xt7q2b8vbd28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7q2b8vbd28/data/mets.xml Hogeland, Alexander. 1877.  books b92-155-29771833 English Printed at Courier-journal job rooms, : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Kentucky Economic conditions. Louisville (Ky.) Industries. Centennial report of the mineral and agricultural resources of the state of Kentucky  : and the commercial advantages of the cities of Louisville, Ky., and New Albany and Jeffersonville, Ind. / compiled by A. Hogeland, and published under the direction of the leading business men of Louisville and with the approbation of the mayor and Board of Alderman. text Centennial report of the mineral and agricultural resources of the state of Kentucky  : and the commercial advantages of the cities of Louisville, Ky., and New Albany and Jeffersonville, Ind. / compiled by A. Hogeland, and published under the direction of the leading business men of Louisville and with the approbation of the mayor and Board of Alderman. 1877 1877. 2002 true xt7q2b8vbd28 section xt7q2b8vbd28 


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My ot Kelltucky.
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f  angr ve  fr:lt  Iikstlrv of Kentucky.
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                  JAMES B. McCREARY.
                     Lieutenant- Governor,
                  JOHN C. UNDERWOOD.
                      Secretary of State,
                 J. STODDARD JOHNSTON.
                 Assistant Secretary of State,
                    THOS. BRONSTON.
                      Attorney- General,
                      THOS. E. MOSS.
                      State Librarian,
                  MRS. CORNELIA BUSH.
                     Keeper Penitentiary,
                     J. W. SOUTH.
                       Public Printer,
                     S. I. M. MAJOR.
                   D. HOWARD SMITH.
                Commissioner Insurance Bureau,
                    BEDFORD LESLIE.
                    JAMES W. TATE.
                    Register of Land Office,
                    THOS. D. MARCUM.
               Superintendent Public Instruction,
                 H. A. M. HENDERSON.
                     Adjutant General,
                     J. M. WRIGHT.
                   Quartermaster General,
                     J. P. NUCKOLS.

              Hon. WM. LINDSAY, Chief Justice.
              Hon. Wm. S. PRYOR, Judge.
              Hon. MARTIN H. COFER, Judge.
              Hon. JOHN M. ELLIOTT, Judge.
Clerk Court of Appeals, THos. C. JONES.
Reporter, W. P. D. BUSH.
Kentucky Geological Survey, N. S. SHALER, Director.
Commissioner Agriculture, Horticulture, and Statistics, W. J. DAVIE.


                                           LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 13, 1876.
HION. CHAS. D. JACOB, MayorofLouivtidle:
    Dear Sir,-A pamphlet setting forth the resources and advantages belonging
to our city and state has been prepared under the auspices of our M. and M. Ex-
change by their secretary, Col. A. Hogeland, designed for home and foreign dis-
tribution. At a public meeting of our business men, held recently, the under-
signed were appointed a committee to arrange for its publication. We have re-
ceived private subscriptions from a large number of our leading public-spirited
business men sufficient for that purpose. In order to secure for the work what its
contents deserve, the fullest possible consideration on the part of those who may
read it, we respectfully request of you, and through you the honorable City
Council, the appointment of a committee of one or more from each branch of the
General Council who with yourself shall examine the said pamphlet and attack
thereto an expression of their sanction and indorsement if found worthy.
                                          Very respectfully
                                                      C. S. SNEAD,
                                                      J. NELSON HARRIS,
                                                      W. T. HUNTER.

                      OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, Louisville, Ky., Aug. I, 1876.
Messrs. SNEAD, HARRIS, and HUNTER, Committee:
   Gentlemen,-Responding to your request, I have the honor to state that I have
examined the "Citizens' Pamphlet," issued under the auspices of the Mechanics
and Manufacturers' Exchange, and take great pleasure in indorsing it as a full,
fair, and commendable exposition of the matters treated therein. It has also re-
ceived the official indorsement of the Board of Aldermen.
                                                      CHARLES D. JACOB.



                                       Louisville, Ky., June 6, 1876. 1
   TO THE PUBLIC:-At a recent public meeting of the business men of Louis-
ville held at the Mechanics and Manufacturers' Exchange a committee of leading
citizens was appointed to provide a suitable map of Louisville and Kentucky;
also to prepare in pamphlet form a statement of the numerous advantages that
Louisville and the adjacent cities of New Albany and Jeffersonville, as well as
the state of Kentucky, present for the consideration of manufacturers and others.
who contemplate locating in Louisville, and those who desire information regard-
ing the advantages of our location and surroundings.
   That committee is composed of gentlemen of wealth and of the highest social
and commercial standing
   After a careful review of the following pamphlet on Louisville and her advan-
tages, we are satisfied that it is entitled to the fullest credit, and we therefore
commend it to the careful consideration of manufacturers and capitalists through-
out the United States and Canada; also to those of Great Britain, France, Gen
many, and other European countries.
                                       B. F. AVERY, Preszden 4
                                       A. G. MUNN, Vice-President,
                                       R E. MILES, Vice President.
                                       H. A. DUMESNIL, Treasurer,
                                       JOHN A1. CARSON,
                                       THEo. CIMIOTTI,
                                       H. BURKHARDT
                                       T. E. C. BRINLY,
                                       A. HOGELAND, Sec'y M1. and MX. Ex-




    The statements of the resources of the respective counties, re-
quested some months since through a committee of business men of
Louisville, for publication in pamphlet form in connection with the
Louisville pamphlet published and distributed last year at the Cen-
tennial, and among manufacturers and capitalists of this and Europ-
ean countries, have been received, and are herewith presented.
They have been prepared by the Judges and Circuit and County
Court Clerks, with the assistance and advice of other leading citizens,
and while general in their outline, they are entirely reliable, and suf-
ficient to give persons at a distance a correct idea of the topography
of the country, and from which the reader may readily ascertain the
name and location of counties where coal, iron, lead, zinc, fluor spar,
marl beds, and petroleum abound, also the timber districts and the
sections producing blue grass, hemp, tobacco, corn, wheat, and oats,
as well as the fruits of the climate.
   The State of Kentucky does not owe a dollar of State debt.
   The educational system of the State so prominently set forth, as
well as the high moral and social condition of the inhabitants, is a
source of just pride to every citizen.
   It is conceded by the committee of our citizens ard members of
the press, who have examined it, to be a fair, full, and explicit syn-
opsis of the subjects treated therein.
   The replies thereto contain sufficient information on each of
the subjects to justify further inquiry from the coal and iron masters,
farmers, stock breeders, manufacturers, and capitalists in other quar-
ters of the country desiring a location in our State. The small com-
pass of the work secures its mailing at the cost of a few cents. No
other book for like purpose and containing so much information has
ever before been presented to the public; hence it is, our vast resources
in minerals and products of the soil, stock raising, navigable rivers,
water courses, choice springs, etc., are comparatively unknown.
   The list of questions prepared and mailed to the County Court
Clerks, and on which the reports are based, are as follows:


ii                        Iniroduwction.

   You will please answer the following questions in regard to your
county: First-Character of soil. Second-Quality and variety of
timber. Third-What portion of soil is adapted to blue grass, hemp,
wheat, corn, tobacco, etc. Fourth-State your proximity to rivers,
railroads; state if you have any coal and iron fields and stone quar-
rnes and other mineral, and quality of the same, and if any of the
mines are open. Fifth-State name of any furnace located in your
county. Sixth-State if farmers in your county are breeders of fine.
stock, horses, mules, cattle, sheep, and poultry. Seventh-State
price at which open farms are selling, also, price of unimproved
lands.  Eight-State advantages for education.  Ninth-State if
your streams afford water power. Tenth-State what fruits are pro-
duced in your county. Eleventh-State any other special advan--
tages your county possesses for immigration or investment of capital
                                          A. HOGELAND,
                                                 Sc'y. Committee.




 To the Manufacturers, Mechanics, Merchants, and Capitalists of the United
   States, Canada, and Europe:
     In compliance with the action of a public meeting of the citizens
of Louisville held recently at the Manufacturers and Mechanics' Ex-
change appointing a committee to examine into and prepare for gen-
eral distribution throughout the United States and Europe a brief
summary of the mineral, agricultural, commercial, manufacturing,
and other resources of our city and state, we beg leave to submit this
report, believing the statements made herein will furnish substantial
evidences that no city in the United States presents advantages supe-
rior to those of Louisville for manufactories of every class.
   It is proper to say in this connection that while Louisville ranks
among the largest and best regulated cities of America, no extended
effort has ever been made with a view to the advertising of its re-
sources or the advantages of its geographical position, although it is
fully admitted that no city on the continent is so fortunate in the
possession of cheap coal and iron, of proximity to such vast forests
of the finest walnut, oak, hickory, ash, and other timber, and of a
location by which merchants and manufacturers are enabled to reach
a larger portion of the United States by railroads and navigable riv-
ers than can any other city.
   Location.-The city of Louisville is situated in north latitude
380 17' and in longitude 850 45' west, upon an elevated and beauti-
ful plain on the south bank. of the Ohio, in a great southern bend of
that river, and immediately opposite its falls. It is by water 598
miles below Pittsburgh, 132 miles below Cincinnati, 368 above Cairo,
607 above Memphis, 1,377 above New Orleans, and 568 from St.
Louis; and by rail 65 miles from Frankfort, 94 from Lexington, and
i85 from Nashville.


Resources of Zentucky.

    The city stands seventy feet above the low water mark in the
 Ohio river, and twenty five feet above the highest flood mark. It
 has a riverfrontage of twelve miles.
    Its area is eighteen square miles, ample, without further exten-
 sion, for a population of 500,000.
    Out of I I7 counties in the state of Kentucky its railways enable
 it to reach 75, and in addition 33 counties are accessible by water,
 thus making io8 out of the 117 counties of the state subsidary to its
    History, Population, etc.-Louisville was laid out in 1780,
and incorporated as a city in i828.
    The population at the present time is 155,967.
    The confidence of its citizens in the future prosperity of Louisville,
even in times of financial distress, has been evinced by the opening
of new branches of industry and the erection of a superior class of
buildings for manufacturing and mercantile purposes. During the
past year 1,200 buildings have been erected at a cost of 2,500,000.
   The sales of property last year amounted to 6,ooo,ooo.
   The business of Louisville aggregated, last year, I00,000,000.
These figures represent the bonafide sales, and do not, as in the case
of the returns of many other cities, include all merchandise that hap-
pens to pass through the city from other points.
   The credit of the city is excellent. Its bonds are secured by a
well arranged sinking fund, the provisions of which are faithfully and
rigidly carried out. During the great financial depression of the past
three years the city's bonds have advanced from 8sc to par.
   Water Power.-The subject of utilizing the immense water
power which the city is so fortunate as to possess is now under care-
ful consideration, and competent engineers are closely examining the
matter, and they unqualifiedly indorse the practicability of the enter-
prise. The improvement of this vast power is evidenced in the mills
in successful operation on the Indiana side of the falls with capacity
for I,ooo barrels of flour per day.
   Public Schools.-Deep interest is felt in the public school sys-
tem. Fully thirty buildings have been provided and a number of
rooms rented, the expense of the system being about 300,000 a
year. Night schools have also been opened during the past two
years, also a school of design for apprentices and young mechanics.



Lonuisville and Vic in hy.

    Comparative Health.-The death rate last year was only I7 to
every i,000, fully justifying the claim that the city is one of the
healthiest in the country.
    All Machinery in the manufactories is by special legislation ex-
empt from taxation.
    Manufacturers.-Within the past few years the manufacturing
interests of the city have assumed great proportions, and, as they are
rapidly increasing in the present depressed state of affairs throughout
the country, it is not improper to place Louisville in the rank of the
great manufacturing cities of the country in the near future. It has
four large manufactories of plows and agricultural implements, one of
which is the largest in the world, with a trade not only from all parts
of this country, but from Europe and even from other portions of the
world. The united capacity of these manufactories in the item of
plows alone is i,000 per day. Other manufactories will be noticed
under their appropriate heads.
   Tanneries.-The tanneries of the city are a source of just pride.
There are twenty-three of them in the city, employing a capital of
three millions of dollars.  Their trade is divided between this
country and Europe.   Louisville sole leather has a great reputa-
tion, which is justly earned, being the second most important in this
   Iron Pipe Works.-Louisville is also noted for the superior
quality of iron gas and water pipe which is now furnished from this
to every principal city in the North, West, and South. The manu-
factory has a capacity for meltifig 200 tons of iron per day, and em-
ploys 300 men. Capital, 500,000.
   Plate Glass Works.-There are two plate glass manufactories
at the falls, the Louisville Plate Glass Manufacturing Company, in
this city, and the Star Glass Company, at New Albany. Each repre-
sents fully i,ooo,ooo capital. They employ about 500 operatives.
The glass made by them is equal to the best French plate, and has
proved a successful rival to foreign glass. Orders are being shipped
to all parts of the United States. Also at New Albany there are
three furnaces for the manufacture of window glass and one for jars
and bottles.
   Paper Mills.-The city has two large paper mills making print-
ing paper for books and newspapers exclusively. They employ a
large force, and have a capital of i,ooo,000.



Resources of Xentucky.

     Planing Mills.-Twelve planing mills furnish lumber and build-
 ers' material to every Southern state. To these we are indebted in a.
 measure for cheap building material.
    Engine and Machine Shops, etc.-Of these the city has a
 large number, which successfully compete with those in other parts
 of the Union.
    Bolt and Screw Works.-Of these there are two doing a
 thriving business.
    Carriage and Wagon Axle Works.-There is one extensive
 manufactory of this class.
    Boiler and Sheet Iron Works.-Louisville has several boiler
shops and sheet iron works, the trade of which extends all over the
Southern and Western States.
    Architectural Foundries.-The three architectural foundries
and one at New Albany are classed among the largest and best regu-
lated in the United States. They employ about 6oo operatives and
1,500,000 capital, and are constantly filling orders for iron-front
buildings and other architectural work in many of the important cities
of the country as far north as Chicago, as far South as New Or-
leans, and west to St. Louis. These foundries are famous for their
fine castings and their superior class of work generally.

   Portable Saw Mills, Threshers, Axles, Sugar Mills, Corn
Shellers, etc.-Louisville has several very extensive manufactories
of this class of useful and popular machinery, among which can be
mentioned the Southwestern Agricultural Works and the Louisville
Axle Works.
   Circular Saws.-There is one of this class manufacturing all
kinds of saws, with the best reputation.
   Cotton Market.-Louisville is just beginning to attract some atten-
tion as a cotton market. Several houses of large means have lately
embarked in the business, and have drawn considerable cotton here
which has been sold at very satisfactory prices to the owners; while
on the other hand New England spinners are beginning to look upon
this point as a very convenient source of supplies, and all appearances
indicate that this must become quite a prominent cotton market, as it
is now the leading tobacco market of this country. Fully 300,000
bales of cotton pass here every year on its way from the South to the



Louisvilk   and Viciniity.

East, and there is no good reason why a large part of this should not
find a market right here, and be shipped from here direct to the New
England mills, instead of paying a toll to the seaports before it finds,
its way to the mills. The location is certainly most favorable. With
her immense trade with the cotton states, it is the natural stopping
point for their cotton, while freights from the plantations are very
reasonable; indeed it can reach no other market at less expense, and
at no distant day we predict that all these advantages will be fully
    Cotton, Wool, and Jeans Manufactories.-In Louisville
there are three very large manufactories of Kentucky Jeans, the
"Eclipse," "Old Kentucky," and "Hope" mills, and at New
Albany is located the "New Albany Woolen and Cotton Mills."
The reputation of these goods is of the highest order, and their
brands find a ready sale in every market, including New Orleans, New
York, St. Louis, and San Francisco. Aggregate capital, I,500,000.
    Burning and Lubricating Oils.-Of this class there are two
   Manufactories of White Lead and Oil, and Paint Dealers.
There are two extensive manufactories of white lead, the Kentucky
Lead and Oil Company, and the American. The former of these
has just completed entirely new and very extensive works, doubling
the capital and capacity. Their brands are very popular and enjoy a
large and ready sale. Capital, 350,ooo. Also four large wholesale
establishments in painters' material.
   Iron Bridge Works.-An extensive and complete iron bridge
works, covering an area of 14 acres, which constructs bridges for all
parts of the country, is also successfully carried on. Capital, 300,-
ooo. The bridge here, one mile in length, was built by this com-
pany; cost, I,8oo,ooo.
   Car Wheels.-The " Louisville Car Wheel Works" make supe-
rior wheels, and supply many of the most important roads in the
   Stone and Marble.--Fully twenty stone and marble yards enjoy
a large trade in this city, and ship their goods to all points. These
have all added greatly to the architectural beauty of the city by the
addition of many stone and marble-front buildings for business pur-
poses and private residences.



.Resources of Kentucky.

    Monumental Work.-There is also located here the largest
 house in the monumental line in the United States. They being
 the largest importers of wrought marble into the United States from
 their own quarries in Italy, with branch houses in New York, San
 francisco, Indianapolis and Atlanta.

    Boots and Shoes.-There are eight manufactories of ladies'
fine sewed shoes, one of men's and boys' calf and kip sewed and
pegged boots. They have grown up within a short time. Their
make is popular and takes precedence in the market over other goods,
and their prices are lower than Cincinnati or Philadelphia makes of
equal quality. There are some thirty wholesale boot and shoe houses,
doing a business of 6,ooo,ooo annually.

    Pork-packing and Hams.-Louisville is one of the leading
pork-packing cities of the country. There are several firms which
give attention specially to the curing of hams, and it is generally
conceded that Louisville hams are superior to most others. The
great demand for them in this country, as well as in Europe, is a
guarantee of their popularity. The capital invested in the pork and
ham trade of Louisville is about 3,000,000.

   Rolling Mills and Forges.-Louisville has two large rolling
mills, with a capital of over 1,ooo,ooo. They employ 500 operatives,
manufacture merchant iron, sheet iron, and rails. There are also
two mills at New Albany; one for merchant iron and nails, and one for
railroad iron. Also at this point a steam forge for the forging of
steamboat shafts, car axles, etc. Capital, I,500,000, with 500 op-

   Saw Mills.-Seven saw mills make every class of lumber in use.
Capital, 300,000; capacity, 20,000,000 feet of lumber annually.

   Ship Yards.-There are two ship yards at Jeffersonville, from
which a number of steamers are annually launched. With few ex-
ceptions all of the famous steamers and floating palaces on the lower
Mississippi River, and in fact, nearly all the large-sized steamboats,
were built here. Louisville has secured this business on account of
its proximity to the finest growth of timber found in this part of the
country, an advantage which could not be overcome by other cities
in their competition for boat-building.



                       Louisville and Viciniy.                Il

    Soap and Candles.-There are five large soap and two candle
 factories in Louisville, and one at New Albany. Over I,000,00o
 capital is employed. Their trade extends over the entire South.
    Stoves, Grates, Iron Mantels, and Tin Ware.-There are
 several very large manufactories of stoves, grates and mantels in this
 city and New Albany. These have a trade that extends into every
 county in the Southern States. In marbleized mantels and grates,
 Louisville ranks second in number of establishments, and first in
 rank in quality of goods made. There are six establishments manu-
 facturing these goods, with a reputation not confined to Kentucky,
 or even to America. Louisville stoves and marbleized mantels rank
 among the best in the United States. Capital, i,000,000.
    Louisville Grain Elevator.-Capacity for storage, 200,OOC
bushels. All railroads coming to the city deliver their cars at ele-
vator, thus saving all drayage; and when sold to go North, is re-
loaded on cars. All grain is handled in bulk, thus saving expense
of bags. Two-thirds of all wheat received last season passed through
the elevator, and, by having cheap storage, a stock of wheat was
kept on hand, which caused orders from a distances to be received
for our Kentucky wheat which, before the elevator was built, could
not be filled for want of stock.
   Flouring Mills.-Good flouring mills are not lacking, One of
these, situated on the falls and driven by water power, is one of the
largest in the United States. The mills have a capacity for i,ooo
barrels of flour per day. The brands are considered equal to the
best in the United States.
   Carriages.-Louisville is now making the best class of carriages.
to be found in any market. There are twenty of these manufactories.
The abundance of choice and cheap timber, such as "shell-bark
hickory," ash, and sugar tree, is a great advantage to this class of
   Wagons.-Of these there are several large manufactories, besides,
numerous smaller ones. The wagons made here are very substantial.
One of these firms makes the famous Adams Express wagons, which,
with their other work, are shipped both North and South.
   Cooper Shops.-This is a center for the manufacture of barrels,
casks, etc. There are numerous shops, by reason of the abundance
of timber.


Resources of Kentucky.

    Bakeries.-All large cities have a long list of bakeries. Some
of them here do a very extensive business in the exportation of
-  , biscuits, etc.
    Queensware.-In this branch of business there are eight first-
class wholesale houses. They employ 500,000 capital. Their trade
extends over the entire South. This being a port of entry, seaboard
ports have no advantages over Louisville for the importation of ar-
ticles which are almost exclusively made abroad.
    Sewing Machines.-There are several agencies, representing
the most popular sewing machines now before the public.
    Copper Works.-There are several manufactories of this class,
filling orders for the largest distilleries, boilers, steamers, lightning
rods, and chemical operators, soda fountains, beer and tubing, and
evaporating pipes for salt wells.
   Bell Works.-One of the oldest and most extensive manufac-
tories of brass bells for church, school, and all other purposes is
located here.
   Plantation Machine Works.-Manufacture extensively cotton
gin and corn mill drivers and cotton presses, either for steam or horse
power. Capital, 50,000.
   Electrotype and Stereotype Foundry.-It has one, doing
an extensive business, extending over the entire South.
   Direct Importers of Foreign Wines, Fruits, and Lux-
uries.-The city has a goodly number of wholesale and retail dealers
in foreign and domestic wines, being French, Italian, German, and
American merchants. A large business is also done in choice fancy
foreign fruits and delicacies. At least four wholesale firms are speci.
ally prominent.
   Edge Tools.-There are three manufactories of edge tools and
choice fine pocket and table cutlery, and two manufactories of sur.
.gical instruments.
   Bellows Manufactories.-One very large and complete, mak-
ing an article of bellows that is very superior and in use by smiths
and in forges over the entire West and South.
   Auction and Commission Houses.-Our city has three of
the largest auction and commission houses in the country, employing
a very large capital, and selling to city and country dealers. One



Louisville and Vicinhiy.

auction firm has been in successful operation since I826. There are
a large number of smaller auctioneers, who sell a large amount
    Plumbing and Gas Fitting, and Supplies for Same.-The
city is supplied with several extensive manufactories, and there are
besides many dealers in all the articles pertaining to plumbing, gas
and steam fitting, and supplies for same.
    Scales.-Two scale manufactories do a large business.
    Iron Cornices.-Three extensive manufactories of galvanized
iron cornices are in full and successful operation, with a rapidly in-
creasing demand for their wares.
    Brass Foundries and Lock Manufactories.-There are three
of this class of manufacturers, who supply locks and builders' hard-
    Terra Cotta and Drain Pipe.-There are two manufactories
of terra cotta statuary, vases, door and window caps, and drain pipes.
These are articles much sought after by reason of their cheapness,
their ornamental and durable character. Also one manufactory of
cement pipe and well linings.
   Jewelry.-The number and extent of the manufactories and
dealers in clocks, watches, diamonds, and jewelry has secured for
Louisville the fame of being the most extensive market in the South.
   Children's Carriages and Toys.-There are several large
manufactories of children's wagons, baby carriages, etc., where
strong and durable work is made.
   Carriage Hardware.-There are five firms who handle articles
in this line, one of whom make a speciality of such goods, known as
carriage hardware. Their united capital is over i,ooo,ooo.
   Saddles and Harness.-Louisville is one of the leading saddle
and harness manufactories of the South and West. There are about
twenty manufactories, with ample capital. With the best quality of
leather to select from, they are able to make horse collars, harness,
saddles, and bridles of more lasting quality and cheaper than any
where else in the United States.
   Trunk Manufactories.-Trunk manufacturing is an important
interest. There are several factories. Two of these are the largest in
the South or West. Every known variety and style is made.



Resources of Kentucky.

   Iron and Hardware.-Louisville is a great center for the stor-
ing and distribution of every variety of iron, nails, steel, and builders'
hardware. There are numerous wholesa