xt7q2b8vbh43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vbh43/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1931 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 03, 1931 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 03, 1931 1931 1931 2012 true xt7q2b8vbh43 section xt7q2b8vbh43 __f,.;;;»,,.»·?*1·»·~~’  ~  ..111111 .,    ,  I   =: .   I 4 ,4*
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Volume III FEBRUARY, 1931 Number 6      
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  I   1 KE]l\l“lI“UCKY ALUMNUS
 · , V 1     Oftlcial Organ of the Alumni Association of tlic University of Kentucky
I I_ ‘ I Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington
I `   I   Volume III FEBRUARY, 1931 Number 6
I · { ° · -———Y·—·— ——»+~—·——?4———~——r ———  
. 5 , l Entered as second Class Matter at the Postofflce at Lexington. Ky, May Z2. 1929, under the Act or March 3, 111*79 tl
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%   _       JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, '29 ..... Editor and Manager pl
.· V L     { l BETTY I-IULETT, '30 . ......, Assistant Manager ul
ji j I l'} » MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN. `03 ..... Associate Editor  
L é A L l   _ HELEN KING, ‘25 .......... Associate Editor d
  ·   ‘ e f ·   Opmcans or THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION R   W   V   1T
.         LEON K. FRANKEL, ‘00 .... President W. C. Wilson, '13 Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
I .   I . A MRS. RODES ESTILL, '21 . . . Vice-President Dr. E. C. Elliott, `02 Wyland Rhoads, '15 H-
. ·   ,   `_ . _ JAMES S, SHRQPSHIRE, ‘29 . Secretar;»I-Treasurer Lulie Logan. '13 Walter Hlllenmeyer, I11 L
I  H     E I  "'LTCIi"iCf ij a
* _ In   ALUMNI CLUBS il
Q 1 j l ASHLAND ALUMNI CLUB strong Cork and Insulation Co., 120 west [
`       J. Sneed Yager, president, Blackstone Build- Illinois St., tl
    mg- Ashland ‘GREATER CINCINNATI omo H
, ,l \ A ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB Miss Lillian Rasch. Holmes High School, pre- ll
  1 ~   C. L. 'Demplin, president, 764 Greenwood Ave. Sldent ll
L1 ~ .   George A_ wisenbcrgery s€m.cmry-tmasurcr_ Harry Whaley, Cincinnati, vice-president a
  U Y. M. C. A. George H. Hailey, Cincinnati, treasurer [
  4 Warren Clare, vice-president, care Clare and Miss Ad€l¢ Slade. Secretary. C
. e YQ Co-. Bona Allen Buildinz H cLavaLANn ALUMNI cum S
  BELL COUNTY CLUB J. M. Neiding, president, care Cleveland Trust C
  I Mrs. Geo. W. McKee, secretary, Box 66, Pine-· C0-- E· Ninth & Euclid O
  vine, Ky_ W. Crawford Buwlay, vice-president, 914 Dres- E
  ‘ N I1 M ALUMNI cLUa dm mad ll
1 . * I BIRMI G A_ R. L. Mays, 3018 East Overlook Rioad, Cleve~ f
  ~ 1 L J. M. Sprague, president, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. land Heights O
Il" , · ` I . - · -M Y ' U
L S. C. Ebbert, yice president, 321 Brown arx LOUISVILLE CLUB L
Q, I . Building, Birmingham. T A B ll _ _ _ l·
il , _ E. J. Kohn, secretary, Box, 35, Ensley, Ala. Jom ‘ 3 _°nt}n°’ ’25· l{""s‘d°“'f Cl
il ~ I A. B. Haswell, treasurer, P. O. Box 1174, Bir- ' Dmmld D"mmg* z_1· v'°°'pr°S'd°“t l`
    mingham, Ala. Mrs. Tom A. Ballentme (nee Marie PfeitTer, 2
I, · I Louisville, ex-’2’7, secretary y
ij _   l§0Wl»llj*G GREENWCEUB K t k A. Pete ("Little Pete") Lee, us, treasurer, t
  g W. J,tCi·¥g, plfesidznti care es ern en uc y NEW YORK CLUB t
, ‘ § 1 Sta ° °3’° ers 0 age Samuel A. Smith, president, 17 John street, T
I I Mary Lee Taylor, secretary, care Western
I .2 K t k State T h Coll e New York City I
· l ,1 cn uc Y wc ers cg ' W. G. Hillen, secretary-treasurer, 850 Freling- t
I l " BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB huysen Ave., Newark, N. J. l
._ I. F. Taylor, president, 151 Virgil Ave. PHILADELPHIA CLUB 1
~ - ~   J. W. Gedgel. vice-president 129 Harlem L. c. Davidson, ·2s, president. li
é R- A- Sl·lllP· t"°as“"°"» °'° BHHHEH Fmgc (’°· Richard Bozeman, ’29, secretary-treasurer. I
 · W. D. Bailey, secretary, 129 Har em. WASHINGTON ALUMNI CLUB t
_ CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Jesse I. Miller, president, Commercial Nation- ·
5 H. M. Nicholls, president, 104 South Michigan gl Bank Building I
U V AME Ave. Elmer D. Hayes, secretary, care Interstate l
  Q _   C. B. Sauer, secretary-treasurer, care Arm- Commerce Commission. I
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~   _'1?`_` KENTUCKY ALUMNUS 5   i
  EDlTO _——  
L, i IA L s i  
V`; = .:i_ REUNIONS this size have them, and one is badly   -
5,;. ..   S IT too early for the officers of the neeggd at Kentncky ? ener Senelerenibs   l  
  ty I Alumni Association and editors of Se at selne bright mmd may have an ja    
    _ the   to begin making plans (?%)DO1tl.lHllZy, CI`€3t€ Ei lZ1'LlSlZ fund fO1` the   ii  
  - ‘ for class reunions at commencement e uflent loan fund; end lastly; Secure the   I i
E _ _ time? Wen, to Some it may Seem a nine wo1k of the alumni association through c; ,  
" _ , early, but we are expecting a large num- eome endowfnenb _ rite .2 Q
  _ ber this year and our enthusiasm is run- . Truly, th1S_1°l€a is tb the b0lbt» and in   . it   
’ ei- ning so high we have to start now, spilling lt We are twine te Open _l?ne Way for veu it it   l
  plans to yOu_ to Cl°€3t€ l3.StIHg IH'l]_)1`€SS101'1S OI] thé ])1`Og- ·      
i { _< A Of course class luncheons, and things Tess ef eureeheel-     E
nj} -’ like that, are always a part of the reunion Ou? ALUMNUS and other notes and   i ;`
’—Yg.cq e time, teas, orations, and all have their letters t1`0m the Alumni Office do not go   l A
V) _. ` ‘· place, but even n·iO1·€ ineipoytant   year to all Qur g1`HdU3lZ€S, I`lOt b€C3,llS€   3,1`€   l  
2 · is the adopting of great policy for our as- nbt Paid m€ml>€1`S of the Alumni AssOcia—     ;
E sociation for the expressed purpose of tl0b» but T¤€1`€lY heeause the money   A &
_ getting things ini. Oni. iinivei-Sity_ budgeted for this kind of information is   -§
. » More about plans and details later, but limited. In 0aSe there is an endowment   i
{ . now a warning that the time is coming established t01` alumni WO1'k at the   E t
4 whgn gl] alttmni arg to gathgy fOi· the UDlV€1`S1ty, dues \VOl1ld be lO\V€1`€Cl and all ts     i  4
-»; 7··‘ support of their Alma Mater, to recall and gmdttstss _W0uld Sl"la1`e alike. The efforts `  
gt   live Ovni. the happy days Of Collegg iif€_ of this office are trying to keep alive the Z` ‘
    We are expecting you and are making gr- sDtt1`l< of love for the University of Ken-   _ 
its ,_ rangements accordingly; you do the same.   St;ll§§l§lLg1`adtiat€S aud f0l`m€1' Stu-   1 
* · HVE. 1*. ' 
_"_;—` 1 We hope this appeal will bring to a head     j
ENDO\\7]yIENTS the pigloblem of some one trying to do   i
»~ ·· somet in h i` r ·-   1
  e; i MONTH has elapsed eiriee eur first mei- KeniiiEkileiiilletliiieeliggiiilelililiiliiiefisfiilte i  
A dtt€ml>t te g1V€ Y0U“'l"1?gt Ws b€ll€V€ Cumbarland Falls for a state park; all   ’
";$·· _t0 be 3 bftldldy t_b0Ugbt_m Ysgstd tb former Kentuckians can give to future O   l-
,i. ~ A   seetnnng bun assbelatlbn against any WY- generations an outstanding educational  
_ , " A ` ages tnet tnne nngnt brlng ln} ln tlns institution, with opportuniites, and a well Q;  T.
· i   Seeend Dlsd fd? Bbsddtdgemebt lb st {bs- founded alumni association to keep alive .   3 
{i . . _ terial way we want to apply our original the traditions Ot the Sciioot »   T 
    plan to a broader one and hope that these  *1 * 
`   suggestions will bring forth some real —* —i A   Q- 
ini n   f1`0l'Il Ol.l1` ElClZ1V€ Bild lIlt€1`€St-     ` J i · 
·  “ie*"  · Is it possible that our graduates have HE LAST issue of the ALUMNUS n    TJ
  ·" gd, not gone out into the world of business T carrieda short message from ou1· i_ i it  
 ‘ and been less fortunate than those of university president, asking alumni ii . 
.`   `Q Other institutions? \Ne do not believe so, to Come to the front and give a help- ·\    
  yet our university has not been the re- ing hand to the cause of education in our ii i 
` ` . cipient of many gifts from those who can state; to give fora union building, a shop i    
`· We attribute at least a part of their success for student activities, a place for students    
,  t' to the school that mothered them. We to use to take the place of off-campus.   · 
’, _i _ ’ are wondering if there is a better way to "l0Hf11lg” places; also he suggested schol-·   . 
Q " to - memorialize some one or do a deed that will arships from alumni, pointing out that the    
Z; ’'‘· e` I, O result in greater good, than to give your student loan fund was entirely too inad-    
" .· A native state’s leading educational institu- equate to meet the present student needs.   »_
. tion some gifts. May we suggest a pos- In the same issue there was a letter   r
sibility or two for such a gift? Endow from the University of Kentucky Club ot  
‘ some research problem; give to the uni- Greater Cincinnati mentioning the tact 5  ,_
·   versity a union building; other schools that they have a scholarship fund started  hi; · ~
" {_ ; I I #-7 A-! A   rr it : v_n_:.u?:, , V ;__ ~  t c, i 
,$\_;{ »,  2 · ' · *4-4 _ _   »__  in
  .i.,.  gg;.)   ~i--’ · ·e A-·~~-·  V   I _ in i __ [_, _   i   A M __ U.  

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  "|* Wil   .
l .? " Q i— ‘ and soon hope to have northern Kentucky ning a letter now is less of an honor due
,   _   *   _ boys and girls here in school that have to the undue amount of hard work now re-
l ` i   i earned for themselves a place in the uni- quired, not that they object to hard work,
 ‘   i F ` versity. but because they h_ave to pass their grodes_
 . i E     Did Doctor McVey make such a sugges— Could the spring practice be optionul
. _ e Q Q f tion to that club? If not, they are ahead of without endangering the chances of those t
I     f   the administration, or at least abreast players that did not want to report fo1· l
‘ l i   ;   of the leaders. If he did, then there is a spring practice`? If not, then is it wise for 1
. · i ' i ` wise club for they have seen the oppor- it to be discontinued altogether l
_ l }· i l tunity and aeeeotetl the challenge to do Let us hope that om- school will be gl l
. ·   i l something worthwhile for those that de- leader in this movement and not n lol- l
i $_ li__iv=nii serve an opportunity. We congratulate lOW€1·_ i
_ . l I.   Qill`§!·”t the club on this wise as well as altruistic
, Y = in Zell step, and hope that other far-seeing and   P
`   l   li _ progressive alumni clubs will follow a EIJEVEN CLASSES TO MEET `
l .   li , l   good leader- IN JUNE; TREATS IN STORE 3
_ , {     ··—"’_"__’_`_‘_ j" 1
i f   i [   V     (Continued fI`Ol`H P2lg`€ Thl`€€) Q
_ l, { , I I i they have done well for themselves. Then I
I 'A . I _ Y THE time this editorial will go to when you get home, you can talk all thi; 1
l l l P   B press, spring football practice at the over with your own "better-half" and cle- l
l     i University of Kentucky will be well cide whether or not Mary could have done
  l 5 under way. Is it necessary that football better and how did John make all that ·
`   l I l become a year-around sport to maintain money when he was never as smart in
  Q its place in the sport world? The ALUM- school as you were.
I i NUS after getting some few opinions be- So legs all Start making Oni. iilme mw
il I   lloooo that tootoall la looloa ooaaotooha- to attend the class reunions in j..,;€_ n i
    sized, not only at oui own school but iSn’t too eai.ly_ Within the next three
il i , Sohoolsm goooml _ _ months you will receive communications
i Truly you would expect the University from Doctor Buckner and from the Alum-
ii _ 4 to have football practice in the spring if ni Association urging you to send in your
l all Southern Conference schools persisted name to be put "among those present."
zi in continuing such a practice, yet we could These letters will also tell you of the elab-
_   I be a leader in a mO\’eInent to do HWRY orate arrangements that are even now
  with such a strenuous program. under way to make you have a good time
    l We all 10\y€ the game and four graduates when you return to the university. We
il. l and former students lose the chance of cannot give you anything definite along
if · seeing the Wildcats in action, if they have this line at the present time, but as a gen-
  . the opportunity, and all look with great eral idea, you may start looking forward
  . , interest for results following a game, yet to the Alumni banquet, the class lunch-
{  ~ j would interest not be as great, would gate eons, the alumni parade with the gradu-
  l receipts be less were we to have football ating class, teas. meetings, and many
if . - confined to football season, and not let it other enjoyable occasions which will fen-
a   Q encroach on the other sports in their ture this gala time.
‘ , I season? . From time to time, the committee will
I ·‘ Many of the football players are in publish a report of its progress in the
l l   school for something else besides donning ALUMNUS. It is the plan now to give
_ ‘ I l the pigskin togs, and it is doing them a the names of some of those who are re-
; grave injustice to tie them to a grind that turning. We hope that your name will be
  will make them less equal than their fel- listed. These class reunions mean much
. _ . . low students to meet the real purpose for to the university and they will mean more
  . . which they are training. to you if you will join us in June and take
l Only within the last few weeks several Daft in the many activities we are plan-
lg schools have announced that spring foot- ning for you.
‘ , AM, ball is a thing_of the past in their institu- So, when you return to Lexington lll
_ i 404 tions, and this announcement is being June, we will make arrangements for the
i- i Nev hailed by many football men in our col- men to have a special rendition of "Sweet
l · leges as a good sign. Players themselves Adaline" and we will try to have some
i ii , pl have expressed the sentiment that Win- song equally appropriate for the women.
' l ing
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W le- resident lVlcV l  
Vork, ey Out IH€S E.Xp&I`lS101'1 Program .   {
ades. . . Y" 3 ~
vioool President McVey, 1n.a recent report _iS- tion, age, and training of physicians in  
thoso sued to the press, outlined the expansion the state. The Agricultural College has  
t for program thatthe u¤iversity’s growth de- proven to be of much help to the rarmere   · »
;o for mands. President McVey commented on of the state and is making plans to con-   ` l
the fact that the recent building program tinue its work in an extensive study of   P  i
be o has scarcely kept pace with the ever in- forestry on the experiment Staneii farm at   =  
· fol- itiii-t“i¤“§§?€ Fiitlli-““d€“t b°dy‘   Q“l°"“‘“"’ Kr   r i
` ' PI` ‘. * i Y  Y
"A good 'deal of progress has been made hho gxciegfalg/iidgiylglsg agongzggiggg gif Q5-; P Q
and the university more nearly represents Thomas who gave tho uhivol. -t th · `   . A E
today the need of a great state than ever eral rights on tho Quick dS%yb _? iomm 3.3   l
before. Each year, with its enlarging ·. · ·SaP- u `S 3 um' — *°E`?Y E E
ORE ` _ _ _ _ This Wlll enable the univei sity to conduct   A I
glgup OfbFtllde“t;i;hb"1nSS mix dlglculilei the contemplated forestry experiments El? ri ‘
an pro ems. e UI11V€1`S1 y as jus _. . _ _ . " [ig I Q
finished a considerable building program. Ie cfemg he lepmt It was noted that   3 "
Th Tho additions, howovor, havo only kopt m01€ t an half of the stndents graduated   Q f
en, . _ _ _ have received degrees within the last ten   i
I thm pace with the demand foi more room and _ _ . .2, E 1
_ _ _ . yeais. Piesident McVey expressed the   . 
ld do even that does not covei the whole situa- opinion that th i_ . H V ld b f I   _ ;
ldgng UGH 38 many departments are hgusgd in groatlv Within Qt; In U€;1C§ \\VOl1 oe eg   V;
that old buildings and inadequate quarters." ·r _ e mx ‘_ er reels an   .
[rt in Doctor McVey further announced that ichgoughethS§i;;t;.o¥£u§ tlhhogihiégagigsely   i A
a building in which the students might ` ` ,.~   A “