xt7q2b8vdx5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vdx5b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1979 1979 1979-02-26 2020 true xt7q2b8vdx5b section xt7q2b8vdx5b . W
Vol. Lith so. its Ker 2' Univmitt of Kentucky
Monday. February 26, l979 ‘ an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
g . ; To evaluate two-year program
. e i. 5-1. =2 ' 1' if; .
’- , ~ . 5* .. a... I . I -
. .. ,- . _, . t get“
or -- _ - ,t Accreditors VlSlt dental hygiene program
‘. '. *3 it? 2 By BRIDGET McFARLAND necessary to go four years to be a said. I’ll officially has open take students from all over the state
I ‘ l Staff Writer dental hygienist? Most health-related enrollment. but the program has to but many decide to stay here after .
. ., .23 t’ - . y. programs have gone to two-year limit enrollment because of available graduation.
.2 Tit v “i '. . Thefirst class of_denta| hygienists degrees“- lab space. “It‘s a problem." Chiswell said. ‘-
5. 1‘ ~ to, gar-1. - ' .. m? attending the Lexmgton Technical He said the two-year program. Last yeai the program received l50 “Eastern Kentucky is begging for 2
. A . ._ , .. t.- ‘ Institute will graduate May I2. and which produces clinicians faster and applications forlo available positions. clinicians." .
K 3‘ ' ' _-‘ - f 5,»: ' w. , .' coordinator of dental auxilary for less cost. also eases the financial Applicants are required to take the ,_ , 2
' 2 2‘ 12f . education Dr. Larry Chiswell is burden on students. Dental Hygiene Aptitude Test but The program '5 always "I "“d 9f
it" 3 :f g: ' hoping LTI‘s program will soon be “I would like tothink our program other factors are also taken into subjectsChtswell saidAs part oftheir
2 _ 33/ g 3.5"" r. fully accredited. is of equal quality (tothe old program) consideration. Chiswell said. training. dental hygienists must work
’ . . The LTI program is currently but test results from the national and “The professions attrition rate after with patients '" the schools dental
. l "i 2' 2 5. operating under an “accreditation state board exams will be the best graduation is very high." he said. Clm'c'
. ' - ‘ 32.5 3 -. . :, eligible“ status. Inspectors from the judge." Chiswell said. “During the application process we The students clean teeth and ”I“:
s. § American DentalAssociation willvisit When L'l'l started its clinician- look to otherthingsto see ifthe person routine “8% If more extensive
. ' MW. I} a 3' 13% a" f y .23 the schoolthis weekto determineifthe focused program in I977. the College willstaywiththe profession.0nething d‘?"‘a' work '5 needed. the hygienist
_ _ ., s w. . 2 " " if program is eligible for full ofAllied Health changedtheemphasis we do is weigh previous work Will'recommend that patients see the”
' fl N. ' fl . accreditation. of its dental hygiene program to experience related tothe dental field." family dentist. .
fl $1 w... ".~ 1%... t Formerly dental hygiene wasafour- teaching and research. Applicants are required to complete Chiswell said a dentist is always -
s. year program in UK‘s College of (iraduates ofthe Lllprogi'am have 24 hours of observation work with a present and the work is of a
. .. J ’3 Allied Health.Whilethat program still the option of either permanent dentist before applying to try to make professional quality. He added that . ,
‘ exists. Chiswell thinks the two-year placement in the field or entering the them aware of what goes oninadental the fee. which can vary. is less than
. . M -l- 5.1;? LTI program. which emphasizes College of Allied Health Professions office. what a practicing dentist would .
' ' clinician training. fills a gap that a for two yearsto completeabachelor‘s Chiswell said the need for dental charge.
' ” single four-year program doesn‘t. degree in health science. hygienists is greatest in rural areas. Persons wishing to take advantage
‘ _ ' a}! “Economicswasthebasic reason for Admission to the dental hygiene “The Lexington and Louisville of the service should call 258-2992.
i - . WW 4. 2.. f the change."Chiswellsaid.“ISit really program is \ery competitive. Chiswell markets are flooded." he said. “We There is no waiting list.
FOOd SCIENCE major proposed
' . anal-“"2:'z-'2?=2',,.:....: ' a M s, - 5--;--:s.....:.:-,...;..
,. . %} T’chgfir By DEBBIE MCDANIEL emphasize food technology. in the program will create strongerand more Darsie‘s interpretation of the
2 , , ”(Mo Copy Editor animal sciences department. while substantive programs than either committee‘s policy.
__ ~ gag 5 courses in the College of Home college alone can provide. The council voted to return the
_ , r {5. a 2 m" A proposal to establish a joint Economics will focus on consumer The nutrition and food science statement to its Admissions and
j» 45' 46%“, " /¢ program in food science between the utilization in nutrition and food department in the Collegeof Home Academic Standards Committee.
_ ’ Wwéwggfiz , J” .' colleges of Home Economics and science. Economics will require l28 hours for informing it of the policy's alleged
’ - 2.943- " ’99:;3/ls Agriculture will go before the Trained food science graduates graduation. while the department of illegality. and suggesting it work out a
as?“ 3‘ 73.21.. _. _ "gwaaN’ML/fifmg University Senate next month. work in food-related industries such as animal sciences in the College of new policy with Cox and other '
W»: 2 V .1, following the Senate Council‘s action meat. dairy. food packaging. and food Agriculture will require l20 hours. interested people.
. . v “’fi; ‘ are... Friday. additives. Another area with a high In other action.the counCilreturned Under the proposed policy. UK '
' , . ' W s I, If approved by the University demand for graduates. according to a committee's statement of policy for would accept credit hours and grades _
. ‘ - t r . . . “t", Senate. the proposal will createajoint the report. is with federal. state and accepting credit hours and grades from a community colleges lower '1,
. ' 8%}; . .2 major in food science to offer “training municipal regulatory agencies. transferred from community colleges. division courses only if the University “ 2
. 4‘; ¢ 3 "I; .. in the basic sciences and in the The joint program idea grew after after a discussion with Vice President Senate. or a corresponding body of ,
‘ I ‘_3 .1 " 4a” .. fundamentals of food chemistry. food reports from two review teams who of Academic Affairs Lewis Cochran one of the four-year state universities. f
Mags .. ‘ ”93’, .. fl ' _‘ microbiology. food processing, food evaluated academic programs in the and Ray Cox. associate dean for the approvesthecourses for baccalaureate - .
0*“, s. engineering and statistics.“ according College of Agriculture in I977. and'the division of basic studies in the College degree credit. ‘ '
4’ T/vag/ '- - " " . 2%; to background material submitted College of Home Economics” of Arts and Seiences. However. two state statutes, KRS -
_ i w with the proposal. department of nutrition and food [)uringthe meeting. Cochran called ”54,582 and [64,583, state that
_ m TOM MORAN/Kernel 5"" However. food science courses for science in'l975. 2 . the proposed policy illegal, after Kentucky‘s community colleges‘lower
' College of Agriculture students will According to the reports. a jOlnI reading UK Legal Counsel John Continued on page3 _-
”0" Stu” V' I ' f I nterattack' ' 2
* letnam C alms a SUCCESS U COU I . _
Handling molten aluminum is no easy task. Metallurgical Engineeringjunior n ' V' t ‘ . '
Harold Sinclair pours the 7“) fahrenheit liquid into a mold during the so Vlets blame U, S. for China- ’9 "am war .
Engineering Open House Saturday afternoon. The resulting medallions. . _ . . ' _ 2 . -.‘
bearing a [K emblem. were given to visitors. By DENTS D. GRAY Vietnamese had destroyed '60 Intelligence SPEC'ahSIS In Washington say that by linking the two ‘ ‘
Associated Press Writer Chinese tanks in weekend fighting. say the Chinese have penetrated Washington is trying to convmce the Q
, The battle reports and Chinese POSSinyUP‘O ZOmIICSTMOViemath world that the attack on Cambodia 3. '
BANGKOK. Thailand 7 Vietnam casualty tolls could not be PIaCCS bl" the average depth '5 caused the attack on Vietnam.
claimed yesterday its counter~ independently verified. and some estimated at I2 miles ‘0 I5 miles. . . P __"
Students face dru char es attacking troops killed almost 4.000 analysts in Bangkok said they Washington intelligence sources The Sow? Sommudnis; e a5? , . ,
g g I Chinese in weekend battles all along appeared exaggerated. China has have said I7 Chinese lelSlonS. about newspaper my a “'31 r a; l’y '4‘ 2 y
_ _ _ the border. andatotal of l6.000 since issued no casualty reports. but the 225.000 men. had been identified Secretary'W.tMi(c‘I}i‘a:l isug‘::ts:c;
coca'ne trafflcklng alleged the nine-day-old invasion began. But analysts here say Vietnam has suffered l/"alongthe border andthatprobablysix current VISI o“. i a f h f t :2! 2 2
China was pouring in reinforcements. greater losses than the Chinese. or seven Of these dIVISIOHS were "1 cnc°ura$cm€m "Up": 0 t e z.“ , ‘
Hanoi radio said. The Hanoi broadcast said Vietnam. This WOUId PUt Chinese that China '5 waging an aggresswe 3;.- -
lwo I‘K students were arraigned possession of phenobarbital for resale. In Moscow. the official Soviet press Vietnamese troops mounted counter- combat strength in Vietnam at around war. trampling undelrlfoot the if '
Friday in Fayette District Court on and possession of hashish. stepped up its accusations that the attacks in Tan Lang village of Lai 75.000 men. higher ifVietnam‘sclaims standards ofinternatigna" aw. to say _
drug charges. The students were arrested United States was encouraging China Chau province. northwest of Hanoi; of more recent Chinese reinforcements nothing 0‘ human "g ‘8' y' . i
A preliminary hearing has been Thursday afternoon in their Holmes in its war against Vietnam. Thanh Thuy village in Ha Tuyen are true. Blumenthal is in China for trade ‘ ~ . -
scheduled for April 5 for Robert J. Hall room by Kentucky State Police But there was a report President province. north of the capital. and The Soviet Army newspaper Red talks, to formally open the American . ..
" - Goliehan. IQ. of Lexington. and narcotics officer James Starks. Caner was applying new pressure on Tong Dang district of Lang Son Star yesterday accused the United Embassy and to express President , --
Thomas J. Rothschild. I9. of New UK Police Chief Paul Harrison said the Chinese to end the war. British province to the northeast. A counter- States ofencouraging China t9§I€P UP Carter‘s concern about the war to the -' ' . ’
. Bloomfield. PA. his office received a tip that two Prime Minister James Callaghan. attack also was reported along actions in Vietnam “by .SU’WIHS ‘0 Chinese. The Chinese defended the .1 2_ _. ,
I Gohehan. an A&S freshman. is students were selling drugs from their afteratelephone call from Carter. was Highway 4. which more or less justify" the anaSth of Vietnam 35 a invasion at a banquet in Blumenthal's ;
' charged with trafficking in cocaine room. reported to have ordered a slowdown parallels the Vietnam-China border in retaliation for the 93“!" Vietnamese honor last night. but Blumenthal told f; 2 , .
' and possession of amphetamines for At. UK‘s request. state police of talks for the sale of warplanes to Cao Bang and Lang Son provinces. attack 0" Cambodia. . . them they are risking a Wider war and a:
resale. Rothschild. an A&S freshman. assigned an officer to investigate the Peking. The warthus far has been limited to The Carter administration S”? It losing support world-wide. .3 .
is charged with trafficking in cocaine. tip. The Voice of Vietnam radio said the the border areas of northern Vietnam. dCPIOFCS both invasions. The SOVICiS Continued on page 3 _..~j ~
.. s
“Protection ofthe oil flow from the Mideast is clearly part said at a news conference. “I hat‘s what my advisers tell me IRAN‘S MOSLEM LEADER AYATOLLAH :5? - ,
f, of our vital interests.“ said Defense Secretary Harold Brown. would be in the best interest of the city." RUHOLLAH KHOMEINI called yesterday for the delivery :3 .
“...ln protection of these vital interests. we'll take any action to his government of former Prime Minister Shahpour g2» -
‘. State that‘s appropriate. including the use of military force." Bakhtiar from “wherever the criminal is discovered." ‘ .3
. The defense secretary added that military force “is not The whereabouts 0f the 62-year~old Bakhtiar. Wh° ““1 5‘5 .‘
’ SLOWLY BIT SHIELY. TERRY MCBRAYER necessarily appropriate in every instance." been appointed by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in early .3
CLAIMS. the mtcrs of Kentucky are perceiVIng him 35 his Energy Secretary James Schlesinger. speaking of US. wor'd‘ January. have not been known since his government was 3%
' own man. not tied to the administration of Gov. Julian interests in the PefsianGulf‘ said: “The issueofa U.S.military deposed by Khomeini‘s Islamic revolution two weeks ago. ; ‘
. i (“m”- g . presence is under consideration. That would involve military THE KREMLIN SHARPLY ATTACKED US. Treasury “We request our friends abroad to inform us whereverthey ’32 . ..
- “AS I 88‘ 01" Ohluht‘ stump.people are hcsmmhgmlo‘)" 3‘ personnel. Whether it would involve a deployment of Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal‘s current visit to China may find him sothatwecanaskthegovernmentconcerned for t
H me as a candidate. the Democratic conestant for governor troops...combat arms of the ground forces. is another yesterday. calling it a “clear encouragement“ to Chinese his return.“ Khomeini was quoted as saying in the Tehran i ,- 2
““d 'n 3“ '“ier‘i‘w- _ _ _ question.” ' aggression against Vietnam. broadcast. ‘ -
, “1 here are fewerandlewerqucstionsinwhichI‘m supposed The criticism by the official Soviet news agency Tass .
- to defend orutake credit for what this administration has or followed strongly worded commentaries yesterday in two ' '
. ‘ pasntdone. said MCBI’H\CI’. who .s allegedly (‘arroll‘schoiee NEW ORLEANS MAYOR ERNEST MORIAL. citing Moscow newspapers the Communist Party daily Pravdaand weather \
, . 0’ a “New” potential safety hazards. asked residents and visitors the army newspaper Red Star. They appeared to escalate the _.
' ' yesterday to stay out of the historic French arter on Mardi Soviet media cam ai n a inst what the Soviets say is US. ‘ i '
V ' ' nation Gras day .. tomorrow. on “connivance” in szifig‘sfivasion of Vietnam WINTER STORM WARNING . TODAY. Snow . . .
i ' 2 The mayor made his announcement shortly after striking Tass said in the New York-datelined dispatch that accumulations of up to four or more Inches through "I“ -. 2 ’ .
' ' ' TWO ('ARTER ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS police agreed to obeyacourt order and pullpickets away from Blumenthal‘s visit was taking place “against the background morning. diminishing later today. Htlh ‘04” "I the '9‘" ‘° . -.
~‘ _. . .‘ I SAID YESTERDAY the United States is prepared to use garbage dumps and Sanitation Department garages. of China‘s treacherous aggression against neighboring mid 30:. Mostly cloudy "‘4 COOI tonight "I” the I?” {“h‘ , . 1'
. . . ‘ military force if necessary to protect oil sources and vital “I am recommending to the citizens that they do not Vietnam and savage atrocities perpetrated by the Chinese mtd N1 le)’ sunny "Id €°°' “WWW" “'"h the “'3“ 'n ‘h‘ ‘ 2. ,_
y ' , : interests in the Mideast. congregate in the FrenchQuarteron MardiGrasday.”Morial military against civilian Vietnamese..." mid 30s. , _
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If necessity is the mother of inyention. then the schools irated team could have a better chance at getting an at- representivci And the new playoffisn’t the only pressure that’s been I? i
in the Southeastern Conference must have an urgent need large berth. But how many fans wouldn‘t rather see a well-rested introduced this year. Becausethe regular season schedule i
for money for their athletic programs. because that s Much of that argument‘s strength evaporated as the club advance to the NCAA playoff? And why playan l8- had to be squeered some to make room for post-season 3
about the only important benefit the league will get from NCAA expanded its tournament field to 40 teams from game schedule ifthere‘s a playoffcoming up? How many games. SEC teams had to play frequent mid-week games. it
‘ its ht‘“ post-season basketball tournament. 32 providing more 9 . . chances should teams get to prove themselves an wa ? ‘1
. I . , . .pots for runners-up. _ ' y y. As UK Coach ‘ ' . ' t
The tournament. which willdeCide whichteamgetsthe II' t ,- t I Of course. the SEC has endowed its tourney with a more time on 3:92;]: anLCId Earlier :hisIseaonry it means :3
automatic NCAA berth. begins Wednesday in BE" the most compehIingI IaI:gumen 35“": ft, setupthat makes itdifficult for any team otherthan one more pressure (Hall dioesn‘ffavys (:hmisse casses and I?
' Birmingham. Ala. The final game will be played conference tournament is . at it ta es too quc on o a of the top pair to win. For other clubs. becoming SEC I . . . I . a or e tournament. but .3
S' . team before the NCAA tournament. .No national . . . . . . . doesnt speak against it much these days. Something ‘
. aturday. . h . d d f I fe champs requncs Winning four games in as many days. about looking at ift horses in th th -~
The PUSh t0 haye an SEC tournament was champion as ever ha vanCc h roImI a choIn ”the: The top two get byes until thethird. or semifinal. round. g l e mou ')
strengthened last year when league champion Kentucky tournament “IOU“? 0‘” power 0““: sq“: 3h mhm‘ I6 A conference tournament is financial gravy for hard- Where will it all end? Will college teams be forced to i:
was the only team to represent the SEC in post-season ‘3‘"?th Atlantic C03“ “Conference. iii I'f . II as d pressed athletic directors who don‘t know how they‘re play even longer schedules to support athletic programs? {E .
NCAA play. Many felt schools such as Mississippi State particularly grueling Pitt“) .nIeyer “mt e ”1‘”- going to pay for golf and tennis with Title IX Will the league decide to junk the tournament after
were unfairly passed over. On the other hand. it can be argued that the investigators breathing down their necks. SEC schools getting a look at its effects? One place where it probably t
A tournament. it was argued. could give the tournament is good for the fans. and guarantees that the get to split the gate and TV takes. and so what ifthe kids “'0’” end ' that‘s Salt Lake CttY- site 9t this year‘s
“champion“ spot to one club. while a losing but higher- league‘s best team at the end of the season will be the have to play a few more games? NCAA finals.
' ' h bl d ‘
it S In t e 00
an o omees ma 9 ran In a
- Last Saturday morning Franklin who’s not afraid to say he loves his Franklin sighed. “Well then we can South American jungle somewhere The colonel grinned. “But you have 30 And bring your arm.“ Franklin i
walked into the kitchen. “Oh. my country and who worships the ground get back up. He just dropped it." and hope you find your way back." to—take part in some of our activities patted the colonel‘s shoulder. "And
God.“ I said. “Did you haie brain Ronald Reagan walks on. ln other “l can see you‘re naive."the colonel Franklin‘s eyes grew round. “Does besides what‘s required. For instance. COI. Comees. please tell the ROTC ,I
sur cry?" words. a erson who‘d be willin to said as he ot u . an one ever vou know. not et we have a blood drive ever month to people I said thanks anvwa s
g, . . . I P I . g . g P 3 . g . y . . 3 ‘
“liust got my hair cut is all."he said. shoor every little Wimp who even looks Frankin looked miserable as he sat back?“ raise money for George Wallace‘s The colonel glared at him. “You
sounding as if he didn't want to talk like a communist." back down. “Colonel. is there Colonel Comees shook his head. presidential campaign.“ mean you're quitting?" if:
about it. Franklin looked shocked. “You anything more to ROTC than killing “Only the sissies. son. And in my Franklin wrinkled his face. “How “I‘m afraid 50.“ answered Franklin.
M“ communists?“ opinion the country's better off does a blood drive raise money?“ “It'd put patriotism in your blood.“ in
I . . The colonel laughed and slapped without them.“ “Oh. there‘s a place here in town "Actually." said Franklin. “I‘m '
flank/In and I him on the back.“Well. ofcourse. son. Franklin was quiet for a moment. that pays you $|5 everytimc you more interested in getting money out 3
. . n - u i
I I ’8 Every Wednesday we practice marches then saidz"Well. how much dolget for donate blood. Of It. I _‘
- and drills and beat up anyone who gets belonging to ROTC?“ Franklin looked curious. “Do you “Communist." t
by gregg fie/d8 out of step. Every spring we have a “You‘ll get free tuition and books. have to havetobein ROTCto get paid Gregg Fields, Journalism senior. .‘
Napalm Festival. And in the summer plus a rent subsidy and $l00 spending for it?“ who admittedly “0“” rather WM" ,5.
. I I we have camp." money monthly." “Don‘t think 50." said the colonel. than fight. IS reportedly '00“!!! form Ii
“Franklin. the last time your hair mean Witn guns! “Camp?“ Franklin asked. For the first time Franklin smiled. lighting a cigarette. apartment in Toronto. “'5 column it
“'35 that short .VOUI had ringworm.“ “Why. of course." the colonel said. “Why sure. We drop you off in the “Great.“ he said. Franklin jumped up. “Gregg. let‘s appears every Monday. .{
HeIsat down. "1 J0|n€d the ROTC." “Now. I realize you boys may find this IWfl 3
he “ltd qu1etly. , hard to believe. but you‘d be doingthe .,
. I stared at him. "You? Franklin. world a favor. These communists are "
didn t your mother oncethrow you out all alike and they’ll stop at nothing to l i.
because you told herthe proper way to destroy the United States." 61 1 ers to t e I or
display the American flag was on the “But I thought Russia and China i
seat 0t .VOUT pants?“ don't like each other.“ Franklin said. _
He nodded.“lhadt ‘ ~.- . , . . .'
broke II 0 101“ lm hTIhC C(ZIIIO'ItelS ‘0'“. 1°“:de If). a Parkin permits . The percentage of Confederate the American flag ofthe I860§should their heritage. as do blacks and any 2
I frowned “So what else is newnu wTIiIsper. I ts a condstiracyI; he said. 9 soldiers in the ranks who owned slaves be regarded an insult to blacks? other group. If blacks feel that the
“I mean really broke .. he said I? izlasgprfitfin I','i‘I8t°d'S tsothe lwould liketoinformthe University was very low. because the vast 1 think that ifa poll were taken of display of the Confederate flag is
"Yesterday I had i0 pay the a er bov $3 (:h “ll ('10 “I“ send inIt(roops. employees as to what is being done in majority of slaves were owned by large the people who hang Confederate flags meant as an insult to them. that is an 3
‘with Burger Chef coupons .p P ' th enIh Ti film) ”i: atha “pier regard to the collection of parking land-ownwcrs who were exempt from in their windows. very few of them unfortunate mistake. because in the ,f
Just then someone knocked on the thzyx‘veoihfiifriiteiloget :r' d eaanIIIiIe. citations from people with no parking military service. Many Southern would say that it is a symbol of majority of cases it is not meant to be.
‘ door “Come in .. I yelled The knob th -I 'h t ld bl kurh or ers. aIs permits who park in our spaces and officers(including Gen. Robert E. Lee oppressron and insult to blacks. Their Of course the Confederate flag has ‘- .
turned and in walked a middle-a ed ediIWI 0 0 dac 5t f)’ Wt": efuad- force us to park illegally. Absolutely and Gen. “Stonewall“ Jackson/ did reply would more probably be that been misused by groups such asthe Ku ’f '
\ man with h If . h l 'h _ g” anI 6 women 0 men 5 wor f or ‘ nothing! The only citations being not believe in slavery. and Gen. P. R. they identify with and are proud ofthe Klux Klan. but some protestors have i- ,
a we -ong gray an. e we W even got queers teaching sex enforcedb th P bl' S f t D' ' ‘ Cleburne even advocated freein the Southern herita eand atmos here of also misused the American fla b 3
_ was wearing a green khaki shirt and education now “ y e u 'C a e y 'V'Sion ' . . . g .g p . . . . . g y 3‘
pants and mammoth black boots F kl' l 'k d h' “Wh d are from employees who have parking slaves and trainingthemassoldicrs. Of Kentucky. 1 display the Confederate burning it or flying it upSide down.
“Don't you sing with the Village I r3? in oohe Id" d lam at 0 Permits. Employees have no choice course. it is truethat most Southerners flag becauselam proudthat several of Thishdoesn‘t mean that the American 6 i
People?“ I asked ”Skiinm we 5 Eli R 0‘ h but to pay these citations. otherwise did not believe that the “Negro race“ my ancestors fought for the South. flag stands for anarchy. and neither I. . .
The man shotmeasharpsalute with kill tii :fifo IsDapet :honmen. we will not be granted our renewed. had reached the level of the “white The Civil War was one of the most should the Confederate flag be
his right arm on which was tatooed murdefercs i) ire: th es roy HIT :33: parking permits. which may not be race." but this was a common world- important chapters in American considered as anything other than the .
America: love It or Shove It “Col DIRT'“ he :5 e :y d' I'. f th such a bad idea. l have parked a wide l9th century belief. held also by history. and the heritage it left us symbol of the heritage that every '
' Baum T. Comees .. he said inavioice so floor .I lookedezdmy: ‘ tntii‘g OI" le number of times in classified spaces in most Northerners and even Abraham should be important to every American should appreCIate. . ‘
. | d ' - I ' 0 .n a e co one. can with no permits belonging to Lincoln. Some Union troops from American.
0“ and deep that it made the who had drawn a plStOi. . . . Greg Walden
windows rattle. “I‘m here to “Are ou all ri ht"“Fra klin k d family and friends. These cars were Western and Borderstatescvenowned ISoutherncrs have every right to Anthropology graduate student 1
indoctrinate Franklin .. him y g ' n as 6 never towed and the few citations slavesthcmselves.Doesthismeanthat display and be proudofthesymbolsof
. Franklin looked at him. “Come sit “l sawaspy aroundthe corner ofthe giverIid \geere neve:I enforced. I feel it '
down. C01. Comees." he said. house‘" he whispered “Now 8“ W011 k. [0 my? vantage nm [0 have ' '
The colonel eyed me cautiously as down." a if" ing permit at all.I , ‘ i i I,
he satdown. “What‘s your last name?" Reluctantly. Franklin and | got . a“ year when I paid my parking ii
“Fields." down on the floor. Franklin crawled to Citations m order to renew my permit. ' i i t'
"DO YOU heheVC the Pentagon 7" the window and looked out. “Colonel I wrote to Tom Padgett. Director or
. “It‘s beyond my grasp." h . h' ‘ the Public Safety DlVlSlon. I requested J t ‘
t ercs not ing out there but a h h - - - i i
“I guess you can stay." he said. He squirrel.“ t at eIwrite and inform me as to what ,I it‘i . . .
pulled a notebook from his satchel. “He‘s a 5py_" “.35 Ibemg done In regard to collecting ‘ ‘. t i it i i ‘ '
“Now. the first thing. boys. is that the “But. colonel. he‘s [00 little.“ “whims from people wnh no parking t i i . \
/ ROTC is not interested in just any “[5 he carrying a walnut?“ peririits. Needless to say. I received no ~ i ! ii i ',h I
young man. We want someone who‘s “Yes. rep y . - i V ' . i I til
interested in preserying democracy. “lt's bugged!" h S that time or year again tn i i .1 ltd, ‘ ,’
employees. and l suggest we pay our , i - i. ~— - "- - T
. Letters OIiC citations. We wouldn't want to put the ”it h 'I GIANT | r #1;
p y Public Safety Division out ofbusiness. ‘ it I ‘t'i i.iI PM i ‘ 5:“: 1-9 . . ’
Ste .Smith | i i ' . ‘ hi . .-.
I The Krniurki Kernel welcomes and Concern particular issuer. mnrrrns or Collthrhi: Send!" 4 i, I11" i ‘ (‘ufok“|A S i t" 1"}: " .,. A. ‘3
II.“ encourages contributions from the [7K events relevant to the UKrommuniii'. or ' y . l i Ii i . i ‘ 0LOEST il .'.' ‘ fit;
community for publication ontheeditorial remarks concerning the operation? and Department 0' Endmom'cs I“ it J ‘,i. . (I UVNG IHIIGS \ ‘1':
i; and opinion pages reporting of (h! Kentucky Kernel. 5“" “Shunt l " ,. ' . ,_ ...,,— .. " ‘ .7; ~
‘7‘ Letters p d ‘ In, 1 i ’ J \ ’—’_‘ “ ‘ l ' i
.. o inions an commentaries Ophioiu: l 'i. I. l . \ ‘ ’ ' i l i i t
. must bctyped andI triple-spaced. and must Shim/dire90linesorlexs.60charamrr confederate flags . -. /~ .’ 1 II 'i. i Us . w \ I : "4 i‘
, Itii include the writers Signature. address and per line i' ’ ‘ ‘ fl \\ f k \' l i .
1: . - . i - M‘
3 phone number [k students should GM and“ him .. . , In response to Robert Hemenways // [H n i ' \ ‘ ’ t
t . . a sin n i . ~ - 1 ~ c
. - arm Weiss?” ,0 ..., 0, names: column in may. W. i wt Al”, ~l it “t t . i r-- .-
. III. “$332?” on istiheirdepartment mmmumni hewould re-evaluatchisopinionOfthC ' 2")“ ' ll! i “\ a. . ‘ . . it)“ ‘ ‘ '
I . II: The Krrnclrescrvethcrighttocondense CW“; Confederate flag. The Confederate J , / ' ‘A fl‘\\ _ Is‘ . 5 ‘7' Y .
I. . or reject contributions. limitthc numberof Shouldhcmlines orlesx.60rllaraeiers flag does not stand for oppression of. . , . /,_ Q" / . If ‘II . ‘_ ’ I ~/ 11/ .
.» . . . , zbrhissionIsIIby frequent writers. and to P":"'- d I I or insult to blacks. It is and should be i" 2‘. ‘..'r.1“’ I ‘ ' . i’— ‘- ‘fi \ ’ I
- L it or we innsrammemtant andlihe- r! "WW .07 drlir n who" ' .‘ . c l” " ‘ ’ "'3 “- ‘ . . 7"}. l -
. ' Ions statement y authors. the editors/eel. have special (re- thc symbo! Of 3 mm century nation L I ‘u” “a T ‘ ' , i
. ~ Mal: dentin/s. experience. training. or other aind "5 hgnasc' Nor does ItlslandIIfofl’ m“ {
I -~ Shouldhe 10 Iinnorlessfitirhararlen qualifications in address a particular saver)“ ontrary to pop“ at be 'c . Op -
. I. ‘ '1'". rub/m. slavery was not what most if W3 W. YOU 'lélilhllolpll'BBiliiPWqu WWW: AT HP 8%.”
1 .° ._ Confederate soldiers were fighting for.
5'1 age” I F. "
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J. Jim—:53 ‘“ . . 4
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 "'iw-Mpa >..., v'--. .- . . . - . .t - . . ,
l I ll” Kl N H ( Ki th\l.l . Monday. lehrunry 26. ”79—3
i 5 fat} S - d "- -
. i tatewr 9 p0 mg servrce
_ l a 3 ' .1,
e . 1_ l to operate out of McVeY
i"- P g M ‘ P N 3.. \ By DALE (i. MORTON l riryeisiry and to IIIL start- ' limiting proposals declined for
g .4: <4 ., Stall Vlrrrer ( olt- .i torririihrtitatritris similar reasons "
% _ ‘ g :1. * .. f ' . graduate sttlircrit said 'lit \lcudows also said that
.‘l l y; \ Q‘N/P- ,9?" :5“ < l‘ K “W” “Ill begin teriter will he ‘.i really hm lilsl l Ill'sL'I\II_\ ollicials hope
3; l m ‘ “g ' -« ‘ _." -- -. operating the first state-wide to: do earnprisantltor in. tidit- rest-.irtli grants will make the
l a. . _ . ‘=-;.;=, y ,.,.-. ' s “I: polling service In Kentucky. or kenttr. kt " \Rl l