xt7pzg6g4t63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g4t63/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 2008 2008 2008-09-30 2020 true xt7pzg6g4t63 section xt7pzg6g4t63 ROLLING Saturday’s game pits

top offense against
UK defense page 3

on I Greek Week I Black Ice
we b hits campus preaches his

I Rock review hip-hop gospel 7 TIDE



Forum calls for change in library hours

By Danielle Pritchott them," said 50 President Tyler Allyson Dailey, a communications dent Grant Mills said. an alternate library.
newsakvlamelcom Montell. senior. . While the library will operate 24 “We want to put together a list
Students who attended the fo— “Why don‘t they just open the hours a day during mid-terms and of issues surrounding the situation
Student Govemment held ‘d fO‘ rum explained many concerns they doors?" Dailey said. finals weeks. not all classes run on and provide that for the administra-
rum Monday night {0’ “Udell“ ‘0 had about the new hours. including Another issue was the lack of the traditional finals schedule. Mon- tion," Montell said.
“PFC-‘5‘ concerns about the ”CW the actual amount of money saved. communication between administra- tell said. While opening an alternate li-
hours of W.T. Young Library. Tourette Jackson, a doctoral stu- tors and students. There was a gen- "1 can‘t get much done at 8 brary was once a serious option.
The Young Library, Wthh W35 dent in public health. said. "If eral call for a public explanation to p.m.. because the library is so Montell said he recently discovered
open 24 hours a day last year. is they‘re looking to save money, why the community. packed." said Jackson. who added that the difference in cost would be
now closed between lhe hOUFS 0f 3 do they keep the lights on?" “No one asked student opinion. there are no quiet study places in minimal.
and 7 am. dUC‘tO budget CUBE The Jackson said the problem because they knew it would be 100 Lexington that are open all night. However, most attendees agreed
forum came after widespread SW' stemmed from misappropriation of percent negative." Dailey said. Students also brainstormed pos- that the first plan of action should
dent concern about the new library funds_ The main issue of the forum sible solutions to the problem, in— be to reinstate full 24 hours of oper—
hours. Janitors and security guards still was actual student need. cluding opening limited floors of ation for the Young Library.
"ll allows students the OPPOITU‘ have to be kept on staff even though "I’ve been in the library way the library. instating a book fund.
nily to say hOW this has impacted the library is closed. said 30 Sen. past 2 am. myself." 80 Vice Presi- looking for sponsorship or opening




See Library on page 6



By Allison Alvey

There are roughly 6.6 billion people
in the world and millions suffer from
chronic hunger every day. On Monday
night. the UK Honors Program tried to
teach its students first-hand what that
was like for one evening.

The World Food Issues Honors
Track Dinner provided students in the
world food issues class with a real~life
example of how the world’s wealth
and food is divided.

Each student randomly drew a
piece of paper that gave them a per-
sonal story of someone in the socio—
economic class in which they were as-
signed. The wealthy. upper class got to
sit at a table and eat fast food and
drink sodas. The middle class sat in
chairs with no table and were given
medium amounts of food. The lower
class had to sit on the floor and were
given only a half cup of rice.

Before being assigned her social
status. Kimber Guinn. an agricultural
biotechnology freshman. said no matter
what class she was put in. she hoped to
gain something from the experience.

“I’ll probably take away an empty
stomach it l don‘t get my food. but
other than that. a better understanding
of world food issues." she said. “1
hope to get a better idea of how people
across the world eat."

Jake Rigdon. ‘d biology freshman.
was one of the students assigned to
represent the upper class. Rigdon said
the dinner made an impact on how he
viewed the disparities between the
amounts of food people across the
—-—~ A_,,.,-.._ world haxe.

“It gives

The majority of W gum
people across the l‘i”*“""t' 3““
Inc as one of

world have not the wealthy
been blessed people. when

you look at

With What we've the people on
”W floor
been blessed

With." those people

tire going to

JAKE Bieoou b.“ .. eating

biology freshman "CC he said.

_ A lesson

Rigdon said he took away from the din—
ner was one of gratitude for what he had.
“The majority of people across the
world have not been blessed with what
we've been blessed with." he said. “It‘s
opened my eyes more to the problem."
Jennifer Chadwick. an architecture
freshman. was assigned to represent
the lower class. She said she learned

From Wall Street
__ to Rose Street


Economic struggles
create problems for
UK students

By Paul Mattingly
news kykernel.com

Keeping up with financial neWs is
not a hobby for most college students.
however. the effects of the current eco-
nomic crisis could reach all the way
from Wall Street to UK's campus.

The cuirent upheaval in the US. fi-
nancial system has caused uncertainty
across the nation after major banks and
other financial institutions have col-
lapsed and others find themselves in

A proposed government bailout bill.
which was asking for $700 billion.
failed in the House of Representatives
on Monday. leading to even more ten—
sion on Wall Street. On Monday the
Dow Jones industrial Average was
down 777.68 points at closing. which
the. Dow Jones Web site lists as the
biggest single~day closing point drop in
the history of the DJlA.

If the stock market continues to
struggle. it could have a negative effect
on the availability of scholarship mon-
ey. Dennis Officer. an associate profes~
sor of finance at UK. said poor stock
market )crl‘ormance means endow-
meats decline. which would cause
scholarship money to decline as well.

An increase in tuition. combined
with a decrease in scholarship money
and job earnings. could make life diffi-
cult for UK students. said Joe Peek. a ti—
nance professor and the Gatton en-
dowed chair in lntemational Banking
and Financial Economies at UK.

“You‘re in the middle of the vice.
and it‘s just closing from both ends,"


Peek said.

These fac-
tors could lead
to an increase
in financial aid
from students.

Lynda George.

director of the

financial aid

office at UK.

said UK re-

ceived more

financial aid
applications than

usual for the
2008-09 school year.
with an ll percent in—
crease iii the number of
applications for need-
based financial aid.

George said if the cur-
rent economic stniggles con-
tinue. the number of finan—
cial aid applications will
probably continue to grow
each year.

The primary reason behind
the financial systems prob
lems is a large number of mott—
gage defaults. The recent
mortgage-lending crisis
forces lenders to
drive up loan
rates. reducing
their affordability. As

a result. the affordability and ' mm

availability of pn'vate student loan
rates. car loan rates and other loan rates

See Wall Street on page 6


Study to measure bike usage on campus

that poverty is not as easily defined as
she once thought.

“Third World countries aren't the
only ones who have food problems.
the middle class has food problems
too.“ Chadwick said. "It reinforces my
view on poverty. and i realize I take
things for granted a lot of the time."

Todd Pfeiffer. a professor in the
department of plant and soil sciences.
is in his fourth year of participating in
the event.

Pfeiffer said it is important for stu-
dents to attend this dinner because it
gives them a chance to emotionally re—
late to those who go hungry.

“We‘re trying to make them feel
something and make an emotional
connection to world food issues." he
said. “Students haven‘t yet come to re-
alize the statistics and when they see
how many students are poor versus
rich they will realm: more.“

sociate director of Parking and passing bicyclists. The survey l\ show the university administration
Transportation. scheduled to last from 7 rim. to 7 why we need more bicycling facil-

“We are doing the survey to pm. itics." Shelton said.

Bicycles are a common sight justify the increased need to make ln [9%. l'K's Department of "UK. being a college campus.
on and around campus. yet ll has more bike parking facilities and (‘ivil Engineering and the Kcn- will obviously have more bicycle
been 10 years since any type 0f amenities." Keams said. tucky Transportation (‘enter per» use than normal." he said.
study has been dOnt‘ on the usage Volunteers will be stationed at formed tl counting survey that High gas prices have forced
0f bicycles 2“ UK- This Tuesday 13 of the main entrance recorded the number of bicyclists some students to rethink their
that Will change. ' points on campus to as they entered and noted campus. transportation choices. leading

UK Parking and Transporta- . record the This new survey is expected to more people to ride bicycles.
tion Services is conducting a study show a positive increase in bicycle David Kirk. a broadcast joumal-
to yield up-to—date calculations on \' use at UK since the last time it was ism Junior. said he never rode
bicycle usage in the area. The done. said Taylor Shelton. a geog- his bike to campus until be real-
information Will be used raphy and political ized all the benefits it could
for future planning ' g . - . _ . science senior bring.
procedures and ac- s. and intern to “I used to never ride a bike.
commodations. UK Parking until I figured out that riding a
whether it is to in- and Trans- bike is a great way to give back to
stall more bicycle pottation. the environment and also save
parking facilities - “ T h i it money." Kirk said. ”Not to men-
or to carve way for ‘ study is an tion it makes those early morning
more bicycle lanes. excellent op- voyages to Dickey Hall a little less
said Stuart Keams. as— portunity to arduous."



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 PAGE 2 I Tuesday, Septemb_er_30, 2008



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By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) —
Today is an 8 —~ You won't
have to say very much to get
your point across. Let the other
person talk herself around to
your point of view.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is a 5 — How are you as
a manager7 Would you rather
simply do the Job yourself, to
get it right? You may not have
that option. Practice being an
inspiration to others.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today is a 10 — Make up a list
of your hopes and wants, and
then forget about it. Do good
deeds for others and you'll be
amazed at what happens for you.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) -

g-ve y— st? “5

Today is a 5 w Follow a whim.
Do this at home, however, not
out in the big, wide world. Be
wild and crazy —— in a secure

Lao (July 23-Aug. 22) —-
Today is an 8 —~ You'll soon be

skillful enough to relax. Be'

careful now, however. it's easy
to make mistakes when you're
not sure what you're doing.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today IS an 8 -~— You can afford
to get something nice for your
family. Decide what you want,
and what it's worth, so you'll
know a good deal when you
see it

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ——
Today is a 9 — Think for a
moment before you take action.
You can figure out exactly
which way to go Your hunches
should be right on.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is a 5 — The time you
spend lost deep in thought can
lead to great rewards. You have
a lot of details to sort, and you
need your quiet time.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is an 8 .., Don't'
believe everything you hear,
especially regarding money.
Errors Will be the rule, not the
exception, Estimates will be too
high or too low, Get a Virgo tol
double—check the facts :
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
—- Today is a 6 Listen care
fully to what they‘re saying at
the top Some of this informa—i
tion you can use to your own
advantage You can figure out
what they need

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18),
— Today is a 9 ~— Continual
With your countdown, confident
in your team and your ability to
handle whatever might occur;
The odds are in your favor for a‘
marvelous, successful journey
Pisces (Fab. Ill-March 20) —,
Today is a 5 — Try not to getI
emotionally whacked if you find
that you've taken a loss, You
will have enough to get by. You
can trust yourself for that.




Today’ 5
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‘I'l'le DiSI-l

Back from their
Caribbean vacation. Zac
Efron, 20. and Vanessa Hud—
gens. l9. stepped out for a
Teen Vogue party in LA.
Sept. 18. A source close to
the duo. who reunite on the
big screen’s High School Mu—
sical 3: Senior Year. says
they‘re basking in their ro—
mance. "They are so happy
together." says the pal.
"There is no drama: they are

just very much in love." And

HSM director Kenny -()r1ega
tells Us their best work will
be on display in the sequel,
which premieres this month
“They tumed out performanc—
es that exceed anything
we've seen them do before."

Angie and Jason

Waiting for Baby No. 3!

How are Angie Harmon
and Jason Sehom‘s‘ daughters
(Finley. 4. and Avery. 3)
preparing for the arrival of
their new sibling? “They just
kiss my tummy." the actress.
36. told Us at the opening of
Lavo in Las Vegas September
13. “I don‘t think they think
attention is going to divert in
any way. They‘re just like.
‘Yeahl"‘ As for how she‘ll
handle things the third time
around. the star told Us. “l
guarantee I will not freak out
about little things as much.“
Her cit—football pro hubby.
37. is less convinced. and

joked to her: "Just keep look- ,

ing at yourself in the mirror
and keep saying that."

Princess Beatrice's true

How did Princess Beat-

Disney's Vanessa Hudgens

rice, 20, first know David
Clark was a good guy? His
friend (and her cousin) Prince
William vouched for the Vir-
gin Galactic space tourism
staffer. says an insider. and the
two are —going strong more
than two years later. Her
mom. Sarah Ferguson. the
Duchess of York. approves
too: ")Ferguson] thinks he‘s a
fantastic chap." says a Beat-
rice pal. "and keeps asking
them when they’re planning
to get mamed."

DWTS' Brooke Burke

“He comes to rehearsal
and gives feedback." Dancing
With the Stars‘ Brooke Burke.
37. tells Us of David (,‘harvet.
The mom, who had son Shaya
in March (in addition to their -
daughter Rain. 21 months. she
has two others. Neriah. X. and
Sierra. 6. from a previous re
lationship). says her fiance.
36. isn’t the only one excited.
"The moms at school have
been really supportive."

Leo and Bar reunited

It looks like Leonardo Di—
Caprio and Bar Ret‘aeli may
be working it out. The Revo-
lutionary Road star. 33. and
the model. 23. were together
at LA. club Villa September
18. “They chatted the whole
time even though the music
was blasting." an onlooker
tells Us. adding. “They were
smiling and left together at
close." (No wonder her mom.
Zipi. assured Us the model
was “fine.") A source told Us
DiCaprio initiated a split and;
indeed. it appeared that way
when he partied solo at

and Zac Efron ’basking in
their romance'

NYC's 1 Oak September 6
and she hung with her brother
and a pal at the Lavo opening
in Las Vegas September l3.
But a DiCaprio pal tells Us
the pair are talking again and
Refaeli is “pushing him to get
back together.“

Hot new hookup?

Although Mischa Barton.
22. was reportedly spotted
leaving London hot spot Bun—
galow 8 with Josh Hannett.
30, September 15. she tells Us
rumors of a hookup are “not
true." And while his rep de-
nies the fling. a Hartnett pal
tells Us. “'l'hey completely got
together that night. But it was
purely a one-night thing."

Michelle's new man

Michelle Trachtenberg
has a low-key honey: Texan
Scott Sanford. 30. who works
in LA. at :1 Steven Alan bou-
tique. The actress. 22.
showed off her beau at the
Project Runway fashion show
in NYC September 12.
“They‘re so cute together." a
source tells Us. “He‘s so nor—
mal -— she said that‘s what
she needs."

Hollywood's hot dates

Kate Winslet and hubby
Sam Mendes dining alfresco
on the front patio of the Em-
pire Diner in NYC.

Taylor Swift and Joe
Jonas shopping hand in hand
at the Beverly Center in LA.

lsla Fisher and Sacha
Baron Cohen gushing about
baby ()live to pals over din-
ner at L.A.‘s Chateau Mar—






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September 30, 2008
Page 3_




Kenny Colston



Sports Editor


Phone 257-1915
kcolston@lrykernel com


"BIIIE? [In fig? .4




Saban: UK defense may be nation's best

All summer, UK head coach Rich
Brooks told anyone who would listen
about his defense — a defense that
Brooks claimed would be his best during

his time at UK.

It looks like people, including Ala~
bama head coach Nick Saban. are finally

starting to take notice.

“They may be the best defensive
team in the country." Saban said. “They
have a lot of guys back from last year’s
team and are very physical and play ex-

tremely tough."

UK‘s defense is leading the nation
in scoring defense. giving up only 22
points in four games this season. The
Cats are one of just three Football
Bowl Subdivision teams that haven't
allowed a rushing touchdown this sea—
son. But it may be facing its stiffest test
yet when UK takes on No. 2 Alabama

this week.

The Crimson Tide have scored 20 or

more points in five of its games so far
and put up 41 last week against then-No.

3 Georgia.

lf UK can at least slow down the po—
tent Alabama attack. it could be, the final
stamp of approval for a defens: that has

carried the Cats thus far.

“We have been working on (our de-
senior linebacker
Johnny Williams said. "We‘re starting to
believe in ourselves and we're flouting to

fense) all summer.“

turn the comer as a defense."

“We knew it was going to tr .e all ll
of us to do well if We wanted to be com-

petitive in the SEC." he said.

Unlike the last two years. when Wes-
ley Woodyard headlined most defensive
efforts. UK doesn‘t have a standout play-
er on the defensive unit. Instead. tht ( illh
have made things a team effort to be—
come the top scoring defense in the na—


“We don't want anyone to score on
us." Williams said. “We have everyone
ninning to the ball so they can’t even get
a first down on us and we can get off the

field on third down."

The Cats will have a chance to prove
to a national audience they are the real
deal Saturday in Tuscaloosa. Ala.. as

they take on the No. l scoring offense in
the Southeastem Conference. Alabama
is averaging 37 points per game as well
as 215 rushing yards per game.

"This is an opportunity to see where
we stand in the SEC hierarchy." Brooks
said. “We’re going to find out if our de—
fense has really improved. We know it‘s
better. but is it up to SEC standards?"

The Crimson Tide feature an experi—
enced quarterback in senior John Parker
Wilson. who has recently set every ma-
jor career quarterback record at Ala-
bama. a big- -time receiver in freshman
Julio Jones and a physical running back
in junior Glen Coffee. However. none of
those three components are the main
concem for junior defensive tackle
Corey Peters.

“They will easily be the best offense
we have played this season." Peters said.
“HOWever. I'm more concemed about
the offensive line. which may be the best
line we see all year. rather than the of—
fense as a whole."

Injury report
The Cats might have to battle the

Crimson Tide without two of their de-
fensive stars. Junior linebacker Micah


Senior linebacker Johnny Williams helps tackle 3 Norfolk State running back at Common-
wealth Stadium Williams Is part of UK's top— ranked scoring defense








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Johnson and sophomore defensive
tackle Ricky Lumpkin are doubtful for
the game. Brooks said Monday at his
weekly news conference. Freshman
quarterback/wide receiver Randall
Cobb will also be doubtful. All three
players are suffering from ankle iri-

Junior offensive tackle Justin Jeffries
will be out for Saturday‘s game after an
MRI on Monday revealed a medial col—
lateral ligament tear suffered in the 41—3
victory over Western Kentucky. Brooks
said he is unsure whether or not Jeffries
will need surgery.

Garry Williams earns SEC honors
Senior offensive tackle Garry
Williams won SEC Offensive Lineman
of the Week in his first game back front
injury against Western Kentucky.
Williams helped anchor an offensive line

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Fresh faces pull UK hockey together .3 ' ‘ q , ‘
_./ J“

Service for Sign!

By BW Joneg

Quality and quantity.

Both of these words
could be used to describe the
new group of players that
joined the UK hockey team
this season. In previous sea-
sons. top heavy rosters featur—
ing stars like Mike Barnes
and Patrick McAdams were
the norm. but not anymore. A
host of freshman and sopho~
mores may already be be—
coming the face of the team.
which features only three

Nine freshmen and a
pair of sophomore transfers
have infused the roster with
a new wave of speed and
depth. Their impact has
been especially significant
on Offense.

Head coach Rob Docherty
said the depth on this year‘s

team is one of the biggest dill
ferences from last year's

“We're playing five lines
even though we can only
dress four. so we‘re a very
deep team." Docherty said.

i wwwmxmznu/CAMPdestinations CAMPUS CALENDAR

The Campus Calendar it produced by the OHire of Student AfY/v/Y/FS. Leadership 8 invotvement Registered Student 07m and UK Dears (an «utmwt «'ito'mation for FREE nnlrrw ONE WFfK "R‘OR to .‘

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
1 7: 00 PM, Bluegrass
Sportsman League
°Honors Program
Student Council
Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Student Center
Olnterviewing 101,
12:00 PM,
Raymond Bld,
Room 112
0Real Men Wear
ONABJ Meeting,
5:00 PM, Maggie
Room, Grehan



that did not allow a sack and only gave ‘
up one play for negative yards. f /
Raycom picks up UK-USC ‘ /
The UK-South Carolina game on - j J
Oct. 11 at Commonwealth Stadium has I _ / ‘
been picked up by Raycom Sports and J J J
Will be played at 12:30 pm. f" d J
J 4 /
_ I


“Last year we were depend—
ent on one line for most of
the scoring. Every line that
goes out there is capable of
being dangerous."

Dochelty gave special
mention to sophomore Taylor
Vit. a transfer who is already
proving himself to be one of
the team‘s best players.

"Vit’s just a beautiful
hockey player." Docherty
said. "He’s got size. got
hands. and he's got a shot."

Docherty's praise for the
newcomers extended far be-
yond Vit. Sophomore transfer
Jim Borgaard has started the
past three games in goal for
the Cool Cats. and Docherty
said freshmen Michael (ietz.
Sean Wittman. Hunter Lyons
and Danny Graham have also
played irnponant roles on the

The (‘ool Cats split this
weekend's series at Linden-
wood University in St.
Charles. Mo. After winning
the opener Friday 6-5. they
dropped the Saturday game
64. UK hockey will enter its
weekend series against Indi—
ana 2—2 on the season. Still.

Docherty was pleased with
the progress made by the
rookies and the team as a
whole this weekend.

“They're really blending
as lines and as a team."
Docherty said. "Overall.
they‘re showing a lot of
promise already."

Senior Chris Protenic said
he's pleased with the results
of the youth movement on
and off the ice. where the
new players are already
bonding with the rest of the

“It's probably the first
team I've ever been on where
nobody thinks they're better
than anybody else." Protenic

Getz. a freshman. said
the upperclassmen have ac“
tually eased his transition to
competing at the college

“At first I wasn‘t sure if 1
wanted to play because l
thought I‘d be overwhelmed
with hockey and school. but
all the seniors have been real
supportive." Get]. said.

Not everything has
changed from last year.

though. According to Dochcr~
ty. the team continues to give
up early leads and let oppo~
nents back into games. The
Cool Cats have led early in
all four games only to lose
two of them. Though Docher~
ty doesn't believe the youth
of the team is to blame for
this weakness. he said it‘s a
problem the team will have to
work on.

“We have to lcam to stick
to the game plan that got us
that lead Docherty said.
"We need to get that killer in»
stinct and take games away
from teams."

Doclierty said if the team
continues to develop together.
they‘ll be tough to beat.

“If they try and do it as an
individual. they’re going to
get stopped." Docherty said.
“Anybody can stop an indi‘

(ietz said the team is al‘
ready taking that mantra to
heart. even off the ice.

“There's no cliques."
(ictl. said. “We're all a team
and there 's not separate

groups that go hang out to«


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OUK Trap and OUK Trap and OUK Trap and


oRekal Men Wear olnterviewing
Pin , -
www.UKAGR.com 101’ 3'30 PM'

JOUETT, 12:00 PM,
Rose St & Euclid

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM, Bluegrass
Sportsman League
OFellowship of
Christian Athletes,
8. 00 PM, Room
211 of the Student

Career Center
OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,-
7:00 PM,
Cruasde for
Christ, 7:30
PM, Center
Theatre in the
Student Center


Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM.

Skeet Practice,

7:00 PM,

Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM,



 m Enron» loan
Ind Mil. editor in chief Molina m asst. opinions editor
Erie Lint-y. managing editor Kenny Celene. sports editor
Ilelr Theme. mariaorng editor M Wain. features editor
Ind m opinions editor Emily W columnist
Wee mi columnist

September Ill,



The opinions page provides a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stories, the Kernels

unsigned editorials represent the Views of a majority of the editorial board Letters to the editor.

columns. cartoons and other features on the opinions page reflect the VIOWS at their authors and
not necessarily those of the Kernel




UK should put
‘green' funds
to better use

While UK‘s need to "see green" is a step in the right di-
rection. the university needs to make sure it is taking the most
cost—effective path to fund a more eco-friendly campus.

According to an article in the Kernel on Friday. the univer-
sity has taken the necessary steps to cut down energy costs on
campus. The university has staned using more energycfficient
lights in campus buildings and using more eco—friendly clean-
ing products.

"The more we can reduce, the better off we'll be.” said
Bob Wiseman, vice president for facilities management.

However, there are several questions surrounding the uni-
versity‘s initiative to pursue a more green campus. Those
questions conceming the proposal of hiring a sustainability
coordinator and the green fee that each student would have to
pay each semester to fund the sustainability efforts.

In Friday‘s Kernel article. Wiseman said the search for a
campus-wide sustainability coordinator could begin as early
as this school year. With the 6 percent university-wide budg—
et decrease that has already caused problems with hiring pro-
fessors and staff on campus. is hiring a sustainability coordi—
nator the most cost-effective route for UK to take to go

With the money that the university would use to create
this new position. why not use the resources that are already
available to the university. UK already has someone who
oversees ResLife sustainability in Shane Tedder.

According to Fridays article. UK President Lee Todd
said. "The focus is to get someone who gets up. gets out
of bed and (all day) his or her focus is sustainability."

Tedder‘s responsibilities do encompass sustainability
for ResLife. which which can go a long way toward
achieving widespread campus sustainability. While Tedder
works for the Office of Resident Life. the Kernel reported
that his duties include managing energy initiatives in doro
mitories. ResLife Recycling and Wildcat Wheels. With Ted—
der's presence. couldn‘t the money that would be used to
hiring a campus—wide coordinator be more effective if it
was used to fund ResLife-sponsored programs in the dorms
that would educate students about how to be more green?

The sole responsibility for a more eco-friendly campus
does not fall only on the university administration. Students
must do their part. which amounts to supporting the green
fee needed to fund the university's proposals. To make the
university green, students are going to have to dig a little
deeper into their wallets. The Kernel supports the idea of
the green fee. and it is necessary that students be willing to
give something. According to the article. the proposed green
fee is an amount between $6 and $8. which may be a bit
high in wake of the 9 percent cap on student fee and tuition
increase. But a smaller number should certainly be consid-

In about two weeks. Student Govemment will be present-
ed with a resolution in support for the green fee. It is impor-
tant that the resolution be specifically outlined so that students
are aware of where the green fee money will be directed.
With a clear proposal. students may be more willing to spend
their green to make UK greener.



Sometimes \ 'alking away
is the best course of action

Tolerance is an important issue that needs attention on
campus. As college students. we sho