xt7q2b8vbj57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vbj57/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1949 yearbooks ukyrbk1949 English The Kentucky Kernel, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection This is Kentucky The 1949 Kentuckian text This is Kentucky The 1949 Kentuckian 1949 1949 2012 true xt7q2b8vbj57 section xt7q2b8vbj57   University Archives Margaret I. Kln3 Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506   34343^ THIS IS A GLIMPSE OF A GREAT COMMONWEALTH,
THE 1949 KENTUCKIAN         Is the Grill ever empty? Or the bookstore, for that matter? Oh, well, one can always relax in the Great Hall of the Union.   The University Librory is one of the largest and finest in the South. Tis been said, however, that some students get degrees without ever venturing inside.
A busy class lab is a joy to the heart of a scholar. This one is being held in the Funkhouser Biological Sciences Building.
As another part of their serious side, students like to express their opinions through voting on campus issues.
 On Wednesday nights after fraternity and sorority meetings, the crowd can always be found at Rose Street or some similar spot.
Just Wednesday night?
Any night for that matter!
A formal dance is a big event, whether it be spring, fall, or winter.
Sweater Swings are traditional Tuesday night affairs during
the winter months.
And the turn-out is always great.
"A President Is Many Men" says the book title  and our Dr. Herman Lee Donovan is just that. He is author, lecturer, educator, sportsman, a gentleman and a scholar. Above all, he is a friend to each student in our collegiate community.
The first vice-president of the University, Dr. Chamberlain was appointed to this high position in December, 1946. Formerly he was dean of the University and registrar. A smiling, always friendly type of person, he is a man that students like to know and a man who likes to know students.
In his double position as dean of the University and registrar, Dr. Seay has done an excellent job. A former director of UK's Bureau of School Service, he gained a national reputation for his administrative direction of the Sloan Foundation Experiment. Widely known throughout the state, he is respected by colleagues and students for his fine work.
The University comptroller has a tremendous task in handling all funds of students, student organizations, and the various departmentsbut Frank Peterson is well-equipped to do so. His training as field auditor of school finance for the State Department of
Education and his later position with the State Finance Department have been valuable. He is the author of Kentucky's Uniform Financial Accounting System, now used by all public school districts in the state, and the designer of Kentucky's public school budget system. B&ffiSH
With UK enrollment practically bursting at the seams, the deans of our eight colleges are constantly kept at work. Each day bring some newand usually differentproblem of students that must be quickly and efficiently handled in order to make way for the problems of the next day. Our deans are tireless in their efforts to raise collegiate standards.
A staff member of the College of Engineering since 1912, Professor Terrell was appointed dean in 1946. He is also director of the Engineering Experiment Station. Dean Terrel! assisted in the original design and construction of the football stadium and the subsequent enlargement of its seating capacity this year. His articles and special reports have appeared in numerous professional engineering journals.
For one year Dr. Cooper served as acting president of the University. That was from July 1, 1940 to June 30, 1941. He has been dean and director of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics since January 1, 1918. Among his many honors are his terms as president of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universitys, chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, vice-chairman of the Kentucky State Board of Agriculture, and chief of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, US Dept. of Agriculture. He is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Alpha Zeta.
Dean Slone first appeared in the Kentuckian last year when the College of Pharmacy at Louisville was made part of the University. A native of Henderson, he was pharmacist at the Louisville General Hospital from 1923 to 1925. He joined the staff of the (then) Louis-vile College of Pharmacy in 1925. His membership in organizations includes the American Pharmaceutical Association, American Public Health Association, Kentucky Academy of Science, American Museum of Natural History, and Kentucky Pharmaceutical Association.
A native of Beaver Dam, Ky., Dr. Taylor came to UK as dean of ;he College of Education in 1923 following a teaching career at schools and colleges in several states. Here he has supervised not only the educational courses offered in the College of Education but also the University Training School, which embraces all grades from kindergarten through high school. His illness this year caused him to lose some time from his work but he is back on the job now where he is recognized as one of the nation's leading educators.
 Our deans are human. They understand student needs and the student mind. Administrative excellence is their by-word. They know that UK is growing, both physically and mentally, and look forward to the day when their spheres of guidance will be even futher extended. As the University grows, our deans will grow with it, ever mindful of academic progress.
Heading the largest college on the campus is the task of Dr. White  and he does it magnificently. Prior to his appointment as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences last year, he was acting personnel director, associate dean of the college, and head of the psychology department. He is the author of articles on emotional responses, president of the Kentucky Psychology Association and the Kentucky Council for the Handicapped, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Phi Eta Sigma.
Named this year as the dean of the College of Law, Elvis Stahr soon distinguished himself in that capacity by being picked as one of the nation's outstanding young men by the National Junior Chamber of Commerce. Only 33 years old, he is the youngest dean of an American law school. He is a native Kentuckian and a graduate of UK, where he was the top student leader. A past Rhodes Scholar, he is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Omicron Delta Kappa, "His achievements," President Donovan once said, "read like the biography of a genius."
A University graduate and native Kentuckian, Dr. Carpenter was made dean of the College of Commerce only this year. He has been a UK staff member since 1936. Formerly he was professor of economics at Marshall College and during the war, an economist for the Office of Economic Mobilization in Washington, D.C. His writings have appeared in the Southern Economic Journal, the American Economic Review, The Accounting Review and other leading professional journals. Well-known among businessmen and bankers of the state, he has organized programs for summer Bankers Conferences since 1938.
Dr. Pardue succeeded the late, beloved Dr. Funkhouser as dean of the Graduate School this year. Born at Scottsville, Ky., he is a UK graduate of 1925. He has studied at Yale, vhe California Institute of Technology, and the University of California. Dr. Pardue is one of the physicists who engaged in the development of the atomic bomb. During the war he was active in many important governmental projects. He is a Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. Like Dr. Funkhouser, Dr. Pardue has long had a keen interest in developing UK's athletic program. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Athletics Association since it was formed.  THE  SENIOR CLASS
Farewell to college joys,
We sail at break of June, 1949.
Thanks for the memories,
Of the SGA senior prom . . .
Our last final examination . . .
And everything about UK,
The place so dear to our hearts.  MEANING   MANY,   MANY THINGS
CARL R. ADAMS, Ag.& Home Ec.    .    .    . Hogue
DAVID L. ADAMS, Commerce .... Louisville Sigma Nu; Chamber of Commerce; Interfraternity Council; Veterans Club
ROBERT D. ADAMS, A.& S.....Frankfort
Phi Beta Kappa
MARY JANE AGNEW, A.& S.....Lexington
Kappa Alpha Theta; K-Dets; YWCA
BLUCHER ALLEN, JR., Ag.& Home Ec.   .    . Banner
BUFORD CECIL ALLEN, Pharmacy . . . Liberty American Pharmaceutical Association; Mortar and Pestle; YMCA
HOMER D. ALLEN, Commerce   .... Louisville
PATSY CLAY ALLEN, Education    .... Paris
Chi Omega;  League of Women Voters;  YWCA; Young
Democrats; Panhellenic Council; SUB committees; French Club; Cwens; Guignol
SUZANNE ALLEN, A.& S. . . . Indianapolis, Ind. Kappa Kappa Gamma; League of Women Voters; First attendant to Kentuckian Queen; First attendant to May Queen
WILLIAM C. ALLEN, Law......Marion
WILLIAM E. ALLENDER, Law .... Lexington Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association, vice president
ROBERT HANCE ALLPHIN, Law . . . Warsaw Phi Delta Phi
OTHNIEL ALSOP, Engineering . . Pinebluff, Ark. Tau Beta Pi; Baptist Student Union; Civil Engineers; Engineering Student Council
SALVATORE J. AMATO, Engineering Lexington Phi Kappa Tau
ROY W. AMI DON, Engineering . Chattanooga, Tenn. Electrical Engineers; Independents; Radio Studios; All-Campus Party; Radio Club
MILDRED JEAN AMIS, Ag.& Home Ec. . Lexington Baptist Student Union Council, vice president; Phi Upsi-lon Omicron, historian; Home Economics Club; Ky. Home Economics Association, president; Pitkin Club; YWCA
ROBERTA ANDERSON, A.& S.    .    .    . Covington
Delta Zeta, president; Student Government Association; Panhellenic Council; Alpha Lambda Delta; Women's Administrative Council; YWCA
JOHN C. ANGGELIS, Law.....Versailles
Omicron Delta Kappa, president; Lamp and Cross, vice president; Phi Alpha Delta; Independents, president, vice president
NADINE ANKNEY, Education . . Somerset, Pa. Alpha Xi Delta; Future Teachers; YWCA
ROBERT V. ARBUCKLE, A.& S. . . . Greenville Sigma Phi Epsilon
JEANNE ASBURY, A.& S......Augusta
Alpha Delta Pi, president; Phi Beta Kappa; Mortar Board; Panhellenic Council; Cwens; Alpha Lambda Delta; Boyd Hall, president; House Presidents Council, treasurer; May Queen Attendant; Newman Club; YWCA Cabinet; Spanish Club; Psychology Club; Alma Magna Mater; Committee of 240
PATRICIA PRICE ASHBY, Education . . Lexington Delta Zeta; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA
ESTON J. ASHER, JR., Com. . West Lafayette, Ind. Phi Sigma Kappa; Golf Team
ELAINE ASHLEY, A.& S.....Nicholasville
Alpha Xi Delta; YWCA; Alma Magna Mater
GEORGE E. ASHLEY, Engineering   .    .    . Lexington
PEGGY ATKINSON, Education .... Lebanon Chi Omega; House Presidents Council; Art Club; League of Women Voters; Young Democrats; YWCA
HENRIETTA AVENT, A.& S. . . Greenville, S.C. Canterbury Club; WAA Council; Physical Education Club
LEWIS C. BADER, Commerce   .... Lexington
JOSEPH H. BAILEY, JR., A.& S. . Cleveland, Ohio Sigma Phi Epsilon; Gamma Theta Upsilon
CECIL B. BAKER, Commerce.....Hazard
JAMES K. BAKER, Commerce   .... Lexington
R. BURNS BAKER, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Owensboro Block & Bridle
WILLIAM ROYCE BAKER, Education   .    . Stanton
TOM BALDWIN III, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Richmond Kappa Alpha; Block and Bridle; Veterans Club
JOSEPH W. BALLARD, Commerce . . Louisville Sigma Phi Epsilon, president, secretary, comptroller; Student Government Association; Lances; Interfraternity Council; Newman Club; Veterans Club
SARA BALLENGER, A.& S.....Lexington
German Club
JUAN JOSE BALZOLA, A.& S. . Mexico City, Mexico Alpha Tau Omega; Tennis Team; YMCA; Phalanx; Cosmo-
politan Club
GEORGE E. BARKER, Low.....Lexington
Pi Kappa Alpha; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi; Lamp and Cross; Keys; Kernel business manager; Scabbard and Blade
ALCO BARNES, Ag.& Home Ec.....McHenry
Alpha Gamma Rho
ROBERT M. BARNES, Education   .    .    . Monticello
HOWARD C. BARNETT, A.& S. . . Independence American Chemical Society; Phi Eta Sigma; Veterans Club; Alpha Chi Sigma, treasurer; Wesley Foundation
JACK R. BARROWMAN, A.& S.   .    .    . Lexington
Sigma Phi Epsilon, social chairman; Band; Kentuckian; SUB public relations committee; YMCA; Guignol
JOHN BARSTOW, JR., Eng. . Mountain Lakes, N. J. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Student Government Association; Men's Glee Club; Radio Studios orchestra; Guignol
PAT BASSHAM, Education.....Harlan
Kappa Alpha Theta; Future Teachers; YWCA
MARTIN A. BAUER, Engineering . . . Louisville Civil Engineers
J. FRANK BAUGH, JR., Engineering . . Pineville Mechanical Engineers; Alma Magna Mater; Baptist Student Union
GEORGE L. BAXTER, Engineering . . . Louisville Mechanical Engineers
SARA K. BEAM, Education .... Bardstown Alpha Gamma Delta; YWCA
SEDWICK L. BEAN, Ag.& Home Ec.   .    .    . Boston
JAMES W. BEARD, Engineering . . . Bordwell YMCA
W. B. BECHANAN, Engineering   .    . Elizabethtown
WILLARD R. BECRAFT, Engineering . Frenchburg Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Electrical Engineers; Veterans Club; Committee of 240
MANUEL BEER, Commerce . . Woodmere, N.Y. Pryor Pre-Med Society; Chamber of Commerce; Radio Studios
JACK R. BELL, Engineering.....Louisville
Triangle; Engineering Student Council; Lances; Student Government Association; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Sigma Pi Sigma; Electrical Engineers; Kentucky Engineer
RICHARD G. BELL, Law   ...    .   Bedford, Ohio Student Bar Association
ROBERT D. BELL, A.& S......Lexington
Delta Tau Delta; Lances; Men's Glee Club
CARROLL A. BENNETT, Commerce   .    . Henderson
SHERWOOD BENNETT, Engineering .    . Georgetown Pi Kappa Alpha; Mechanical Engineers
RICHARD BENSINGER, Commerce    .    . Louisville
FRANK BENTON, Law......Park Hills
Kappa Alpha; Band
Morganf ield
MILTON ARNOLD BERMAN, Pharmacy . Louisville Alpha Zeta Omega; American Pharmaceutical Association
SAMUEL BERMAN, Engineering . . . Lexington Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel Foundation; Intercollegiate Zionist Federation; Civil Engineers
ISACC V. BERRY, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Greensburg Baptist Student Union; 4-H Club; Poultry Club
KENNETH B. BERRY, Commerce . Accounting Club
ELIZABETH ANN BICKNELL, A.& S. . . Lexington Chi Omega, vice president; Phi Beta Kappa; Mortar Board; Canterbury Club, secretary; Chi Delta Phi, secretary; Who's Who; League of Women Voters, president, secretary; Alpha Lambda Delta; Cwens; Mortar Board freshman award, sophomore plaque; Theta Sigma Phi freshman award; Kernel; Kentuckian; Kuignol; Alma Magna Mater, secretary, treasurer
NANCY M. BIRD, A.& S. . . Highland Park, Mich Kappa Alpha Theta, treasurer; Kentuckian, business manager; Canterbury Club; Chamber of Commerce; League of Women Voters; Spanish Club; Cosmopolitan Club
EDWARD BIROCHAK, Engineering . Old Forge, Pa. Electrical Engineers
IMOGENE BLACK, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Irvington Phi Upsilon Omicron
KERNEY R. BLACK, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Hawesville Agronomy Club
JAMES T. BLACKBURN, Com.   .   Charleston, W. Va.
WILLIAM F. BLACKBURN, Commerce . Roadfork Alpha Tau Omega; Accounting Club; Veterans Club
JOYCE BLADES, A.& S........Butler
Bacteriology Society; Alma Magna Mater; YWCA
C. L. BLAKEMAN, Ag.& Home Ec. . Campbellsville Alpha Zeta
CURTISS BLANCHARD, A.& S.   .    .    . Russellville
Baptist Student Union Council
JOSEPH H. BLANDFORD, Pharmacy . . Louisville Kappa Psi; American Pharmaceutical Association
ROBERT A. BLEIDT, A.& S.....Lexington
Phi Mu Alpha, vice president; Student Union Board, president; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa; Radio Studios musical director; American Chemical Society; Alpha Chi Sigma; Lamp and Cross
BRYAN W BLOUNT, Commerce . . . Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon, YMCA; Veterans Club; Newman Club
DON W. BOEHLER, Engineering   .    .    . Lorain, Ohio Football; Track Team
ROBERT L. BOGGESS, Engineering    .    . Falmouth
DILLARD LEE BOLT, Ag.& Home Ec.    .    . Liberty Delta Chi; Block and Bridle
FRED D. BOUCHER, Pharmacy   .    .   Bowling Green American Pharmaceutical Association
GEORGANN BOVIS, A.& S.....Lexington
Chi Omega; Pryor Pre-Med Society; League of Women Voters; YWCA; Tau Sigma; SUB tournament committee
MILLARD F. BOWEN, JR., A.& S. . Mamaronack, N.Y. Delta Chi; Kernel
28  FOR   MOST   OF   THESE   IT   BEGAN   IN 1945
WILLIAM L. BOWLER, Eng.    .   Miami Springs, Fla.
HELEN BOWMAN, Education . . . Vine Grove Band; WAA Council; YWCA; Physical Education Club
ROBERT L. BOWMAN, Commerce   .... Berea
WILLIAM M. BOYD, Commerce . . . Farmington Veterans Club
RAYMOND HOWARD BRADLEY, Com. . Frankfort Troupers
JAMES L. BRADY, Commerce .... Ashland Delta Tau Delta
CHARLES F. BRAKE, Pharmacy . . . Burkesville Phi Delta Chi, treasurer; American Pharmaceutical Associ-tion; Student Council, treasurer
ERNEST H. BRASHER, Engineering   .... Viper
ROBERT FINLEY BRASHER, A.& S. . . . Irvine Pryor Pre-Med Society
W. D. BRATCHER, Law.....Morgantown
HOWARD A. BREWER, Com.   . Mountain View, Ark.
LUCILLE BRIDGES, Commerce   .... Lexington
LYNN BRIDGEWATER, A.& S. . . . Louisville Alpha Xi Delta, president; Panhellenic Council; Pitkin Club; YWCA; Kentuckian; League of Women Voters
BETTY BRIGHT, Ag.& Home Ec. . . . Louisville Mortar Board; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Cwens
MARY BRIGHT, A.& S......Smithfield
Phi Beta; Women's Glee Club; Choristers; Troupers; Jewell Hall Chorus, director
JULIA DUNCAN BROADDUS, A.& S. . . Louisville Delta Delta Delta; Chi Delta Phi, vice president; Mortar Board; Student Union Board, treasurer; YWCA; Women's Glee Club; Philosophy Club
WILLIAM L. BROADFOOT, Engineering . Gilbertsville Tau Beta Pi
DANIEL NATHAN BROCK, Law . . . Lexington Phi Alpha Delta; Student Bar Association
Alpha Tau Omega, president; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Lances; Electrical Engineers
WILLIAM H. BRONSTON, JR., Eng. . . Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Engineering Student Council
EDWARD BROOKING, JR., A.& S. . . Lexington Sigma Chi
PAUL R. BROOKSHIRE, A.& S. . . . Louisville Kernel
ANDREW J. BROWN, JR., Commerce . Henderson Sigma Chi
BARBARA BROWN, A.& S..... Lexington
Alpha Xi Delta;  Kentuckian; Dutch Lunch Club; Pitkin
Club; Bacteriology Society; Disciples Student Fellowship
CARLTON BROWN, Commerce .... Danville Lambda Chi Alpha
DEWEY R. BROWN, A.& S......McHenry
Baptist Student Union Council
GARRETT H. BROWN, Ag.& Home Ec.    .    . Irvine
JUANITA BROWN, A.& S. . . . Logan, W. Va. Zeta Mu Epsilon; YWCA; Wesley Foundation
BURNETTA BROWNFIELD, Education . . Butler Future Teachers; YWCA; Physical Education Club
CHARLES A. BROWNING, JR., A.& S. . Falmouth Pi Kappa Alpha; Pryor Pre-Med Society; YMCA Cabinet; Veterans Club
CHARLES B. BROWNING, Eng.  .  Montgomery, Ala.
Electrical Engineers; K-Club; All-Campus Party; Independents; Football
JOHN B. BROWNING, Low.....Frankfort
Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi
MORRIS E. BROYLES, Engineering    . Williamsburg Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Electrical Engineers
ROBERT K. BRUCE, Commerce   .... Mason Phi Sigma Kappa; Veterans Club
KENNETH B. BRUCKART, Engineering   . Lexington YMCA
JACK A. BRUCKERT, Commerce   .    .    . Louisville Phi Sigma Kappa
ROBERT M. BRUMBACH, Commerce    .    . Harlan
JAMES O. BRUMMETT, Engineering    .    . Albany Lambda Chi Alpha
GEORGE RAY BRYAN, Engineering   .    .    . Ashland
MARTHA REBECCA BRYAN, A.& S.   . Georgetown Chi Omega
THORNTON E. BRYAN, JR., A.& S.   .    . Frankfort
GARLAND G. BRYANT, JR.,   .   St. Petersburg, Fla. Alpha Sigma Phi
MARY HILLEARY BRYANT, A.& S. . . Louisville Kappa Alpha Theta, president; Panhellenic Council; Alpha Gamma Delta award; Student Union Board; YWCA; Who's Who; Student Government Association, vice president
SAMUEL THOMAS BRYANT, Eng. . Ft. Mitchell Mechanical Engineers
FRANK A. BRYSON, Commerce .... Ashland Delta Tau Delta; SuKy; Pershing Rifles; Rifle Team
ROBERT B. BUCKNER, Engineering . . Anchorage Sigma Nu
CALVIN F. BUECHELE, Engineering . . Louisville Sigma Phi Epsilon; Pershing Rifles; Mechanical Engineers
JOYCE BURKE, Education . . . Asheville, N.C. Alpha Delta Pi; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Sigma lota; YWCA; Future Teachers
CLARENCE E. BURNS, Eng.    .    Huntington, W. Vo.
JEAN BURRELL, A.& S.....Pittsburgh, Po.
Delta Delta Delta, YWCA; Koffee Klub
ELAINE BURRIS, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Houstonville Home Economics Clu':>; YWCA
BERNARD A. BURTON, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Dclmcr Alpha Zeta
CHARLES R. BURTON, Low .... Lexington Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Phi; Interfraternity Council; Alma Magna Mater; Track Team; Student Bar Association
CLAUDE F. BUSTER, Engineering . . Creelsboro Triangle; Electrical Engineers; Radio Studios; Veterans Club; Band
WILLIS G. BUTLER, Ag.& Home Ec.   .    . Henderson
C. D. BUTTERWORTH, Ag.& Home Ec. . Lynn Grove YMCA; Agronomy Club
HELEN ELIZABETH BUTTON, Education . Lexington Canterbury Club; WAA; Future Teachers
KATHRYN BYERS, A.& S.   .    .   Huntington W. Va.
CHARLES A. BYRLEY, Commerce . . . Corbin Sigma Phi Epsilon
WILLIAM M. BYRON, A.& S.....Lexington
Phi Sigma Kappa; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Veterans Club; Patterson Literary Society
JOHN F. CABELL, Pharmacy . . . Greensburg Phi Delta Chi; American Pharmaceutical Association; Mortar and Pestle
L. B. CALDWELL, A.& S......Lexington
Phi Delta Theta
ROY R. CAMIC, Ag.& Home Ec. . . . Bondville Block and Bridle
HENRY A. CAMPBELL, JR., Education   .    . Alpine
Physical Education Club, treasurer; Troupers, manager; YMCA, freshman president, treasurer; Future Teachers
E. D. CANTLER, Engineering   .... Winchester Eta Kappa Nu
PAUL CARLSON, Commerce    .    .    .    Chicago, III. Delta Chi
CARDIN W. CARMACK, Education   . Madisonville Future Teachers; Veterans Club
RALPH C. CARPENTER, A.& S.   .    .    . Salyersville
CARL E. CARTER, Pharmacy   .... Louisville American Pharmaceutical Association; Mortar and Pestle
EDWARD J. CARTER, A.& S.    .    .    . Hopkinsville
YMCA Cabinet, secretary; Phalanx, secretary; SuKy; Freshman Club; Pitkin Club; Cosmopolitan Club; SUB dance committee; Kentuckian; Kernel; Philosophy Club; Outing Club
ELLIS CARTER, A.& S.......Hartford
Phalanx; Pryor Pre-Med Society EDNA STEVENS CASHMAN, Commerce    . Dundee
JOHN M. CASHMAN, Engineering . Hardinsburg Phalanx; YMCA Cabinet; Electrical Engineers; SUB dance commttec; Pitkin Club
DAVID R. CASSELL, Commerce   .    .    . Lexington
THOMAS L. CASSELL, A.& S.....Lexington
Men's Glee Club; Sociology Club; Veterans Club
FRANK CASSIDY, A.&S......Lexington
Delta Tau Delta; Kernel
Baptist Student Union Council; Bacteriology Society; V WCA
Kappa Kappa Gamma; League of Women Voters; Sociology Club; YWCA; Pryor Pre-Med Society; SUB activities committee
EVELYN LOUISE CAUDEL, A.& S. . . Owingsville .Chi Delta Phi; Independents; Students for Democratic Action; Pryor Pre-Med Society; German Club; Spanish Club; YWCA; Alpha Lambda Delta; Philosophy Club; Psychology Club; All-Campus Party; Alma Magna Mater
GEORGE H. CAUGHEY, A.& S......Paris
Lambda Chi Alpha; Football; Pryor Pre-Med Society; Psychology Club
JERRY P. CAVENDER, Commerce   .... Fulton
ELIZABEH S. CAYLOR, Ag.& Home Ec. . Lexington Future Teachers; Home Economics Club; YWCA
EUGENE M. CECIL, Commerce . . . Heidelberg Phi Sigma Kappa, president, treasurer; Interfraternity Council
JAMES CHANDLER, Commerce   .    .    . Paintsville
LOIS CHEEK, A.& S........Frankfort
Chi Omega; YWCA; League of Women Voters; SUB committees
JAMES S. CHENAULT, Law . . . Richmond Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association
PAUL C. CHENAULT, A.& S.....Frankfort
JOHN CARROLL CHESHIRE, A.& S.   .    . Frankfort
WILLIAM TODD CHESHIRE, Law . . . Lexington Phi Delta Phi
IONE TUTT CHESNUT, A.& S. . . . Compton Bacteriological Society
L. L, CHITWOOD, Engineering    .    .    .    Pine Knot
KARL A. CHRIST, A.& S......Henderson
Sigma Phi Epsilon, historian, vice-president; Kentuckian, associate editor; Kernel; Press Club; YMCA; SUB Committees; Newman Club
FRED W. CHRISTIAN, Commerce . . Richmond Lambda Chi Alpha
ANDREW H. CLARK, Engineering . . . Moysville Delta Tau Delta, vice president; Lances; Student Government Association; Pershing Rifles; Electrical Engineers; YMCA; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Lamp and Cross; Interfraternity Council; Omicron Delta Kappa
DONALD K. CLARK, A.& S......Bereo
Lambda Chi Alpha, president; Interfraternity Council, vice president; Kernel; Radio Studios; YMCA; Veterans Club; Constutionalist Party, president
LESLIE M. CLARK, A.& S.....Millersburg
Sigma Nu; American Chemical Society; Pershing Rifles; Alpha Chi Sigma
LORA JEAN CLARK, Commerce .... Harold WAA; Independents; YWCA
THEODORE W. CLARK, Law.....Lothair
Phi Alpha Delta
NOBLE H. CLARKE, Pharmacy . . . Louisville American Pharmaceutical Association
MARGARET E. CLEGG, A.& S.....Lexington
Zeta Tau Alpha; Wesley Foundation; Dutch Lunch Club
JAMES A. CLUTTS, Engineering . . . Louisville Sigma Chi
MAC G. COBB, Commerce   .    .    .    Bowling Green
YWCA; German Club; Social Work Club
VIVIAN COLEMAN, Education   . . WAA; Troupers
VANDER L. COLLINS, Pharmacy    .    .    . Albany Phi Delta Chi; American Pharmaceutical Association
ANNE COLLIVER, Education.....Carlisle
Dutch Lunch Club; YWCA; Future Teachers
DE COURSEY COMBS, Commerce    .    . Lexington
THELMA COMBS, Ag.& Home Ec. . . . Hozard Home Economics Club; Wesley Foundation; YWCA
JAMES PATRICK CONLEY, Law . . . Carlisle Phi Sigma Kappa, president; Phi Delta Phi; Lamp and Cross; Newman Club, presidsnt; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Student Government Association; Interfraternity Council; Student Bar Association
JAMES W. COOK, A.& S.....Morgantown
JOHN R. COOK, JR., Law.....Lexington
Phi Delta Phi
CLAUDE V. COOPER, JR., Commerce . . Hazard Lambda Chi Alpha
MILDRED JO COOPER, Education . . Lexington Alpha Xi Delta; Pitkin Club; Alpha Lambda Delta; German Club; Spanish Club; Dutch Lunch Club; Future Teachers; YWCA
RAYMOND M. CONNOR, Eng.   .   Jacksonville, Fla. Norwood Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
ALEXANDER T. COREY, Pharmacy    . Barbourville American Pharmaceutical Association
LUTHER M. COREY, Pharmacy    .    . Barbourville Phi Delta Chi; American Pharmaceutical Association
LORAINE CORNELISEN, Ag.& Home Ec. . Chicago, III. Newman Club; Home Economics Club
ATALAY COSKUNOGULLARI, Eng. . Elmali, Turkey Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Pi Sigma
ARTHUR LEON COTTERILL, Education   . Elizaville
EARL C. COTTRELL, Commerce . Pi Kappa Alpha
GEORGE E. COUNTZLER, Pharmacy Phi Delta Chi
WILLIAM H. COURTENAY, Commerce   . Louisville
GEORGE J. COVINGTON, JR., Commerce . Moyfield Phi Delta Theta
WILLIAM F. COWGILL, Commerce   .    . Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon
JOHN ROBERT COX, A.& S.....Covington
Lambda Chi Alpha; Kernsl
H. H. CRAFT, Engineering.....Wayland
Lambda Chi Alpha
TABITHA CRAIG, Education   ....   Mt. Vernon
ALLEN E. CRAMER, Engineering . . Cattlettsburg Newman Club; Electrical Engineers
EVELYN CRAWFORD, Ag.& Home Ec. . Princeton House Presidents Council
JOHN M. CRAWFORD, Engineering . . Lexington Civil Engineers
JUANITA CRAWFORD, A.& S.....Stanford
Delta Zeta; Bacteriology Society; YWCA; League of Women Voters
SUE ANN CRAWFORD, A.& S.....Newport
Women's Glee Club; Troupers, treasurer; Sociology Club; YWCA
ANN CREECH, Education.....Lexington
Kappa Alpha Theta; Panhellenic Council; YWCA; Future Teachers; Art Club; SUB committees; Wesley Foundation; Sigma Phi Epsilon Dream Girl, 1946-47
GERALD J. CRIPE, Pharmacy .... Louisville Kappa Psi; American Pharmaceutical Association; interfraternity Council; Mortar and Pestle
JOHN B. CROCKETT, A.& S.....Maysville
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Student Government Association; Lances; Keys; Lamp and Cross; YMCA; Omicron Delta Kappa
HANNAH CROLEY, A.& S......Pineville
Delta Delta Delta; YWCA; League of Women Voters; SUB activities committee
JOHN CROSTHWAITE, Commerce . Bridgeport, Conn. Sigma Nu; Interfraternity Council; K-Club, vice president
ROY R. CROUCH, Engineering    .    .    . Lexington Civil Engineers
EUGENE J. CROUSE, A.&S.....Frankfort
Newman Club; Pryor Pre-Med Society; YMCA; German Club
MYLES L. CROWDER, Pharmacy   . Beckley, W. Va. Phi Delta Chi; American Pharmaceutical Association
DAVID C. CRUISE, JR., Commerce   .   . Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Track Team; Pershing Rifles
Mufreesboro, Tenn.
Kappa Alpha Theta; YWCA
JOYCE CRUTCHFIELD, A.& S.   .    .    . Lexington Kentuckian; Dutch Lunch Club; YWCA
DEWEY E. CUMMINS, A.&S.    .    .    . Brooksville Men's Glee Club
JOSHUA W. CUMMINS, Education . . Brooksville Sigma Chi; Troupers; Pryor Pre-Med Society; Baseball; K-Club
JOYCE CUNDIFF, Ag.& Home Ec.   .    .    . Somerset
Home Economics Club; YWCA; Kentuckian FRANKLIN CUNNINGHAM, Eng.    .    . Pointsville BYRL E. CURRY, Engineering   .    .    .   Canton, Ohio
EULA MAUREEN CURTIS, A.& S.    .    . Lexington
Kentuckian; Kernel; All-Campus Party; Independents; YWCA
BEN R. DAMRON, Ag.& Home Ec.   .    .    . Stanford
HAROLD B. DANKS, Commerce . . . Centertown Baptist Student Union
FRED H. DAUGHERTY, Low .... Georgetown Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Phi; Lamp and Cross; Phi Beta Kappa; Kentucky Law Journal; Lances; Student Government Association; University Oratorical Champion; Omicron Delta Kappa
FRANK FOWLER DAVIS, Law .... Paducah Delta Tau Delta, treasurer; ROTC, lieutenant-colonel; Pershing Rifles, first lieutenant; Guignol; Radio Studios; Pryor Pre-Med Society, vice president; German Club
HERMAN D. DAVIS, Engineering   .    .    . Ashland
JOHN W. DAVIS, Commerce .... Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pershing Rifles
MARTHA DAVIS, A.& S......Pointsville
WILLIAM K. DAVIS, Engineering   .    .    . Earlington
Delta Chi; Interfraternity Council; Civil Engineers; Young Democrats
CARL L. DEAN, Commerce......Berea
Delta Chi
ROBERT DEAN, A.& S......Nicholasville
Delta Tau Delta LESLIE DEARING, A.& S.    .    .    .   Muscatine, Iowa
House Presidents Council
ELLA M. CLOYD DELANO, Commerce . Winchester Chi Omega, social chairman; YWCA; Veterans Club; League of Women Voters
JOHN DOUGLAS DELANO, JR., Eng. . Winchester Kappa Alpha; Mechanical Engineers
LOWELL O. DENTON, Ag.& Home Ec. . Hillsboro Alpha Gamma Rho; Alpha Zeta; Block and Bridle; Livestock Judging Team
GENE DESKINS, A.&S......Akron, Ohio
Lambda Chi Alpha; YMCA, vice president; Phalanx; SuKy; Student Union Board; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Mu Epsilon; Pitkin Club
WILLIAM J. DETHERAGE, Education   .    . Pulaski
Alpha Tau Omega WILLIAM T. DEWITT, A.& S.....Frankfort
Delta Tau Delta; Sociology Club
JACK E. DISTLER, Engineering . . . Lexington Track Team; Electrical Engineers
GERALD V. DOBSON, Commerce . . Munfordville Triangle
RUDOLPH DOERHOEFER, Pharmacy . Louisville American Pharmaceutical Association
DOROTHY DONAHUE, Commerce . . Lexington Newman Club; K-Dets; Chamber of Commerce; Dutch Lunch Club; Accounting Club
HARRY R. DONOHO, Ag.& Home Ec. . . Sedalia Alpha Zeta; Block and Bridle; Dairy Club
JOHN P. DOUCOUMES, A.&S. . Winchendon, Mass. Patterson Literary Society
MARIELLA DOUCOUMES, A.& S.    . Hebbardsville
BETTE DOYLE, Education.....Lexington
Delta Zeta; SUB dance committee; WAA; YWCA
CHARLES S. DOYLE, Engineering   .    .    . Lexington
ROBERT M. DOYLE, Commerce . . . Carrollton Phi Kappa Tau; Veterans Club; Chamber of Commerce