xt7q5717q47j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q47j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1979 1979 1979-04-25 2020 true xt7q5717q47j section xt7q5717q47j - I
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Ker e] Universlt of
”°" “‘"" "°‘ "’ J ' ........i.. 1:212?
Wednesday. April 25. "79 an independent student newspaper ‘ y
. P . .
opulanty grows among area youngsters... .
. Staff Writer “Soccer is a team sport with lots of weeks(spring); I
- 13.,:3» . .. . exercise.“ Kromer said “The kids just (2) springis already overloaded with .
_ 3 It is a sport where no particular have plain old fun on the field. Also. other sports.
I 33 "" g physical size gives the player an the fact that the sport is coeducational (3) soccer is a major sport and
‘ advantage. either sex can play and no appeals to kids." should not be considered a football
IIWMW Gate 5’ II-’~’:;a:""I‘ super speed is needed. The only When LYSA first started in the fall training buildup;
o ” ” y _3 ’ equipment needed is a ball and tennis of 1977 they had 400 participants. By (4) soccer has money-making
. 3. X . y I ”fit ~ 3;. shoes. last fall that number rose to 2.000. potential which will be drastically t 3
’ ' size: ' , ‘ " Soccer A tho" that is quickly Numbers ”he Wins are ‘3'” “Wt reduced by c chcrt ecccch- '
. :~ :. . reaching the httccrtcucc to young thh '550 etched to the Ktcthcr- hut Problem with hcvths c hut .
W . . ::-' ...::'W.3 . '. . " children of football. Enrollment in the spring sesSion is season is that the soccer team -
woof; . 7“ 5 ya 2:51, i The main reason for the increased down because the children play frequently uses the football field to _
j ”a ‘ - . ‘% .. . Q he" . popularity is “the enjoyment is baseball. he said. practice on. .
. Icve .;; ¥E.§;I§::sri-Iie- I=- .f553"""’"3j $1 immediate” said Ernsto Scorsone. a “For the first time in the fall of I978 KHSAA Commissioner Tom Mills .
._ ""‘ o. . . M”... coach for Lexington Youth Soccer a bracket for kids age six to seven was' said the season was decided by a .
' :’ i ’3‘ ”h fggféfi s Association. Each player is opened." Kromer said. Right now the survey sent to the schools. “The first
.I ”etc .IIIs. 3? . . I 3' «33 we. . fif’f‘éfisgfigyii’e guaranteed a certain amount of biggest bracket IS the eight- and nine— and second surveys were tied and the
V Im . . . . anemggéagefie playing time and the kids like this. he year-olds. third survey had two more schools in
.I . ”91$. . II II ”he, . M hogegéfgygg said. Kromer opposes the new ruling by favor of a spring season. it makes no
.. 1:. no. II III _ 3. efffi?’ In many cases the children get their Kentucky High School Athletic difference to us(KHSAA)whetherthe
. . .. . .311 I. w . I 4/32ng parents and friends in the Assoctation making SOCIcer a Spring schools wantafallor springseason.we
. . . . I IIgII'IIIr ogfl/hc neighborhood involved. Frank sport. “I don‘t think asprtng sessron is will sponsor the state tournament ' .
. . 5 ‘Li. 1 it." 36%;: Kromer. commissioner of LYSA. said benefical to the growth of soccer." he either way.
I 3. . . . ix»... “ '.,.“a“,.~.fla/ he got involved because some said “Soccer shouldn‘t be a training “We will attempt again next year to '3 ~3
. 3 . g .ayéwgz.@2é§% neighborhood children asked him to sport for football season. There are all find out which season the schools '3
“We” .. may» coach the" teeth ”a” “”8" SW“ ‘“ "‘6 59""8'" “3"” M‘"5 53“" Th‘ "‘3‘“ P'°"'°'“ * -
. the...» ‘y V... "I never had played soccer before. LYSA has adopted a patform most schools favor the spring season . 3
.. -. - . - ”h” to cacch." said Kromcr- He believes (I) the rhyme ttmc ts shortened because the soccer teams usually use . '
._ , . 335:2; -' . .... soccer‘s appeal is the fun element. from 15 weeksifall) to seven the football field.
I ' I} . A ' ' " ' ‘fiy'iiiii. ain't/”that sriiii '
Phil Braun gets his kicks at the Seaton Center soccer field. He hopes to go pro. . . Ian D ayer wants varSIty status .
ITO fiNd out our bad pOIntS' Staff Writer couldn‘t see not having legs to play goal. but it didn‘t happen. One time ‘ .
on.“ he said. the money was used to build bleachers
' I Phil Braun has one wish that he Braun was born and raised in Zaire. for the tennis courts. because the state
SCB to conduct survey In fall would like to come true before he Africa. the son of Christian tennis tournament was being held at
. leaves UK: for soccer to become a missionaries. but moved to New York UK. Anothertime the money was used - =
. ' .. . . . varsit s on. when he was ll years old. His older for women sports. because of Title lX ' 5
. 2y STEVE MASSEY and that money could help finance the Basically. the survey Will be a variety Brahnp has several reasons for brothers got him involved in soccer at requirements. '.
any Editor more cxpenswe mail survey. Batts of questions to find out what the w . . that time “For one whole ear the Athl tic Director Cliff Ha an said .
' ’ said. student feels our(SCB) bad pointsare. anting 506?”. to ““0?“ a varsny . ’ y y .. e. 8 ‘ . .
‘ Unlike the Marines. the Student Although SCB has conducted “In recent years. we (SCB) have sport; One ,5 " would ‘mpmvc the named me and from then on I played La“ "me the soccer ”h" was 3 ‘
Center Board is for everybody. surveys in the past. Batts said this been doing what we want instead of team s plIaying season. because the on a team every year except the first brought before the Athletic Board ,
At least. that‘s what its members would be the first to givea“legitimate what the student might want. Afterall. team could afford to "an to. more year I "PM“ to Lexmgton. when he they thought there wasn‘t enough ,4 -
= say. scope of student desires.“ we use student activity fees to pay for out~of~stateImatches. Another is that was a high school sophomore. revenue to take on that sport wrth
And to help substantiate its claim as Cottle. who was appointed by Batts our budget." he thinks it would bring tn more :raun shes the lack off varsity status onnIiIen s athletics. h h . I ..
servant to the UK community. SCB to head the survey project. sai d. Continued on P.” 3 recruitmg scouts from professional as urtingI isc anIcesoIgoIingpIro —“a . esoccer team ast epotentia to .-
will be conducting an intensive mail teams. . . dream hes had Since junior high. 1 wm at leastI the Souiheastern
' survey at the beginning of next 8 Med Ce t9 I B I [ath Soccer is a major part of Braun‘s think the only chance I and the other Conference, said Braun. Everyone - . I
‘ semester in order em find out what the n r When ’80 life, A starting forward and former good lefayers on the team have to go that started antlilscveral of the sectond
.. - high school all-stater. the player who pro is i we go varsrty. stringers werea -stater5in one sta cor . .
gatigsemhfifi 3:3}:MECB member m anfibbmnt I'm wIants sIomeday to hbe fa micsIsignarht ‘IBy the team not being h:arsity itdis pgher.” The team beat Eerhigzecs: . .
The surve was ori inall tobehcld paces t e sport rig t a ter 0 an no rea y givmg me a c nce o 0 en regu ar season an .
_at the endy of this senicster. but Eight patients at the UK Medical resistance to several major antibiotics before school in IimporItance.I“l play what i can do , to prove myself.“ he plays Notre Dame regularly. so . - .
according to SCB president -elect Center have been isolated after being being used." soccer because i like it. he said. “i go said. The only wayIscouts wrll comIe conceivably UK should be playing in .
Chris Batts this would have entailed infected by a strain of bacteria that is Maupin said isolating the patients 1° sIchool 5° 1 can d° what I want to to S.“ the players ls If the team 'S ”‘3: same bracket as Notre Dame, he i
the use of a phone poll which. resistant to some antibiotics, it was has left UhiVCTSh)’ Hospital short by do. ‘ 3 vars"), or there '5 a superstar on the said. . - 3
. although cheaper and quicker. lacks reported Monday. about 10 of its 466 beds. Because the But it means hard work. Braun runs team. I am not a superstar. but 1 ma Braun hopes to play With the . . I
the validity associated with the mail However. Jennie Maupin,amcdical hospital is already nearcapacity.some ('OlecsIa d?» g'dcza b'hc ‘0 “POO! 'SOOdt ‘3'“ player. “He" '5 gizzhciimx'frfizriat glriztliiahto: 'I I -.
- ‘ ' " elective sur e has been ost oned. a ut SIX mICS an pm tests at cast impor an. . - - , - -
{embed rather do the mail form figchdfostfimn’ahzldtlircirsilftegigi: A150 “Ci“: 0f the b; shportage, “V0 hours a day 0“ soccer skills. “I h would take about $6000 for the he is just praticing and playing on the
j because it allows more time for the could be cleared up by other drugs. some seriously in elderly patients have remember in junior high that I didn‘t soccer team to go varsny at UK. A UK team 7 and hoping he'llsoonbea .
. respondent to sit down and think “Since those patients affected are in been transferred to other hospitals. want to break my legs. because I couple of times they were near their varsity player. '.
‘ about the questions.“ Cottle said. protective isolation. the risk to other if; .1 _' ~
Batts also expressed hope that SCB patients and employees has been f bl d f I t t. th. st 5' ' ; -
3‘. will receive several hundred dollars minimized and the bacteria brought goes or 00 or as lme Is seme er if
- ._Ie from Student Government by next fall under control." a prepared statement it " .
for the issue or Focus that briefly .Said- . By SUE TEETER donated by students so far. Student Sometimes it pays off. the nexttime we spouses and children of married ‘ I . . 3 3
appeared. then disappeared. on “All patients who might possibly be 5"” Writ" Government Public Relations get very few.” students will also be covered. she said. it 3 '
:3 campus the night before 86 election affected are being monitored. The If the goal of 4000 pints of blood is Chairman Brad Sturgeon said. She added that she did not consider Even if students are unsure whether . ‘
jig" polls were opened. Half of the cost of surgical and other treatment program met by the end of the blood drive so decided to sponsor the blood the center‘s new location at 330 Waller they are eligible to give blood. Bowen .' -
I _ fa the tabloid‘s printing costs WC" paid have "0‘ been affected by the presence today. UK students Will get free blOOd‘ drive after the last one had a small Ave. to be detrimental to donationsi it encouraged them to attempt to . .
by SCB. but 50 Elections Board of this organism. It has not been should they need it. turnout. Bowen said. This is the last was formerly on Limestone. by donate. She said the center asks most I '
It}; Chairman Steve Washington ordered necessary to limit admissions or the The staff and faculty have had no blood drive of the semester. campus.) “I feel we‘re closer to the People to dothat unlcssthcy have had 3 - ‘ . .3
. 4;? it removed from circulation when he scheduling or surgery." problems reaching their l.200-pint “We have had some problems as far Complex" and thus easily accessibleio conditions such as hepatitis. cancer or '1. . .
- if discovered it contained the platforms The bacteria which caused the goal. said Patty Bowen.donor services as student participation is concerned,” South Campus residents. she said. permanent heart damage. If a student ‘ . . .I ,
' 35;. and candidates or only "V0 Olthe Six infection is IStaPthlococcus aurcus. representative of Central Kentucky she said. “The blood drives have not Students and their immediate isdeferred untilalatcrdate.nurscswill i _ - ‘ I
3%: . presrdential candidates. . whichI Maupin sand is “a common Blood Center. . gone as well as they have in the past. families will be covered if the goal of tell himIor her when a donation WW“ .- a -
I at SCB has ”9““th reimbursement. bacteria that frequently dCVCIOPS However. only 900 pints have been We haven‘t done anything different. 4000 pints is met. Bowen said. The be possrble. r .
oda - .
‘cfs. it -
. 5h the board were stolen from his office earlier this year. the of two not to get pregnant or to marry a man with children unconstitutional sex discrimination against men. The law It.
‘3 n a paper said. while she serves Io years probation for child abuse. allowed mothers of illegitimate children to contest adoptions :I ,_ .
. 5 Ins'do Kathy York Rodriquez. of Bartow. Fla. was convicted of but gave no such right to fathers. ‘g ‘ II .
‘c _ severely heating her 8-year-old daughter Shannon Marie, in i . 3 ’
_ i u1330311:“:nwtfiffrtizifififidifla33:22,“: rwo OUSTED EDITORSOFtheUniversityoflouisville the front yard of their home lost-July in what police said was world i ’ . . -3
. ' 5 denouncing the attacks. saying it could jeopardife student newspaper filed 8"" agaiinst the school yesterday. an apparent attempt to exorcrsc lhc~dev'|' " I) I .
. ' implementation of the EKYPtiIn-lsraeli Peace treaty. ”kl”. that they be ”-3“,er to their Jon I Pflk'dorc‘i'“ Juhie8c Ohm 0:3“ iismathe ‘tmtlw‘llytdhr "SHOP ABEL MUZOREWA' a U.S.educatcd Methodist ‘ ‘ )i I j
. ’ I ' ElyPt had other problems as well. as it had to recall its ”mm"! m the mm" are Thom“ MCKCFV'" Murray .l" at n sy a Lest sf .w” 20?,“ the I eat hi“ their : c clergyman. WIS elected the first bl!“ prime minister 0‘ ' ' .17 V
. ' - diplomats from several Arab countries that have broken otf and Donald Eugene FloyId J.“ who claimed th.‘ fin"; In??? mry " o fnt‘h? "a erms spe ou are Rhodesia ”3‘"th and promised ‘0‘W‘0 end theseven-year - ,.
. 3 ; . ‘ I; . diplomatic ties with Ssdat‘s government. See page 3. deprived them of their constitutional rights by dsmagrngthetr W" 'h 99"" 0 con - 3 guerrilla war that has tom the nation. . . _ _ .
. . , journalistic reputations. Mrs. Rodriquez. who could not be reached for comment. is In Washington. informed sources reported that President . 3I I ,' .I.
‘ 3 3‘ ‘ '. 3_ '. State Murray. who had been editor of the C ordinal. was fired last separated "0"} h" husband. CW0"? 0' Sh'thh "“1 h h'”' Carter‘s top African policy advisers believe the ejection was . It“: . . '
; ‘ ‘ . . I’ week bya U of L vice president for “insuhordinatIion”after he bratherlhty'ho '3 it, :SdsVeleolththl'hl’l' 1.x: I ion fraud and in New York. Andrew Young.U.S. ambassadorthe 3 . ‘ a” .I
.3 " ‘:‘ .' . . A wceritN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY REGENT 553?: :iiriip 2:31;? mm" remarks ”me m m a “as” n p “pp“ m ' "'° ”W." N'"°'.‘"“‘d "“h°""'”h‘ ”mm-"3m” .
. 1 ‘I ' 3 3. says his life has been threatened three times in recent weeks One article falsely reported that all members of the the guerrilla fighting and could Md to an “Hm cm “L f r Z"
. ‘ _ ' . ‘ r. , ' W" the WI! he l’lh'h'hhi ‘0 cast hh V0" [0' i m university Louisville football team had been “arrested for dope. sodomy FATHERS WHO HAVE NOT A'ANDONED THE” ' ‘- ‘ _
- : . . ‘ i president. the school‘s student newspaper reports in it and subversion.” ILLEGITMATE children nor been proved unfit havealegal weather 1 v - s
. . 3 . . l copyrighted story. right to protect their parental rights. the Supreme Court ruled ’h ._ ’l . ~ . ‘
, ‘ . . i TheCollegeHeightsHeralduidanothcrregcntallegedthat yesterday. GENERALLY CLOUDY WIT" OCCASIONAI‘ 2"“
. -; . i Illrppoliticalcontribution waspromisedbyoneeandidate‘s nation Dyes-4 vote.thejustices struck downst York lawthst SHOWERS and possibly a few afternoon and evening I; I t." -. .
'. i g ‘ '. summer: if Gov. Julian Carroll would intervene in the .. _ blocked all fathers of children born out of wedlock from thunderstorms through tomorrow. Continued Iwcrm. With .3 3e; _.
. ’ teieetion ofa president. Carroll i... aid hewould not do .0. "SOME PEOPLE JUST SHOULDN'T HAVE contesting their children's gdoption. today" huh in the upper 70!. The low tomsht Wt" tee-round t. . .
-’ . ’ Abo. confidential files belonging to the student regent on CHILDREN."uidsjudgewhoorderedaZfl-year-oldmother The court said the New York law was a form of 60. with tomorrow‘s hilh 5" the '0' 70's . '3 j. .‘
. 3 r e
if it h .WW-weee-~W- .. ”Hem. , '
1 iii-u”MI.eu-~<~we-"We~‘_-~e~vW-' I. 3.I~ , _ I ~ ,3 ‘ a. \‘ ‘ - ' " 3 '. .‘

 . I
, l
\ l
\ i .. . ‘
i l
. 3 l
‘ , ‘ .i Ihmsard " “alter Tuns ' \ Tom Mor n , I
KENTUCKY 7i7llicllalrll.:nfl':‘ll :ifl‘lurml It’ll“, JzT:\:l|t"| 4 ti I fililirr {7:32 1:2,": I)’"""" "If Ph‘m'K’W’h' g l
Debbie Mrlhmrl . ;
Steve Maney -' 1‘
7 er 2 “MW" “"""‘"‘ “"fl “"‘l‘ tultnta'mf," (m Willis iiiim ( lay Linda Campbell
ummwnh [ill/ii; Jeanne “chm (i'l’l I’M," .lm‘hm, -t g I I‘m“, Brian Rickerd I’Imin "tillulflt'l 1
’ iiwiulli' Iilmm -l\\i\iiiiii spur/i lllllt"\
o o ;
editorialsaicommcnts 3 ;
One Source of 86- ocus 189113 30pm...»
fizz/W" i
' ' d b so b'll ”Wes m M
bias was remove y I We“ WIRE ‘%h i
A well-known businessman once said that gave publicity only to candidates who were‘SG (m A sm ii
“reading a house organ is like going down for the members, is certainly evidence by itself that there 3"
third time in a tub of warm oatmeal." was need for change. 7
If the Student ‘Government-Student Center By keeping Focus at a safe distance from campus \ j
Board newsletter hm“. '5 330'“ to evade that politicians, the paper's staff and SG and SCB. will
companson m the fuluFC, it WI" h3"e10dem0nSiraie learn that they are best Served by a ncwspaper tha‘ '
an independence from its providers and show that " 'treats issues impartially and occasionally criticizes ‘
\ can deal Willi campus issues in a fa" manner. the hand that holds the money. One thing‘s certain: C ' Ticegs "
A” ofthat ‘5 POSS‘bie 'f. 50 and-SCBcan agree 0" without such fairness. the paper will never develop 13F .
aset-upthat keeps editorialoversrghttoaminimum any respect in the student body. and will work
and encourages capable students to work on the against SG‘s credibility. mm W3 .
publication. 80 took a good step at its Monday . ‘ . o ' .
night meeting when it passed a bill that will make it Certainly the Kernel “PM appreCiate the WIPE MIDI-m .7
difficult for Focus to be influenced by Student emstence ofa competent. unbiased SG newsletter. '.
Government senators and volunteers. Nothing spursany newspaper sperformance better A WW ’
The idea of publishing a newsletter was 3 than competition. and the Universrty community ‘ 3
worthwhile one when the two organizations first WOUId benefit from havmg another pomt Of View P 983 we 3:
published Focus last year. it still is a good idea. But offered to them. fig l
too much of the paper‘s content is bland and self- - Student Center Board should agree to steps . 3
serving. often submitted bythe senatorsthemselves. equivalent to those taken by SC], and both 3‘? .
and consisting primarily of bulletin-board organizations should work together to give students 5: , ”F3 , 3% i
announcements and unquestioning praise of an alternative publication that is unbiased and M”“”"" gt:
activities. The 80 election eve issue of Focus. which unfettered from its backers. u;
Fe f f ' 'f
re a 69 S 96 or a:
ar 0 mg can 9 overcomel YOU a 12 .
, 33:
‘ l have a friend who is afraid of tail section had broken off on impact. Britain. Why doesn‘t the man get off craft speeds onward. But the flight‘s One can see the airport. but which begin unravelling. Looks out the 3
flying. He knows it is an irrational saving all those sitting in the rear.) the P.A.system? Who is minding the success means the anxiety of arrival. runway has been chosen? Has one of window to make sure none of the g
. fear, a mark of his childishness. He He cinches his seatbelt. watches the controls? Guages may be going beserk The plane begins a slow descent. It the air traffic controllers recently service vehicles are out of control. ,. ‘
feels undignified in his apprehension. stewardess for unusual movements. at the very moment he‘s giving te entersacloud bank. My friend can see gotten a divorce? careening towards them. ’3
so he flies anyway. But he is scared silly tries to anticipate which passengers temperature. noihitng. er knogvs hheredisalliiper cub The plane levels 033‘ then tilts to the . The plane stops.The boarding ramp ‘3
from lift-off to-landing. . Will block his way to the emergency Reaching cruising altitude is no fun on y i ty eet a ea . a run en crop Ieft. Will it land on the left wheels first. locks on. Passengers begin to leave. 3-
Friends. trying to help. me the eXits. He can hear baggage men either Once there the ilot cuts back duster. seeking a suicidal thrill. buckling the landing gear? The plane My friend Sits quietly. proud of his 3 .
, safety statistics for air travel. They scurrying below him, doing frantic on the power M; frie’r’id knows this SurVivmg the cloud bank means the touches down with a thump Have accomplishment. secure in the .3 f
. repeat the accepted wisdom that it is w-# cut-back will occur. He knows what it “3P5 Wi" come down. AS 500“ as they tires blown? It is on the runway. but knowledge. that he once again has
safer to fly than drive. They send him ff. t bl means. No matter. When it happen do the plane begins 8 moderate the pilot seems to have used up more hidden his fears. protected his .
clippings about air liners which fall for 0 Ice 0W9, . ues he’s convinced the lane is faliin thai shudder. Rivets must be separating than his share ofc o n cret e The brakes manhood. As he walks off the plane.
five miles. but find safe landings. They by robert hemenway it has stopped inp mi d-air. th‘a’t all themselves from metal. The'VIbration and flaps don‘t seem ['0 slow the the. stewardess says“casually, with a
, introduce him to plagues salesmen engines have failed simultaneously. It increases and now there is a new aircraft. How much open space is m smile of sympathy. Maybe it Will be 3
who fly half a million miles a year. feels exactly like his Volkswagon with factor. The bottom of the plane has the end 0f the runway? better next time"- . i
They revert to profiles ofGerald Ford. things to the aircraft. creating the dirty carburetor when the engine fallen away. He heard "dl’OP whenthe . . i
a man who can fall asleep anywhere. ominous, muffled concussions directly Cuts Oil! landing gear was lDWCl‘Cd. And the The plane SIOWS. My friend puts his ROM" "CHICIIWHY k In asistant _ 3
including Air Force One in the midst beneath his seat. (Has a metal panel ‘ ' plane is still turning. Don‘t FAA head back on the seat. He grins English professor. His column has 5 ,
of a crisis. come loose? Will there be a selective Suprisingly, the flight continues. regulations require a straight sheepishly at the man across the aisle appeared every other Wednesday. f 3
My friend acknowledges the validity disaster. his seat sucked away through There are even moments of calm as the approach? Why is this plane banking? just awakening. permits his stomach to This_is his last column of the semester. 3 .
of the statistics; he admires whatever it a weak spot in the fuselage at 28.000 _ V___.___________.___ g
is that slows the active mind of a feet?) I '
politician and permits him slumber. Finally the plane taxis to the L ett :
But my friend‘s stomach still turns runway. The stewardess explains the e r S 0 e I or i,
over. draws tight. and goes into a oxygen masks and says it is extremely _ -___ __ .__.._____._______.___ ft ‘
holding pattern the moment the unlikely they'll be needed. He can feel G d 0d d b 9 '
seatbelt si it turns on. his chest contract. The takeoff itself is ' YOSS anatomy textbooks have iscrepencies are accomm 816 y a ‘i .
His fagily has not always been sheer speed; he is in the air before heis overexposed Reveahng verbage Of a sexually explicit nature significant reduction in the TAS‘ § -
supportive. They are not intentionally ready. He holds the arms of the seat. and illustrations with nary a clothed salaries(relativetothatobtainableasa 1i
cruel. but small tortures occur. Last the vein visibly throbbing on his The University of Kentucky is a Finally, the lid isoff thekettle—the figure. AS future podiatrists. is it professor). Likewise the responsibili- ,5. _
week he left for Atlanta. His eight- forehead the only outward sign of state supported institution open to all boiling cauldron of pornography necessary to be exposed to a constant ties delegated toTAsare nowhere near (I 3
year-old daughter. showing that she inner turmoil. students regardless of race, color or behind the scenes at UK has been parade of pudenda? is it fair to ask as extensive as those of professors. 3'
cared.called outas he boarded,“Don't The climb ..: cruising altitude creed. It may be labeled asa“secular" revealed. Hallelujah! We breathed a innocent young women 0f 0‘" class 10 it appears that professor 3W3!“ is
crash. We love you." should be the best part of the flight. institution. If Mr. Goss wants his son sigh of relief after reading the article handle atrophied genitalia 0f corpses 0f the habit 0f equating salary and i
Others try to exorcise his fear with The plane is obviously going to fly. to beexposed to only Christian ideals. exposing elements within our 0f uncertain background? position Wiih the quality ofworth and i 4-
iOkcs. His best friend proposesa blood The engines are working. the landing he should send his son to a “religious" educational system who have We have all experienced heavy the ability of individuals to preform as 3 L
contract. If either of them ever crashes. gear nestled snugly away. Butthereisa institution. it seems he iS trying to perpetrated this insidious blight. It is financial burden Wrought by WCii- an instructor 0f college students. i 3
the survivor gains possession of the curious whine to the left engine. He protect his son from the fact thatthere only now. since the forces of decency meaning parents who burn ”165‘? After a quick review Of my ABC“ i
loser‘s library. Somehow it doesn‘t can hear it because he is sitting in the are ideas and actions occurring in a have prevailed. that we can speak carnal texts almost as soon as they are was able to consult Webster's New
help. last seat onthe leftThe pilot sits inthe university community contrary to his freely. purchased. Our married classmates World Dictionary in regard to the ‘ -
Because he is an adult. rational, nose. Can he hear ittoo?Shouid hetell son‘s upbringing. ls Mr. 6055 As first year medical students we are forced to “secret away" their meaning 0f the word “professional.” "
aware of the need for dignity in his him? behaving the way a Christian parent feel a brotherhood with those anatomical atlases for fear that their After such a consultation, it appears
profession. my friend never openly There is momentary reassurance should by protecting his son from the freshmen and parents who have children may gaze innocent eyes on that Dr. Bryant has placed himself
acknowledges his fright. He is when the pilot comes on to announce realities of the world, thus hindering courageously brought to light the sights proper only for the darkness of among the ranks of hit‘ men, ,
courteous to the ticketagent.collected the altitude and wish the passengers a his son‘s personal growth? And why abuses of English ml and 102. The the conjugal chamber. This sort of prostitutes and mercenaries (Le-v by
as he passes through security nice day. But is this pilot one ofthose doesn‘t Mark speak out for himself assignment of well-known works by influence is responsible for the definition — individuals whoare paid
(receiving God knows how much suave youngsteis who skipped flight instead 0f having his father fight the depraved and sociopathic authors. shameful popularity 0f “Speed-O" for their services). if it was his '
unsolicited radiation). He boards the school for voicetraining. the type who battles of adjustment in a secular such as Faulkner and Miller, is an SWimSUiiS and “candy panties.“ intentions to exclude TAs from such
_ plane with a tight smile. and looks for reassures passengers. but forgets to college? outrage exceeded. to our knowledge. We feel the injustice i5 t00 long in an elitist STOPP‘ then 50 be 'i- .
a seat in the back. (He once saw a fly? My friend wants tobeinthe hands only by those malignant texts assigned the C1086! and need be revealed before A5 a P355108 note. 1 WWW like ‘0
newspaper picture of a downed of a grizzled World War II veteran Brian Dempsey ' us as medical students_ We speak of moral standards degenerate further at extend an invitation to Dr. Bryant. At
airliner in a California rice field; the who flew Spitfire: in the Battle of Music freshman abominations of which few are aware. this university. Clothe 0‘" cadavers. hi5 convinience. he may conduct as
, airbrush our illustrations. Amen. many of my undergraduate physics
V » ,7 // ‘ lgbs. irli ahny manner the seels i'iti
. r’ Jim Thom on ertain yt eincreaseint equaityo
HEY 3?...le ~ YE}? W \l“ ///x/',/// 7 8 ED 06,, Cliff Opatfin the instruction. due to Dr. Bryant‘s
‘ ‘ U \x ///// H ULJ Jim Homer position. would greatly outweigh any
YCX) XHEDUiE HAKD H0 ‘23 /%// , ’0‘ on Doug Kennedy deficiencies in his general physics
I m was». Won" Ii 9“ “\LK 92/2? r/l/ Med students. first year background.
// 1 Paul E.’ Youn
.7 3f" , ’l’ a/ $ TAs worth PM, “ '
3 3 1 WW [If 7' A in reference to the article in ‘
J c ,3, Monday‘s Kernel (April 23). -
. 1' f - my // a . concerning the role of TAs at UK. l StiCk up
l , l / would appreciate the opportunity to _ 3 3
g / ’ f I f / make the following statements. After readms YO)" headline 3‘00"“
. i /%/ , 1/, Barring a total misrepresentation of Tuesday 5 Kernel. " seems clearto me
‘ i x/ // ,/ 9V Dr. Bryant‘s viewpoints(onthe part of that if Mark Goss had received an A I
' ; ’{fr/ 7, -\ [4/44, ,1‘ b 3. the Kernel), his were the most on his English l0l paper there would i
' 3 / ”I[// // ". f?” V {3/ - arrogant. narrow. and yea. assinine be no controversy regarding. the
, i ‘ / ///'//’V ’ ’/’, K I ' f/ /{ , / statements that I‘ve had the privilege literature involved. More ”Christian
- 3 . f / / / 1/ “4% I,“ ‘\\\v\ // i? I, j” to have read in the Kernel in recent parents 5'19““ “goddaamn stick “P ~ I
' ,‘ /' "7/ ’3 ' 4//,rq, ‘ /’/ //”/ 143/] 5/ ' %' months. for their kids. .
‘I ‘ i ‘ ’2' ‘ ~I 4/347 //// l / H" . 0/4/1/114 Granted TAs lack the number of
.‘ V m 'i/ l’ M ~. ,, , 7 1 4/ JV '. A [VI/4;, ,’ years of formaleducation obtained by Sharon WWW
3 _- 4 ‘ 4 ’ ' ” ’ ’ - I" , ' 3 ‘ / their superiors, however. such A t 5 mm
- ., s. . .
.3". r 13'; ’ 6: i,‘ i. ‘
,an‘ Iii. .
agaf“ . . *
fife}? _ ...._... MM...
is... , ..., ---.§~-,-..,,.....~...-....~ ~- - — s -- ~~~~~ —,-»—~----~ - » «, x;r; ”3-..“..- ' . *4" W“ " . . .. #-
figflii ‘é'. ""3.h i'. o a, ‘3‘ ‘3': ,.'_it:.”':‘.‘t‘ i .. ' 3 . 3 . 3 . ’ . - ' v. 393;: .3 {A . . . .33: ' 3 , . ‘ ( . 3. . 3 ‘ ‘n ‘ . - 3 . .3 ' .
35‘E‘?"‘:?l‘li . ‘~”:*”Lc’-rrihirfls*airr“‘-“§.~Pi Jun: " . ‘ ~. . , . _ ' - ‘ i ' ' A "'7": i -' '. ‘. “ = . ‘. " . - .~ . . - r .- ~‘.! ' 3“; '

 ( II I THE KENTI'I'KY KI'ZRNEL Wednel‘ay. April 15. "79-3
l i
I: i 0 ald w'nne S Show creativity and diversity
1 501° ical. h steal and social whatthey were.“Andrews said. identifying an enryme which withthe proyect.Hedger played originally wrote for a creative expanding the process and
. ly BRIDGET Mel-‘ARLAND sciensces. Iliuymanities. and .. A doctor from Richmond affects the aging pmcm m the the guitar background and lit writing course. She is currently Webb has gone onto another
. 5“" wm" creative and critical research. said she believed they were CC“ structure of slime mold graduate Jenny Brock sangthe trying to get the story project.
3 . 'd d d Ellenann Andrews and psychological. that something Gorman Spent 8 year on his soprano POI‘IO“; PUNISth- Approximately 75 projects
5 i A v! eotape ocuntentary N Barucco both is actually there but it isn't Ploicct. Wthh W35 Ollilnally - , , were entered in this ""3
exploring UFO sightings in ancyI , .‘ . 'd h done ‘0 fulfill the ind d ‘ Hedger ”)5 be h‘” Robert WilliamsandJackL Oswald Aw (I --
2’ rural Kentucky and a communication seniors. and physical. One man sat e . . epen en copyrighted his composition W bb b th' t d I - . ar 3 competition.
:7 Darwin Singleton. communi- thought it was the work (“the pr0ject requnement of the and eventuall ho es to have c: '. 0 ar 5 an selences Proyects submitted toeacharea
<1, laboratory study on the effects cations junior won “I“ place devil .. honors program. h _ bl‘ h (l, C l seniors. won the phySlcal are Judged by a 2- or 3-person
it oIfIagingoIrzthe ceIIIIstructure ff in the social Sciences division The film was originally (iorman said his WOJCCI is :hEriogfpfiznslioclA'C{Kim‘s}; sciencesdivisionforthelrwork committee c