xt7q5717q71p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q71p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2001 2001 2001-03-02 2020 true xt7q5717q71p section xt7q5717q71p Deep thoughts


The randomness of LOC is
at its peak today. Here





are just some things
that I noticed and
found humorous. Hope
you do too.

Being a game show host
seems like the best job
in the world. How can
you go wrong with
things like Barker's
beauties or looking at
a Iarger-than-Iife tic-
tac-toe board? 0K, not
so much the latter
one. but imagine a job
where all you do is
host a game show
every day. It would be
easier than being a pro

It's a beverage. It is
usually dark brown and
gets its taste from a


A true
Feel the
closeness of

the Phish
community I 5

Tickets filed for presidency

And the candidates are: Four on ballot for
executive seat; one student waits for approval

By Jenny Robertson


if the Student Government As-
sociation is a house divided. there
are four people fighting to be the
one to bring it back together.

at Wednesday's candidates‘ meet-
ing with the election board. The
ballot for president vice president
will read:

- Alyshia ()chse and Josh

- Tim Robinson and (‘aroline

Morehead State's student govern
ineiit last year. but current inter
pretation of the new experience
clause requires a year of experi
ence in anv student organization
at I'K to run for president.

“The election board made a
decision and we respect that deci
sion. but we're going to make a
claim." Wilson. a political science
senior, said. "We (lt'St'l’Vt‘ to he on
the ballot."

and several Supreme (‘ourt cases.
have motivatml the candidates to
concentrate on healing the strained
relationships in StiA. liacli candi
date stressed the significance of re
organizing Silk to be more effective
on behalfof'students.

"The most important thing is
bringing St ;,\ together and ending
the lil fighting." said Robinson. a
second year law student "Then
we can start bringing the ('illllpllx

"I want the senators and the exec
liilye to get .lltlliLI |y\.iiil to giye
Sl 1A hack to the students ”

Shaw, i political science \t'
nior. also stiltl he thinks coopeisi
tioii among the legislatiye and e\
I't'llil\"' branch is iiiipt-ratiye

"'l'liei‘e lll‘l'tl\ to he .‘l sei‘iiiiis
restructuring of the St A constitu
tion to put students first" Shaw

Shaw is particidarb concern-«l

bean. It is extremely
popular. It is coffee.
But answer me this.
Why do so many
people drink this drink
when all they do is try
to change the taste of
it when they get it? If
you add enough cream
and sugar even dirt
can taste good.

Fried foods are good. Most
people seem to agree
with this. Now I also
love fresh fruits and
stuff too, but grease
seems to make things
taste better (take okra
as an example). I also
love ketchup. The ideal
food possibly — fried
ketchup. Throw some
batter together with
some ketchup and try
that stuff up.

The XF L. It is an acronym
for the ratings are
eXponentiaIly Falling
Lower. OK, so the
acronym is a stretch.
but no one seems to
be watching it
anymore and it sounds
better then
Xylophonist Fetching

How do RAs survive?
Don’t you have to be
in and spend like every
night in your dorm?
This takes away late
night booty calls.
staying at parties and
late movie watching at
your significant other's
house. RAs should get
an hourly wage just for
sleeping in their room
if you ask me. I say go
into ResLife and say.
"If I am on call like a
doctor, you can pay
me like one."

Does the Lifetime channel
have ads for anything
other than feminine
products. Weight
Watchers and local car
dealerships? Yeah. of
course it does, but it
doesn't seem like it to
me. l want a man
station. like Beertime.
The Man Show would
be the flagship series
followed with
documentaries on how
to make your own
beer, pretzels and the
best clubs to go to in
the United States.
Sexist? No. Needed?
No. Fun? Yes. I want
my Beertime TV!


vice president were filed Wednes
day. which means candidates can Nic
begin working on their campaigns
for the highest SGA executive seats.

ticket drew for places on the ballot



Four tickets for president and
A representative from each

- Steve Shaw and Kevin Kyde.

Schwartz are still waiting for an

whether they will be able to run.
Wilson was the vice president for

Wilson and

Wilson and (Thris

hoard decision on


Kittie earthquake
shakes UK student

Viewing the dostmctioa

David Arroya, a janitor at Fenix Underground, reacts after seeing the damage to the building and
the historic Pioneer Square in Seattle Wednesday, after a powerful earthquake struck the north-

west region.

'I would have gone with her': Ground rumbles under the
feet of UK student's mother traveling Wednesday in Seattle

By Jenni Miller

We were checking into the hotel. and the
floor just started rolling. The chandelier
crashed to the floor of the lobby a few feet

Tagalie Heister's words echoed through
her daughter‘s ears. Nancy Atcher. 20. an
art studio sophomore at UK. was supposed
to be with her mother in Seattle where an
earthquake disrupted the routine of daily
life at 10:54 am. PST Wednesday. Atcher
was born in the city. and her family visits
there often.

“I would have gone with her. but i had
tests today." she said.

The earthquake was reported at 6.8 on

logical Survey in Golden, Colo. The earth
quake hit 35 miles southwest of Seattle, ac-
cording to the National Earthquake Infor-
mation Center in Golden. It was the largest
quake to hit the region since a 7.1 quake
near Olympia that killed eight people in

The state’s Emergency Management Di-
vision tallied 272 people with injuries direct-
ly linked to the quake. but all but a few were
minor and none was considered critical.

The cost of Wednesday‘s quake contin~
ued to climb Thursday as crews checked
roads, bridges and buildings for damage. A
preliminary damage estimate reached $2
billion. according to officials. Most of the
damage has been cosmetic.

The lack of serious foundation damage

Schwartz filed
that claim yesterday with the elec
tions investigator. Schwartz said
they exptct to have a ruling by the
beginning of next week.
presidential initx‘achment hearings

()sclie, .i

including "I was

Quake jolts the Pacific



e an.

Magnitude 7.0






sophomore. said she knows first
hand how tense SliA has been
over the past :icadetiiic year

Jimmy's right hand
lady for the past year.” (lst‘liti said

about I'Ks capital campaign. espe
cially the slogan of“'-\iiiei‘ituis .\"e\t
(ireat l'iiiyersity “
"It s degrading toward the
»stiidenls w ho go here." Shaw said
"It doesnt do iiistice to current
students “


The next
SGA Senate

By Tracy Kershaw

NEWS 5') ’0“

The SIM election Is a month away.
but two characteiistics ot the next
Senate have already emerged Its
members will be young and new to the

Twenty two of the 38 students yy
in ' he the l) senator at large seats are
llr'slllllt'Ii 'ind stililitillllll‘t'S. and only
like current senators at large are up
tot reelection

The 1.: students running for college
Senate seats are older. with like lil
iitors and two seniors. but the field has
iiist as little SIM experience ()nly (‘ol
lcgc of Arts and Sciences Sen. Zach
Webb and (‘ollege of (‘ommunications
and Information Studies Sen. Eric
Stoner are running again.

Despite the overall youth and in
experience of the senatorial candir
dates. most are not lacking in ideas or

In fact. freshmen candidates Joe
liiipt‘lll/[t'l‘l rind lion Johnson have a
three issue platform for their senator
at large ticket They plan to inyesti
gale tampus alcohol and \isitation
policies and silence sons internal

'We want to giye the Senate hack
to the students.“ linpelliueri said.

Healing Sli.-\ seems to he a com
mon theme among candidates .\lany
said the organization‘s troubled year
motivated them to run.

"I have watched for my first two
years nothing but griping and moan
ing and I wanted to help give SGA
hack to students." said Lee Conrad.
one of the four Juniors running for
senator at large.

The “griping and moaning" (Zon-
rad says he has seen in SGA is partly
responsible for the high turnover in
the Senate. according to some senators
w ho did not file for reelection.

"Just the responsibilities of being
a senator took up a lot of time. but
they also involved having to deal with
a lot of internal politics which do not
lieloli.’ in SliA." said Sen Jay Yarel-
las. who will not riin for a second

.\n esfranged legislative and exec
utive branch kept SILK embroiled in
controyersy last semester At the be
ginning of the term. funds were frozen
for more than a month while the two
sides debated the budget.


To morruwh
we at h e. r

5.4 3.4

Only 54? I mean really.
I need some 70s weather.
Come on Mother Nature.
feed me.



VOL. 8106 ISSUE ””2


News tips!

Call: 2574915 or write:


the Richter scale by the United States Geo




.LSlLZZJK .57..

Women fall in first round of tourney


MEMPHIS. Tenn. Marie Ferdinand scored 21 points
as No. 16 LSI' beat Kentucky 72-37 Thursday night for its
first Victory in the Southeastern (‘onference tournament
since 1996.

The Lady Tigers (19—9) reached the NCAA tourna-
ment's final eight last season and the regional semifinals
the season before. but they had no success in the SEC tour-
nament. In seven ofthe past eight years. including the pre-
vious five. the Lady Tigers played one game and went

But fifth-seeded LSI‘. which will play No. 13 Vanderbilt
on Friday night in the second round. faced an easy oppo-
nent in 12thsseeded Kentucky (621).

The Wildcats started three freshmen and finished their
season with losses in eight oftheir last nine games.

Kentucky challenged LSU in the opening minutes and
led 11-8 with 13:49 to go on a bucket by Shambrica Jones

Ferdinand. who missed her first four shots. helped
jumpstart an 184 run with seven straight points KeKe
Tardy's basket with 4:59 to gave the Lady Tigers a 26-13

LSI' led 34-23 at halftime and by as much as 19 in the
second half. The Lady Tigers shot 38 percent t294if50l.
compared to 41 percent for Kentucky.

April Brown and Roneeka Hodges each added 1'2 points
for LSL'. Tardy finished with 10.

LaTonya McDole led Kentucky with 18 points Alvine
.\lendeng had 111.

The Student Newspaper at the Univfisity ofieTrtirfiry, lefington‘


Ill‘tlflll llt'll llill lif‘tilll‘ll“

See SENATE on 2


UK's Dasleka
finds her path
blocked by
LSU's Marlo
Ferdinand at
the women’s
SEC tourna-
ment in Hewi-



 Deep thoughts


The randomness at LOC is
at its peak today. Here
are just some things
that I noticed and
found humorous. Hope
you do too.

Being a game show host
seems like the best iob
in the world. How can
you go wrong with
things like Barker's
beauties or looking at
a larger-than-life tic-
tac-toe board? 0K, not
so much the latter
one, but imagine a job
where all you do is
host a game show
every day. It would be
easier than being a pro

It's a beverage. It is
usually dark brown and
gets its taste from a





A true
Feel the
closeness of

the Phish
community I 5

Tickets filed for presidency

And the candidates are: Four on ballot for
executive seat; one student waits for approval

By Jenny Robertson


"the Student Government As
sociation is a house divided. there
are four people lighting to be the
one to bring it back together.

at Wednesday"s candidates meet
ing with the election board. The
ballot for president vice president
will read:

- Alvshia ()chse and Josh

- Tim Robinson and (‘aroline

Morehead State's student govern
ment last year. but current inter
pretation of the new experience
clause requires a year of experi
ence in any student organization
at I'K to run for president

"The election board made a
decision and we respect that deci
slot]. but were going to make a
claim." Wilson. a political science
senior. said. "We deserve to be on
the ballot."

and several Supreme (‘oui't iases.
have motivated the candidates to
concentrate on healing the strained
relationships It] Sti.\ liacli <‘.tlllIl
date stressed the significance of re
organizing Slir\ to be more ellictue
on beliall'of students

“The lllttsl important thing is
bringing St i.»\ together and ending
the iii lighting." said Robinson. a
second year law student "Then
we can start bringing the campus

"I want the senators and the e\e<
utixe to get along litaiit to glue
Silk bat k to the students "

Shaw ’l poltlttal scietite so
nior, also s.lllI lie tliiiiks t oopei .i
tioti uniting the ll‘tflsl ilixe .ind e\.
ecutiye branch is imperative

"'I'Ilt'l'I' Needs to be .t set'iiiiis
l'i‘SIl'lll'Illl'llll' of the St; \ cotistitu
tioii to ptit students lirst " Shae.

Shae. is particulii It. t'lllif'f'l'llt'tI

bean. It is extremely
popular. It is coffee.
But answer me this.
Why do so many
people drink this drink
when all they do is try
to change the taste of
it when they get it? If
you add enough cream
and sugar even dirt
can taste good.

Fried foods are good. Most
people seem to agree
with this. Now I also
love fresh fruits and
stuff too, but grease
seems to make things
taste better (take okra
as an example). I also
love ketchup. The ideal
food possibly - fried
ketchup. Throw some
batter together with
some ketchup and fry
that stuff up.

The XFL. It is an acronym
for the ratings are
eXponentially Falling
Lower. OK, so the
acronym is a stretch,
but no one seems to
be watching it
anymore and it sounds
better then
Xylophonist Fetching

How do RAs survive?
Don't you have to be
in and spend like every
night in your dorm?
This takes away late
night booty calls,
staying at parties and
late movie watching at
your significant other's
house. RAs should get
an hourly wage just for
sleeping in their room
if you ask me. I say go
into ResLife and say.
“If lam on call like a
doctor, you can pay
me like one.“

Does the Lifetime channel
have ads for anything
other than feminine
products. Weight
Watchers and local car
dealerships? Yeah. of
course it does. but it
doesn't seem like it to
me. I want a man
station, like Beertime.
The Man Show would
be the flagship series
followed with
documentaries on how
to make your own
beer, pretzels and the
best clubs to go to in
the United States.
Sexist? No. Needed?
No. Fun? Yes. I want
my Beertime TV!




Four tickets for president and
vice president were filed Wednes
day. which means candidates can Nic
begin working on their campaigns
for the highest SUA executive seats,

A representative from each
ticket drew for places on the ballot


- Steve Shaw and Kevin Kyde.

Schwartz are still waiting for an

whether thi.V will be able to rim
Wilson was the vice president for

Wilson and

Wilson and (‘hris

board decision on


Kathe earthquake
shakes UK student

i 2

FN'N' "NHKR(',;¢0""«.)


Viewing the destruction

David Arroya, a lanltor at Fenlx Underground, reacts after seeing the damage to the building and
the historic Pioneer Square in Seattle Wednesday, after a powerful earthquake struck the north-

west region.

‘I would have gone with her': Ground rumbles under the
feet of UK student's mother traveling Wednesday in Seattle

By Jenni Miller

We were checking into the hotel. and the
floor just started rolling. The chandelier
crashed t0 the floor of the lobby a few feet

Tagaiie Heister‘s words echoed through
her daughter's ears. Nancy Atcher. 20, an
art studio sophomore at UK. was supposed
to be with her mother in Seattle where an
earthquake disrupted the routine of daily
life at 10:54 am. PST Wednesday. Atcher
was born in the city, and her family visits
there often.

“I would have gone with her. but I had
tests today.” she said.

logical Survey in Golden, Colo. The earth
quake hit 35 miles southwest of Seattle. ac-
cording to the National Earthquake Infor-
mation Center in Golden. it was the largest
quake to hit the region since a 7.1 quake
near Olympia that killed eight people in

The state’s Emergency Management Di.
vision tallied 272 people with injuries direct-
ly linked to the quake. but all but a few were
minor and none was considered critical.

The cost of Wednesday‘s quake contin-
ued to climb Thursday as crews checked
roads, bridges and buildings for damage. A
preliminary damage estimate reached $2
billion. according to officials. Most of the
damage has been cosmetic.

that claim yesterday with the elec
tions investigator, Schwartz said
they expect to have a ruling by the
beginning ofne\'t Week,
presidential imix-achment hearings

filed together."

()st’lle_ (l

Quake jolts the Pacific




Magnitude 7.0


sophoiiioie. said she knows first
hand how tense SIM has been 'lts degrading touard the
over the past academic year
including “I was .Iiiiiniy‘s right hand
lady for the past year (lsche said

about I'l\' s rnipital caiiipaigti. espe
tially the slogan ot"'-\tnerit .i‘s Nut

. students \\ lio go here.” Shaw said
“It doesnt do iustice to llll'lt'llI


The next
SGA Senate

By Tracy Kershaw

M '4‘» [Ti "3'?

The SIM election Is a month away
but two characteristics of the next
'setia'e have tlIl‘t'rlII\ emerged Its
members ‘A Ill be young and new to the

Twenty two of the it: students \‘y
in lo' the i) st'll‘lltil at large seats are
Ilt'slllllt'li .tnd sophomores, and lilll‘.
tiw- current senators at large .ire tip
to: t‘N'IW‘lltili

The L‘. students running for collegi-
Seiiate seats are older. with fixe iii
niors and two seniors. but the field has
rust .is little Silk experience Only I ol
lege of Arts and Sciences Sen. Zach
Webb and (‘ollege of (‘ommunications
and information Studies Sen. Eric
Stoner are running again

Despite the overall youth and in
experience of the senatorial candi
dates. most are not lacking in ideas or

in fact. freshmen candidates .loe
lmpelliz/eri and lion Johnson have a
three issue platform for their senator
:lI large ticket They plan to iriyesti
gate campus alcohol and \isitation
polit res and silence Sl..-\'s internal

"We \titlil to giye the Senate iltll'k
to the students.” Impellizzeri said.

Healing SILA si't'lT‘is to be a torn
tnon Theme among candidates Many
said the organization‘s troubled year
motivated them to ruti

“l have watched for my first two
years nothing but griping and moan
ing and I wanted to help give SGA
back to students.” said Lee Conrad.
one of the four iuniors running for
senator at large.

The “griping and moaning" (Ton
rad says he has seen in SGA is partly
responsible for the high turnover in
the Senate. according to some senators
w ho did not file for reelection.

"Just the responsibilities of being
a senator took up a lot of time. but
they .dso llTXliIH'fI haying to deal with
.t lot of internal politics which do not
ilt'illli“' in StiA." said Sen .la'. Yarel
‘tas who will not run for a second

\n estranged legislative and exec
utiye branch kept SIM embroiled in
controyersy last semester .»\t the be
ginning of the term. funds were frozen
for more than fl month while the two

‘lton Norton

The earthquake was reported at 6.8 on The lack of serious foundation damage sides debated the budget
the Richter scale by the United States Geo See QUAKE on 2 The organization

I ' See SENATE on 2


weather I ISII 12 UK 577 Ul'soasleka

54*“ ‘ Women fall in first round of tourney m...

blocked by
LSU’s Marie
Ferdinand at
the women's
Only 54? I mean really. MEMPHIS. Tenn Marie l-‘erdiirintl scorerl 21 points
Ineed some 70s weather. as .\'o. 16 LSl' beat Kentucky 737.17 Thursday night for its
Comeon Mother Nature, first victory in the Southeastern (‘onferenee tournament
feed me. since 1996.
_ The Lady Tigers (la-9i reached the Nt‘AA tourna-
ment's final eight last season and the regional semifinals
the season before. but they had no success in the SEC tour
nament. In seven of the past eight years. including the pre-
vious five. the Lady Tigers played one game and went
But fifth-seeded LSI'. which will play No. 13 Vanderbilt
on Friday night in the second round. faced an easy oppo‘
nent in thhseeded Kentucky (621i

became even



The Wildcats started three freshmen and finished their
season with losses in eight of their last nine games.

Kentucky challenged LSL' in the opening minutes and
led ll-8 with 13:49 to goon a bucket by Shambrica Jones

Ferdinand. who missed her first four shots. helped
Jump-start an 18-4 run with seven straight points KeKe
Tardy‘s basket with 4'59 to gave the Lady Tigers a 261.3

LSI' led 34-23 at halftime and by as much as 19 in the
second half. The Lady Tigers shot .38 percent (thief-Slit.
compared to 41 percent for Kentucky

April Brown and Roneeka Hodges each added 112 points
for LSlf. Tardy finished with 10.

LaTonya McDole led Kentucky with 18 points Alvine
Mendeng had 13.

VOL. $3106 ISSUE «112


News tips?

Call: 2574915 or write: _____c____.~*_________,r.,-m,_ ,
. kernelOpopukyedu The Student Newspaper at the Unrversrty of Kentucky, Lexington








amount of damage.

The shifting of the earth
was. nevertheless. very fright-
ening to those who were rocked
by the reality of the event..
Crowds of people gathered in.
the downtown area's historic:
Pioneer Square.

Minutes after the quake.
Heister told her daughter.
“There‘s just no place to go."

For Atcher. it was a serious;

lieved the bullets ricocheting through the Club
New York on Dec. 27. 1999. were intended for
him. Combs' appearance on the stand was the
most highly anticipated moment in the case. and
the seventh-floor courtroom was packed. mostly
with reporters.


The Low-down

Afghanistan begins destroying statues
KABUI.. Afghanistan Using everything

from tanks to rocket launchers. Taliban troops

fanned out across the country Thursday to de-


Continued from page i

is probably due to the depth of
the earthquake. According to
Ron Street. a professor in the
UK Department of Geological
Sciences. the quake happened
about 49 kilometers below the

House passes bankruptcy bill
WASHINGTON Legislation making it

harder for people to use bankruptcy to get out of

credit-card debts began a speeded-up journey

Several 17th

stroy all statues. including two 5th-century stat-
ues of Buddha carved into a mountainside. De-
spite international outrage. troops and other oili-

cials began demolishing images. which they say
are contrary to Islam. in the capital of Kabul as
well as in .lalalabad. Herat. Kandahar. (‘ihazni
and Bainiyan. said Qadradullah Jamal, the Tal-
iban's information minister. Afghanistan's an-
cient Buddhas - 17.) feet and 120 feet tall » are lo-
cated in Bamiyan. about 90 miles west of Kabul
The larger Buddha is said to be the world's tallest
statue in which Buddha is standing up rather

than sitting.


Bush's bidding. House

Republicans rush Bush tax plan

Racing to do President
across the»boat‘d tax cuts through committee on

for a
and a
half. I
out at
—— it’s
"The Fugitive"

star Tim Italy.
45, to Variety

'l‘liursday. clearing the way for a floor vote next
week on the cornerstone of the new adininistra
tion’s economic program. The vote ill the Ways
and Means Committee was 23-15. along party
lines. as Democrats sharply criticized the bill as
flawed and called the unusually quick action by
the panel a poor oinen for bipartisanship. The
legislation. estimated to cost $958 billion over a
decade. would gradually reduce and condense the
current tive graduated income tax rates of 1;”) per
cent. 28 percent. Ill percent. 36 percent and 39.6

“men say they were against pardon

\N'ASHINO'I‘ON Three of former President
(‘Iinton‘s closest advisers told a House committee
Thursday they opposed his pardon of Marc Rich
and thought it would never happen, The panel‘s
senior Democrat. (‘alifornia Rep. Henry Wax-
inan. lH‘aIif. asked Podesta. former White
House (‘ounsel Beth Nolan and (‘linton confidant

Bruce Lindsey if there was a "quid pro quo" of

donations for the pardons. All three replied "No"
or "No. sir." The committee. which is investigat-
ing it political or other donations influenced
Rich‘s pardon. earlier Thursday released an 0.
mail saying that at one time prosecutors had of
fered to drop their most serious charge against
the fugitive financier if he would return to the
l'nited States.

Century clay
pipes found
near the home
of William
contained a hal-
lucinogenic sub-
stance and sev-
eral others may
have been used
to smoke marl-
juana, South
African scien-
tists said
Thursday. Test
results showed
traces of tobac-
co. camphor and
myrlstic acid,
which has hallu-
cinogenic prop-
erties. "We do
not claim that
any of the pipes
belonged to
himself. How-
ever. we do
know that some
of the pipes
come from the
area in which he
lived, and they
date to the 17th
century." said
Thackeray, of
the Transvaal
Museum, one of
the researchers
in the project.
"The results
suggest that at
least one hallu-
cinogenic sub-
stance was
accessible to

back to the White House on Thursday. Vetoed
late last year by then-President Clinton, bank-
ruptcy overhaul was the first major bill to come
to a vote in the new (‘ongress The House voted
306-108 for it Thursday. with majority Republi‘
cans solidly in support and Democrats split. An
expectation that President Bush will sign the
measure has boosted momentum for passage of
the most sweeping overhaul of bankruptcy laivs
in 20 years. It zoomed through the House draft-
ing process despite new government data that
shows personal bankruptcies have declined in
recent years.

Deaths from cardiac arrest rise

SAN ANTONIO The death rate from car
diac arrest rose surprisingly among young
American adults in the 1990s. climbing 10 per
cent in men and 32 percent in women. federal of-
ficials said Thursday. (‘ardiac arrest is still rare
under age 35. accounting for just 1 percent of all
deaths front this cause. But experts say the new-
ly recognized increase is troubling and almost
certainly represents a real trend and not a statis
tical blip. Researchers believe a major reason
for the increase is the epidemic of obesity. along
with increased smoking and drug abuse. partic-
ularly cocaine. which can be a powerful trigger
of cardiac arrest.

Bush envoy creates bond with families

[IWAJIMA Japan A US. Navy admiral
held “heartato-heart” talks Thursday with rela-
tives of nine Japanese presumed dead after a
submarine sank their ship. bringing a degree of
closure to the saga of rccriniination between the
two nations and turning attention to raising the
wreckage. Adm. William Fallon's emotional
apology in the hometown ot‘the missing. who in-
clude four high-school students. appeared to as-
suage pain and left families with one chief wish:
To retrieve the boat they fear has become the
deep-sea tomb of their loved ones.

earth's crust.

“Being fairly deep. that ab-
sorbed quite a bit of the shock."
Street said. He also said that if

wake-up call despite the fact,~
that there is minimal damage.

“This is like my worst fear

for my mom to go flying off

the earthquake had happened
in an area like Kentucky. it
probably would have been
much closer to the surface and

caused a considerably larger

to this article.



somewhere and get into a situa- _
tion like this." she said.


The Associated Press contributed .


Continued from paqel

Senate Chairman Edwin Or~
ange. Orange. who has been
involved in much of the in»
ternal turmoil in SGA. said
he is running again to finish
work on projects and to be

tense in


Decent bcr


(llenn was tried and nearly


One candidate with a lot

of SGA experience

is senior

in a less political student
“I want to see the senate
and president finally work to-
gether." he said. “and do some
thing for this university.“



KSU decision reached

the case. said the yearbooks
will be mailed at KSU's eX»
pense to the alumni who were
supposed to receive them. Stu-
dents at KSU pay an $80 stu»
dent activities fee that guaran-
tees they receive a yearbook.

Orwin said if the forward-

By Amanda York

EDITOR Hi can?

A ill-judge panel. in an en
banc proceeding. settled issues

Wednesday in the

State University yearbook case.


The case centers around

the censorship of the l992-93
and liillil-SH KSII yearbook. the

'l‘liorobred. Administrators re»

fused to distribute

book because of its content and
quality. In January.

the year-

the US

ing addresses are incorrect. the
books will go back to KSU. The
university must contact 90 per-
cent of the alumni. If they do not
reach 90 percent. Orwin said.
then the university must run ad-


and his contem-
poraries at a
time when smo-
king was a nov-
elty in Eng-
land." Two of
the pipe sam-
ples also show-
ed evidence of

nth (‘ircuit Court of Appeals
ruled that KSII had violated the
l“ll'Si Amendment by refusing

Part of Wednesday‘s deci
sion dealt with the manner in
which the 717 yearbooks would
be distributed.

Bruce Orwin. one of the
Somerset lawyers who handled

vertisements in the three largest
newspapers in the state. as well
as post the information on the
university‘s web site.

The second part of the deci-
sion stated that KSU will pay
Charles Kincaid. the student
involved with the case. and
Capri Coffer. the editor of the
Thorobred. $5.000.

once he fled from
his 25th-floor
Seattle hotel
room after
Wednesday's 6.8

Puffy Combs denies allegations

NEW YORK In a sinkorswim legal strate-
gy. Sean "Puffy” (‘omhs took the witness stand
'I‘hursday to declare that he wasn't packing a gun
and never offered a 850.000 bribe the night three
people were shot inside a hip-hop club. The rap
iinpresario. owner of his own record label and
clothing line. instead told the jury that he be


Compiled from wire reports.




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