xt7q2b8vbw3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vbw3k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-04-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1933 1933 1933-04-06 2013 true xt7q2b8vbw3k section xt7q2b8vbw3k Best Copy Available













Publications Board Names '33-'3- 4
Kernel Heads, Kentuckian Eligibles

4K' Book


Coffman, Palmer, Vogel Named as Kentuckian Editor




Wesley E. Carter, 25 years
old, Campbellsville, junior in
the department of journalism,
and a member of Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity, was appointed Tuesday by the Board
of Student Publications as
of The Kentucky Kernel for the school

1933-3- 4.



New Staffs to Assume Posts
With Publication of
April 21 Issue


Of Commonwealth







Storm Center

Speaking Tour

President F. L. McVey Is contin
uing his speaking tour of .the state.
At noon Saturday, April 7, he will
appear in Williamstown to speak
before the Boosters' club. He will be
accompanied by James Shropshire,
head of the university alumni proper.
President McVey's talks are directly relative to educational matters
of the state, and the purpose of
these talks is to acquaint the peo
ple with the educational situation
Selection of Business Manager in Kentucky and are also an effort
Deferred Until Later
to further educational Interests in
this Commonwealth.
The following schedule of lec
tures has been released:
Covington April 7, evening.
Hardinsburg April 10, noon.
'Freshman Bible' Distributed Owensboro April 10, night.
Paducah April 11, night.
Annually at September
Bardwell April 12, noon.
Clinton April 12, right.
Fulton April 13, noon.
Joe S. Reister, Lexington, Junior
Mayfleld April 13, night.
In the department of Journalism,
Hopklnsvllle April 14, noon.
was named editor or tne van
Elkton April 14, night.
book by the Y. M. C. A. cabinet
April 15, noon.
night. The "K" book.
famillarlily known as the freshman
bible, is published by the Y. M. and



McVey Continues

Edward R.

Turnbull, 21, Lexington, junior, College of Commerce,
Delta Tau Delta, was named
business manager.







v w. and


distributed annually

among the student body at regis
tration in septemDer.
Nn othpr members of the "K"
book staff were named at the meet
ing and the cabinet deferred announcement of its selection for
business manager until a later date.
The new editor is expected to name
his associates this week.
Having served as associate editor of The Kernel, Reister Is experienced to his new position. In the
Y. M. C. A. he is serving out the
year as publicity chairman and Is
a candidate for treasurer in the
annual election now in progress.
He is also a member fo Pitkin club
and is program chairman of the
Catholic club.
He succeeds Ralph E. Johnson as
editor of the "K" book.

Of four petitions submitted for COACH RUPP IN NEW YORK
editor of the 1934 Kentuckian, the
board approved those of J. D. Palmer Providence, Junior, College of
Coach Adolph Rupp of the varCommerce, and a member of PI sity basketball team and Coach Len
Kappa Alpha fraternity; George Miller, who guided the Kittens this
N. Y., Junior, year, motored to New York to atVogel, Schenectady,
College of Engineering, Alpha Sigtend the National Coaches' convenma Phi, and Cameron Coffman, tion which is to be held Friday aftLexington, Junior, department of ernoon at the McAlphine hotel.
Journalism, Delta Tau Delta.
Coach Rupp has been selected to
Other petitioners for Kernel edi- speak on "Basketball in the South."
tor were Ralph Johnson, sports editor, and Joe Reister, associate editor. Dan Ewing, business staff, also petitioned for business manager.
To Take Posts April 21
Carter and Turnbull, succeeding
Lawrence Herron and Coleman R.
Smith, incumbent Kernel editor and
business manager, will take their
Had Mentor Been Content to Rest on Laurels, Challenge
posts with the April 21 issue. The
Only Traditional Foes, Probably All
M. Kane,
successor to John
Would Have Been Well
Kentuckian editor, will be chosen
from the eligible candidates by vote
Washington and Lee, to give KenBy DELMAR ADAMS
of the Junior class.
Coaqh Harry Gamage, Wildcat tucky a victory for the first time
Horace Helm, president of the
in years.
Junior class, indicated Wednesday
football coach, was born, Feb. 3,
Each year the 'Cat teams were
that he will caU the Kentuckian 1900, at Macombe, 111., the son of better, and each year the opposition
editor election some time this
was tougher. Had Gamage been
month. A tentative date, set by John and Ida Gamage.
Helm, is the week after Spring
After graduating from Macombe content to rest on his laurels and
High school, Gamage attended the tucky all would have been well, and
'Cats would have had several
The successor of John Ewing, in- Western Illinois Teachers college the
at Macombe and played football. undefeated teams. strongthe ambibusiness mancumbent Kentuckian
He attended the University of Il- tious coach sought some foes and
ager, will be named by the successwas able to topple
of them
ful candidate for editor. Last week linois and received a B. 8. degree and tie others. In 1929 the strong
board delegated in Education.
the publications
Northwestern Purples were held to
the editor this power. Previous to
After graduating from the Chama 0 win, and three times Gam-age- 's
this action the Kentuckian business paign institution he was named
kept the Tennessee
manager had been an elective offi- coach at the Fairmont, W. Va., high Vols .teams ;Southern conference
cer selected by the Junior class.
school and turned out a good team. championships by administering
Staffs Named Next Week
The successful year at Fairmont
1929, 1930. and 1931.
Kernel staff appointments for the caused authorities to call the young ties in
Gamage at first used the Zupke
coining year will be announced next coach to Parkersburg, where he had system,
of double wing backs and
week according to the
another fine team.
a balanced line. In more recent
Kentuckian appointment
Coagh, Zuppke, Veteran Illinois years he has used the Notre Dame
will not be available until after the football teacher called Gamage to
shift and various adaptions originelection of the editor.
of 1924 to direct ated by himself. His teams have
Tuesday's appointments are the Illinois In the fall
the freshman football team. He been great defensive squads, but
flcst made by the board of publicawas given complete charge. Gamnot had that something that
tions since its revision last month age turned out a fine team his first have
team to push across the
by order of President McVey. By season as frosh coach and was re- enables ascore at a stragetic mowinning
the president's order, board mem- tained for three additional seasons. ment.
bership was cut from 10 to six, and
for the Macombe
During the 1932 and 1931 seasons
The big
revised to Include three faculty boy came chance when the athletic
in 1927
the 'Cats lost several games because
members, the president of the Men's
University of Ken- they lacked the punch, and it seemof
Student council, president ol tne councilasked the
Zupke to recommend a ed that several of these games
Woman's Self Government associaWildcat football team should have been theirs ty large
tion, and the president of the sen- coach for the
and he promptly named Harry scores because they
ior class.
who was put under contheir foes.
Incumbent members of the board Gamage once by the University of
boasted many
Gamage's teams
are: Enoch Grehan, head of the tract at council.
great footbajl players, boys who
lournallsm department: D. H. Peak, Kentucky Gamage
married Miss held the spotlight In the South.
business agent: James 8. Shrop
W. Va. Among the best known are Kelly,
shire, supervisor of student publi- Billie Fortney of Fairmont,
cations; Russell Gray, president They have two children, Gloria and Wright, Pete Drury, Bud o r q u e r,
Urbaniak, Covington, F
senior class: John Ewing. president Harry Jr.
Johncareer at
Student council, and Lois Neal, Kentucky has been filled with a Thompson, Williams, Beale,
son, Rupert, and others.
president of Women's Self Government association. All were present constant struitgle to make the 'Cats
one of the leading teams in the PLAN TO SELL CANDY
at Tuesday's meeting.
South. Barring injuries and other
bad luck he would have produced
The members of the Home EcoRtQltSTS ABOUT MACHINE a championshiptheteam.
University In the nomics club have inaugurated a
He came to
candy selling campaign to
Many requests are being received fall of 1927 and turned out a good
to purchase
not the
at the College of Agriculture for team, but stillLexington champion- raise funds with which be loaned
fans want- a plana The piano will
the plans and specifications of the ship team the
the new Women's
new type tobacco curing ventlllator ed. But he did manage to whip by the club to of the candy started '
building. Sale
which was designed by the Agri- Centre 53-- 0 and did the same the Friday
in the Agriculture building.
culture Engineers of the University. next year by 0. In "28 he beat

Career of Gamage at Kentucky
Is Haunted by Bad Luck Jinx







Highlights in


In Only Press Statement Indicate No
Coaching Staff Changes to Be
Made Until Next Year





Gamage arrives, signs two year contract, takes charge of football
in 1927.
Centre is beaten for the first time In years by decisive score of
53-- 0
in 1927.
Gamage contract renewed In 1929. Coach given five year contract to satisfaction of fans and alumni.
Centre dropped from schedule after 1929 season as Kentucky
seeks more formidable opponents.
sports writer and Centre gradBruce Dudley, Courier-Journuate, in October, 1931 column, "Whatnot," raises first howl for Gamage scalp. Dudley charges Gamage with being Instrumental In Kentucky's dropping Centre.
Vernon Rooks, Kernel sports editor, and "Press Box" writer, is
indignant at Dudley's utterance and conducts poll to determine student feeling regarding Kentucky's dropping Centre.
Campus poll indicates that students do not want to play Centre.
Question dropped for a year.
Despite most optimistic early predictions, 1932 football season Is
very unsatisfactory for reasons unknown.
Whispering campaign asking for Gamage's scalp gets underway

throughout state.
Rumors bruited about campus that group of students plan to ask
for Gamage's retirement.
As a result of whisper campaign. Kernel decides to hold impartial
investigation to determine why season was bad and whether whispered charges of Gamage inefficiency have foundation.
Kernel's editor! utterance Interpreted by downtown papers as
student attempt to oust Gamage.
Group of students, seeking Gamage dismissal, in hearing with
President McVey profer various charges of inefficiency, incompetency,
and unfair play against coach.
Member of Kernel staff In hearing with president object to
student's proceedings and ask that impartial investigation be held.
President McVey in audience with student campaigners and
Kernel representative replies to student's charges, indicates that he
will appoint an Impartial investigation committee, and says that his
scheme of procedure wHl be presented to the stuednt body at a general convocation.
At general convocation, President McVey announces the appointment of a committee of three faculty members to "go into the whole
thing and bring me their findings."
Men's Student council passes resolution asking Athletic council
to demand Gamage resignation.
Investigating committee through the medium of The Kernel
asks that all persons wishing to file charges against the coach or the
athletic department submit charges before the Christmas holidays so
that the committee could begin functioning Immediately.
Christmas holiday Interim allows heat of Investigation squabble
to abate somewhat
Students demanding Gamage resignation air charges before Athletic council with no result.
Official Investigating committee In lengthy report to President
McVey exonerates athletic department and Gamage of charges of
unfair dealings. A few changes are recommended.
Report offered to Athletic council. Council accepts committee's


Members of Wildcat Squad Summoned to
Meet With Arbitors in Lengthy
Meeting in one of the stormiest sessions of this year,
members of the Athletic council last night decreed that until
July, 1934, at least, no changes will be made in the present
membership of University coaching staffs.
- Although sitting in a four hour and 4o minute coniab,
beginning at 7 :30 p. m. last night in the offices of S. A. Boles,
athletic director, councilors declined to release further statements after the meeting.
During last night s meeting all members or last year s
football squad were called in to testify relative to the topics
under discussion.
Councilors declined to discuss the matter, but it is under
stood that last night's discussion centered about the head of
Harry G. Gamage, head football coach.
A motion was made at a previous meeting asking for the
resignation of Air. Gamage as head football coach. Councilors would not reveal the nature of the action on this motion,
but indicate that Mr. Gamage's resignition will not be requested.
Last night's action and previous discussion concerning
the advisability of future dealings with Coach Gamage, dates
from Mr. Gamage's refusal to accept a ten per cent salary
cut. At present, Coach Carnage is under a
calling for a salary of more than 7,400 annually. His contract expires in 1934.
The council asked Coach Gamage to take the cut after
President McVey's athletic situation investigating committee
had recommended that certain athletic deparment salaries be
reduced. The cut is in line with those accorded regular academic faculty members who already have had substantial
salary decreases. As Mr. Gamage is under contract to the
council it is not mandatory that he take any cut named.
Although the coaching question at the University has
at the close of last
been generally quiet since the flare-u- p
semester, the calling of last night's session was not surprising for rumors and whisperings have been making the campus rounds ever since the salary question was raised.
Although meetings of the council generally are not attended by all members, the importance of last night's session
is attested by the fact that all members were present.
Coach Gamage, asked after last night's meeting to make a
statement relative to his attitude toward he council's discussion, would not do so.
Whether the meeting would end discussion on the coaching question for this year was not given out. Council members would not say definitely whether other meetings would
be held an dwould not predict the nature of the discussion if
such meetings are held.


the sand burial custom in the dry
nitrate regions of Chile and Bolivia. The color and the weaves of
fabrics are of
great beauty and distinction.
Henry Clay Featured in
Another portrait, that of Dr.
and Full Length
Samuel Brown, has been placed in
the library through the effort of
the alumni and friends. Doctor
librarian an- Brown was the first head of the
The University
uninounced today the receipt of a Medical school of Transylvania by
of gifts, Including a full versity and his portrait is done
length portrait of Henry Clay, don- William West.
ated by a group of the faculty and
Lexington lawyers. The portrait of PROF. JAMES MARTIN
Clay is by Hoffay and is the originATTENDS TAX MEETING
al of one of the best known enProf. James W. Martin, director
Athletic counc il asks Coach Gamage to take a ten per cent salary
gravings of Clay. Also, a small of the University Bureau of Busiout in view of the fact that cuts were in order for regular academic
marble statue of Henry Clay has ness research, left for the Universifaculty members.
been turned over to the library by ty of North Carolina Saturday to
Gamage, under contract for 17.460 annually, refused to take
the Mining depurtment where it uttenrt a mwfinir of the Serial
has been for many years. It has Kru.ru. B
rnuncil's south- salary cut
been placed in a niche in the main ern tax committee, of which Pro- Gamage question. Advisability of ousting coach
entrunce of the
fessor Martin is chairman.
Is discussed.
Miss Katherine Pettit, of "Pine
It is expected that, in addition
Mountain School" fame, has pre- to agencies of the Social Science
Gamma Alpha Chi. national hon- sented to the library brought pieces Research council, certain commitProfessor Moore, instructor in
back tees of the Southeastern council
soof fubric which she
mathematics at the University of orary professional advertising
Louisville, will speak to the mem- - rority, has announced its second with her from a trip to South will participate in the conference
woven on efficiency in production.
All America. These textiles were
bers of Pi Uu Epsllon at 4 p. m. annual advertising contest.
Professor Martin is expected to
Indians from vicuna
Wednesday, April 5. Room 109, at women enrolled In University ad- by
McVey hail. His subject U "Mathe- vertising courses are eligible to wool and were found wrapped return to the University on
around mummies in the graves of
matics Models."

Unusual Gifts
Sent To Library


� Best Cof

The Kentucky Kernel
Published on Tuesdays and Fiid.iv
National College Press Awmiaiion
Kentucky InierrollrRiaie Press
Awk iatinn
Lexington Hoard o( Commerce
Official New.irr of the .Students of
the I Diversity of kenttuky, Lexington

Subscription $2 00 a e.ir. Entered at
Lexington, kv.. IVwtoftwe as .Second
Class Mail Matter.
awrcnce A. Herron . . Editorin Chief
Marvin C. Va In . . . Managing Editor
Fred II. Shells., sst. Managing r.rtitor



Virginia Lcc Moore
Frank Adams

lane A. Matthew
ludith Chadwitk
(limine Crariiloik
oan Cangan
Eliraheth Hardin
Willie H. Smith


.... l.iteian Editor
.... feature Editor
Art Editor
Dramatic Editor

Trances Kush



Socirty f.dt)or
Asst. Snrtclx Editor
Nancy fteikcr

I.ikv Jean Anderson
Howard L. Cleveland



Ro!ert H. Mct.aiiRhcy




Srvrt Editor

Mary Carol) n Terrell
J. II. Palmer



lay Lucian
Ann Hornsby
Sara DcLong
Mary A. Brcnd
Agnes Savage
Morton Collin
Earl Bourgeois
Sylvester Ford
Florence Kelley
J. C. Hulett
Hrooks Kirk
Sunny Hay
Alia Mae Cole
Jack May
Sports Editor
Ralph E. Johnson
Oelniar Adams . . . Asst. Sports Editor
Henry C. McCowti
Joe Quinn


Coleman R. Smith ..Business Manager
. Advertising Manager
Roliert ISall
Ran Ewing

Ned Turnhull .
Dave Difford
Bliss Warren
C. V. Coflman





Circulation Manager




Kentucky will be host the week
to 2,500 high school
cf April
students representing 276 of the
leading preparatory Institutions In
If you see anyone turn to the
the state. The event is the annual
editorial page of The Kernel, take
high school week, with the high one glance, and then stuff It in his
school music festival, April
pocket, you can wager that he
as an outstanding feature of the thinks "Quis Vadlt" is after him!
These students will occupy the University residence halls
Finale Good morning, Good eveduring this period as the regular ning, Good night Good gosh, how
students will have left the campus time flies!
for the Easter holidays.
All of the boys and girls taking
A story with a bitter end: our
part in this program are prospec dog chased the neighbor's cat and
tive students at the University. nipped her tail. (Bitter in the end.)
During the time that they are the
guests of Kentucky, an excellent
"Who Put the Screws to the Liopportunity will be afforded them brary" headline.
to become better acquainted with
Five will get you ten that it was
the University. Buildings will be a Carpenter.
searched thoroughly for intimate
information as to their size and
' Clyde Will Spend Year in Jacontent, and a complete tour of the
pan" headline. Wotta depression.
campus most likely will be taken
sometime during the week, if only
"Try a Little Slenderness"
by private parties of students. The
Some of our lady friends are
University is unusually interesting "big" enough to see their own misto high school students. They dream takes and others try and trim down
of the day when they will be able to it.
to matriculate at Kentucky.
The hospital of Louisiana State
The Instructive and cultural side University has been without a paevents Is worthy of tient since February 25. This is
of the week's
Included among the the longest time In the history that
the school hospital
phases of preparatory out any inmates. has Purplewith
school work are debate, oral InterGray.
We wonder what's the matter
pretation, music, discussion, extemporaneous speaking, and oratorical with the nurses down there?
declamation. Education in the state
If you are caught in hot water
Is given great stimulus by this high be nonchalant take a bath. The
school week. The University is to Battalion.
Yeah, and If you get caught in
be commended for Its share In the
tlll be nonchalant
praiseworthy work. The Kernel, on cold water
sober up!
behalf of the student body, welcomes the students and their
A liar's contest at the University
of Minnesota was held and a trophy
friends to Kentucky.
awarded to the contestant who
could tell the "biggest one" In the
space of three minutes. The Crimson-11-1-

13-1- 5,


When the psychology department
announced last week that It would
open a Personality Development
bureau the news was received with
enthusiasm by the student body.
The move Is In step with the time
and will better nt those students,
who take advantage of the clinic,
for the psychological problems to
be faced In life after graduation.
The service, which the department of psychology is to render
will be free. Four hours are to be
given each week by the psychologists who lead the discussion of the
improvement of personality, vocational guidance, mental
and other pertinent topics. Students must make appointment In
advance by calling the department.
This Personality Development bureau resulted from numerous requests that came into the psychology department asking It to
establish such a service. It Is a
great Improvement on the old psychological clinic which for the past
ten years has dona similar work
in a smaller capacity.


And the same could be held at
some other universities
afraid to mention Kentucky.
Women of 40 can be a great deal
more interesting than younger ones
if they can only learn the proper
selection of clothes. The Hoya.
Yeah, and the same can be said
about their age as well as their
Corpulent campus cops, almost a
tradition at Yale, have been told
they must reduce their waistlines.
The university's health department
has Issued an order requiring them
to report in the gym for daily
workouts. The Oredlgger.
Now we ask you. Edward O'Bryan
Kelly, do you feel particularly

well-bein- g,

We are Indebted to the Tech of
that women
on a diet are unsafe for kissing
the Chicago
stfrtes that
Dental association
Trench Mouth is a common disease
among girls who weaken their resistance by dieting and are thus
more susceptible to It ravages. Of
course they must come in contact
with it by osculatory means. Polytechnic Reporter.
Well, now what shall we do In
our spare time, boys?
M. I. T. for warning us

April 2
The Idea (The Kernel) printed
Pries. J. K. Patterson's complete
address delivered before the Congressional Committee on Education.

In "Between Us" talk. President
McVey spoke on the fellowship of
democracy. 1918.
Phi Delta Theta petitioned for a
building site which was granted by
the board of trustees. 1923.


Thursday, April 6, 1933



It is a common fault among people to be Ignorant of their surroundings. One may live within a
short distance of a magniflclent
and never
natural phenomenon
visit it. One may dwell within the
NaiiRhty, gaudy, sporty.
heart of a great coal district and
street! Boulevard of Bluff
nothing of its mining. One and Ballyhoo, symbolizing Ameriknow
may have access to the greatest ca's theatrical center! It's all there
library In the world and never take ...the very essence of effervescent
Broadway Is caught in Warner
advantage of the opportunity af- Brothers picture. "42nd Street."
playing this week at the Strand
In the same way. college students treater.
More than Just a vivid backstage
frequently fall to become acquaintpulses to the
drama. Its beats
Some of rhythm of nimbleand
with their campus.
dancers' tireless
them have matriculated at a uni- feet, and the irrestible intoxication
versity or college for four years and of tuneful music dispensed by the
only with those 'flower of mertopolitan orchestras.
are acquainted
Baxter, as
director of
parts of the campus where they Warner is seen in the is probawhat
the show,
bly his best portrayal. Ruby Keel-e- r,
Mrs. Al Jolson in everyday life,
At the University of Pittsburgh,
due to lack of space, a great cathe- makes her screen bow as a little
girl who gets the breaks and makes
dral of learning, constituting one the most of them.
of the largest skyscrapers in the
Bebe Daniels Is the star of the
city, was built. Student there have show who lets her producer down
no campus. They are deprived of on the opening
among the 14 stars heading the cast
opportunity of following higher of "42nd Street" are George Brent,
academic pursuits in natural sur- Guy Kibbee, Dick Powell, Ginger
Rogers, Una Merkel, Allen Jenkins,
The University of Kentucky Is and George E. Stone.
more fortunate in this respect. Its
Diana Wynard. May Robson, Ruth
campus is one of the most beauti- Selwyn, Hedda Hopper, and Mary
Students are Carlisle, who comprise the feminine
ful In the South.
membership of the cast of "Men
given the opportunity to observe
Must Fight." opening Thursday at
many the Ben All, were asked to take an
many phases of nature. But
of them are Inclined to regard the odd pledge during the filming of
o1d wy
campus only as a group of build- the new Metro-Mostings. Such an attitude Is not con- production. Is laid of the action of
In 1940 and the
the picture
ducive to reaping the entire bene- players were requested not to copy
fits of intellectual growth. Those for private use the gowns- designed
students who cannot appreciate 'for them by Adrian. Lewis Stone,
'Phillip Holmes, and Robert Young
their campus are losing an Integral have the male leads in the picture.
part of their education.
And for you that have been demanding news of the new English
picture "Cavalcade."
enthusiastically heralded by all critics as one
of Noel Coward's best plays, the
theater has Its local
'showing scheduled to open April 16.
A little more patience!
Carl Laemmle presents Clyde
It seems that a certain western jBeatty, world famous Hon trainer,
college student gallantly drove his .In the "Big Cave," on the screen
covered wagon on the campus and 'of the Kentucky theater, beginning
parked (or should we say hitched)
Beatty wrote the story from
it for the the semester in order which the picture is adapted in
with Edward Anto save car fare and board bills. collaboration
thony. In
But you just can't forge ahead of Anita Page, the supporting cast are
Andy Devlne, Vince
old Alma Mater... as previously Barnett, Mickey Rooney, Wallace
mentioned there's a wigwam on our Ford, and Raymond Hatton. Kurt
Neumann directed the picture.
own dear campus.

Marv Jo Lalfcm

James R. Miner



Pflfje Two


conducted by JANE ANN MATTHEWS



The two dollar prize for the best
poem submitted In the March
poetry contest Is awarded, by the Wordsworth, why did you change?
selection of Prof. Grant C. Knight.
You said that you
English department, to "M. P." for Believed in writing In a simple way,
M. P., an Of rustic lads and little lambs at
poem "Charity."
undergraduate student In the Uniplay,
versity, wishes to remain anonyOf nature's beauty English skies
mous. Other contributions by M. P.
of blue-T- hen
which have appeared during the
lo! you change and take a
last month are "Lines Provoked by
classic view.
the 8tudy of Lacdamla." and "On You make Thessallan spectres very
Interviewing Professor Dantzler."
"Charity" was Judged best of all Or lovely? or familiar? O too
March entries, on the basis of Its
excellent verse form, and its clever Your myths are Greek to me. How
correlation of idea and phrase with
could I know
correct metrical form.
Your meaning", when you use poetic
Her prize winning and one other
poem appear below:
And write of Oods and Ooddes.se.
Ah, woe
A beggar woman stopped to ask if Is me! with Grecian myths, and
other Ills
Had any dresses we would give O would your simple style conaway;
tinued so!
I rummaged round and found an O would that you had stuck to
old pique;
It was the dress that I had worn
The following poem is the first
I were last together. Could it
entry in the April poetry contest:
Of all the happiness was ours that
Nothing was left, but one worn I shall remember
white pique?
At dusk, or in soft starlight,
Life was too hard Life was not Or perhaps oh some dark night
me I
fair with
When faded dreams again appear
Then I remembered her, who wait- And ghostlike move, and linger
ed there: Murmuring.,.. then disappear.
I saw life had been cruel to her, too.
But she did not complain.
The I shall remember
hand was bare
Old places, and quiet shadowlands
And cold, which took the dress. Where grasses sigh as winds steal
She said, "Twill do
To make a baby cloak." She did Whispering, soft and low,
not care
Their haunting themes and notes
That life was hard. She gave me Of all the yesterdays we know.
courage too.
J. F. H.

199 Miles On A Dance Floor



In Dvtrh
One thing is certain Hitlr has
Oeorge White Fithian, Instructor gotten the Deutsch people in dntoh
in English and Oulgnol performer, with the rest of the world.
had a birthday on Friday, March
31... He Insisted that he was 21
A Loud Noise
years old.
The Roosevelt " administration
promised the American public a
Since basketball season has end- new deal, but someone forgot reed the Alfagams have discontinued move the Joker as we heard Oeorge
that game and have taken up Bernard Shaw was in the country.
"Shinny"... The garden has been
turned into an athletic field and
Sunday afternoon visitors are enSome fellows call their gal
tertained by athletic performances "sugar" but, after all, it should
that would make the varsity ath- be taken with a grain of salt.
letes blush with shame.
Funny That Way
More pins.. Sadie Farmer.
A woman is peculiar
has the badge of Alpha-sl- g age. She wants a chap aboutguess.
Omer Heacox...Oay Lough-ridg- e, If he estimates too high, she's hurt;
Chlo. is wearing Frank Long-ley- 's if he makes it too young she knows
Sigalph pin.
he is lying.
Recently a group of co-eYou're Telling Me!
discussing spring vacation when
The Junior Prom turned out to
Tennye Rhea Inman be a staggering success for some
asked in all seriousness, "Is Easter fellows. And beer isn't legally back
on Sunday?"
until April 7, either.
Speaking of spring vacation. . .It
on April 12 and extends until
Lovely Skin
the 18th.
We wonder if that skin you love
to touch could be "frogskins"
Oh yes, I have Just been inform(greenbacks, you freshmen I).
ed that Kappasig C. O. Wall