xt7q2b8vcf2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vcf2b/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1945 journals kaes_circulars_004_418_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 418 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 418 1945 1945 2014 true xt7q2b8vcf2b section xt7q2b8vcf2b 4-I-I Club Canning Project  
  “”- UNIT u T
—»   cl T   J '
_ Circulor 4l8
A E i College of Agriculture ond Home Economics
iriii¤§°"ilw  Agricultural Extension Division
WMA { Thomos P. Cooper, Deon ond Director ·

 · Units in the Cunning Project
Seven units are available to 4-H Club girls who wish to
take the canning project. lt is best to take the first 3 in the
order given.
Unit l ................ Fruits and Fruit Juices
Unit ll ................ Tomatoes and Tomato Juice
A Unit lll ................ Vegetables
Unit lV ................ Meats (Use U. S. Dept. of Agriculture TQ
AW l-l l0) ln this unit, can- VH
5 quarts chicken j in
5 quarts pork - ( ES
5 quarts of meat (other than pork I l
A or chicken it available) er
· 30 quarts of fruits and vegetables mc
Keep a record using 4-H Canning (Ol
Record Book
Unit V ................ Relishes and Pickles l
Unit VI ................ Jellies, Jams, and Nlarmalades l·
F Unit Vll ................ Canning Budget
Help plan and can the budget for
the family.
Can at least a budget for one person
(lOO jars). Z
Use budget plan in Canning Record A
· Book.
Use the above circulars for canning
A 4-H Canning Record Book is available for keeping 0 ,
record in any unit.
(This circular is ri r¢·1ri.si0wz of Circular 378.)
_ I

 4-H Club Canning Project  
.tO Unit II i j
the _
Tomatoes and Tomato J u1ce .
By Ruth Latimer, Edith Lacy, and Dorothy Gentry ,
ture TOMATOES are one of our best home—canned sources of Vitamin C. T
· V Vitamin C is essential in maintaining strong bones and teeth and
E in keeping all other tissues of the body firm and healthy. lt is
Dork especially necessary for healthy gums. Citrus fruits (oranges,
lemons, and grapefruit) are excellent sources of Vitamin   To-
jes matoes also, either fresh or properly canned, will supply our needs
ning for Vitamin C.
T. Can 30 quarts, as follows:
TO quarts tomatoes T
_ fr TO quarts tomato juice
‘ O TO quarts fruits—as a review of methods learned in Unit l.
arson 2. Label each jar, giving complete information
  as shown in sample label. Use homemade
zcord   f labels for home storage. Get club labels
T { from the county extension office for use
ming · in county and state exhibits.
3. Keep a complete record in the Canning Rec- `
ord Book.
ng 0 - . __ , j, . . . d . f
  4. Use the score cord in practice ju gang o
  tomatoes and tomato juice.
._,  ¢; wu,
P'  `  A  5. Exhibit one quart each of tomatoes, tomato
S juice, large and small fruit. These are to
be exhibited in clear white glass jars.

— C
· M°*°l l’°"d 3-piece cap-metal band, glass lid,
. and rubber——Fit rubber to underside of
s· —-’·’ Glass hd the lid. Place lid, with rubber side down, ‘
@"R“l’b°" on top of the jar. Screw the band on
  S"' h"° firmly . . . then turn back almost a quar-
"  ter turn. After jar with food in it hos
(   . been boiled and taken out of the water,
i iii \ screw the band on tight.
 M•|·¤l bond k
€__ I M _ 2-piece cap. Place metal lid, with rub- _
 »/’ lf~`::;..,L ..`fLi,i°, ber side down, on top of jar. Screw band
{ 2 seen img on firmly, and do not tighten it again
'   even after the jar of food is token from
A the boiling water. ·
"Lightning" jar. Fit rubber in p|¤C€
 °°"°l’°' on ledge at top of the jar. Put on gloss
  Sw hm lid, then push the long wire clamp tighl
  over top of iid. Leave short wire Io0S€.
  No dm? After the jars of food have been boiled
\ · » ·
  and taken out of the boiling water . . -
l .` push this short wire down.
i i l
  Porcelain-lingd _ _ _ _ I
  mm cap Zinc porcelain-lined cap with Sl‘l0U’
@,.R__bb¢__ der rubber ring to fit standard MGSON im-
Fit wet ring down on jar shoulder, bul
r"$°°'· ”··• don't stretch more than needed. Fill iafi 3
V then screw cap down firmly and turn ll
W back M4 turn. As soon as jar is token
B from canner, quickly screw cap down
tight to complete seal.
[4] ·

 STEPS IN * ~ 5  T; T
cANr~uNc , A   _  SS~      ·
TOMATOES T i ,   T— `   T
T S      .`~.   V?    -V; T
; TE  g     · T
_ iT Use only firm, ripe   [ lair    ,_>_  
5 lldi tomatoes. One bod   x Ti ‘\   lgatt vga   ? —
de of spot mOY spoil them   ll       Q   ll_T`   ·TT.. l
A   »l zlil ·T li     il   
jowni ¤ll· Wash tOmGtO€S· l/l·’// lll     ffl Y   c
id on     ll           ·
‘l“°"     T lll `¤# lg
T has   lg ii ’  ‘ =   {T _T ;T ‘   f j
  ‘‘t= T T <¤·’t·# T V  lx   ‘   TL
voter,     ·r·‘‘   ‘   ak Ts  T ,_~· ·   ’  ai. j
 5:4; =l ll ia ",TTi     W T tj —   ' -_ T  
_  T _     __,__TTT   _,T,     Q; Q TT_ T  
TT , `-  _   _    V T-T    ~ TT   rm"  ml.
h b·   O O        `
' bclnd  "   T T   ‘·`  V  “ T ‘  
T :1 i.;T Q ~·     —  
¤9¤·¤         ’‘i  ~    T
B  f· . `=¤ i‘Z.-·x‘>.*s‘=’    ’ A"? 
T_ ‘_ » T—   _T=T Q QQ ,T.2   -T T.»' `   ` » ?¥  Tg
t from  1   J  .‘T. 3 E   ‘· N i   »--—
T V _  4   »   .l._   TV » V T l TT     T
t 2. Ploce in wire bosket     — OX é  l
T   _T_   ·;,T ·,_.·J_•·_ T, y~I..{ri "··~···ir ;}»:j· *,.   ’
Ol ¤l¤tl¤ l>¤Qi Gnd lr v   ’  
SCG l Cl U H fl l S ki US   '   ·l‘i " lll , ’ ·r:il§§§i2;f£ l "‘ g, `      l
A Igggg-m_   Y 2 Z-i;fi°§l _ T ;l;T"Z‘PY·¤‘~'   ~   · »   l ,
oss     T *·~··»§.,__ ·· j   {rv · T
I   I Z T VLF4 QHMQTVT u.`»..i»`..',T,$_>F‘_`-*5'__T414   L':
3 nghi         T          
lOO$€-   ‘=,-T, -`_. V U   . l » l T
boiled ' T   (%;`°   - T We S S · ‘
EI' . . ·  M `l`* ’`T‘i     l` _ Q
T i‘   !
T   Ti,TT
shoul- O , —   Tx' T
SON lm" is _' _ ___T T,TT  ./ T_TT           T   _
er, bul _ T /¤     ill}
:.‘ ·Or ' A       i ··  V       lei
ll l il 3` Dlp ln Cold Wclleri   ·       l Tlliflli ‘
; taken core from stem end.   _T__ ¥ z ’·       ll T
> down   T»#€Tl     `llll   ill .     'll}; ilék   l*`,`t • ER;
—- ¢ · , %   TT E?    TTI I TT
l - `T · » P`?    
[5] V ` TT T — TT · 4 . *

 ¤ V   ~v·.       , V   U
"       »   g  1 ,   . .   V»V    ~'`§·   `
J"    t   ',,·»     ”  4. Pock whole or in
.   V?      ‘*`*       .. quarters in hot ster— ·
   1j11j¤4~ 1 1         :»= ;;1‘·."·   _:,> . . . .
 : %2i?*é%“  · -‘‘’’‘ Y     #    *5 11 i  _=r» _v  2;;; fu/ sit   . .
  1   .A,.-»v   —»—»v»   4 .A.(  = ’ »`\*‘’   ,~``   .;»  1c1rs`T¤Ql"HY $0 Yhct
V 1     ‘ I   ~ —-»V s   Q  
i J »V». ;» *   “*** ··—==; 1  1 11 1%; V1.1  1 - ‘‘’‘‘ A         tomotoes ore cov-
_· — >   _ ··       ,.-.<»  1;-it ‘’‘‘·   ~ /·:» 1 .
‘ _ ` 1   “?"~1s;% 1 1   j ‘     ered Wlfh their Own *
  @     {SA y { {A;   Annl     juice. Add CI Teo-
  '   E · 1 _   ‘ A___# V V_VV:;;,. ;   iA `    Spoon of solt t0
1 `HQF 1  =_V, 1 1 =,»    _ ;   if   l   .°'A   QGCH QUOFT.
 1   in oi 1  :V' ‘ Y   
' 1 ‘ ‘ 1   ’ ~     ;```" i 11;;   ''·  
  11     v’1v1 1
1   M i
  o’°      --·-   1»11A 11 »      1¢1 11 111-   
V     :11. 1 1 1.11.1=.:    kg 1 V_ __A      
»   L A ¤%A»     v`-vv  A    i
  x  v_   c     ·`A`` 11   V`/OI'I< OUT Clif bub-
1 1  5’V· "  ;e· 1     - »--—  ~ ` ‘  · bles with ¤ knife
‘   »1' r1Vy. ·   :‘1 ·   —  
  »v.·d 11   ~»~1 1   1»     b'¤d€· — 8
  E —1‘1;¤2 §;°"€; » 1  111/,       lv
  ·*   ··       =11       ‘
1.   1&1o ii       ¤ ‘`”’: 1 VT1 ``2·*. 1 1111   *‘**   i 1   »¢ —  
  t   .     1111  ‘ V     ‘1‘:1i   1
 o·» 1  af   1   Vvi:  `  N   ~  
\     '»‘· ~  ’~-11,m~- 1 '     ‘‘’»‘ *
i       . 1. 1,   11 1,1 11 1111      
    1`111.         .11»1       :1`         1
 »1 1           `;»°   1
·~       t               »1»      · ‘
 1:“°;~§  ii ?   V;‘··   .51»1·       6· Wlpe the lm nm
  4       1-V’1      ‘A’i ¥         with o clean, d¤m|?;
  1»·` 1 i           `..       ’   ···.`   ·V1—    O
      Q         F         111-     =’‘   CIO"'}- ONG speck I
i     —       1 1 " V ` -1—= `   nvvv   ·t‘V·i:   food or CI Seed IS
t ¤   #:-1;  ` ·> mi;    ·   1 irs   ‘ .· _
    »»·`> ;_% 5   1.111.111   A   hkely to prevent G
      @5 11 1,~ _ . =_»1 1   perfect se¤\- A'
if   K   _   1     may then get in and
».   ¢1   2 { " ‘   ‘   dh
F * · ‘     5   ‘         spoil. Seol occor ¤ 9
* - 1     · 1·11 1 ___·   . · '
1 »   `'`°   1—»»   ‘`: , '1   -‘’;’`‘   to directionS 9*VEn
’ 1111 — `¥‘—>‘?€   11     y     G B 4
iv        1 1 _`   ’~;1;4»5 `"  1. ·· A   f     
g `       ` ,»¢ , .- ¤1 _  ,..1: ;'     wl; 
   ..-5 . 1.—_·      4   1§;`_.,w    ';\:  In I > ~ W`-  
A   ;·    y   **EgT} ¢ TLS?  i 1   [ 6 ]

 i  ‘'V      ·· "    < ni ’’ `T   1;;i=;‘     
S            , E j
        IL,   t ··*‘ ,   (;_      <.. e   ~ z
- 7- Put i¤rS ¤¤ ¤ r¤¤l<       . .
r in . k I f .l   ¥-3   j i‘;`¤j @23%    »
Ste, in a ett e 0 boi -   .r·=        ··   je   ~ .»  ; 
km ` ing water. Leave     »_V£  , " V‘;’ ‘   5 _:=V ‘   .   .  /·’ J gs, ·¢»‘   j _
g · sp¤ce between icrs.       ~·V~   I   .       i
that .   ··~  ‘   ,—·-     _ 1;; V’/‘     T ‘ ; i 2
Own , above tops, Put on  V- , i  fj; .  .. ,     `ig i i s, »_,  
lldi SIG rt COUnl'm9 —i~‘=iii~Y°i"'·?`F’  —  . .   ` rio.   ~ I
TCG- . ,.g;Q:?§Ei2ZeZ.’.i  ‘ ‘   —   ;.·_?;’;.,. .__,, ,> :_;    —‘-..    ··>/    
t ,,0 *****6- when W¤"€'   »V.:· > 3.  t»- s  — JAVV s Z     .
boils. Process 45     t»—- ;             
~ ·    *-rz ts.     §      f?».iiZ.i, i ~r».>s   =
mmUt€$ In 0 w¤t€r     P Q   Y »`»t.   + 3  ¥§·   l l
.    ·‘     -·     · -=.=»‘     --»» ··     ¤ .
  If                 ’
    ·’‘‘‘   . ··*·     V·`_  gf ‘
packed cold. lf to-   . ~ , . - _'     `·t2·   .»~,   
cooked and packed r _ \ _`*“r·””“‘  ,  
boilin hot rocess   — """"" I 2 " iw ·
9 I P ,   · .   :/ - ‘ ‘ ¤
l0 minutes.   . _• — ..- - ’,,
    - { ` I
  · .7·‘==     *'’» I   ‘.‘` fl,;1e .’.,» .  ·_ f   ·;—.   i
nI E j _       _-5>   ·-..4, ,   ;, V _, _
. 8. Remove jars from     i rl  ·‘    __,·.         ,  —
Water bath. Place     '   ?   i"vx*   t-:=? {  1   · · T
» jars well apart, top—   · ’ {U It , 4   A ,· . i ___Q; . j
·   : I   S ; ‘- _   ,&f~—;   ,.g,°" _ I   ,__:_>`l Q,
1 Side up on a folded   ,   ;'*“””<.   *;jjj·gg* U  Z;   
Cloth or. rack, Keep   "    _ ~·»»j,;gj,.,·w·‘ A     ‘T:$§ " T
    H  .   ;j@y|r1uu; 1 *,,,
them out of drafts   i v~==  ‘:iiE. ` ·V—=a   f     *0 Q" 
to prevent hot jars $9       °·‘‘     *   · ; r
from cracking 1     ·»tl I  . .   I     ’  A . ·
in i t  A     J "     ,,_ · l r
\\   . .tt.r   ’   *-     "
,, rim   ` .    _~?"‘f;;;·`.."   _,"T.. . » .___   '_ · ,¤·
ck of
rent 0 l. Select firm ri e tomatoes. little Vitamin C as ossible.
, I p
l. Air 2. Wash and remove core. 6. Add l teaspoon salt per quart.
In mls 3· CUT tomatoes in quarters, 7. Reheat to boiling point.
’S dw ‘l· l`l€Gt only to simmering, in cov- 8, Pour into hot sterilized jars.
'oghleg ered l<€l'Tle, until juice flows 9. Seal according to directions on
treel 4
y. page .
ars 0** . _ . .
5. Strain quickly, so as to lose as l0. Process 5 minutes in water bath.,

' Score I
Tom¤toes ...................................................................... 60
Condition when picked-evenly ripened, not
V defective or overripe .......................................... 30
Condition of finished product-—natural, clear,
bright color, not darkened, not overcooked .......... 30
Pack ............................................................................ 40
Uniformity in size of pieces or of whole tomatoes .... lO
Condition of tomato juice-—natural bright color, _
no water added .................................................. lO
Proportion of juice to tomato—jar full of tomato
pieces or whole tomatoes which are covered
by tomato juice .................................................. lO
Container-—of uniform or specified size, of clear
white glass, clean and neatly labeled accord-
i ing to directions ................................................ lO
Total .............................................................. lO0
Tomato juice
Condition when picked-—well ripened tomatoes .... 40
Y Condition of finished product-+bright red color .... 30
Proportion of pulp to clear juice——Pulp 3A.,
clear juice Mt .................................................... 30
L¤xi.igr$.3rQQi.iQQiQ}PW P P     Pi P if iiii T     Jun. mi
Cooperative Extension Work in Agrirulture and Home Economics: College of Agriculiuti
and Home Econornics, University ot Kentucky, and the United States Depm‘Lm€¤0 Ol Aga;}
(Ii/;1;;U¥`;·n§%0%i£?;l1g%; 1'g§`i;mas P. Cooper, Director, Issued m furtherance of H10 Acts
[ 8 ]