xt7q5717q411 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q411/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-08-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 05, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 05, 1975 1975 1975-08-05 2020 true xt7q5717q411 section xt7q5717q411 Will remain away past Jan. l

Jack Hall may not come back

Dean of Students Jack Hall, presently
serving in the administration of Gov.
Julian Carroll, said Monday he intends to
continue working in Frankfort beyond the
term of his leave of absence from the

Last December the Board of Trustees
granted Hall a one-year leave of absence,
which will end Jan. 1, 1976. Hall is now
Carroll’s administrative assistant for in-
ternal affairs.

Hall said he is not yet sure whether he’ll
request another leave of absence or
permanently leave the University. “At

.a \) k") 5 A » l ‘1“
--” . .,


Beating fhe hea' Casey Duncan. 3, and Carol Watts. of Cooperstown. found


some future date I will have to make the
determination as to whether or not I’ll
request another year’s leave of absence or
ta'minate my employment with the Uni-
versity." Hall said.

Hall would not elaborate on his reasons
for deciding to continue working in
Hankfort. When asked whether he liked
working for the governor better than
working at UK, he only said he liked them

Hall‘s role' as administrative assistant
for internal affairs involves handling
ludget matters, personnel, internal com-

filv W ~ . w

.5 ‘

The addition to the UK Medical Centeris finally finished. See story on page 8.


mmications and mail in Carroll’s office.
He serves as liaison to major state
gencies, Kentucky State Police and the
Department of Military Affairs.

The internal affairs unit is a relatively
new feature of the governor’s office which
resulted from a reorganization by Carroll.

Acting Dean of Students Joe Burch,
former director of the Division of Safety
and Security, is filling in during Hall’s

To join Carroll’s staff, Hall had to resign
lis seat as Eighth District councilman on
the Urban County Council.


dean of admissions.

except the right to vote.



a way to cool off during last week's 90-degree weather.




Refugees eligible to pay
in-siaie registration fees

Kernel Staff Writer
Refugees from South Vietnam who enroll at the University will be
eligible to pay in-state tuition this fall, said Dr. Elbert Ockerman,

The special provision for Vietnamese students was approved by the
University Senate Council following a recommendation by Ockerman.
Ockerman said the provision allows Vietnamese refugee students to
register as in-state students after meeting three qualifications:
—They must come directly from a refugee relocation center.
—They must have a statement from their US. sponsor approving
enrollment at the University.
—They must be authorized to remain in the US. as permanent
residents. Permanent residents have all the rights of US. citizens

The only Vietnamese student currently attending the University is
Tham Truong. said John Johnson, director of graduate admissions.

Continued on page 8









Jailed grand jury witness


The powers that be seem to be
trying awfully hard to make life as
difficult as possible for Jill Ray-
mond, the last Lexington witness to
withstand pressure to testify be-
fore a federal grand iury.

The last eight months have been
nightmarish for Raymond and
other persons affected by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) investigation of Susan Saxe
and Katherine Power. Raymond’s
nightmare was compounded last
week when federal marshalls
transferred her from Franklin
County to the Madison County Jail
and restricted visitation rights to
her attorneys and immediate fam-

This episode is only the latest in a
series of actions designed to com-
pel Raymond to talk about the two
fugitives, who apparently lived in
Lexington a year ago.

It started in January when FBI
agents started asking around about
the two women who left Lexington
several months earlier. Raymond
and five others exercised their
legal right not to talk to FBI
agents. The FBI subsequently har-
assed these persons by probing
their political and sexual activites
and subpoenas were issued to force
them to talk before a grand iury.

The Witnesses, all past or present
UK students, refused to testify
before the grand iury but stated
publicly they weren’t aware of the



p under pres




—Wl( Neil PIS?!

Jill Raymond (center), shown here with witnesses Carey Junkin
and Linda Link, soon before they were iailed for contempt of court.

actual identities of Saxe and Power
while they were in Lexington. All
six were held in contempt of court
and ordered iailed in March by
US District Court Judge Bernard

Five of the iailed witnesses
eventually agreed to cooperate
with the grand jury in exchange for
their freedom. The value of their
testimony to the grand jury or
federal authorities is questionable.

But one witness’ revelation that
she met Saxe and Power only once
must have been shocking, if not

Jill Raymond is determined to
stick out this nightmare, even if it
means remaining in jail until the
life of the present grand jury
expires in April, 1976. The authori-
ties seem equally determined to
coerce her to testify.

Last week an interview with
Raymond was published in the



Lexington Herald. The next day
she was transferred to Madison
County Jail where strict visitation
policies were imposed. Louisville
attorney Bill Allison, who has
taken over the case since UK law
professor Robert Sedler went to
Italy on sabbatical, said he is
convinced the policy change resul-
ted from the Herald article. This
action appears to be an attempt to
pressure Raymond to testify, es-
pecially since federal marshalls
permitted a UPI reporter to inter-
view grand jury witnesses in
Franklin County Jail last spring.

Slowness of the iudicial process
would also appear to be aimed at
getting Raymond to talk. The US.
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals is
over a month late in handing down
a decision on her fate.

The appeal is based on obiections
to abuse of the grand jury to obtain
information on fugitives already
indicted. The proper function of the
a grand jury is to investigate
criminal violations and issue in-

Whatever decision the appeals
court hands down is of paramount
importance at this stage. But even
if the court overturns the contempt
ruling and trees Raymond, it
cannot begin to heal the irrevoc-
able damage already done to the
grand iury witnesses, their friends
and families and the American
system of justice itself.



Sex doesn’t
matter in

Dear Editor:

John Dews, in his Spectrum piece in
your August 1 issue, has provided all the
ammunition necessary for the destruction
of his own argument against the ordination
of women to the priesthood. He states,
"There is but one true priest and that is
Christ. A priest dispensing the sacraments
is merely a surrogate for the true priest."

If this is so, then the only possible reason
for limiting the priesthood to males would
arise if the sex organs were employed in
the performance of the sacerdotal funo

dark,old and young, bald and hairy. Many
priests over the centuries have been
effeminate, impotent and sterile. Some, no
doubt, have been castrated. It matters not



tion, a condition not met in the liturgy of
the Episcopal Church. The Church has
never required its surrogate priests to
resemble Jesus in being, for example,
circumcized Jews not rfiver 33 years of age.
Priests have been short and tall, light and


from our readers


because, as priests, in Mr. Dews’ theology,
they are not doing the male thing but
merely acting the male role. A single
mother can be a father to her children —~
often a better one than their biological
father; Peter Pan is better played by Mary

Martin than by Boris Karloff; and many
women would make excellent surrogates
for Christ.

I do not personally subscribe to the
theology, apparently being advanced by
Mr. Dews, which assigns male sexuality to
the Almighty. Anyone who does so,
however, and who bases his opposition to
the ordination of women on this founda-
tion, should at least carry through the logic
of his position and demand that priests be
not merely technically male but able to get
it up and get it off.

David F. Ross
Associate UK professor of economics
and Episcopal priest



Editor-”Chi“ Sports Editor Production Stat! The Kattucky Kernel, m Journalism $33 buy 323mm; false'; msleafiirbtg
- . Burldir'g, University of Kentucky, Lexingv lsmg s repor 3 WI .
Nancy Daly Barry Forbls Linda Carroll ,0"! Kentucky, 405% is named five times investigate; by| the editors. Advertilsing
_ _ - Mar Pat Schumer weekly during the year except during found to fase or miseading wil be
Managing Editor Phom Editor Z; 'l C h holidays and exam periods, and twice reportedtothe Better Business Bureau.
Susan Jones Chuck Combes ‘3‘ ° ee weekly during the summer session. Third Letters and Spectrum articles should be
Judy Demery class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, addrefed to the Edguor'gsl [3% Edito'rd,
_ . . Room 14 Journa ism i ing. yshou
_ . Assrstant Managing Editors Carla Rodriguez 405" mr'm'm rates are 3‘2 per m" betyped, double-spaced and signed. crassi.
Associate Editor semester. Published by the Kernel Press, . t‘ Id
Walter Hixson incandtounded in 1971, the Kernel beganas "CS3 m phone "umber 3"" W55 9‘0”
Jack Koeneman ' belncludedLetterscannotexceedEOwds
the Cadet in 1894. The paper has been .
Byron West published continuously as the Kentucky and Smctrum articles should bemgo logger
Kernel since 1915. than75) words. Editors reserve rig to
Arts Editor Advertising Manager Advertising Production Adve-r'sin; ir. intersect only to help the 0d” '9’???“ and Mimi" «Wides-
Dona Rains John Ellis Steve Ellyson
L—-—“ J




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ear Sir:

Well, I’ll be darn. What’s this stuff about some
Freedom of Information Act. As I understand it you
guys have to turn over my file or a copy thereof to
me upon request. We both realize a rather extensive
file does exist now don’t we? Thru the years not only
I, myself, but various lawyers and reporters have
seen bits and pieces. I think it goes back some
years. You started to pick me up about 1964 when
with CORE we staged several sit-ins in your offices
in Massachusetts.

In 1965 I was a field worker for SNCC and we were
picketing the Holiday Inn in McComb, Mississippi.
The maids there were earning only $.49 an hour and
we were protesting that fact. While the Sheriff’s
department and members of the Klu Klux Klan
were stomping the - » ~ « out of us, one of your agents
leaned over my battered body and drawled, ”Do
you all feel your civil rights have been violated?” I
can’t recall his name.

I do, however, recall the name of Jack Mahoney
of Worcester, Mass. Good ol‘ Jack and I used to play
basketball after school almost everyday. He ended
up on your team. I ended up on ours. At a New
Year‘s Eve party in 1972, Jack got a little plastered
and told the party-goers that he was engaged in
harassing my relatives, old friends and neighbors of
such for some time.

Then there‘s agent Hunt or Hill. In the final days
of September, 1969 while preparing strategy with
counsel for our Chicago conspiracy Trial, some-
thing we all understood to be privileged informa-
tion, we opened the door to our conference room and
lo and behold there was a shaky agent Hill. Guess
what he had in his godfearing hands? That’s right
an electronic listening device. I believe that’s what
the New York Times called it the next day. You can
check the article quite easily to refresh your
memory. It was Hill I’m sure. Hunt is another story.






long as we’re on the matter of listening
devices, you guys must have a terrific selection.
There were two wiretaps admitted to in the Chicago
Trial. There were five taps admitted to in a
Washington, D.C. incitement to riot and assualt on a
federal police officer. You remember how I
assaulted the officer’s club by getting my nose

broken in six places. God that was a time, hmm
gang? How I escaped from your compound in RFK
Stadium and you searched for three days until 18 of

__ your special agents (1 never met an agent that

from A

A note from the underground

to Uncle Sam,

bbie Hoffman, fugitive


July 10, 1975


wasn’t special) discovered my wife and I entering
our apartment.

Of course these seven wiretaps are chicken feed
compared to the 144 taps on me uncovered in the
5800 hours of tapes you were ordered recently to
turn over to a team of defense lawyers by a
Washington, D.C. iudge bless his merry soul.

As I understand the law all these taps were
illegal. So in case there’s a case of invasion of
privacy. Tag! You are it. Consider yourself sued.

Wait there’s more. A copy of the report you hired
a University of Miami psychologist to prepare on
Mr. J. Rubin and myself. And let’s not forget
recorded copies and notes of each and every speech
I gave. Often at universities, officials told me the
FBI had requested two front row seats to record
my lecture. Some you have already admitted to, for
example University of Maryland 1969 and Okla~
homa State University and Oklahoma U. in early
1971. At the University of New Hampshire there
were more of you guys than students.

And it would be just terrific if you folks have a
copy of my speech to the Harvard Law School. My
lawyer really liked that one and we both knew you
had a better collection than we could ever put
together. In fact, for the Harvard tape we‘ll trade
you two University of Miami ones. Just in cast you
missed that one because of the ensuing riot your
paid provocateur Cuban friends caused.



would greatly appreciate your including a copy
of my address book you confiscated and photo-
graphed in May 1971 during an arrest. | subse-
quently lost the real one and could use a few of those

What else, Special Agents John Robinson and
Daniel Lucking’s surveillance report of September
1968. Special Agent J.D. Anderson’s report on me
while I was changing little America's (Mr.
Hoffman’s child’s) diapers in the Virgin Islands.
His theory was that lwas smuggling fugitives out of
the US. God we were so lucky he and his
companions didn’t trample the marijuana growing
in the yard.

I can’t recall each and every arrest or encounter
but there was one bust in September 1968 for
carrying a concealed weapon aboard an aircraft. A
small black pocket knife.

Now my final request could get sort of sticky but I
am formally requesting all data related to your
current campaign of harassment of friends.
relatives and various radicals and hippy commun-

alists who I don’t even know in your attempt to _


I really am anxious to see your report on my
father’s funeral,the copy of my father’s will in your
possession, interrogation of my mother-in-law, and
just exactly what was in my wife’s refrigerator

when you opened the door.
Then there’s the raid on a Midwest commune and

surveillance of rock singers and movie actresses
thought to be harboring. It seems you guys fantasies
are the same as mine. Wish they were true.




iust send your general plan, photographs, taps,
surveillance reports, etcetera from when you
started until the present day. Don’t forget a list of
agent provocateurs you employed under direction
of the now famous J. Edgar Hoover memo in May,
1968 instructing agents to use such people to
”infiltrate and disrupt radical organizations.”
And there’s one more thing. In October 1968 l was
grabbed on my way to a congressional hearing to
confess my sins. You folks grabbed me and ripped
the shirt off my back. It was my favorite red, white
and blue one. You remember the bust. You guys
ripped the shirt up and l was charged with defacing
the flag. Right. Well, only 1/2 the shirt ended up as
evidence in the trial. You owe us 1’2 a flag shirt.
Well I gotta run now, so send everything to my
counsel of record Gerald Lefcourt, 299 Broadway,
N.Y., N.Y. and I’ll drop by and pick” up next time
I’m in the city.
Thanks for your cooperation and Happy Bi-~
centennial Year,

Abbie Hoffman, the former Yippie, is now a fugitive
charged with selling cocaine to an undercover
police officer in New York. One of the defendants in
the conspiracy trial of the ”Chicago Seven," he was
cleared of charges arising from demonstrations at
the 1968 Democratic convention. This letter was
received through the mail by the Op- Ed Page of The
New York Times.




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In ‘Plaza Suite'



Performers are special
even if their ‘hatel' isn't

Arts Editor

The Plaza Hotel. the setting for
three different acts in Neil
Smon's Plaza Suite now playing
at Diner‘s Playhouse, seems to be
a special place. The person
staying there or the guests'
reasons for being there appear to
be particularly‘ distinctive.

However, the' events that
pague each of the Suite No. 719
giests prove that they are just
ordinary people, and thus, the
Plaza Hotel is just as common.

Although this conclusion is
d'awn after viewing all of the
ridiculously funny scenes. the
viewer is entertained by the
circumstances leading to it. As
you watch the three scenarios, it
seems that each is totally unre-
lated but equally hilarious.

For example. the first scene,
“Visitor from Mararoneck,” fea-
tures a middle—aged couple going
to the Plaza for their 23rd
anniversary and especially to
Stite 719 because they spent their
lnneymoon there.

Karen Nash, presented well by
actress Toni Lewis, makes all the
arrangements for this anniver-
sary celebration. Her husband,
Sam —~ portrayed equally well by
Ftank Caracino — is merely
d‘agged along.

Since Sam is so occupied with
an important business matter, he
asks his secretary, Miss
NbCormack - a minor character
flayed by Tricia Perry — to come
to the hotel suite to bring some
aintracts for his signature.

After watching Sam and Miss
McCormack together, Karen
mcuses him later of having an

affair with his secretary. She
proceeds to say that she fully
mderstands why he is doing it
(it’s his “middle-aged
insecurity”). but she wishes he’d
been more original than to choose
h's secretary.

The events that follow prove
that this wasn‘t such a “special"
occasion after all. Sam and
Karen Nash are just as humanly
fallible as anyone else — even
though it is their anniversary.

In the next scene, “Visitor from
lbllywood,“ a totally different
situation but one with similar
overtones exists.

A famous Hollywood movie
p‘oducer, Jesse Kiplinger, is
payed by Frank Caracino, again
in an excellent performance.

When he arrives in New York,
Jesse calls his old high school
sweetheart, Muriel Tate.
Barbara Galloway‘s portrayal of
this Edith Bunker-type character
'5 probably the best, and most
assuredly, the funniest perfor~
mance in the play.

Muriel. after 17 years, is mar-
tied and has children. But when
Jesse calls, she agrees to visit
lim in Suite 719, where he is

The funniest scene of the entire
day follows when Jesse slyly
tries to seduce her and Muriel

friend in the not-socxtraordinary
Shite 719.

The final act, “Visitor from
Forest Hills," finds the Hubley
family in Suite 719 preparing for
their daughter's marriage. This
special day turns into a disaster
as the daughter. Mimsey, played
byTricia Perry again in a minor
role, locks herself in the bath-
mom and refuses to get married.

Her parents, excellently por-
trayed by the now-veterans in the
day — Frank Caracino and Toni
Lewis, try everything to get her
tut, which results in the total
destruction of their composure
and attire for the big event.

When her fiance, played by Jim
(bmbs who also played the
hellhop in the preceding two acts,
dimes in and merely tells her to
“cool it!“ she comes out of the
bathroom and proceeds to the
oeremony. Of course, her parents
are so physically and mentally
destroyed they can hardly make

This final act follows the theme
(f the play also. This extra-
special event again loses some of
its romanticized specialty in
Slite 719.

The performers in Plaza Suite.
most of whom play double or
even triple roles, are all outstand-
ing. Considering that they change
diaracters two or three times,

msuccessfully tries to resist. their effectiveness in characteri—
When she finally removes her nation is remarkable.
white gloves — her symbol of Along With the typically deli-
what Jesse calls the “...last of the GOUS fOOd at Diner’s, the perfor-
decent women" _ you know mers‘ touches in the ridiculously
she‘s falling! funny comedy, Plaza Suite. make
Again, in this second act, for a most enjoyable evening.
tuman frailties beset this well- YOU shouldn't miss this one — it
meaning woman and her famous ends Aug. 10-

SCB releases fall film schedule

The Student Center Board (SCB) Cinema has
recently released its fall schedule. Midnight
films will also be featured this fall on weekends.
They are shown at 11:30 pm. Most of the movies

for the midnight series have not yet been
confirmed, but the few that are definite are
included in the schedule.

Aug. 25 Coconuts . Oct. 10 Seeper
Aug. 25 Monkey Busmess Oct. 11 Seeper
Aug. 27 Horsel‘eathers .. . .
Oct. 14 (hes and Whispers
Aug. 23 Duck Soup . . .
. 0“ '3 (hes and Whispers
Aug. 29 Animal Crackers Oct '7 .
. - lacombe Lucnen
Aug. 30 Ammal Crackers . . . .
. The lnvntation (midnight)
Aug. 31 Alex In Wonderland .
‘ . Oct. 18 lacombe Lucien
591W 1 Alex In Wonderland . . . . h
Sept. 5 Amarcord The InVItatIon (midmg t)
Mk Sk Oct. 19 Putney Swope
e intmidni ht) ‘
Sept. 6 Amarcyord g 00t- 20 Putney Swope
Donke Skin ( 'd _ ht) Oct. 24 m0]: Space Odyssey
‘ Amar yond ml mg Oct. 25 mot: Space Odyssey
S(’l’t- 7 n c f q’ M d Oct. 26 MW: Space Odyssey
Sept. 8 (filming; 0 ..ierra a re Oct. 27 Yabriskie Point
Sept. '2 Catch 22 Oct. 31 Gone with the Wind
Sept. 13 Heact d M' d Nov. 1 Gone with the Wind
Sept. 14 Hearts and ME“: Nov. g Gone with the Wind
59W" ‘5 Dr r223" m s Nov. .3 Asphalt Jungle
SCPI- '9 DI" Zhiw-ago Nov. 7 Savisky
Sept. 20 Dr' Zhiv‘g" Nov. 8 savisky
Sept. 21 ' vago -
a The Clowns Nov. 9 Savtsky
:P: :(2; One Day in the Life Nov 10 West Side Story
‘ p ' of Ivan Denisovitch Nov. 14 Giinatown
Fantastic Planet (midnight) Nov. '5 Oiinatown
Sept. 27 One Day in the Life Nov. 16 (hinatown
(l Ivan Denisovitch Nov. 17 Kiss Me Deadly
Fantastic Planet (midnight) Nov. 21 Scenes from a Marriage
Sept. 28 The Great McGinty Nov. 22 Scenes from a Marriage
Sept. 29 White Heat Nov. 2'; Scenes from a Marriage
Oct. 3 The Seduction of Mimi Nov. 30 Between Time and Timbuktu
0d- 4 The Seduction ot‘ Mimi Dec. 1 Between Time and Timbuktu
Oct. 5 The Seduction of Mimi Dec. 5 Five Easy Pieces
0“- 6 The Man with a Movie (‘amera Dec. 6 ”V9 Easy Pieces


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 ~\ I


West sweeps


Strong defense, rebounding
keys to basketball victory...

Sports Editor

When West coach Bob Hoggard opened
practice for the East-West high school basketball
game last week, he did two important things.

He decided to stress defense instead of offense
in the daily practice sessions, and he picked up
forwards Kevin Anderson and Carroll Meadows
to improve his team’s rebounding strength.


West forward Kevin Anderson of
Inuisville Male goes high to attempt a
flock of Stanley Gregory’s short jumper in
Saturday’s Kentucky East-West High
School All-Star basketball game. Kerry
(YBryan (l4) and Jim Hodge (43) are
watching the action. The West won. 85-77.

Both moves paid off Saturday night as the
West completed the sweep of this year‘s All-Star
doubleheader with an 85—77 victory over the East
at Memorial Coliseum.

“We spent about 45 minutes to an hour each
day just working on defense.“ Hoggard said. “I
thought we played some pretty good defense out
there tonight (Saturday).”

The additional rebounding strength helped,
too. Anderson and Meadows combined for 13
rebounds, leading the West to a 43-30 advantage
in that department. The two 6—4 forwards also
teamed for 31 points. Anderson led the East
team with 16 points. and Meadows had 15.

“Kevin did a good job for us," Hoggard said.
“I thought he was the unsung hero at Male. When
(Darrell) Griffith and (Bobby) Turner weren‘t
scoring, somebody had to. I think you'll find that
was Anderson."

Al Prewitt, coach of the East team, was not so
pleased with his team‘s defensive play and board
work. “We didn‘t get on the boards at all," he
said. “We blocked no one off. They would shoot.
then go around us and shoot again.

“I said earlier in the week that we hadn't
worked much on defense. It showed tonight. " he
said. “Games are won on the boards and on
defense. We didn’t do too well in either category
tonight (Saturday).“

For eight minutes, it appeared as if the East‘s
offense alone might be enough. Led by Knott
County Central‘s Herbie Stamper, the East
jumped to a 19-16 first quarter advantage.

Stamper, who led all scorers with 26 points,
scored the East's last five baskets of the first
period, lifting it to the three-point lead.

But an eight—point scoring blitz by the West
early in the second quarter pushed it on top,
24—20, with five minutes to go before the

The East rallied to tie the score at 24, but the
West, led by 6-3 forward John Hart, went back on
top to stay.

Continued on page 6

...while late replacements


spark easy football triumph

Sports Editor

Greg Hill and Glenn Porter
were not on the West team when
pactice began last week. It
seems the coaches didn’t view
them as the top players from
their region.

But West head coach Gerald
Poynter recognized their football
talents. He selected the two when
snme of his players failed to
report to practice last week.

Together Hill and Porter com-
h'ned for three fourths of the
points as the West blanked the
Fast, 24-0, in the 24th annual
Kentucky East-West High School
football classic Saturday after-

Hill, a Speedster from Thomas
Jefferson High School, scored
two touchdowns, intercepted a
pass and amassed 80 yards

The Class AAA sprint cham~
p’on in the 100-yard dash (9.6
seconds), Hill thrilled some 3,500
fans at UK‘s Commonwealth
Stadium with his outside running.

“I talked to some people who
saw Hill play in Louisville (in the
Qty-County All-Star game) last
week, West head coach Gerald
Poynter said. “I knew he was a

fine defensive player, and that’s
why we got him I was a little
surprised by his offensive play.
He stepped right in and did a fine

Porter, a defensive end from
lhnderson County, saw most of
Iis action from behind a kicking
tee. In addition to kick—off duties,
Porter booted a field goal of 30
yards and cashed three extra
points. “We knew Porter was a
good kicker," Poynter said.
“That‘s why we picked him up."

Hill and Porter weren’t the only
West standouts.

Owensboro‘s Joe Riley scored
the first touchdown of the game
and gained 67 yards in 17 carries,
aid Mayfield’s Randy Jones
added 62 yards in 14 plays.

“We got some good perfor-
mances from our backs,"
Poynter said. “We were pretty

mnfident in our running game.”

The West rolled up 210 yards on
the ground, while a tough defen-
sive unit allowed the East only 78
yards rushing.

Boyd County running backs
Robin Chaney and Terry Keelin
—— both bound for the University
(f Kentucky — were held to just
as and 24 yards, respectively.

“We had good personnel. All of
air defensive people were mak—
ing good reads," Poynter said.
“We stopped their veer attack
inside, but we had the big people
to do it."

“We had some big linebackers.
And they weren’t just big old fat
kids. They were big strong kids
with a lot of quickness,” he

But the East‘s greatest foe was
the East. It fumbled four times.

Continued on page 6

Stay on the ball!

Read *********



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Hill, Porter lead West
to 24-0 shutout of East

Continued from page 5

Its quarterbacks had four passes
intercepted. That’s eight turn—
overs — eight scoring opportuni-
ties lost.

In fact. the East coughed up the
football the first three times it
@ined possession. Lexington
tbnry Clay’s James Tucker
fumbled a punt the first time the
Bhst touched the ball.

When the East finally regained
possession after a missed field
goal attempt by Porter, quarter-
back David McAfee of Danville
fumbled the snap from center.

After blocking another field
goal try by Porter, the East
turned it over again when
McAfee’s first pass — and the
Fast’s first play from scrimmage
— was intercepted by Hill.

The West finally scored with
7:29 left in the first half. Quarter-
back Mike Shutt, a UK signee,
marched his team 52 yards in
eight plays, Riley scoring from
two yards out. Porter’s conver-
s'on kick gave the West a 7-0 lead.

2? Q Another West drive late in the
49‘ $0 1}?” talf ended in a one-yard scoring
. 0‘ “3’6 (53 6‘ flunge by Hill with 13 seconds to
, . 19' 53" 09" n3 (5} o (‘3’ go before intermission. A 15-yard
.gx‘u’ofixo‘b‘ “‘0‘ Q §P ‘05, db mss to Jacques Williams and a
% Ms“ :9 @0342}: 7}" as ob zz-yard aerial to Myron Gree
«9° is 55" fig as .e‘ «6‘ ,5" field highlighted the 13-play,
Qt} Q03 +Q" *9 6”" és'é‘ ‘50 cs? 5‘3 33-yard march.
04‘ is of of «83$ firéab 6‘0 ORV. A fumble recovery on the East
«5° foéf 58.09% é) «PK «9 {55$ 17—yard-line by the West‘s Ray'
K“ Y‘ ‘6” are 00‘ \Po 0° ‘0’” {9° (9° Hackley set up Porter‘s field

goal halfway through the fourth


(parter. The th ree-pointer raised
the West lead to 17-0 with 6:21

Three minutes later, Hill
capped a 22-yard scoring drive
with a 16-yard sprint around l