xt7q2b8vf76d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vf76d/data/mets.xml  France  1799-12-22 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie du Journal, rue du Cimetiere - St.-André- des Arcs, n°. 9  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 L'Ange Gabriel, Journal Politique, Historique, Littéraire, etc. (Numero XXXV.), Primedi 1 Nivôse, an VIII, [22 December 1799] text L'Ange Gabriel, Journal Politique, Historique, Littéraire, etc. (Numero XXXV.), Primedi 1 Nivôse, an VIII, [22 December 1799] 1799 1799-12-22 2023 true xt7q2b8vf76d section xt7q2b8vf76d » ‘ ‘Nz'vnro
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III/H/h/I/e 1/," x l I/1‘Illlf‘.§/‘I)'(/' I/‘u/Ix' HIM/iv : (/1‘ ; I'll/I'LI/If'b' [IUHI'
SI'VI‘ III'H'F : r" I/r’ {HM/li‘r‘l/IL‘A' [NH/1' IIIL (Inf/"mm (It! ‘Im/‘l. UH
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.3, I)” wvnrl' [my lr’lgy-m r'l fl]/:j;'(’lI/'_, r/[j’fruflJ/i/IV . (i
("iii/xvmu r/u r/fwruc/wm' (/0 11111-4]: Unin-ivl . lim: (11L Clinic—
[I'lin>—.\'/.Jm/1w"w/m—Jl'co, 11‘“ 9 , (1 Paris.



I T A L I E.

Turf/z _, xvx‘. (Iiicr'mln'c ( lo'fi'l'mm'rc.) 11 se confirme
(1211»? 105 :mlric11ivn: . “pi-{is s‘étl‘c cmlmré dn postc (195
Barricmlrs (‘1 :11: i,.1iz‘ilu;1u—1)auphin . out. anéirt'r SIH‘ 1M
'"v-mmuus 1: Trance . pm' 10 col (1:; [Agiwau ct pm' 18
C01 (10 1’Argcnlie-1‘L‘ , sc dirigcant (l'nnc [mi-t Slll' Eiuln'un ,
et (11: l’untrvsur Bzu‘cclonlwiw. L’ailc gauche 11v liau'mée (1c
M. (19 Méhs :1 nouvcllumcnt gagné (1n terrain (1n COM? 101'—
‘d‘lléc , d'on cllc menace dv coupm‘ 1:1 l‘UU‘flIlC 3| 111111160 frau-

Ia‘aisc , on sc dirigcunt vcrs 1:1 principaulé (1011121119.


“KW”: Rnir'slmnnr , 1 x (NCU/IIZH'F (QOV/i'fmm‘rc.) Le mai'érhal
' 58“”! Snwni'nw n requ him‘ un couricr dc ‘Pétcralmurg avcc «105
:mil.—— (1191»1‘1'1195, ('n «tnnsdqncncu dcsquclh‘s lcs twiipcs I‘nsscs
1‘. 53 C. (10ivcnl (inn: 11.1110. {10 g‘énéml on chef élab1ii'zl . (UL-(m .

son (Inai'tit-i'—g:311(ii‘:11 {1 Prague : 1.11VZUlt—Q'8H1C l'Cchm (111115
In anivrv. Lu prinm- I’nncrntion _. ainsi (“fun grand nom—
In'c (1‘011iuici's . x'cslm‘ont ici.


I'M/v, 26/17));(1/"1‘0. L05 dispositions 1ni1iluii'os (1110 10
gtimn'fl Lacunl'ho vwnL dc Miro (‘11 3111550, 11ml; (7min:
111w 1’01: l1111. nnn “11:11le «la 1.1 purl (IL-s znm'iL-hiuns
(lu able :1“ [1111;11'c11dcn on (10 Schuflbusc _. on 115 lun'uis—
hL‘llL (‘11 turcc.

n 1') 12118 L I Q U R

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Comb/nun 1.6 (*1103'1‘11 Ruin/m- . Inui'éc1m1 ~ 1105 —1ngis.
.'l 1:: l‘“1t‘ (11m piquvt 111' gi-rnian'nn-i‘iv.
:i to 11(‘lH‘I'S (in 5011' . (110/. 1a \"vm‘v I'll/‘(H'l'I/l.1111114‘1'11S1l"?
your 1:111'1‘ 1:1 \isitc (105 \‘m'ng‘mn's [[ui (lvmmudnivnl 11mm;
: 11! 111111110. 1‘11 p1liimrL L1’l‘ux Cluicnl 11.3ng (‘HH— .
111:3; 1cs aunts fitment cncui'c dams lu sullc. Lco SW“ 1

.w prflm‘nh' 11‘1».


con-In: 1

IIP [II SH/I/HNJSI'UIL (/11 mm! saint.
(/11 LPCUJ/‘vI/C’ (III/'IA‘ [r1 CHIC-HIP M'mzc (If/(1711c [zinc/mine (7/1 AS'Il/Ivsc.

X ./X :x.




.T 4i) 1,7 i f\ A L 1’ 0 L ,1 1‘ I Q U E , II I S ’1‘ U H I Q U I) , L I T '1‘ J R A IRE, 616:1:


, #1
TH?! .wul, rim/uh cl 1' )r'illlll lm‘ in, omm'nf )!71‘.'(’/)l .5:
. m . a / I .
(l/j/I/Ii/llz'. Amyrmx 1. 1. (/0 C070.


~- ,4/7/H'OC/m I/L’S m/lr/c/ifpns (ill nix“;

(/I’S grin/11711117 ,1/v1x5'rinll. -Uw'zwu (3." [fr/Inc . rum: JUL/a

’51:; «('1’ //I (‘nu/xY/nu PU!!!" In {‘(mzm/g'um [HIV/(VIHII‘IIL’. —— (:'.'i,'.w/!.'1'z'/f L’l (Jr/ions flay/were; (7/.—
J’i/Iw ('IL (Uni; ([0 5/447) 1/1,: [11 mil/«- rlr’ (luv/'1. —— LPN/w .w/r /r7 (IE/Mr/nffon 1/13.? pI-P'I'rcs.
rim/117‘!) 1m dz‘lu'yuu' (/05 CUIZo/l/A’. —— U/Ju'razzD/z rc’urflazfomzru'rc (‘1 [a bour

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., .1

I (1:11'22105 [)1HCCIIL (11,-) svntine11ns i1 mules 105 porles , pro—
1 (~.,- wnL In 1d 1‘w1n-rclic, (-xi-DI’CHL 1cs passe—ports avccnne
111111;CUI]CC 0L nnc bi'lllnlilé <10nt 0n n’u pas d’excm‘nk‘.
1.19 011051111 101,1;ng (10163116 (11‘s consuls , (p11 so rcndoit
«1mm 1’; (lélmrtcnicnt dcs B011C11h‘5 — (1n — 11116116 , so pro~
nwnoit dams 1n su11e; 11 \‘ou1nt passer 111R cuisine , pour
11211'101‘ it 1;! domestiqueg Ics gondm'mcs 1c rcpoussercnt
(xvcc violence 011 crizmt :U/iu'cc ('1 [(1 inf. Cinq (l’cnti'c
('le sojouurem anssidfiL sur 111i . 011:: repoussérent brus—
(gnuincnt d’un bout dc 1.1 53111: 11 1'auu'u. Envznn 11L —i1.
(5'1c1qucs observations nu Inanichzil — dos — 10415 . 1ni mon-
lz'zt — L —- il scs papicrs ct sa C(numimion ;. IL’fii'II/CI' 1ui 1L;—
'UHIIIt avcc culcrc . 1c Infinncn (10 1211'1'13101‘ cl. (1012 unn-
[mire it 1:! connnnnc. LL vmm 1-;5 11011111105 Lildi‘o'L'j (1L:
miller in 141 snrclé pnblique.

Viz/mes, ( Mm‘bihun ) , 18fl~inmira Six it sopt mi11e
chonans sont cantonnés aux cnvirons (1e Grant-11111111).
Inns armés (l‘vxci-chs l'usi1s . 1wancrm|i p1us 1‘1‘1‘1 ()1 plus
10112'11111‘ 1L‘SIIHH'1‘S . pm‘LanL 11:111c . 11.11'11'111-1 . 1‘111‘1110 ct
(1v 1i!1)«)lll(1<1k‘ 1;: pmulrc . 21 ‘_Liu pas <10 plus (1110105 116—
II‘I'S. 11s pawn-(10111 uniouiwl‘hni [nut Ct: «1111 (‘51 néccssuirv it
121:;111'1'1'1‘. 1111-1‘. 115 uni 111.1111'1211'111’5 muons, (11's 01)ll.\1L’l‘5
(‘1 111's <1i‘.Ii>L‘;lll.\' ii (h';111:11:11.’1111p; car i1 )' .‘ivoit, dit— on ,
gin-mils I'D-[u zlu c1n‘ltvuu, (*1 1c L‘JIHUH limit. 011 mguiwlc
null-v, \i11‘: cnnnnnc (invunl 91m occnpn‘c :111cmulivr—
lel‘IlL 1;.11- cm (-L Inn‘ 1115 i'élnzhhi-nina, 1’1nsicurs pcnscnt
(1L'J1111 5v l‘t’L1X‘k‘I' :i 1‘(,)1'i<-n{ on 51 JUNK—Isle.


Du I‘iV/I-‘l'tn. Lu: i'nynliulm i? 1i‘.‘i'cnt an): 111nisi1'5 ;
n\’illl1-1H"l‘ . i1

11'5111“,»1*1(:{;«1111(‘>n1|’\,'<‘1LL‘4‘ml).l!ul.'lo,‘nnt 111(- inviléus. 111m.
15 (‘111111011'HL Inns 11-5 :nnyuns passiblx-s pour
1 115 unl 11101: a , snr [Musivnrs
[minis «1m (,‘v-lw. :m—
4111311‘111'011! 11‘11)'|1'i"’lil“§ sw‘mn's (ll, munitions <11:

5 uni vlnnnf- 11:1 1:;11 Hipcl‘ilk‘ . 01111-5 I'vxnnlcs


:Hl1l'L' ~32. 7

:‘m's 10211-3 '.

111- 13’.)me . <11-s I1vsccnlvs (1H3


11ml.» lunlrgs ("-1“\‘\.\2 “111i:-1.)1“11-11111(1111':l‘ilfvfit‘H11‘1i‘ 11c<

(i-unlws: (‘1. 13.: :fimu hominrs wnL mums an Mans
1% 11115111111“ \unL 1'1 cmnznrnm'i‘.


\l 1)}.1'11'1‘11.



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.Wc' . 1;

"rm/rs”. .1‘mlmzm quw \‘mis no 11-111-
SH'H. p113; (1v 1111:1- viii.

111' Minus lmu‘hunlus
li“1lf[l‘1< n' n'u t‘ViiL'Hlilvn

. . . » . , v I l , ' ' n
dcs 1m; m\iauliunnaan‘cs my 111 umusucnw gnui‘ncc du 10.

1.V\A.1‘\ .

an»: I: K' 4

(11's [ii'F‘Li'I-S (11€‘(v1'l“ m:



1‘1'ucti110r. Faites—1os 0111011111-0 1‘1 1’1101111110 justc ct sensible ,
(11111'01‘011011112 1-11 511 111-1151111111- ce-nx 11111 511111111-111111- 1’11011—
11c11r avvc 1‘1111111anilt} , 1-1 11111 11’1-51 11115 11111111111111-11111; 1.125—
110c1: 11111111111112 D1105 — 1111 C111111111-111 111-5 1111111111c5 1111 111111
5111-1- , 11111111111111 1111-.1111151 11‘1111'11-11'1it115 111- 111111 141111113 11111
611111-111111E511u 1110111115 911 0111111115, 11115 M gin-1111115 (1111111111:
1115111115 1/115 0111111111315 , ctco11111iits _. 111- 1111111-5 11-5 11:11-111-5
(1131a1"ra11cc1-t111-5 1111115 1-1111111115 .111151111‘111'111-1111 1111-1. 1111
115 50111 11-11111-1111115 1111 1111111111'9 11c 11 11.1115 111-5 1111111111115
étroitcs ,1 1-1-11,'-<:;111'-5 1111115 111:5 :‘1'1-1111-1‘5 . [111111-1111 111111:1+;. ex—
110512511111 12011111141011 11'11111111-1111-1111111111111; 1-1 1111111, 11111;
rigucurs 1111 11-0111. 1‘11-111‘1351-11‘102-1111 1-1-5 1111‘111-11111115 , 1:1111—
111111111115 a 11111105 11-5111'11'111111115 . 1-11 111-1111- 1111x11111111-111‘511-5
‘1111511i;_-_11es; 111: 1-61111111111111 aux 111:111-1111:1111115 11111- 11111- 1105
1111111E1Ii1-110n5 , 1:1111111'111511111 1105 Hum; 11111-1111111‘11-111111119111-
1-1111 11-11111111111116 111-, 11-111' 11:11.5, 1-1111: 5111111112111111111135111 11—
110111} 11111.- 110111‘ 11111-1' 11-1-1111111:r 11:11511111-1111-1111. (111 51-111 111-,
lcurs 11111111115 . 111u1' 1‘.\1‘1171H‘1', . 11-1111 1111114—11-111115 1-1 11-1111
111.11151111111-111 10111111011100. 11.11111111111- 111111111115 501111-1111,- 1-51
1115111. 1’111111111111111 11151 11115 1111111' 1111 1111 \-';1111 111111. 1.1 11—
11c1‘té 11‘11110 croyanco 1'1-1115'11-1151- . 1111 min 111-1111; 11 1-0111-
111-1-11111'1111110 51111 1111111-(‘1 1-1 511 131111111 111i 111-1-51:1-i\'1-111111- 5:1-
ti5fai1'1- 111-011111l1-1111-111 11111-11-11 1111-11111-111111111-11 111- 1111111- 111
Franme , CL 11 5’0111111'1-551-1‘11111-111-151-1-11-5 10125 511115 19511111-15
E1.11111111551-111 1.1111 111- 11111113115. 11 111111111'111-111 111115111111551- 1-1 1'1
11111111151110 111- 5’é11-vv1‘1111—111-55115 111-511-111-11551-11125 1-1-1igi1-1151-5
(1111 (1111 11111 111111 111- viclinn-s- ‘511115 1111171111 1181111111 1111115
1111111- 1:1 111-0511131111;1111111i11111u1j11.111w c1'11111111-1r 11c 1-1-51111111‘
1111-5 ? .1itl'angc1‘s 11 tou11-5 1cs 1111111115 11111111111115 , no 1-1111——
11015511111 (1111;11:111‘5 110V011-s , 11511’0111 111111110101111411111311011-
voir 111: 111111-03 51 11-urs principcs avoicnt 14,111 001111115 , ils
n’auruient 1111 11111-01111- 1111 51-111 1115111111 c011111111les aux yenx
1111 301111151-111-1111-111. Jo 110111'étcn115 pas fairs 1C1 19111-11111)—
logic. :Iilrangcr 111111 111.11 11 1-1-1111 01115513 11111111e111-euse ,
31711311111 1118:1110 11111-1111 11:11-1-111 11a1-1111C1-5 11011011111105 vicLimes,
jr: 111151115 11111,- 1111-1111111,- 10115 105 11011111105 1-1115011111111105 (:1
50115111105. L11 ‘11151i1'11x11i111111c5 1111-11-05 1111’1111 1101-5111-1110 11VCC
1.1111 11’ac11a1-111,-1111-11t, 1-51 1111115 10 113111111111111511 111: 10115 1135
511-1111151115.1\1‘1‘-x1-,1-11111111 111-5 1?11-1-n1:15 1-11111-11115 110 111111 01'111'1:
5111;111111111 51,-1‘11111 1111111111511'11111-111111:111,- 111E5‘ol1-1‘. 1111 torturer
1.1111111a11ité, Ct 11’111'i111‘ 1:1 France,2111:1_\'L-11X1111 113111-0111: 111' 110
1’111111'131'5 011110131111151135 \‘rais 111111'1111c5 5111111559111110111'11c-
1111111111-1- 1111’011 111.5512 ccsscr (11-5 111‘1151L1‘111tim15 111111115 affligunt
'01 11111105 11é511ono1-0111.


P 11 11 1 5 , 3'10 A/h'nzru'ru.

17111-1111111111111: (11-, 111112111-5 1111111305 11111114111 1-11 1-11111’131'511111,
11.1115111-51'1111105 i11v1111’111tai1-1-5 , 51 101111-5 1015 1-11 11111-11- V1115
1111-1:1-511-111-111-11101111211110. 1.111115111111111- ,jc 11irai: 101111111 , 1-11
1611: , a 1,316- 5111111321 S.—— (L1111111, a111i1:11 110 11111: a été 5cc11é
i1 Clam]. —- Des 11i11‘1l-1'1-ns Inorccaux (1110 1171111: 10 111115 {111—
11111-1'5-5 , 111- cc grand 1111111110 , 61-51511 IC-tc 11c SainLc-Anne,
:111 111-11 dc 1111-0 5a [1"11- (/ixlmzc. —J’a1 v11 a1110111'11’1111i 1111
1101111110 110 Saint—Cy, ‘11-. 111-v1'015 11in: 1111 hum/1w dc Crr.
-— L125 gens 11-5 111115 11'an11u111cs 111-5 environs sont “lus
gal-911115 111: 5111111—1’11-1-1-1- , 1111111- 1111-1,- 1115 gun-gnu.»- (71: Pierre.
-~ 'J’ai vu 1111111211115 1111-11 111-5 (£11505. 111113511- 11111 _1:1111.1 s
v11 Saintu — (31111111: 11 11111011 (111‘L'jt’ II‘1I/‘J1IHL11/5 11111. Club-n.
,...13xistc-t—i1 \‘1‘1-1111111111111-111 1111c 1111 11111 5111111111111.- 19
11101 1111 sainL 1111 111- 51111110 avant lu 1111111 110 CCI‘1111111-S
1'111-5 . vi111-s 011 111-11x‘1’ 011 n’cst-vc 11115 aux (11111111110111)
1:1 aux 111110115 111111 111111 :1111‘11111crcu 111111151-1111-111‘.’ -— .111
10111-1111 31 (‘1‘011‘0 111111 1111' 1111115 11c 111111 1-1-1 (gin-11, a1'1-1-
11’1111111111111115 11c 1'11151111 1.1111.- 11-5 110105 1111 1301-115 1141;151:1111}
1111‘711111 1111 17 brumairc 11111110? 01: 101115 5111111115, 001111011-




”11¢. ,

‘1 ()

( 2 ) t 1
, . . n -- r7 : . is

110111 11-11111-0551011 anmcnnomont rcgue de counnuue do

Saint — C101111, 1-1 111111 11115 0111111111111,- 111.- (1101111)).

—-— L115 g1§111§ra11x 1:11 1-111-1'111-5 111'111éc5 1111111115 , 1111 B11111
1-1 1111 13111111111.- . 311151-1111. Morn-nu 111 151-11110, V1cnn1-11t
11'11111'1-55111',c11111-1111 1-11 11:11'1i011111-1- . 11111 5111111115 50115 11-111-5
111-111‘1-5, 11111,:111‘111111111111111111111110111111111111’1:\’111-1-5511111111-10111'5
51-11li1111-115 5111' 11- :111111'111111 11111-11: 5111-1111, 1111 111L111-1'1'11131'11nc
111-1151-11111-111111111111-111'111-51111111611115 1-5121.5,1'111-1111z1r111 110111'1-111)
1'11111111111'111111.11111‘c1-11111111rs 61111;’1‘1§5 511111 1111111111115 11x1111151111
11-1'1'111111‘11 111- 111 1'131111111i111111, ct 11111- 11-5 :11-1111111'0111'5 111-5
1111111111111-5 11111111111111x 11c 5u1-111111111111.115 11-1111111-‘5 1111115 1011115
1111.551-55111115. 51 1:1 (‘1)115111111i011 111: 1:111111-11111111111111 11.111111”:
1'1- 1111. 111111111-111-111-51'1'11111gz115 : (1111- 11-5 111-11'1111‘tic11-5 c1115


1111-1: tant‘ (1119011111141151111131 par 11‘. 151111131111 11111111; ,
111111111115 (1111-110 (1111 111111.115 1c 11111-1:11551111111111-111 110111 1111111111

—— (21141111- 001115 1111-55135 , 11-01115-1115 1111 1315111111115. 511111;
111-1-11'135 11 .1011, 11,- :1 , 115 \111-1m1-111111- 11-1'1-1111111c 1111 11-11110
11111: 11111111111u 11111111-1113111111, 1111115 on 1-1-121-1’11115 (11110111‘11‘11111
: 1111 51-1'1111—11 11115 111111113111 1111 111-111111111111115


1111-5111'1-3 11 1-1-1 15g'111-11'.‘

-—C11:1(11111 111111- 11 arrive 11 Lynn 111-, 11111111011115 111111111115
1-1 11-11111 113111-5 11111151115 a111:11111111114:1'.111,01111I". 1111 connnuruc
111,- cutlc \711112




—— 1‘111- gum-[[1- :11‘111‘é11it1i11 n11 \111-11111g1111 tracu (111151 11-5
11511 1111111,- 1111111111c5 antricliicns 11111111i11111151-t 11111111111111115,
(1511-0111; offensivennrnt, 1-1 1111:1101-0111 111- 111-111-11-1-1‘ on France
11:11‘ la Provence Ct 10 Dauphiné. L‘a1-111é11 1-115511 , 1111-18 111:
811 n1i111: 0.011111111111115 , s1: 11111-113111, 511115111 (311111111an11111111‘3111;
1111 mart-1:11:11 Suwarow, vars 1:1 81115511 (-1 113 Haul—1111111.
'1‘0111115105 troupes 11’lfi11111'11-c , 111-1110111905 11’1111 3'1-111111110111111-11
111,- 11ay511ns 3111165111 1111 11111311111115 11111511110115 111111-11r1111-115 _.
51-1'01111111111101'13135 ausiégc (1c Maycncc 01 1111111110115 1171:1111-11-

- 111‘011511-i11. En IllénlU—LCIIIPS , 1’111‘1211111110 Chin-1115 . 51 111 11‘110

(11-, cent n1i110a1111'11111ie115 ,111111‘1-11111-111111-1-1-1011101'115111- 1111X1‘IH-
110111-13; (-1 1115101151): 011 (11111-0 . vingL 1111111- 1-11551-5 51-1-0111
(16111111111135 on Franu- , 11.1115 1135 111E11a2'11,-1111-115 (11: 1‘0111-sl ,
1111111- 011é1-c1- 11110 diversion1111155111110 ctavantagcusc 11111111111
5'1111141'a1 d’altaqnc.

—~ Les Cisalpins 1'1f-1'1igi115 ont 11115513 111111 111: rvgrcls 1‘1
(11-1-1101110 , 11’011 115 vicnnpnt (11-11-12 1-1-111‘11‘1'115: 1111 1111-1111111,
111-1111111115 11’1111C 1501111111650 11111 1‘2’1it 111-11 11’1111111111111- 21 111
111-111;:1111550 11113171721011Inf/L13. Um C(11'1,-,111-1- , 11111112113: Lam-c1112 .
11111011é 1113.111 111151-11.- d011111-111111:5~1111511.111111-‘1-115 1 111-1111 50111
(11: 1111-111'01011s11-Sj011rs,11a1151111 011111111-111511111-: 1111111111i1-1-
1111115 113(11161513 trmn'oirent 1111151111115 111111-1r1-1111x 111,- 1111111:<10
maniurc 11cc1111’1111 1111111) 1111-1111111 131 11-5 1-11111.)1-11-1* 511115
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-— La ville (In Cnon est do, nouvmu rléclen'éc on élat
dc snigc ,'(Iv1iiiis In (IV-1mm (In généi‘nl DuponL—Chnninonl ,
(Illl n cnnmr‘u} Incn (Ius rcgi‘cts.

—— 011 (Ht (lnin Disscnlis , (Inns In linys dus Ci'isons , Ii-s‘
pnysnns su sunL sonlcs'é: cmm'c Ics flllll‘lL'IlIL'llb, ct (luiils
cu (ml, mnssncx'é I500.

—- On (lit (Inc In ronl‘ort dc troupes nnglniws (Inc Nelson
n (Imnnnilr': , i-st LII-slim", n nucnmpngncr In: i'ui lIC‘ anlcs
(Inns 5n CanLnIv, cl. it Ini SCI‘VII‘ (It! C'éll'tIL‘-(ILl—C()l‘l)§.

—— IJ'S‘ nuii'ivlnens ant I‘m‘cols Ics iuil's ‘I' \nrn‘nm {IL‘ resti—
tuei', suns IlldCUIIQIU" . I'nx'st'nlcl‘ic (11:5 Ugliscs , Iln’ils (IVOIL'HL

—— (In :1 I'nit ; nvnnL—Iiicr; h In Imm'sc «It: Pnl‘is , une
révolnlion 2. (lonslnnlinnplc , It I’niilu (IU I’nsswnr1—():_-Imi.
()n :1 Int", (Ii); IniIIi: PPI'MHHH‘S , In'nli': I0 I‘nnxlnnli'g I’Ui'n,
enfonuL Ics lnn'Lvs (In Wi'nil. (In («I ti'r'Is—innlnii-L 5m" IL: sm't
dn f;rnml—scignmn‘; on n onI)Iié:(Ic Io Poignniwlm'.

L'q/nmmf/v’ mN/Y'UJI'OIug'I'r/Im nnnoncv, lwmlnnt IVS Il‘(‘l7.C
JOIII‘S coiiiposnnt In tonalilulion Inn‘énlc [xiwwliniiiv : (Sval—
ii—rIiI-e , a. (Inter d‘him- 2() , jnsxln'nn II nix'uw, dc [JD/[(18
Pr juries goldcs. 11 no s‘csl pas Lrompé J'um‘u'n cc juui'.

Sm- lr's I‘I‘Zlgl'cuscs.

1.0 :rnuvoi‘nelnonl pnlm'm-I ([ni s’dlevr- sni' Ics minus (Ic
inns Ivs 1‘1‘Ill1(.‘5 .- (II' («mu-s Io.» nlx‘ncilm i-llvulnliunnnii-irs ,
SOIL-niw (In SOI‘I. (It‘s l't‘llll(‘l‘$ (I0 I‘ll-[mg iI s-()(rculn:1110n1c
(it: In \Ivslindc (ICS \unél'nlnvs pastvni-s ilii‘nn .‘lVUII. [ii-Liti—
pins (Inns (Il'S cncllolsj pnrcc qn’ils n'n\'0icnl [ms \‘onln
mvnlir n Dicu CL it Icul‘ Conscience. ()n‘il lulu: (lune nussi
nn n-gni'lI (Ic PI'OIL‘CLIOH Slll' ccs inl‘urlninin-s tln‘on n ni-i'n—
('Ih‘t‘s llk' IL'lIl‘ CIOIII‘C.1)OHI'II‘§ (milm‘nn llilllt‘lld‘llnINN-lulu
LUI'I'UIH‘XHI on c-IIus sonl (Idlnissécs, snm cunsulnlinn . sans
"I:"I(‘!II'.’11\’('l snns pnin. IIIII'S. s’tiloiunl (Iiiwnuécs . n In IIHIH‘
\IC Iunz' 51:40, in line l‘(‘ll§l()ll commlnnch: cIIL's siintilé~
Vondes . nnjrnn'd'lnn , n nu innllicni' snns' (‘Xt‘lillllL’g (Illns
nx'oiernl in'nznis (I0 Vin-v ct (Ic IROIH'II' lHHH‘ Diuug on Iva
I’m'cv Illllllllt‘llfllll. LII‘ 1noni‘il' Iunlunn‘nl nu Iniliun (Irs
IIOIIIHII'S (lHl IKS Ini'sérnlvnl ; (3L mlwntlnnl.(inninl (‘II'N‘
(‘Hll'L‘l‘l‘HI n\‘<‘t' In-z'nisnw (Inns C(‘S ullnlm lnn>iI>Ii~s (ini
n’cluicnl pns livnjmii's [It-s lmnlwnin'. CUIHHII'II'SPIIIIU\1)—
plats I‘onl (IiL. “In-(1; n\uii~ nInqunU I‘IIIII’IIIX;;(‘ (Iv Ie'ni‘s‘
Innlillvs. (‘III‘S (H'HH'1.I nmnn'li1 nnt‘ (IUI ‘jlll «Imnil. Iw 11"lll'—
1‘i1‘. Qllivsl LII‘VI‘Hfi" C(‘IU‘ (IOL'.'. ... I'llw n DUE |li~s‘ mil I'Mlnrfi 1.11 SUI'III' (In ('Imli‘i'; ti‘és—pvn
(I'vnii'c ('IIL'F (ml (Insurlé Ics nn‘i'Is «In u’i'ni «Inn lmni' II'S
nulrls (It: IInnI. Jill's sc son! (lii‘rinlrivfi nn smwicu (It-s
IIIIIIIHIPS L‘l iIrgs Innivi‘cs . Imn‘s wii'ilnlxlws ninis , It-ni's
plus (lis‘ncs I'i‘i‘n's; Ics iLI(‘III('llI‘S :nni: (linn (Ill‘ll pnn—
\Tl.‘ (-L snnIIi'nnI: 0L (In fontl (It's prisons: (Ivs ns‘y—
Ins sncmis (Iv I‘in:Iif_wnt:I3, CIICS l‘nppurloit-nt (Inns IL'HI‘S
(‘IE‘HI‘S It: sunlinn-nt 5i vonsolnnt (I’nvnii' sci-Vi I‘Innnn—
nilé; Jnnis ([nnnnl . n I(‘lIl' (our. (-Ilcs (Icvicmli'ont \‘ioil—

law, (,‘I.’ inlirnivs: (innnrl cllws u-Ivk’m‘Otlt (Ics In'ns Inn-
qnisanns \‘M-s Iv «:ii-I , (Inuls (awn-s onlondi‘ont Icni-s

lininlus‘.‘ I'Irnmnvfi (Illl‘S ct Illl])IIU:.'1II)I:‘SI . . . . . (Min—
CIlCI'L‘Z—VOUS (Io VOII'L’ II‘1;5()1'({|11'i\IIill:S Immollvs pour IL‘S
sonlnglsr? ()Sm‘vx—vous (IUIIU‘I‘ ms I'v‘lt's c'. V05 II‘iIIIlS 3 hour
PUI‘LL‘I' LICS PHI‘UICS dc consolation n ('c svxu 5i intél‘ossnnt
(Inns In soni‘frnncc , ntlui Io Idgislnli-In- (Ic I’dx'nngilv n’n
\‘rniln nIII'L-Ssci‘ (inc (IIIS 1):]!‘UIUS (Iv Imnti'w'i(I'indnlgonc-Ji“..
nun , \‘uns pnswi‘lm I‘i‘oinlcnzan nnin'vs. (IL‘ Imn‘s (Iv—
IIIL‘UI'CS Iuni's gCllllS:l,‘IllCIIS n'ni'i-ix'ri'unL point jnsqn‘n
YUU‘C nme , ct: inns no (Inigiwn'z pns inC-mc , qnznnl
cIIus nu scram plus, \‘ons (IL'IHH'I. 1‘ (I0 ICIH‘S cenI'Cczi.l«3s (*l, snixis.l’n1‘—tonllulwnplc n Infinil‘usté SL1 inlv,
UL l‘k‘:_(ll'lltf u-Lle publicnlion unninu In 1)1‘(IIIUIC (IU In pnix.

lint-55¢ lint adopter Linc i'tisulnliun (Lui pone (Inc Iv»




piF-ces des procédnrns
~— Mcntiou honorable.

scronl: délivrécs 37'0le 3L Cimquc

Stir/1160 (/11 :19.

Plusionrs 111ossagos sont' adopt/vs par lus (‘onsnlsu

L1- )t‘t‘ttllt‘t' dwmandt) 111-5 1111*surus logislativm addition—
nollrs 51 (~1-llt-s diija existantcs pour acculijrcr li