, o u o A k .1
2 Step & Swing Dancing 7
(Club 141) Lexington. KY
11 1 1111.1 1 .. 111 111 1111 11:; .
"1‘11 ‘1‘ 11.11 13 11‘ 11‘ 1'1 1:111 1111111 11' 25:3-‘D01-l
10:45 am, 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
Unitarian Universalist GLSO Board Meeting P—Flag Frontrunners (W. Park) Men’s Chorus Rehearsal Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners . . .
Church (Pride Center) 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. (Pride Center) (Arboretum) ‘(!a t u ['l n g t h(‘.
11:30 am. 8:00 pm. Rainbow Bowling League HIV/AIDS Support Group 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. .‘ '
Lexington’s Metropolitan AA Step Study 7:00 pm. Film - (UU Church) Gay/Lesbian AA 14 a [ll " u S A1" I i a l f a
Community Church MCC Study Group 7:30 pm.
l2zl5 pm. @130 NEWS DEADL/NE 7:00 pm. UK Lambda (Room 23l Y . ‘o .
UUCL Pot Luck ALSO gugM/MDD/r/ONS, Fairness Movie (Pride Student Center) W e 9 k 9 II II B I II ll 1 1h o
UPDA 7E5 AND Center) .
CORRECT/ONSFOR 8:00 p-m- . SCI‘Vll’lg blueberry
273—9649 81009-1111 buckwheat pancakes,
Ballroom Dancing
. W114” eggs benedict arnold,
1111 1:1 1. 111; 1: 1 11 “1111 11.111 “‘11 11; "1:11
111 ‘1‘3 11; 1:1" 1‘ 12.11 1111 [11111 11:11:, 11,1111 11151. 1:1 1:11. 1151!: .
10:45 am. 8:00 pm. Pride Center Board Mtg. 6:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30pm. 9:00 am, ’ SpaHISh omelettes ’
U.U. Church AA Step Study 8:30 pm. Frontrunners (W. Park) HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners
11:30 am. Rainbow Bowling League 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. (Arboretum) go u r m e t d e S S C r t S 9
LMCC Church HIV/AIDS Support Group Men’s Chorus Rehearsal 7:30 pm.
6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. (Pride Center) Gay/Lesbian AA and m u C h m OI‘C . . .
SisterSound MCC Study Group 7:30 pm.
(Park Me.Ch.) 7:30 pm. UK Lambda (Room 231 .
7:00 pm. Fairness (Pride Center) Student Center) _
Dignity (Pride Center) 8:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 pm. All 0‘ 0“ l' bI'CEa [IS and
8:00 pm. Bluegrass Colts members .
Line 81 refiner Dancing 9:00pm desserts are baked clallv
(Club 141) Colts non-members . . '
"I 0'" “WIN"-
iO:45 am. 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. THANKSGIVING DAY 7:00 pm. 9:00 am,
UU Church AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League Frontrunners (W. Park) MCC Game Night Frontrunners
11:30 am. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. (Arboretum) ' ' 1
LMCC Church HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm. F R E E E V E N I N (1
7:00 pm. Gay/Lesbian AA
1.11 MCC Study Group
.111 '11, 11:1 8:00 p.111. I PAR KIN G c
10:45 em. 00 Church Gov/Lesbian AA '
11:30 am. LMCC Church 8:00 p-m-
' Open Dancing
(Club Ml) V , ,.

Dear Gertie Mae, .' Frum
l've got a problem with my best triend that maybe you can help me with. We have been "best . . .
friends“ tor four years now. and a couple of months ago. she started dating someone new and it seems ’ ' ‘ ‘ “ * " ‘ ' Hy]: .
to be serious. My problem is that she doesn't call or do anything with me anymore. I always have to ' , I. '_ TflESdag 5‘ ""
call her. and then leave a message. Sometimes she returns my call and sometimes not. it's like I don't ' " N0” 11th .1:
matter anymore and l'm hurt. Why is it. that lust because she is seeing someone she has to ignore me? ; , I
l like her new girlfriend OK, why can't we do some things together? Am I wrong to feel this way? .1. . 7:83p‘m‘ . , , __
Dear Hurt. j " f1“ "1" "j
Honey, I feel your pain! You know. i have NEVER understood this phenomenon but it €0m9~3harewod find
happens all the time. When somebody finds a new lover. the loyal friends that have seen them through » - andihfannatiafl
thick and thin don't even rate the time of day anymore. I really don't know when people are going to 7: .3“. . r
wake up and realize that lovers are a dime-adozen (and usually that‘s MORE than they're worth) but _ PEN“: .Eentar __
true friends can be for a lifetime it you treat 'em right. _‘ i. . . H: ‘
Of course. that‘s really part of the problem... old friends believe that you‘ll be there when they 58? waiter-Hum
need you. meanwhile they're out making hay or whoopie or whatever while the sun shines. And for the ' * ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " I
most part, they're right! You will probably be right there to help them celebrate their five-year anniversary ,- ' I_ r . ‘ .
(it it works out) or help her get over her broken heart ( it it doesn‘t). But that doesn't mean that being Newcomers .7
neglected doesn‘t feel like a crock of steaming donkey dung right now? 7 this IS a great .
You say that it's only been a tew months, so more than likely it your triend develops a good phage to get
relationship with her new "soul mate“ she'll eventually get back in touch with you. it could be as much I " ‘fl- ' ted _
as year though. betore the “honeymoon“ is finally over At least this is the usual course of events. Sinoe ‘ ‘ CO 1096 ' . ‘ '
. it could be a longtime before things get back to normal. it ever I suggest that you go out and start some ’ Rtmorf‘éGer‘tie Mae
new friendships so that you have some people to fall back on is she comes back or it she doesn't. - . . » . , . . » - -
. might Show up
‘ Good Luck Qertre Mae ~ , . , v .~ . -. - »
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City. State, ZIP:
Additonal new subscriptions are available at the reduced price of S l0 for singles. or
$15 for couples. List additonal names and addresses on a seperate sheet of paper.
PLEASE make all checks payable to GLSO and mail with this form to:
P.0. Box 11471
Lexington, KY 40575
ALL subscribers become. VOTING members of the GLSO.
All Newsletters are sent enclosed in a plain white envelope to insure privacy.

 The GLSO News is proud to present .
our supporters for 1997:
Windy Knoll Farm299-7410
: Riding lessons, dressage and jumping, trail riding, boarding
Ernesto Scorsone, Attorney at Law ...............................254-5766
Crossings, a Man’s Bar, including The Rack .................233-7266
‘ 117 n. Limestone ’7
3' Metropolitan Community Church 271-1407 7
'1 387 Waller Ave, Sunday Worship 11:30 AM
’ A Church for all God’s People :-
Ted Richardson, OD 2784201
‘ ' Richardson Vision Center, Gardenside Plaza
‘ Unitarian Universalist Church 2231448!
Q 2564 Clays Mill Rd
‘ seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday Worship 10:45
Imperial Flowers and G1fts233-7486
} Serving the Community Worldwide
? Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist m...“.....H......277—3119
. James W. Gardner, Attorney at Lawmm...“...................253-1320i
Lexington Men’s Chorus 266-9175
. Pegasus Travel2531644‘
{ ‘ donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO g
1 _ Tim Banks and James Slaline
Front Runners
GLSO News is now looking for sponsors for l998. Sponsors
donate $175 which is approximatelg the cost of printing
the newsletter each month, and in exchange receive one
full page advertisement and mention on the front page
once during the gear and a listing on the sponsorship
page every month. interested? Call Terrg at 255—5469
also NElllS Pain In

 GLSO Sponsor of the Month
:— :11 %
—J ——J — (S LN W

Join us. . .

for our weekly run/walk. It's a terrific way to stay

fit and meet people in the gay and lesbian

community. All are welcome to come out and join

us. Bring a friend, out of town guest, or just

yourself. The Lexington Front Runners meets

twice each week:
3 ' Wednesday—6 pm. at Woodland Park
.8 0 Saturday——9 am. at the UK Arboretum
1: For more information contact Keith at 254-6850. -

5180 NEWS PHEE ll

GLSO Board (Terryl2555469 Ask Us, Inc2552374
GLSO Discrimination PrOiect (Jefil ”296-4170 Bluegrass Belles(Mariorie).....,......................................278-2608
GLSO: News Calendar (Peter) 2739649 ,...(Dawn) dwilsoo@ukcc_uky.edu.(Ann)......(502)672-8673
Advertisements (Terry) ................................255-5469 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark)......,.,ta.l.....).m........................233-7266
Layout (Charlie).......................................... 389-9352 Cumberland Cares5616763
Community News (Mary) 2665904 E-Male (Bill) 2549812
GLSO Networking Committee (Mike) ...........................225-1828 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE...................................275-7812
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Mary)...................V.................266-5904 Fairness of Louisville.,,,.,.,__........,_.4.,.l.....1......_....(502) 893-0788
GLSO Support Group (Mary) 2565904 Front Runners (Keith)...........,.ll....................................254—6850
G/LAA(Chartie) 224-4067
STUDENT GROUPS GIL Defense Fund(502) 589-2896
ACE LeaguezBerea (Ed) 6237312 lGBO(Steve)...........‘........l......... 2763058
AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 Kentucky Legislator Message Line (800) 372-7181
B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol)..................................238-5332 Lake Cumberland Gay Alliance(’ Roger)
GUESS: EKU (Nerl)6225816 ..................._..............................................roger@hyperaction.net
Lexington Youth Support Group (Kenneth)................222-1919 The Lesbian & Gay Parenting Group (Laura)..............276-2685
Morehead State (Angela)..............................................783-2950 Lexington Men’s Chorus (Bill) 2669175
Transylvania University (3002338490 Louisville Youth Group ...............5......‘.................(502)894-9787
UK Lambda (pager)..............~.........................................244-3344 Names Project, Lexington (Katie) 2722586
Pride Center (voice mall)255-4016
Jessamine County 8854149 (Perry)(502) 226—5478
Lexington-Fayette County..2...V.......t,.....,...............t.....238-2437 Pegasus Travel2531644
Madison County7237312 Rainbow Bowling League (Shawn) 2557379
Woodtord County873454t Rainbow Cotillion (Laura) 2778017
RISC of KY(PauI)2255151
AIDS INFO/SERVICES (Steve) 2554636
AIDS HOTLINE (800) 840-2865 SisterSound (Lee) 8737791
AIDS Volunteers, lnc2787494
AVOL Legal Advocacy Program 2787494 , _ _ REL'G'OUS GROUPS
Health Department HIV Support Programs Dignity [Catholic] (Don)._..........