xt7q833n070d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q833n070d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-03-19 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 25, March 19, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 25, March 19, 1914 1914 1914-03-19 2015 true xt7q833n070d section xt7q833n070d  
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tw. w»•»....¤ nw ll wm. \ ly T_wf_‘;’S'°:;f· m _ .
. —John Ruekln. WH"  M M your dl", W
l . ;-,__ __.._;_____;
University of Kentucky le
I l
R é VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 19, 1914. No. 25.  
Q —-————————— —————-—   -——-— -.»»—»»—~ ****1 A
**1 Captain TIg•rt’q Mm R•port•d to be The Mon 8uc¢•••1uI Benson In th• _
9 Al P|¢k•d by Our Coach Would Hav• in d",,|n· cdndmdm Hm", M th. UM ch"""‘°'T' °' A" T“”" UM" V" Four l••t 8p••k•r• 8p•nd W••k In
All Play". com- From QM "rmy. ••*¥ •¤¤ H¤V¤ • °¤°d ln••r••¢ of Modern Religion.
_.._d gm, ·|·,,,,,_ wrsnzsr csunns on ncuuv *°°°"’· IMPORTANQNGS UNLV
g _;____ -————- ONLY TWO GAMES DROPPLD "' 
I OTHER M. On the 6th of March our faculty took HAVE TAKEN UP THE MIT. A t d t T· I d
= TEA ARE MENTIONED Rlchmond’s teachers across to the mel- The basket ball season just ended ——— H i : u fun cmypatsu 1;; smcnom mr
. 0 , m e " r "
dd ody of 47 to 13. Thls score wlll be has been one ot the most successful ln but Thursday °'"'°m°°n uw Fresh mieun Q; wu hold Int week I: ig
1 (BY Mlm! B*'“m¤€°) reconsidered here next Saturday nlght. the hlstory of the game at the State men basket bm mam °¤d°d me muon Umverjié tr im Thunda mm:
lhave been asked to plck an All- Dr. Tlgert announces Rhodes, Schmlt· Unlverslty. Sixteen games were with °' hmdwme victory °v°r the in dy' di S8 d af:
Kentucky Intercollegiate Basket Ball ter and Spears as guards and Rasmus- scheduled, Mteen played and thirteen Br°°dW°y (“hmu°n church t°°m' Tsregzf UT. br! tu; yi themoom
Team. I do not feel at all competent een, Downing and Spahr as the tor- won. The last game ot the season, The tum he Mm t°8°"h°r °x°°°dm8` tr in audit $8*; CBA :0; (::1;
• for I haven't seen all the teams in wards, while he hopes to hold Keith which was scheduled with the strong ly wm during um s°“°u and have h;_e for four dg sl Qld °tw° of me
K¢¤t¤ckY Dlly. I am Very Bhd. how- at center. The Richmond forwards Muskingum College team was not siwn some 8°°d °xmbm°ns °! bunt Mmmm and mrriioiiu leader. of the
ever, to pick a team from the material will be Bernard, captain of team and played on account of their {allure to M"' out or tha su games plum only Y W C A d tod { r
. ..... n eetln
Isaw. Athletic Director of the E. K. T. and arrive at the time the game was thru www “°n' but this is no du the women co uc m gs 0
However, [ wjgh R uudgrggogd gm; Prof. Wooten, Center Keith and Hes- scheduled. The Wildcats played in cmdn t° um "°°m' The games mn Coopemémg with the student lad
the mgtgrigl gn [hg [ggm I pick is not klns and the guards will be Pullen hard luck in all games after the third w°r°° by mmm dm°r°n°° Md 8:°r°·’ ers in Seeing the campaign through
d J h _ W t t tch k 1 J I t th t whlle the games won showe etter
chosen from all the teams or me state an o nson U e wan 0 we wee n anuary ye e enm was playing than is usually sun by cl", was a faculty committee, comming
but only gglgctgd from me mage;-my of Bernard and remember the Rich- able to pull htrough with a complete of President Barker Pm! E L Gnu.
g few of the beg; {_ggmg_ jg might bg mond" ot three years ago.The students string of vlctorles after that date. The t°°m°‘ The uma pmyad w°r°' Tha Rev S P Hawes lard `J `J `Tison;
that   [gum could |]()t be c§1lBd lll should Nike   game   8*0rm and Brut hard luck was the loss of Tom t“'0 games   Lexington   were 'wajgf Q W Gullfgu iudég.  
ls some material I have not seen that University has some men in its faculty promised to break all previous records mmm °°°r°°’ uw mst 2° w 26' um Able work was also done bs; L. M Tar;
( merit; c0¤.m°¤,u0¤_ lhgvg gggn {hg ranks as well as among the students. ln polnt getting. Next Preston was °°°°°d 20 t° 15‘ TM Cynmuna tum rm State College Secretary fm_°K°¤.
following gum. plgyg gum Univer. The reputatlon ot our classroom heads ruled out of the game by the faculty w°° by uw °°°r° °‘ 20 °° 18 °° umir '
home dom. The Freshmen trimmed tucky, in assisting the local olllcers.
  gigy, Cgntrgl, Trgugylvgnjg, and the depends to a measure on this engage athletlc committee on a mere technl- ‘ Dr W D Weatherford Inmmauonu
2 ’ Univgrgity of L°u]gy|]]g_ gm other ment.There will be two referees, Klng callty. Then Carl Zertoss, who had me S°ph° °° um °°°° °t 20 t° 9‘ V"` ` ` ` '
games Y M C A_ lost td them 37 td Secretary tor the South, was the lead-
team, Georgetown, which had a very Bild Bowman. If th0¤6 two prove in- been filling one of the positions no ‘ ‘ ‘ in B wher for the mem H8 ave uw
E good season, I have not seen in action. Mwqlllte, others Will be recruited from nicely, was compelled to leave the 19· In m° lu" g°m° uw Fmlmm pai": addresses   P Ninn LH A
1 U 8 . ·
No dgubg gm; gum by mon who the hustlngs. game on account of sickness. Still Mn °h° Br°°dw°'y chunk tum by um nmcmce of smh HTM Social signi:
; should be considered tor this mythical —•·•·•-———- the team continued to tlnlsh ln front *‘°°"° °f 35 °° 15· { Si H   H M _
F qulntette, The following college     and were not headed at any time. The "°°'“p in tm gum Thursdw :;:3;;) NT2; S'I:;;0wC00;gi Gm:
teams 1 ma not see play: se Marys, Perhsw no other mm r¤vre¤¤¤¤¤s “’“‘ Q .. ..
P    Schwantz and Hopkins ............. F Rock- and The Llberw Of Lim-
Bethel, Cumberland College nnd Ken-     W  the Unlverslty met adversity tor as C The wml aggregate of students hc"-
mcky welloyuh Not an of than comment playin; Sandlin ...........................
  i th dd 1,020, ki
teams mnsued well but that is not Some of the best teams in the South G““‘b°" *"’ Cl“"k· P°°‘k* mus ‘‘‘‘‘‘ G ng em a rum wu ma ng
· Gr•=• ¤¤¤¤r¢¤¤l¢y F¤r ¤¤•¤•¤• Y¤¤••¤ h d i di d us 0, 8 wm, an average attendance or 204.
saying they dld not have material that Men to Get Mama'., Im Wwe defolted. Only twice were the T are are g°° ° ca ° W LO i H 1 i t N U M
ning base ball team to represent the · SS “ se ° mqu S- · “ °¤
should be considered in a selection or mucdon M camp. Wildcats beaten. Once by the strong S Y W C A
Q this kind • University ot Virginia team and again °l”·” °f 1917 this Spring Ah`°°dy Ocmmry of the ` ` ` " assisted
' ·——·—— bMl F Sith,fSt.Ll,
Centra, University had only one mu Foun cAMPs. by me cadets at v. M. 1. It is doubt- Pm °' R S°h°d“*° MS °°°“ °"“"g°d y ss mms m ° °° S
.h l d th dl ——————— ful it either ot these teams could have by P"°f· Weaver and Pr°8‘ Clark led the meetings for the gu"` AS
xl dl p aye mrc: an can or naliy The Students. Military Institution won Over me Sum, on 8, mum`] court- Cymmana High wm be played at Gym these meetings occurred downtown in
"°° g*""°‘ S w" ° °m“"* w_ ° Camp wmen was new mst summer at The Virginia umm wu one of me bm [ma¤a,Aprs124,anu at Lexington, May "‘° W°'“°“`“ C‘“*’ “·“d "’ °°“j““°“°“
vlavéd ¢*>¤¢¢r- C¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ ¤ Ms- , , . 4 . with other groups from Hamilton.
Gettysburg. Pennsylvania was u played this www Thev M I team 1.,, The class games will be played
strong fellow with a good eye for the · · · · _ Sa I. hd I. sid in Lexi
marked success, all the men who at- was only nm, Had that tum been near the last ot Aprnl. A game has Y °· and 8 ° mts °gt°°•
g°“l· and “°°m°d t° ““d°"““*nd me no detlnlte record was kept of the at-
tended ¤8|'€€m€ that UIQY had ¤6V9¥' l dd t th tim th th also been arranged with Lexington
¤¤m¤w¤¤ ¤¤¢w¤¤ v¢rv¤¤<>w- H6 WM "“’ “ ““’ ° °' ° ‘"‘ °“ ° rename ot the stm uulvmny uns
had a better time during the summer and Ot B long hud trip the result High but no dam has ye; been set, 8 ·
wo many covamd to be considiwdsog as so llttle cost. Not only was the lite would have balm diuerenti -. _.._i I P k with the exception that lt was
raster company. Transylvana a one of enjoyment and pleasure. but it All games played with S I A A tion in cane or subst tut on. ar s nodded that our students strongly pm,
only one man, who, ln my judgment, _ · · · · played great ball when ever called ddmdmdted in numbers at an meet,
gave the men an intensely lnterestlng teams were won No other S I A A _
· was worthy of special mention. That insight mm and expeneuce of y [ h d h d t;u·   upon. Lnpt. Tuttle proved a great ings-
was the midget guard, Barbee. It this Gam “ ““° “ "°c°" B leader for the team as well as one ot . · I
1 Max laxner, M. D., nternatlonal Sex
S°rvi°° °°°du °n°‘ Th° practical season It looks ulte likel that the
man had been of medium size he would value of the information received the ' q y the best pl°y°r° in the South and °l` Education Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.,
be the fastest man ln the game ln the Y H i, _ Wildcats h"° uw mm °“ **11 uw ways had his men well organized and gave {dm. dt the clearest and most
°“°“Siv° dd °°v°r°d’ and uw mw other teams of the Association Cer- ·
State today. Rnoten and Barnett, on eating way in which thc men were · ngnung hard tor the school and stu- helpful addresses dvd,. heard dd this
the Georgetown College ww are rs- mgm mmm be mo Strongly emphw ""“" "° ‘°“'“ °““ °“"“ "‘° °"““‘*"°“‘ dents. me in Lenugwu. no two audiences
ported to ge good men. l did not see sized Shiv O""` uf Stam and “°“° has as All of the members of this Ye&r¤’ in has University heard him dd pri,
HIGH} [HEY Urlid h8l1CB CBHHOY. COIIl|)8.lB An idea of the camp can be gained strong B cla lll to U18 Ch$IDp[0l1Bhip, [Gam are duo to return to school next da) and Sunday afternoon. with the
their work with me work or me other from the fonowmg survey which ex °l“"8(;w° 2*‘;’°ti°“'°"“S°f'°:;“ :°'° year except Prestomwhc wl11s¤¤d¤¤¢¤ S..;,jwS; wh., young Muna sex
men' The University of Louisville nlalns ln full detail the cost, daily mo, payu an 0 were G °° y ° lu June. An ellort will be made to |,mbl6m’.. and ..881 and me Religious
had three good men, Rodgers, Baker and benefits to be derived. ““T°· “°°"°· take on more ot the S. I. A. A. teams Lm._·· 300 mw heard him dd Friday
and Caldwell. Those three men WGPB On July 31, me men len Gettysburg rhehmen fa') Bd imost consistent next Y6&1'· EV9!'Yb0dY WU"-! an °l* and 70 on Sunday. Hes poke also at
• the strength or the Louisville team. and Spam me remaining time on a ""`°“:;“;h‘ ° °“:  t“°“i’“· O"': prmunny to measum strength with the me High School on pdday to 200 boys
n me
Rodgers was an excellent forward and hike to ML Gretna. ut 8 distance of 65 gaieand that wasuinthgz cli: KW; best in md gddtd Andthdr winning on the Subject, ,,Natm_°,s way of Minh
lead his mam in scomm miles. The journey was made in 7 Th H h od; ' 'gam ' team ls expected next year. mg 3 Many 100 Transylvania med
All the material for my All-Kentucky days. the mon moving and acting as d nllillenjssftggz gt :13; 0 m;°2`::(:l;;°; A partial summary ot the results of heard him dd Saturday mdmmg
team I would select from the squad at . Nils 8°¤·8°¤ il U t°u°w'* One of the most interesting speak-
regular army on the march. Each man
th sv { u weren 1 do not use- °°'“""“°" '° my °“‘ °‘ “‘° “"“‘°· ’°‘ Games ¤¤·v¤¤—¤¤¤¤¤- -r— W- S n n ¤~·dw¤¤n rmmuomln
8 *’·“ “ Y· carrled llght packs besides his rille, * * ·* · · 4 ·
ix the changes dld not allsct the playing Games w0n_thm°°¤ lou wd _ S M
tate to say that the best s men at but had umd Uddbld in making me _ · Sol-lal Servlce ecretary of the Y. .
or the men. {avery man showed a re- Fi S I A A W udddkm _
the University should be considered udp as they mdk it in Guy staged dd k bl um hi h t h V6 · · · · 8$m°¤ °¤· · ( . A. He made seven addresses ln all
for the head of the llst. l say thls be- gagmg in sham www with the NSW mar R e wma y W ° ° mum ` Two Ohio Conference won, none lost. and reached d wml df 555 dinarout
ens the claim that the team was com- __ -·
cause ot the consistent wlnnlng of the Iars dt {mdudm mtdrydls_ The med d [ H I K I Z Points ¤°°"€d *0** people speaking on a dlllerent subject
SUNG U¤lV¤¤‘¤i¢Y ¢6¤¤¤· 6V6¤ in ¤l>i¢¤ glgpt gu shelter gems on me ground gy $088 I Gxgergm pl:_;9:s` as M"` 0l’l’°"°“*“ ”°°"‘·’d`256· to each of his seven audiences. These
ot adversity and the resultlng changes on hay ymcurdd from soma neighbor °T’|“(:nm ihaugéorins °l}m:;° zz" Average polnts per ga1ne—31. included the students id the tdudw,
made ln the line-up of the team. The hddd (armed ga g' m l UDDUUGUYB voints D9? 8¤¤¤¢>···i9· my depamuengn; Edur-anon, Lgw,
shlltlng ot the players from one posi- Mt I [ t M, G [ th showed umm), to score in every num ———-———•-•-+-1-— Science and Agriculture. ln addition
U C mar ul tended wt em hl} Gr an V ng a ' re M ° mm Scott, Capt. Tuttle and Gumbert were Resutlng trom the action of Chlca- to address"] 250 Trung www sm
on 0 mo 0 y D pm ul me regular pyramid mms in great guards. James Parka and go‘s Student Council, athletes will be 8 y
· (Continued on Pan Six) (Continued on pq, gu) Schrader were good men to dll a posi- barred from all class ollices. (Continued on Page Slx)

 1* 11 E 1 n E A ‘
Mm H OR HEUM HEA R "‘¥"l‘““‘°" J"° ·
ME AT Lhildren oc t
FlR8T·CLA|I IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. STAMPIR, Jr., Owner and Managor. , OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. 1 1
 ?£iTT—Y_`——:L—-——————— ··—~ 1   -~ - .- --ww-i
KEITH VAUDEV|LLE—IEN ALI. PATT. HALL. REPUBLICAN CLUB ORGANIZED sity of Kvntuvky rvsldlmz hi Nashville • 1
».._.... “ - 1 - —q I- t m A »—--»-—(` W H ki mot and fornwd the- State University 1
lloglnning with the matinee todo) Bliss l HFr.\l•l‘l¢‘ · ( l\\P¢l'N IB at t the institute of . , ns ns, muh 01. Nushtvllltlt Tha 1_U"0“_1"g of-
Keith \'nur1evillr· will be the attraction he-r home in Frankfort. \\'. \\’. Chambers, M. U. \\'heeler, U. M. "(_m_R “_m_‘_ ‘_1N_H_d: Mr- John M Fm.
• ht gpo non All for the rest or the week, Miss Mary Mayes was the R\lPl·¤t of Edwards ond l‘harl<·s (Z Wilson. u wrt 1,N_S1(1m1_ Mr. 1tmg(_m_ mmhmd
    with (hilly matinee, The bill solw-teal \lls~ Iwl llollerfs for the Sophomore meeting of all Republicans in the- l'nl-_\.1'_'_ t,rM1dpm; John Jt Tlgprtt SWNL `
` t mr mtg wppk lg (mp of mp bpm mm dance. versity was cnllod for 7:30 o`clock Fri- 1m_\__.1.r1_mt""_r' ,1.1"_ U1)1N_tV U1, tho
Thursday, llrlday could ho procured. and is sure to Nlrs ll. ll. Nl<‘(`ll•‘r<|Nll¥lU‘(l to |l¥`4‘|Hll`4‘ it l‘0llS\l- Htlill‘t‘Ss to the I\h»trion grmltmting
ERNIE AND ERNIE _ (-pong}; is known to assure the pulillc Miss Kntlluryrw Parra. of Midway. tntion to bc submitted at thc nt-xt class. On the- following 'rnpgduy hr-
Th° M°n°p°d° and German GW" or rt mm treat, Ernie and Ernie, the was the guest of her sister, Miss llvlly mw-ting. which is to bo hcld March will also give- the- (-Inga udrlregg at
CARTNELL AND HARRIS, monop•·d•~ and German glrl, are u l"l\¥`l`il. Slllldlly. 1lllill.ilt 7130 p. m. commencement, ’
Stngtng and Dancing Dum whole show in themselves; ('ortmolt Saturday we all stood on the front 'I`he purpose of the organization is
. tm.] }{;1ppig, ginging and dam-ipg_ pro- steps, posing for our picturc.-»-ilnet that of n political club, to study thc
_ SAM cURTlS AND CO- gpm gm11gq|,mg new; Sam (iurqig {md more Item that goes tot make the history of the party, the lives of its D E N U I S  
“G¤0U BY¢» B°¥••" i M*"“*' EPl*°d°· 4·.,m1,;my_j11n piaritgl ppigqrity pn. Annual worth while. illustrious Icaders, and the political
HAypgN_ 3EN1·0N AND Havpgu, titl•·<1 "d Bye. Uoys." have an dc- WHS Dorothy Chambers, of Paris. question that are before the people to- nn. J. T,  
Antntc Oddtttel liomrnl mmeqy sketch; Haydon, Ilur- WHS an honored guest at the Hall Sat- day. These men do not believe that   Cheapsidc 1
ron ami lmyoon, ln artistic oddities. urday. the R<=publl<·un party has`¤utliv<=d its HOMSSA M MBP M PHONE wt X I
THREE OTHER ACTS TO BE AN- Hm] tprpp Otherg to be ammunped Miss Alla Turner ls at present our usefulness, to the contrary, they be- ` ` ' ' ` l
NOUNCED. sound out 3 mg}; glass entertainment, principal invalid. lleve that lt will come back a winner ‘ l
"\\'lthln the Law" is booked for an "Movlng Day" is over and all those ln |t•l•i. The "Mugwamps" are al- DOLLAR SAFEIY RAZORS· I
early ;tpppm·am·g_ who were compelled to oin the ranks ready coming back into the fold by the Ender, Keen Cutter, l
Prl_¢i••—l*;?ht coda Q/lgtrtneeéb :3:/{st`   of the movers, have gotten settled thousands. These fellows believe that and Ever Ready I
gczgrkd Baf§;`n;’10·c;n[:' ’ ' THE PHILO O H ' f‘0mf0l`lHblY in illPll‘ DPW homes. when the people come to compare the JUST WHAT YOU NEED_  
’ l
" _ e Miss Marlam Ginn spent the week wishy-washy diplomacy of the school-· l
· Tl Pl llo.o li n Literary Society l
400 GOOD SEATS ALwAY;AT wc` Wm fold iw ieglilgr meeting Tuesdav vnd with her mother and sister at the master and his tin-horn secretary oil   &   ·
L V H Hall. State with the solid administration ` '
T•l•¤¤¤¤• 638 Merril 17, 1914. DRUGGISTS l
· ` Thttp mgmm for this week is R Misses Holmquist, Smith and Brown that preceded them and that when the MMN STREET AND BROADWAY 1
· ‘ ‘ . ‘ ¤ 5 i f De { ti C -  
      llwadliltert and 8 splendid attendance who xx ere here all last week engaged exper ments o the mocra c op
° it oxpected in Y. \\'. (‘. A. work, left early this gress begin to pinch the people that           3
      l q0c1a1lqt_;_t_1(_€_Dr Tuthm week to continue their work ln other they will cry out "Oh Lord, how long? g p _ y  
’ ’ ° Vocal Solo Miss bormne ·N0e1 fields. Deliver us from this Babylon. Let us Miisizzlggcizid of
‘*L . I · '
' °   ' lk I l th ' l f C -
P'P°s Rcpmred° "Llf'? of Thomas M°°"€·" uS€l€c` BROKE, BROKE, BROKB :;,11 Bfzgggzeati Ssl1rlldn>pl;:t‘;’SH(;>ld€tt°    
Lgxiugrgu, . . Kgqwuexv tions from Thomas M<>ore's P0etry,"—— ‘ L ‘ 36 W EXCLUSIVELY. • •
Frances Geisel. Broke, b1‘0k6, broke, __" 1 E8" MAIN STREET _
1 ..—;-•.•+—»-— Of · h rd-e rned b n s, Oh, gee! l I
C t o I •'veI to students I ` ' ` -—-
.,1: }';c:Q‘;°,; 8,:,, 1,,,1,,,,,ty vounc. vlnomm nmmans 1-,,., thoughts that ms., in mg TABLETS and FINE l
__ At a recent meeting of the Kentucky   1
A B.   _ State University Alumni Association .
• ln every schoolhouse in Prince Ld- 01;, well for the two-dollar shows, t_ mi uc ubj tt of the visit to      
_ _ _ o tcago 1 s e·
com s' UMESTONE AND COLFAX \\‘Hl`d (OUHU'. WL. 8 Dl808¥'d ¢0¤i8l¤l¤1B And the {lowers and candy each day; _ _
_ _ Chicago ot the Senior Engineering ee  
  u (.m...d my the American country bv! Oh. well for the llaumlng tl"’"gl‘t (-1,,% Wag (lm-ugged and the members l
  and dedicated to the l%0)'S` COYH Club That intrudes, "l)00S lll¢·* \\`ll0l•¥ U i h · l     c0|
’ . ,. . . _ _ __ _, of the Association expressed their
wo oro stm Prooolng 4 Suits for $1.20 (ll \"¤‘“’*‘· hee b°€“ pobwd- ll madh llllng Day? gmtttttmton that they wm be present WM. E. STAGG, Sueeeooor. `
·**· ‘°"°"““"“' “°"S‘ ““E*’”·" . . U lit 309 WEST MAIN STREET l
. . . _ _ o we come ne v s ors. t
Btlly B3ll¢y’S Pl'€SSll1g   "l b<*l1<*\’P that the <>0¤¤U‘y Wh1<‘h And the ‘·l»lowing" still goes on. _ -——--——-:,:;—..._£ ’ Q '
_ This is a meeting which we consider .·
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS Hod made is more beautiful than the Ag it has in years gone by; 1_ _ t b it brm i *·
. _ , _ __ _ o nm or ance ecause gs us n ,
    L`"` °°`°"° P h°°°       iI1“iZ II2‘L"‘§.‘..EZ‘”2E.Z."Z.ii‘.Z   **1;*       .......5. wm.   ...... .....,   .......,,, J - D. Purcell
til)`5 at it 1 ‘ ' . »` rings mc 19 Sami) 0 ( (‘|`)’. (IMO, ted)
t U 1 °°'“
C A-   ll|•· Il;i[llI`kil lll-? Ul. IIIHH. I believe that Fu t from the nigoriity aihwe d d T      
* ' work with nature is more inspiring ;;mkp_},1-(,kp,bpOk€, E" yedrb ago' an asc W Home 0 FQR  
, . , , the men we knew during the time we `
Whoro you will find everything • Ithan work with the most intricate ma- yt,1 u Single Cgnt, gp, ggg! t tu U i it   to  
COMPLETE DRUG STORE · 1 . _ V V .r . _ _ Shen a te nvers y. '
should Huh Ice cm Soda 1.l.mtr,_ i lieliete that the uieniti of And the dough that 1 spent for that Some of the men wm locate in Cht RALSTON HEALTH SHOES l
lll l ·d· t *lt_* d,bt
MMN AM; WALNUT STREETS. I 1¤1>F\< *:11*:1** ii U; d‘;';;‘p;;tu‘l:t*) som; “ll;fl6 gil", b kt (Ego, and we wish that each Ot 1_h€m_ FOR MEN I
  M ` JU U Q l' ` ' ' ·` 'i never come ac ome.
· ~ if l . ,
KO k d C I C lto a boy on the farm as often as to a -—-—•-•~»——— mad dl;0 mit mth Teglbeztj ;) tiie *4 00 to $5 00 l
1 v 1 ·  
In     0• lboy in the city: that life is larger and A ¤*lollslil|r'} I’•·rlrzr|»s tlomrgctowrr gave I )   N ` lll*‘ *l*><‘l¤ll lllllt llllll ol tIl•· I- rl·—·lllrl»~rr
in to tl Hu lash. One forward goes to I. Zerfoss, {mq Wqr Wm hp tl (M Q flmu U I
. ` I l _ ’ ‘ _ - . t r r > r ‘ * .· 1
  i _ M ol btate, and the other to Rhoton. the mppung mst Thm_mm_ it “_m_ mum?    
· It looks good m HM, (lmm_h,,r hack plucky little captain of the K. l. A. A. mmm}, dm_M‘_d mm HW (_MS_ SIMM,
lat hard work again. (`f'llU`llf‘l' has all- "h°mpl°"”‘ I d° nm S"` lmw " hpmnr enterttlltl with a dancc as to l»•· uivcn B °` V
.· n()t1n(?$‘~tI his tl9tPl‘llllD8(l0Il to milk? 8 lm". of guards mmm be hmm] for Hm lll llI(‘ Al`llll)f')` 'l`ll•·rt· hud lwrll t’|llI·       ·
' vlttrc on tl¤•· track term and has ul- ’“"K°“"‘°“" '""""""""‘*"° "‘*‘“ T“" Sld(·‘I'f\l)l¢* (ll'<(‘ll‘4¥l()ll ·lr ll. lllr- ll·llllr»
ready begun training. fhg Woodson, ue and S°°“· Of swig Rhown `muld of the l·`r¢~sllrlls~ll •·rltt·rtrllrlrll»·rlt, Zlllfll   (    
i who has also been htbernattns since "‘“k" “" ld°“l °“l‘*“l"· “" l"’ "“" h""" now tlltlt il (l&Ill<'§’ llrls l.··l·ll sl»ttl•·tI
· W Thanksgiving, is back at work. “ w°"d°rful hp") t" (muh mmm and upon, lt |lf`Oll\lN•‘.< to be ll very pl•·ll.»;lllr
l HERSHEL SCOTT, _ ______ to his lPIH8-mH(9H ln this pal‘(l<·l1Iur‘. affair.   y   a
. . Under tl · .· .vl.l f t` tl ‘ .
Pregldent "K’ AIIOClItlOU· ( N' `mwr `Hm 0 up an The Lme Up' N0 dcllnitc ill`l`:lIllJ,|*lll**lllS haw yet
g At R mgmt mvpung of the w,,m.€rs Wflsllt. 0¤€ 0l` lll0¥`€ ll0l'i¤bl9 btiiillls Coleman, Central University, center. hppn mad? hm hw mnnuimw in
l rrr the   llersllel Scott was elected cages wm be constructed for the use mmmnt G¤¤r¤¤t¤-‘¤ C°“°g°* right charge will provldo the very llasrl ‘
t»r<~¤l<1•¤¤tt¤t¤*<¤t*t*<" °;‘;" ""“" :‘“"I‘“‘i’“ ""“i“*"";"· ";"" '°'"°"’ tl"'-*°°*’*°'"· lllllrllr and I`€*l°Y°PSllf]lPllls wlll ZIl$l) lla
. _ zo le mec ar ·a e r rn u- · ·
(th¤mb9l`B· who hu5 bepn president 4 d t `     8 Bld   zerf08s’ State I nivprsitpa   ?*l(°rVPd. rrlle JlIl`Il()l`S 3l`f‘ fl) l)$‘ lIl\'lT•’(l
l . . ' I` W ' . , ·
I Smce the beginning Ot the last school i ug"' ltr: e I or ng on tem OMS {forward. as rr r-larsl and will hr- rcc•-ircll by lll*‘
l Y€9·*`· Not only l’* Srvtt 0m` Uf the IC r sm}, mum- ' Tuuh" State University right guard l"l'(‘Sl\ll\Pll wlthoutl individual lni<>¤¤<·rs uml l*‘*’¤***l**”·|
FRESHMEN ARE GIVEN , ,pldyed great rmskm ban this Season i und in the n]€n's teumsh Though State l·`0r particulars, apply at 242 Clifton,
_ CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP land Should afford some good mmgrlal i rlnivemm. esmbushed a Clem. claim m, Heights, i Make your selection today, first
UNDER VARSITY tor the Varsity next year. Sandlln,`the championship the two prer·iotls\”_"_\\.AN,l.l_:I) XYm‘"‘fmus has Sp—‘mlm&‘—5_, Pl<>l'¤ b¤¤f- W¢
By rl,. d0ClSi0H§¢£1PllBl`UlIllll'lK(’ *¤¤¤¤ wt S¤*·-·¤t *·¤~·€ ¤·=r·· ¤r·*¤ti*r¤*°¤*· <*·****¤t*¤¤ *·¤··*~~’***€ ·*€¤*¤*~’r· portunltv lol Studeutg Wlllll,. ll...l.l °““"“"‘°° ’°“ ‘“""“°"°" °'
and the Mhleuc wmmmee me Fregwlpoint-gettors wlllle Hopkins, Peak,} ly, yet on this seasons play Louisvillel way to Pam uu *_\w_mH “_hH‘_ ml '“°"*°Y "°f¤"d°d·
men basket ball team was given the tilark and Hubble have guarded well. , would seem to hate the better ot the residtmwb Prmerndt Hxllerimlw Or.
championship of the University underiburnbert, the team captain, wasl argument by a shade, having amassed ability in Sulmumushipl wmel
the Varsity lm. rllt l—r.sl.l.l..ll ll..l·t.;—*r¤tt¤¤ by *¤¤t*·¤ *·· ¤*··*·r<*=*S·>¤· ¤¤<* *2 *>°"*tS *0 $****8* *2 r¤*¤t¤ tn the lllll. llat co., ollsllll, Neb, i
9 I Q played and defeated an the class mums   lllls played great ball on tllc Varsity. ltwo tzarnes played. l _d _ ___d_ ___   dd _dd d _ t ’
~ ___ ___ 1 in selecting the Aii_KPutu(.ky {Hun FOR RENT »-· Desirable fllrllislletl
of note in the school and so arc given ~ _ _ _ _ " _ _} _ _ l
. . _ l [’*`Ul· U V· “ €3"'$*` l***$ b***‘** l·€*"l**l·* for \\'OlllHll, no one would hesitate to r"‘"“*· MMU ll"k"l* $···*" \\- ll-l N
the title. bhould any team wish to! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
dispute tlIlS Clalln (lf [ll? Fl'€ShlIlQ;}[|   lhls Services to tho Irpshnulu l"*”k°`[ llivk   lllllllsll. Ul. lA|lIlSVlll¢‘, LIN the *l****·ti**t‘ltl. l“l·' l`· Hl¥.ll. i
. . , ' Y ’l>¤ll i€t***l lll ll*‘•*l*t**'¤*l<>** l`***` *l*•‘lF_ rlrsl choice and captain. She would .‘   °   ‘, _ `"Tf""" mcggpggprgp
will have to back therr claim hy play ` I F I I IH l\\.-\N ll·.l)~h\er) student to ledtl the ··
§ mg me Frames u game. Nw Wish ,i>·*****i¤ ¤****· ·|***i¤*}> Jl; l** **%**1; play right torward, belng by ta