xt7q5717q54b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q54b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1985 1985 1985-10-31 2020 true xt7q5717q54b section xt7q5717q54b I
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Vol. XC. No. '9 Established ll” UDIVOTSIW oi Keniucky. Lexington, Kontucky Indopondont ulna 1911 Thursday, October 31, 1935 . . I V.
—__——__—_—————_——————— _ I M I _ .4 V ' ’ I
A A o lnves lga e baske ba program .
I I _______——-————-————————————————- I g m It -
It) .lUll\.llR\I ‘ , media reports in other parts of the . with us in an} um. or -it ~ Hi ..ppin torn: no. at niir :rvi'ii' , , . 'h V, '_ ..
MSNBNSWFL‘ Editor country when- some ot these indmd- “They have not send to us, ‘Come [0 our priate They nau- not mid ‘x: l: 'igiiimi. and “ML: .imuzo-iz v. v ‘li \ . , ' ,- I~' -' ;
uals are located. and some of the - - , tome to our campus to gin-smut. 'ii.- i mit‘rxfl'. . «‘xipo'f ow. v m. f; ' M It,
The Nt‘AA WI“ conduct an in\'esti- l‘niiersity 'sown information ~' campus to investigate these matters. They left these ”mm.“ up,“ My ”M. .1...» “an“ .‘ I‘I“ {.‘3'
gation ol alleged illegal actnity by lterst Mm} the ln\€Stl}.’,atl0n would that decision [0 1.15 H siontu us Hp .ia {PWHIII . . III , . I. I I ‘. 'i'.’ It,
former lih basketball players “hm.“ “an immediately . i . "Those here the our is l iismi t'lll t“ view-suit} 3“! "iii- 3 . t’. - ‘. ii, I . iii.“
“WWW“! 1“ an article ‘h Sunday 5 In an article that appeared in the 5' DaVId BQI‘Si, I don't think the} \Al‘rt’ as .:l 4 unit. extend in lli\liii',-|i. '. u ~. ‘ ”‘- lIaz'I..'~;
““"mfim" ”“'“’d ""0"” “" “hm" newsmper it'sterday Ber-st wu> NCAA director of enforcement asthey Shtiultitlint‘ iwr wilt-wan. ."i .t . . ...l i: u .glIi .15; a:
mu] yesterday quoted as "ha-“Hg the MA“ ”may # in a statement reh-ismi i9. .i ‘ l\ Atlt'ilii't ’tie ‘.I \\ .-..n.ir; Mutt-u iiil' " {ii/1327.:
. S liznid Burst, the Nt‘AA'S direc- been "Who“ ‘h‘ ['K‘ I“ participate official yesterdai. the l ll]\’l‘t mt. ii-ti-i‘ii. 'i.i'i’rl. iismi an; l..i.:. ”in: I‘ : .,- :l‘ ,5 {I ‘iI
toi' ol enforcement. said the deCision inthe collectiunot intormation.“ formally invited the NCAA to inves» “i suppose that (‘Ol'ltUSlOn would be said it had not ullki‘ii mix: l‘n'i‘st -.. worn: .i. . .. .. pumiw‘ - w i l 'I 3,; ‘ ,' )._ 7'4.
'. ' “a. niade alter "a review of the in- But Bent. in a telephone inter- ligate my own and not [K or the Nt‘AA or fore )t’StPrtiu) morning tru' ii . i. Yi'..ii‘ii!l~ " ‘ . g IiiIIi'
formation available, a combination vie“ With the Kt’ntut'b\ Kernel last "If there is any confusion over the even the paper [K has stressed talked mm mm.- WNW” .,t v., ll» ”that”. M -;.I 1- » t , w; . .5. f. J‘s/.3?"
oi the neuspaper article. other night. said the t'niversity had not words that were used.‘ Beret said. thdt the} are willing to cooperate NCAA pnmn-pmtvm int...” . , \I H II .I 'I» i; .. 1‘?
P.-V’: ' Pi‘jfi‘ -l»;
1 ' l . = my"
3 1 ‘ CounCil \ e. a x ,3 «w I . . , .fW; a 100 greet a» '22:: i;
0d ." ‘,'¢{3* "'1'“, ~ ....-_ .‘iw . r. " ' ‘ “ ‘3 ,- _ 2' '5 ' Il}
I'BCOIISI CI'S ‘ ’ ~ . rs“ » , t - .- w- ,. , s S I t .
‘ . ;~. . ’ » 1‘. vi“ . k , . "1 "I 7"
. . Iii-4‘ : a .. , I 5:1 -‘_.I J 1‘. 1‘.‘ bi“ lng e ary ..-’- I , .' .I
. I- ‘ . . fi‘ ' h. . ' . 9" A} If p A?” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- ‘. Ii. ' .V‘ I.
hOhdayS ' l ' ' N 0 l , ‘3 “ ' . on birthda
. . I '. ., - I [III : I.-‘III I'I i." b .
‘ i . ' . * 'r a " {I f i3 . ;‘ .. . c .
Proposal includes . v, .. g: " —. i; ii - ,» ' “t“ “W“ ~.~ , . . . .. ,A

x a v » ,. v‘ I. . -’-v f . .., . .

. . {K .A 5 . I “- ‘- I . - 7 9L J F > . \. .iiii- sisli M:- .v. 'v lip-t ~ ’, 1‘." f- ‘I‘ {V
religious absences A -‘ ( . .. , it}: ‘ ,, mite» m» ,-. . ,

.r .' wk. _ ' (33‘; \bout low stiiiti-iitx _‘a"ii':i~‘ it “ . " ~: ' -.

33: a, _ 4i I C . I \.. .,I-:.-
iiiiiVi‘iin \.l'\l.t)lt\ltl ‘ ‘/" VJ /\ ‘ ‘. JU \l-mrii PM? hi“ 114-“ ' _... . ‘. ~ .- ..
N'lillil‘\idll \\ritei' , e . t '1' . ‘ i”“\. as .i valid reason for a stu- \] .' W .I II basicaln mow ~=;Jtipii;_. my 'liiI , ni I . II.
dent to be absent from class." the . III "“1““ dh" 1"" i “5““th \thflit"«t!‘.\I . I i
reconiniendationstated 25‘: f ‘ , “mm“ h“ #1“? “(’2‘)” 1"" ‘M't‘it't‘ai ’ it . '. ‘ ,'
'l‘hi- 1““th :issocnition. headed by .3"; ’65:" “a I\ssen~.lii\ i. riht'USS tiigizi-i ~~iLlL'd i I, II . .
Kenneth l; (ierniain and Steven .l. I 3“ fiat ",3 .3'. .. ""' . , '_ ' '
(lolilstein. put together the recom- ‘ ' 3 '1‘:ij -’“ *~ ‘ \t i . I . '_ y . ‘
inundation after the original absent-e » . {15‘}? . ‘ :r: ' 3 i “”"t‘ “'1"”"~‘ Whi‘ ‘A‘ I' L‘t" "’ . ’ ' '.
proposal excluding religious holi- I ., .. .13.’ Q , .a. III... {. ’1‘ “it, im- prt‘Sltit‘Hl IMIikf- ., \m. .i , . I . .
«lays went before the l'niversity Sen- ." .- x ‘5, ~‘ hl-‘mri tumor. ‘31“ . T-h‘ “ 4W“? ._ ‘ ., .
ateontn-i H __ f. ' I,|-, i -- ' [Im really ““7“?“ 1"“ ”M” “w” ,' ' =' . I'
The proposal, which must Stl“ be I “ii-ff. 33‘: / VFW/19m hin"*"‘”“ " "“ ‘ ' 7“ : . ‘ ' 3
approit-d by the Senate. now includ- . “mm“, ., ,, “w ' ’ . . , , If
us ”My” religious humid» as “I A Piece Of cake Singletarx said the "inn". lo hm mi 1 ' - .‘ ’
Ctisulile.‘ilisi'nt'es I him! 711‘ IIIII ‘Aa\ their; IIIIII' II lw . . " ~I 'r ., .
'l‘lii- t'imlli'll decided that students President Otis A. Singletcry Cuts 0 piece of birthday coke and while John Cain Student Government Assoootmn preside“ ‘ “mum firm “5“...” with minim ‘2' ‘ ' g I. V’
will tie t‘(-\[)(In\li)i(' tor notifying the hands it to Student Activities Board President Paul Haydon looks on. I] “mph, hiw wu lie- :r II ‘M met“. . ,- , ..
\cc HUI IDAYS. page ‘ _ one lll torii pivot-lit ml“ 7 . ' ‘ I, ' . ‘
o o . V V I73. 5 g‘. ‘.
SGA senate pl'OpOSCS , defeats SCCOlld le estment bl“ 16-12 * 1- ~ ' , ’3 “
. . i .- ,I- .
B‘ J“ MANN“ that the majority ol South Africans ——"_ "" —‘— or must stand :5. wilt ilt‘i sin. kit- . - :I‘ I - . .-' '.
‘ I ' ”I“ < v v v ' ‘ i' " ' . ' i’ l." I l"‘ ‘i. 2" 2","- '.rl.: V.
“‘"m “‘“nw” “ “The senate has already Voted down drfII‘I“{II‘I‘IOITO‘fO‘IiI’Iffig‘IIeIfI‘eIII mat mt- “lt ain’t ox er till the "" “II” “I" ‘ “‘ 'l‘ - , . ‘ x -, ’ A
' v ‘ ‘ . , in it ~i~l.i; «'7 .i' ‘2 ' mgr :Ii ',' I ,' -. "
The Student (ioiernnient Assocnr dIVCSImEUI. . . . “/6 had OUi Chance. We blew t‘niiersity would lose large amounts fat lady SlngS.‘ “In; I I,” .i.~ili'ii‘ii II. , .,.,_II-_,,,- --I _' i. if "‘
tioii senate again debated last night it H of money if divestment were en z.» i' , 1 .1. gm. up .. ,,.II :. WM.” '. .--I I. II? - .. ’I
a resolution calling for total divest ' acted. .\liller said this statement . hm”: .. 3 inhabit I. t I! :; I . ’ i. . 15' I .' -
nient oi llll\t‘l‘>lt_\ holdings in coni- TOdd OSbOl'ne. “as not true The t‘nivers‘ity would 1'19” M"“r""v WW 3... Hui .m “rm, _.....,,,;g,..n : '. ". I . ,
tullllt‘s that do business in South Af< (‘0||ege of Architecture senator only lose in stock transfer costs Senator-at-large [sum “in”; h :3 ”I... WI, ,4” . If ' .-I‘ '1 .- .5I
m" f That “N Could be recouped. he # ine bi-tlier the l.\\‘.lt u i ' w'i‘mnt . .I . H -
And once again the senate voted it I said MIMI: he brought lwtmr ’m III "we ' , . I . '
down on a roll call vote. this time 16— Senator-at-large Linda Birdwell "‘9“ thearguments that ”1059 f‘P' The third argument discussed. Senatorial-large Theo \lmroe .mmn : - i ,.-" . . 1
l! called h" a 5‘19““th "f the ”1195 to 9059(1 tU'll‘PUI before the senate that divestment wouldn't work. has sponsor of the resolution said when hum“ hwy,“ t “Eh-Li. .y 1L, . k:1 ' , I» .'.
StlA. President John (‘am said t'K bring the resolution. “him “'3‘ de' . iilri-ad\ been disproved by editori- the senate defeated the proposal , , , l » , . . . y . '. ' ‘ ' . - ,: c .
. . , . . . \liller then attem ted [0 refute -, - , turi senator. san. int vi...” i.~ uld . ,- ‘ I
currently hi“ more than 3 m‘h'Oh Ifeated ”'11 at the 1d“ senate meet< l‘h fth {) , d . als. Miller said. but did not name earlier. “on the divestment i.\\Ut‘ l m,“ put the “I‘m, WNW, .. In“, I I ‘,'-‘f I
dollars divested in companies with ing.backontothe floorfor debate eac .0 e argumens pose m op- the publications have never had more students hitch ,. r . . ,\ ,.,., _ ,w ' . . . ‘ ' ‘_‘ .I'
, mm to the resolution at the last . mom on to ithei tliiiii. W in u . I. . _. . 3
di-alingsin South Africa. The resolution‘s cosponsnp senr pos t m t'n ‘ Miller said students arent inter- at me about any one lSSUt' plied ~11 ain‘t m-er “I“ o“, 3,,2 gum I' -' '.
The resolution. had it been passed. ator-at-large John Miller. said: sena e eei g ested. “The divestment issue is a However. (0119,10 ”{ .irmmmw ”nib - Liter “”an Saul “II”, . . *‘i -
would have been presented [OI UK “When we first considered the di- He said the argument that divest- moral 155119 and morality 15 0" our Senator Todd Osborne said 'l‘h~ action concerning ”noun...“ mat ,i I 3 '
admmlslrilml‘s for the” COHSIdG‘r’ vestment resolution. I don't feel ment would hurt the South Africans Sldi‘ and “'1‘ “'0“qu be JUShf'ed 1“ senate has already xoted down «l. continue on campus hutch.- in ma _ , I -. . , .' .I
ation there was adequate time given to re- is not relevant when one considers PBSSIhEleE‘S‘meht vestment \‘ou that we haw det :t‘iei; .mdu- ' . . " '
Greeks hosting party Reagan giving interview " ‘ ' " ~ ' ‘ -‘ ‘
'30 ." '. .
t h l t UNICEF " t f S ° '
o e p on , 0 our ovret reporters - a - - .-.
B.‘ \l\R\'Zl.\l.\ll‘IRl-IR UNICEF is the beneficiary of Pi / ‘I H) TERI-I\('I'Illl'\T the ll‘ltf‘t‘Vlevt \HH tie coniejmd.” II
Contributing Writer Kappa Alpha and pm Kappa st‘s. AssoCiated Press Spt-akes said ’\\e hau- no t‘t‘St'l‘Va' . I I I
first Monster Mash Bash. which the "- . tions about the matter Ht' said the I ' . 7
It's monstrous, but it‘s all for a two fraternities host tonight from 5 / WASHINGTON President ltea material probably \\ll1 be published ‘
good cause to 9 pm in the parking lot between gan. in a presunimit gesture to the til‘St on Sunday in the \iant govern» - . 5 .
the Pike house and Kappa Sigma Sox'iet t'nion. will face questions ment newspaper I_'.ikf:il. iolloued :
fraternity i J: today from four Most-ow Journalists by the releasi or d complete trim ' 'I
To enter the bash. students must .5: ’I in the first Int9r\'lt‘\\ granted by .in sriipt h} the Whiti-House ~
. - . . 3 . . (1) t t th S ~t
pay a .51“) donation. hh'Ch.hlll .30 . \merican waif“ . U ,. 0- ml. l‘he last time an .\ltlt‘rtt‘.tll prt‘Sl'
to the international childrens relief Dre» m "93”} d ‘luilrh‘ “1 d ”'1 dent “I,“ interxiexmt bx {mm it’ll?
fund. and the donation will allow h") . ., . I I nalists was on \‘m- 2:; mm when
The [‘1 In! ”It! took second them one free soft drink. All drinks ‘ The session. at 2 p m L5] in the then President lohn F Keiini-dx “as I
M l“ "n M“! Terkel [mimic- after that W!” cost 50 cents Alcohol . ,s- Oval Office. is "a unique and histor I . ed th I >ll h ‘I
“WI“ W' Forthcnory. is permitted on a bring-vourown ' / a E I ic opportunity for the president to ”“er‘lm m I9 “'“sIIrmmI‘ ”:5
mMpflz. basis. , . ; communicate directly with the p00 home it; Hyannisport. . a» . n} 8
(Oslumes aren't requiredI but :3 5 - pl? 0f the Soviet i‘nlOn.“ 581d \Vhlte (‘dItOTO ’Z\(’Sila
. Todd Pickett. a theater arts sopho- ‘\\\“..=.~" House spokesman Larry Speakes Speakes sand the j0ul‘nflllStS “fluid
“I‘M h Halli! M" I. the more and committee service chair- ‘1“" “We hope It is a Sign of a new and have about a half hour with Reagan
M d ‘ m I“ ' ‘k L” man for the Pikes said, “Students ' ‘ more open IinformIation I901“? on th“ Their questions will he posed to Rea‘
m Gib U *- M m who want a ghoulish good time ' 3 part 0fthe§0vtethl0n gan m Russian and translated into
Imminent. should wearacostume .. “a. -.. M 4. No restrictions haveIheen imposed EngliSh by an interpeter Reagan's
Participants will get prizes for ”K / ‘ i ‘ on the 50"1915' questions. although replies Will not be translated into
their costumes. the grand prize will '°“"° "m” "’”"°'°°”“‘ they are likely to focus on Reagan's Russian on the spot because of me
be a free dinner for two at Griffin costumes. Prizes for best costumes body. and it “might eliminate some summit N9" {19‘20 “'"h 50““! lead- journalists fluency In English.
Gate. willbeawardedfromatospm, of the segregation there is around "dM‘kha'l (”MCIh‘i‘ '" 99"?“ 5993"“S 53'“
.. . Potter said most of his fraternity campus " ah superpower re a 10ml 5W8 95 . I
A. 0 I“. h 0' fl 5 -_ hiohn P's: .3 PHI“) .memb‘?’ and? brothers are planning to attend in So far this year." Potter said. sa'd- He ““1 the l "fled SW95 has The “hitch House M“ prrImde the
M u “m . ‘ m. moss 8; mgsuat'?n seiIiIior. said costume and are really excited “there hasn‘t been a lot partying to "0‘ 35km '0 ”"9“ "1 “man“? what Sowetsrwit f the R‘I‘Ss'a." agnguaIiIge
p, m _ b ” w. *- around on :tage mpgan‘d‘s gag: about the bash. “Everyone is really- gether. so maybe the bash Will bring w‘" bepublished 5:335 a '0" 0 m "we“ pea es
Ihdflb 3‘. WM tituda and Rebel Without la Cause hred W 3W "I we“? 8“ l°°kih8 together some people who wouldn't "They will report it as they Wish '
a. un quid inn-n- I. a mum“. forward toitalot. hesaid- , normallybelhmr . . to report it." he said Likewise. be “We Will certainly be able to read
play fromstoapm '
N m ~ ‘ m Potter mm "‘3‘ "'9 bash W1“ be The ”‘0 fraternites P‘ChEd UNI' said there was no reqmrement for their news r to see if it is b-
‘ ' ' 00d rt 't for members of (‘EF because no me else had done - - - Pepe - - pu
U I“ d a * h h b. Blaine Potter. president of Phi a gI oppo uni y I , I I the Sowets to publish the full text of lished in its aitirety and see if the
" ~ K899? PS' and a hmmfi 3‘?“'0"~ UKS Greek community to 80' '0 3"."th {0" the William" 0" tbequations and amwers. translation agrm with our transla-
doesnt know yet how they ll Judge gether with the rest of the student campus lately,Pottersald. “We think a sufficient amount of tion."Speaka added.

Z-KENTUCKYKERNEL My, Octobar31, 1985
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
" = > » \\ '». ‘ ‘ ' " ' ' 335%;:.Z»"-*>.""-’;-.. ..n. -.::.:.r.=.=e::. 11+. \“~.» : ’EIEE »::.- :. >\‘\ .. “\‘\*“u\“\‘ .’5::5-;-1.’.§.’E1.:3‘ . :.. _ - -==-
' ‘ - . -- ""“‘§%M§‘ Va’fi‘fifi ~ . 5. ~
t... a. I I m . . .. . .. 3.. F. . Lady Kat golfers take second place
. ' .. .. ' . .. o s o o
. . ' . -. ... .newa .
~ * - . « ...-.. .. . . r . to Tarheels in weekend inVitational
» , . . ' ’ If?“ > "1 ‘ ‘ -. " BleMWlllTl-II shot out of first place with an over- and Cindy played very well this
.~ I‘ .-. , .a,;I-;;;.;;Ig ‘ "Is-- , _ ‘ V Contributing Writer all score of 221. weekend.“
~ 3‘I ., " . r .- ..‘ o . ‘ “Kate just did a super job." said “Cindy is just an excellent play-
‘ ~ . i ' ', I \ W by sophomore IKate R089" coach Bettie Lou Evans. “l'm really er," said Read, who knew Mueller in
' ‘ > “I.“ . 73‘ .’ ,w. son's second-place finish the UK pleased with the way she came back Illinois before she came to UK.
‘ ’ -~ 3‘ ’ ' women’s 3°" team ’05! .by five SOstrongly.” “Both are very dedicated to the
. . ~ -' ~ g..- i .1 . , , 3" a‘ ’ . strokes to the North Carolina T?!“ Read shot a 26 for the tourna- team and i believe they are two of
' . | a*"§ . "n ‘ h ‘ ”. . . I ' ”‘ ,~ heels 1“ the Lady Tarheel anitatio- ment which earned her a fourth- the best freshman golfers in the
- -‘ _ ‘ . I!" -. - 2_ ' J, , .. ‘13 “I. ‘ ._ . "31 135‘ weekend. . place finish. but she feels she could country.“
- ' ‘ ' | '9, no .. «a: s: “ 3' ‘ I: {e The Tarheels entered the “98' have played better. The Chapel Hill. NC. tournament
’. .' ' Q? :r‘ . ” h 41$, , . ' ' ~" ‘4, round Of the tournamentIin third “My season has been really up featured a field of 15 teams, many
‘ ~ . N ' ‘ «72$ I i " 9% u - . we“ . *3. place but pulled out the wm With a and down.“ she said. "i can‘t seem from the South. including Georgia
‘ . . . «'* ' '. e \ ‘ v); m " W score “903“) UK‘5908total. to put together three good rounds." and South Carolina.
. ~. , . . J." .v‘. , sigtfi, *‘ , - “w“: . = II UK was one shot out of the lead . “When you play the southern
. r. ‘I ' . i ' . . ' ’ « ’1: he , _- , ‘\ going into the final round and had “it 5 very good when you can have teams, you can expect a tough tour-
. - ; I' ’. i ,_ *".r . I .. - I I L . hopesofwinning thetournament. gm golfer-(SI firifigshthin ItIhedtop Eva” nament,“ Evans said. .1 was very
, . . = i , 1““ M ' ‘ ._ . - .. . . vans 881 - “ 0 ‘ ea an 0- excited with our finish. We did
I, ,. . . I' i V 5’: L? " ‘S a, ,3" ed, ”up. ;. ' .1 think we Could have won easx- gersoni were able [0 play really real well this weekend. lam not sur-
s ‘ z ' . l ‘ "~ ~s , . *n ly. said senior golfer Amy Read. well." rised we have a strong team this
" . I 0 9 " ' x .2 ’ ~A'. ’ '» 9“ "3::- w:: ¥§ ’ " ~ Y ’ . . v '
. . t ,’ -..., ‘53 ”Lie-«agent» efi'fitksmw ‘ g°°d‘ .O‘heifcms for, F" “"9 m“) The Lady Kats will finish their fall
-- ' - . ’ - .. , "‘ ‘ “x “wk .* hdelen s 230 overall. freshmen - . . .
' ‘1 r. , - ' i t. “‘ "'- . "Vb ““ .‘Y" ’ ‘W~x;* fr" ~ The UK team was led by the play (‘ind Mueller‘s 230 and Liz Fry‘s season at the Pat Bradley anitatio
~' . '1 » . . i ' 7' “P ‘ w W of Read and Rogerson. Individually, 238 y ’ ' nal in Key Biscayne. Fla. Nov. 10-
, . i',’ . .' . I, ' | cm ow... K”Mu," Rogerson finished in a tie for second ‘ 12. The strongest teams in the nation
-’ I . ’. ' ' ' ‘ , with Donna Andrews Of North Caro- “We have two very good freshman are expected to be there. Evans
.- . . ‘ I Land Of the freeSt.‘ le lina in the tournament and was one this season." Evans said. “Both Liz said.
. I :I Kottish Sieve Sorcm swtms freestyle In a re karo Turkey. will be in his second year of _——_——_—_—_—.
’ 5 , . I -’ i (9"' practite seSsion, Saran o nothe Oi Al? :ornpetttion at Kentucky. The Kentucky Kt’l‘lfl’! says GO CATS!!
- . . . o. s o' 't:
, « L omaomm ... 0- .»
x . . . I, I /. _ I I,“ . l \
I . I. I ‘ :éé W'i /. m The Best Halloween Party in Town!!!
- M ’ \ a.- ‘76 xvi] . I .
. II . I ~. ~~~~ - - ‘1 -.. —-»~~ °. at ”The World Famous" TWO KEYS TAVERN'S 5’ °
' . " ' ' ' (~ "’ ' C ' '
. , _ - JP OIL) .iJJI J: J_.__/ / ) 10th Annual HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA and o...
. . - ‘ ' . _ _ . . 2nd Annual BUD LIGHT FRIGHT NIGHT
. is! .- \I A. II
; , .. I ' *9 gig.» "##23 I . Live Music
. . I' ” f ’ T ’ '7‘: '9 '_ ‘ From Louisville‘s (7° C'ovor _eo
- _, . ' ' R.U.O.K. ‘” ‘°‘ “'"" .
.- .. ' ' . “e - » 5 3» 0. —-~——————————r———-———— -.
« . . I- . . .1». 4:9; .13 . o | cosrums 'lst Prize
1 . ’ ’ Q‘:A “3 _ h 1; \ FREE chl'l D ls from ’ CONTEST DII‘IHOT '0' 2 a. .
_ . , , , . I .‘ or; u , I 09 I, l Dudley's Rostaurant ’
. . . .‘ ‘ "i 3 GARO S Wor d Famous Hot Dogs i w/chwm" driven "mo
‘ ’ ‘ \ .1 w , (S. Uppor) It
, I ' . . . "’1' A 3“, I ;- I MoroPrlustrIam: out I 4
. ' , , “a - F'fi". " , 15c Bud Light 1201. cans l THIN;- u'.." ,
. I' ‘ ‘ ‘ «\‘I ' R. ' , ‘4 lI inn-p math—.7
- . . ' » 2., g "" Don't miss it! Como early i "'3" hi
. , - r‘ .. r : Door PrisosiT-S rts. 1,
. I g I; l W; oI It s tho Night at the Living Dead! I “MINI Lo" m" "Hm."
. ' - a; o' a
. . , PRESENTS °
. ‘ _ _ David Murray Julius Hemphill Oliver Lake Hamlet Bluiatt
. ' _ - Friday, Nov. 8 8:00 p.m.
" Memorial Hall, U.K.
7 ' _ f $9.00 Reserved I i RI
. - . , . cia on Lustru m n
I ' ' On Sale at the U.K. Student Center Ticket Office $99 95 Spe 9
. . . -_ ‘ ' and both Disc Jockey Record Locations
’ Swtchmg ircm blues to ballads to bop the I , I .v i
’ . . . Q; ortet brought the Crowd to its iee‘ «mere (I... 9:12.: 0;:nm0::0r:h:lr:::mgrs::;shlxtyl’t Egg“:
' > . ’ I. times (lapping yelling stomping and practical ”WWI“ section
. . x . i d n mgmthe aisles ’ n r r .
_ _ . . . . ism”... um... Leo . dread. Mimi“... Graduated Savmgs.
I I , I . I, . W, - . . . ,..,,....c..~..n... in. Inn.”anillilli};zémaIiimim‘lmgh.IIIIIIIIIIIIII
. I : I , I ,n'f‘rn‘" iiilll|I_IIllliit....III-z IIIIIIIII IIII
: « ~ intuit iii-i l l...
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. ‘ I ’5’? Next \\ eek - Top 40 Dance lllllltuntilm iil’llll “will!!! ‘1' \l
“‘” 9’ QUADRA ‘ ‘ ”* V
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.I II III ’. I ./' 5 \ ‘ t\\‘.i'ill\i~ tit 98 Rock Decent Exposure) 5' ‘Mi~,mflmi ’
” ' ’i"’ .. "1’ .1 // t J \ r‘ m ’ n 19“
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_s-.; ~COORS ~L it
>1 . / Il"” OFF OFF OFF . iIrl
B h pi ALL 10K GoLn ALI. 14K GOLD ALL 18K GOLD Ilim‘iiirI‘
I ». .., . . Halloween as . u ML“
’JI'.’.', .", ’. 4 . n I ‘ ,’ -: ‘3 E : "J
_ . special (ruest Charlies Garage 6-8 p.m. I I» E ;é. -— ii
Quadra 9-1 a.m. ,i’ .= .53. ‘
. ,’ , 5.: E.= :.- a___ -—-_i-":
‘f ' f '- (oors & Coors Light ’ _ . fig 3%?
“1’.”- I ,’ 6-8 75C C ‘ C t ! Onewwkonly stinmii tltt'goltl riiignt’yoiirtliitit't- Fril‘t'tlilliiit’lt‘
.- ,_:,- O » w 8'10 51-00 ’05 ume_ 0“ ,es details. seeyourJostt'ns rt'lii‘t‘St'lliililW‘ iii
. ,- .-. i ‘ lO-Close $1 25 $100.00FIrstPnze \
'. , ' ‘ ‘ $50.00 Second Prize u f LatstlLl,L-_-,, Tm" ,?!~M;;‘!5?9P-M-.,ngefimjflfi
- .:' . '. I A Portion ()f Door Proceeds 1o . .
' -' , Benefit The Wings Foundation ln(‘_ 525'00 Thll'd Pnze Plat‘f‘ UMVO""Y “98:92” ..-. - ..,L,,...-,,._. -- .. _.....___
; ' ' . ' , I Wings is a non profit. publicly supported tlrua (Thanks ‘0 Quadra) #—
' ’ ' '. ' ’ """m" chartered '0 provide “‘pp'imm'm‘ I 4;- l‘:i\ivwii' ’iidli‘ initiial'lt‘ ( l‘tx’» llixit'liS Illt
" ' ' educational programming in the arts & \th‘fll't‘\ -' ** ’
. . . - I ‘I tor kentuck) kids. . ._
, 3 ' This Saturday A
- November 2nd
MEN ONLY $5.00 Advance
$7.00 Door
260-1414 2909 Richmond Rd. Lakovlow Plaza

 KENTUCKYKERNEL, Thursday, October 31, 1985 -3
Multinational crew blasts off 'n sh ttl NCt t “M” 7
B.‘ HOWARD BENED“T tail of tire 700 feet lung trailed the many. one of the world‘s early roclt- The Federal German Aerospace ,
Assoctatchress shuttle as it darted into a sunny sky ('I pioneers EstabliShment is paying the Nation ( ommucd imm luycunc ,
‘ .. high over the Atlantic Ocean on a Another invited guest. 74-yearold al Aeronautms and Space Adiiiinis .. .
(APE (‘ANAVERAL' l'la ' ““3 northeastheading. Kirby Grant. who played teleViSion‘s tration $64 million tor the launch ”@9553” for an mbmumw "‘ “1"" I 3 " ' . '- '~ , .
Americans. two West Germans and Nine minutes later. 51355.0“ (jun. "Sky King." was killed in a traffic and WI“ control the payload ”on. an issue an offiCial invttation (OlLst‘r unm- . 'l w. h _: 'r.-
a Dutchman. the largest space crew "0| (‘enter in ”WSW" reported acctdent on his way to view the operations center in titwrptatlenho‘ qucntly. no ‘3'}“l3u0n “'3“ ”WW ' h '-~‘ w' ' 1 ‘ ?' ‘IH'
(“PIX rode the shuttle Challerllge; Challenger was in a Secure orb” launch. said (‘ilpl :“lke Kirbyof the fen.near Munich tothe NCAA. Hornbacksaid .\.l\ . .
t bt'tda'foraweeo . ' . 3. 3 3 .
lgdlléiihleflsker risearch in a more thdn200mil0£ hlgh Stale patro" HaM‘Hllger HaUanhlld. deputy The L'nlversn'y concluded lilit' llit‘ “l lit'.t' lit \i’. l i. ‘ ' , . 1' . i .‘
'orksho crammed with furnaces Among the dignitaries Who "'ewed A total of 76 experiments are in secretary 01' research {Or ”1" W95! Morgan had talked with “(‘r‘l l-wh Wan-"v? ‘fw' . .‘J'l , ,
p010 icapl chambers a garden anda the launching were Princess Mar» the European-built Spacelab. a 23- German Mimstry of Research and and told mm what L'K had sum “mm, W. t“. , , . . ’
)l g, 'led on rails griet of The Netherlands. Guenther foot-long pressurized laboratory Technology. said the flight is a step 1mm}. ““7: ‘ ”I . I. . .
”"e’mdnh ' van Well. the West German ambas~ mounted inthe ship's cargo hay toward European participation in vBerstr' ‘further ml‘mm‘d “F . ' r‘ ' " ‘ '
'l‘ht- loo-ton space plane rumbled sador to the United States; (‘hrista America's permanent space station that the ”(AA 513“ “33 dfildt‘t‘l “1“ 1” *‘-' ’ . " ' ' _' ‘1. . ",
spectacularly Off its launch pad McAuliffe of Concord. N H. who \Mll Most of the experiments will be in to be constructed in ()rl)ll early in ‘0 conduct 4“ mQUH‘} Into the J. m. 3w. : . m" 3: ; -- . . 3 .
right on schedule at noon EST to be the first teacher in space on a the Spat-elab workshop. a 23—foot- the 39905 European namm 3,”. mn, legations regarding t‘K ' ”Ulli imn .imi l‘t'f‘t".v' , . - , .' ~«‘ .1 ‘ .
star! the 22nd shuttle misSion. the January shuttle flight; and 91-year long pressurized module in the shut- sidering a $2 billion intt-stincnt in “Wk 501d l!:“.':l’- r-r'wrc' tn" ,I ,3 ' ’
ninth for the veteran Challenger A old Hermann ()berth of West Ger tle‘scargobay the station __7______ _ .___ .1 .
'r . r‘ 1 .' ‘
. . . . 4,: ’ ., 1v ‘ I .'
ongressmen accuse eagan 0 undermining Socml SCClll‘lly a; .4 . -.- v;.
It) t‘llltls’ltiPllHlt('UNNEIJ. my documents discussing possible 75mm Jobs by l990 through attrition, letter urging colleagues to accept a 7.000 full-time workers in tllt‘ past ._ 3.. . i .v. , , w it ‘l'ii visit-3 5.3! I
\ssm‘iatt-di’ress cutbacks in sery'ice But spokesman James M Brown Senate appropriations ridt-r that touryears l‘i‘il'jlili‘t‘i' ~~. .. it; 5 _‘ t I ‘5
“It's all a very clever game to said yesterday. “There is absolutely would bar Sticial Security from cut 3‘ X. , ,, - h r r ' ' 51,4": . '31
\\.-\.\‘lll\'(il‘()f\' (‘ongressional build up public antipathy and resent no list of otfict-s to he closed or com» ting 1.000 Jobs or closing offices in " n. ”5 ‘9‘ 1983' memo ”2' 1‘0“" .ii- . wl' ': .~ 3 w ‘ ' . . ”.55 ‘:,'.",~‘,r.".‘
Democrats charged yesterday that merit of the program.” said Sen blnt‘d ” fiscal l986. I.) ”W deputy 509d] N'Pm' . '3 1' 2“» ' ~ .- . ' . ’fl .-
l'rcsident Reagan's attempt to cut Paul Sarbanes of Maryland. where \0 position M“ be eliminated u” Sen Lawton Chile’s. [)rl’la. the (fimnlbglififir ’3” programs “n“.p": "'4 "LA " ' ' ' 3 H 7' “.7.”- ' l”. 3
17.000 positions from Socuil Securl- offiCials are acutely worried about a H .would reduce the level of service author with Sarbancs of that prohr “I 7‘“ 'd {L prks 3??an ”,3. “I“ RAW“? ~ ’ ' ' - ‘ ' ' '3 ‘,' I‘lvlr
l> 1" “it” by 1990 IS a backdoor ef— potential loss of thousands of jobs at ,, , . -- , bition. said lines at the nation‘s 1.300 9” amoun 0 ime t ping peoplt t.“ . .- ‘. : _ " r V- ' .V "‘i "I
t . . “f giyetotht PUbllC~ heSald- . . . piece together all the llll()l‘m' 'ml ‘f' 'v'»' 3., , .. '4-
lort to erodi- service and undermine the boom] Security Administration 5002“ Security ottices already are d dt _ .'d‘ ‘ . ':~ . ,, . ‘ 3"._‘.-,'i,‘ .' |
support for the program headquarters in Baltimore. 'l‘\tenty—tour members of the "too long“ and any plan for further “9‘ e ogeta retiiment beneli. .3 . . . .. :2 it .. > ‘ ‘. 1'; " -' 3-"; il
Suit-rail senators and representa- The Reagan administration has- House. including two Republicans. cutbacks is"reprehensible “ He suggested that a change saw. .iw.i;t :rw .- . . -_ ' 7'. 31315;? ’
tiyes held a news conference to re— acknowledged previously it wants to Virgima Smith 0f Nebraska and SOCIal Security has already re- as altering the assistance \U‘ pro ". .1 at " 27.53 :93!
Misc copies of internal Social Secu— eliminate 17.000 of Social Security‘s Clarence r: Miller of Ohio. signed a duced its staff by the equixalt-nt of -' ‘2 , .' :i' i -
.1‘..‘r';i". (It.
. t1. 5: .';"_
. ..~:I 3',i---,_
am a? m Hex/W we . .. . a THURSDAY
Smut ' . IS UK DAY!
to ~.
I / mousens sxtms 7% 117:5];
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./ l/é \ Steaks - Seatood - Splrlts 1 5 9 : 7 _
i _l t -‘ . , _ '-
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“9o“; \\ A NEW 2 PC suns _. it- -~.
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i Allthooroft a . EACH , ,- ~
.A “““°""" w fir- JOIN US FOR SH ms u _ - . _ ,~.
r . .-
33. i. lepflT . - 1.} AHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION ”Mom—om ‘3 ., _
.‘Lt list, '5- ‘ AND a Penrecnon FOLDED ; * ‘ ’ . ‘
; . 7‘ / AFTER THE FOOTBALL GAME 1 noun stamens 0“ 0“ “ANGERS J 3 ..
’ 50"“ ah Aé/kwu/n act/ow}? / mt...” WC" , ' I
/ .\ 2mm. . tan...“ 6 c ' ' ‘ 5
. ‘ W4E.HQIISL ' - ~ .. . . .3
.l l ,, unwind-rub. Mutiny-unc- ,, .
a. c3...n.°.~ must ... . _ . -, . ,
l . . 7 I tango", Ky. c-mmoouom c" 323%.? EACH : . » ' I . I
THE LEGEND BEGINS m’ (fits-AT ScoT'TS 5 for 3 39 ,7
" VED" : _
o o o -. u: ..
o ,?I"..";.'
EARN $325 SGA Senate Elections -, . . , ;
o o ‘ “"3
Apply for one of the followmg postions now. , ..
The Unwersntys College of Pharmacy Drug Product Evaluation . College of Dentistry ; ' pill-7,1; :13;
Unit IS currently seeking mole and female volunteers between 18 . CollogeofMedlcine . _' ,
and 60 years of age, suffering from hypothyroidism, to participate . CollegeofNurslng :23 .1 ..
tn an investigation of approved thyroud medications. PortICIponts . Lexington Community College “177'
must be stabilized on a dose of levothyroxme for at least SIX . 2 , .« t -
. . . . Freshman Senators .4; .
months and be otherWise healthy except for their thyr0id disorder. ‘.‘ ;
Volunteers will be paid $350. For more information and to set up a * 1" alr’ ' "
. . t l l t I ()9 dont Center until October 31. '- -, ,
screening opponntment please call 233-5833 before November 8. APPH“ h“ "a. ab 9' 2 u - 3. 3 ' . ;;-_-
O A" J.— xi g _. .I II“
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~34 2) . it . a: .
9" 1 . c 33 I ers
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HALLOWEEN SPEC'ALS m HaveWe Brewed ttDaSa:e ForYOti . ‘ l . 3
253-2202 3 ‘22:. a 4—H“ Coors 8: Coors Light , 1 ; .3
, fey Miller 8: Miller Lite '. . -
9.. l ‘ y :2 1‘ (If/fig], . 12 Pack 12 oz. Cans '- . ._ .‘
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uranium orthp.wa (3 -. 7 ' l at ' « . 3 -.
F's! Vodka - Gin . 4 . . - _ ..
® $6 99 ‘ ' $5 59 , a , _ . ,
mu‘ $4059 ° i 0 a 7‘1““ '1: ' - ' l 5
_::__ 750ml 750ml . l' 750ml i ’ _. "La. 1 5
$0.” ‘.:::‘T “' Warm ‘3' CO" New :4." r —' Ci‘ '
1 _ —— .L—-:--
w snow, .
Montezuma 5 i Busch or n- . ‘ .
tl Zonin . D'CkG' Natural Light “a?“ a. Stroh Light ~
Tequ a Ast' spuman'e No 12 12 Pack 12 01 Con; 9/7: *fi; ‘ 6Pach ‘20: cans
° w 'lw sf
$4.99 $5.25 :Wtw $8 99 first: 99 sat-iii» 3y 1,
750ml ‘3 "hi, ° ¥r % s «w’ .
ear—"a 75°“ t
Coors l- Coors Lt. vv .
"b a‘
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~’ , 01d» M Budweiser H kinder
I f "o.’ w '5‘ « ‘1‘ p llllll h
’ 12 k l2oz cons 1 mm! 66. «'5‘ 5"?" ‘ .Ild Light . . t ‘ School" Us l
‘ M P i — I ll MIND!" E , ‘l Cu. ‘20:: P/Lll’fi. ' Can 0' 2‘ t2 or Cans
-- / ‘\ i " W hen not. I ‘
at “my ‘
3M1 .— : Budweiser ’9 w; s 79
ucrn ,2 3, , y $3.99 ; s - »
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‘4 bpk- ‘ ‘ ' U
878 East High Street
~tv a... ,v. w .u . . ‘ ‘ r'“ "' "Mg-ts». .i.»..~u“-3.. om . .4

Basketball . t
' » £5. ‘. 7. ’» 1 . K
_ 7. 1. I, ‘ ’WAD AS HELL "\i
fans rally 7 -‘ 7
_. ,» 7,? 7»; 5:7 7rré'“tl2iz;rl‘
. . I Now Opon 7 days
- » ..Ii ~. M; M I ._ . ,
at party » W 2 m». , _ mm...
' -7 713:1 r AI t “\I -- 1 until 9p.m.
It”? ‘ —~ ‘5 4 5. .
Staff reports 3"!" ”'3'- t v s ‘ ,7_ -- .- » .
, ~ More than 100 "angry and (Map 7; . : I \
7 pointed" l'K basketball tans gath