xt7q5717q26v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717q26v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1944 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1944 Vol.15 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, June 1944 Vol.15 No.8 1944 1944 2019 true xt7q5717q26v section xt7q5717q26v « . :;2 il‘ ‘2 .
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. T: ti
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reatl)’ f Dividing the program between cele- operation of the Kentucky Fourth Es- banquet, Friday evening. Following - EEE :‘E EE
Ebration of the 75th anniversary of its [ate and stated that these newspapers, the banquet, the guests adjourned to ‘_ . E2 2E .» FE _
ifounding and a streamlined war clinic. and their editors, ranked among the the natural amphitheater where they ,EE2 '2 ‘ E
Ethe Kentucky Press Association held its first in the support of the drives and were entertained by a personal-travel ‘ E". EE
Eannual mid-summer meeting at Mam- campaigns that are bringing the day of film of Mexico by Editor and Mrs. ‘ EE
‘ local Emoth Cave, June 9—11. More than 110 Victory closer. Frank C. Evans, Mayficld Messenger. , EE‘ 4 E 1 -
M as Epersons registered for the two-day event. f f Rice, executive secretary of the \\'. C. Jackson, Forestry specialist, Ken- E EE“ .E
i 2, The business program was held on KCHLUCRY Salvage Committee, told 0f ‘L‘Cky’ showed. an interesting (1.1“? "m I E‘E‘IE‘E 2
‘Saturday with the anniversary program [11C SUCCCSS 0f the salvage and waste ““18““. OPCM‘IOHS and Save “bud talk E E“‘a‘i‘E
11 eti- in the morning. Tom Wallace, editor Papcl‘ drives in the state. However, he on state 1088?“?91331390115 “1 the l)ZISL EE",¢ 2‘
P of the Louisville Times, was the prin— urged the editors to keep up a contin- and _thc_l)0551blll“€5 0L pulpwood pro- . EE ‘2: EE
Ecipal speaker on the topic of “Person— “0115 campaign [0 keep the “God Of duction m the future. EQE‘, EE
‘alities In The History of Kentucky waste paper going to the mills. In dis- Eleven new active members were ‘ 3: E1 f
61000 El’l‘ess." He gave reminiscences of the cussing his topic on “The OPA in Op— elected: Edmonton News Herald; Clay . E‘ EE ‘
ployes iEtfllwart giants of the newspaper world, eratlon," George H. Goodman, D1str1ct '1rtbune;“Salyerswlle Independent; La ' E E . 3 E3 .
Ejournalists whom he had known, worked Director, emphasued that the whole Grange '1 lines; Todd County Standard, E 11.: j: 2 EE E
s with ‘with, and served under in the period 01‘ success of the CPA program in Kentucky Elkton; Hopkinsville News; Hazard E E E E ‘2‘
Eformulating journalism in Kentucky, and the nation has been largely due to l’laindealer; Murray.Democrat; La Cen- E ./EE 4
‘He told of the Work and idealisms of the cooperation and space given by the ter Advance; Adairv111e Enterprise; and "E" [NEE ‘
if *his Elllcse early journalists and their place newspapers. the Livingston Leader, Smithland. The E 2‘ EE
'911 history’s pages in the making of The 5th Loan drive, which started KOChICI‘ SEaltlp 311d Stallonery Com- » ES ‘Ei 1;:
d COI‘I' Ejottrnalism and the state. Editor E. W. the following Monday, was given great 13.3”)“ LouiSVllle, was elected to A55” ‘ EE‘ EE ’_ 7
DW. E“2“‘,‘S’ Irvington Herald, also told re- emphasis by David F. Cocks, Vice»Chair- Cl'dle iVIf?111bCI‘51111)- . . ‘ . EE :1 . E E E
Elrumscences of the press and the asso- man of the Kentucky War Finance Com- Pledging 5001mm”)? 1" all phases [0 ‘ i EE .
‘uation meetings which he had been in mittee. He was assured by the represen- 1110 5th “231‘ L03“ drive ‘1‘le the waste “ “ ‘i .
Eattendance since he founded the Herald tatives present that Kentucky newspa- paper C21“‘Palg" the followmg “5011“ " ‘ :25, ‘ E 2‘
_m 1917- 2 pers would again be in the van in the tions were adOPLCdI . E“ :i . E
E 0n the afternoon war clinic the guests SUCCCSSfUl completion Of the drive. “T110 \\’e, the members of the Kentucky . El ‘ E E
Eheard a number of interesting and in- newsprint and paper Situation” was ex: Press Association, in convention assem- if“? E '4
structive discussions on phases of the plained thOroughly by Henry MCClaS' bled at Mammoth Cave, this tenth day ‘, E ,E
newspapers’ efforts in war work. The key, Assistant General Manager 0f the of June, 1944, do hereby reiterate our IE2 7 NE 2.
(lISCUSSiUnS were followed by round LOUiSViHe Courier-Journal. Miss Thee» solemn pledge, that we will do every- 2‘ 2E 'g‘:E '
)tables in further emphasis of the time 1301(12 representative 0f thC Kentucky thing in power, both individually and ‘ ,“E . ' '
and space Which the newspapers Of the War Fund, thanked the editors for the through the columns of our newspapers, ; f‘E ‘2
IESEate had been giving to the war effort. Space and assistance during the 1943 to promote the war effort toward a suc- 3 i‘ -' -
kentucky newspapei~s have not been campaign and explained the aims and cessful end and the final Victory. To ‘ “E z: L
Efmmd Wanting in the war effort as was plans for the 1944 drive. this end we will devote our best effOrts i E»; a“: " :'
” emPhilsized, again and again, bv the As the social activities were informal, toward the coming 5th War Bond drive, E‘§ ‘-‘ E ‘2
EUCSI speakers. They praised the co- the only stated activity was the informal to the continuance of the Salvage Cam- Elf ’2. E
E . . EL" 2‘”; ,, 4
» :3 .2 EEgt" ,
1 t

 puge Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1944 1‘ Jun
t. J. ‘ 1 l
. ,. , V
‘ ;‘ 1 paigns, and to all means in accomplish- wise counsels will be greatly missed. News, Shelbyville, The Somerset Co I..—
V - 1 - ing this final and complete Victory. The best wishes of the organization go monwealth, George A. Joplin, edittfl ""‘"
' A ‘ With our experiences in the last few with him in his new assignment. the Journal-Enterprise, Providence, 1]
I . 3 months in obtaining competent and We wish to express to W. W. Thomp- LaMarr Bradley, editor, and the Kg
. '_ qualified help in our printing plants, we son, general manager of the Mammoth tucky Standard Bardstbwn, A. S. “ll
- H 41 commend the efforts of the Vocation Cave properties, our thanks for the then, editor; .,
_ l Educational Department of the State many courtesies extended us and the Front Page contest: The Shelby Newl
‘ Board of Education in establishing personal interest manifested by him in The Somerset Commonwealth, Th?
‘ , trade schools for education in printing the welfare and comfort of the delegates. Providence Journal-Enterprise, and fit
‘ and allied trades in the several sections We also wish to thank all those who Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; Thl
, ' of the state. Therefore, be it had a part in the program, and the Best News Story—The Somerset Journal}
. 1 Resolved, that this Association urge committee in charge of arrangements. The Princeton Leader, Kentucky Start:
, ‘ that these schools of printing be ex- The Association marks with regret dard, Bardstown, and the Hazard Daily
‘ tended and augmented so that the best the passmg of S. O. Catlet of Princeton, Times, Charles N. VVooton, editor. 3?
3. type of education may be accomplished for many years a partner in the Prince— Best Editorial Page: The Bardstowil
, }‘ therein with the best possible equip— ton Leader and an active member of Standard, The Eddyville Herald, and
‘ ‘ ‘ ment and best qualified instructors in this organization. “to desire to express the Murray Ledger and Times; Best
1 charge so that efficient students may be the sympathy of this organization to Editorial—“New Responsibilities Foil
J y ' attracted in the study of printing. We the members of his family. VVets And Drys" Bennett Roach in théi,
i. further urge that a complete school for . Shelby News; “Hope For The Helplessil
; l instruction in slug casting machines, by Norman Allen in the Prestonburfi
‘ typography, and press work ShOUld be The Lyon County Herald, Eddyville, Times, and Honorable Mention, tht
. . established as quickly as possible in 3 Gracean M. Pedley, publisher, was ad- Falmouth Outlook, “7. J. Shonert, edi-y
‘ ‘ ‘ central location in the State. “7e pledge judged the Best All-Around \Meekly in tor, and the Somerset Journel. Best Rel
. ‘ ‘Q our interest and cooperation in these the Kentucky Press Association 1944 ligious Editorial—“Easter Truce In
‘ SChOOlS- contests, as was announced by Secretary I taly” by Archie Frye, Somerset Journah’
‘ 't Bearing in mind the problems in- Portmann at the closing program at and ”Star Of Freedom" by Mrs. Georget
;' volved in placing our war veterans in Mammoth Cave, Saturday afternoon. Hart in the Murray Ledger and Timetl
x POSitiOHS on their return to civilian life, Publisher Pedley was the recipient of Second and third places and honor-
be it The Kentucky Post silver trophy for his able mention receive Certificates of

y ‘ Resolved, that this Association and efforts_ Merit.

3 ‘; ' its individual members, pledge com- Other first place winners were the First place winners in the AdvertisingK

it 1 plete COOPeration With the United Somerset Journal, Archie M. Frye, Jr. Contests receive $5, second and thirdi

, l ‘ , States Department Of Labor and the editor, who received the Lexington place winners, Certificates of Merit./

l ; ‘ Placement Board in procuring and P130 Herald-Leader silver trophy for the Newspapers receiving the awards were: .

it 1 . ing qualified veterans, bOth men and Best Front Page; the Shelby News, Shel- Full~pagez Lyon County Herald, Hazard

l l , women, in our printing plants and on byville, Bennett Roach, writer, who re- Daily Times, Somerset Commonwealth;

l Q , our editorial staffs. “7 e hereby desig— ceived the Louisville Courier—Journal Half—page: Somerset Journal, Provi-

.- t ' . nate our Central Office, University 0t and Times silver trophy for the Best dence Enterprise, Bardstown Standardl

“ ‘ , Kentucky, Lexington, as a clearing News Story. Editor Gracean M. Pedley’s Quarter-page: Princeton Leader, Fal-J

. l .l house for the placement 0f competent editorial page in the Princeton Leader mouth Outlook, Bardstown Standardq

‘ ,f veterans. was adjudged the best in that contest The Bardstown Standard received the

_ Whereas the 5th Loan Drive Will and he was awarded final possession of trophy awarded by President Thomas
‘ start June 12, we consider that its Ulti’ the Ben Cozine Memorial Cup, having Smith, Louisville Paper Company, to!
mate and complete success Will depend been declared winner in three contests the best Job Printing Display.
. upon the cooperation 0f every PUth which gave him permanent possession of ———o———
l j and private agency in publicity and in— the trophy. . J
' ; formation, therefore be it For publishing the Best Editorial, the Attend N-E-A- Convention ,

- ‘ Resolved, that the press of Kentucky name of the Paris Kentuckian-Citizen President Joe Richardson and Secre-l
pledge its entire resources to promoting was engraved on the Enoch Grehan Me- tary Portmann represented K_P_A_ at the‘
the Fifth War Loan campaign and to morial Plaque for 1944. The winning annual convention of the National Edi-

]_ help in bringing about its successful editorial, “Bourbon County Boys Left torial Association in Milwaukee, June"
conclusion. This Week,” was written by Miss Helen 21-23 The smallest group in man“

7 The Association keenly regrets the Hutchcraft. Norman Allen, editor 0f years was in attendance, but much cortl

,. ‘ resignation of one of its most active and the Floyd County Times, Prestonburg, structive work, looking toward post-Wzlr

< . useful members, John H. Hoagland, Wlll recelve the Salvation Anny Award efforts, was accomplished.

I ~ promotiOn manager of the Courier- Of $50: a contest JUSt. established thlS Officers elected for 1944 were Verne!

~ ‘ Journal and Louisville Times, who has Veer, for the Best 'Ed1t01’l'c'll on a R.€' McKinney, president, and Charles 'th
‘ t accepted the post of director of publi— 11810115 SUbJeCt- H15 Wlnnlng editorial der, vice-president. Joe Cook, MlSSlon"

J cations of the Christian Science Mother was entitled, ”F01" Germans and Amer— Texas, who captured a large numbed!

' : Church, and will make his headquarters icans Alike.” ' the production contests, was named tb’f’, .

J in Boston. He has loyally and efficiently Second and third place, and honor— new member of the board of directottn

t . served as a member of the executive able mention winners were respectively: A complete story of the convention “’11 ‘

t l committee of the Association and his Best All—Around Contest—The Shelby be reported by the National Puthher' ~
. It

. l2 , 1

E zigl _ W ‘ .

 7E E ":';""."."-',",’:‘;‘.:'“,E‘»_‘i.E.' ”mum” ..“.«...y,», E,...... . ~- .E I.» . . E. , , E E , . . 7E __ ,. ,,_ , y , . EEhWQLEEE‘E
1944 E June, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three , E; E
nerset C0 (”w EEK K E
plin, ediulE .——-—-—————-——-—_————_——' E "E ' ‘1 ‘-
ovidence, EE _‘ E -E
1d the Ke‘ E E t, E ,
A. S. \sz ‘ 2E
Food N E
’Eealth, Thl ews E ;.'
156, and ”El: . .EE E ‘.
lyville; ThE E 2; E‘ -v Q
rset JournaEE . . E ‘
ntucky StaIE'E E E E.
In W airtime r
, editor. 5’ EEE
e BardstowiE “E; E E
$161232: 1:2: blot [many people realize how effectively their newspapers E E .
ibilities Foii are helping make the most" of the nation's food resources these v .~
Leach in Eh; days. Perhaps not many newspapermen themselves are fully E E; ,' E
he HelplessEE aware of it. E: E E} _
[iiiginbfi . But the fact is that newspapers are playing an essential ' E '
ghonen’ edi~E role In the war-food program by keeping housewives informed '. E
c]. Besi Reii about what foods are available in the market . . . by urging them E ,E, EEE ,
~ Truce hf to use foods that are relatively abundant . . . by offering them E EEE IE1. EE ~
rset]0urnal,( timely recipes and menus . . . by showing them how to use left- . EEE; f: E
Mrs. GeorgeE overs and thus avoid waste. "1%. :i E
- E ' 1E '.
:23 {31:11: Why is this so important? _ E E E
”ificates 0‘ Because the nation cannot afford to waste a pound of ' E" ‘
.. precious food. And because—despite the general impression to - EE‘ ,3 El '
‘AdVCrUSlEHEE the contrary—many perishable foods still "flood" the market ‘E EE 7
E1 aildwihlld,» ‘ at peak seasons. They must be moved into consumption quickly ' EE E EE ' ‘
Kwaords wig, . or they will spoil—and a vital war resource will be wasted. Then E EEE ‘gE
tald Hazard too, use of these foods at peak seasons saves the more staple ; E“ E ‘;E E
lmohwealth; foods for use during other weeks of the year. E E E E5 EEE
’nal’ MOVIE" Progressive distributors like A&P also are playing a sig- E '1 i E
:1 fiandfll nificant part in insuring maximum use of the country's urgently K.
neaStezilrndard.: needed food supplies. They are helping families eatEbetter by 5 El . EE jE
received EhEE stocking these seasonal crops appealmgly, promoting them EEE .E EE 5
em Thomas strongly in store displays and consnstent newspaper advertlslng ' EE v
ompany, for —moving them from farmer to consumer wuth the least possnble 2 EEE ;
lay. waste and distribution expense. -EE E '1: E" EE
fl . This wartime food job is of direct benefit to farmers, con— . E}; , 1" E1 .1
tion l sumers, and the war effort as a whole. That is why the men and E E V
1 and secre-E women of A&P take such. pride in EdoingE the nation’s most effi- . E EE E? E‘
K P.A. anhe‘ cient job of food distribution—10mins; wuth farmers,E newspapers, 223315? 1 EE ‘E
Jaitional EdEE and government agencies In feeding wartime America. ' E EEE E
aukee, JuneEE EE'EEE . 'E7 E
P in man" * ' :EE EE
1 much COfl'E EE E E E
ard post—warE E E: E 'E E “:
were Va"? ‘ Elfil ;
.ok, Missionw‘ E E EEE EEE
e numbel'ofE ‘ :EKE E
s named Eb? . .3 EE 22
of directors? . ‘ E'E ESE E a
wentionwilll E EEE E E EEE E
31 Publisher. E E E E E ,EE
_———'———' _' EEfié'z‘f' E
EEEE‘JE 3;' 7
1:: Eu ‘
- , E
EE? E El E l'. 'i' i -/

 L‘ gr" ' A,
A; A A Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1944 i Ju
A i i V; tising which deviates in any way from ”plank" whereby the five-man 13Ublish.} July may
. ' A: A i J78 ‘ the normal type of advertising in stan- crs’ committee shall carry on a program jng poin
, 5A , A i A _ 3 dard practice shall be brought up for of “publisher education” on the Objet. filiate.
1 - i '5 ’88 consideration.” In the event that this tivcs of the N.A.S. program and where. In a t
. j i , , . committee’s recommendations are not by the N.A.S. central office shall “informi Milwaukt
' ‘ 1‘ Official PgblisgxasréoggagggKentucky unanimous, then the matter in contro- publishers periodically of the activitiesi manager,
. .A . A re x-ersy shall be submitted to the N.A.S. and progress of N.A.S. insofar as “lei judgmens
, g ‘ victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher Board of Directors lor final dec1510n. can do so without violating the C0nfi~= tors that
‘ , Here is how N.A.S. operates. It is a dences of the advertisers.” be provit
‘ i i Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington corporation owned 100 per cent by Membership of this committee, Which the pul:
- i? i z ‘ ‘ -——-————-—- N.E.A. The N.E.A. board Of dil‘CCtOl‘S also is to clear any advertising SChedulel N.A.S. p(
i i i Kentucky Press Ass°°iati°n Office“ votes the stock through its executive di- that “(leviates in any way from the ml (1)5tr0n
; Joe RicmrdsonMm”WEEEEEQE'WWWTimes' Glasgow rector who is the manager of N.A.S. ma] type of advertising in standard} are recog
i . A Cha‘mcey F°rgey""'fig;§;;;;&;fld”ewe“ “bland The N.E.A. board then appoints the practice” will comprise two state asso states; (1
' V‘CW R- P°"m“§2'c;ag;§:a;;;£; °‘ K-v Lemma” directors of N.A.S., and these N'A‘S.’ ciation managers and three newspaper determin
' , . 1 Executive Committee, Districts directors elect their own officers—presr publishers. It was understood that the and exp«
, ‘ gegrsmwgfrhssm Sigafi-égggerémlA-fginnggggatfsggfig dent, v1ce-pres1dent, secretary, and trea- committee personnel Wlll include man.A tral officA
t : . a:sassassnafanaas.Parental; W .Lsgally and Wants the .N-A-S: 21$er and Pushshsrs wssl resde m u and (4)1
I? a * asst:i'sztgtfissttesr-satéig,”assesses: mg IEfieSPWS‘bleA‘O; alfljm‘11“? 0* Mlddlf-Wflfss .m glider that the NM, at? P“)!
. i: I areas. tessdd-sameness: ' ' ' 511m?“ {1.6913 Ye“ “11“ “3W 0 m 9113ng may gss W M A V
ij‘ ‘ nng; Ninth, Haro’ldiA. Brownlnlg, Republican, Wfl- onstratec tlat’A s1nce t IS IS tle case’ [16: qumkly as needs (”156' N' ”SA 3:
i 1 . liamsburg; Tyler Munford, Advocate, Morganfield, N.A.S. board itself must 285111116 full I‘C- ,7 - . ~ _ commlsSl
(ii , state-at-Large; Seymour B. Goodman, Enterprise, . . . . Aext Big Hmdlc 171 July. .
i Elizabethtown, State—at-Large; AImmediate PastAPres- spons1b111ty and must exercrse close con- A that the
Ai ident' Va“criefiiziiifihisizlscii‘oriigguZZZ Louisvme. trol through frequent meetings of its The board’s actions in Chicago, 351 vided. '
' i Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President; officers and directors. reported to N.E.A. members at the Mil-i. done by
. V . iii/iii: nggrggegggggf5AA}:f3fkg?$§§;ge§,:,§;§f°gfg,§; Board Rea fiirms 8.3% On. All Business waukeeAconventiAon, constituted the first( N.A.AS. v
.s l . Second Vice President, Mm MgzsggggeriglsAngvegi hurdle in a move to strengthen the set-l mess.
A . i . é 375(1):; siftixienrstiserrimiivai’tigg, Recordirig Secretary: The financial weakness of N.A.S., up and to provide for closer publisher} JO—Point
s‘ i ‘ $531.5"E‘écr’232353 $53,?darit'Bgdiesy‘Ciuéhtg-gfii: which was started one year ago with a control and guidance.
1; ’1‘ i ‘ i . -———-—————————“— 10311 0f $1,000 fl‘OIIl the National Edi- The next hurdle will be a joint meet The C‘
NATIONAL EDITORIAL— torial association, was recognized” in ing OAf sub—committees Aof the American vertising
A A1 3 '9‘ [figm' SSOCIATION part byAAthe N.A.S. board when it re- A5soc1ation of Advelt151ng.AgenClesA_ands dACCOIIlpll
‘ A my: I - f / affirmed the necessny for a standard of NASA 1n New York City on Flldal’i_ smce its
A ; ~ commission on all business cleared by July 28. The A.A.A.A. sub-committee’ theAprog
A. i ___#___.__é N.A.S. This commission was set at 8.3 is to submit definite recommendations 56881011 r
i‘ A W per cent. The payment of the commis— to the N.A.S. sub-committee, and it is cuAreAmo
.1 ‘. MEMBER sion on “old” business will not be com-. not improbable that some basic changes phshing
i i , . “J pulsory, if a publisher wishes to exempt in the program and its personnel mali goals art
_ lA . K TUCKY PRES the account. While the N.A.S. board be considered at that time. In orderA 1. Th.
. A A ,A did nor act specifically on this matter, that [he N.A.S. board may take OfficialA appomtt
3 A i ASSOCIATION the N.A.S. policy of the first year will action, a quorum of board members' “Hill the
3A "1 0HA'“”' “NW”- ”" be continued whereby any publisher will be in session in New York City [0' any 0th<
‘7 ” ; E .—-_ may exempt an “old” account from the consider the A.A.A.A. recommendations [ht Solic
. Volume Fifteen, Number Eight uniform commission, if a written re- following the seSSion July 28 of the two and smz
I A _'__ quest is sent to the state association sub—committees. i 2. Th
A i _ Newspaper AdverTlSing Service prior to the time of billing (which fol- Among the basic needs of N.A.S., as appoint:
AA i Adopts lO-Point Program lows the first of each month). generally recognized both in Chicagnr and sun
AA , The Board of Directors of Newspaper Zjfigeiofifiegiigdfld and in Milwaukee,Awas the IaCk.Of adfiii $211ng
‘ , Advertising Service, Inc., the taxable To a enc commission and cluate working capital. How thlshwolier national
fl affiliate of the National Editorial Asso— disfounz’ 16 7 mg capltal lsAtAo be prowded-W e‘AAAAA throu h
t v (s nos-profit sssosississs To N As gases; as ' ' ‘ " ‘ by sale 0f News W °r ”111.; h... i.
adopted a lO~point program in Chicago, sellin ' " I 5 0 paper contributlonS—is one of the arms" 3 T
A, ‘ , June 21. This program was announced To K PgAi ' one. orderand ion-e” ' V‘A’hICh confronts weeklyAnewspBPCTP i in N h
' at the National Editorial association 'he‘kise" ie 33 l1shers during the commg year. A l 0.
‘ convention in Milwaukee, June 23. C C rv C i ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' i ' i ' ' ' ' _.‘ The Chicago and Milwaukee meet (ards u
i A‘ V The program represents a tightening of 25.0% ings constituted a challenge to pllb‘ 3:355 35
, control by publishers on actions taken If a publisher requests exemption as lishers to the extent that they recogmied [qr re
if, by the N.A.S. office in ChicagO, and it above, the N.A.S. promotion discount the inadequacy of the present finanClflgA .0 ”10111
1, was the direct result of a stormy session of 5% is deducted, leaving a total of of N.A.S. and the need of adequate 111A ham
of the N.A.S. board, which met concur- 20% on “Old” business. working capital in addition to a natal Elonlpt
rently with the N.E.A. board. The need for more information about sity for a standard commission 011 b“; ssAAACACUIate
A“ A Need for tighter control of N.A.S. the activities of Newspaper Advertising new and old business which is Clearel Aolenew
' ‘_ ‘ was met by a decision to create a five- Service, Inc, was recognized by the by N.A.S. . . Ag“?
.: . man committee to which “any adver— N.A.S. board in its adoption of 21 Thus, the New York City 565510115 m ' t
t éA‘AAil 1_ A .1; ‘

 1944 1’ June, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five 3:211:
‘ m s: .
tan pub11111 11111, may well bring an 11ml)()1 tant turn- that any advertising which devrates 1n pledge full cooperation to the A.A.A.A. 111‘ = .
1 a prOgram ing point ior the publIsher-owned af— any way from the normal type of adver- in solving any problems involved in 1 ‘1 “
1 the Objet. filiate. Using in standard practice shall be using the small town newspapers. f l
and where. In a talk before the convention in brought up for consideration before a Recognizing the increasing need for a 1 l I ‘
Jall “informl Milwaukee on Friday, the Michigan committee consisting of two state press the promotion of newspapers, large and l i'
he activitie1l1 manager, Gene Alleman, said it was the association managers and three news- small, as the outstanding advertising l l .
)far as tlie1l judgment of the M.P.A. board of direc- paper publishers, and, in the event that medium in America. we pledge to co- “l; l fl
g the confi- tors that such adequate financing would such committee’s recommendations are operate with other recognized news— ls-s j
be provided by weekly publishers when not unanimous, then the plan shall be paper associations in the promotion of . ll
littee,whic]1 the publishers were convinced that submitted to the board of directors of newspapers as advertising media. It is 137‘ ’-
ing scltedu111 N.A.S. possessed the following qualities: Newspaper Advertising Service for final our sincere belief that these objectives . 11 l E x
*0m the 11011 111 Strong leadership by publishers who decision. are necessary in order that Newspaper 1 .:
in standard; are recognized as leaders in their own 5. It shall be the further duty of the Advertising Service may continue to 1 l‘ _
) state asst) states; (2) sound operating policies as committee named in No. 4 to carry on grow and secure more business for the : l l '
3 newspapq determined by these leaders; (3) efficient a program of publisher education on weekly and small daily newspapers and , all l ,1
tod that the and experienced personnel at the cen- the objectives of the N.A.S. program. we solicit the full cooperation and un- j '
acludeman.1 tral office to carry out these policies; 6. It shall be the practice of the cen- derstanding of every state press asso- , 3 ‘,
eside in thel and (4) full information about activities tral office to inform publishers periodi— ciation and newspaper publisher in 1‘, ,1. ’
the N.A.S,1 and progress. He predicted that pub- cally of the activities and progress of achievement of these objectives. .1 l ‘1' 1 '.
.y get action ltsliers would rally to the support of N.A.S1 Insofar as they can do so Without State Past Presidents Appointed . 11a» ‘1 .
N.A.S. and to its need for a standard Violating the confidence of the adver- 1. l 1 -
commission when they were convinced tisers. Two past presidents of state news- ‘ .1 ‘1l
1 that these foundations had been pro- 7. We recognize that, as daily news- paper associations were appointed to ‘ ll 1
Chicago, 351 vided. This represented a job to be papers have learned from hard exper- the N-A-S- board of directors by the ll l .
sat the Mill done by the weekly publishers since ience, any advertising account placed National Editorial Association board , ll f'a‘iil l '
ited the first( N.A.S. was, in reality, their own bus- with a newspaper cannot be put arbi- following the election Of N.E.A. Officers 1 ' llll l. .
then the set-l1 iness. trarily in a category of a new or an old and directors Saturday morning, june . ‘ ll .11 l
er publisher: 10111111111 Program Adopted account: This is due to the fact that 24, i111 Milwaukee.11Fi‘ank1ROSp1aw, past 1l 111.11
adveitising accounts change at frequent preSIdent of the California Newspaper 111 111
1 joint meet The directors of the Newspaper Ad- intervals from advertising agency to Publishers’ association, iS PUhiiShet 0f ' ‘1’":5 ' l '
1e American vertising Service, having reviewed the agency, involving new personnel, and the Placentia Courier in California. l1}, '1 l ‘ .
\gencieganl accomplishments of the organization that even though an account may re- Peter Stromberg, past president of the 1 '1', l. 11 1
y on Friday: since its establishment, are pleased with main with the same agency over a per- Maryland Press association, is publisher ' 21, ll» 11. l
tb—committee/ the progress that has been made and in iod of years, new plans are formulated of several weekly newspapers including 11 l11;11 1‘ 1
nmendations session resolve to redouble eflForts to se- at from six to twelve month intervals the Ellicott City Times in Maryland. 1.011.131 1 1
3e, and it is cure more business. To aid in accom- often resulting in a switch of media Rospaw and Stromberg succeed Neal ' s‘ 1‘ ’ l1
)asic changes plishing this objective the following unless kept sold. Therefore, we reaffirm Van 5001 of California and \Vilton Hall , 1 ll. 12' l l »
rsonnel mall goals are hereby adopted: that there be a standard commission of of Smith Carolina. Other members of l‘” l 1 1
e. In ordtrl 1. That a committee of publishers be 8.3% paid on all business whether the N.A.S. board were reappointed, as 1 s l ' ll !
take officiall appointed to work out an agreement thought of as “new” or ”old” in the follow: ; ‘1 111 f
rd members With the American Press Association and mind of a publisher, in order to see Raymond B. Howard, Madison Press, 111‘ ”1:”
York City [0 any other publishers’ representatives in that old business is held. London, Ohio, past president of N.E.A. l l1 i 3 l .
nmendatiOflS the solicitation of advertising for weekly 8. To avoid confusion and to aid and current president of the Ohio News- 5 1r ’ . l 1
8 0111161110 and small daily newspapers. your national representative as well as paper association; Edwin F, Abels, Law- ‘1 l1 1‘
2. That a publishers’ committee be the advertising agencies in the placing rence (Kansas) Outlook, past president 177.1131
3f N.A.S.,as appointed to work with all publishers 0f advertising in member newspapers, of N.E.A.; C. W. Brown, Oconomowoc 1. 1 5‘1 :1
in Chicagfll and state press associations in getting it is urgently requested that national (Wi5.) Enterprise, past president of Wis- 1 a 11 3;,
lack Of ads-11 individual publishers in their states to advertising rates shall not be Changed consin Press association; Ed M, Ander— : l» 1. 1.11 1'
w this work. refrain from the practice of soliciting for twelve months after the issuance of son, Brevard (N. C.) Transylvania 11; 1f 1
led-whether Ilational advertising accounts directly the NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF Times, past president of North Carolina :‘11 l -1
< or by news thmush the agencies after schedules NEWSPAPERS The rate b00k iS pub- Press association. . ; 11 l {.1
of the mash have been released. lished in November and publishers are Richard Stanton, account executive 1' 11,1 :11 ' l 1.1
vspaper [will 1 3. That the same committee as named requested [0 send in information con- of Kenyon & Eckhart and publisher of lI "1112' l 1'
year. 1 In No. 2 shall work out a set of stan- cerning rate and data changes not later the Sussex (New Jersey) Independent, ll 1 .i .1
'aukee meets (lards which they Will ask each state than October 1- weekly newspaper; Bernard Esters, 1 . ll .
ige to pub- Press association/to help promote in 9- We1recognize the value (ff unified Houlton (Maine) Pioneer Times, past :
3y recognized their respective states, these standards readershlp SUFVEYS as 311 effective means president of the Maine Press assoc1at10n; '1 11,11 1. ”1
ant financinl t01nclude improved business practices 0f promoting the newspaper IHdUStrY 1]. Clifford Kaynor, Ellensburg (VVash.) .,1 11.11 111.1,
of adequale' 1“ handling national advertising, viz: and desire t0 cooperate With all SUCh Daily Record, past president of the g 1111’ ‘1
1 to a meal Pmmpt billing, sending in tear sheets, studies. \Mashington NeWspaper Publishers’ 215- f, l; l .
11011 on boll .tiiceurate circulation statements, and 10. We propose to make a complete sociation; Don Eck, executive director, 1’1; 1511‘ 1
:h is clear€d1 Whenever posSible, ABC reports, offers presentation of the weekly and small National Editorial association; and 1 l1 113a, .1
, t0g1Ve merChandise service, etc. daily field to the national advertising Gene Alleman, manager, Michigan a‘ 1? l
,y sessions in 4. It shall be our established policy agencies and national advertisers and Press association. a. 111 1 i 11
.1 111 l
' :. '- "
‘i ' :3: l {la-fl ‘1' ‘

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,;; - 2 1 Page Six THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1944 l Ju
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