xt7q2b8vdv4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vdv4n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2000 Fall Newspaper Contest text 2000 Fall Newspaper Contest 2000 2000 2019 true xt7q2b8vdv4n section xt7q2b8vdv4n F E ‘ 70 H
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Page 2 - 2000 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest
7 ‘ 7 ' " ronment. Agrabberleadll Needs some editing and a better Good community news. Good lead.
Week] Honorable Mention - Kelley lead. Very effective react story.
y Warnick, Gallatin County News Second Place - Richard Deavers,
Good job of capturing the controver— Central City Times Argus
Class 1 sy sparked by news ofa strip club. I believe from what I read this Category 14 - Best Headline
Honorable Mention - Tracy Combs, Mickey Strader contributed some- First Place - Mark Stone, Central
. . " ' ' Spencer Magnet thing to his area. I wonder why we City Times Argus
FitsigPlche--B.F()sliriEdOl’tN)::llJones Nice, comprehensive report on a only get one comment from him. Prime heads on feature effective.
Hickman Courier ’ matter of great concern to the com- Third Place .- Richard Deavers, Second Place - Danetta Barker,
What an editorial should be You munity. Would have benefited from Central City Times Argus Flemingsburg Gazette
icked out reat sub'ect and made movmg some quote much higher. Too long and confusmg for an out- Third Place - Carolyn Schwartz,
p d . tg b tJh t' sider to follow, but a good story any- Flemingsburg Gazette
§§3u1§%l:v: baeeonuhanodvl’ed‘Ochlellle- Category 4 _ Best Feature Story way. Head play on duck hunters a little
writtenl Great for your readers' First Place ‘ .John O’Neal Jones, . too obVious.
Second Place _ Rita Mitchell Fulton Hickman Courier _ Category 9 - Best Enterprise
Leader ’ What an excellent perception of a or Analytical Story Category.l5 - Best Use .
Great editorial for the community. man most people probably don’t First Place - Tracy Combs, Spencer 0f GFapthS/PhOtQ Illustrations
‘ Watch out for passive sentences and thmk about..Reporter draws. out Magnet . . Certificate Of Merit - SCOtt Powell,
breaking up clauses with other great human interest. I only Wish I Thorough Job of followmg up on Berea Citizen
clauses. Loved your conclusion. could have met Jon Robinson per~ release of test scorrs. A good
Third Place _ Clay Warnick Gallatin sonally. I thoroughly enjoyed it. ‘ explainer. . . Category 16 ' Best General News
County News ’ Second Place - Kelley Warnick, Second Place - Jennifer Waldridge, PICK“? _
Well-written. Points are clear. Gallatin County News . Spencer Magnet . Certificate of Merit - Kelley
Editorial is a little too short. Writer Wow?! Nice feature. Writer had so Good backgrounder on change in Warnick, Gallatin County News
could have explained why club is much great info on history, etc., of alcohol law. Always a touchy issue.
bad for tourism economy and family members. ' Third Place - Tracy Combs, Spencer Category 17 ' Best SPOt News
future. Editorial really strikes for a Thlrd Place .' Richard Deavers, Magnet . Picture ,. - .
witch hunt against Lawrence. Central City Times Argus . Calm treatment of hot topic —— FITSt Place ' Willlam MltChell,
Honorable Mention _ Kelley Awesome lead! Way to draw in your school waiting lines. EURO“ Leader _ .
Warnick, Gallatin County NEWS readers‘ But was there any OPPOSI' Second Place ' TraCI Ollver, FUlton
Could have been great editorial but tion to campaign? Probably so. Try Category 10 - Best Investigative Leader . _
ifI had not been following the news, to bring outboth or all Sides. Very Story Thlrd Place ' TTaCI 011V“: Fulton
I’d be lost. Explain better (and more objectivnglil‘iting on Cunningham’s first Place - Tracy Combs, Spencer Leader
- -- - - prOJect. e written. agnet
briefly) the history up to this pomt. Honorable Mention - Janey Tyner, Very fine, thorough job on this sub- gategory 18 ‘ Best News Picture
_ ‘ . Fulton Leader ject. One of the most important com- ssay .
gfiggglgycez _ fif::5%%;i:fv§pset:g Wonderful human interest about munity services. Points out the fail- FlrSt Place ’ Doreen Dennis/Paul G-
Magnet ‘ bringing together old war buddies. ure to coordinate fire and EMS...and Moore, Central Clty Times Argus
Excellent spot news. Story read as if Very powerful and moving. Great why. Awesome blend 0f entertainment
reporter personally was on the scene use of“hot” quotes. Second Place - Tracy Combs, photos. Great balance. Thumbs up
from the beginning, not just taking Honorable Mention - Clay Scott, Spencer Magnet ghoto (115 efC‘tmg-
notes from a police reporter. Writer Edmonton Herald News . ' Good Job of tracmg the history of a 6390“ P ace ' 800“ Powell, Berea
also threw in safety tips. It was a Unusual story. I like that. Pierpomt long-standing problem. Gitizen l . .
pleasure reading such a tragic story. is very unique. Not “baah-ah-adll” Third Place — Carolyn Schwartz, reat C0 or photos. W‘de variety 0f
Second Place - Danetta Barker, Flemingsburg Gazette festival events.
Flemingsburg Gazette Category 5 - Best Column Interesting community history, Thlrd Place ' Mallory Bowman,
Awesome news story. Terrific lead!!! First Place - Kelley Warnick, reporter’s initiative shows through. Spencer-Magnet. , _
Lead is make—or-break for these Gallatin County News Great kidding pix. This is what sells
types of news stories. I did wonder Very humorous. Gives outsiders a Category 11 - Best On-Going/ She paper. Next time, thmk about a
what the kids were fighting about, taste of what the town is like. Well- Extended Coverage Story ominant photo, a second lead
though. Story was not just another written. Watch grammar and punc- First Place - Kelley Warnick, ghoto, etc., and arrange them from
way to write a police report. tuation. Gallatin County News lg to small. GOOd work.
Third Place _ Kelley Warnick, Second Place - Carolyn Schwartz, Good job of covering impact of large
Gallatin County News Flemingsburg Gazette development of community. Category 19 ' Best Feature
Touching story that blends news Very nostalgic and warm. I especial— Descriptions of trafficjams made me Picture _
with feature. Writer made teachers ly enjoyed the Charles Schultz col- glad I wasn’t there. F‘rSt .Place ' Kelley Warnick,
sound like heavenly angels. umn. Good conclusion. Watch basic Second Place - Tracy Combs, Gallatin County News ‘
Honorable Mention _ Carolyn AP style rules. Spencer Magnet Really caught the moment. At first I
Schwartz, Flemingsburg Gazette Third Place - Mike Villanova, Zoning protests can be tough to did!” think th‘s was the best photo
Good spot news. Could have been Spencer Magnet cover in a balanced way. These sto- bUt It dld catchmy eye. Then the
better if you explained “how” Serves a good purpose in the com— ries do it well. more I'looked at lt’ the m9“? It made
Follmer’s truck left the road. A munity. Well-written. Watch punc— Third Place - Janey Tyner, Fulton me Sm“? and feel warm mSlde‘ How
quote could have jazzed up the tuation. Leader rare it is to see a happy,'cheerful
story. Good, straight-forward coverage of a group. Even the dog is smiling. .
Honorable Mention - John O’Neal Category6 - Best Sports Column sad case. Second Place ' Kelley Warnick,
Jones, Hickman Courier First Place - Jason Billingsley, Gallatin County News . .
Good story. More of an after-thought Fulton Leader Category 12 ' Best SPOt News Grea'lt‘gvay. to catch a Chlld m mourn-
feature than spot news. Writer pro- Writer opines to local as well as Package ing. e girl covers her face, leaving
vidcs lots ofinformation. national sports scene. Pretty clean. Certificate of Merit - Clay Scott, us t9 100k at her eyes. She S staring
Second Place - Scott Rich, Fulton Edmonton Herald News straight at you. Very “PM photo.
Category 3 _ Best General Leader giliird Place - Brian Hitch.
News Story Category 13 - Best Business/ 1' einingsburg Gail‘i,ti' . '
First Placi- - Scott Powell. Berezi Category 7 - Best. Sports Story Agribusiness Story "Sm”? photo. I ‘11“. howyou “in-
Citizen First Place - Barry Danowski, First Place - Tracy (Tombs. Spencer tfn‘Cd 1,” on (”it “HHII'FCCH‘OH.”f the
It‘s just a, road opening, but. the Fulton Lender Magnet f‘nl’ c\ciinpic:\ing U,” yellow truck m
quotes and (lptz'iils help capturo its Writer docs nice job Of getting up Good lead. \Vt‘ll-WY‘lltt‘n. Dt’l‘lnilvl)’ llll)t‘1{l}). .1“ 1 (hdfit liill:(‘ of”), “l”?
importance for the community. Good and helping reader visualize game. community interest but watch \\'()l‘(l- )} \ mm”)? 0m” 0 9m ' HP real”
job. Second Place — William Mitchell, use errors. (Example: zilltogcthcr/ $13.“ affinit‘HmHI‘: detail. 1% .7
Second l’luf'l- ~ John O'Ncal Jones. Fulton Leader altogether). ”STLQXIIEIE ‘ :‘l}lllflrll("‘ ‘t .inctta
HickmnuFouricr Third Place - Kelley Warnick, Second Place ~ Kelley Warnick. It?" Ht ”i‘lintni‘mm'i‘ 'mzlltil H
A good lead makes :i construction Gallatin County News Gallatin County News l Skulk it”) .0 3H. ‘1 .‘IIEmA (31“ m
project come alive for the reader. Great lead. Story really shows the ‘03) .“l you 8“, , “1m (1. “(50.1"?
Third Place - John O‘Ncal Jones, Category 8 - Best Sports Feature important of tobacco in the commu- H; “t1 pvioto. t nit i‘unian “new“
Hickman Courier First Place — Jason Billingsley, nity. Watch comma errors. p110 0' £er fit‘rdtgtlw's t P ll
Excellent writing that tells some- Fulton Leader Third Place - Kelley Warnick, onora L cn “m- cot owe ‘
thing about an area’s changing envi- Good story, but kind of hard to read. Gallatin County News See WEEKLY 1, page 18

 F, '7 ‘2')
l“ L t) 2001 2000 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest - Page 3
*' ex» 3? s
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l I " ' l“ fifi 3 5:7}::§§;§ Reaction by school Superintendent Fredericka Hargis and the
i; a ’ Kentucky State Police to a school threat two weeks ago leaves
: :::..;;:‘-v='=-"”* V ii. a: I ‘ I Mt”; I Like HiCkfllflfl’S pOliCC Chief: WC bCllCVC gTaVC mistakes WCIC
:' ”(he made. mistakes that, if a bomb had been planted in the school 3'
. : . and exploded. would have led to widespread panic and injured l
if We " students, some perhaps fatally I
. fag”; * mm scrawled on a small piece of stationary and put in
fight? ”5 " ' Hargis' mailbox at her home, promised to “make the school go
2‘; , boom" the next day. Because a s t is now in custody who .
- jig-IIji~‘i:i_fj':5".. “j f ti; allegedly has confessed to making this threat and another to a
_' l ' ' ' - high school teacher. arguing the semantic fine points of exact-
j ,_ ly what the writer meant by the word “boom” is now an exer-
. , ‘ k cise in useless rhetoric. We believe the writer wanted the super-
. {at _ ,. , .2? intendent to think a bomb was set to go off on the school
":15 "‘° , -? 9 ii. grounds. , ,
iii-31$-é’i‘f‘iiiil5*“? j »- ' - 11;: The superintendent’s decision toconduct school knowing that l‘
;_- .j y w -M":'- - - " it??? experts in bomb detection had not set foot in the school was i
Ml” p * reckless. And then to deny that a threat. bomb or otherwise,
, . j " - » ,. ‘ if? L‘e ram” existed to parents and the media the day the threat manifested
' _ ‘. . l itself dismayed a serious lack of judgment
, . ‘ '3 is. , .5 ’3; < If, as Hargis has said. she was following a plan of action
.. V gt devised by her and members of the Kentucky State Police, then
{9 v the agency nwds to reflect on how it arrived at such a strategy.
The state Police should have insisted on conducting an
exhaustive search for an explosive device using all the tech-
. , nology at its disposal and not have left the job to school custoe
Top: In the We‘ekly Class 1 competition, Kelley dians.
Warnick of the Gallatin County News received a A hate-tilled student with only rudimentary knowledge in
Certificate of Merit for this entry in the General News Chcmlsfrykznd flmms 903k} build 3am? “14;“ :2th
- - . e l - - anyones ow edge, umetttogoo tiring sc oo ours.
Plow"? calego’y Réght' .JOhn O N 8&1 J07“ ecfltonql The phoned-in bomb pranks that once allowed students a lit-
m The Hickman Curler garnerc a fin“ p ace m, tle more free time between classes now weara different face,
that category. The editorial crzttczzed local officrals one whose bmws brim; with the real mm” of death and
reaction to a bomb threat at an area school. Below: destruction. . . .
Mark Stone of The Times-Argus in Central City cap- 'l‘ltank 00¢!“th happened this time.
tured the Best Headline category with this entry.

 n 1" i"
F E 8 Lil iii
Page 4 - 2000 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest ,
i V l. provides her readers with thorough Local News Herald
l Week] 7 detail without overwhelming them. Good choice of subject. Writing is a lit- Okay use ofphotos, main display was a
l D This was a fun read. tle tedious but sheds light on serious little faint, washed out, to make a
l problem. strong graphic impact.
l Class 2 Category 5 - Best Column Third Place - Jeff Moreland. Citizen
First Place - Susan Reed Lambert, Voice and Times Category 16 - Best General News
. 7 . V ' LaRue County Herald News Good subject and comments from the Picture
gag"); 1 ' Bestlg‘lditoril:l ‘ ‘ Ms. Lambert’s columns are funny, parties. Kind ofrepetitive, though. First Place - Teresa Revlett, McLean
ngtbe}; Chint Reid/ream “ncmetb’ engaging and poignant all at the same . . County News
Colufnn about the Sim son’s mixed time. Their points are made gently but Category 10: Best Investigative Right spot at the right time.
humor with local interestpWell written clearly and they always. leave the read- Story or Series . . Second Place - Janie Bowen,
item ' er With something to think about. First Place - Melissa Blankenship, Springfield Sun
Second Place _ Brian Plasters Second Place - John Shindlebower, Henry County Local ' What can I say?
Henry County Local ’ Laurel News Journal _ Very controverSlal, well-written, good Third Place - George Harper,
Touching column, on dog euthanasia These columns were well-written and explanation ofa legal gray area. Carrollton News Democrat .
with a good segue into problem with to tcllie pomt. There were no wasted gecond Place ' Daryl Tabor, Crittenden The dominant picture didn’t dominate.
animal control. WOT 3‘ . ress - -

. . . Third Place - Carrie Bennett, Owenton Great research and leel‘Slty 0f Cate o 17 - Best S t News
fihlrd glace -Ll\(/)lelllssa Blankenship, News Herald sources. Scent-o-meter is interesting. Pictugrery p0
thgableulclbentigi _ Dave Niinemets Ms. Bennett’s columns offer the best Third Place ' Daryl Tabor, Crittenden First Place - Brian Plasters, Henry
Campbell County Recorder ’ possible thing for readers —- clearly Press . . _ . County Local
Honorable Mention _ Melissa :pelleldhout OplnlOIt‘iS Witth no eguivoca- Very detailed, interesting tOPlC- EeconldNPlacg - Johln Shindlebower,

. ., ion. ey were in eres ing rea mg. aure ews ourna
' Blankenship, Henry County Local gittegaflélé ' Best DIS-30mg] Third Place - Gwen Bolin, Providence
_ Category 6 - Best Sports Column _ en e overage FY _ Joumal Enterprise
Eggigggcifigg fifitggrgfign First Place - Linda Parker, LaRue Fll'St Place ‘ James COOK Clay Clty Honorable Mention - Teresa Revlett,
Voice and Times ’ County Herald News Times McLean County News
A very well-written “cops” story' livelv Wonderful description'of a last-second N0} always easy F0 fully report a story .
active verbs clear concise excellent free throw. Writer paints a ViVid pic- thls controversial m-a small town. Category l8-Best News Picture
grammar. A ‘i‘routin’e” incident elevated ture. We can actually hear the specta- Lov'ed your balanced ln-depth cover- Essay ~ .-
into somethng better by good writing. tors groan. age. 12”“ “‘30“ - Dave Niinemets,
Second Place _ Glenda Conner Second Place - Wayne Yeager, Grant Second Place ' Susan Reed Campbell County Recorder
Falmouth Outlook ’ County News Lambert/Shannon Leonard~Boone, What. a terrible group of photos.
Verv dramatic account of an incident Column presents a very strong argu- LaRue (lounty Herald News ~ ShOCkmg' Self—explanatory. Gruesome.
that, all parents worry about. ment for changing the system. but I ControverSlal local occupational tax Great lighting. Very clear quality.
Third Place _ Gwen‘Bolin Providence question the organization. To me, the ”0sz“ resulted m an outstanding Priceless. .
Journal Enterprise ’ lead is that only three states in the ““95 0f detalled Stones that ”lily Second Place - John Shindlebower,
Good use of quotes. Main story could nation have «'1 single class system. served the readership. _ Laurel News Journal
have used a couple ofthelii. Third Place - Wayne Yeager, Grant Third Place ' John Shindlebower, Very sharp COIOT. Photographer caught
County News iJagroltgews Journal t . l l 1 the wreck at a fresh, on-the—scene time.
, i . Interesting iece on riding in a hi h- ‘n- ep coverage 0 CO“ I‘OVBI‘Sla oca Third Place - Melissa
gtagffory 3 Best General News speed race Cir. Column had the mgk- issue. Newspaper stayed on top 0f the Blankenship/Trina Goethals, Henry
First Place - Susan Reed Lambert ings of a first place winner but the develol’mg 8“” gounty Local h f
i , _. ’ excitement and thrills I expected just reat action S Di 0 man being arrest—
%:§,usvgfiu£:figgfimclfioljfi¥au of excel- didn't come through. Should have been 3:233: 12 ' Best SPOt News 9d-_ thotogrgapher stayed Wilt}; ghe
. - , , a real “Hey, Martha!” , . action rom eginning (team e i er-
thzl‘a‘lzahi‘5a2s. 5.12;? °f M MerM - MoreaM .0 a... arrested).
Second Place - Wayne Yeager, Grant 1?an011? 7 ' BestdSports Story Cltlzen V0ice & Times gonotracble ItVIeNltion ' Rebecca Russo,
Count News irst P ace - Lin 3 Parker, LaRue , ran oun y 8W5
Strong lead followed by tight, well- County Herald News cat‘fm'?’ 13483;“ Bus‘mss’ Usually house fire shots are taken
organized story. One typo should have Well written and informative, a bit out 9.31.1 BsmessM 19’ B1 k h' after the firemen put (“it the fire. Way
been caught. ofthe ordinary which added to it. Hirs Cacet- Loiallssa an ens lp) to be there while the action 18 hot! I
Third Place - Kristie Daugherty, Second Place-Les Dixon, Laurel News Aenryd lowly d l k t h . WOUId have played OUt residents’
Providence Journal Enterprise Journal grim 03a 112.8 boo Z. 02v a 23]” response more. _
I like the lead and I thought the story Third Place ' Wayne Yeager, Grant clas vcvroll? ecitize asahecte defie am- Honorable. Mention ' Melissa
Provided excellent background and County News l y'l e -wri en WI goo uman Blankenship/Brian Plasters, Henry
analysis even for a reader unfamiliar Eng e. d Pl _ N t h All County Local
with the situation. However, there CategoryS- Best Sports Feature 055020 N aceH alda as a en, Although a mock scene, great ShOt 0f
were several wordy graphs. First Place - Brian Plasters, Henry W S" n ews erl . . students’ reactions. The two photos go
Honorable Mention - Dave Niinemets, County Local e -researched, we'l-written With the hand-in-hand. Great PhOtO dUOl
Campbell County Recorder This is a well-written story that cap- facts and figures ‘1‘“ m place.
. . . . . . Third Place - Linda Parker, LaRue C te 19- BestFeat P'ct
Dave did a nice job of organlzmg this tures the COIOTfl-ll atmosphere ofa long— C t H ld N a gory . ure 1 ure
‘ story. Flow is excellent. standing community event. The writer I oun y . era. ews . F1”? Place ‘ Debbie Th? ogmor ton,
provides lots of nice detail that help fintetrestin‘gvplileces. on J01“; Deere modi- Prov1dence Journal Enterprise
Category 4 , Best Feature Story draw the reader along. ca ions. e -written an CODCISe- gecortidlflace - Lori Beals, McLean
First Place - Brittany Su lee, Second Place - Charles Hust, _ - 09“ y 9W5 '
Owenton News Herald pp Providence Journal Enterprise left-$50331; Henge:lelilfnemets Third Place - Debbie Thr'ogmorton,
The lead drew me into this story. It This is an interesting look at a Sport Campbell County Recorder ’ va‘dence hum?“ Enterpn.“ .
perfectly captured the atmosphere of a many people probably aren’t familiar “Curly fries and a history lesson to go” Honorable Mention ‘ Debbie Dennie,
yard sale, whether at one person’s with. The reporting iS thorough and _, head draws you mm the story FalmOUth OUtloqk
home 01‘, in this case, at one that the writing full ofdetal'l. Second Place - Melissa Blankenship Honorable Mention - Trent Knuckles,
stretched for 450 miles. An excellent givivird che -HBrittany Supplee, Henry County Local ’ Laurel News Journal
job. enton ews erald ' - ' ' 0
Second Place - Melissa Blankenship, Elbe writer does a nice job of explaining 351;: digging-12:“ Bolln, Prowdence gxgory 20 - Best Feature Picture
Henry County Local t e workings of a somewhat different Ho 3 - , .
Ms. Blankenship’s story offers readers sports venue. An interesting read, Citiygn shiggdlfipmgifwfigrdand’ First Place - Lee Ann Seymour, LaRue
an enjoyable read on this a typical ' County Herald News ,
Olympic athlete. The story is nicely Category 9- Best Enterprise Category 15 . Best Use of Graphical Second Place ’ JOh“ Shindlebower,
written from start to finish and pro- or Analytical Story Photo Illustrations Laurel News ““7““ .
vides a peek at a world many may not First Place - Linda Parker, LaRue First Place - Les Dixon, Laurel News Thud Place ' Janie Bowen, Springfield
be familiar with. County Herald News Journal Sun
Third Place - Helen McCoy, Laurel I read this story from beginning to end. Excellent use of photos and headlines. Category 21 , Best Sports Picture
News Journal It prOVided info. examples and good Second Place - Les Dixon, Laurel News First Place _ Jeff Moreland Citizen
Descri ti be v h' in f - w 'ti ' hout reso ‘n edu t‘ - - - ’
p on can e eryt ing a ea rl ng Wit m g to ca ion Journal V0ice and Times Irvme
ture story and Ms. McCoy's piece about jargon. Good effort. '
Hooten Old town offers plenty. She Second Place - Rex Hall, Henry County Third Place - Carrie Bennett. Owenton See WEEKLY 2, page 18

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