xt7q5717mq7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717mq7c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1949 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 20, 1949 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 20, 1949 1949 1949 2012 true xt7q5717mq7c section xt7q5717mq7c   Q  —  V  _= A¤ A  __  V  AV_, V   ¢‘.      V. “ ’    ·   ~ ,*».   V. V V V  
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O i .
4 it 1/1 H E .42/1 '·"L" L lr; Ure
  @7 QUE Ll? 716 I 617 OT O}/61 j AQ -
The Loyalty Fund chairman has set $10,000 as the goal tor the tlrive this A B
year, hut unless more enthusiasm is shown in the immediate future, we will '
fall far short of the goal. Reumor
. Classes
` lt will 11ot take a treinentlous effort on the part of any individual if eaeh A_ B_ Ci
one ot iis assumes a small part 01 the 1‘eSp011S1b1l1t.y for the success ot the gllsglosenat
i drive. Neither will it take large amounts of money from each inclivitlual tncky, will
: . . V . . annual bat
` tlll11lllll1S—-zlll \\’€ 211‘€ zlsklllg IS that €V€1‘}'OIl€ ])211‘t1C1pEltCS-—l)0 tllti €Xt€1lt tllut sociaticn t(
— tll01lSLl11(lS of zllllllllll Iflily t(’Gl it ])€l'S0llill SQNSG of klCCOHlpllSl1I11011t \Vll€ll tilt} Illllg, June
  _ Bluegrass
. goal has been reached. lniiim
i _ _ The spe
.   - The Loyalty Fund drive for 1948-49 MU ST go over the top it we are to Chandler i
 L ` . . . . . . activities f
1 · C()11t1ll1ll€ the alumni SCl10l211‘Sll1p €Stabl1Sl1€d l21St year. Letys 110t tail our are Schedl
i » Alma Mater now! June, and
50·year or
 _ have been
’ Alma Mat
_   4 NEW CONTRIBUTORS iiibiiee cgi
i " 1 ine. Pgtnl Blazer-111.11 ...e..... 1412 near Ave., Ashland, uy. 1.. 12 Colbert ...» 1147 Floral st., x. w., xvasinne-ten', 1). tn mencement
vv, 31, Mtn-1te1___1_ .,.. 1.215 s. Hanover, Lexington, Ky. John S. Sl1e1·w¤0¤—1-111--..--1...1 .... -1 .... -11.- Classes s
. 1 ..1 ·........... 1650 Harvard St. N. W. Washington D. C. - .
t N Y . d L i rr ' lx ·_ · I 1 s
, - c· “· B‘·"‘“‘“—·ji··22° C“"?f"‘“lt §°“d* L€"T“j;°" Ki Madneen sma11..2517 seth st., N. w., washington, D, c. }ml°?s this
i Mrs, Jztmes Mori 1S1111..._ka.St1I1 OH. , eX1¤e, 011, y. Charles Ki Dunn~__““w_"M"M-MmmmH~_____“—“-M-N"`M--mm 08, 09 ani
H. D. Palm0re11..-...1..1-_-1-1Box 126, Frankfort, Ky. ................ 1827 Summet P1., N. NV., Washington, D, C, igg; and ig
V W, H. McAdams ............ 31 Claremont St., Newton, Mass. Paul K€€¤-...1-.--.--11 East Custis Ave., Alexandria, Ya. · ·
_ tion special
T X. T. McKee ..,........... 1-.111.60 E. 42nd St., New York, N. X. Henry L· Ptg-1%;;*%:;%YQ;-E-ii~-i~—--K.-I-1 ---··   Mi-1- .... . .....   .......».....   ` for th ll
·   Gerrien nurns ............ 11 ....... 200 Red Reek Bing., Atientrr, Ge. jj‘“* ‘‘‘‘ " * 1 O S ‘ "*‘* · ·· W"·“ "“e“’“· · V _ Q C ‘
—i_ _ Hauy B. DeAtley ...................._..._______,,..__., , ._.____________________._._______. which are
 _ ·· ·1· P=111l111¢ l’M1¤1‘S0¤ ---- —- --------—Y ———-——-·—-—— -·----- —- -»»-----»--------- 1 ........... 3128 Patterson P1., N, W., Washington, D, c.
i   ...................... 1754 Massachusetts Ave., Wasliington, D, C. George B_ Ewen ______ ___ ____________ ___ _Y_V__Y_A____________________>_»____»______rv_wr__A'r____v_ W and twentj
  QQ J. L. Kiuner ........ 2015 Dellwood Dr., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. ---- 3133 Connecticut Ave.. N- W-. Washington, D. C· tively.
j .1 w. T. \Vell111an ........ 11 ........... 1 ..... 1416 Dodge st., Omaha, Nei), Georgie W. Meuth .......... 1 ..... 1 .1........................ 1 ...........................................
  ,f· view], Dimiiomi -.r.--»-».. .2828 NO1`thé1mpt0n, N. W., Washingtoii, D, C. COUUTIEIIC
· i1;. ,. . . ```'``' _ -'`_` Z _'``'`''`i''``_-`'` ""` 'A`` W"` ``````’``'`` "`T ``'` Q`. '```````'```` L'larence J. Rothenbet--·· ,_____,___,_,_____,__________________________ _ __________________,,___ __ · ·
 _ _i. Y   .~... ?110ett111.11 R<1¢1· at Bonnvcastle, Lon1sy111e,iKy. __4________________________ ____i5ii, amisH’ N' W', “,uS,,i“gwu' i, C. versity will
    “‘   `gfauiel _‘‘‘‘ M ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 30% Erm A“’·· C‘“c‘““““· O- Hattie E. Boyd ....... - ....... 1284 Cherokee R11., Louisville, Ky. services On
‘ _ "··‘· -1- 0 “1111¤111S· ¤11¤¤¤€11¤r ----------»----»---------------~-..-···............. 11. o. slime ............... 1 .......1............1.. ssa \Vest nh, i.exi..e-1.,.., in-. i
-  · ............. . ............1... University of Mississippi, Univ__ Mine, in Ciiifoiii Daviiisoii Y__________________________________________________ _ V_VA__________V___»_>__rVA_ ‘ 9. and ct
"' 1 \VnllnCe C. Duncan ........ 78 Westover Ave__ Cg_]dyv€]l· N_ _·i·_ ...1 ................................ . ...1.. 322 \Vinding \\’;iy, Philtidelpliia, 1*:1. annual C0
 _· , ·l0llll C. Myers, Jr. ...... 918 E. Hirxh Street, Tnexinzign, Ky, H=11‘0l1l F. Waits .................... 8152 Langley Ave., Ciiiciteo. 111. F, _
I Morton Holbrook ,_,,__,,___,__,, 122,Q Cary (jmirt, ()WE.nShm.ii_ Kin JOS9Dll B. Shelby .... 307 \\'y0ming Ave., h'It`|,])l(‘\\'()Ull, N. .l. Uday nlg
` LeRoy )y_ Myles ____r______r_____Y 326 Ciiinoe Road. L(_XmEmn` KY. H€·l`m¤m F. Sclioltz ..., \VOO(]bOLll'l]Q Ftirm, \\';ii·i·eiit11n, V:1. ·,]nn& 2, wi
vv, xv, riiziintrink ____,___,,_,____ ,_ ________________________ ____ _______________________________VrV_ Headley Shouse ....1...111......... Versailles 1·i1;e, Lexington, Ky. Willi
0 G   ·········~·   -·-·~·-~- Qlfnll R2nt. N. C. M. H, 1~`ieI)e1· __,_______________,_ 141 E, ggtli SL, Negy York gg, N, Y, · t Banu-(
A _ ra iam . e .o1·m1cc1 1........ es ia ea Lexine-ten, Ky, H. ,, ,, i , , _ .   _   ». H r1oon· th
i i _ Icnlery \v‘ Sn}iti]'·.·-I----·-General H0SpitaIYYCinCil]n;lti' Ollio Urllll 1.r.\l·l€I`| ..._____ 2 S€C()]](lr ;\\ gllllgy I-’l•_5[()]]5l)|_|l,_,    b ti l
. .-\I`[l]lll‘ F, \’t);;t»ln1;imi ____ [009 Jgickieon Rt]., C0\.iiig.i0ii‘ Ky HcI`U'€llU l\l€1Il ...........1........ Rye lr€ifMaxwe1;
U. K. Alumni Club of Greiiter Cincinnati Hedge L€St€1` ............ 1026 15th, N. NV., Washington, D. C· banquet th
llndley Sn1itl11 ...... 732 Siioreliam 13151;;,, tviisningtim, D_ C-_ iieriiert 1-1, Greene _____________,,_____________________,__,___,___________,___,, _, ,_________, _ ___,_ ,_
\\';tlte1· G, Campbell ___,________________,___,___,_,,_____ ,_ ________ _ ________________4__>rrr__________ - -..-............................... 313 Lincoln Avenue, Falls (Thuruh, Vit the annual
. ' ·’*‘*·’’*’’ ··`·2S53 O“t’"‘° Rd·· N- W·1 WaShlngt011. D. C. lilias lilvovo ........111... 201.1 G st,, N, w,, \\';1,sl1i11gL011, 11. il'. Association
[ 1
    mrs Wil,] t
1 · 2 US W

N a .  
A_ B. (ehandler, 24, to Speak at Alumni Banquet
Reunions for 15 Class cards will be placed on the  
Classes Planned tables at the lg ,1
banquet f - l`V"lHt S C"ti{S li O
A. B. chandler-, LLB., *24, cam- union cgi; J ° P ‘
missioner of Baseball and former aud again -’   · . - l
ll 5_ senator and Governor of Ken- Friday at ig; "  Ni A   D€trO1t AJUH1 H1 . l
lucky, will be the speaker at the cammancamant ,.,   _,V   
annual banquet of the Alumni As- lumheomwhlch     IS March Club Guest  
mation to be held Thursday eve- is Scheduled iai ~   _g,_ _   Head Football Coach Paul Brynt l
iililg_ June 2, at 6:30 p. m., m the iiauii iii tha   ` W   was the guest speaker at the March
Bluegrass Room of the Student B1 U G g 1, a S S .     11 meeting of the Detroit Alumni
Union. Room he ,   Club of the University of Kentucky,
The speech by Commissioner C O m m €nc€_   .,  held at Huyler’s in the Fisher Bldg.
Chandler will highlight a day er {nent is Sai ia, Ke¤i¤ci. C· 'Z9; and 1945, ’46 and ’47. In addi- · d · · . . y
vn. mm Special reunions are being held megnelelnlenl l;;OC¢fSSlOTl, cgi   ig Bryant and a brief business meet-
ure aaaumnlwoaen· -  
  tg for the classes of 1899 and 1924. the commencement exercises par- ;1l§i}lg;;gg§€;u`;;@€ distributed to ‘
le; C.  Valet eelglilratlzrllgliglaliir flgiiili ticipate in the academic procession, Henry Beam, piasidant V Of the
._ Y ’ · I P Whether ei ect they me members Detroit Club, peeeieieei at the elihhee.
’· C· “‘€1Y· of reunion classes.
[ C, Commencement week at the Uni- If you aia planning to coma back,
ij Cl versity will open with baccalaureate please notify the Alumni office in DCHII Stahr, ,36, Is
Ky. Services on Sunday afternoon, May time for us to make your dinner Cinci   Speaker
Kr.  29 and conclude with the 82nd and luncheon reservations for you, _
  ’ - · · Dean Elvis J. Stahr, ’36, dean of
l ""· animal commencement exercises and lf ymi are mteméted m your the University of Kentucky College
_ iii, _ ’ class holding a special luncheon ~ _ _
<. .1. Friday night, June 3. Thursday, maaliug Ou Thursday, Oi. an tha of Law, Unlverslty graduate and
  Juilé 2, will be alumni day, and Wednesday preceding, please notify Rhodes Scholar from Kentucky was
,\i.A Will feature special class, luncheons Your class Secretary at °nc€· Let` the Speaker ai the- March 3 meet`
" L · · ters have been sent out from the ing Of the University cf Kentucky
Ky.  atnmm? i-h€ alumni téii to be g1V€¤ Oface to an members Of reunion Alumni Club of Greater Cincinnati.
i'   by President and MN" Donovan at classes whose correct addresses are The youthful Iiniveisity dean
"""‘ 4:00 that afternoon in the gardens on fll€_ talked about the University of Ken-
?· Y· of Maxwell place. and the annual tucky, its progress, its problems and
·. G banquet th t ’_ its traditions, and stated that the
'”\'·• the an a evénmgy followed bi Ora F. DuVal, Olive Hill attorney University has 3 T1uH1b€I‘ of fine I
I ‘·‘· A lnual meeting of the Alumni and former Umvcrsity-smdcut,·has tieadltloiiswhjch should be fostered. _ I i ` A
. . ssoclatlon, at which the HGW 0f* been named commonwealth attorney C. D. McClanahan, ’26, is presi— I "
MHS will be 3¤I1011I1C€d. of the 37th judicial district. dent of the CiI1CiDD3ti club.
~ NU S  

The Ke ¤*“°kY A I U '“ “ “ S weve gamma o French bouquet THE oovER ] ‘€“
  of FO,-get-Me-Nots and Rosemary to When the season ended for the
01Ti ·i·1 Organ of the Alumni Associa- · · ' _ · ~ nay
tion oki dthe University of Kentucky pub- Seed fe you this bnght May n}0Tnm‘g fabulous Kentucky WlldCatS in BH
%shed q;mrterlyL0n_ thte camspus cgfpttgs A 3-mall bouquet of ‘m€77l0T1€8, d€" Maxrch, COGCTL Rupp ¢1TLTLOuncgd ,40 N3
'* ' , .t exm on. us _ · · . · ·
t0“"f]f)*;_*%]en}b€r§_ g§_00: t-Membgnggg Slgngd fg make the sap vxse   you; that the fwe uniforms, pzctureq ’
(T A in t e ssocm. ion incu - · t '·,-S · · ,
suggceription to the A,umnuS_ vezn; em; to reyzmd llcusgtdasidi flfm wtth. thefgd geiagrse To; th;
  wee .-en m une ts cover, wo Ssuet
X - Entered as Second Class Ilzletteliiat Ely your enjoyment on the Campus of These jerseys will be placed ly,
Post. Office at Lexington, y., ay , -
} · 1929, unda,. the not of March 3_ 1g·;9_ your Alma Mater. · a trophy case tn the new Me.
  FOT June 2 and 3 are reunion days mm-ial Coliseum, for future
Helen G. l'i11g ,,,,e, . ,ee...   ...Edlt0r‘ · ‘ k; · da 5 ‘ _ ·
G. Lee Mcélam ____Manag€r Editor at the University Of Kfmtuc 1/, 1/ generations to see and admire
Marguerite McLaughlin i... Associate Editor dedtcated to the TQTLGUJGL of old The nume·ra.ls, and the men
Joan Adams ,......... Vital statistics Editor friendships, the Strengthening of Old who have made them famcm
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ties, the T€'L7'i/Ulll of Old THQTUO/ries- (1/TQ] top TOLL},   to   No
. John B. Bullock, Pqesidenv-603 Dixie Many special events, designed to 26, Kenny Rgllmasg NO_ lg.
BTermmalB1dg"Cinc1r;]&t1 d please you and to make your visit Ralph Beayd; center, Nc_ 15, on
ernie A. Shively, ice Presi ent- , ' _
Athletic Department, Univ, or Ky, happy, have been Planned bl! the Alex Groza, bottom row, usual gy
Helen G_ Kn1g_ Executive Scc,.€m,.y_ Alumm Association ]°0l1 RQUTUQW order, N0. 27, Wallace J07lCl_ R,
522 SaY*`° A"-- L°Xi“gt°n Week. They are outlined m detail m No_ 23, Cuff Barker, *
”f@°S4SizoSy’?L‘i‘Z$“i€§;dTE§§l*,I§{.§,R°“‘° OHM °°“"""S °f the ALUMNUS· but Prwws and layout by Mw  
' ' " ' he is to muse in lou · ·  A
Senator William W. Blanton, Paris, Ky, Ow- puTpOSe_ Te J Hughes and Ben VV*mam$·  
. (term expires 1949) the nostalgia for old scenes, old A_ ,;
W G. Lee McClain, Bardstown, Ky, (term friends, which brooks 77.0 T€fUS(1Z§ G   __.,. —
°Xp"°S 1949) feeling of longing which will drive Adele Gm-yard Denham_ 461    
. D§;,,,‘€'§,§"§‘;,.X§"§i§’,§‘,=e§°‘},,§· U”"°'· L°”" you back, with relentless wee, te Nicholasville, received uio degree · ,g___    
1 Mrs. mm N. Browning, Edgomoot yew Alma Mme m JW- motor of Fine me from most _ c__,A__,,,,__,n
, lgggd. Maysville. Ky. (term expires Don’t postpone the happy hours. University of Iowa Fon 5_ Subj  
U·   P=i}gB‘>¤‘€. Frankfort. Ky. (term Next 38;*1 OQ the Hifi; ngfly be mo for her thesis was: “AdHm NH  .,=_ V
' up ree late, t er ays, o er imes may ,, .
d other stan 
‘ Homer L. Baker, 2242 Rutherford Av __ · · · - _ Had N0 Mammy all
Louisville (term expires 1951) ° mtse new barriers whzcht will pre BE]
GPOVQP Creech, 2512 Seneca. Valley Road, vent UOILT TetuTn• New is the ap`
‘· Lomsvme (Board Of Trustees) pointed time fe keep l/OUT l'€"ld€-ZUOUS These men and women complai  ONG of
. 'I‘.H.Ct1,F;kf·,K,B‘ . . .- 4. —·
Trugtegs)€r rm mt y ( cmd of wzth youth! they- undergraduate 1oorkL111th@G ncucst
· Gil? ·*’?·BH¤séuel’eti Barrow Road,`Lcxlng. Nmetieg and bef0·re,1ancl m h0ll0V group. h1
. ~· 0n oar o "rustees) - · K In  ay ‘n ‘
. them the Umverszty 0f 671 91} l- ~
LeRoy M. Miles, First National Bank THEY   US . . - ,
mdlf·· Lexington (immediate past Alumni Aggoczamovz hmwfs ill Fl‘€9Cilll¤ll
- presidmt) A QTOTLP ef Univwsity gmduates ‘ 't ton it re reseuts. Chester 1
· Marguerite McLaughlin, 226 E. Maxwell ho com leted mei,. wo,-k fifty yeays and the msu U 1 p . {ice. 1
`   ]¢€XlTlgY-UTI (lift? member, honor- iw p   b h d d _ g   th(Z plan   year': IS G
ago or more, wt e onore urm _ _ , h Red PH  o
J. Carlisle Myers, Jr., 918 E. High St., _ Alumni Association as as -
Lcgggngog, (48 Class represenmth/e` the. 83rd (annual commencement ex dem H· L. Donovan to pm
` y Muses m une. Golden Jubilee certificates to lll [VV
Y * APPOINTIVE MEMBERS awther era, audi
f   B!/YOU Begley, Jr., Richmond, Ky_ Warren C0unty—.T._ Preston Cherry, gTO‘d'uat€$_ Of _;l be made ].mm,· ww
- ’ Judi-re Edwin Dennoy Mt, vemon Ky Helm H°t€l» Bewlmz GF€€¤· KY- presentation wt   l 5
- L. K. Fmkoi, McClelland Bldg, LAX. Cl{‘;gg‘“§,§ §G§,$§‘“@;§·,,,R;,}"°C"*“"“‘°‘“· commencement l°l°”“°*'" °" "‘“""'
ington " S m ' ‘ l
· _- · , 29 June 3.
Robert H. Hillenmeyer, 1517 Carew ChS¥Ca%(;,’sa§; Sgmston H` Wllliams Of __ _ ,,.1 ygggiy.
T°w°r‘ Cincinnati wo`} York N Y-wm 1c Butler 41 Ne ccluflcatcs will be pmt
J·L§;i·`§>g¤t<;‘)¥;l Watkins. 145 E. High St., tjilffeltlef ·1·uo1mhoc, X. Y. V in absemia, as the ASS0€l¤UO"Y‘ I
MrS· Cecil T.`Wil1iams, 134 Maple Stu  SP ,$·T\{;€""“ R C°1"€"t~ that thg presence of these llltlllix yes ,o
· Somerset D€U`°lt· MiCh·;H€lll`Y·i-T-h Beariz/[311331 w(m1.e11 at commencement nlm I
4 Larchlea Drive, Birm ng am, c . · ·m and distlnfill .
CLUB PRESIDENTS ciovoiooo, oh1o—Ro1»ci»t McDowell, azoz lend added dlggm J _. CCW,. y,.S(
B%Yd C§unty—Tom Phipps, Catlcttg- W. 7lst St., Cleveland 2 to an alfeddy l7lllJl'€—$$wC
um- Y- Philadelphia, Pa.--James A. Moore, 2228 TV gw;
r‘nldw<·11 voiimy-<;. M. Petlley, Prince- Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia 10. P&· The KENTUCKY ALUMM.S,;·
*°}‘·_KY· Atlanta, Go.-Hugh Adcock, 1034 Hurt gmwlates the graduates Ol  
Christian County——Jesse Keith, Hopkins- Bldg.. Atlanta T bcttm, Cxpmsscs tg IW
*¤ll€· KY· New Orleans, La.-Bernard Freedman, yeairs O _ ’ ml
D¥g;l;?S$ Cguntygllilton Yunker, Holland 7728 Belfast St. the dgep grqtttude of th? Alum ‘
g., wens oro, {y_ _ _ . )_ ·I·,,g;;,
h eutr fm 1 A
H¢§lg:é`§g§OnC0>y—Henry A. Taylor, Chicigo CT}? meets gewgd Mé)ln%a{2]0¥ ;o;1tatz3;;df0}:O;)e;2¢tgm through Sh
· · o , cm, r u s , ·  
Jelgfggogvgountggginfes VV. May, 3908 $li1$or)tn22!§ N. !l'?eSa.lleuSt.€ S tangible evidgncg Of appT€€lm‘€
" ‘ Q Washington, D. C. Club meets second wmk,wu·li A
Loggll_I]C0l;[lty—-GT3H\'ll]€ Clark, Rus- Wednesday of each month, noon, An- these "m.e’n and wO77l€7l M rf let
S9 U €' XL “‘“°°uS HMBL their devotion to Alma GW * -` Lll‘I
McCracken County—Ben LeRoy, 1502 Executive committee meets second Mon- h- h ·u be forever V ’
¤ Nl?r0ad;v¤1y,t Pagucah, gy. ogy ng§htMog ogglgo montln Sggtnmkieq l€Q€7ld» U3 TC wl ation: - 
eson 0un y—— eam' amuel , B ds- roug ay, 1 D. HL. 001*18 ` Ne" " ‘ _
LUWU, Ky. ls E ar Room, Lafayette Hotel, Sacred by Succeeding gg T  
‘ \'l'

 was the scene of a reception and
ER  Tevv         buffet SuPP€F_f0ll0Wil1g· the game,
ded for the imd Club Pgesident William E. But-
Wildcatr rr Bernard FI`€€dma“~ EIM, J“ (Elme R°g€FS» ,45% \$;r¤2iiS1;li2berliyMii1;:ri1(sS slisrgihxii
amrmeei ,,0, Named peexy §,$;;)€;f‘{Sffr§;;’€,;*,,;,j;‘;   Fred other members ofthe eiub, eirmexes  
rigs, ;;:·tu;;d gram Chairman Mrs El1iOtt,S*hg;;; the Kentucky victory with an elab- `
be Teissueél was formerly in Pikeville and Mrs. Orig and, enjoyable party`
,e placedin Weber’s was in Corbin. 1 pplroxlmately 100 New York
e new Mg- _ g Planning monthly meetings, the aumni and Wildcat rooters from
for fum, ' New Orleans Club is putting on a Qggird Pars; Of the Umted States Y
and adm,,,_ · drive for active memberships in the lsictire? Of esgsrfeptfllclfo the team`  
; the me, ~,_ national association, and otherwise may be found Gen zmctgsf pparggegg
em fanwu; . , _»el Q  Sh°W“‘$ em HCUV? and healthy i“· this issue ofthe ALUMNUS.
C) Tight} Ng_ I/ fi  ,  t€l`€$t ll'} the Hff8l1`$ of the genera]
s; No. lz,   ,_  e‘  r- group. gmlglng ghose present were Mr,
ei', N0. 15, _   Q __     A film of the Kentucky-Tulane li/E RI`;   Bugen .N€W_YOSk’
. row, usual J]    *  ,  i t game, played in the Sugar Bowl, was ' . ` ' u SF, ew York MISS
mice Jam  _, {  F Shown at the January meeting. Harriet Berman, Orangeburg, N. Y.;
    »   “ Dr- and Mrs. C. C. Clark, New
`  tie,   mm York; Mr. Charles B. Clark, Irv-  
tt·by Mari; a ff    ——   _ ` ington, N. Y.; Mr. David. Clark,  
lmamS'     N€\\’ YOI`l€ l*€ZlS/[S Irvington, N._ Y_; Mr, William E_ l
_       Davis, Glen Ridge, N. J.; Mr. Walter
[mam. ,46 _ . an   ·_.. . ...._.... .   ·-—-   \'V1ldCz_LtS’ 1{OOtCI.S N. Flippin, Jr., New York; Miss
L the dcurée   M “   Patricia Fenton, New York; Mr. and
_ ’   ‘ · - _ Mrs. C. J. Gottlieb, Jr., Albany,
mm thc?    ---»---e~,-~» » M€tr¤r¤hte¤ Club N. Y., Mr. Peter W. oerger, New
’b· 5· Sulll '  ··¢r     Entertains Vtlinners York; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Jack-
fgglff   '`al   S University of Kentucky alumni of ;§SI;t§q;YOnY?§LglV;i;ng€t§y ·§St;E’
BERNARD FREEDMAN Metropolitan New York put the big JOE, T Quigenberry NB`;] YJOH; Mr`
I _ _ pot in the little one Tuesday night, and Mrs Thcma S’ St€V€nSOn’ A1;
men comply;  One of the Alumni A$$0€l€ltl0Ul$ March 22, to fete the fabulous Wild- l _   I . l
O,-k in meg newest "babies." the New Oi`le3¤S cats following their ViCt0FY 0V€i‘ the ball?)   Yi, M1.dMNS·J$m1J[th ang
nd in honon group, held an election of officers University of Illinois in the eastern §/Eisyw §p§;lf§;l_ ’Tu;:ka`gU€ TN a;_
of Kemr  early in January, and chose Bernard `division of the N. C. A. A. tourna— Mr `Riéhaéd J Cglbert Nev;/_ Elm};
honors ill. l·`reedman. ` No ( ) Mary Daingerfield, Lexington; Mr.
w t J. R. Kimbrough, Lexington; Mr.
LUMA(;JfS  _ ____________4__________;_;___________;;_;>_______ _ ___,_, L, K, Shropshire, Lexington; Mrs.
  to   · U l l Name Homer Baker, Lexington; Mr. Larry
the Alllllllilil  Boeck, Louisville; Dr. Jack Rash,
DCr_fa,,,,,ge v_{v>A_v_»__________·· l v>___   4___>;A_______> _ _______4________v_____________________r_______> Miami, Fla.; Mr. Conway Hamilton,
; mwugli ll Address Miami, Fla.; Mr. Lou Groza, Colum-
fl apprecillll bus, Ohio; Mr. Howard Tiepke,
will kvwrrll All 50-year or better graduates are urged to clip this slip and Columbus, Ohio; Miss Fern Jacobs, I l
vm Mater it return to the Alumni Office, Room 124, Student Union, at once! V Lexington; Miss Betty Snedegar, .
0 fmcvcl ll   l Lexington. I
A L U Mil I |

 V · · n · D.C. Club Meets
Philadelphia ltntertains Dr. Wee Err seererery weve
• Approximately 25 Kent lr l
uc ·
Donovan Elf lVI2ll“Ch I 6 M€€t1Ug alumni in the Washington, n.  
area met for lunch Wednesday,
Dr. H. L. Donovan, ’14, president and the University expansion plans Merch leg at tne A¤¤¤p<>1is Hotel,
\ of the University of Kentucky, was for the future. te talk Wltn Helen G· Klng»_€Xecu· • —
r · honor guest at the March meeting More than 30 out of an approxi- nVe_ Secretary Ol tne Aumm Asso _
· of the Philadelphia Alumni Club of mate membership of 50 attended the elntlnn  
V the University, held the evening of Philadelphia club meeting. Those Jenn Sh€rW¤¤d» ’l6· attOm€Y With Q it
March 16 at Kuebler’s Restaurant. present were: Margaret Blackerby, the ldepernnent Of Justice and vice l
A social hour at six 0’clock pre- ’42; James A. Moore, ’36; H. Berk- Pl`esldent_ Of the Washlngtim club,
ceded a dinner, at which President ley Hedges, ’14; W. A. Lurtey, ’11, preslded ln the absence Of L€WisF. ni.
Donovan, B. A. Shively, ’31, Vice and Mrs. Lurtey; Frank Daugherty, Celnele nlesldenn ·’  
president of the Alumni Association ’01; Lois Perry Brown, ’30; Mrs. _Mlss Klng Olltllned tne ¤SS0Cia~ ·/’
and University of Kentucky athletic James A. Moore; Walter L. Mavity, tlenls plens for e eeneelled membér-  
director, and Helen G. King, ’25, ’37, Eastern Kentucky State College; Ship delve for ls49‘50 and gal/ea · n o, 
executive secretary of the associa— Woodson Knight, ’34, and Mrs. brief Ontllne Of the Loyalty Fund  
tion, were guests. Knight (Winston Byron, ’34); Lucien drive te date neglng the lnembet  
James A. Moore, ’36, president of Buck, ’05; E. Avery Taylor, ’l7; L, Snlp to get nenlnd the pleeleee L  
the Philadelphia club, presided at Clifford Davidson, ’23_ and Mrs_ 1"—— ‘ _ _ r 
1 the dinner, and short talks were Davidson; Thomas O. Williams, ’29; Mol-rn] M_ Blevins, ’38, forrnerlr ‘. n
made by Mr. Shively and Miss King George   Warwick, ’1d, end Mrs. of Harlan, Kye nes been errrrerrrrerr  
prior to President Donovans ad- Wari£rv1ckr,G1eorgeC.Lew1s, 13; Mar- economic oonnnlssioner en the sm  
~ drgss- _ h Cla $3WlS enmngton, Neal Thur- of W. Avercll Harriman, President  
- octor Donovan discussed   e man, 21, and Mrs. Thurman (Juha Trumg_n’g roving Ambassador for the  
. progress of the University, the high Ross, ’25); Palmer D. Evans, ’39; Economic Cooperation Arlnnnistrr  
rr morale of the faculty and the Morton B. Potter, ’37, and Mrs. Pot- tion in Europe . V
r student body, rand the h1gh quality ter {Dorothy Wunderlich, j48); and Mn Blevins recently moved rr  
of teaching being offered. He brief- President Donovan, Mr. Shively and Paris from Brussels, Where he he ·  
r ly outlined the building program, Miss King. been ettaehe of the American rmr », ·.
Q bassy for 14 months. ’ ~
r r V. L. Clhaprnanr sI8r froze gre Alumni Loyalty Fund for He serxred in thc armed forces    
r _, ashington Club. Col. George from April, 1942, until December,  
i , W. Ewell, ’02, was named chairman 1 4 ' ' ~ (
. ls C2lPlt2ll   of the committee. tllioeéoasglgnpgernrmrseelschuge emma l
Luncheon Guest . "Pl
S racu  5
r Vrrgrr Chapman, ,18, Or Paris, Y S€ AlUmS Hold M€€[1Hg r  
· l_ I
I r United States Senfner fmm Ken' A. P. Shanklin, ’22 group singing. A review and dis· ee l
· i tueky’ Wes e speclel guest of the Is Host to Gyou cussion of the objectives and proj- KQ
re   Washington, D. C., Alumni at their p eere Of Kentuek ,S A rrcurrurerand ,   _-r.
· l I]']()1'lth1y lLU'1Ch€Ol'l ITl€€tlng W€dn€$' University Of Kentucky alumni in Industrial D€V€¥O rngnt BOa1·d    
day, JBUUQYY ]~2» at the Annapolls Syracuse N' Y" held el dlnner meet' lowed diinner eine;] after that the il se i 
hoi;9l_ ing at the University Club in business Of lergemlzetlen or an    
Other- Special guests were State Jranuary,   AI`tl"l1,lI` Pl‘l(j€ Shank- Alumni   Of the C€nt1rarNE“r  
Senator C- W- Ma1¤¤€y ¤f Madisw- he l22· as n°St· York area was discussed as wellas  
' ville, and Judge Lorenze K. Wood Donald W. Pennock, ’40, called the active membership in {he genon] i
of Louisville. SYOUP Of 28 graduates and guests association. It was decided t0l¤· _ ,
The Washington, Dr CW club holds together, and WHS responsible for vite alumni of the Central New Yon
regular luincheon meetings the the pl`Ogl`nn'l· area to the next meeting, amdif
second Wednesday of each month at The ballroom of the University postpone the election of ofiiftli Thcle
12:15 p, m. at the Annapolis hotel, Club WHS d€C‘0I`ated in blue and until that time. tuckvr Sh,
and all alumni and former students White colors for the occasion, and F. 1 r e r h _e rem rrhe _
who happen to be in Washington on Dr. Alexander Capurso, ’33, formerly me ee uee O t e pl Em, g ` We
the second Wednesday are invited to head of the University of Kentucky Wes the Shelfvlne Of e elm O , S°°°nd Y0
attend. department of music and now hood Kenlnekyenllllps 66 Ollees beslelr Billliutlc;
At thc January rnootlng Club of the department of Syracuse Uni- bell game played ln Lexlngwn ls row; Coac
President George w. Mouth ap- versity, led the amp singing- Summer- wi. The r
, pointed a committee from the club The program opened with 3 Dancing was enjoyed at tli€ we Roede Ae
membership to sponsor the campaign social hour, followed by dinner and clusion of the meeting. ,

 ry N Y k C1 E ‘ T  
AAAAAAAAAAAAA GW OY ub ntertams cam, Rooters March 2 2  
ton, D. c__ li Q 
WeAdnesday_ 2 WA Aw _ AA ,   _ 2    
aolis Hotel, 22 ;—. 2 A  A2,.   2 2 2 ~   ;x_ , ,2._3V_  A  
ing, execu. 1 ·2 2 4:   . AA   {ji ‘;’‘ 2; -   ,2 V   2 22A  2 `  
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