xt7q5717pw02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717pw02/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1961-11-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1961 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1961 1961 1961-11-01 2015 true xt7q5717pw02 section xt7q5717pw02 University of Kentucky
Vol. LIU, No. 2fi


0 VA


At It Afiain!

The statue of James K. Patterson, first president of the University
after it became a separate state institution, seems to be wearin
an appreriative unile for the generous soul who plared the beverage bet tie in his right hand. I'atterson, who served as president
from 1878 to 1U0, is frequently aided in quenching his thirst
in this fashion.

Students Believe U.N.
Necessary For Peace



Eight Pages

Transv Male Students
To Be Fingerprinted

Another step in the investi-

gation of the slaying of Betty
Gail Brown begins today with
the fingerprinting of all students in tht mens' dormitories
at Transylvania College.

Miss Brown, a Transylvania
sophomore, was found strangled
to death in her car on the Trahsyl- vania campus early Friday morn- ing.
Police Chief E. C. Hale said last
night, "We have found some
Although Guimaraes declined to prints." He said the fingerprints
Program Monday night were John
Marta. Jordan; Dtbdas Mukergee, mention the U.N., he stated that were found in Miss Brown's car,
India; Amncn Golan, Israel; Kath the current political development but refused to name their exact
leen Cannon. US.; and Lytton In Brazil was the result rather than location.
The fingerprinting of the Tran- the cause of the Brazilian Revo
Guimaraes, Brazil.
sylvanla men is the beginning of
"Without the UN ," Marta stat- lution.
ed. "Mr. Khrushchev would be
able to fchake his fist a lot more
than he has. If it were not for the
U.N. the world would not have
lasted as kng as it has."
Marta feels that the I'.N. has
done a commendable job in securing peace in the world even
though the organization has caused
The University Safety and different types of shelters exist,
the people of Jordan to loose reshelter will be used
spect fur it because of the found- Emergency Committee is plan- The fallout
mainly for the purpose of protecting of Israel In 1948. The Jordan
student feels the I'.N. has not ning for the shelter of students ing people from fallout.
The concussion shelter will be
taken advantage of its opportuni- and personnel in the event of
used for direct protection against a
ties to regain that respect.
an enemy air attack.
relatively close attack. The third
Golan, al.o Ircm the Middle
The plan of the committee is type of shelter consists of buildEast, feels that the U.N. has created the problem." now existing in based upon the idea that the Uni ings that can be used for atmos- this area but that it will bring versity will have an eight hour to pheric disturbances such as tor
to evacuate stu- nados, hurricanes or storms.
peace to the area in the near fu- - three day period
Clyde Lillie, chairman of the
ture. He savs that the U.N. is verv dents before fallout from an atomic
Klonlfir-nn- t
fnr hw rrnntrv Israel blast hits thl.S area. Food and Building Security Committee said,
because it was the United Nations shelter will be available to those "There are two important things
in considering the intensity of the
which established it and has given who must remain.
Lloyd Mahan, chairman of the fallout, the period of time from the
it many health and agricultural
committee said, "We explosion, and the distance which
contact with the fallout has to travel In the
Mukergee expressed the opinion are working in close
that while the U.N. has played the city civil defense committee. first 24 hours, a great deal of the
is lost
great roles in the development of Last week, civil defense signals intense radioactivity
Ten months out of the year, the
India, it is really India who has were to be placed at each city and
fire station. The University predominant winds over Kentucky
played great roles in the develop- county
will be warned by the fire station come from West to East. If a bomb
ment of the U.N.
As one of its founding members, located on the corner of South were dropped on the East coast,
India has served on the Security Limestone Street. Its signal can fallout would be swept to the sea.
good six or eight If it were dropped on the extreme
Council, is one of the governors of be heard for
West coast, it would no doubt be
the Atoms for Peace Drorram. and blocks."
The only Conelrad receiver on two or three days before we would
has aided immeasurably in the
campus is in Mr. Mahan's office, even get the fallout. In that time
situation in the Congo.
Though the powers of the United In case of an attack, he will noti most of the student body and the
States in the U.N. have gradually fy the selected persons from each faculty could get home.
In figuring out places that would
declined and those of the Soviet college, usually the dean, to co- Union increased, the U.S. still sup- - ordinate activities in that particu- - be suitable areas, the committee
investigated buildings as to strucports the U.N. more than any other lar building,
All buildings on campus have ture and those most protective.
country in the world because it
been selected and graded. Three Normally, eight to ten square feet
re.ilizes the need for a strong

Students representing four different parts of the world
unanimously agreed that the United Nations was necessary for
the pres rvation of world peace.
Those voicing these opinions at world government, stated Miss
the annual United Nations Day Cannon, the U.S. speaker.

a process of elimination in an at- tempt to identify the finger prints
found in the victim's car. He added
that fingerprints found in the car
are clear."
The decision to fingerprint the
men was reached
after a four-homeeting of all
the investigating officials connected with the case.
Chief Hale said. "We have studied all the evidence and the comings and goings at Transylvania.
Starting in the morning I have
ordered fingerprinting of all the
occupants of the mens' dormitories
at Transylvania."
He added that the reports about
a waitress who claimed to have
seen a girl with Miss Brown at a
local drive-i- n restaurant the night
of the slaying "may be fact or
fancy; I don't know." When asked
if police had learned the identity

University Group Makes
Plans For Bomb Shelters

Don Leak, New 4Y' Director,

per person should be allowed for
sleeping and limited movement.
Mrs. rortenberry, tooa Director,
said. "Enough food is on hand now
to carry UK for two weeks with
the majority of the population at
their homes. Meat will be the
hardest food to keep; canned tuna,
salmon, and chicken is kept now.
I try to keep enough juices on
hand like tomato and orange juice
that will provide Vitamin C."
Keeneland and Holmes are con- sidered safest of the women's
dormitories and therefore women
will be grouped there. A student
brigade will form to take food to
thp iivinir units Thp rnmmittep
feels that it would be impossible
to use a truck because of continu- ous congestion of people leaving
"No plans have been made for
any drills on campus. We are not
trying to scare people, but if more
people could be instructed on safety
precautions we would have a bet- ter chance of survival."
A member of the city's civil de- frose committee suggested that the
Continued on Page Z

of an alleged companion, he said,
"not yet."
only the men at Transylvania
will be fingerprinted "to start off
witn" Chief Hale said. He added
there is a possibility that the wo- men at the college will also be
fingerprinted if today's Investigation proves fruitless.
Police also said they have not
yet determined any single motive
for the slaying.
Chief Hale said the pathologist's
report from the UK Medical Cen
ter's Division of Legal Medicine
will not be ready for "several
Yesterday the division started
analyzing bloodstains found In the
coed's car. The division has been
working with city police.


To Attend
Ohio Meeting

Three thousand American and
foreign geologist are expected to
attend the 74th annual meeting of
the Geological Society of America.
The purpose of the assembly is
for presentation of research and a
general discussion of geologic prob
lems. Four hundred papers of research and exploration are slated
to be read during the meeting.
The meeting will be held Nov.
in the Netherland Hilton Hotel
in Cincinnati, Ohio. The members
will be guests of the University of
Cincinnati, Ohio State Univer
sity, Miami of Ohio, UK, and Geo- ,ogi' ft, gurveys of Q
and Kentucky.
Dr. Arthur C. MacFarlan, head
geology department at UK.
ywm. oc
Cincinnati Arch,
at 8:00 a.m. Thursday.
Dr. William A. Brown. UK geo- will head the
1BV department,
Saturday morning session on Geo- l8ic Structure.
Dr. Brown is chairman of the
exhibits for the meeting, and Dr.
Irving S. Fischer and Dr. Lois
Campbell are members of the
exhibit committee.






Looks Toward Bright Future

Kernel Staff Writer

New plans for the Young Men's Christian
Association are developing under Mr. Don
Leak, the new YMCA director.

Leak has many plans for the YMCA this year,
but he s.aid that the principal plans are those of
the cabinet and board of directors. The board of
directors is primarily concerned that the YMCA
fulfill its unique roll on campus the unique roll
teing to encourage students and faculty to discuss
issues that they have in common. The goal of the
students is to serve the campus and campus organizations.
".My goal is to break down the image of the
YMCA as an organization primarily for the social
and recreational activities and to help the "
an organization which furthers intellectual
r.uestioning in our academic community," was
Leak's comment concerning his personal interest
l: the organization.
Mr. Uuk comes from Brownsburg, Ind. He re- -

celved his B.S. degree in social work from Indiana
University and a Bachelor of Divinity degree from
the University of Chicago. He Is an ordained minister of the Christian Church.
Leak spent a year on the staff of the University of Illinois where he was active in YMCA
He became Interested In the YMCA while atIndiana
University. He was presitending
dent of the YMCA cnbinet his senior year.
When asked why he chose I'K for his future
woik he said, "It presented a challenge and an
opportunity to work with college students." He
said he was first impressed with the caliber of the
faculty and staff members and their concern for
improving religious life on campus.
Under the direction of Mr. Leak, the YMCA is
beginning to coordinate the community-servic- e
project. The purpose of this project Is for the
for all prospec- YMCA to serve as a clearing-hous- e
t'ontinued on Page 2

Don Leak, new director of the YMCA, looks over Dr. Paul Tillich'a
"Systematic Theology," a vocational book of his collection. The
new director has a personal library of some 250 books dealing with
matters of theology and religion and modern literature for leisure



WmIiic mI.ij, Nov. 1, lMil

Continued I'rom I'age 1
Coliseum would bp an rxrellont
for people to stay, however,
t would be worthless against gam- ir.a rays because of the windows
at the top.
Those buildings listed as satis- -

factory for protective purposes are:
Memorial Hall, basement; Miuer-plar- e
nls Industries, basement nnd cor-- :
rldor; Dairy Products Building,
basement, Room 6, and the stock
room; Agriculture
basement; Medical Center, corrl- -

Lecturer Discusses
Shakespeare's Plays

The exact words used in Shake-r.peare- 's
original manuscripts came
under scrutiny Monday evening
wh( n Dr. Fi edson Bowers .spoke
on "What Shakespeare Wrote and
How We Know It." Dr. Bowers,
noted bibliographer, delivered his
address at the English Lecture
iSeries in the Laboratory Theatie
of the Fine Arts Building.
Tne bibliographer said "people
r.hould accept the man from Stratford as fact and not worry whether works attributed to Shakespeare were actually written by
i omeone
Dr. Bowers pointed out that the
literary problem lay in discovering
the exact words of the dramatist.
Editors of Shakespearian
must deride by comparing the
various texts already in print

Pre-V- et


Suffers Burns

Leon Withers, Junior
major from Cynthiana. Is reported in good condition at Oood
Samaritan Hospital. Withers received third degree burns on his
hands and face during a gasoline
explosion Oct. 22 at the "pit" on
UK's Coldstream Farm.
The accident occurred when
Withers tried to sart a fire with
gasoline and a burlap sack.
The "pit" is a dumping ground
ior bodies of dead animals and is
thus a breeding place for disease.
The student felt it should be burnt
He poured approximately three
gallons of gasoline into the area
and backed away to light the burlap sack. As he bent to toss the
sack into the pit the explosion occurred.
Withers received third degree
burns on his hands, chin, and
parts of his face, and minor burns
on his back and legs.

which vocabulary interpretations
they will use.
Compositor's errors, scribes' errors, and the bad texts written
from the memory of early Shakespearean actors are the causes of
the variations in the various texts.
Dr. Bowers noted.
Dr. Bowers is the first bibliographer to speak at the University.
He Is currently supervising the
bibliographical studies at the University of Virginia and is author
of "Principles of Bibliographical


Tag Sale

dors, ground and basement level
Barker Hull, Women's Gyjn,
area, Armory-Rifl- e
Range, Cadet Brigade Headquarters; Lafferty Hall, basement corridor, and student lounge; Fine
Arts, first floor corridor, Laboratory Theatre, ground level corridor. Room 17, and Ouignnl Theatre; Coliseum, first floor area,
shower room.
Funkhouser Building;, basement
arras; Home Economies, basement
and corridor; Taylor Education,
Mitchell and Band Itoom, and the
library; Holmes Hull, ground floor
corridors and rooms; Krrneland
Hall, all basement areas.
Buildings listed as fair for protective purposes are:
Rooms 127, 10G.
Jewell Hall, lounge and
kitchenette area; Bowman Hall,
recreation room; Donovan Hall,
cafeteria area; Margaret I. King
Library, foyer and rest rooms;
Pharmacy, corridor and first floor.
Those listed as poor are: Alumni
Gym, locker and shower rooms
and recreation area; Patterson
Hall, corridor, Chat 'N Nibble
Room; Boyd Hall, basement area;
Kinkead Hall, basement and student rooms.

Breckinridge Hall, basement and
corridor; Bradley Hall, basement
corridor; Haggin Hall, basement
corridors and student rooms; Administration
Building, basement
Members of ODK will have corridor; Anthropology Museum,
booths on campus Thursday and basement; McVey Hall, basement
and corridors.
Friday to distribute these tags to
faculty and students. As in the
past years, there Is no fixed price
for these tags.
The wearing of these tags has
tuclid Annut Cn.vy CAw
traditionally served to create school
spirit for the football games. The
money received by ODK will be
Yve Montane'
Ingrld B.ratnjn
used to further the scholarship
and services programs of the hon
Steve Reeves
Georgia Moll

Omicron Delta Kappa, senior men's honorary, is sponsoring a tag sale for the Flordia
State game Saturday.




YMCA Fulurc

Looks Bright

Continued from Page 1
tive service projects. He said t lint
the YMCA will be working with
t lie YWCA, fraternities, and sororities on tliis project, which is an
outgrowth of a suggestion of
the Leadership Conference.
Mr. Leak Is in the process of
molding a student assembly whose
goal is to consider wot Id and national problems. The first assembly
will meet in Lexington in February. There will be delegates Including students and faculty members from all the colleges in Kentucky.
Othrr activities of the YMCA
are the YMCA-YWCFreshman
Camp, Freshman and Sophomore
YMCA, discussion sessions, a chess
with the
club, and
Student I'nion Hoard the annual
"Hanging of the Greens" program.
Leak described UK students as
"more alive, more interesting, and
more mature than students' I've
worked with on other campuses.
It seems to me that students at
the University know where they
are going in life and can translate
this knowledge into current interests and concerns of the campus."
Today is the last day


Greeks and unaffiliated seniors
who have not had their pictures
made for the Kentuckian may
do so. Pictures are bring made
in Room 205, Journalism

There will be a notary public
Student I'nion tirkrt
booth from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00
p.m. Friday to notarize absentee

at the

STRAND Theatre
Violent Passion . . . Unforgettable
Terror . . . As Two Women Are
Trapped in the Sham of a Frantic War!



















and Fresh Donuts








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about my Vecetion





� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Nov.

Accent On Comedy
YORK (J") When a dialect problem popped up In prep-nratiof "The Complaisant Lover" for Broadway, producer Irene
Mayer Selznlck found the solution
at home.
The comedy calls for a valet
.some Dutch and to articuto
late English with a heavy accent.
Unable to find a player with that
particular skill, Mrs. Selznick and
director Glen Byam Shaw settled
for an American actor.
Then the producer persuaded
her own butler, a Netherlander, to
record the problem dialogue, and
the tape was turned over to the
actor for diligent study.

















Your Portrait By
Curtis Wainscott




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Central Kentucky's Largest

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lhmrf","The Many
diilis", ttc.)

It lias liren alleged that coeds

fin to college for tlie sole
finding husbands. This is, of course, an infamous canard, and
I uive fair warning that, small and sxmgy as I am, nnylxHly
who says such a dastardly tiling when I am around had better
be prepared for a sound thrashing!
(lirls go to college for precisely the same reasons as men do:
to broaden their horizons, to lengthen their vistas, to drink ut
the fount of wisdom. But, if, by pure chance, while a girl is
engaged in these meritorious pursuits, a likely looking husband
should op into view, why, what's wrong with that? Eh? Wliat'a
wrong with that?
The question now arises, what should a girl look for in a
husband. A great deal has lccn written on this subject. Some
say character is most important, some say background, some
pay apjiearanee, some say education. All are wrong.
The most iiiiortant thing bur none in a husband is health.
Though he lie handsome us Apollo and rich as Midas, what good
is he if he just lays around all day aceumulatiug bedsores?
The very first thing to do uion meeting a man is to make
sure he is sound of wind and limb. Hefore he has a chance to
sweet-tal- k
you, slap a thermometer in his mouth, roll back his
eyelids, yank out his tongue, rap his patella, palpate his thorax,
ask him to straighten out a horseshoe with his teeth. If he faild
these simple tests, phone for un ambulance and go on to the
next proscet.
If, however, he turns out to be physically fit, proceed to tho
second most imjxirtaiit requirement in a husband. I refer to a
sense of humor.
A man who can't take a joke is a man to be avoided. Thero
are several simple tests to find out whether your prosjiect can
take a joke or not. You can, for example, slash his tires. Or burn
his "Mad" comics. Or steal his switchblade. Or turn loose hia
raccoon. Or shave his head.
After each of these
pranks, laugh gaily and
shout "April Fool! If he replies, "Hut this is February nineteenth," or something equally churlish, cross him oil your lis'c
and give thanks you found out in time.
Hut if he laughs silverly and calls you "Little Minx!" jnri
him to the next test. Find out whether he is kindly.

Indian brave Jim Chapman knrrls in front of
cowgirl Betsy Fishbark and lets out a war whoop

at the Kappa Sigma Wild West party held last
Saturday night at the chapter house.

Kappa Sigs Stage Western Party
"Have gun, will travel," rang
through the halls of the Kappa
Sifema house Saturday night, setting the mood for its Wild West
party. ,
To set the scene, one of the
recreation rooms was converted
into a realistic representation of
an old time Western Main Street.
Built from lengths of lumber and
the Kappa Sig
pledges, 'the Main Street scene
with overhanging roofs was actually big enough to walk through,"

Johnny Fitzwater, Kappa Sig social chairman, said.
The back room was converted
appropriately into a replica of a
western saloon, with a mirrored
bar, and various sized bottles filled
with Kool Aid.
Fitzwater said the men picked
up their dates Western style in a
ranch-wagoto carry the western
theme even further.
Fitzwater described the costumes
as very colorful.
"Many of the girls were dressed
like dance hall girls, but most of




like Indian

squaw," he said.

"Some of the 'brothers' went all
out," he said,. I'aud bought $12
pistol sets."
The men were arrayed in various costumes ' from Mexican to
Texas rancher. Of course, there
was the usual fair share of desperados.
A few "bad guys" came to blows
with the "good guys" by trying to
show who was the fastest draw in
the West. But there must have
been a tie, because no new members were noticed in Boot Hill this

Social Activities
Links, junior women's honorary,
will meet at 7:50 p.m. today in the
Coliseum to go to the Roger Wagner concert.
Publicity Committee
The SUB Publicity Committee
will meet at 4 p.m. today in Room
205 of the Student Union Building.
Recreation Committee
The SUB Recreation Committee
will meet at 4 p.m. today in Room
204 of the Student Union Building.
Social Committee
The SUB Social Committee will
meet at 4 p.m. today in Room 128
of the Student Union Buildiug.
Library Science
The Library Science Department is holding a student and
faculty luncheon at 12 noon today
in the Donovan Hall cafeteria.
Dr. Wilheim Moll, assistant
of the UK Medical School
library, will speak on "Impressions
of European Libraries."
IKC Banquet
The Interfraternity Council held
a banquet at Johnny Alltnan's last
Cwens, sophomore women's honorary, will hold its Founder's Day
baiiuet at 6 p.m. Tuesday ut the
Holiday Inn.
A national Cwens officer and two
of the original Cwens on the University campus will be present.
All Cwens are invited to attend
and should purchase their tickets
from Ann Combs in Keeneland
Hall as soon as possible.
Betsy McKinniven, Cwens president, said that no reservations have

been made by 1959 and 1960 Cwens
and she hopes that they will make
them as soon as possible.
Alpha Delta I'i
Alpha Delta Pi sorority serenaded the social fraternities Monday
night and left them gifts of Halloween candy.
The Rroup of 80 girls visited 19
fraternities and also Kitten Lodge
and Wildcat Manor.
Alpha XI Delta
Alpha XI Delta sorority entertained Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity night at a Halloween mystery
Dutch Lunch
Dutch Lunch will meet at 12
noon tomorrow in the Football
Room of the Student Union Building.
A representative to AWS will be
elected at this meeting. It will be
the first time that Lexington women students have been represented in a women's governmental
group on campus.
All Lexington women and commuters are eligible for election and
are urged to attend the meeting.


Karen Schablik, a sophomore elementary education major at Ohio
University from McKeesport, Pa.,
and a member of Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority, to Ron Kashlak, a
sophomore commerce major from
McKeesport, Pa., and a member of
Phi Sigma Kappa.
Martha Richardon, a sophomore home economics major from
Valley Station, to Jim Davenport,
a sophomore agriculture
from Bowling Green, and a mem

ber of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.
Jane Arnold, a freshman home
economics major from Shelbyville,
to Bob Smith, a senior agriculture
major from Shelbyville, and a
member of Alpha Gamma Rho


Peggy Sutton, a junior education
major at West Virginia Wesleyan
College from South Charleston, W.
Va., and a member of Alpha Delta
Pi sorority, to Ron Michaux, a junior commerce major from South
and a member
of Kappa Sigma.
(aria Jane Clore, a liberal arts
major at Stephens College, to Bob
Jones, a senior commerce major
from Pewee Valley, and a member
of Plii Gamma Delta.

The quickest way to ascertain his kindliness is, of course, to
look at the cigarette he smokes. Is it mild? Is it clement? Is it
humane? Does it minister tenderly to the psyche? Does it
coddle the synapses? Is it a good companion? Is it genial? Is
it bright and friendly and filtered and full of dulcet pleasure
from cockcrow till the heart of darkness?
Is it, in short, Marlboro?
If Marllmro it be, then chisp the man to your liosom with
hoops of steel, for you may Ik- - sure that he is kindly us a summer breeze, kindly as u mother's kiss, kindly to his very marrow.
And now, having found a man who is kindly and healthy
and blessed with a sense of humor, the only thing that remain
is to make sure he will always earn a hand-om- e
living. That,
fortunately, is easy. Just enroll him in engineering.



Joining Marllxtra in bringing you I hi column throughout
the HrfuMtl year in unothvr line pnnluct from the name
maker the
unfilttretl I'hilip Morri Commander.
Here in pure, clean mnoking pleasure. Try a pack. You'll be
welcome aboard!

-- 3

For The Personal Gift



1, 19M

� The Kentucky Kernel
Univkhsity of Kentucky

EnlrrrH at he jxnt office Hi Lr(nttnn, Krtitmkv M srrnncl clmn irmttrr nnilrr thr Art of M.mh 3, 1879.
1'uMuhrd (our timrf a wet-- ilttriiiH the rrifnlnr
yrnr rwrnt during holiday! and rxumi.





Ed Van Hook, Editor

Wayne Grkcory, Campus Editor
Jean Schwartz, Society Editor
Rick McKeynolim, Cartoonist
Bill IIolton, Circulation Manager
Toni Lennos, Associate
Jack Guthrie, Newi Editor
Ben Fitzpatrick, Sports

Kerry Towfll, Managing Editor

Ben Fitpatrk k. Sports Editor
Dick Wallace, Advertising Manager

Prompt Action Is Needed

The significance of the recent
slaying of a Transylvania College coed
is not limited to Transylvania alone.
It has shocked, aroused, and
alerted not only the college on North
Broadway, but also the townspeople
of Lexington and the students of the
University of Kentucky.
Transylvania, whose 500 students
make it little more than a large
family, has assumed a melancholy
mood that cannot soon pass. Residents of the Gratz Park area, near
Transylvania, are organizing a citizens' protective association in an
effort to prevent further lawlessness
in the area. And UK students, while
expressing their sympathy for the victim's survivors and friends, have both
privately and publicly expressed concern for preventing any similar incident at the University.
Betty Gail Brown was found only
a few feet away from a bright fluores

cent lamp. Still, her death should
prompt University of Kentucky officials to seriously reconsider taking
immediate measures to properly light
the UK campus. If a student can be
killed tinder a fluorescent light at
Transylvania, it would seem that the
relative darkness that clouds our
campus is nothing less than an open
invitation to peeping toms, exhibitionists, sex perverts, rapists, and perhaps murderers.
Normally, the problem of properly
lighting the UK campus would be
channeled through the Kentucky General Assembly, which would appropriate funds for the project. But,
judging from past performances,
there is a possibility that the assembly
may act too late, or that it may not
act at all. Under the circumstances,
the University should soberly consider mobilizing emergency resources
and initiating action on its own.

What Marxism Seeks
We would like to call attention to
the following paragraphs excerpted
from a speech to the United Nations
General Assembly recently by British
Foreign Secretary Lord Home:
"When one side advertises its intention to destroy the way of life of
the other, then you cannot have true
collective security."
"Let us suppose that each side puts
500 airplanes into a bonfire and they
are burned. You can inspect that bonfire, but you cannot inspect what is
coming off the supply lines from the
factory. How do you know that the
next day another 500 airplanes or even
1,000 airplanes are not going to replace those that are burned?"
"The nations ought to be able to
combine to keep the peace. Why have
of the
they failed? Because
world is dedicated to destroy the way
of life of the other third, and because
of the world has elevated to
the status of dogma the exploitation
of civil strife as a means to an end.
I didn't invent that, Mr. President. It
comes straight out of the published
one-thir- d

one-thir- d

University Soapbox

UK's Inadequate Lighting

To The Editor:
I am quite sure almost all UK
students are well aware of the tragic
death of a Transylvania coed last
Thursday night, Oct. 26. I would,
however, due to past performance,
be hesitant to state that our University of Kentucky administration knows
of it, or at least realizes all its implications.
My reason for making this statement is the familiar complaint heard
from many quarters over the past
seveal years: our inadequate campus
lighting system. This lack, anil the
controversy engendered by it, have
been, in the past, merely a source of
passing interest to ine or only a
very small stimulus to my conscience. I have been guilty of "apathy."
Since learning of the tragedy,
however, this is no longer the case.
The terrible implications of this deed,
coupled with the circumstances surrounding it, have effectively shocked
me out of my previous lethargy. I
have had it graphically pointed up
for me that depraved people can and
do haunt university campuses and
will commit and have committed
crimes far more horrible than the
frequently reported exhibitionists. I
have also come to realize what an
ideal "hunting ground" for these
people our campus has become, due
to its paltry attempt at a lighting
system. Indeed, one of the effects produced seems to be the creation of
areas near
buildings and shrubbery.
This administration has often
made an issue of "student apathy,"
a quality that does undeniably exist,
yet in their attitude towards campus
lighting, administrators have been

documents of the 81 Communist
parties in the Moscow declaration of
last year. That is the threat to coexistencethe exploitation of civil
strife wherever it is to be found.' . . .
We wish that Cyrus Eaton and
others whose twisted thinking leads
them to believe that we should yield
to Khrushchev's terms would have
these paragraphs framed and hung
over their desks. Maybe