xt7q5717q370 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q370/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1971 1971 1971-03-26 2020 true xt7q5717q370 section xt7q5717q370 . ' ‘. ‘i
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Y, A Ch 0, 1971 Lniversity of Kentucky, Lexmgton \ ol. LXll. \o. HW - ‘ ,.
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I”. I‘tt, a BF \VLNIH L. \\ RICH] l he siii'pi'isc lll()\(‘ clinmv-d ll«i::~«! .-. '«:‘_'l,' i.¢' .. _: t', .v .. ,i‘ «I- " .,
“ K" »i s . H W“ -- , i - I ' ‘ ' 4 ‘ "'"" "
puns’s year «in ii}, I; “m J“ '"” 41“" ”'1 UHL’ night of ciiiiipaigi. «w .n ‘1 \"HI :9! ( imam” VV ,VV- ".- _,V. .-_
" «t .. . . . . . , i".‘ . V .' VV 1'
> . ”a I l‘ our candidates \\'llll(ll'i'\\ int: loi the iipi oiiiing t‘lt’(‘llil!i “”I’I’W’ H FHHI M v' 'u'unu- “VI "5‘ '- ». .
l0 Slady €11,0ij «’fi from the Student (iUVt‘l'Illllt‘Iil and main of the («.iiididahw .ip IIl .4 \m ~. I: '2. I iww, . > VIV
' ' ‘ ' in presidential and Vice l)l't‘\l(l(‘li pcaicd unusually tense lalv i.? or \‘> .1. I’ t .,.‘.i'i.... I: 'I
By JANE BRO‘VN ;. ’..' Yial race- Il‘hurstlay iiiLflit Scott \\Icu(li lsilorl l't'rt‘lIIII‘ltt ,1??*’I"’-l'l‘~ ‘3" "H1" :7 I‘I' II LI'HI I -‘ .I
Assistant Managing Editor . . V *2 Speaking in “landing 1.0“” sin-d his cont-ppm,“ of I}... sit“: l,l‘L:Vt‘Ii‘ i ‘~i . - :3“... .V'.‘ s q:
The Board of Student Publi- 2 before ”K, largest crowd .\“t h, thiri-c puiposcs he hit Sturlwm ‘~\" 22’ ‘V”'-“* cm: «‘i» 2w“ .1 "u‘VVVc'V' ;
cations adopted a resolution t” attended an S(;_Sp()m(m.d “TV-M (.ome-i.iiiciit could \(‘I'\t' thin”. \‘LVt‘K .sV..! 1,: win: an .92.»; #‘v . .:V_V.
Fhursday night urging Vthe *‘fa,V . 0f caii'ipaigii formmV Sh“, gain/.atioiial. iiiloriiiaiiuiiai .ii..i «in». rim 2.. «, is i .. «g . -V. ,VV-V
lioard of Trfiustees lto continue; I ‘ ,2 Schwartz. “mu. Um.» \lark ll‘lldl {Sbccts iii pushing in! \lll ““‘V‘lV "E‘I-‘lle ‘VVxH'hflVa" f. 5 =3 ‘ 1.;~".V' 5
tie current nancia support 0 Faster. and Jim \Villiiiim ”(Mi dciiiV rights. .. V liii no i in! and lat" ;. ;...V‘ '1.
”2;? ngtucki’i kernel during the “)g(.”“,l V“ (lates read .1 I‘ll" “Huh lsihu'l Milli IIflit' iii-ii. lg\.~ii ilil‘lifil. l stiIl .h~.,,;;.. .I‘V-I V .V- V
_ ' I . I _ . . ,‘_ . _- VV ii... ’. i. “« ‘. I" .'I. ,
1‘ 1 ‘“ aca emu: year. pared statement of \xithdi‘au'al pl: \V‘M‘ ll“ Wm” 1“ ll'“ I)“1 \‘M' II" "'I' “‘ ‘ ’ "‘ «. Y ‘ r..-
The publications board asked . signed by the rm”. candidates, didnt use that power." liccii tiling u: tlii- (I‘-.1IEI‘H'> -~ -. ‘ V = V'= ,.
that the additional year of ii. ' . I . V IISlPVt‘ itll(l Ship V ‘\llllt)ll \( llidl WI .1 i'IIllt l/lll: .tflt’lil .:'i'. ‘I .‘ I, I‘II .II'
nancing be granted to allow the V V VI [hf tiiioye to \\'lll|(ll‘;t\\'. Stilt: \'icc—lI’rcsidcntI‘ “ML 'i I1“ ”I do not plan to mm flit \NHLI“ ' ' I ‘ . ‘
-. - . , It‘ s a eiiieiit. “as “a )ersoiia ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , . . ~ : - r ‘ 1"."
Board Of Publications theVample *‘ .' decision for rich ol thI- .. l' (I‘M on III'IHNIIVN" I think ”I“ I IIIIIIII‘iIII. I “IIII I IIIIII II I‘. ‘ _ w
tlme t0 Stl'dy the feaSIl—“hty 0f . l t I . t I} 1 . . ( L‘IIII II (lid it l)t'("lll\‘t' tlic\ thought tli it ”IHIMHI \ \‘III'I III'SIII‘I' II I
ending financtal support for the ’ . .(.I III Is I I‘ HIIIIIIIII tII IIIII no one else woulil llh’t‘ tl . i‘c ““de I‘IHI LI‘Il‘I I V I' ' I" I' I’
K l initially represented a personal . _' ‘ ‘ ” ‘ i , ~ 1 I I . . .’.- .: . ., «'
eme' ' ' " “boiisiliility \ ’l) l“ "” ‘HIHW‘W ”H ‘ '.' .
The Board of Student Publi- ,VV ‘ ill\Vt)l\'(*Ill(‘ilt oiiVVtheii‘ part. - VVVVVVV .I . V _ V llt c of Shah?! (.« _V, Hm, .,, V‘- V . .. . IL :I
. . . » , 3; ' ' i.‘ «- w I .. - ‘K .' ‘ ' ‘V _ I * ' z ». ',I”' .» dd .
cations IS the goveming board Y}. 63‘ f“ I IIII III III‘ ( it” “III‘ In“ i II "I“ “I”. It “II“. I( III“ (II PH‘Wlt'hl (d, MUM 'lu Lf'u n « =.: '-'-
of the Keniel and is charged -fi shaped our campaigns along the ““me WW \M‘H‘ll'lVle twp. ”I Ill 1 I - , , I. .'
%-"I‘Ifi,:' I, . . ~ ,.. V p . ~.\ .= I .i.,.i'..:~».'.i . 1*.) ViV « '
with the responsibilitv of fiscal {WVWS ““‘l l""'fl"“““"‘5 ”“1 ll“ II ‘1 IV'I“ “‘ “"I “ I”"”l““”"~' "9 ili. mid”..- Inf: ' '? . -
'~ I ‘ -‘l~ ~’ . ' tie );s* - l«‘i -~ . . , I
management and setting broad l(( s should bt t.l( piiVin.irV\ di- . V i t of thudt nt t (\l\l ii. but my "IN". .V\ i‘. V, .u . 5». V. . . .' _ ,V
policv guidelines for student ”I‘Im’m ”mt m“ l “I‘l‘r’ll‘ ”Mk1”; Wm" . .« \iiw » . -. . 1’. I; ‘3 '
publications must take. \Ve ll.t\'(‘ tried to \‘It‘nllt‘l\(ltlll ash-«l lm .unls \ VH3 9m ,1, V ,.,I VV VV . .-I" .V . f' If
I . . . -- . '3”in -t tlii'iii «r. l... in...” . no... . o. '. . WW III I I.I I‘I f1 ~IT: " I
The LTK administration, U“. l I (t \Ill\ll5}l ii“ iniiiili \\t|t\' iiiti iiiV \()i‘l‘l‘i‘i I \k/‘lbl:i‘\ Ain‘t/f iltlzifii‘. I."f. :I‘wI. .:; . ,LVSfI'IIy‘V V.II-'-".II' V.-.
der prodding from the Board of hue ‘(illl ideas about “hat \xiV-V in (“1. “hug “the to \otc loi. xv. h,” " V; ‘. -.V.V,VVV
Trustees, is curreiitlv studving consider the important ls‘sl‘uw’. IIIL' that Studi iit (.i)\t’llllll<’l|i \iV_,V,‘Vi_ !. Vi .. I, . i, , \ : .. 3 . V; ~
the advisability of cutting back ..‘V\(ll hut Paster \H‘H‘ running loi .‘\\\t iiihlV\ is ,i iii-i Iis .Ilgll I think pingii :ii.ii..-..;.: V 4. . VVV .. . V. v. VVV 2)
. ' . ’ S; - ’;' .. ' .5. . -.:I .. “I I‘ «‘ .. .‘I.
linanctal support given the Ker— . pitsidtiit. l istti sought you should (lili lltl that he lm ”i I.i\lru V V. . -. {’V;
“81 as of Julv l 1971 .. the \ice presidency. \ou clcxah- \cti-ians oi thit "l g” l " mid phi, , t " «'V':
Resolution adopted ‘ ‘ -.‘..«. ”I" Slillt‘lllt‘ut said the loin l)H.l\ ‘o liittlici’ Hl‘lice II \I‘Jl) ,__ “H”. .V, . .. i, V ~_ ‘ I’.‘~I. , . :' :
, .. The resolution was adopted jim ‘v‘v’illiains, mp. withdrew last ('aiiditVlVates felt. although there (Li-rm Leizci'c. \\ ho with llh m ti”. _\-llllllii\lli:lwvlr . i. ,V . ”:I. «‘;V '.._V :I ‘- ‘ If,
. .. . - were )I 3 ‘ z - ' » r ~ . . -- I , . " f5“
by a 9_2 vote after Dr. Robert night from the SO presrdential VV pt llllSV iii anoi oi lllt ii llllllilllL Viiiati \l.iil\ ll..iii ll.i\ L' (”M ., 3‘... 1:.-. 121 . .V; VV .. .
. . . . .. coiiiiiui V ‘ 1 «- -i'~ ' -*~ ._ = . < . -.
Zumwmkle, Vice presrdent for rate while late entry Skip Tay- tl , f Ill m ”I. ”F“ “Ill” l1“ “ ‘1" ”"Hl I“ ll” "1“ l" iiii:.1 {I‘lil’ m m. «rim. 1 . - i. V, V
. _ (ilr \~ £- : . : , . V: V V ‘ i- , » VV . V _ . ‘. VVVV V
student affairs, presented a re- Ior. above. stepped UP his (anr 1 Hr it! qul (1p lthUli also IIII uttlt l" iitVlVi iii no \\s1i.ip¢i lllt ph. . .‘ VVV V._ V
port outlining means bv which paign pare possessed serious (lisad\'aiit— lxcntuckj. \\.ihlc.it and the Stu \, ,m ('\‘.i!lll\l£‘ mum. ., ,.‘ 1' «
the UniverSity could eventually II (h M (.oahlloii. \pi iit \Ulllt tum ( ontiriued on Page i. (.01. l .V, V . . .. -
end all direct financial support . s I
of the Kernel. Zumwinkle's re- MGR l? P 1 i/ l'lli' W .I: .‘I,.‘I},I’
port was presented with the 9 u. . ,
purpose of sounding out the _ .
. ~ ’ 'f 1‘ ~ ~ [’K P] . . x
W“ 0“ the P"’P°S*"5t bl“ .15 Thats the story or grat 5. says aeement heryiec 1- " ,2
not the final report which Will . v ' . Va’ .i
be presented to the Board of Recruiting among prospective survey report of the season. I’K in}.r increase since Junc was 1.7 bachelor‘s lcycl. lollowi-ii I If I, I; V, 3"
Trustees. college graduates by employers was one of HO selected institu- parent, to 8850." metallurgical ('IIQIIH‘CFIHLV. .ir ’ .H" v.’ .
Since this “final report" could continues at UK, but at a great— tions participating in tlic (fl’(2 Three curricula recorded «lol- $890. itll(l mechanical l‘llL'lllt‘t :~ I I _"-I,-, V:
be presented to the Board of ly reduced level at the mid- survey. lar .neragcs slightly below last ing at $886 l.
Trustees at their April 6 meet- point of the cun‘eiit season. At the bachelors degree level. year's closing figures—business. At the ii‘iasters lcxcl. tln
ing, a number of publications says James P. Alcorn, placement only one curriculum realized a S7l7, marketing and distribu- MBA category hcld up ‘octtc: -I a" . I" i;« -’
board members said they felt director. gain of three percent or more iii tion. $676. and the chemistry— than most curricula in thc mini I. *V f '. .I I
the decision was being made Alcorn added that the rise in dollar value since, the close of mathematics - physics g ro u p. but of ollers reported but ii ". 7 s
_ too rapidly. beginning salaries, usually at the the last recruiting season. “Iii- 879-1. The remaining bachelor's failed to show its usual strength I : , - iV-
Zumwinkle agreed, saying, “I rate of five to six percent a dustrial engineering went up curricula covered in the study in dollar average. In fact. ll\ "' -- V 5
think this is a matter of suffici- year. had continued unabated 3.3 percent to $877 per month. experienced modest increases dollar average .it Hlltl—St‘dStui \\.i\ I . .‘_'I I
ent importance that ideailv this during the past decade. “This Last your, the lurgpct pprmnt- ranging up to 2.9 percent. tlirce percent beloyi last \'e.iiI\ .
t . v . n - . t - . . . . . 1..,.-..».. 'I I‘I' '" "I' ‘
board should be given a half year its a different story. he age increase in the comparable (.hcmical engineering. at closing figure. Although Ioiomi ,7 , ',
year to study this.” said, citing the College Place- period was 8.5 percent, for ac— 3928. continued to command m be .1 Sim“. mm”; last “’4" '. ‘. 'V ,,V‘ VVV: i
Continued on page 7, Col. 5 meat Councils second salary counting. This year the account- 1h“ hit-Eh?“ dOH'JT il\'(‘rai1e at the Continued on Page 7. Col. 1 «I, « I. ». f .- fITIi . .-
, V _ ijV, . . . we??? ’ '~. ' ' ‘_« « .
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1 -< . '- ‘ “‘ ‘f ' ‘s d- 1 ~ ~. ‘
' (Lharles Dickens, above, narrates . . . while University Symphony Orchestra conductor Phillip ‘ » ' .
The sound 0 0 . the musical version of author . . o and th? fury Miller cmouragcs his musitians as they provide batkgroiind . -,
james Agee's “Knoxville: Sum- " musu; The ()rthcstra and Dickens were part of a concert '
(Kernel photos by Keith Master) me; of 1915" . . . presented Thursday evening at Memorial Hall. I

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, March 26, 1971 _—____——————————————————-——-———_—
S t d t l d t ll N '
h news kernels
. 9 ma lose colle 3 vote
‘ ' y g From AP reports (1h;
‘ . \\'ASIllNCTON (AP)—Five The student leaders are mem-r before ushering them into the . .. ' . .
' . ‘ - student body leaders met pri- bers of the steering committee President’s office. WASHINGTON—President Nixon, saying public offrcrals
. , yatelv with President Nixon for the National Student Con- In addition to Baker, those cannot be patient with outmoded forms when the people 'l
y - 'l‘lrursday and said later they gress of Student Body Presi- present were Stanley Grimm, 21, have grown so impatient with government," asked Congress pro
. i ’ told him he‘s in danger of 10s:- dents, an organization repre- of Fargo, N.D.. a senior at Thursday to overhaul his executive machinery. He proposed rem
: . ing the entire student vote in senting 330 colleges and univer- George \Vashington University a consolidated Cabinet of eight departments, four new and re;
- 1972. "sit—E‘s. They are in Washington in Washington; Walter Byrd of four old. The President’s proposal would leave intact four l'r
. , “I told him the two questions for five days to talk with legis- Kerrville, Tex., 21, a senior at departments which trace their origins to the birth of the :15]
w on students' minds are what lators about student ideas, the University of Mississippi; Republic: State, Treasury, Justice and Defense. To these "ml
‘ country are we invading today, problems and grievances. Eileen Friar, 21, a senior at it would add Departments of Natural Resources, Economic Hui
- ' and how can we beat you in The 25—minute conversation Simmons College in Boston, and Affairs, Community Development and Human Resources. lcm
-‘ . " I '72,” said Steve Baker, 21, a with Nixon was arranged by Jay Sternoff, 20, a sophomore (Tin
'. . " . senior at Hamilton College in White House aide Robert Finch, at Bellevue College in Bellevue, VVASHINGTON—National party chairman Lawrence F. ,1
. ' Clinton. N.Y. “The President who met with the five students Wash. O'Brien said Thursday the Democrats plan to ask television bus
' ' ~ looked resigned to it.” \Vednesday and again Thursday In an interview after the networks for air time to counter the recent round of appear- eve
meeting, three of the students— ances by President Nixon, “We demand equity,” O’Brien ’ .‘
. . . . . .. . . 0ft
‘ Baker, Grimm and Byrd—agreed said, declaring that he intends to act in every way possrble 7)
' 32 10 dd d that their over-all impression including the courts.’ O'Brien said later that he expects t):
. a eaS a e was that Nixon is aware of a to write the networks within the next two days demanding [1110‘
. communications problem with time under the Federal Communications Commission’s “Fair— :0
. . young people. ness Doctrine" which requires broadcasters to give both fr"
~ t bl l t “You get a feeling of gen— sides of major issues. Legal action would be a last resort. t.
. O J 0 es S l S uine concern, but that he’s iso- party officials indicated. fine
I i lated in his office,” said Grimm. or
. ' \\';\SHINGTON (AP) ~Thf‘ Three other smaller areas “He’s obviously thinking deeply SAIGON—South Vietnamese forces in their 45-day cam-
. Labor Department added five were added to the persistent about the problem, but doesn’t paign in Laos suffered casualties of nearly 50 percent.
' ”10W major (‘ilim ThIII‘Sda)‘ to list. Creenville. Tenn.; Port An- know how to handle it.” Saigon sources with access to the figures reported Thursday.
. its list of areas having substan~ gclcs. \\"ash.; and Allegan, The three young men said the Saigon sources said 3,800 South Vietnamese troops were
3 ' - . tral rrnemploymcnt—o percent or Mich. President seemed pleased t0 killed, 775 are missing and 5,200 were wounded in the drive
. ' more. This brought the total to These areas generally are meet with them and they found into Laos that began Feb. 8 and ended \Vednesday. A
' q 30 cities. highest in nearly nine more spread out. rather than him much more open and con— South Vietnamese headquarters communique claimed 13,668
years. surrounding a major central cerned than they had expected. North Vietnamese troops were killed in the Laos invasion, 7,13"
' Th0 report “150 added 27 0th‘ 0“,". bllt 50m? have more than “I found him much warmer and 167 taken prisoner. U.S. field officers have said the "b"
' er labor market areas to the 50,000 population. than he appears on TV,” said figures are inflated.
- substantial jobless list. “There are now 712 areas, in- Byrd. “He ’5 not isolated as to m,
. ' . The newly added major cluding the 50 major areas. what young people do, but as to LEXINGTON—A proposal to grant university status to m"
cities—now totaling one-third of classified as having substantial why they do it," he said. “No Kentucky State College at Frankfort was tentatively accepted H33
. ' ' the 150 major labor market or persistent unemployment." one seems to be able to tell him Wednesday by the state Council on Public Higher Educa- '13,?“
p . . areas—are New Haven, Conrr.. the report said. why." tion. The council spent nearly five hours behind closed doors Emil“
. —. with a jobless rate of 6.5 per- pondering a staff report entitled “A Role and Scope Study Ami:
. cent of its work force: Rock- of Public Higher Education in Kentucky." a document con- gmw
. . lord. lll.. 6.7 percent; Tcrrc . tainiug myriad recommendations on state higher education. F553}
-, p . llautc. Ind. 7 percent; \Vorces- Ashland FUItOn et Sparking considerable discussion but no action was a recom- Frie'
* - » . tcr. .\lass,.'T percent. and Ring 9 g mendation that the governor, state superintendent of public PM!"
' ‘ . . lrarptqn. \. 11”} 0.6 percent. 0 instruction and commissioner of agriculture be removed from ' $35535
.- major a ror area is one the University of Ken a ‘ 1' T"
7' I ”will .r central city oi 30.00“ or new Ballpax routes ' ' tlltk} ho 1rd 0f trustees. t ibvryM
~ . .. ”In“, population. plus outlying K-ARA‘Clll.‘ Pakistan—Leaders of five minor groups in ; Fri.
_ '. , \Iibinbgrn “mu . , . . ) .1 [’1 A 1 ‘ri‘an which run 5 Pakistans National Assembly suitl‘\Vctlncstlay- President \lo- .- “gin
. . llrl- national irrl)lrrs\ 1'.rl(' in r “l \MH\~('H)\ 3"“ l M '1 }.rr-_ 11]" “A I. V." El’ 'b th hammed Agba \alrya Mum and Sheik Mujibur Ralrmarr had l ity N!
: j.“,llull‘”\ latest month for r-lllH .rnd l‘ulton. l\_\.. \\lll be luoui-‘Zl LOUISVLG, 12“ e ' reached "complete agreement" on constitutional questions Limes:
. .‘ wlurl: figures .rll‘.1\;lll.tlrlr', “as «“1“ ”'1 lll" l“‘l"'\*lll \“l’ll‘llll‘ll town and Bowling Green en that threatened a Political Split between lCast and \Vcst lumh‘
' i . V. . 'r pi‘rct’iil, Ibi'lllr‘f l’A‘“"“L"‘_l’lb”“ fl‘lt'm- route, to New Orleans; . the Pakistan. They told ncwsmcn at Karachi airport Yalrya was
' \ll n“. 1”,; mm Wu“ phi": .r llarlpax ollicral sol: lrcrc LG'x-S route from St-.L0U15 t9 expected to nrakv to! ;urnourn-cmcut 'l'liursd..'—\‘ The liu' rc— ”K
, , . W ”W ”1‘”de”HIM““mug”; l‘lrursday ‘ . Atlanta “hull “9135 In Niadr- turned \Vedrresday from Dar-ca. [Cast Pakistan where they I i'lfgirc‘h
, n to j o “NH” .\\lIl-1ml “Ill be. HIlelel HI! sonville.‘Hopkmsville and (’Utlz' had been summoned by Yalrya to meet with him and Sheik ? KC“
' . . jg.” ”H“, major labor nrar- a route betwccn (uncrnnatr and “‘01. anti the 'lllanIs Centrals \lrrjib. head ”f liast Pakistan's lmWWlHl Awami League. 5323‘]
' i a , kc! .rIr-.i\ l‘iltwlttl, (itililw ztlrtl \t*\\l)()l‘l \(‘“’\‘ \u.. Whjh.‘ IIHIV Chicago-Miami run, \Vthh StOpS gilt: 7'
. .- j- . ' ““1““;th \lrrskcgon Heights. ton \\rll bc a stop on a (.l'ucago- In Fulton. Hall'.
\h-(j‘ “PM. added to ”w list \cwilrleans route.“ .
ol run-s \‘.llll persistent nncm— t' ()rlrgilriral] "Hit“; h” the (5“, 0 Mg”:
- . - . Pl“ H 1, a g - t. . , ‘ . _ rorra ar roar asscngcr .or- L bb t k b tt c
. _ ' \ullrlrl'l-rl’ iormlnlr’rltI-lDtlrlli: \a li‘i‘lrtr DONUUH announced Nlonday in- 0 y favors O‘ff- rac e lng 8’1ng
> . “I”. J ”Mp“ H“, ”j (3. percent dicatcd that Louisville and 11:12:?
. , m lugbcr and M least 30 per Bowling (Jrccn would be the l.t)l"l5\'ll.l,lfl (ZM’M— l;our ting, The survey. to be financed handbook.savinglris plan would 25:5:655
‘ . ‘ Wm AWN. ”H, ”mum” :ncragc only lycntucky cities in which l.oursyrll< men seeking to lr‘flui- by the corporation, will be con- produce ”10,-". than $10,000 or DEC?
. ' ' brr WWW] W11”. ‘ trains worrld stop. 'lhcy are in- l/t‘ ()llvlrack betting in the state ducted by a local opinion sur- st'rtc revenue for gym-y band- 3:3":
. . cluded on a (IllicagirMiarni formed a non—profit lobby group \cy organization. 560k so licensed ‘ 30- 20‘
> ' .I _ Burbprs $00]; route. Thursday to lurllrcr tlrcir aims. The four men estimate legal i, . ‘ . . . . Mllfilccl
. ._ f(3}thE-r l.. l\l‘ligfiby]. clrlai(rman } Articles of incorporation lor i/cd oil-track betting would cre- ”13‘10\‘(€::;:;( colngpljssrorrli(§'liziilii‘\ , M‘cmé
\ , _ ) ' ‘° 0 tic entuc’y ai roat lonr— tre organization. to be known ate l.()0(l new 'obs in > ‘3) i H i L .11. S; .' t Uh"
. ' b‘ (I "I" 1"" bt'I" urissiorr also said Thursday he as ”()fi Track \\'agcrirrg." were (iounty alone zlnd \\»().‘lirifl«lfi(ull ill-”UP f‘imt tllltllOl‘llC handbook gar-Elf
p - ‘ 5:\l.l‘.\l. ()r‘r'. .\l"rf()ri‘L‘UH was working to preserve the filed in Frankfort and lcllerson tlrcr promote the thoroughbred operations. Free.
.. = . barbcrs want to Inxile‘ 1’ lvllt'L'rll (Leorge \Vashington connector County. industry." ~"There's only one place where
' "ft tor nu‘lr tollmw' tllr‘H lid“ ”1' routcwa feeder route that runs The tour r'ncorporators are Sparks recently applied to the Sparks can pursue it." ligger 003:3:
. , I by .r beautician. . between Louisville. Lexington Richard l.. .\lillcr. cxccutiye Kentucky State Racing Commis- said. “and that‘s in the Kerr— dfnts‘l
:\ spokcmmn ltH’ lllt‘ lMllW‘ and \\'ashington. D. C, secretary of the Lorrisvillolcl- siorr for a license to operate a tricky state legislature" nrfi'rl‘i.‘
.' = limit) mm ”W (““tl‘m “mm“ [7.8. Sen. John Sherman lcrson (.‘ounty Federation. of mm C‘
, (.orisiurn‘i‘ Allan‘s (FHIHIH'HN' Cooper. R—K}'-. and the Louis- Teachers. Al’lr-(TIO; attorney ' 0 tegt‘sna
. ’lh” l‘='«”1l“'l'“" (l‘m‘l l"-”" l'”\‘- ville Chamber of Commerce Stuart Lyon; General Lee Bomb r1 S Offlces ‘ 3105;}:
_ . to rut nrcn‘s hair in .r bcauln ian limp expressed interest in pre- Sparks. a retired truck driver; i P arm. I
. ‘ \('ll()irl L l l . serving the connector route and _l()llll l‘ littlfl‘l'. . . . 9 33:;
The \l’“ (-srnan sair rar rcrs when the Rail ax system be ins Miller said he and the otlr- f I h U Rev. Vi
' . r want ”to stop the ol)\lth vii; operating May]. g crs believe the legalization of O [.18 nlonlStS iznsoCh:
. rurnu-nting ol the barbcr l.r\\ 'Coopcr, who said he occa- off-track betting could provide BELFAST, Northern Ireland testant majority and the Roman Refit-5'
‘ by those who lrayc just a cos- smnnlly rides the George \Vash- a \‘aluablc source of income to (AP)_A bomb blew out Win— Catholic minority. "01C“
. , . mun.» therapist ll('(‘ll\t‘. . 1ngt0n‘ said he would ask Rail- state and local governments. dows at the headquarters of Faulkner took over the Pre-
lhurrrtrcrarrs responded “tnat pax to reconsider abandoning "Local gm'ernmcntis in a fi- Northern Ireland’s ruling Union- miership with moves to ease
, llrc bill is u rncns lll) bill be the tender route. rrarrcral pir‘r‘c‘lr of the severest ist party Thursday, minutes af- the pressure he faces from Pro-
. ’ cuus'c ll wouldtlcny nnprlilrc lib-r ngjby said Kentncky had magnitude. the group} articles ter new Prime Minister Brian testant militants. He named a
pirating 't‘xpcll‘cnce on .ll|\.l”L been very fortunate in the ox- of incorporation said. The .de- Faulkner announced his Cab- hard-line right winger as agri— l
tuna“ mu (Ht n «I PH .\ N M“ trl‘n:1 tp .whrfihpt hasl been in- SW‘ tfmtl L!<"'<‘I‘nl:1(‘lllilll.lfif‘l‘VlleS inet. pulture minister, saying: “It will
-; cu e( m arpax pans even cons an y rrrourr s, w nc a((i- )e m i '
. . , p _ .. though the state didn't get all lional sources of revenue con— Th}? blast .was heard through- on th: Sgdigttlgnsifl: Eoncentrate M
, .5... the stops it had hoped for, tirrually decrease. out t ls capital crty. Police said Government 5 I 'd h CV
335.; y, __,.,v,_53:,.5;$;r;r;. >- .. W5... . p . .. . . ., . , no one was hurt and d . ources sal t e ‘M‘r‘
25;; mi. 3...”.3M..§ 992%. few; Railroads that Sign contracts Legalization of this industry a . l anragg apporntment of Harry West to .,e
. . , .,.:- I..,,,.H.M,‘,, so with Railpax may, with 30 days warrw a step in the right di- wagdggflt’frat‘ve yds‘g'ic'al: the agriculture post, a position .{w
x "‘1‘“ I - notice, discontinue any Passen- “Th0" ‘0 alleviate the problem. OOPS an m dis- he held two years ago was a "l
. , w Evefy a ’f'Essiiiéaiarr ger trains that aren’t in the net- Education. health and wel- p033] experts sealed Off the l 'f ‘ ’ " ”‘1'“
a -. . . . ; 5m!” 1335;, . . . , . . area near the Northern Rail- ow to pacr y the student mu' ».
.3352... . “that bit ... V‘ 52" work. Railroads that stay out [‘m and 0th” applied govern- wa Terminal crsm 0f the right wing 0f Faulk- Tm
_ hunsvoui l fifths system "ms Continue W" SW"! *9 W Y ‘ ner’s own Unionist party. :33.
, . f‘”g "tie“... rstrng servrce until 1975.. th‘h by thf‘ legalization of The party headquarters, in a Pressure from the right forced Um,
’ . ., . 36,133; r kentucky could lose at least ”"5 Industry- ‘ red brick Victorian building fly- the resignation last Saturday of tord
: . »- .. a V .él ‘three routes beside the George LYON said the groups first ing the Union Jack, is a symbol James Chichester-Clark asprime Shop
3&2? ' v Washington under the system— "1W0 WOHld he to authorize an of Protestantism in this province minister. Faulkner was chosen W.
—————————-‘ the Louisville & Nashville’s attitude survey on off-track bet- torn by strife between the pro. prime minister on Tuesday. am.
mm...” >‘fl‘\ — ’ " ‘ ‘7“

 ' .‘ V I . I ‘
' I I ‘/ ~ I
—————_—_—______—__ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, Marrh 26. |97l —3 . -' . . ' _~
“A? rt9 9 b b d ° 10 0 r b°d ’4
1 p0 S a 0m 881?th sea I S "
“Airport," starring Burt Lan- is a mixture of feeble dialogue ina. \Vhen Hollywood has heen (‘UlH lhlt‘lniltlolml \itpml oh— ll “WW" “"1““ ”“1"” ' ' I. i '«i-
raster. is now playing at the bordering on soap opera torinat. exposed to the sueeess of “Easy \iousli (Yllare Inteinatiiinai l/t'll it ‘.‘.iillltl in .l\ the it «.t . i .. V'.‘ .'
(lhcvy (lhase (lineinii. Much of what has gone Rider." u.\iidnight (Iowhoy," the xxoi‘ld’s husiest airport ._ i iiiaii t.lll\1lli,’. .i l)t)!lill .iriiinil . 'V 2' 7. - *
.. . i. . u .. V . V. . .' . . I _. - H 1- VV V Vi " '— v." 'h' v. .' '
By MIGUEL (ZUADRA “long in Airport (an l)( and similar noxel productions, V.\o hum itlia .iii lump. .1“ h an... .H. (it . . . Vi
Kernel Staff \Vriter ll)llamted opi the prodtueer. lfloss in Vwould he VeirpVi-eted that the f l vim; think olV any hetter who'll the 'JJ'HVH ll HLVmauVr! ' ': V'I" ~V 'V .'
.. . . . un er. * is )ii'i *1 s ' ' ~ ‘1 ‘- " ‘. ‘ . - . . t a. . .' . ’. I ' -'
[he leme industry has had V 1‘ t tc V out i it! L V1 pit uthr) VV\\ou( )( 120” Isltlltlt Vuripi. 1 or (Hit it iVllllllt iVVit. lint lllV iVnpiii V\ (l Vi mt t ttltltV . V V ‘. ..
. . )ue ', n 0 se a ' v ‘ '* .' . '— .' ‘ * ‘ Y' W. ' . i * . > _ - - . - . . -. ’ - r '
problems for some time. l‘are VV nOtVo . t 11) um rem s l\( 1inVVi 5 output VV Vut (; V\ is l( lit \\VVSV~V( in iVition o mo?“ \VV Ill irViVVtHV l'( l) Vt IVtV MPH” W , .
. . . 1‘. l) 'l‘ll . ' ’i .. '- v :--t _: .nt . i.m.e'.-': . .
regulations, decline m passenger (n p L res FlootV i\V(s on tifrttitionf. l oss :l( \H er “Vi ItliViVV n _iVVrV(;Vp. l.lV!V\. l _!,\ V i... \V V\ .V iiViiV i. V .o VV VV V VV . a VV . .
. . ) ‘ ' i a 1 r ._ ' - - b ‘ r‘ . ; . - . 1 - , . V l l . . . . i . i '. .
““1,me competition and 0“)“ Hunter successes up (r fis om o l( (“f th ‘llpltil' (it (i unipt th. . ti iVVa . o to i l\();tt p; lltV I iVut t ( iiViV 4 r V. ‘i‘.
. u . )r . . 11‘,‘ _‘ 1 ' T x x‘: i l( p 1 -; l i i V r '. ' ; V I V' -- ~"." . -
lapping of routes, congested Airport 18 an extensron of arm 0 d1 I?“ eon; (Vi 1 (pl Itllt n l i 1 Von \xVit l t "V lVll(( llllll iVi iltlllL. V\V\Vi t V V l iViou V ill oVi VV 1 V , _ .-
- ii i» a. v . . 41 v ~ . z ._ 53‘ 5 . 4 . . . . .V . . . _. . V.
airports, Jumbos i47, and Hunters prewous series of box g lp‘ 11p}? u: ‘01]? m. l 10 'l (f m. (l) H “ m 18 N n”: (m {H} . w; \ ‘1“ “ m I” t H ' .‘ - ~' i x 3
~ . v i. * 1 . .g'e '_ 4 -4 . i4 4 . -. ,- , ~.:
now the SST. Produeer Ross ()Hice successes (Doris Dav, \ ”(1x 1910:, mg 0“ in“ n“ 1“) p Ill“, ( “0“} H m U h 1” le‘ h 1} “(ml H \; ' ' ‘ i' ' '. .
' Sl] ‘ - V‘ ' i 1 J ‘ h I i t . . . V . V‘ I Y . ‘ i ‘ V Y . . i' . " _
Hunter has added a new prob- Rock Hudson, Lana Turner) ex- . ( tlh'prl)’( uc ions to ((p t K H‘ “I”; 5 [I‘m l M l “ “uh “I” 1’}““}'.'L" .0 Kim ”Y! RUM}; .' . ‘ - . W
.. . i, . . _ . . ii ' i '* . .. l ‘i. ' 1 - 1' “ '~- " * * ‘. ' ‘ "
lem: Airport (Chevy Chase. pensne sets, impecable Cinema- iyY V :11th t" . 1 .. l uVVtsti oV t t t nt is in An ttVi “V to} Mt sVVin 1V“ Vor I ,~, , VV V”.
Cinema). togmphy, a multitude of special t tel- 1:13.02 1}: gom (n.— p01! (' ‘ in.” hum-“WT ‘ It" 1‘ mil .t I; I“ ”t. l\\tlU ( N U“ h l .;“' i ‘-
. ra n? . .‘ x N -‘ .. ‘ . ' -. i ".1. t ‘I
Fhe crew aboard the block- effects, and, of course, a full Ve 111in n n t is r( spit; it llltl 8 Viral}. .. lllt lViVaiii _ I; is it; ow VuVit i Vlt ini i iiViii V V V . _ .
buster “Airport" was doomed Sideline fashion Show by no oth- :uuués in ex: r} 33.1}. 1 on ad)“ . (”wig . VlVllt‘illllleS and i iuaiV. iss \\ it I \xVVVion;VV .V.. L? V . . . VV '.
- , ~ - lave r= :' i .' .i - -; . . i'. V; ~- -- ;\ r. . r . . -.._» .
even before the production took er than Edith Head. (romph- t 1‘) ml"; “t? l :an 1m ‘ ”I ll.“ 8 ' ‘\}“ ”t3” l ““ {Hi H 0“ ”H“ m” l H H‘ ;t til . 1 V. . - -». ~ - .
- - ‘t.‘ ‘ ‘L . ' * a 1 - ; Y * ~; 4 - . i '. '. . - . ‘ . » ‘
oil the ground. Although Hail- inenting these baSIC Ross Hun- (1:(fr,VV.( inV aV‘r/Iin, iii V. it] Vunoiii, t It ( tst t lit for iillli()\l uVi VV lV V V\\t your pm )l ) \ tV .... . VV .- V, .
, - es ts ns - *1 . - \' ‘ ~' s-- . . u . -; . 2." ‘. ' . _
ey S novel has been one Of the ter I‘Cqull‘ClTlCiitS, dash of SEX. f 1 l\Vll() );V 1}) iss tVftlu . . \UV iotiislVii} it) it .ul lllt ii i Ht 0 it it t l )_\ mm .’ . . V VV VV VV
. - ~ r( .‘uv i. 1 .- ’ .» -, .. '
most successful bestsellers, lllS infidelity, comedy. tears and a (i ( Thu” (till .1}; 11mm lim ‘} ‘1) ” ” V‘“ “ [“1“ 5 I It is liai‘tl to hehexe that Aii> - 4 ‘- . 4 ,r a
. cat s i j t x - r i i , i- .. _ .-- . . .' .-. ‘
book was far from being an out- ('OUple of SUSpense moments are l' afflih Vetmos ifit tfiV rrp . 101ch it ViiVii \\ V\ iiti Vi “as do 4).,” (“HM 414., mmmed i,” . .V ,, . .. , _
~ - - . - - l(‘1l() ‘ V 1 n T w‘ .~ ' .1 . . V.. . .
standing piece of literature. Af— added. Entertainment at its ”’0" ( indciiorlo 1 Voeint; iml (V) it it at huts horn uhat It) tV\t‘\ . . lti' _-\('.t(lt‘llt\ .- -. , ., .
.1 . ,, . , i 'e\'*r 1.2).; 1: . 1 ~ *- tn . . , .. . - . ‘
ter Airport was diluted for peak! )1 i VVVt tVstt t' “K i tseries 0 iVVitV ian \\ViitVt u on lllt pahii V\“44,,1\V 1m l|l(llliL' BM: plan”, ; -. . . . . ‘.‘ ~
. . 1. . .. illlSl ) ‘ s u: i . - . i ‘ o -' . ' - ~. - i . - - , - - .4 - . =
screen ”ch not much was left Productions like Airport 1 (VV V1 11 ons Vsr ainiIiiVist V V ltl ”inn 5 "ton \llt \uiit ot the in”; les. llollvwood h f V 4 V, V.
. . . . i . (were >. ‘ 3 '- s - ' ‘ ' - . - ‘ > i ' _ ' '~ ' '-
for the, screenplay. Ihe result are inexcusable 1n todays Clne- 011349 (( , SIN)“ )()liii( in M ()It it t llllt lax. one oi tliim- ft.“ plates \\ hm“ ; . ».V V .V-
iiiV\th and realih are l)()lHlti w . ‘. V‘
. Plow-l}. that nolmdi reallx ie~ " "-a '. ’ ii‘ ‘
GPSA to Sponsor 5" mposru in “ma... the m... M}, a... -‘. a, ,.
To a T ' were tutu separate i-lenieiit\ it I. * V'~ -'
a nd omorrow ('Vt‘lW .\litl llit' \lt‘ttii ll.i\ l') lt‘~ s‘. "i' '
d y The Graduate and Profes- the graduate sehool will \\'()i‘l\ \\'.tl‘(l those that keep 11m .1” .l 3.” ., a L
SIOIl'ill Student Association is on panels and \Vlill the discus— ileit\ lixe. ‘r; - i: ._
. eonduetini: a Svm )osium on 'ior v- i . ‘ r. l 11' ‘ x I - i . . ' .
The deadline for announcement. In way and Second St. Thursday and T . .} . . \l' V' l Io . l 3.. " ' 3U” 11)“ l“ u ( tion to H" \1 V l .1 .. ._ . .. . I '~ 1 . 7 . ‘ - '.
7:30 p.m. two days prior to the um Monday nights from 6-8 pm. Other U ”lOUdC} . .uci J) um -4 special program. » “W“ ”V“ -‘\”P"lt 1‘1" (lib , . . _ ‘ ~,:
pnbnuuon 0' "cm. In “a. ”hum ‘Vl'lgiilgvsv alggglelglw under Clinics “1 the in room 245 of the Student (:en- Friday sessions are seheduled ""t tilkUUll ”1" “l““ik‘ “1 ll” " ;. V. - ..
TODAY L";R)"X°:}°VS- Biplogyligl. Pfiycl'l‘i): ter. to begin at 1 Dan. T]... pulilie hands oi Ross Hunter Iliiti his * I.
ogy , n ropo ogy a- . an - . . . . ~ _ , .. . ._ ‘ . ~. ., .
Daily Campus Events. For inf