xt7q5717mp19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q5717mp19/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1942-03-mar20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-03-mar20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-03-mar20-ec. 1942 1942-03-mar20-ec. 2011 true xt7q5717mp19 section xt7q5717mp19 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, March 20, 1942.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.mo Fri-.
day, March 20, 1942.  The following members were present: Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Mr. R. P. Hobson, Mr. James Park and Dr. Lee
Kirkpatrick.    President Donovan, Comptroller Frank D. Peterson and
Secretary W. Gayle Starnes were also present.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

           1. The minutes of the meeting of the Executive
              Committee of February 20, 1942, were examined
              and on motion, duly seconded and passed, were
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     B. ReDort of Comptrollers

     The financial report of the Comptroller was presented by Pres-
ident Donovan.
                        it *  * * * * * i *

           2. On motion, duly seconded and passed, this
              report was ordered received and filed.
                        *.* * * * * * * * *

     C. Robinson Substation Fund.

     President Donovan discussed the manner in which the E. O. Rob-
inson Mountain Fund was to be handled.   He explained that the con-
ditions under which the fund was established provided that, "The
execution of the trust herein provided shall be exclusively under
the control and in the hands of the University with such agencies
or aids as it may see fit to employ."

                         * * * i i * i    * *

           3. On President Donovan's recommendation, motion
              was made, seconded and passed, providing that
              after July 1, 1942, the E. 0 Robinson Mountain
              Fund would be kept in an account separate and
              apart from other University moneys.
                         * *t *# i * * * * i *



D. Student Fees.

      a. Schedule of Fees for Summer Quarter.
                   it * * * ; * it * * *

      4. Resolved that the schedule of fees for the
         Summer Quarter set forth in the minutes
         of the Executive Committee of February 20,
         1942, be repealed and the following
         schedule adopted:

                           Resident Students     Non-Resident Students
                   Gen.    Regis.&             Gen.   Regis.&
                   Dep.    Incid.Fee    Total Des.    Incid.Fee   Total
Full-Time Student s:
All colleges ex-
  cept Law         $6.00**  $35.00     $41.00 $6.00**   $55.0    461.00
College of Law      6.00**   38.00       44.00  6.00**   58.00    64.00
Part-Time Students:
  All Undergraduate
    except Law:     6.00**    4.00 per          6.00**    6.00 per
                               qtr.hr.cr.                qtr.hr.cr.

College of Law      6.00**     5.00 per         6.00**   7.00 per
(Undergraduate)               qtrhr.cr.                  qtr.hr.cr.

All Graduate Work   6.00**     5.00 per         6.00**    7.00 per
                               gtr.hr.cr.                gtr.hrtcr.
In lecture and
  recitation courses:          2.00 per                  2.00 per
                               q~tr.hr.cr.               qtr.hr.cr.
In studio and lab.
  courses:                    4.00 per                   4.00 per
                               Qtr.hr.cr.                otr.hr.cr.
Schedule of Fees for One Term of Summer Quarter
Full-Time Students***
All Colleges except
   Law                      k22,75                      $27.50

 Colle6ge of Law             $27.50                     $29.00
 Part-Time Students***
 All Colleges except Law     -4.00 per                  $5.00 per
                             qtr.ius.cr.                qtr.hr.cr.
 College of Law              $5.00 per                   56.00 per
       _              _     g~~~~~~~tr.hr.cr.           Qjr~hr.cr._
* Bahis schedule of fees applicable to all students enrolled in both
   terms of the summer quarter.   For enrollment in one term only, see
   the summer term schedule of fees.
** x.de only once each school year. Applicable to four quarters. Not
   *n risd co a student Eking Mess than nine quarter hours.
**thi s fee is all inclusive for a summer terA
                        * 0   *it *  * * * it * *



    be Credits withheld when tuition is unpaid.

    The question was raised whether or not students whose fees had
been deferred and not paid should receive transcript af credits for
the purpose of entering some branch of military service.   After a
lengthy discussion, the following action was taken:
                        * * it * * * * * * *

           5e Resolved that at the discretion of the Comp-
              troller of the University credits may be
              released by the Registrar for students who
              still owe the University, provided that the
              transcript of credits shall be used for
              military purposes only.   And, in the event
              a transcript of c:edits issued by the
              Registrar, is used by a student for any purpose
              other than for entrance into some branch of
              military services the Registrar of the Uni-
              versity is authorized and directed to rescind
              any certification so issued until all
              obligations due the University are paid by the
              student involved.
                         * * * it 'it * * it. * *

     E. Room Rent in Men's Dormitories.
                         * * *F * * it * * * *

            6. Resolved that a $5.00 deposit shall be made
               by each student reserving a room in the Men s
               Dormitories.   In the event a room is not
               claimed, the deposit shall be forfeited.
               If a student accepts a room he is obligated
               for the full rent for the current quarter
               and no refund shall be made unless the
               original occupant secures an outside renter
               to assume the obligation of rent for the
               remainder of the quarter.
                         * * * * * * 4it * * *



    F. Grant of Sloan Foundation.

    President Donovan presented the following letter from Dean
William S. Taylor of the College of Education and recommended that
the. proposed budget be accepted:

     1 9 4 2

     Dear Dr. Donovan:

     We have today received from Mr. Harold S. Sloan, executive
     secretary of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundations an approved
     budget for the year beginning July 1, 1942, and ending
     June 30, 1943. The sums approved and the proposed dates
     of payment are as follows:

     Amount Approved           Purpose       Date of Payment

     $3,000.GO          Revolving Fund       February 21, 1942
       3,500.00          Project Fund         July 1, 1942
       3,500.00          Project Fund         October 10 1942
       3,500.00          Project Fund         January 1, 1943
       3,310.00          Project Fund         April 1, 1943

     The total amount approved for the project in applied econom-
     ics amounts to $16#810.

     We have also received word from Mr. Sloan that his board has
     approved our request for continuance of the Jackson County
     kroject of Inservice Education for Rural Teachers.   This
     budget totals $5,310,00 which will be paid to the University
     on June 1, 1942.

                                Very sincerely yours,

                                       (Signed) William S. Taylor

     Dr. H. L. Donovan
     President s Office.

                         * * * * *F * * *F * *

            7. On motion duly seconded and passed, the
               President s recommendation was concurred
                         * * it i* * * * * * *



     G. Request of the Lexington Pistol Club.

     President Donovan presented the request of the Lexington Pistol
Club for permission to use the Buell Armory Range for weekly target
practice.     After a thorough discussion of this request, the fol-
lowing resolution was adopted.

                        * *1 * * * * * * it *

           8. Resolved that in view of the fact that the
              use of the Buell Armory would interfere
              with the military operations at the Uni-
              versity of Kentucky, the request of the
              Lexington Pistol Club to use the armory
              for weekly target practice be disapproved.
                        * it * * it it * * * *

     H. Extension of Leave of Dr. Ralph Woods.

     President Donovan presented the following letter from Dean
William S. Taylor of the College of Education and recommended that
Dr. Ralph Woods$ leave of absence without pay be extended for
another two-year period, effective July 1, 1942.


     Dear President Donovan:

As you know, Dr. Ralph Woodst director of Vocational
Education in Kentucky, is on leave of absence from the
University of Kentucky.    We have been extending his
leave at two year intervals for the last two years.

Dr. Woods is an able man and is
the University.   We use him in
got excellent service from him.
mend that his leave be extended
period effective July 1, 1942.

worth a lot to us at
our teaching program and
  I would like to recom-
for another two year

Very sincerely yours,

   (Signed) William S. Taylor

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky.



                        * * * * it * * 'it * *

           9. On motion, duly seconded and passed, Presi-
              dent Donovant s recommendation was concurred
                        * ** * * * * * *

     I. Sip-ma Nu Property Sale.

     Judge Richard C. Stoll stated to the meeting that suit had been
instituted in the Fayette Circuit Court by the Citizens Bank & Trust
Company against Harold A. Pull `;m Sigma Nu Memorial Association to
foreclose a mortgage on the leasehold estate upon which the Sigma
Nu house is built, and that the property has been sold subject to
the right of the University of Kentucky to terminate the lease in
the event the buildings on the leasehold should cease to be used as
a fraternity house or the purchaser was not acceptable to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky; that Sigma Nu Pulliam Memorial Associations
a corporations had purchased the leasehold estate at the judicial
sale with the intention of using and holding the property for the
use and benefit of Gamma Iota Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted:

                        * * * * * * * * * *

           10. Be it resolved that, when and if the sale to
               Sigma Nu Pulliam Memorial Association of the
               leasehold estate belonging to Harold A.
               Pulliam Sigma Nu Memorial Association, executed
               to it by University of Kentucky by lease dated
               March 11, 1920, of record in the Fayette
               County Clerkts Office in Deed Book 199, page
               534, is approved and confirmed by the Fayette
               Circuit Courts Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of
               the Executive Committee of the Board of
               Trustees, be and he is hereby authorized to
               consent in writing to said sale on behalf of
               the University of Kentucky and to the execution
               and delivery by the Master Commissioner of a
               deed conveying 3aid leasehold to said purchaser,
               and he is further authorized to assign and
               transfer the leasehold estate to the Sigma Nu
               Pulliam Memorial Association.



     J. Hasgin Foreign Student Award.

     President Donovan presented the following letter from Professor
A. E. 3igge and recommended that Miss Virginia Zuniga of Costa Rica
and. Miss Huguette Balzola of Mexico be awarded $600.00 each for the
school year 1942-43 in accordance with Professor Bigge's letter.

                              February 26, 1942

     Dr. Herman L. Donovan, Pro sident
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

     The Committee on Foreign Students has considered for some
     time the various candidates for the Haggin Foreign Student
     Awards. These, as you recall, are two in number, of six.
     hundred dollars ($600) each, and are held this year by
     Angola Arruda of Brazil and Virginia Zuniga of Costa Rica.

     Your Committee had before it the credentials of the can-
     didates recommended by the International Institute and,
     too, those of several candidates who applied directly to
     the Committee. It has tahen into consideration the basic
     purpose for which these awards have been made and are to
     be made.

     On the behalf of the Committees permit me to submit for
     your approval the names and credentials of two candidates
     we wish to recommend for these awards for the school year
     of 1942-43:

                Miss Virginia Zuniga, of Costa Rica
                Hiss Huguette Balzola, of Napoles 30,
                   Mexico D.F., Mexico.

     The Institute of International Education wishes all docu-
     ments submitted in support of candidates other than
     those receiving favorable considerations returned as soon
     as possible,   I shall hold the folders of credentials in
     my office until I hear from you.   I shall be pleased to
     have your reaction to these recommendations at your con-

     Respectfully yours,

     (Signed)  A. E. Bigge, Chairman
               Committee on Foreign Students



                       * * ** ** * ** *

          11. On motion, duly seconded and passed, Presi-
              dent Donovan' s recommendation was concurred
                        * * it * * * * * * *

    K. Acguisition of Averitt Property.

    Comptroller Peterson reported that there is a two-story brick
building located at 121 Washington Avenue, Tour apartments three
rooms each; and a two-story brick building located at 123 Washington
Avenue, two apartments, five rooms each, available for purchase by
the University.  He further stated that he had negotiated with the
owners Mr. Averitt, and thought the property could be purchased for
the sum of $14,000.00.   The Board discussed the advisability of
acquiring property located between the University campus and the
Agricultural Experiment Station.   The following resolution was

                        * * * * * * * * * *

           12. Resolved that President Donovan and Comptroller
               Peterson be authorized to acquire the Averitt
               property for the sum of $14,000.00.

                        * * * * * * * * * *

     L. Changes in 1941-42 Budget.

     President Donovan submitted to the Board an amendment to the
Budget of the University of Kentucky as approved April 1, 19419
operative July 1, 1941.   After a thorough discussion of the items
included in the amended Budgets the following motion was ordered:

                        * * * * * * * * * *

           13. On motion, duly seconded and passed, the
               amended Budget as presented by President
               Donovan was approved and ordered filed with
               the records of the Secretary of the Board
               of Trustees.



     M. Progress Report of Inaugural Committee.

     Dean James H. Graham presented to the Board of Trustees the
progress report of the Inaugural Committee.   He indicated that the
program was progressing according to plans and requested the Board
to approve funds necessary to carry out the plans of the Committee,
stating the Committee was trying to be as economical as possible.

                        * ** ** * * * * *

           14. On motion, duly seconded and passed, the
               Comptroller of the University was authorized
               to pay the actual necessary expenses of the
               inaugural Committee from any funds which he
               may find to be available for this purpose.

     N. Appropriation for Research Work in Equine Diseases.

     President Donovan presented a recommendation that $7,676.00
be appropriated and transferred to the Experiment Station for re-
search Work in .quine diseases.

           15. On motion, duly seconded and passed, it was
               ordered that $7,676.00 be appropriated for
               research work in equine diseases.
                        it** * * * * it * * *

     O. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan presented staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments and other changes requested by Deans and Heads of

College of Arts and Sciences

                            Ap2ointment s

     Mr. Luther D. Prater, to -.place Mr. Collins, resigned, who
has been teaching two classes in the Department of Political Science.

     Hiss Anna Jane McChesney to teach the class in Political Science
left without a teacher when Mer. Prater takes over the work of Yr.



     Miss Mary C. King, secretary in the Department of Physics, e;-
fective March 1, and continuing to July 1, 1942.

     Major Arthur G. Dahl, replacement for Major Croft in the Depart-
ment of Military Science.

     Major Floyd L. Carlisle, to duty with the Department of Militar:
Science, to replace any other officer relieved from duty at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

     Mr. kartin Freedman, junior technician in the Department of
Bacteriologys to succeed MIr. Morton Reitman, who has been drafted.

     Mrs. Ann Ford Land to assist in the stenographic work in the
Department of Political Science during March, April and May .

     Lt. Berwyn L. Miller, replacement for Lt. Leslie Allisons re-
lieved from duty in the Department of Military Sciences effective
about April 1, 1942.

     Mr. Stephen Graban, student assistant in the Department of
Physical Education for thle months of April, May and June.

     Mr. Louis Schwartz, student assistant in the Department of
Physical Education for the months of April, May and June.

     Mr. N. 0. Rice, laboratory assistant in the Department of
Physics, effective March 17, 1942, for the remainder of March and
for April and May.

     Mr. G. G. Dixon, laboratory assistant in the Department of
Physics, effective March 17 and ending May 31, 1942.

                          Leaves of Absence

     Professor F. W. Warburton, effective March 12 to July 1, 1942,
to accept employment at the Il.linois Institute of Technology.  This
leave is without pay.

     Mr. Peter Kurachek, part-time instructor in the Department of
Physical Education, granted military leave under the provisions of
the resolution of the Board of Trustees.   Sr. Kurachek left the
University March 14, and is to receive pay for 15 additional days.
(Mr. Kurachek is employed part-time in the University Schools Col-
lege of Education.   Military leave applies to his salary and posi-
tion as a whole).

      Professor D, E. South, Department of Mathematices leave of ab-
sence without pay for the year 1942-43, beginning with the summer
session of 1942.   Professor South will teach at the Florida State
College for Women.




     Mr. Ernest Collins, graduate assistant in the Department of Po-
litical Science, effective February 19, 1942.

     Mr. Morton Reltman, junior technician, Department of Bacteriolog:
effective February 28, 1942.

     Miss Nancy Cleveland, secretary in the Department of Social Work.

     Mr. Terrell Noffsinger, graduate assistant in the Department of
Physics, effective March 16, 1942.

                          Increase in Status

     Mr. F. B. Pauls, raised from half-time instructor to full-time
instructor, as additional aid to carry the work of Doctor Warbur.ton,
who is on leave.

College of Agriculture and Home economics

                     Appointments and Transfers

     Mr. Eugene Culton, jr., Acting County Agent in Clark County, ef-
fective March 1, 1942.

     Mr. B. M. Crigger, graduate of the College of Agricultures Super-
intendent of the Poultry Farm, effective February 16, 1942.

     Morse Sarah Miarie Rainwater, Clerk in the Dairy Section, Experi-
ment Station, effective February 23, 1942.

     Mrs. Evazona 3. Thomas, part-time stenographer in the Poultry
Section, Experiment Stations effective February 20, 1942.

     Mr. Laymon Miller, Assistant County Agent in Webster County,
transferred to Mayfields Graves Countyt as Assistant County Agent on
T. V. A. Funds, effective March 1, 1942.

     Mr. Wilson R. Hoover, Assistant County Agent on T. V. A. Funds to
be made County Agent in Graves County on Extension Funds, effective
March 1, 1942.

     Mr. William Charles McClure, Assistant County Agent in Owsley
County, effective February 10, 1942.

     Mr. Arnold J. Meade, Assistant County Agent in Johnson County,
effective February 16, 1942.

     Mr. Kermit Mills, now Assistant County Agent in Rowan County$
be made County Agent in Rowan County, effective March 1, 1942.



     Dr. Lowell F. Bailey, assistant chemist (temporary appointment)
in the Experiment Station, effective April 1, 1942, or as soon there-
after as he reports for duty.   Doctor Bailey fills the vacancy made
by the induction of Mr. Hageman into Military Service,

     Miss Christine Barlow, Home Demonstration Agent in Graves County,
effective April 1, 1942.

     Mr. R. C. Gustafson, Assistant Forester, Department of Farm
Economics, Experiment Station, effective April 1, 1942, or as soon
thereafter as he reports for duty.   Mr. Gustafson is to be asesined
to work in the for.est land-use study, which is being conducted under
the grant of the General Education Board for this service.

                          Leaves:.of Absence

     Mrr. W. C. Templeton, or., Instructor In Agronomy, granted mili-
tary Icave in accordance with the ruling of the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Templeton left February 20 and should receive fifteen daysl ad-
ditional pay.

     Mr. R, H. Hageman Assistant Chemist in the Experiment St~ ion,
granted military leave with pay through March 15, in accordance with
the provisions of the Board of Trustees.   Mr. Hageman left for mil-
itary dutly MKarch 1, 1942.


     Mrs. Katherine McAtec, clerk in the department of Administration,
Experiment Station, effective February 28, 1942.

     lar. J. J. Voll, Superintendent of the Poultry Farms effective
February 28, 1942.

     Mrs. Lorotta M. Wyatt, Home Demonstration Agent in Graves County,
effective Mardh 31, 1942.

     Mr. T. C. hardesty, Field Agent in Cream Improvements Experiment
Station.  Mr. Hardesty has beon called for military duty.

     Miss Laura Collingsworth, clerk in the section of Agricultural
Engineering, offective March 14, 1942.

College of Education

                            ADDO intments

     Miss Susan Clay, teacher of commercial subjects in the University
Training School, effective March 1.   Miss Clay is appointed to the
vacancy caused by lir. Betzt induction in the Army.



    Mr. Charles R. Crumpton, instructor in the Department of Indus-
trial Educ.tion, effective April 1, 1942.

    Mr. William Black, student assistant in Physical Education, be-
ginning March 1 and ending tMay 31, 1942.

    Mr. Louis Schwartz, student assistant in Physical Educ ..tions
beginning Larch 1 and ending May 31, 1942.

                         Leaves of Absence

   1Mr. Leslie Betz, critin teacher in Business Education, granted
military leave under the provisions of the resolution of the Board
of Trustees,  Mr. Betz left the University March 1, 1942, and is to
receive pay for fifteen additional days.

  V Mr. Peter Kuracheok teacher of Physical Education in the Uni-
versity Schools granted military leave under the provisions of. the
resolution of the Board of Trustees.   Mr. Kurachek left the Uni-
versity March 14, and is to receive pay for 15 additional days.  (Mr.
Kurachek is employed part-time in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Military leave applies to his salary and position as a whole).

College of Engineering


     Mr. L. R. Penn, part-time instructor in Electrical Engineering,
to help with the class work handled by Mr. G. A. Langston$ who left
on February 1 for Wright Field.   Appointment effective February 15,
and ending May 31, 1942&

College 2L Commerce


     Mi6s Willie Curtis Wright, Mr. L. C. Fowler, Dr. Ruth Thomas,
to teach Secretarial Practice Courses during the first term of the
summer session.

     Mr. L. C. Fowlar, Mr. Ben J. Hume, to teach Secretarial Practice
course during the second term of the summer soesion.

Office jo_ he Dean of Women

                            -os Inat ion

     Mrs. B. K. Walters, housemother at the Kappa Delta Houses ef-
fective February 28, 1942.



Stanomraohic Bureau


    Kiss Marjorie Dennis, stenographer, effective April 1, 1942.


    Mrs. Jessic Lee Darnalls stenographers effective some time ago.

Collegg of Law

                         Leave of Absence

     Professor Amos H. Eblen, Professor of Law, leave without pay
effective April 1, 1942, and ending July 1, 1943.

            16. On President Donovants recommendation, by
                motion and second, thc above appointments
                and sta.ff chailges wsrc approved and record
                ordered made in the minutes.

     P. Adlournment.
                         * * * * * * * * * *

            17. On motion, duly seconded and passed, the
                Comait tee adjourned.
                          * * * ." * * * *t * *

                                  W. Gayle Starnes
                                  Secretary, Board of Trustccs