xt7q5717qb91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717qb91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1951-08-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 03, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 03, 1951 1951 1951-08-03 2023 true xt7q5717qb91 section xt7q5717qb91 v

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‘Any Secrecy ls Dangerous,’
Pope Tells University Class

Any secrem 1s dflIlQF‘lUU‘
corrupting.‘ James Pope. iiiana.in'_
editor of the Loursville Courier-
Journal. stated in a lecture before
the “Perspectives in Contemporary
Life" clas.s Wednesday night it. Fra—
nce Hall.

“The question at stake iii the
problem of freedom of inforinatmr'..'
the newshaperman. who is chairman
of the Information Commuter o:
the American Soctety of Newspaper
Editors~~ said. "is whether or not our
own democratic system will was".
It is a definite challange to the
ability of the people to make deris-
ions for themselves “

Speaking out against the ability
of goyernment information bureaus
to disseminate acturatc informa-
tion. Pope said that no one will write
information which shows his eiii~
ployer in a bad light.

POPE POINTED OI'T that free-
dom of information is not license
to gather material that the ordiiiai'v
citizen has no right to know about

"Freedom of information does not





2‘.‘.':.l the t1.iiiiii.‘1tion of military
I(' ~12. ‘11'i.' the Citlll'lf’l -Jouinal
l":1'.1.‘.‘.llL editor d(‘lell‘9d. "We do
not t'f.‘.‘,t‘1‘ftil‘ anything which will
rinlancer Vill‘tlflllfll security.“
‘lveedrin: of i'..formatio:i does not
. 1‘» fret-com to pry into private
'.1‘. I‘.‘ . smiie'liiiig which newspapers
1 ~.1 .. 1.. 1.1.111sed.”Pope continued.
"B:;‘ fit-«dom of information IS
tl:1 Ejulll t1. obtain information of
s‘: 1.11:1! and national affairs
' '1 the people should have access


'11" l"’ .szild

I'OI’E I'OINTEI) OI'T the abuse
11:.11 f::tud in\o‘.'.ed in the granting
1.1 benefits to the needy. since fed-
t=i':1'. 1111‘: to the states for these bene-
ills it". automatically be suspended
1.‘ the of the recipients is
v :isllv‘tl.





course. there were valid rea-
sons for this secrecy clause." Pope
sail. "but when case after case of

and fraud have been
the public interest. it seems
outweighs the individual in-

01 erptyment
1:» ll)“.

In many cases Pope said the “raw
tained is being hidden.
cannot prevent the gathering of
news. but thev go at great lengths
to hide the source.‘ ‘he said.

Atomic Energy Commission. the
only body. the unauthorized report-
ing of whose news is prohibited by
statute. much of the secrecy is un-
necessary and has led to corruption.

from which news is ob-‘
“Officials ‘

“Much of the information which.

public officials try to hide isn‘t
really dangerous "
just a phobia against publicity."

Pope stated that oftentimes these

Pope said. It isi

agencies lose since thev do not gain .

public support for their agencies
and their projects.

‘It is not only the problem of the
newspaper profession,‘
it is your obligation. Once the public
becomes aroused the iron curtain
of suppression will crumble. And
judging from the response I‘ve re-
ceived from the public. I believe the
people can be aroused.”


White Says Language Exams
Ha ve Lowered Requirements

Now that graduatit n time is (1111' .v-
ing near. one of the topics of dis-
cussion 011 the campus is the lan-
guage proficiency examination. In
an effort to secure information on
the subject. several professors and
students were interviewed.

The correct title for the examina-
tion is “Basic Achievement in For-
eign Language." The test. which is
set up on a national basis and grad—
ed on a national scale. is used to
help fulfill general requirements in
the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dean M. M. White of the College
of Arts and Sciences, stated that
the purpose of the test is “an at-
tempt to excuse those students who
did as well as the national norm
from taking two years of foreign

that the adoption of thc present
system actually lowered the lan-
guage requirements in the College
of Arts and Scrences. Prior to its
mum in September 1945. stu-
dents who presented no language
credits on entering college were re-


compltte 4 quarters of one
uaLe and two of another.
Hike 5 quarters of one language.

Under the present system. a stu-
dent may take the test any time
after beginning study of a language,
ll he gets the consent of his in-
structor However. it is more desir—
able that the student study a lan-
Lu Lt for one yeai and take the test
duiinc oi at the end of the second
semester of work. In the event he
fail- the test the first time he takes
it. the student should continue
studying the language until he does
pass it or has completed two years
of lanuuage study. In either case,
his language requirements will have
been fulfilled.

appraximately 33 per cent of the
students who have had one year of
language fail to pass the test the
first time they take it. He pointed
out the fact that the student must
p.1ss the test a semester before he
complaes his requirements for grad—
uatioi If the student elects to
complete two years of study of the




Three Lecturers Engaged
For Language Meeting Here

“Three outstanding lecturers from
Indiana, Montana and the province
of Manitoba. Canada will participate
in the fifth University Foreign Lan-
guage Conference to be held April
24-26. 1952." said Dr. Jonah W. D.
Skiles. director of the conference.

He said the purpose of the con—
ference is to bring together on the
campus of the University scholars
and teachers to discuss foreign lan-
guages. ancient and modern. in all
of their bearings upon both interna-
tional and domestic affairs.

“For studying and solving prob-
lems of the present international

world. there could hardly be a more
sicnificant area than the field of
foreim languages. Therefore, I con-
sider the University of Kentucky
Forc1gn Language Conference one of
the most vital activities of the Uni-
vcrsity.“ Dr. Skiles said.

This conference. which was start-
ed in 1948 under the directorship of
Dr. Skiles. with the assistance of
Dr. A. E. Bigge. professor of Ger-
man. and Dr. Hobart. Ryland of the
Romance Language Department. has
beer. represented by more than 40 of
our states. also. Canada. Cuba,
Sweoen and England.

People Are Never Inferior
Just Backward—eDonovan

There is no such thin: as '11:. ii;—
ferior people UK Presiden t Heim. 1..
L. Donovan told delea, atts to 1111'
intergroup relations. seminar 1oldi'.;
their closing meeting on the UK
campus July 26.

Dr. Donovan declared that it is
true that there are many l)llik\‘.ul'(l
peoples. but they are backward (11.11
because they have beer. denied 11:1

advantages of education. It is 1.
great mistake. he ('Ontlllllcti. to
these becaust of

classify peoples.

Ag Directors
Talk To Group
At Field Day



uk J. Weltli. dent. of tin

. 1- 11: Agtu'ultuit 1111(1 Her-.1
Economy .1..d (lll‘t'f‘i'tl x-f tl.. C11.-
vci'sitys Eypt-i'iiiin-izt Sta _..;1 .1111
Dr. W P. Gal '1 assotiatt 1'.-
iectoi'. are speakers at lllt' 1.11:11'11.
Field Day ant'lllit' 11' tl1t \Re (11',
Kenturky Expei'1111eii‘ Subaru... .'
Princeton wlntl'. started ’l'i. ..-..x(
The pioci'ani will 111 ll.l' s..t:.-
both did' with tours of the ,
herds. and flotl:~ 1:. the mtriin.

and afternoon and a >tn.....;:._'
gi'aii'. at 110011

Tobacco. corn L'l'fi.\\('. 2.2111 1...
crops, will be seen growing .1. t...'
ious tests of ftr'. lllZfl‘ and rn


tions Also to Di sect. are orchm't.
a dairy herd. .1 beri~111ttlt l1t113.:.1.'
a poultry flock

Visitors \111l 1111.11 c>.1.l;.i..:'141:. .1
the fruits 11-: u 11.: lllllt. ply. pi. 11'
and potash. a.
llllZI‘l‘\ and immune. the
crop rot.1110n. and the u e r: 1

lit'lu l.‘ 1.!

“(ll as compete it:-

lllt'1l backwardiiess. as inferior.

Delegates to the UK seminar. a
51—week study period sponsored by
1111 National Conference of Chris-
‘1'..1iis and Jews. also were told that
the world vvill stiffer from the evils
of intolerance as long as there is
u 1rlttspread ignorance.

I)()\l TOLERANT people.“ the UK
liltrltlt'li‘ stated "It is true that we
~lvzltililllt‘: f:iid intolerance among
(-(1 listed people. but when we do
"t' tan be ('H‘l‘dlll that their educa-


1101; is intoniplcte. A person can
iii-'t-i be completely educated until
1;.~ l'i‘C'l_lllZl‘.\ the saci'ednes of all
1111311111 beincs. " 1' .Donovan added.

U'l1t-1' spt 'ilitlD> at the closing
w Zil‘l .11 sissiin included John T.
Kti.ii.1 (.1 Louisville. state director
foi llll .\' CCJ.. and Dr. Gordon W.
1mm ' ,\' CC.J. consultant who di-i
i'v-etco tlt tun-111111 11'. UK.

(iA'l IFS that results of such pro-
;1 :11.\ 11s the one they had attended
1 11.11 in be seen. We must


.'1u- working continue to have
and follow the dictates of
entice. We must keep the
.1 of good llllf‘l'L‘l'lHlp re—
. 1.111111 the public. If wt
11' 1111.11 time. the people 1111‘



the N C.C.J..s it.»
13.1 UK seminar.
of its type ever held it.

llt said,

‘4 .‘t ‘ .3.
in .11'-'.
'Iz (‘

1.1:. . .111 »

stiii.i.;1r “as intended by 23
from Kent titky at. d six
_‘t.-: It'l'll('lt 't‘lll slitl(‘\
: rd )tl'llll;.l‘ll'.‘ of stliool teach-
.1. ill ., included

111111 .1iid liotisctvives
pie»: llll‘ll with the co»
1111111 ”11' UK (Milt-”e (11 A115
11nd the l)t-p:1rtntent of


.1: 11115.1


.t ll|l

It \\ 21> ;

Though '

Illlll- 1‘"

language he must maintain at least

a C standing in each semester of
second year work.

In getting a liberal arts education,

Pope said " ‘



AUGUST 3. 1951

VV'J, nvu


NORMA JO SMITH. Ilarrodsburg:
and John King. Louisville, entertain four fellow members of the All
State Band Clinic between swims at Memorial Coliseum. The Band
Clinic will give a concert at the Coliseum tonight at 8 o'clock.

Tommy Rechenhach. Elkhorn:

All State Band To Give
. Annual Concert Tonight

The UK summer All State Bands

‘will present their third annual con-
‘cert at 8 pm. tonight in Memorial

Coliseum. Approximately 350 stu-

‘ dents from 50 Kentucky high schools

‘concert band
‘ Texas. will direct the two groups.

Dean White pointed out the neces- "

sity of studying a foreign language.
It helps give the student a cultural
background and broadens his knowls
edge through literature.

This point was further stressed
by Dr. Jonah Skiles. Professor in
the Department of Ancient Lan-
guages. who stated that for gen-
eral or for liberal education on both
secondary school and college level.
the objective for foreign study in
the first and second years are learn-
ing to read the language and get-
ting acquainted with the culture and
ideas of the people who use that

DENTS and other professors inter-
viewed may be summed up as fol-

i twice daily

‘ them

will participate.

Because of the unusually heavy
enrollment. there will be two bands.
each composed of 180 instruments.
Prof. Frank J. Prindl. conductor of
the UK concert band and Prof Ber—
nard F. Fitzgerald. conductor of the
at the University of
The rehearsed
since their arrival on
the campus Monday. Members of
the UK music faculty have given
individual coaching and in-

bandsmcn have

istruction. The only expeiis: incurred

by the clinic enrollces was the cost
of meals.

of 23 flutes. six oboes. five bassoons,
96 Clarinets, 37 saxaphones. 61 cor-
nets. 32 trombones. 23 French horns.

1 20 baritones. 18 basses. and 32 drums.

During the week. the young musi-
cians‘ have been entertained at a

square dance party in the SUB, a
swimming party at the Coliseum

1. Study of a foreign language is.

necessary in securing a liberal edu-
cation. Length of time for studying
is debatable.

2. Strong objection exists as to

the use of a national test and na—
tional grading scale, rather than
putting it on a local basis.

3. The test is considered a “stumb-
ling block" to graduation by several

4. Why require an achievement
test only in foreign language and
not in other general or group re-
quirements of the college?


l By Barbara Hickey


1 An attractive . polite group of
1foreign students arrived 011 the

tcampus last week- end to attend it
’ll\€- week orientation pi ogi' a n1.
under the direction of Dr. G. K.
Brady. professor of English.

The US. Army is sponsoring half
10f the students, who are from
‘Japan while the US State De—
ipz'iitmcnt is sponsoring the others.
front Europe. Mextco. Hawaii. the
Philippines and the Near East.

{ In September the newcomers will

‘ {enter various American ulllV't’I'slllC.~.

«selected according to their educa—
3tionul interests. where they will
pursue subjects on the graduate

1“! ATHER very warm here. and
[the food very good. Eeva Kan—

igasinaa. from Southern Finland. will
urtudy American Literature at Yale.
It is awfully hot here. but the food
is very fine. especially the uranium .

she said. Icliii'o Hibi. who comes
from Tokyo. Japan. finds that
“young American pills. are lovely.

‘llll'J American food is so nice". lie

' pool, and a dress rehearsal at Guig—

1101 Theater of the opera. "Song of

The program includes: Salutation-
March by Seitz: Adoramus Te and
Sanctus-Chorale by Palestrina; Lit-
tle Gypsy-Overture by Yoder: Fifth
Symphony-Excerpts by Tschaikov-
sky: Old Comrades-March by Teike;
Children‘s Prayer-Chorale by Hum-
perdinck: Silver Talisman-Overture
by Grundmaii. conducted by Prof.
Frank J. Pi'indl.

MONIAL by Grunkman: Das Persi—
onat-Overture by von Suppe: Death
and Transfiguration — Symphonic
Poem by R. Strauss; Ye Banks and
Braes 0‘ Bonnie Doom-Folk by
Graiiiger; Cornish Rhapsody-Piano
solo by J. B. Smith. UK student with
band by Bath; First Swedish Rhap-
sody-Overture by Leidzen; and
March by Moore, conducted by Ber-
nard F1 Fitzgerald.

Following the intermission Presi-
dent Herinan L. Donovan wil give
sortie rcniarks. Beautiful Saviour-
Chot'ale by Christiansen: and High
School Cadets-March by Sousa. also
conducted by Bernard F. Fitzgerald
will conclude the program.

Lack Of Latin Teachers
Is Problem In Kentucky

’By Faye Newsome

Where are our Latin teachers?

One of the problems which has to
be faced by the state of Kentucky
and many other states is the scar-
city of secondary Latin teachers.

During an interview with Dr. Jo-
nah W. D. Skiles, professor of an-
cient languages. the writer was told

that the University Placement Bu-

their respective schools for regular study.
Dr. Leo Chamberlain, vice president of the University. (right) lectures on the American educational system.

reau received 30 requests for Latin

will study Mechanical Engineering
:tl Carnegie Tech.

However. Roberto
Tanipit'o. Mexico. says
bother me after living in Mexico
all my life". but Renee Barillas.
Guatemala. says ‘the heat: it’s so
hot I can‘t stand it“. She Will go to
Winthrop College in South Cal‘-
olllia to study Library Science.
while Roberto will take advance
tourses in Mechanical Engineering
at Purdue next semester.

Hiraslii Watuiiabe. Nagoya.
Japan. has "no troubles here". "I
“as very tired when I arrived, but
1 am very happy now". he confides.
lie will prepare for a career in
Business Administration at Indiana
University at Blouiniiigton.

INESS STI'DENT is Fiza-un-Reh-
iiani Khan. who prefers to be called

Cantu. front
"heal doesn't

simply F. R. Khan. Coming from
Pakistan. he plans to enter the
Columbia University Graduate

School of Economics. He has no llllr-
pi'essloiis yet, but seems to enjoy



who livts in
likes the Anter-

teachers by June 1, but none were

Di. Skiles said that there are ap-
n'oximately 600 high schools in the
state of Kentucky. yet only 212 of
this number offer the student a
chance to take foreign languages.
One hundred seventy- -se.‘eii offer
Latin. and 73 of these schools give
Latin only.

(Continued on Page 4)

ican people. “I spent two days in
New York. after my arrival and

people were so nice there. they didn't
mind stopping to help me and they
took my mistakes as a joke. iii-
stead of getting mad.”

PAN. finds "America is a large coun-
try. the campus is beautiful and
only the heat bothers me". She ex-
plain» that space is very limited in
Japan. and the t‘tlllt‘L't‘.\ there are lll
sin-.111, enlilpacl .ii'e'ts. Yosliie also
helps its interpreter b1 tween her fel—
low countrvnieii and >lll(lt‘lll.\ from
other countries. because .11] of them

are sputktii‘: English ieuulaily foi
the 111st time. She Will pursue
studies in All’lt‘l'll'dll Literature at

Indiana U.

011 the route to UK Antoine Billot.
P'.ti'i:. France. \'l\lll‘\l New York.
Philadelphia and Washington. DC
before tllllllll‘; ltt lit‘yilmltul. "I (‘ll-
.toyed \‘l'u:lun~ton. because the city

>11 tl(‘Lill 111111 lllt‘ :lll‘l'l\ 1111' lill‘fit'.
lzut if all Alllt'l'lt'ull towns are its
beautiful l.e\iu::to:t. America
11111 I be .1 v1 i'y l1e.1utiltil country."
Antoine wi.lies to \isit ll golf course



University of Kentucky



NL'MIII'] ’ .11

“Tl-71'1"" Slit/c .»\H



Dr. Davidson To Spea

At UK Commencemen


By Dr. Tapp

Complete instructions for Summer
Commencement to be held in Me-
morial Coliseum at 7:30 p.m.. Au-
gust 10. have been announced by
Dr. Hambleton Tapp, assistant to
the president and chairman of the
Commencement committee.

All members of the academic pro-
cession are to assemble on the horse-
shoe driveway beween the Student
Union Building and Stoll Field.
Divisional groups will be designated
by markers.

Candidates for advanced degrees
are to assemble at 6:45 p.m.. and
faculty and candidates for bachelor
degrees at 7:00 pm. The academic
procession will begin at 7:15 pm.

ARE REQUESTED to see that the
candidates for degrees are present
in respective assembly area by the
announced time to assure proper
arrangement of individuals within
the column. Assistant marshals will
form each group in alphabetical

The procession will form in a
column of threes. with the head of
the column at the junction of
Euclid Avenue and the entrance to
the horseshoe driveway. Appropriate
caps. gowns. and hoods are to be
worn by all who take part in the

VERSITY COLORS will lead the
procession. They will be followed
by the marshal of the day. the pres-
ident of the University and the
speaker of the day. trustees of the
University and official guests. the
vice president. dean of students.
and the comptroller, deans and other
administrative authorities. special
members of the University staff.


will be next. followed by the faculty!

of the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics. the faculty of the
College of Engineering. the faculty
of the College of Law, the faculty
of the College of Education. the
faculty of the College of Commerce
the faculty of the College of Phar-

Candidates for advanced degrees.

candidates for degrees from the Col- '
lege of Arts and Sciences. candidates 1

for degrees from the College of Agri-
culture and Home Economics. candi—
dates for degrees from the College of
Engineering. candidates for degrees
from the College of Law. candidates
for degrees from the College of Ed-
ucation. and candidates for degrees

(Continued on Page 4)


arrived at the I'niversity this week. are taking an orientation course here, before they go to
At the left. Dr. G. K. Brady. director of the orientation course. leads them on a tour of the campus.

iHeat Bothers Foreign Students, T 00'

while here and relates that when he
arrived in town. he thought Lex-
ington was so quiet. and said "what.
they have no busses"? His diplo-
macy Wlll come into good use at the
Woodrow Wilson School for Foreign
Affairs at Cliarlottsvtlle. Va.

one UK professor will be assigned to
every eight students. to help and
instruct them in problems l'elflllll:
to the American way of life.

Iii addition to their lectures. the
visiting students Wlll be taken on
weekly field trips to newspaper
plants. radio and television stations.
industrial and iiiaiiufzu'tui'ing con-
cerns. liiundi'ies. banks. and to sev-
eral points of scenic or historic iii-

University faculty members in ad-
dition to Dr. Brady who Will be as-
soeiated With the orientation pi'o—
l.'l‘lllll include Dr. A. L. Biggie. Dr.
Loui. J Budd. Prof, Gordon E. 8141'-
luw and Dr. John L. Cutler, lan—
guuaes: Dr. Irwui T. Sanders.
socmlouy: DI'. Merton Enulziiui.
history; and Prof. Maurice Clay.
physical education.


JR . . . to deliver commencement

Tickets Ready
For Graduates

Tickets for five reserved seats for
Summer Commencement for guests
of each graduate are now available
at the office of the dean of women.
Dr. Hambleton Tapp. assistant to
the president and chairman of the
Commencement committee. has an-

All reserved seats not filled by
7:15 pm. on the night of Com-
mencement. however. lose their re-
serve and will be opened to the
general public.“ Dr. Tapp empha-
sized. All unreserved seats Will also
be available to the general public.

A separate section in the Coliseum
will be set aside for the aged and
infirm. Those people should report
to the ushers downstairs as soon as
they enter the building.

The University Dispensary will
establish an aid station on the first

Teachers Hold
Annual Meet

iAt University

The fourth annual workshop of
the Kentucky Department of Class—
. room Teachers was held Wednesday
l at UK.

1 Miss Jennie L. Davis. a Cincinnati
l teacher and member of the National
lEducation Association's Commission~
.for the Defense of Democracy, was
the principle speaker.

1 A skit called “Public Relations —
iIt Starts in the Classrooms." was
lpresented by a group of Louisville
and Jefferson County teachers at
the morning session. Dr. Frank
.Dickey. dean of the University's
College of Education. also spoke at
the morning meeting.

In the afternoon the teachers held
; group sessions on various phases of
'public relations, particularly meth-

ods of combatting attacks of public

I The one-day meeting ended with

.1 tea. with the Lexington-Fayette
3 County Classroom Teachers Associa-

tion as host.

The state department‘s board of
directors met in a pre-wm'kshtp ses-
'sion at the Phoenix Hotel Tuesday

Educators Say

UL Head
To Speak
August 10

The new president of the Univer-
sity of Louisville Will deliver the
address at the Summer Commence-
ment to be held at 7:30 pm. Auau
ust 10. in Memorial Coliseum.

After the address of Dr. Philip
Grant Davidson. Jr.. who has serv-
ed as provost of the undergraduate
colleges and dean of the Graduate
School at Vanderbilt University
from 1948 until his recent appoint-
ment to head the University of
Louisville. President Herman I.
Donovan will confer degrees and
awards on the 455 candidates for

SISTS of all those who have made
application for degrees. only those
who have fulfilled all the require-
ments by graduation will receu'c
degrees. The dean of each collerie
will present the respective candi-
dates their degrees.

Dr. Frank A. Rose. pastor of the
First Christian Church. Danville.
who was recently appointed to the
presidency of Transylvania College
will give the invocation and bene-

After the procession and invoca—
tion. the University Chorus. under
the direction of Miss Mildred S.
Lewis. associate professor of music.
will sing " lory to God" by J. S.

the Charge to the Graduating Class
after the conferring of degrees. The
Chorus and audience will then sing
the Alma Mater.

The singing will be followed by
the benediction. The Chorus and
audience singing the national an-
them will conclude the program.

Almost half of the candidates for
degrees—BOO—come from the Grad-
uate School. The College of Com-
merce is second in tank with 51.
and the College of Am and Sci-
ences and the M m-
:ing are next.

The College of Agriculture and
Home Economics with 45. the Col-
lege of Education with 43. and the
College of Law with six complete
the number. There are 12 doctoral
candidates in the Graduate School

spent most of his life in the South.
He was graduated from the Univer-
sity of Mississippi in 1922 With the
BS. degree. He later earned his
AM. and PhD. at the University of

After his graduation from the
University of Mississippi. Dr. Dav-
idson served as high school princi-
pal in several Mississippi towns for
three years. From l928 to 1942 h‘
was professor of history at Agnes
Scott College. and from 1938 to 194'?
was also executive secretary of the
Advisory Faculty Council. the Uni.-
versity Centre in Georgia.

In 1942 he was appointed dean
of the Senior College and Graduate
School at Vanderbilt Uanf‘I‘sltY. the
position he held until 1948 when he
was given the broader position of
provost of the undergraduate col<
leges and dean of the Graduate

BERSHIP in the American Histori-
cal Assoctation. the Mississippi Val-
ley Historical Assoc2ation. the
Southern Historical Association. Phi

(Continued on Page 41)

Draft Boards

Biased Against College Men

The American Council on Educa—
tion complained this week that some

draft boards are showing prejudice

against college students;

Brig. Gen. Louis H. Renfrow. act—
In! director of Selective Service. re—
plied that “arbitrary action by local
boards should not be tolerated "

Dr. Herman 1.. Donovan. president
of UK however. reported that no
examples of apparent discriiiuimtion
against L'K students ll‘t'ut' been
brought to his attention

“However. if the American Coulis
eil on Education has made such '11
complaint,“ Dr Donovan said. "there
must be soitiethin; to the charge "

any UKvmi‘. sh tllltl feel til it his
(fr-11ft DU‘JI'U “'11. sirmiii; bias against.
him. he should contutt Di' Ly sle W.
Croft. director of the l.'iiitci'sltv Per-
sonnel Office. to discuss lllt‘ MULL-

Raymond S. H11“ cs. stuff .l>>t)i'l.llt‘
of the council. said the touimtl. .1

pi'iv tte Ul'.".tlll[.zl[ltlll of educators. is

"(‘lllll: many letters templtiining
that loc.1l boards "have .1 bids
against tolleue :tutlents

Hunt‘s \1l'1tl some of lllt"(' board

t‘l.ts.\ll_\ t-olit'ce students l.\ mum-1..—
ately eligible for the 1111111 7 res-alti-
less of fllt'll‘ iii the recent
draft 11.):1tutle 11st



of boards of that type probiily
small. and the local boards
know the individual "so well that.
what on the face might look like
discriminatory action. in reality 111113v
be instilled."

"Always. the authoritv of the 11»
cal board to defer or not to defer .1
resistmnt must be preserved." Ren—
fi'ovy said

But the recent tests. 11 d the re—
poits on scholii tic st.tl.tlii::. we:
designed to be used by local boards
its guides.

"The local boards w hich disi‘e;.1:‘tl
the recommendations o: Selectae
Service .1111l o: lls .ultisoi'v board
DPIZY; ni'bi'i'arv Ai'blt:‘.t:". .u't.
here or elsewhere. should 11.: o».-
lt'lt‘t'fltt‘tl I





peak to the suite board. 11rd :1"
«111-1. to the ‘:1l‘:{' or tiaIinnai

for reference to the Fresh

Appeals Board. in suit

He said the appeals may
by the registrant or by


t'iillece list’ll



lle .i‘iso urged thit collexes «:11!
leptvrc on scliulastie \iJlltlill; '1
ttr1tl't boards Jo rapidly as nos 1:»...

"liiose lt‘}>ul'[.\ iii.l\ lllt'ull in... 11
to the men who filled in their .1 ’
llltlt‘ tests." chlroyv s'.1i.'i Colic.»
lllt‘ll li1ite been ..iveii :1 bland-t tie-

ferment until Aug '30.


 l: '1 7. TNT". Kl-‘I‘..\'l7l..l1itl.\11L111s‘1-"l931

SI Copy Avallanle


UK Students Among First T 0 Give
To ‘Books For Freedom ’ Campaign

1’ 1 ' r ‘11 :1 on l\. 23 UK students enrolled in
l‘. .. -k~ :..~ l-‘-:- 11 1'1' " e1» . \111-1 ial summer se 111111111' 111 11111 2'-
‘.‘ "1' ”.11.;11'1“ E11 ' 1“ — Litt‘ill relations 1111111ec’.iatel_\ p'1- ed

1 "5‘1'



1 .11"- . hat and came up “‘Z'll Cl‘itt‘ltll

s betn madr 111 11 treney for three text books. They

'< ”We hate been informed by NCCJ.
:91 1s betnc ‘.‘v1“.‘.~1“‘4" otticials 111 New York that one o!

o:1.l Ceiin 11' .1 et‘ "tie yolumes is included 111 'he first

1' and .lrw~ l'-- j'nit't‘w-i‘ 1- \ll‘lllllt‘lll ot “Books for Freedom" to

r. I‘I‘I\l\ colle1'1en o' scx- he ilown to Berlin the first week
~11. . .‘1 seat 1111:. 1..1-ti'. .11. ‘11 ...1‘.. in August.

‘ZN'leM: Yes? iwtl's 1.: ":11 H LOWE!) T0 SELECT Tl":

the Frm l‘::;te:c'" ot VOLI‘ME that will go in the i111'i:.l

1111111. 'ho'nh hand a: shipment. the UK students hare

1.11. cur-.211 sector. drain anon 11': tliosen "Making Good Communities

'21 .‘ll‘> 13:1:‘1‘y 2111111 the l‘t'1~- ltetter." a book by Dr, Irwin T

. '11' S.‘tnde1s. director of the Unll'el‘flll":

I :1 " learninc of the driye 1'e- B' ireau of Community Research.

Defeat or Victory

\\ ill .1 settlement ol the Korean conflict at the present combat

H1‘1‘.enat the 39th 11.11.1ll1 l. he :1 Victor) C) In considering this
we must bear in 1.111111 that the United States is at prey
t‘nited Nations. The aims of this
It is linited Nations and lied nego-
.1t Kaesong. not American and lied negotia-

s'.l1111‘.liti1ttitlg itst lt to the
11111:: .iitns.

.Il‘t‘ Ill)"

‘ .1t11'~ who bargain

\orth Koreans ltooteil into South Korea more than a year
11 '2. ti. \t that time. the question posed in
' y t wigues was whether the l‘nited Nations could do anything

iting aggression.

1:1 ills aggres‘v'm-
T1 1.1..
.3. 1.l1t cut
3; l

.\ the Korean battle tront. melting pot of armies, l(‘:l\'t‘\

icernitvg the answer to this question. The worried

rv-tirewntatiyes \xho squirm at the peace table know the

The l lllIttI .\.1t1eiz~ has proyed itself a succ1 sstul fe .l\~
.‘tl torcetul oigani/ation tor world peace.

\\‘l1111 the thorny problems of diyid'ing lines. butler districts.

»t 1 are finally worked out atal the shooting stops along the

l’llllit lliyt 1' the I‘nited Nations will haye won its first major mili-

1 my 1'

1 1

t..r\ \ ietory.

Looks Different Up Here

\n \ssociated Press sports writer with the sttggestiye name ol
Slippy is currently writing a series of Southeastern Conference
football stories with .I (leepesolllll slant.

(1111 gets the impression that \Ir. Slappy is taking typeyy'ritct‘
i=1 hand. lilting oil .1 1heyy tor fuel. and hopping across the cotton
1‘_:t1l1es trom one college I11\\ll to the neyt in order to properly
tlatv line a daily deluge ol nit»wit paragraphs.

IIis pickings are Tennessee first. Alabama second. and Kett—
I‘lt‘lx} third in the SEC. The situation may look this way to those
pet king (her the 1'lotul\ cotton patches down below. but it Silt’s
1 p slightly dillerent from sitting pretty on a Kentucky knoll.

Kernel Says Welcome

T‘ 111
.a'nptis tor the \\1'1'k\ ot indoctrination into the American way.
lodging from

Kernel welcomes the 40 foreign students who are on the

their couunents. most of these students are already
li'.~lil1’_' their stay in our t‘uiyersity community enjoyable.

Th: Ke r111] hop s th. it the i1 soionrn here may continue plea.
. and that they may l1'.tlll a great deal from us which will make
rip to the t'nitetl States an easier and more profitable e\-
I" 111 11(‘1.

Thank You I’m




. hot basement with no tans to blow copy paper and admist =

thi 1.1'lll‘ls of moving to :1 new building. the Kernel has been is-
l this summer through the etlorts of a perspiring. helpful stall.




'i hrx \ the final slimmer edition
Tlu editor wishes to thank those whose names appear on this
1‘ igt in the masth—ead for “their heated 1——leyotion to the cause.
r1111 red at the Post Office at Lexington, SUBSCRIPTION RATES
«I: it’ll {Isa-vieé-ogdmggafs 1111i1ier under . $1.00 per semester
I ,1 1.1T .................................... Editor Btu. DON Goon: .......... Business Mgr.
Ru 1 \Iassnnb .............. .\Igr. Editor JOHN “'1er .................... News Editor

(in r x T1; 1 1'1 .. ,, Sports