xt7pzg6g4r0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g4r0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1985 1985 1985-02-14 2020 true xt7pzg6g4r0g section xt7pzg6g4r0g :
. . . , — ___. ——— . . E
State official decries / \ .~. . i . Home c. .
.’ ' v ” - . ~,~;‘ ./ ' it” '._
0 ' \x . f‘
‘serious problems’ .~ r . to sponsor .
'n Kentuck schools ‘ ‘ " ' is - 0° Speec '
l ' \ -." '1‘ —. . .' .
y i \ ‘ ;_« EdlIOI' to lecture - .
l I\~ . - " . ‘, .
. .. . -. ,, N. on oodm
Spillman calls for realistic attitudes, ' . . . f ’ ed” ' . '- . .
l . . .-— \ Q ‘1 Byciiiiis Will-ELAN I ' . '~
I cooperation to solve educational woes , ’c . , , , so“ Writer » _. .
_-.- By TlMJOHNSON to improve the state's education. ‘ ' " Students interested in nutrition . .1
‘ Senior Staff Writer Kentuckians have to figure out how . . ' l _ ‘ and the medla W1” haw ”W ”PPP‘W' .- -' ‘
. to quit blaming each other and start .5 _ “r . “I" 1 ' \ tunity to listen and talk. to Sarah = . y .
. Thomas Jefferson once said, if you pullingtogether,hesaid. “g x . ._,- n. . ‘3 - .' ' Fg-liscmen hump“, 7mm “m , .' .
want a free person and an unedu- “Educators blame the parents. ° ~ ‘ ' ‘f ' e If“ .. . . , .. » ' ~
cated P8330". then you want some parents blame teachers. the admin— -. . i") ’ ". xi. 5: ‘ ' "- ‘ (.t-feritlreticeanillil[ilge‘rfie‘glla-“32:11“? ' :
thing that never has been and never istrators of higher education blame “ \ e“ '0 "'9 . _. \Q) ~ $-". .1 . ’ m 230 'm tomorrow .” ”8 Erick- '» _ .’ :
Wlnbe‘ the administrators 0f secondary edu- ,._ I 4‘ ' L a" a; . 3*. “:1! ’ V son Illall The speech ‘Wlll be tol- I ' '
Robert Spillman used this phrase cation. We have got to work together "x x . i ' . c; " 10“.“, by an .m’urmdl (imusswn at . '
to describe statewide education dur- to pull Kentucky up." {51:23: 7'“ i L ' "‘ J 102 l-‘unkhouser - ' I I - l
mg a forum held at the K-House ”5' Spillman also said the state must .~ ‘99“ ' ' l-‘ritschner said her speech will I- '
terday. Spillman. associate “Pew stop assuming there are magic for- w ’ . -_ .1: _ deal mainly with the "less than con- . .
tendent at the office 0‘ local serwces mulas to cure the major problems. 4 ~ , " yentional‘ options oi employment . ’
for the Kentucky Department Of Ed’ “We must take a comprehensive ap "“5 Q '3' / that are upon to the home economics ‘ ' ' . "
ucation. told about 30 people film”! proach to help the system." he said. " ft 5‘15; j V ' majors There is a problem in tak-
a luncheon that Kef‘tuc'w has some “We must spend time with the kids * ' ,~ , ".y . ' ing the sound nutritional advice that . ' j '
serious problems “"1 education. and get involved or the students‘ ‘ . ' .f ’, I,“ ‘ is receiied at l'K and turning it into - ' g
“1 want to drive home the point chance for education is slim. “ .r xii/7‘" ’ something marketable. l-‘ritschner ‘ _
that everyone has to be educated Teachers' salaries are always . fig; _ f~ - added . ‘> '
today in order to maintain democra- paid. regardless of the quality of 5*“, ‘w 5 “ Darlene Forester. state extension .
cy and our way of life," Spillman work the teacher puts forth. he said. Q5 , Q . Q / specialist ior iood and nutrition in . -
said. “All votes count one in an elec- “lt has been true throughout society , _- ’xi‘sg ‘ A“; the t‘ollege oi Agriculture. said the -
tion. The uninformed person‘s vote that there has been 10 percent effi- “' ‘9. -‘f *' 2/ College of Home Economics muted ' '
is equal to the informed person‘s ciency of work for the public. while '4- ' ‘l' . ,2"// 1 Fritschner not only because she is a . -
vote.“ there has been 100 percent efficiency '$ ‘ .\ _-. . - . , y/ ; graduate of l'K. but also because '
Spillman quoted statistics from in payingsalaries." ‘ 1" g ’ ,// -— ' she is "hlghh thought (it as a iood ’ "
the federal Department of Educa- “w ha tf' ed t h . t 1.3;? ‘ ~ _// g: . editor “ .
tion which stated that, out of the 50 9 ve "ooh igur In?“ 0“ [.0 w? ' " 1' w" According to Forester. people it ho _ ~
states. Kentucky has the most adults focus on the pr 'hlems Va ile comgoid h o ’.‘ I . J’// ;" i deal Wltl'l nutrition "need to get iiies- . . ,
without a diploma and without an rnenttngthose w .0 are .orl‘ng a g N R “ * ~-—/ ~. sages to the public.” but do not have -
eighth—grade education. He also said JOb‘ Spillman bald; R13 t "('Nl we ', ’ 5 r; ,3 : Q ' . , the expertise Because r‘ritschner Q .
35 percent 0f first-graders Will "0' have built a house “1th firm Val S‘.a . f‘ ' . ' 7 V has taken her dietetICs background . '
graduate. less than 30 percent will 10“.“)0f and a floorhofhsllatsnlf :9 . ‘ ' '9 t‘ and used it lll the press. she should
go beyond high school. and less than pent {2“ throubgzl t e oes m ,tme C x. ' Q, Q ' t be able to pl'thltlt' some insight on ‘
15 percent will receive a college de- .loor, en “9 . ome "8de m ‘ . ' ' q, " how to get the word out. Forester .
gree. in the rigid confines of the walls and i, ‘ ’_ . .. . . ‘ said. .
“There are worse things than not root 1‘. *I ‘ .7" ”i. 54".. . ’ Man} nutritionists haw done re~ _
having a college degree" Spillman ”We need to build a solid house «.31 ‘ w‘“ In}: ’ i. search and would like it to be u\’all~
said. “but an 18-year-old today with- with a strong. solid floor to hold up up . .7”; “I“? able ‘0 the Publlca Sh“ rald- . .
out a high school education is just as all of Kentucky‘s school system.“ he ' :a. it. x l 1 : FrilSChht’r shtmld b0 abli' “i0 give
handicapped as someone without a said. "The walls must be flexible U,- ' " a... f ‘ 50mt’P"lnli’r>‘lllh0“ “ldtlthh‘ ’ ‘
limb." While there should be no roof. The ' . \\‘~\;\-\ . . . l-‘rttschner will also giw a broad
He proposed two possible reforms sky shouldbethelimit." ~-'“ . '3’ . l overvaew oi what she has done with .
. “if” i 1 her career and what positions are -
. . Q . ~‘~’ . available in the media. Forester '
emor c osen to serve »
. 4’" * Q (as. t Sarah Henry. assistant dean of the
e ». gs college. said l-‘ritschner will also ex- .
as new valentlne queen § “2.“, , '8“ ‘ i plain to the students what they
‘ 3" L i should do to prepare tor the field of
. 3 4:52: A . ' communications ' '
By JOHN JURY _! ‘ " iii Fritschner graduated irom the ‘ '
Staff Writer ' ______Q__________*__k i . _ V ' _# ..#.. . V_g__ # .7“ ‘ college in 1979 and went on to work ‘
Q. Q‘ ”,th “WNW at the Daytona Beach News Journal. ' '1 _
Valentine's Day roses came a , t the Florida TimesL’nton and the ' -
little early to four women yesterday 3 Wlntry walk Washington Post hem“ finally at» ' .
when the Miss Kentucky Valentine ‘ ‘\ riving at the Lotiimtlie Times in ‘ .
contest wmner and runner—ups were Pam Nobbe and Marty Johnson. who both work at the UK Medical Plaza. walk into the Rose JUIXIW‘ . ' .-
announced. . , ‘ Street parking structure to get their car after work. “mem” 5 ”pow-h ‘5 "n9 m a se' " .
Elizabeth Hill. a computer sctence ries of seminar~ sponsored by the ‘ . . ‘
senior. was crowned the 1985 Miss »_ college. Henry said The lectures
Kentucky Valentine. She was spon- are 0P?“ 10 the PUNK" V j . ,
sored by Zeta Alpha Tau sorority. . ' _ ' .
where she serves as president. A na- . ' ' ‘ . .'
o. .i. / 1 c u mem ers en oy snowy wea er -
member of the Panhellenic Council, , , ‘ . . '
Greek Activities Board and Student . . . . . .
Publicatiors Board. _ $1! By ANNETTE SMITH said‘Jim Wang. trip leader for the addition to skiing. In April. mem- skiing. Trips to Colorado and Viyom- » ‘ - .
There was .a tie for first runner-up $2 Reporter clubs upcoming weekend to bers will sponsor the club‘s annual ing are popular and members have - '
between Ellie Howell and Mindy gig. Snowshoe. casino party at the Red Mile Club also traveled to Switzerland. Aus-
Martin. Howell. a third-year phar- ' " When the mercury dips below The Lexington Ski Club boasts house. It is their largest money- tria and Germany in the past. ' ' .
macy student. was sponsored by ELIlABE'I'H HILL freezing in the Lexington area. most well over 200 members. The median making event of the vear. ‘ - '
Student American Kentucky Phar- people burrow in for the winter. age is probably about 30. although Other yearly activities include “There are about 100 hardcore A < ,‘
maceutical Association. Martin, a Hill said she will visit area el- They dread the weather reports and some very young children and older white-water rafting. camping. ca- skies in the club.“ said Arnie Kemp ' . ‘
communications sophomore. was cmentary schools and appear at believe school closings go hand in couplesattend the meetings. noeing and a houseboat trip which er. who led one of the European . ‘ .
sponsored by the Student Activities local community activities "to rep handwithsnow and ice. The majority of club members are includes such sports as windsailing trips. ‘
Board. resent the Commuter Cats and UK." These same weather reports, how- single and most are young profes- and waterskiing. There is also an » “ -
Second runner-up went to Marcia Last year's Miss Kentucky Valen- ever. put a gleam in the eye and an sionals with a fair representation of annual toga party, a pig roast each The club meets on the first Tues . I ’
Cave. a pre-med senior. She was line. Teresa Trimble. said the win- almost bouyant step in the walk of a UK and Transylvania College stu- fall. a Halloween party and a day of every month at the Campbell
sponsored by Alpha Gamma Delta ner "should makethemostof it (the fairly small, but rapidly growing dents andolderbusiness people. Christmas dance. This year, 18 House Inn on Harrodsburg Road. V
sorority. titlei that she possibly could." numberofpeople. “It‘s introduced me to a lot of peo- members also participated in the Membership is $15 per year. but the -
Hill plans to visit the pediatric Trimble said the contest is not try- They areskiexs. ple I'd have never met.“ said Zoe Survival Game.amock war game. meetings are open to. the public.
floor at the UK Medical Center ing to compete with the Homecom- At a Lexington Ski Club meeting Venuti. 27. She is originally from The winter months. of course. are However. you must ioin to be eligi- . ~
today to pass out Valentine's Day ing. but rather trying to promote at the Campbell House Inn last Geneve. NY. and joined the ski club filled with skiing. including down- bleforgroup rates on thetrips. '
cards to the children. She will also volunteerwork. week. snow was the most popular shortly after moving to lexington hill. crosscountry. and a racing A monthly newsletter. The Great
appear at the SAB birthday cele- Besides a gift of roses from the topicof conversation. Six years 380. team which belongs to the Ohio Val- Schuss. coritains information about ‘
bration for the University and “any- Commuter Cats. the winner and run- “The snow was fantastic." said ”The ski club has something for ley Ski Council. events, trips.and skiing in general V '
thing she wants to do to promote UK her-ups also received other novel- Mike Huber. of a recent trip to everyone," said Brent Prewitt, a Trips sponsored by the club are For more information. contact Bill
and the student body." said Sharon ties. Hill was awarded a 51m gift SevenSprings.Pa. teacher at Russell Cave Elementary often less expensive because of Turner. president. at 266-8522. or ‘
Childs. coordinator for the Commut- certificate for a Mohair sweater ln Snowshoe. W.Va,, there is School. group rates. Many people take their Steve Combs. hospitalitv chairman.
erCats.whichsporsored theevent. Seeolil-Zl-ZN, page7 “great snow with a 60-inch base," The club otters other activities in vacations at this time of year and go at 268-2892. ' '
m Roman holiday shaped ' Fina] Four tickets
.5.— .Q_ .3” ~;f\l‘\:«i.wv'>:‘,:\§T\ ~ 4 e fax; Klan-in uldtheongine‘ lloveholi- ioveuidiutind. uedinbingo. “'“rwmm'h '"d "Wk“
' 3.5“... was not celebrated as it is “mmbmdthoflnttoi-e Wimbletostudents.accord-
> f... 7:" 'vigfii‘tffié‘fl My hymn", - A W“uve (mu m m d m to w BII'Ch, “n d m
. - "um” mu staff will then crew state. m,

 :leucxrxm My. hut-y is us '
ii ”6 “6% I' 0 '
. f
Kentud‘y ...... y ' it” Coaches pleased With recruits
- "‘o l ‘ « . "s ‘
creeps by ' 3" ‘ W'ld t ° 11 20 first da
0 Alabama '”” A ‘ as 1 ca S Slg y
, ' ' . ., mummy” history. Murray (6-0, no pounds) Knotli's last two games and part of a
’ SEC cord i gtyaffWi-iter was a second team All-state line- playoff game because of an injured
Cats S re ‘ backer. The third of the trio. Gard- leg. K m 18 who
. UK football recrui' coordina- ner, was a linebacker and a de- The other en y p yer:
Improves to 9‘4 _ ,0 a tor, Dick Redding, 81:1: Kentucky ferisive guard in high school. He ran signed yesterday are 62. W
l l ’ - coaches were “very well received" dashes in track and was timed in offelisive hneman Brian Cralle from
3! WILLIE “IA" ‘1' \ “.2: during this year's recruiting wars. nasecondsforthemmeters. Elizabethtown. Chuck Erwin". 5'
5‘3“ Writer ‘ , . " r \ As a result, 20 players signed na- , _ 4. Wind thPrb‘d‘ from Mh'
‘ “ tional letters of intent with UK yen. Also from Unusvflle are Tony land and Dee Smith. M. lwwmd
Kentucky 5"“ a cool 34-3 percent l l terday. More high school senior! M 0! 095315 and Oliver Barnett wide receiver from Paducah also
, from the floor . and even Kenny . , were expected to sign either last 0‘ Jeffeisontown. NBSh (6-5. 245 signed yesterday.
Walker failed to get his 20 points. . ' '5 4-" night or today. pounds) was a first team All-state Among the others who signed yes-
That the Cats still beat Alabama 51~ l ’ \\ ‘ Bedding, who wouldn’t comment defeisive lineman. Barnett (6-4_, 225) terday are Mike Burries, a wide re-
' 48 135‘ night only shows they can // f ’ on individual players yesterday, was led Jeffersontown's linemen With 56 ceiver from Bolinbrook, 111.; Tom
find other waystowin. /, a! pleased witll the overall KIND that tackles and also had 13 quarterback Crumrine, an offensive lineman
“They're winning “nth their ‘19 LA l\ UK signed. “We’re happy with the sacksasanAustater. from Westervitte, Ohio; Ron Robin-
fense," Coach Joe B. Hall said after \ 55 5 , group we have, mainly because we son, a quarterback/defensive back
the game. “They’re encouraged by h r/ ‘ , 5 got everybody in the state we Another All-sister, Tony Massey from Nashville, Tenn; Thomas Earl
it- They also realize that if they t -/ E wanted." W3. 185 DOWNS). completed 56 0f Smith. a defemive back from Mo-
start shooting better. they can Win Q t \"f' sv/ ‘ 0f the nine recruits from Ken- 104 P115505 for 1.039 yards and 10 bile, Ala.; Gardner Lee Sorrell.
. easier." ' tucky who had signed yesterday af- touchdowns as quarterback 0‘ SOVI- from Middletown, Ohio; Russell
. last night’s game was "0 easy ; t ’ temoon, five are from high schools em?t High SCh001~ _Massey 3150 in‘ Wayne Viel, an offensive lineman
' win. And it wasn't decided until UK ‘ p‘ l in Louisville. Three of those — Mike temepted 27 passes in his career (in- from Middletown. Ohio; and
, ' - guard James Blackmon weathered fix ‘ Heifer. Andy Murray, and Carwell eluding 10 last season) as a Dwayne Hall, a tight end from Day-
three straight timeOUiS by Alabama ' ° Gardner — were teammates on the defensive beek- tona Beach, Fla; Eric Green, a
- 10 hit the front end Of a one-and-one N's? \ 14-0 Louisville Trinity team which quarterback/safety from Cincinnati,
' with :osleftinthegame. W \ wonthestate 4-Atitlein1983. Darren Bilberry, a 6-2, loo-pound Ohio; Craig Benzinger. a defensive
- The win upped UK'S record to 94 s, Pfeifer, a 6—foot-7, ail-pound de- runiling back from Elizabethtown, end from Stone Mountain. 6a.. and
in the Southeastern Conference ”4‘3 ‘~ “..- " fensive tackle. is said to be the most ran for 1,567 yards on 210 carries Doug Houser offensive lineman of
overalh and guaranteed them at *“ higllly recruited player in Trinity's this season, despite missing Fort Aliquippa,Pa.
least a share of the conference lead ‘ ~- -.
after last night's games Florida and t A_ .e 77
Georgia. who also had 8-4 records. AMNLmlC/Kernelsuff a y ats a to ennessee , ‘ n
‘ ‘ ’ both played ontheroad last night. . ' .
‘ UK‘s shooting wasn‘t all bad, Troy ’McKlnley, a UK forward, applies defenswe pressure to Ala- By FR AN STEWART did better _ except. possibly. turn
match. at least early in the second ham" 5 30"” Lee Hun- Senior Staff Writer the ball over. Kentucky had 17turn- her game-high 20 points in the sec-
, ‘ half. After Alabama went ahead for overs berm-euteendoithehalf. the ondhalf.
the first time on Mark Gottfried‘s . . . The Lady Volunteers didn't get Nothing seemed togo right for h l l ted
layup. Paul Andrews hit a iii-footer six before Alabama chopped UK‘s swarmed him in the first half pretty mad during last night’s game foul—plagued Kats. They never led; coiijil‘teraftzzl‘iedndscm 31:12:31”;
and Winston Bennett and Troy McK- lead and tied the score again at 41, good, but we were called for fouls against the Lady Kats at Memorial they never even tied the score. lead which at times was as much as
' inley each hit outside jumpers t0 with310419ft- 3831"“ “I"? ‘Pulesecm‘d “a!" . Coliseum—they 80‘9"!“ Poor Kentuck shooting — 392 20 points to eight. But they could
give the Cats a 31-28 lead with 14 Kenny Walker, who was blanketed Walker brushed the game With 19 Tennessee upset the nth-ranked rcent from a]: field and 50 r- get no closer
minutes left in thegame. by Alabama‘s Buck Johnson and pomts and eight rebounds, Kats by a 77-66 score, in a game that :m from the line _ helped to pit:e .
“I just went in with the attitude Bobby Lee Hurt all night. scored the The Tide pulled Within two at 48~ could only be termed frustrating for th Vols 0 nd' 4527 Ealf— _ The loss dropped Kentucky to 3—2
that I was going to put it up and til next five points of the game on three 46, but Ed Davender’s three free the home team. The Lady Kats n: l d3 Acndnmiz-fld‘ft , r t in the Southeastern Conference
‘ hit a couple of quick shots, it might free throws and a turn-around jump throws in the last minute allowed knocked off UT 76-72 in overtime in "01 eb eaTe a ‘s Shelliumgzxtgn Eastern prlSlon and. 16-8 overall.
loosen it up for everyone else," said er inthelane. UK to secure the wm. Semor Bret Knoxville earlier this season, but didn‘tbliel WWW“ cause eitlbl’er The Vols improved their record to 3~
Andrews. who connected on three of “We played a zone, trying to keep Bearup scored nine points in the last night wasadifferent story. P . - 4lntheconference, 15—9 overall.
six on the night and had seven the ball away from Walker.“ Ala- first half on four-of-five shooting and UK might like to forget the first The first few minutes of the sec- “We just played sloppy," .UK
points. bama’s Wimp Sanderson said “We ended the game with eleven points ham and half had the makings for a re- Coach Terry Hall said. “We didn't
Kentucky went up by as many as did a decent job on him. We and five rebounds. Whatever the Kats did, the Vols peat performance, thanks to UT‘s execute anything properly."
, KENTUCKY 50° '
51 d t i k , Tonight s The Night!!!
' II on T C O ’ "ThoWorld Famous"
' l
wwws/ Made Available TWO KEYS TAVERN S
W *' '1 "‘ for \ u n
. . tth w , r., Followshi " m m‘ i\‘i‘ \
w L Ma 0 s .t p R a”. L NCAA FINALS me“? “36, Sno . Ba" Ba"
Vzkkxjr f - - C°.“gw“
. UK Seniors, who eXPect to enroll in one of th|e Uni- ‘fytili' ' g$ \ $60“
i i K t k' d at. or proiessiono pro- 5‘ . ‘
31:: t; 1932-3: Limit. to apply tor the w. L. It. l aft on Champagne will be flowing - Carnations for
Milli ,J.Fllwh‘. '7”. ..; 'r' .
aAppTichitio’h iZI‘VSB sari: a statement at cri-torio ior eli- ! ’ Ml'l'ltltil‘tt'tt ll... 1?! it! ’ MOI’Ch 30 and Apr” 1 “IO 1" ‘00 ladies. "
gtbility are available in the Graduate School, 329 Pot~ .‘llilll't'filllht‘ifil‘ti‘l‘ll‘l'fml'l ’ [’1 in RUpp Arena A' w. crown "MI“ SnO-Bcil 1985 "
terson Office Tower. ‘ “ hiljflttthl“ » ,.t.. ”‘jtti- ’
STIPEND: $10,000 ‘ h“ t: ‘ . b- o
. . Application Deadline: March is, 1985 r .W'il ‘ ‘l‘ ‘33:, A Congratulations to those finalists.
5_" LOTTERY 0 Julia Hurt 0 Susi. Irutschor
» Q t in . . Mitzi Pullman . sore sehulten
» , . . thl be held on
. h ' . ,3 0 Jayne Ann Million 0 Wesley House
\1 ‘ February 14 . Li I to
, . ‘Ae Memorial Coliseum '
‘ l l 95 an“ ...Thoro's still time to cast your vote -
0 .- ONLY full-time students with a validated ID and octlvity cord n h”
‘ Brigg will be odmlttod to tho colluum and bo oligiblo to partlclputo. coronation I. 0' m“ ‘9
V Upon ontry '0 “I. colluum. ovory “MIC!" W!" '“dV. a nun" ms ”Miriam. WIMI. lure Bottom Tanning Salon and Geno's Form-l Alf-tr
' , Tonight ‘2 pHCI‘IO"! bor. Each numbor drown will ontlilo tho holdor of that numbor (on. mlmflmfl'h Whitman")
\ .- . to purchuso a sot (Sat-Mon gomos) of tickets for $43 -CA$H
' 393 ""ller/ther“Ilplmm 2334717 ONLY- in addition. another out may be purchased by u studont
' designated by tho holdor of the drawn number. IO'I'H studonis
, must be prosont and huvo their own full-time validated ID and
' activity cord.
. .- Doors will op... .. 5:00 p... and no e... will 5. .emmu MW
- . . after 1:00 p.m. IN STUDENT QQ! !P
. . x ' saga-=2 T H U R S D A Y (Through Credit Llfe insurance company)
" ’- l ——_:l t 41/67 E W l ‘ . I S U K D A Y ' Student who wish to enroll in the Student Group
‘ . It, K i M , ‘ - Health insurance Plan must complete application
‘ S y e acy S x and mail along with check for the specified
‘ kinda place! TROUSE as SKIRTS amount, by the posimorking deadline of midnight,
. . Kyle Macy knowsagooddeal swarms spomcoms February“, 1985.
' , . . when he sees one! He owns a h
. , ' . . classy Waller Place Condo-
'- minium right here in Lexington! M." .0:
. Here’s what attracted Kyle to
' Waller Place: . . f A (' H CREDIT "I! iNSURANCE COMPANY
- , ° 10% Down
,5 . Prim "om ”75900 .~ W W I Y S 245 Control Avonuo
_ 0 l or2bedroom homes M A I N . p( DRE 8 \F .5 Si. Pufunburg. "Of.“ 3310‘
, 0 Enterphone security system
_ ', 0 Located between U.K. Ind '
‘ . St. Joseph Hospital ‘
Waller Place Condominiums . i A! H
342 Waller Ave.. Lexington, KY 40504 ‘
, ’ 277-7lll 0 Mon-Sat. 9-6 0 Sun. IZ-G
I, . \\ S H t N i 8 an
t t‘ —_l ttitwmutr tr —-
J. ' ' is... - vimitiwut wt:
,4, ; J 9th t m ,_ ~~ HAN”, “a Bring application and chock to tho i Ith
l - . .
t - .t 4“,“; 1 HOUR CLEANER! rvi ice, Room 1693, Medical
. - t - .
. . .s‘i; ' ‘ ”WW “one... Plaza, (behind the wildcat blue doors, first floor)
‘ l' mm“ "M
' - - t I. I mm... '31-; by4:30p.m.,Fobruory14, 1985.
‘ -- - mm Mitt-unfi- . ..
E, ' 5 f 3 39 Wm“ "
O r .
l - i

 . KENTUCKY KERNEI. My, “my 14, 1‘- J
.7 * ' '7' :7 :7; “7": “ I; _ ' ,'Z"’i;"“...‘.“ .7 r“ --___-_ -
(«to M mvofiviv (virovoix‘ax V (Ufa.:.(r7)\'?' CV nu, V (waves: .
7‘ , ,- ,
KENTUCKY 0%?» $9. it is I Ierigr
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2' he fi‘)‘ ' “it i" l.r,.r)r'~« . . v _4
WQQJQé-QANQQZEQQe-fl &% ”mafia-e & iii 51‘ ' “if? ‘- -,
‘. . 7 ‘§ 33% 3? ' .
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's a ' g
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N ~ , V > .
W b ;‘ 1 . f
['1er . datta A _ ~
Chevy Chase S S ems Q I g
'"',.f.',,,:"'"‘ The No. 1 Party in the Bluegrass y ' . _‘ ‘ ‘ -
259.9341 ‘ A , ,-‘
33:0?“ The Thursday Night Beer Blast \ g _
at The Fireplace Lounge MICROCOMPUTER $9 W V L
AllThe Movies In Chevy Chg” , ,, ,-» . «e ‘ I, _ ':
$33.29 $3.00 Admission Includes m V 0 ._ r _' g .
All the Draft BeerLWhiteWine '~// #3, 9 ,_ : .-
You Can Drink - All Night Long! a '1 A 1% Ge .' . _ .I -_ :
THE , D " _
TERMINATOR Entertainment By GOOD NUFF V “:36?qu - . .
ORA)?! R ‘,,r'-»' .9 g. .
tantrum-Burma» gggapxxzist , ,. a
V "0330' . $3.00 lflCIUdOI A" YOU Can Drink DTQTT 106MB Winchester. parallel and serial DO'iS . ;
neg color graphics and monochrome 4009" . _ ’
lull snze expanSron slots compatlbip W'm 'BM . .
--§.'£'s"'".':2"""-- The Fire lace Loun e ‘°"“'“"°°°a’°s ' j ‘ ' I '
0...":2‘30'K in ChPevy Chase 9 0 PE N H O U SE . z
m 32:33: Demonstrating: State-of-the Art ' g . ‘g
Duly-t nuance : '. Z _ , l
: Lpé’fi PO-FLAKE t : with Zenith 2-150 Microcomputers ~ ~
3 . presen s f and popular software packages.
WHEN: February 14
noun-warn» : THE ORIGINAL ; TIME: 9:00 am. - 3:00 pm.
"""""' '°‘°° : MOVIE POSTER EXHIBIT : WHERE: Office Products
' I AND 5A“ 2 Parking Structure #2
'?y Honey!) : Hundreds of original movie posters :
E and mszfirgamz 2mg: silent E
. WHEN: I». 11.15 .
; 'IO A.M. to 6 mm. 3 . _
mam?“ : ____3I£§;mézggtu_«_nt_u_ngr____ : Drawrng. for attendees at 3.00. pm“. fo
drugs?” : $7: : Panasonic, Kx-P1090. Dot Matrix Printer
2 =———————-———-—-7 3 - s
; mum: m mmmcmo: ; Retall 349- 0°
. in value. Merchandise must be picked up by Friday, Feb- _
- rueryiS,6:Wp.m. . a
: wormed" be held Tuecday, Wednesday, 8 Thursday :

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