xt7q2b8vbh1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vbh1b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-04-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1928 1928 1928-04-13 2012 true xt7q2b8vbh1b section xt7q2b8vbh1b vaiiauic














KY. APRIL 13, 1928



RATXMMm freshmen Bring
'Cat Nine Faces Centre TO
m iiiui uuiui Marathon 'Hnhnino .LfmUlLj iirilllj TA Election Of Mav
at Danville Tomorrow BY NOTED OFFICER Record to Kentucky STUDY OF CHINA Will Be Held April 24-2ADDTT



Phorlio Wnrf nr Rnhnvl Dhnnl
Will Be on Mound for

Freshman enthusiasm and curios
Dennis Nolan Will ity,
combined with twenty cents and Each Department Will Contrib
Review University Unit
tite to Program Planned
several courteous motorists enabled
two Kentucky yearlings to stretch
their wings and view the firmament
immediately surrounding their Alma DR. LEW TO SPEAK AT
WON HIGH DISTINCTION Mater during the spring vacation last
week. Ehvood Kruger and Yynn Nes
E. R. Harris, Richard Wetherill bitt, we do not claim to know which Will Complete Foreign Relations
is the curious and which the enthus
Also Compose Inspection
Work for Year; Three
iastic are claimants to the amateur
Countries Studied
costless long distance traveling cham


Collect Your Mail


Stage 'Hot' Drill


Students Are Urged to Visit



Mail Boxes

Students are urged to visit their
mail boxes in the Bookstore. A
large amount of mail has been distributed in them and has never
been called for, according to a no
tice from the postoffice.

Players Will Endeaver to Break
Present Losing Streak
With Victory

SuKy Circle Announces Plans
for Annual Spring



The R. O. T. C. unit put out the
hottest drill of the year Tuesday
and Wednesday, wearing
army shirts which were kept several degrees below freezing by the
polar breezes. Companies executed squad movements like mad, the
pivot men becoming dizzy because
of the rapidly wheeling ranks,
while the most calorific remarks of
the sergeants were indeed chilling.
A kelvinated armory has been proposed as a result of the drill.

Signilures of 20 Male Students
Are Required for

(By Bill Rccp)
The annual May Day celebration of
Dennis E. Nolan, of pionship.
Elaborate plans are being carried
When the Wildcats cross bats with
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 they into effect for the Chinese program
the University will be held on May 1,
the United States army, will be the
the Colonels from Centre tomorrow
SuKy officials stated last night. The
inspector of the R. O. T. C. unit of leit m an attempt to bring back the this month by
afternoon at Cheek field, it will mark
Queen of May, who will preside over
the University on April 18 and 19 record to their native state, cheered organization for the study of interna
the first engagement between these
the festivities, must have a standing
The inspection board will consist of on by pressing crowds and closely tional relations at the Universiy
two institutions since the closing of
Nolan, Lieut.-Co- l.
oi one in order to be eligible, it was
E pursued by bothersome camera-me- n
Each department will devote a week
the basketball season. During this
R. Harris, R. 0. T. C. officer of the Arriving at Louisville, at 8 o'clock, or more to special lectures and stu
announced. Freshman
may not
lapse of time from the last athletic
the only statement they issued was, dies in their respective fields.
Lieut.-Co- l.
compete for the honor.
corps area, and
encounter, both Kentucky and Centre
we do not choose to run tomorrow:
Queen of May will be chosen in
Wetherill, of the 10th infantry.
The department of art is the first
have been working hard and prac
we (1 rather walk or ride."
Class work will probably be inspec
an election which will be held at Dickat the University to begin the pro
ticing daily in order to get their re Dr. T. F. Lew Will Aid Study
er hall, the Administration building,
led on the 18 and the review held on
At the request of New Albany's gram. Uunng
past week Chinese
spective teams into playing condition,
of Chinese Situation by Dis- the 19. This inspection is held an mayor, and the plea of Indiana's gov research for all the
and the "Ag" building, April 24 and
classes has been held
The game tomorrow should prove to
cussing Oriental Problems, nually, and twice the University has ernor, they touched at New Albanv. and on Wednesday, Mrs. Elizabeth
25. Joe Turner, chairman of the elecbe a very interesting affair, but as
tion committee, and Frank Davidson,
been rated as a distinguished college. inu., before taking off for Mammoth Addams, instructor in the art depart
to the outcome of the fracas, that is a
are in charge of the election arrangeNolan was awarded Cave and Sand Caves in southwestern ment gave a special lecture on Chi
different thing and will be settled to
Dr. T. F. Lew, of Yenching Univer the Distinguished Service Medal by Kentucky. Oh, yes, the statement nese pottery. Next week Prof. John R. O. T. C. Head Gets Assign ments.
morrow afternoon.
sity, China, who has served as an in the United States government during must be corrected that it was a cost- Rothenstein will take up the study of
Both Teams Unsuccessful
ment to Command 11th U. S. in Candidates' names must be turned
So far this year, both of the teams terpreter of China to colleges nnd the World War; and was given cita less tour, for when they arrived at Chinese paintings with the students
Infantry at Ft. Benjamin than the dean of men's office not later
4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon,
have not enjoyed a very successful universities on the Pacific coast for tions for bravery in action against Springfield, Tenn., they found that in his classes and on the following
Harrison, Ind.
April 17, and the photograph of each
Spanish forces at Point Arbolitus, Cu their bank roll had decreased tewnty week work in his classes will be de
season as they have more losses than the past half year, will come to the
competitor must accompany her,
17 and 18. Dr.- ba, May 12, 1898, and again at Santi- cents.
voted to the study of Chinese sculp
wins chalked upon the ledger for University on April
Col. H. P. Hobbs, head of the mil name. The signatures of 20 male stuSpringfield to Louisville was the ture. Miss Anne Callihan will take
them. With both teams in a slump, Lew is being brought to the Univer ago, July 1, 1898. In addition to these
sity to aid in the study of China which citations, the officer holds the follow- next leg of the journey arranged by up the study of Chinese textiles with itary department at the University dents are required for a nomination.
their erratic playing may come back
for the past four years will be re The photographs will be run in The
manager Specs Rickard, and Louis the students in her classes.
is sponsoring dur ing foreign decorations: French
to normalcy tomorrow, in their game, the
Croix de Guerre; Commander of Le ville and Lexington was the final tri
The department of music's contri lieved of his post on June 15, having Kernel April 20 and the results of
and both teams will tighten up in a ing the month of April
Dr. Lew has made it his custom to gion of Honor; British Commander umphant return.
button to the program will be a pre been assigned as commander of the the election will be published in The
manner that should speed up the
have declined sentation of the Chinese operetta. 11th infantry at Fort Benjamin Har- - Kernel of April 27
game and their play should be a de spend at least a week upon each uni- of the Bath; Italian Commander of
It was announced that students in
Commander of interviews from eager pressmen, but The Feast of the Little Lanterns," to rison, Ind. Mrs. Hobbs will accom
cided improvement over recent games versity campus, conducting round- - the Crown; Belgium
the Arts and Sciences College, the
Last Monday afternoon the Wild table discussions, and encouraging in the Crown, and Panama Medal o'f they have indicated that they will not be given by the Girls' Glee club. The pany him to his new post.
Professor Hobbs was assigned the Commerce College, the Law College
disappoint their friends by becomine: date and the place in which the oper
cats lost a hard game to Illinois here dividual and group discussion upon La Solidaridad.
Until recently General Nolan has professional.
matters, especially those
etta is to be given has not yet been position as professor of military sci and the Education College will cast
on Stoll field, one that they should intra-racibeen military advisor to the American
ence and tactics at the University in their ballots in the box in front of
have won. At the end of the fourth concerning China He will speak at
Talks will be given throughout the 1924, after being relieved as execu- the Administration building. Engiinning the 'Cats were ahead by a the University at 4 p. m., April 17, in delegation at preparatory conference
Men's gymnasium, upon the sub for the limitation and reduction of
month by professors and instructors tive officer of the 29th infantry at neering students will cast their votes
four to one score. Then in the fifth the
in front of Dicker
in the department of English.
Since he has in the ballot-bo- x
inning it seemed as if the whole team ject, "What Is the Trouble With armaments held in Geneva, Switzer
On Fort Benning, Ga.
April 27, Prof. E. F. Farquhar will been here, the R. O. T. C. unit has hall and all "Ag" students will vote
went to sleep and booted the ball China?" His second appearance will land.
Several social engagements are be
be made before a University convospecial lecture on "Chinese twice received the distinguished col in front of the Agriculture building.
give a
around like a high school team, allowMay Day will be celebrated on FriOther lectures sched lege star, one of the highest military
ing Illinois to score five runs. This cation to be held the following day, ing planned in honor of General No- Delegates From More Than 20 Literature."
day, May 4, and the SuKy dance will
States Attend Sixth Anuled by the different departments are honors a university mav receive.
was very unfortunate for Kentucky April 18, the fourth hour when he lan, among them being a dinner-danc- e
nual Meet
lectures on Chinese philosophy, April
Colonel Hobbs was born in Penn be presented on the evening of the
because they were never able to over- will speak on "Chinese College Folk.' given by Scabbard and Blade, honorAn analytical discussion of the var ary military fraternity, and by the
sylvania in 1875, and graduated from same day.
come that lead, although they tried.
regimental sponsors the night of
The Starman Studio on North
Delegates from more than twenty
(Continued on Page Eight)
the Pennsylvania Military College in
While Kentucky was losing this ious political factions controlling
different states are attending the
game to Illinois, the Colonels were China today will constitute his third April 19.
lovi. tie entered the army as a sec Broadway has offered to make free
sixth annual Institute of Registrars
ond lieutenant on April 10, 1899. He of charge all pictures of May Day
losing a fast game to Eastern Nor- and final address to be made in the
and the American Association of Cowas promoted through successive candidates. They only ask that the
mal on their home field. The score gymnasium at 4 p. m., April 18, the
subject of his speech, "What Are the
llegiate Registrars, which is being
grades to that of colonel on July 1, candidates report to the studio not
Nationalists Trying to Do?" in indi
held here this week.
(Continued on Page Eight)
iy4. lie was graduated from the later than Saturday.
cating a peep into the political schemThe delegates registered Monday
Army School of the Line at Fort
ing and subterfuge which confronts
morning and Dean Paul Boyd, acting
Leavenworth, Kans., in 1912. and Glee Club
and retards China at present. Doctor
in Dr. McVey's place, opened the sesthe Infantry School, Field Officer's
Lew comes to the University with the Will Give Illustrated Discussion sion formally with an address of wel- First Southern Journalism Con- Course, at Ft. Benning, Ga., in
Y. M. C. A.
highest of recommendations from colin Men's Gymnasium on Im come.
gress Asks University to Send Uunng the World War. Colonel
leges and universities he has visited,
portance of Chemical Warfare Prof. Ezra Gillis conducted the" first
Delegates to Attend Meeting Hobbs served as division inspector Rhythm Kings Orchestra Goes
Other Officers Are Cravens, Vice where his patience in explanation,
class of the meeting on "The Regisin Nation's Defense.
at Baylor University in Texas. of the 26th division, and also as reg
With Organization on
President; While, Secretary, versatility, tolerance, power of analytrar and His Program of Work."
imental commander of one of the in
Spring Tour
and Valade, Treasurer
sis, scholarship, and journalistic sense
Major Benjamin T. Brooks, of the Classes have been held all week by
fantry regiments of that division.
of present-da- y
conditions have won United States army, will give
different members of the University er The department of journalism, othleca
He has been awarded the distin
Virgil Lee Couch, sophomore in the appreciation and respect for Oriental
department heads, deans, and ediThe University Men's Glee Club,
ture illustrated with motion pictures faculty, and Thursday night the in- tors of The Kernel and "Letters" have guished service cross for gallantry under the direction of Prof. Carl A.
College of Commerce,
was elected culture.
on Monday night, at 8 o'clock in the stitute was entertained by the Uni- received a call to meet with the in action at Pala's Cotta, Island
president of the University Y. M. C.
of Lampert, along with the University
Men's gymnasium. He will discuss versity at a dinner in the cafeteria. Southern Journalism Congress, April Jolo, Philippine Islands, May
A. at the election held last week. The
5, 1905. of Kentucky Rhythm Kings, under the
the importance of chemical warfare E. H. Canon, of Western State Nor- 13, the last day of Texas Journalism He also holds the silver star citations
other officers
of Toy Sandefur and
as used by the army and navy both mal, president of the association, Dr. Week, at Baylor University, Waco, for gallantry in action.
Eugene Royse, captured the hearts of
Cravens, vice president; Raymond
McVey and M. B. Adams, president
in attack and in coast defense.
White, secretary, and Bill Valade,
their eastern Kentucky listeners on
Major Brooks will be in Lexington of Georgetown College, addressed the
This is the first Southern Journal
their concert tour just completed, ac- ,
Prof. Fordyce Ely, former instruct- under the auspices of the Lexington association at the dinner.
The advisory committee, composed
cordnfT to reports received from Bar- This afternoon, after the close of of Congress called for the purpose J UniOr
or in dairying at Iowa State College, section of the American Chemical Sopromoting college and university
of faculty members and students of
aBd Lom!on- - the
the institute, Dr. Canon
has come
To Be
the University, was also chosen. duties as here to take dairy his new ciety. He is being sent out by the ly open the south centralwill formal- journalism, and teaching it, publicity
branch of promotion, and various other matters
depart- national government on a tour of the
head of the
Student members will serve for one
The club and orchestra made the
southern states and will proceed to the American Association of Colle connected with journalism in the colTickets can be had Monday in front tour in a chartered bus, making pos-year, while faculty members will ment of the Experiment Station.
Professor Ely is a graduate of the Vanderbilt from here.
The motion giate Registrars.
the Administration building for the sible a
leges of the South.
serve for three years. Those selected
tour of Cumber-annuhis
Junior Prom-- to be given in land Gap and Middlesboro, as well as
Dr. Charles D. Johnson, head of the
are Prof. C. C. Ross, Dean W. E. University of Minnesota, receivedCol- pictures which will be shown during
the lecture are authentic views made
department of journalism at Baylor the Men's gymnasium Friday, April enabling a
D. C. Cruise, M. A. degree from Iowa State
Freeman, E. T. Proctor,
dance in each
University and chairman of journal- 20. Each senior will receive a date town to be given by the Rhythm
Penrose Ecton, Bill Valade, Marion lege, and was a member of the faculty by the government for the purpose
of educating the public on the beneism week progrom in the southwest, bid and each junior is entitled to both Kings. Quite an epidemic of walking
Ross, Virgil Couch, and Raymond staff there for eight years.
Although his plans for his work at fits derived from chemical warfare.
a dati and stag invitation. The dance canes among the songsters was
is in charge of the meeting.
The lecture will start at 8 -- p. m.
On the program ase such men as will begin at 9 o'clock and last until caused by a trip to the Nola Minton
In receiving the honor of the pres- the Experiment Station are as yet indefinite, Professor Ely intends to after the business meeting of the soT. S. Bonner, manager of college an- 1 a. m. The Kentucky Rhythm Kings
idency, Mr. Couch has the distinction
factory, where each
The department of extension an- nual department, and Southwestern
turnish the music.
itor was .presented with a cane.
of being the first president to serve place especial emphasis on dairying. ciety. Professor Zimmerman, of the
chemistry department of the Uni- nounces a series of lectures to be giv- Engraving Company at Texas; Dr. S.
London was the first town visited.
in his junior year since the installaversity, stated that the lecture should en by Dean Evans every Wednesday P. Brooks, president of Baylor Unitne club giving a concert there on
tion of the Y. M. C. A. here several
be of interest to every student be- and Friday night from April 18 to versity, Dr. J. M. Dawson, manager, WILL INTERVIEW
years ago. He is a member of the
the evenim? of March 28 Barbour.
cause it does not require a technical itfay 18 at the rooms of the chamber contributor and biographer; Prof. W.
ECONOMIC SENIORS ville and Pineville furnishing audien- Ohio
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, a memknowledge of chemistry to appreciate of commerce, on North Upper street. H. Vann, editor of Torch Bearer at
honces for concerts on successive nights.
ber of the Alpha Delta Sigma
Miss Ronella Spickard, state super- - Among the numbers which
orary advertising fraternity, is asProf. Joseph E. Leighton, head of the talk. It is expected that the local Each lecture will begin at 7:30 o'clock Baylor College; Miss Decca LaMar
the club
West, vice president of Texas press visor of vocational guidance of home sang were, "Mulligan Musketeers "
advertising manager of The the department of philosophy at Ohio unit of the R. 0. T. C. will take an and will last for an hour.
The lectures will be popularized so association; and a number .of out- economics, will visit the University "The Road to Mandalay," "Invictus'"
Kentucky Kernel, and editor of the State University, delivered an' address active part in making Major Brooks'
Monday, April 18, for the purpose of "My Old Kentucky Home,"
standing Texas editors.
Tuesday afternoon in the Education visit to the University a pleasant one far as possible and will be
"K" book.
interviewing senior girls in the de- - Them Bells," "My Little Banjo,"
in character. A feature of the
The newly elected officers will take building: His subject was "Progress, The lecture is open to the public and
partment of home economics who in- - Gwine to Be Thankful," and "On "I'se
lectures will be the discussions of
office the first of May in order to Illusory and Genuine."
Professor there is no admission charge.
tend to teach when they graduate. U. of K." The program was inter- practical problems which members of Miss Emily
make plans for next year. Ray Val- Leighton was introduced by Dr. Glan
Miss Spickard s headquarters is in spiced with selections by the orches- the course bring for discussion. The
. Dies
Louisville Frankfort.
ade, senior in the College of Com- ville Terrell, head of the philosophy
purpose will be to supplement the
department at the University.
tra and a quartet of club members.
merce, is the retiring president.
discussion with problems of a prac University Graduate Succumbs
To Be
21 tical character.
To Pneumonia After RecovThis is the second attempt of the
ery Seemed Assured
Kentucky Women's Glee Club to department to reach the business men
Give Chinese Operetta at
of the city through short courses on
Miss Emily Ray, who was graduatlegal subjects. Dean Turck, of the ed from the College of Education at
Columbus in May
College of Law, and Dr. Leland, of the end of the first semester of the
The Ohio State Women's Glee club the College of Commerce, last spring
term, died Thursday mornof 35 voices will give a concert in gave a similar series of lectures for ing, April 5, at her home at 141."
the Men's gymnasium on Saturday business men in the field of commer- South Second street, Louisville, Ky.
The course will be
evening, April 21, at 8:15 o'clock. The cial law.
Miss "Ray became a substitute teachin character and will not at- er in the Louisville
concert is to be sponsored by the
public schools
(By Kady Elvove)
tempt to conform to any prescribed after leaving the University. A few
(By Catherine Eyl)
covered by workmen
There was a grinding of brakes
digging the University Girls' Glee club, and its
catalog course given at the Univer- days ago she contracted a severe case
a muttered ejaculation from the
Col. William Rogers, now of
every shovel of dirt foundation for the Memorial building proceeds will be divided equally be- sity.
With almost
mute testimony
of influenza
which developed into tucky, suh, waved a protesting hand.
that was being turned for the erection serveinas18G5 there was no to the for a tween the two clubs, half being Ohio
to defray the expense of the
pneumonia after her recovery seemed "Now, don't take me
"Damn anybody who can run over
of our Memorial building on the Uni that
ain't got time. Work's piled up, and a dog!" he exclaimed vehemently.
versity campus, Mother Earth is re- -' "Don't Park Here" sign. In its stead, State club, and the remainder will W. A. A.
however, there was probably a notice enable the University of Kentucky
She entered the University in Sep- I've
For there in the street, just in front
looeinir cntno nf Vior rVirishpfl nnsspR- tember, 1924, as a freshman and re"But, Will,
the monkey? Don't f the University driveway, lay a
sions, relics of "Old State College," somewhat to this effect tacked up in club to present a Chinese operetta,
mained until she completed her soph- you want to see him?" Dean F. Paul small black and white tJerrior, its
"The Feast of the Little Lanterns," at
and is revealing, incidentally, an un- - McVey Ha i, Wll
Columbus, Ohio, in May.
She- - then
omore work.
so" s,t,and: '
written history of that sixty-thre-e
Athletic Awards Are Made: University of Louisville went her the Anderson, jovial dean of the college; e'es closed, its limbs stiff,
The admission to the
juTh College not re-for
of engineering who has rubbed shoul-"There ain't no reason why any-dyear-ol- d
institution where grandfather
horf strays away." This Ohio State singers will concert by the
Tumbling Team Gives
nior year, returning here last fall as
be fifty cents,
to shoulder with so many of the body should run over an animal,'! was
and grandmother were educated; sponsible, necessary
a senior.
because you see, according to Margaret Gooch, presigreat and near great that he calls the angry comment of the
where they left, without knowing it
dent of the Kentucky Girls' Glee club.
Miss Ray is survived by her pa- them by their first names, urged per- - who shares
typical rancher's love
perhaps, many fascinating tales in those days
Virginia Ebert was announced as rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ray, with suasively, as he led the "ambassador for horses the dogs.
were as careless with Tickets for the attraction may be
which are just now being discovered
"Down in Mex-their "Dobbins" as the boys of today obtained from any local glee club president of the Woman's Athletic whom she was residing at the time
large" from the station to his car. ico, I went to a bull fight, but I could- by their posterity.
Association at their annual banquet of her death; two brothers, J. C. and
are with their "Leaping Lenas." An- member.
"All right, all right," the lanky n't watch it. Everytime a bull went
How many University boys and
The light operetta is intended to held last Tuesday in the palm room G. W. Ray, who are medical students cowboy philosopher assented. "Got at a horse, I ducked.
girls today think of the time when other little structure that kept the
was the "Supply be used in conjunction with the study of the Phoenix hotel.
at the University of Louisville, and a to see a monkey. Good old monkey!" guess, but I don't care!"
there were just four buildings on the stable
The other officers for the coming sister, Miss Cora Lee Ray, who will and he grinned the lovable, good-na- House" where kerosene, coal, and of China, conducted by
But a beautiful campus drive, a
campus? Or of the time when coal kindling were kept to
a be graduated from the University in
supply student which will be made during the month year were announced as follows:
u luwuii sum-- , uiue rv.entucKy sKj, anu a warm
luii-- k" mui naa
oil and wood fires were the only
Greeno, vice president; Kathleen June.
lamps and grates with fuel. It was of April. Prof. Carl A. Lampert is
spring day soon dispelled the doom.
means of lighting and heating the in those days that
the famous "mid- directing rehearsals of the organiza- Carlton, secretary; Dorothy Monroe,
And so with the express purpose of and when Dean Anderson ushered his
dormitories? Do they ever picture night oil" was
tion, and is being assisted by Jeanette treasurer.
seeing a monkey, Will Rogers, late guest and the trailing Kernel reportthe long wooden shed at the southFollowing the announcement of ofThe building on the campus known Lampert and Professor Jarman.
of the Follies and of Mexico, was er into the Mechanical building, he
eastern corner of the campus that
ficers the awards were made. Geneva
"The Founding of Rome," was the driven to the University.
as White hall, was the original dorwas talking volubly, while Will's
provided shelter for their grandfathgiven a "K" the highest subject for discussion at the meeting
Rice was
"Say Will, don't make any en- homely mouth was smiling its usual
er's horse which he rode to first hour mitory for men and accommodated
in the organization. Numer- of the Classical Club of the Univer- gagements for tomorrow, you hear," wide grin.
classes? Hardly. No one would ex- fifty students. The present Botany
als were given to Elizabeth Skinner, sity, April 12 at 4 o'clock in the Latin spoke the dean as the car headed for
"Come on, I want to show you
pect them to, unless they were taking labratory was their mess hall where
In answer to the request of the Anna Pansock, Dorothy Monroe, room. Elizabeth
Cramer presided as the University. "We're having an old something."
a course in campus history. Never- every boy was required to take his students in the Law College, Dean Kathleen Carlton, and Virginia
Ebert. president.
fashioned breakfast tomorrow out in
"What, the monkey?" asked the
theless, when we are reminded of meals whether he wanted to take Turck presented the institution with The follownig received pins, Alice
the country and you're invited."
Mr. Rogers with the same
these things, we do have a tendency them or not. Roll call was taken a life sized photograph of himself to Gardner Whittinghill and Laura K.
be"What time is it? My work's
enthusiasm for monkeys that a small
to retrospect and to visualize some before each meal, and failure to an- be placed in the library. The boys of Johnson.
hind now and "
boy retains for a circus parade.
of the hardships our forefathers un- swer to one's name meant a summons the college had the photograph
The tumbling team gave a perThe second meeting of the execu"Oh, about eleven o'clock."
before the military discipline commit- - framed. It has been
"No, something better," answered
derwent to obtain their education.
the custom for formance, and several interpretive tive committee of the Kentucky In"Eleven o'clock, did y' say7 Say, I the dean, leading the way through
An old concrete watering through
past deans of the Law College to have dances were given by Miss Helen tercollegiate Press Association will
can have three breakfasts by that
(Continued on Page Eight)
and a huge well which have been un- their pictures in the building.
be held at Danville, Ky., today.
time Oh gosh!"
(Continued on Page Eight)









17-1- 8.





Registrar's Institute





Is Elected

Mountain Audiences

"Ag." Station
Work at

Prom Tickets




Dean Evans to
Series of
Practical Talks





vis-w- ill

Philosophers Hear





Girls' Concert
Held April

Loved Traditions of "Ole State'
Are Revealed as War Memorial
Building Is Erected on Campus


Colonel Will Rogers, Now of
Kentucky, Visits University
Campus; Comments on Zoo


sight-seein- g.


at Banquet









� page two



Subscribe for

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association




Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21



President of Alumni Association
Appointed Alumni Member of
Board by Governor Flem D.

James Park, '15


James Park, president of the Alumni Association of the University and
Commonwealth's Attorney for Fayette county, recently was appointed
Alumni member of the board of trustees of the University of Kentucky
by Governor Flem D. Sampson. Mr.
Park was appointed in place of Howard P. Ingles, whose term expired
Mr. Park will
January 1, 1928.
serve as a member of the board for
a term of six years.
The appointment is the result of
the election which was held last year
hv momvrs of tVio Alumni AfiRO- -

L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Win. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilson, '13


U. OF K.


and these three names were submitted rto the governor. From Ihem
he selected Mr. Park for the appointment. There are three Alumni members of the board of trustees, and one
of the three is selected every two
Mr. Park is the youngest member
of the board and his appointment
comes as another tribute to .his popularity among the Alumni and friends
over the state. He was elected Commonwealth's Attorney at the general
election last November, after serving
for two years as county attorney for
Fayette county, to which office he
was elected by a comfortable majority
four years ago. His appointment was
made public April 1, 1928.

While the completed plans for the annual homecoming of
week are not yet ready to be
AJumni. during commencement
announced, they have progressed far enough to call for a mention at this time. Special effort is being exerted to make the
program for the homecoming Alumni this year interesting and
entertaining for every one, who will attend. It is the plan
other than the annual business
to have one big
will be in the form of a social
meeting. This
function, probably