xt7q2b8vf64p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vf64p/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1797-03-12 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 12 March 1797 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 12 March 1797 1797 1797-03-12 2023 true xt7q2b8vf64p section xt7q2b8vf64p     

#. . »'( 685 )



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(Dimanche 12 Mars 1797 ).

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Moulded/w de’tails sur la prise ales [org/Its 911i out débnrqzui 'en, Angleterre, -—- Débats ale la c/Iambrc (lets c:om-~

:’ Wes d’A/igleterre. — Prolong‘atiaia (Icmrdéc aux Annie/111.1223 pour di'molir lea Olin/rages ale [a tétc (is pol/l dc
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ponrél‘lcr pillcr lcs liabilations d-es campagncs. Lorsqu'ils
31135 "tre g; Virgn't dos forces' considérnblcs so reissemblur autour (PC-nix
' ’ ‘grossir :‘a. clmquc instant , 1e commandant Talc (scrml
Uammandunt angluis , pour lui proposer (16 capihilcr.
,«Celuia-oi répondit qu’il no pouvoit cntondrc aucunc aulre
sacrificl‘fl yopasition quc. colle do so rendrc 2‘1 (lifitrétion : cc one
:rifim‘fl jams Pentllesl"rangurs sans tircr nn coup'dc lusil. llsrn’avownt
lroits 105 ll pas lune. PICCt“ (16 canon. On a trouvc oacln‘s Idsms lcs ro—
sacrés- J“ ., ers dos fusds 8: d’autrcs armes q-n’ils (lostmoiL-nt vral-
semblablement it armor (les prisonmers li‘ancais on dcs
mécozftélls qn’ils espéroient attircr dans lcul‘ parti.

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1‘é5'ides galeres do Brest 8: do Rocllefort, qu’on avoit

voulu (i’abnrd embarquer sur la flotlie dcstinée :31 l’cxpé—

,9 dcmziin. '(lfilion d’lrlznnlo , man; qu’on fut obligé dc laisser A Brest
”mi, {5; qn'rp‘wrcel q'uo lcs troupes do ligne St 195 marins no v01:lu«
p TEN? par’servir avec dc tcls uompagnmis d’armcs. Lc gou-
ordain“! i-irvenlemqnj‘. frangiais ne voulnnt pzis sun: clouto litS remettrc
'om'n‘ul l;arlla'1;:'6hajmfi aprcs lcur a'mir (lonne lonr lilw’rlt‘, 8L no
“] examt‘n‘l Sfc' ant? ’qu 5:11 Lure , a voul-u , (lit-on, s on 



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«311111115 ('35 bl'uVKZS 11311111111113 (11: 1‘111111311111111111 3: do ];1

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1'1‘81‘61 '11-:1'1111111'c j1'11111's gem 11; 8111111111‘1‘111 ,
ta‘111114 11111: 311 .11'1'1111gc21 111 11:1'1'c 111110111‘ (11‘s 1211311135.

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(11111111111'5 1c111;:s L11\(32111x,'(§( 10s 1111-1911111 s’(;1'11:11\111‘1': 11 A111,.
11130111'1111—11, 111111191 111111113; (1c Vnh‘ moms , ('(11111111' 1111115
1111(11-61'11111 1111 '10111‘ 1'1‘V1111‘ 11011‘(: 11111119 & 1111s 111111111911 11.
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1mg W111?“ (11111111111111.1011, C\" y pluccrcnl 11115 11111111111111”
111511111:1s (111 11>111L :


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S111 1c rapport (11: Chalry—Tnf‘ussc, 1c cmneil appronve
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(3111111595 8; (1(111111111es 11:11111111111x (111i 110111111111 (1111 1111111 511115
(1111111111'11111111 1111 111111119.

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11111111115 (1(- 1‘a11 V.

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:111111111'111 111111 vague (11m; scs (115110411111111.L11c (111(1119 111
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1111119 11:11' 11: 11:51- 11 11’)! avoil, ricu (16 11x13, (111 1111111111113
(1111111011111: (111119 11 jurispruduncc (‘1 ('c1 ($1111. T11 11111—-
1c1119111 1.1 11111111111011; [(1 111111: 10. (11:11:11d1111. 111 (111 1211'-
(“01111111 5111' 1111 5.1131111: bill-ct ('1 011111", 151 on 111: 111(1201'111111
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(11111214: 1109:1' 11," 11:11:11ch (111.» 51 (1cs COIHHHIUZHIHI‘S 11119,
111; 1111111 11113 1111111' (1:11); (1115 11113: 11111'11c1111c1‘s. 1’111'1c 11215513,
121 1'11111rz1l1111: 11411' (‘01'113 éiolt (1111111311 11111.11 11.25 (111111.: 8c
11' 1 (1:: 111111: "1.1111(3) 1111111'1cs 1111.119 131: 1111111‘11cc, {kg 1111(1—
111c111';1~1»1111 (11:13 11111; ccs (‘as 1’ 111 11:1111111011 110 (111 11113
11: 1111111111111; 1111: 501111110 111111131113 1'1-111‘111'111131‘, (-11 (113.1111.
qm- 111 (:111111‘11it1’c 11:11' 0111115 11 r1’-1;(11111: conunc par 11;
11111513. 1')111';111r_1—\111111‘111c V1116 ('11::111- 1.1 11511111111111.

11111131 11111111 111 I'.1\‘(‘111' (10 1.1 13511111111011.- 11 so111ie11t
(1111111' 111-xi 1'1111’1'11111' 111 51 11 "EL-11111111011 111:: 1111111.: ;
111 111 (911111-11111111; ('11:: (3:1 1711111111: 11:11 11‘ c11111111(1'1'c
11111-1'113111' & cx1'1'11-111' ', (-1111 L'u'1 ('11::11211111111‘1:1115-111: 11:11‘ 1111110
1111-111 51111111 (1111 5:11'1111121, 13“ 1111111133135. Or J 1135 11111111111195
11101111141115 311111 1111 11min; 1111521 sacrL-‘cs (1111: 1US propriélés

LC c1111<1311 co11111111c 111 dificusxiun

1181‘ COI‘pS.







(1 (1111111111.

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T‘1'1'5111c11ce 1111 (211115111 LA L01.


Sfiance (/11 21 Van/11.99.

g‘xpré's 1a 11111110 (111 11r(1('b;—\'c1'11111 , Du'1.11‘;2jre 011110111 131'
11.11111: 11131111111? 11111511111 (11111111a : 11 1111 (111': ‘agiotagc (1111 ,
|1111g-1"1I1: _. 11 11111 111111 cc (1111 (‘1!111 (311 1111 110111' (1&111'11-1'11'1'
1c: 1111411111»: , \‘1.:11| (11; 5111 01111111101 110111 11's 1‘1111'1‘ Hut-(111:
511111 11 SL‘“ 0.1111(1129 K \'115 81161111111101“; 11 11's 111411111110
1111111' 1.:s 1'111'1'11111'0 , 51 1111 111-'i\' (1x0: ~11, (‘1 (roux (1111 out
(105' 11:111'211111s 1‘1 E11111. 13111111121111 111x1110 1111:111L‘1‘S, F\’ (11111 5011
121.11 1111 11155111511 1111 (111'C';1(11;'(; (‘1‘.5-1'11111”, 110111' 1‘111‘.'11('1' 51
1111-1111111- (1115 1111*5111'1-5 ('(11111'13 10:1 cxci-s (111711 1:12:11 (1:





(111111 11

<11 3111111», 11:11” 1M \‘111111-e (1111 <1: 11‘1111\'-v

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(11‘, (111(111111'; 1'61‘1‘V1‘1‘11'1‘ (11w 11(‘1111'1‘n 11.11111 ’: . 1111 ;"r ~_‘-.".«
111111111 111111115 11-\' (mums (1111V1‘Il1 r11‘1'\'1~11(1(;s; 1111115: 1'3111:
source (1 (151111915: 1.11;: 1.11m: 11 (111.;1111 111111 111111 1: 1111 1 .11: .






H111 '1111111Pos'&’11: Aircctoiro 0111: {111:1 dos megurcs qui ne.
)11:11\'c111 111:1111111131‘ (1‘1"11‘1: (1111-11-3.
)c1’1‘1‘111..11:1 11111121911111 (1110 (11-151 11: conscil :1 rcjctlé, par
1.1 (1111151111111111x111111u, 1.1propositionquc1111111111310 vicnl dc
'1'1-111‘111'11111‘1r. 1111 0111.1, quels $0111 1131 gvus (1111 131311110111
;1\'(‘11' 11115-11“. 51. (11111111 3 11V. (11:3 1111111111113 (1110111 11151)—
rvric 1111 1w;«1i‘. (111.: 1111111 1 111:: c1: 50111 (165 gum 218811-
1‘1‘111c111 (1111 1,111! ugiulé 211.131: 1113 111311111115 j, qni ()111 spé-
('1111'" 3111' 1:1 miw": 111:1111111110 8L (11111111 111("1‘11011t pus (111’011
s‘iutérmu-ni I1. (-113. ,1)1'1‘1~1'111(111(1 (161111111111: (10111: dc 11011—

szm . 1.1 (1111-.s'1i11n 11111111111316.

ICU/J propu-‘Hion :‘Qt'udnptée.

])1111111u—1')1111;1y appuHc 1‘111l1‘11lio11 11:1 Cruncil Slll‘ l’état
(1:.P'1121'111‘1c 031 51-. imm’cnt lcs c111-111i11s' (11: 1l‘ilVCl‘SC (111115
11:". (1111211111113. 11 (‘1'11it <111’i15 dcvruicnt ("11's 11311111135 1111):
11.111 111:»; 111'0111'i1'-111iz'cs (1111 11:5 11\'()i>:i11(:111. C’csL 1': Vocu
(1113 1113111111 111111.: (1110 101111111111. vinnL (1c 1111100111112

Comma Dubois-Duhny (1111101111: 1111 31111111 11111111110 (11)
(1i1.1pi.1e11i1)119, $11 111011011 051 1‘1111‘1'oy'1'xi: 11 111 c0111missiun
1211113159 111-151 11’1111 rapport 5111' Get (91111-1.

L1: (‘011<1:i1 $111111 1111c 1‘19s11111l11111 [1211' laqucnc i1 accordc
(1c; sccuuj's {1. L1 VOLLYU (111 ciLoycn L11V1;111112 , (1111 a élé
11111111111? 111-, 1’.1-‘.sc11:111§1: coustituantc, 8; (1111 :1 élé ussassiué
511111 111 tvx‘nnnic.

Parks 1111: 111 (1111011113) pl‘i‘sonic 1111 projet (1c réso—
111111111 [111.111.1111. (‘1 cc (111C 10 cunscil passe i1 I‘m-(1n: (111 jeur
3.11' 1:1 (1:;111111111u {hitc pour (1111: 193 1115111111 fusscnt con—
scrvés 11.111: 1.35 (11"|)31‘l1:1110!15‘ 11111115. Quant 51 1011151119115,
1‘] P11111111: (1c 11:“. 1.1isse1‘ 11 111 (113111111111011 q11’i1s (111111191163,
c’c.11. 11111113111111 cuufm'mc
aux 111sp(\-.i(ic>11< 111: 1211:11' cunniilulionncl.


. . .
1: (“11:11:15.1 111




Ccpcndant 11 no. pmpme p11: (1’1111111111111' 1‘111‘1'1‘41'); 13 M111.
mix'siun (1 111:1111", ([111: 11' (1i1'1111111i1'1: ~71111111‘1395111‘111'1 (11‘ 11' mp.
porlcr (111 (1c 16 ci1‘(:(111;('1'i1‘c (11111.»- 1135 11111ilcs 111.11‘1111('~(:» 1111..
1:1 ('LHNIilUiioH.

Dupmt 11111111111: (*11<1111c 1111 prnjut (11: 11150111111111 11111-
111111 (1:11), 112-; (*i‘nymh‘. cumpris (111115‘ 1m 111'HC11N l ("x 11110
111 1.1i (111 15 1111114110. 1111 5 , 111) 50111 11:13 cxclus‘ 1111 11111.11
(11311: 1C1 (15::(‘1111111'11-5 primairvs.

1,11 1111-51‘11l1: 1'1"s(1111[i(111 91311111 portéc (121115 1115 1.11"]1111-[11-
1110111 [111‘ (105' (1111111115 1:};11'21111‘11111:1i1‘us.

Cello. 111*1‘11i121‘c (11513051111111 excilc (11: vii'a' murmurss; (111
(11‘111:111(1¢ 1:1 qucsliou 11116111111110, 3111' luuL 1c pmiut;

“111.1111 11 5011101111 (INC 11111611" (111 direcloirc (as: (11)“.
11.11111: 11 1.1 1111; 51 0011111111113 , (1it—i1, (1111’. c1411: 101 1:11
13111111111". & 11'111lsc1‘i'1c e11 unlicr (1.1111 111 pruclumzilion ([113
113 (111'1:(‘.l1)i1‘.: 11 1111111: 11) gu11v151‘1101113111 0111. (10111; (3.119, (11111.
1111111.: s’il 11’61‘11 1111511113 103 1111:5111'05 11é‘ccssai1'us pour Put»
01111011 do Goth: 101.

Aprbs (11* long: (1("1mls 8c 5111‘ 111 proposition (11: 133111111,
1e conseil a (1é(:i(lé (11m 11:»: prévcuus d’émigmliun (111111111
oblenu 11:111‘ radiation provisoirc, 51:10:11 211111115 11 voicr
(111113 103 assemblécs 1111111111115.






Balance 1111 21 1191151381,. :y.

Amstcrd 11'... . . . .60: , 62. 11111132111111". . . . . . .1 i 2, 3 g ",
Lie/1111111111111. ....... 584%. Lo11111cs.........3/11.11) s.
11a111bou1'g.... .. . .192, 190. 11151211111”? 1.15 5.,12 s. ,2. .3 He 1
Madrid. ..... .111..°5 s. 1} (1. B111111c11111'1‘i1'.....91.1.3a. I.” )1111
Madrid 111111.. . .13 1. 7 s. :. Ma111111t..,.5’1 s. 5, 41), '18. 9111131:
Cadix..........11 1.23.; Q1'1‘111......1021iv. 125.1,. :gflll‘us
(1:1(l1x oilechve... . .151. 5 s. Lingo! (Vang. ..501. 12. , 6001111
(111105 . . . . ...... (12$,9] . 1’i115l1'c... . . . . . . .511V. -; 1' m1)
1111111111112” .... . 101 %. Quadruplg . . .71) 11v 1 I31 " 111
161111;. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 fi, 3. D11c11l11’Hul....1117 s.§,"'1‘?g11r1.i
11mm”... . . .1111 pair. 15 j. Souvcrain ............ 311. .113“ ‘1
1\‘l.11‘.~1.ill('. ......... .irlem. 1 Gui)11’~c..........251.3 s. " TNT"
Bordeaux. . .1 bénH. i1 vuc. 1‘ :xjalmurs

. . . . , ’Tuuhs

Espnt g, 467 11v. 10 s. -—- Euu-de—vw 22 (kg. , 3w 1. :péi‘iéb
-— Unilc d’ollve , 1 11V. 9 s. —- Café Martmiquo, 21. 1;. 6.1121211)

—— Cufé Saint-Domingue, 1 11V. 18 s. — Sucre d’1.r1.1111-
bourg, 2 l. 6 s. —- Sucre (1’01‘11'111115 , 2 I. 3 s. — Suwu
(10 Marseillc, 21 s. 5 (1. ———-Ciiu11dell1;, 1:1 3. i1 —-— SCI. 6

11v. 5 s. [e 8.



flfariannc, on (u. quvarmc dc [a flare”! d’.4rdmnr.9; 1 1111111111
11148 avet: gravums. T’rix, 1 liv. 5 5013, 8L 1 liv. 15 sols franr 11:
port. A Paris, 11102 Buscher , librairc, rue (10$ Maihurius. 11". 395.
$1 an pulais Egalité, 3111121113 (111 thézitre do 121 Républiquc.

Emmi cur Ia gangrene lmmicle 1113.1 lm‘piiaux; par 185 ritoymis Mo-

reuu 2‘1 Hardin, 1111 vol. 111—15". b1: l’rix, 1 11V. 5 5. 11k 1 liv. 11) :1.

franc 1112 part. A L’uris, (:licz Jiégeut (‘51 Bernard, libruircs, (11111i1111
Augufluls, 11". 57.

Tau: Frmluinaw» r111. Diable, 011 RUN/oil 1172 Norwaux n'lyars‘ 110111
Korvir (113 suite A 1’1111711111‘1? (111 Diablu 1’! dc 313.9 suppfilx; Lirst (1:111—
11‘111‘3 111511135 (.111 {(1i, par frru M. 5111111135 , avocat en p111'111111011t; 111:1
e11 1111111512111 style 1% [111111105 1131‘ .1. 1". N. 1). 1.. R. 1 volume i11-11
1111111112 i’riK , 1 11v. 11‘} 1015 S; 7. 111’. 1111mm; dc 11011;. A 1’11iis,171lt“
BIL-111:1, 1111121111' , 1111: 1111 llurepnix, 11”. 15.


Eli-um . 75132.13“ I

11): 1111;1111ma111 (11. L01” , 51.1111) (:1 Aux-.111 m , 1’11:p111~l.111m 9