xt7q5717mp2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717mp2w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-13-nov18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-13-nov18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-13-nov18-ec. 1943 1943-13-nov18-ec. 2011 true xt7q5717mp2w section xt7q5717mp2w 



    iMinutos of the Riecting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, November 18, 1943.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:3O a.m., Thursday,
November 18, 1943i  The following members were presents Judge Rich-
ard C. Stoll, H. S. Cleveland# H: D. Palmore and James Parki  Presi-
dent H. L., Donovan and Comptroller Frank D, Peterson were also present,

     A. Approval t Minutes'

             1 Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes
                of the Executive Committee of November 5j 1943,
                were approved as published.
                          * * * * i* * * * * *

     B. Governor's Executive Order AoDrooriating 430,000Q

     President Donovan brought to the attention of the Executive
Committee an Executive Order which had been issued by the Governor and
signed on the 12th day of November, 1943, transferring from the Gov-
ernorts General Emergency Fund to the College of Engineering, Univer-
sity of Kentucky; 43OiOOO, to be used in purchasing laboratory equip-
ment for Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, in an effort to do ex-
perimental work and exhaustive prospecting for ores in sufficient
quality and quantity in the State for production purposes 'to assist
in the war effort and future industrial development.  The Committee
discussed at length the far-reaching effect of the work proposed and
the desirability of acquiring money for the purpose of carrying out
the research project under the supervision of the College of Engineer-
ing, and took the following action:

             2. Upon motioh duiy made, seconded anud unanimous-
                ly caeried, the President is directed to re-
                quest of Govennor Keen Johnson approval of
                employing an attorney to represent the tlniverei-
                ty of Kentucky in answering a temporary restrain-
                ing order secured by Hubert Meredith, Attorney
                General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, re-
                straining the Governor ftom transferring from
                his General Emergency Fund to the College of
                Engineering, University of Kentucky, Q3O,OOO0
                as set forth in the Executive Order of the
                Governor and that the Comptroller be authorized,
                after said approval has been given, to employ
                Leslie Morris, Attorney at Law, Frankfort,Ky.,
                to represent the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
                versity of Kentucky in an action which has
                been filed in the Franklin County Circuit Court.



     C. Comptroller's Reporte

     The Comptroller submitted a regular monthly financial report
setting forth table on realized income fox the first four months
of the present fiscal year and expenditures and encumbrances made
against budget appropriations by the various divisions and depart-
ments, together with statement of restricted funds and agency ac-
counts, and after same was discussed by the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees, the following action was taken:
                        * * * * *E * 'it * * *

            3, Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
               ly carried, the report of the Comptroller's Of-
               fice was accepted and ordered filed with the
               Secretary of the Executive Committee,
                        * ** * * * * * * *

     De Contract with the Army for Specialized Training Units.

     President Donovan submitted contract for specialized training
unit and ROTC training unit,--basic and advanced,-- with the War
Department of the United States Government,   The contract was a
re-negotiated contract with the War Department representing the
United States Government, and provided payments to be made to the
University of Kentucky for training soldiers assigned to the Uni-
versity, who are to receive housing, messing, instruction and med-
ical care.   The Coz.-r.ttee discussed the contract and its relation
to operating expenses of' the University and the desirability of the
University cooperating with the War Department in the Government's
all-out war effort, and took the following action:

                        ** * *1* * * * * 4 *

            4. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the Chairman of the Executive Commit-
               tee is authorized to sign contracts with the
               War Department of the United States Government
               for an ROTC unit and Specialized Training unit
               referred to in contracts re-negotiated as of
               August 3, 1943.
                         *** * X* * * * * *



     E. Purchase of Propertyi

     President Donovan submitted a letter from the Comptroller con-
cerning the purchase of property at 618 South Limestone Street and
recommended Committee approval.

     He also submitted a letter from the Comptroller relative to the
purchase of property known as 341 Harrison Avenue and recommended
approval; a letter from the Comptroller concerning the purchase of
property known as 112 Graham Avenue and recommended approval of the
purchase of this property; and a letter from the Comptroller concern-
ing the purchase of property known as 644 South Limestone Street,
and recommended approval by the Executive Committee.

                                       November 17, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          I have negotiated for the purchase of the property
     located at 618 South Limestone.   The property is directly
     in front of Memorial iall and adjoins the campus in front
     of the Agricultural College building.   This property con-
     sists of a lot fronting on Limestone Street for a dis-
     tance of seventy feet and a depth of 213 feet on one side
     and 211 feet on the other side, and is thirty-five feet
     wide in the rear.   Improvements are: one two-story frame
     weather-boarded house consisting of fourteen rooms, two
     full baths (four kitchens), a double garage in the rear
     and one store house about 201 x 301 in size, fireproofed
     with galvanized tin,   This property can b e purchased for
     410,500.00 with an allowance of time for the tenant to moves

          The owner maintains that the purchase price and the
     improvements made on the property cause it to have cost
     him slightly in excess of 412,00000.    It is further ttue
     that the present owner has lived there sixteen years.

          This is very desirable property as far as the Universi-
     ty is concerned, and I recommend the purchase, if in the
     Judgment of the Executive Committee, the price is not too

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        (Signed) Frank D. Peterson



                                   November 17, 1943

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky,

My dear Presiderat Donovan:

     hecently, I attempted to purchase the property known
as 341 Harrison Avenue, consisting of a lot approximately
forty feet front, and one hundred feet deep; improvements
consisting of a brick two-story house of ten rooms, two
full baths, and one extra washbasin.   The house is heated
by gas.   It has a new roof, eighteen months old.   The
owner asked ten thousand dollars, later dropped to ninety-
fivo hundred, and then to nine thousand dollars, stating
that nine thousand was the bottom dollar she would take.

     Since my visit, however, the owner has contracted
with J. H. Reester, real estate agent in Lexington, to sell
the house for eighty-five hundred dollars, including shades,
screens, linoleum: and all attached fixtures.

     This property is within five feet of the apartment
house owned by the University, now known as the Lydia
Brown House, which is being used as a girls' dormitory.
The two houses can be connected and supervised by the
same house mother.   This will eliminate any additional
overhead in the event the University desired to use the
property as a girls' annex.   In my Judgment, this is de-
sirable property for the University to own and I recommend
the purchase of same.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                                November 17, 1943
President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

     The property known as 112 Graham Avenue has a front
footage of approximately 55' and extends to a depth of
about 215'; the improvements consist of a two-story frame
weatherboarded house of nine rooms and bath, heated by
gas, and a garage in the rear of the lot.    this8 property
may be purchased for V5,250.00 with a reasonable allowance
of time for the owner to move; after such period, the owner



    will rent, if hie doesn't move, at a monthly rental of forty
    dollars per month, if the University desires to rent it.
    This is desirable property, in the middle of the campus,
    and Joins property now owned by the University.

         I recommend the purchase of same, provided the Board
    considers the price to be right.   I might add that the
    vendor asked $6,000.00, but after many conferences, he has
    reduced the price to i5,250.00.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                                 November 17, 1943

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         I have negotiated for the purchase of the property
    known as 644 South Limestone belonging to hiss Nellie
    Lawrence.   7iic property has a front footage of 50 feet
    and extends to r wepth of 153 feet.  The improvements
    consist of a one-story frame house containing two apart-
    ments--one, four rooms with full bath, and the second
    one with three rooms and full bath.   This house haw a
    comparatively new hot air heating system, and the roof
    was put on within the last two years.   It is in a fair
    state of repair and can be purchased for $5,500, pos-
    session to be given when deed of transfer is made.

         This property is a part of the block separating the
    Experiment Station campus from tue College campus and
    is a part of the property which the Board has recently

         I recommend that this piece of property be purchased,
    and if it Is approved by the Executive Committee of the
    Board of Trustees, immediate possession may be obtained.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee discussed the feasibility of purchasing each
piece of property and the prices involved and took the following



                          *** * * * * * st*

            5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, the Comptroller is authorized to pur-'
               chase the property known as 618 South Limestone
               Street from Sim Leet for the sum of $10,500;
               the property known as 341 -1arrison Avenue from
               Mrs. iettlie Murphy for the sum of $8,500; the
               property known as 112 Graham Avenue from J. H.
               heester, agent for owners of s-id property,
               for the sum of 45,250; and the property known
               as 644 South Limestone Street from Miss Nellie
               Lawrence for the sum of $5,500, and to pay for
               same out of the capital outlay appropriation
               made by the State to the University of Kentucky.
                        * * * * * * * * *t *

    F. State heauisitions and Purchases MadeC by the Comptroller.

    The Comptroller presented a list of state requisitions, advice
of emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food contracts,
and departmental orders made since &arch 29, 1943, and requested ap-
proval by the Executive Committee.

                                        November 17, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emer-
     gency purchases, special purchase orders, food contracts
     and departmental purchase orders which have been made since
     March 29, 194o, and which have not been approved by the
     Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.   The list
     below gives the number of the document requesting the pur-
     chase or actually making the purchase, which documents are
     made a part of this record and are held in the Office of
     the Comptroller for record subject to inspection.   These
     purchases have been made on properly drawn documents at
     the requests of the various departments and have been
     charged against available funds.   The list follows:

             State Requisitions             Nos. 1321 - 1614
             Advice of Emergency Purchases Nos. 1086 - 1513
             Special Purchase Orders        Nos. 5167 - 7115
             Food Contracts                 Nos.   32 - 38
             Departmental Orders: Library   Nose  671 - 750
                                                  4051 - 4058
                     Comptroller's Office ....    634 - 650
                                                  4026 - 4050
                                                  4076 - 4097



         The list of purchases made since July 1 to and includ-
    ing November 17, 1943, are as follows:

          State Requisitions           Nos. 1 -  498
          Advice of Emergency Purchase Nos. 1 -  593
          Special Purchase Orders      Nos. 1 - 2386
          Food Contracts               Nos. 1 - 7
          Departmental Orders: Library Nos.7751 - 7783
                                            7785 - 7789
              Comptroller's Office ...... 8001 - 8109

         The record of the above purchases is respectfully submit-
    ted with the request that they be approved by the Executive
    Committee of the Board of Trustees, thereby ratifying the ac-
    tions of the Comptroller in making purchases as listed.

                                    Respectfully submitted

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

           6. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
              ly carried, purchases made upon State Requi-
              sitions, Advice of Emergency Purchases, Special
              Purchase Orders, Food Contracts, and Departmental
              Purchase Orders, as set forth in the above let-
              ter, were approved.
                        * * * * * * * * *t *

    G. Colletlon of Rent from James Washington.

    President Donovan submitted letter from the Comptroller concern-
ing rent due from Jarres Washington, which was discussed by the Exeou-
tive Committee, which, after reading the letter, took the follow-
ing action:

                                        November 13, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:
          James Washington, colored, has lived at 205 Euclid
     Avenue.   We have attempted on various occasions to get
     him to pay his rent.   He has accumulated a balance of
     *27.50 due the University for rent.    Recently, we suc-
     ceeded in getting him to move.



         I would like to be advised by the Board whether we
    should attach his salary in the name of the University,
    or forget the account.  I know where he works.   He is
    making a fair salary, and can be made to pay.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                        ** *         it * ** it

           7. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Comp-
               troller is authorized to institute or cause
               to be instituted legal proceedings in the
               name of the University of Kentucky. against
               James Washington, in an effort to collect
               rent now due the University.
                        * * i * t* * it * * *

    H. Steel, Trustee vs. University -of Kentucky--Law Suit.

    President Donovan reported to the Committee that te had been
advised by J. W. Jones, Assistant Attorney General of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky, that the Mandate of the Court of Appeals has
been issued in the name of Steel, Trustee, vs. University of Ken-
tucky, involving a tract of land owned by the Robinson Sub-Experi-
ment Station of the University of Kentucky at Quicksand, Ky.l
and entered in the lower court for final disposition of the case in
favor of the Univers4typ   The Committee received the report and
asked that J. W. Jones be thanked for his valuable assistance
rendered to the University in the above styled case.

     I. Reguest~ t Play Basketball Game for Charity.

     President Donovan submitted a letter which had been received
from B. A. Shively, Director of Athletics, asking for permission to
play a basketball game and turn the proceeds over to the Community
War Chest and National Infantile earsalysis funds,

                                        November 16, 1943

      Dean Leo M. Chamberlain
      University of Kentucky

      Dear Dean Chamberlain:

      I have talked with Coach Hupp about turning the proceeds
      of our first basketball game over to charity.   We have
      come to the following conclusion if it meets with your



      That the proceeds of our first basketball game, which
      is with Fort Knox, be given to the Community War Chest
      and to the National Infantile Paralysis funds.  It is
      our suggestion that fifty per cent of the net gate be
      given to each of these organizations.

      If this meets with your approval, I will announce it to
      the papers this Sunday.


      (Signed) Bernie A. Shively

    The Cbmmittee discussed the request and the laudable purposes
for which the proceed- of such a game would be used.  They also dis-
cussed the legal aspects involved and took the following action:

                         * *F * * * * * *i * *

             8. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it appears
                that the Executive Committee of the Board of
                Trustees is without legal authority to authorize
                the giving of receipts collected on athletic
                contests in which teams participating are repre-
                sentatives of the University, and the request
                is denied.
                         *, * *f * * * * * * *

    J. Revisions of Regulations af the University.

    The question of revising regulations of the University of Ken-
tucky as recommended by the Committee of Fifteen was deferred  due to
the absence of R. P. Hobson, who came as far as Shelbyville and was
unable to attend the Committee meeting, due to transportation diffi-
culties,  Action on the proposed revision was deferred to a later
meeting of the Executive Committee.

     K. Qu.estion ofi O;S;L  Alumni Ballots.

     The Comptroller reported to the Committee a request of the 6ecre-
tary of the Alumni Association that alumni ballots now being re-
ceived in connection with the election of three alumni members to be
submitted to the Governor be opened and that the sealed ballots with-
In the outer envelopes be retained in the office of the Secretary
of the Board of Trustees.   The purpose of opening the outer envelopes
of the ballots was to permit the Alumni Secretary to remove there-
from any checks or other information contained therein regarding
alumni dues or other matters.   There was discussed at some length
the possibility of someone misinterpreting the act, and upon motion
made and seconded the Secretary of the Board was authorized to fol-
low the rules of the Board of Trustees in regard to the election of
alumni members.



     Le Authorization of Publication of Alumni Magazinee

     At a previous meeting of the Executive Committee, a committee
was appointed to ascertain the cost of publishing a quarterly alumni
magazine and to make report to the Executive Committee.  Mr. Palmore
presented to the members of the Executive Committee a request that
the Committee Authorize an alumni magazine to be published four times
a year it a cost not to exceed 4250 an issue. An issue to consist
Of 2000 copies.  After discussion of the report and proposal, the
Committee took the following action:

             9. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
                Comptroller is authorized to make avail-
                able from unappropriated surplus the sum
                of $1000 to be used by the Alumni Associa-
                tion for the purpose of paying for publish-
                ing and distributing 2000 copies of a
                bulletin to be published four times a year.
                The preparation and handling of the bulletin
                are to be done by the Alumni Office personnel.

    M. Adjournment.

             10. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the
                 Executive Committee adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
                         * * ** * * *** *

                                      Frank D. Peterson
                                      Secretary, Executive Committee
                                           Board of Trustees