xt7pzg6g4n1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g4n1d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Soar with Winners 2001 KPA Advertisting Contest text Soar with Winners 2001 KPA Advertisting Contest 2001 2001 2019 true xt7pzg6g4n1d section xt7pzg6g4n1d . f “n

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 ‘ ' ‘ “" ‘ MAY 900"
Page 2 - 2001 KPA Ad Contest '- >
_ ,. -- - * ~ ‘ Nice use of advertorial copy and art- Category 11 - CREATIVE USE Nice use of appropriate graphics for
Week] ” ' " ' work. OF THE NEWSPAPER category.
. " . _ .. y First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
‘ "3 _:_ ' - Category6 - FOOD/DRUG/ NEWS, Staff NEWS, Teresa Revlett
Class I LIQUOR Wonderful ad with pictures through Good photo, but too much copy.
» ‘ ‘ First Place - THE BRACKEN COUN' time. Interesting copy. Very cute.
' ‘ TY NEWS, Kathy Bay/Wayne Keith Second Place _ MCLE AN COUNTY Category 17 - CLASSIFIED
Category 1 ' DEPARTNIENT/ Super use of art, looks just like a NEWS, Patricia Hamilton PAGE/SECTION
DISCOUNT, JEWELRY STORES farmer’s market. Good use of art and advertorial copy. Fll‘St Place ' THE SPENCER MAG'
First Place ' LYON COUNTY HER' Second Place - TIE - THE BRACKEN Third Place - THE FULTON NET, Susan Collins/Pat Dean
ALD‘LEDGER» Selena Ward/Twila COUNTY NEWS, Kathy Bay/Wayne LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon Flows with consistency.
Hurst Keith Good use of artwork, clean and infor- Second Place ‘ THE FULTON
GOOd use Of 00105 very clean. Simple, bold, easy way to shop. Nice mative. LEADER, Leigh Ann Moore
Second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY fine-line art in three boxes at right. Nice balance of line ads and display.
NEWS, Janice Miller/Angie Gilbert Second Place — TIE - THE FULTON Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT]
The finger artwork is very effective LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon DINNING Category 18 - SPECIAL
Great art! So appropriate for “Bucks!” First Place - LYON COUNTY HER- PUBLICATIONS
Category 2 ' AUTOMOTIVE Makes you want to read the messages. ALD-LEDGER, Selena Ward/Vicky First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY '
First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place — LYON COUNTY HER- Penney NEWS, Staff
NEWS, Janice Miller/Teresa ALD-LEDGER, Selena Ward/Twila Nice border and good use of color. Thirty-six pages, lots of ads! Good
Revlett/Angle Gilbert , Hurst Maybe a real photo of restaurant cover, highly detailed info. Topical.
Strong border, LOtS 0f well-organized Easy to read copy blocks. Nice big would be good. Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Information- Did not overdo colon prices. Some art should be refreshed, Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG NEWS, Staff
Second Place -' THE SPENCER MAG' like the Prairie Farms ice cream. GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Nice partnership with the chamber!
NET, Pat Dean/Ethel McCarty Thomas
Great way to shop for car 5- N ice Sized Category 7 - FURNITURE Good layout. Category 19 - BEST USE OF
photos. Good use of color helps orga- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG Third Place _ FLEMINGSBURG COLOR
nize an otherwise busy ad. GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha GAZETTE, Jinny Fille/Tisha Thomas First Place - THE FULTON LEADER,
Third Place - THE FULTON Thomas Nice border. William Mitchell
LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon Unanimous decision for a great ad. Great looking color. In registration.
Interesting Shape helps small space ad Even if you’re not in the market, you Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
get noticed. Easily read information. would read this. Good sized photos. First Place — THE CAMPBELL NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert
Full color. Lots of prices. Sure to draw COUNTY RECORDER, Staff Border compliments ad.
Category 3 ' HARDWARE, readers to the store. A fun, well-coordinated section, filled Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
APPLIANCE STORES Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG with great art and copy. A must read. NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Janice
First Place :MCLEAN COUNTY GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Second Place - LYON COUNTY HER- Miller/Angie Gilbert
NEWS, Janice Miller/Angie Gilbert Thomas ALD-LEDGER, Staff Good color in ads and design.
Great art. Easy to read message. “Pretty” ad. Nice photos. Good price Well supported by the appropriate
Second Place ‘ TIE ' LYON COUNTY points. advertisers for the section. Nice cover. Category 20 - BESTAD SERIES
HERALD-LEDGER, Selena Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG Variety oflocal articles. Certificate of Merit - MCLEAN
Ward/Brandi Peal , GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY COUNTY NEWS, Staff
A lot of information, well organized. Thomas NEWS, Staff
Border does not detract. Good information arranged well. Art Useful, well organized. Category 21 ' GENERAL
Second Place - TIE - MCLEAN COUN- could be more dynamic. MISCELLANEOUS
TY NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia Category 14.GROUP First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Hamilton Category 8 - REAL ESTATE PROMOTIONS NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Slone
Good art- A lot of information that is First Place - FLEMINGSBURG First Place - LYON COUNTY HER- Hutchison
, laid out well. GAZETTE, Tisha Thomas ALDLEDGER, Stafi‘ Extremely interesting. Great photos”
Third Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY Good size of photos and copy, nice Nice color, clean copy, very eye catch- We read it all.
NEWS, Janice Miller/Angie GlIbeI't reversal in right hand comer. ing second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Everybody looks at photos! Inviting Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia
approach to bringing in customers. NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Hamilton
Nice header and footer, looks like a Thomas Great 601013 a 10t 0f information. LOOkS
Category 4 ' FINANCIAL series. Nice and clean layout. {BStiVB-
First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place - TIE - MCLEAN COUN—
NEWS, Staff NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Janice TY NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie
Superb adll Good, clean Ph°t° looks Nice header and footer. Good separa- Miller/Angie Gilbert Gilbert
good. tion with reversed banners. Nice color and artwork. Very interesting. Could’ve been better
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY as a double truck as some info is very
NEWS, Teresa Revlett/Angie Gilbert Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES Category 15 - HOLIDAY small. Nice layout.
Nice 00101'. 800d use Of space and bOT- First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY GREETING ADS Third Place - TIE - MCLEAN COUN-
der. NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia First Place - THE CAMPBELL TY NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia
Third Place - THE FULTON Hamilton COUNTY RECORDER, Staff Hamilton
LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon Good description of what store sells. Nice idea, good graphics. Informative.
- Clean ad,tothe point. Séfipnd Place - FLEMINGSBURG Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG at.
GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Category 22 - SPORTING
SERVICES Nice use of art work. Good layout. Photo works well in this First Place ‘ MCLEAN COUNTY
First Place - TIE - MCLEAN COUN- Third Place _ THE FULTON ad. NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia
TY NEWS, Teresa Revlett LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG Hamilton
Clean. good use of photo. Too many fonts, nice border. GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Great photos for a targeted interest.
First Place - TIE - MCLEAN COUN- Thomas _ Good follow-up on a contest.
“NEWS, Teresa Revlett Category 10 - MIILTIPLE Good use of color, graphics and font. second Place - FLEMINGSBURG
Great art work, lots of white space and ADVERTISER/“SIG” PAGE Whole ad ties together. GAZETTE, Tisha Thomas
a good clean copy. First Place - FLEMINGSBURG Well—detailed. Lots of information. Art
Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY GAZETTE, Debbie Fitch/Tisha Category lG-AGRICULTURE/ could be updated.
NEWS, Janice Miller/Angie Gilbert Thomas LAWN AND GARDEN
Nice photos and copy box arrange- Clean use of color. By not using logos, First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY CATEGORY” ' SPECIAL
ments. Background would have been it is not too busy. Fun reading. NEWS, Janice Miller/Patricia EVENTS
more effective ifit had been lighter. second place - LYON COUNTY HER- Hamilton First Place - THE BRACKEN COUN-
Third Place - TIE - LYON COUNTY ALD-LEDGER, Staff Good layout. Fun to read. TY NEWS, Kathy Bay/Libby 135““
HERALD-LEDGER, Selena Effective, made you want to read the Second Place - TIE - THE FULTON Easy t? read, “‘0‘ too much informa-
Ward/Vicky Penney alphabet. LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon tion- Nice graphics.
Great border, nice clean copy. Third Place . THE FULTON Nice use of graphics, appropriate for Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG
Third Place - TIE - THE BRACKEN LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Leigh Ann category. GAZETTE. Debbie Fitch/Tisha
COUNTY NEWS, Libby Estill/Wayne Moore/Al Shannon ‘ Second Place - TIE - THE FULTON Thomas
Keith Very clean and easy to read. LEADER, Rita Mitchell/Al Shannon Soc WEEKLY 1, page 4

 M :5- v a a M
i 2001 KPA Ad Contest — Page 3
Your Spine: 1
. The fifmfi 0' School Band Specials , . l
0 ea y 4 t - '
. V 9 Attention. , 4t 4 :6 «,
Our holistic, handset: _ 4 l . i
approach to healing can A" Band St‘UdentS i
I put an an? to circuit; pam Specializing in: 4 .. . 4 4 l
- ”‘9' Sales. and4444IfiStalIationi: 4 ' l
: 0mm? cmnopmcnc 0’ RA: syswms . = _ E
" CARE FOR ALL AGES ' l - 4 l
. Personal tniury 'Sports ‘ 250/0 Off 1
‘ ‘ Medicine 4 4 4 3 flow 8:. Used ‘ 4
Auto Accidents “Wellness ' Agfdfg fggfi " » instruments 4
Programs ’Workman’s A 13;) j ‘4 r . 4 ' 6 Rentals ' 1
‘ 4 Compensation ‘ “955mg“ 4 _ " 4, «4...... * Financing Avail
' Catl‘l’oday! 4 4
> 4 . 4 _ .- :15: um. In . e. - ,
.. 273'5122 V j4_ V (f? 29558road St. fcai‘l’tfal;4j0ity"?57~01§0 - 4
I - ‘- - ‘ .Woi-zérQnefitepiLGCAL Music Store!” ..
i3 4 4 Dr, John D. stfange L - 4. 4 5;, :--.44 4, ' ._........’ 4 4 . W..MWW.4_M._M 4
j Calhoun
. ‘ . ' Ch". ‘ f ract'c Top left and above: The McLean County News took 4
4‘ _~ ’ 4 center first place in the Professional Services’ category and ‘:,
4 _ . ' ’ ' the Hardware /Appliance Stores’ category with these ;
' i » Hwy. 31, Calhoun entries in the Weekly 1 division. Bottom left: The 4
' ' McLean County News scored another first place in 7
the Clothing Stores’ category. All those points helped ‘"
4 the newspaper secure a first place in the General
Excellence competition. Below: The Bracken County
,4 ,4 4. 44. ,444 444 News was the winner in the Food/ Drug/ Liquor cat—
:34 4_ ‘ 4. 4’ _ 4 - 4 A egory with this entry. '
4‘“ Shoes, Purses, Jewelry & V
r“ :Women’s Clothing (xsman to 3X) 2 {Vim}
: W “ cfé’ifiWfiWfl" 5 "xx 1
r. a . 4 4 .4 44:44:44, 4 2’ 4:, ‘4 8b ; 4 «a ‘6, 44.1414 4 .‘
.1» v ‘ ». forFallflrWint! 4, ‘3 4 " 4“? 4
4 New custouers who» bringmthis <~ 1 ‘ < - 4 449?. \=
4, 4. .4 "'-4:§.':':""§§5“'1::""::"""a :- i” . .4 I ‘IIU 5‘ “saw!“ ‘I‘ N} ,4' ’ “i “a 4 .I
,4 4_ 4.4.44. . 44-444?-4~2444443 =_ 5 4 :~ *-: . ‘4 . - 4 _ ”5:4: 4” gar, ' 7‘ “”915! 4;, “Hi” ' "
. . ~ -.. - 4 has 4. If... .. . _ ..
“*fifiiiééiz: W4352:2522-- 4 ‘ ' " ' ' ' “ in...“ 4 “4444444”;
,, ’ ) 44 4 "In! {132.4 44;;‘43-XVq349
-- 4 4 ‘ ‘4»...444444 4 "4y.4“:1e§-«:
«. ’4" -. 4 . 61,1112) _ I “ g‘mfi‘gws A2341“?
._ 1.13 MNALI .4 44444.44 {:66
- 4. < 4: A WW W 44s4444 3’”; 336’:
r “4- . , ' "51““ W}, Kym ' §6§shé ‘JIHW’
his... .. m 4,.» 4.. 3‘. 4.. . -» .4 t..- J .4 34-51 OPEN SATURDAY, JULY 15
9:00 am. ‘

 MAY 2901.
Page 4 - 2001 KPA Ad Contest
A 7' ' ' 7' W" “W“ WW 7 white space. Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS "gold IIlL‘dulV theme‘
: “Ppkl ! Third Place - THE NEWS-HERALD. First Place — THE SPRINGFIELD Second Place — CITIZEN VOICE a
l J 7/ y OWENTON, Patti Clark/Carrie SUN, Staff TIMES IRVINE, Missy;
l t ‘ Bennett Good cover with colorlf Lots of plc- TlptorL/Earlini- Awm
l Class 2 Good double truck?! Clean and crisp. turcs, good ads. Very, very good. Bright 0,30“- 03‘ Gin-g “mid m, catch
Cate 0 7 FURNITURE Second Place - THE SPRINGFIELD your alfelltion and hold it.
7 , . ., , . ’ Good Ideas, cover 15 a,“”‘“‘"“- We can SUN Shorty Lassiter/Klm Hupman
Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/ Tertba Sccnttrb . , h , , ) \ , s ” r . _ .
, , _ set t c hard work an(l td. (rrcrit G , , .. , , , , ,
DISCOUNT/JEWELRY STORES ClaSSIc style sets tone, dominating publication!‘ “‘dt L’TdPthf. bflblt “”0" and “hit?
Fll'St Place - THE SPRINGFIELD bOTdCT. . Third Place _ BOONE COIINTY Space that WOY‘KS very “'9“-
SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Second Place " TOMPKINSVILLE RECORDER, Staff Categorv 20 . BEST AD SERIES
Reverse makes ring stand out. NEWS, Sonja («WWW Beautiful color' Unique ads. First Place _ THE SPRINGFIELD
Second Place - THE LARUE COUNTY Strong art and C01” SUN Sh ‘ L' K’ ‘ ‘ 1.
HERALDNEWS, Melissa Third Place — THE SPRINGFIELD Category 14-GROUP ”. . ”rt—V, “Wm“, 1'“ “Wm“
Nalle /Melinda rown SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman PROMOTIONS G00“ “’1‘", ““30 graphics.

y B . r .
Head and art work well together. Hometown art and clean layout. First Place » TH E (7 LAY CITY Second EMF“ ‘ HENRI C0D NT‘
C A MOT Category 8 REAL ESTATE TIMES, Alanna Aldrldge/Earline LEC'AIIAerIfianY Clark

ategory 2 - U [‘0 IVE ' ' . Arvin S e WI 1 e blessed.

S ', Kim Hupman ' U ' U , page. NEWS. Sonja Carrow
Great color! The theme of ad of goldimessige told Simply and directly. Second Place _ THE SPRINGFIELD C te 21 GENE
Olympics, great. 00 use 0 ar ' ‘ SUN, Shorty Lasslter/Kim Hupman a gory ' HAL
Second Place - THE CLAY CITY Second Place " THE SPRINGFIELD Strong, clean layout. Good clip art MISCELLANEOUS
TIMES, Alanna Aldridge/Earline \SNUfiI’Klm Hugnéand f l frame. First Place ‘ TOMPKINSVILLE
Arvin e_ —organlze ' 00 use 0 co or. Third Place - THE BEREA CITIZEN, NEWS, James Spear
The turkey is cool, good color, great Th‘rd Place ‘ TIE ' HENRY COUNTY Rhonda McIntyre Creative concept. BUildS team spirit.
heading. Ad idea matches season of §%%AL,g:;f§an;C)lfark t c 10 Kids art catches eye. Catches eye.
1 e, u spo o r
year. , Second Place - THE BEREA CITI-
Third Place — THE CLAY CITY Thlrd P136? ‘ TIE ' HENRY COUNTY Categm'y 15 HOLIDAY ZEN Teresa Scenters
TIMES Alanna Aldridge/Earline LOCAL’ Tiffany Clark GREETING ADS Great headline t e and la outa ro-
. ’ Clean, orderly and reader friendly. First Place - THE SPRINGFIELD . . ’ yp 3’ pp
Arvm W ll . d . . priate to subject.
Great color. The deer, artwork looks e -organize ' agisuhszrgglc‘glsgteggg $5,131:th Third Place - GRANT COUNTY
great. Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES G on d - ’ ' NEWS, Ken Stone/Janet McKee
Category3_mwm First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & Secofiefimi’tf’ 515%? CLAY CITY Clean layout, good use ofart.
First Place - THE SPRINGFIELD “Pm/Earl“ Am“ Arvin Gaootegwy Tm’ E ORTING
SUN Short Lassiter/Kim Hu man Stands OUt’ good art. Color photos of home-town folks make DS/A TICS
Great arthrk and border DIdminate Second Place ' TOMPKINSVILLE this ad. First Place ' HENRY COUNTY
use orphan, ' 13E“? Sgnia 0317”] Third Place - THE BEREA CITIZEN 330%&' “Era“ of“ d h
' _ rea ive ame, c ean ayout. T S te ’ use 0 art, co or an w ite space.
SianShil‘tayeLasgIgflifiI-I‘iiGgiLD Third Place - THE SPRINGFIELD Nfizgscilof“ rs second Place - HENRY COUNTY
Good’ combination of promotiiig busi_ SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman. LOCAL, Tiffany Clark
ness and merchandise offered. Cute use of blackboard art for kids Category 16 - AGRICULTURE! Good working ads. Prices, artwork and
Third Place - THE SPRINGFIELD dam" {fflfmn (T‘HuEmlxlilEqws HERALD heédlmes WOrk ”gather-
SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Category lO-MULTIPLE 0"“; EN :86}; Lisa HensIe /C . r Third Place - THE SPRINGFIELD
Nice layout and border. ADVERTISERf‘SIG” PAGE Bennett ’ y arrle SIIN, Shorty Lass1ter/KIm Hupman
. category 4 FINANCIAL First Place _ THE SPRINGFIELD Good use ofart Basic but stands out Eye-catching art makes it stand out.

. ' SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman _ THE ’ _ R AI D _ I q I VENTS
SWEEIrfigefi TfffaNflXf,‘ :1 303,}; Like the b0“ 001‘” and idea! OWENTIOCN Lisa girl/331% arrié Egfiggg’c?~ ’EIII’EEVEWIS‘: DEMOC-
Bennett . Y Second Place - HENRY COUNTY Bennett ’ RAT CARROLLTON Rebecca

- - LOCAL' Tiffany Clark Great headli e and art ’ ,
Strong graphic and headline make you Like the th me and - t V n - Reynolds
read this ad. neat! e pic ures. ery Third Place ' THE NEWS-HERALD, Great use of historic photos, good
gifrfin‘shilicecaiignififiiGgiLD Third Place , THE CRITTENDEN $331301“, Lisa Hensley/Carrie design. Screen in background is effec-
G d, f3], l h to l lP PRESS, Brian Hunt . . Unique use of flowers as border. t1“?

Th0? dug? o OC;HI£3 o ’CIIEHCCCNTY We. 11ke the way you 1M1 out the pm Second Place - THE SPRINGFIELD
11‘ ace - LAR J ' tures! Category 17 . CLASSIFIED SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman
EEHRA/gD-NEVIWS, 13' Melissa Categ‘ r} 11 C TIVE USE PAGE/SECTION Type inside ice cream cone makes ad

a ey usan C ro ‘0 0 ' ' REA First Place - THE SPRINGFIELD standout.
Tasteful ”59 0f “’10"- Clean- ‘3’“ THE NEWSPAPER q SUN, Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Third Place — HENRY COUNTY

Irst Place - THE SPRINGFIELD a _ - -
Category 5 _ PROFESSIONAL SUN . Great color, hard work involved. LOCAL, Tiffany Clark
L , Renee Webb/Kim Hupman .

SERVICES Second Place — TOMPKINSVILLE Artwork, head and photos work
F' t Pl THE UE COUNTY Great use of art and color. You have to NEWS Carol Depta/Teresa together well

”"5 3C9 ' LAB read this ad! A ’ ~ i ‘ ’ ( ‘
Oldham/gusan Mcsémbie Poma Sewnd Place ' THE LARUE COUN“ Third Place — HENRY COUNTY Category 25 - BEST NEWSPAPER


Good, crisp picture. Lots of white Nalley/Melinda Brown ’ NO ENTRIES
space. Can’t lose with cute kid. Creative! Category 18 - SPECIAL

. o y aSSI r m Upman OWENTON, Carrie Bennett First Place — THE NEWS-HERALD, W kly 1
Great ad. Tastefully done, recognizes excellence. OWENTON, Lisa Hensley/Carrie
Eight; {13898.5 TOMPKINSVILLE Category 12 ENTERTAINMENT/ Bennett

r 011.13 arrow ' Great cover, good information.
Love the artwork. 113%? THE BEREA CITIZEN second Place — CITIZEN VOICE & C°"“"“°d "m“ Page 2
CategoryG-FOOD/DRUG/ Rhgndafiilntyre i TIMES, . IRVINE, Missy Good use of sponsorship for this
EilrQsIJOPItce THE SPRINGFIELD oEdtegant wt makes you want to eat Rim/11:3: 11:13:32?“ the team and $533 Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
' . . ‘ names. NEWS, Staff
2301:, f3::tylfi:se81:rlfll(dm guggfin in SIJanShPlriceLasTHE/IiPRIIEGFIELD Third Place - GRANT COUNTY Nice booklet for event. Good commu-
. - P ye ‘3 » 0 Y 5“" m “Pman NEWS, Ken Stone/Janet McKee nity involvement.

ad. Good Idea and use of balloons and Great use of pots as border, makes ad
borders. We like it!! stand out. Category 19 - BEST USE C _
TIMES, Earline Arvin/Alanna TIMES, IRVINE, Missy First Place - THE SPRINGFIELD C ' - _ _
Ald _ , , , _ ertificate of Merit LYON COUN

ridge 'I‘ipton/Earllne Arvm SUN, Kim Hupman Ty HERALD-LEDGER Twila Hurs
Like graphics and color. Good use of Artwork makes it go! Bold, vibrant colors. Great use of the ’

 MAY To} 5} 7
2001 KPA Ad Contest - Page 5
I z 1.” Wit? ,
5 J ’- 3:727:13 ,, . m“; _ I i. '
l 3 ..., 5 3 , ~33. ; ”a, m ;- l
I ; m El 3 IIIII um" um II. II'IIIs Him
3 3 3 33;: m ,3 f .4 3 3 3 3 3
i i ' 70R .. ‘ff ‘ 3 mmmmhv.m*?° I z 1*. .3 .
lE ‘ “:32 ~ 3,, meme. ~ New Is the tIme t
on“ ”mmm"um“ 5
l 3 3 -3 ,. 3‘ 3 3 3 v, 3 \ ‘- ,,,.‘°'°!mm"”?h 3 w.- :3 35.533523132333333
' stayed home ”NW . , . . 3
3,: ,3, 3,3 “,3 “3..., .. 2, @333 ® a ' _. . . _ j- . .. ..:;;;‘ ., j
I Above: In the Weekly 2 division, The Berea n’tgetcaught at the I i 3
Citizen was the top prize winner in the Real ~.: > ' , .- i
’ Estate category. Top right: The Owenton News- ‘ 3 3 . [aSt m'RUte a - l
. Herald won, first place in the Financial category - . LetUS help YOU fepafe 3:33:33:-
- an award that helped them capture second ,3 . _ . 3 335' ' 3
place in the General Excellence competition. «33 ' . .3 your return now. 3
Bottom Right: The Berea Citizen won another ‘3‘ - _ 3
first place in the Entertainment/ Dining catego- ’ ,3 3 _ j
ry. Below: This ad from the Citizen Voice & 5' ' i i Q I- J I ‘ i
Times, Irvine, won first place in the Clothing _ . 3 3
\ ‘ ' I I: II I II I: 3 a
3‘ fl a 73W $216323 Income Tax 8 Accounting 0 Bnakkeeping 0 Payroll 3
i mspmm 1163wa mm, 3 Hwy. 127 South, Owenton _
2 33233323333; (Res/$36953 { y ._ 484-5933 :
s _ 5 SALE $29 99 ~- -~ + -
SALE “'99 ' , i fwfifi“Wi;i>:9>3>§:asr 1», i
J Herdm'dr a: 5mm Blows RM?“ 5 W“? 5m“ 3‘ ‘ ,5 4.6.,» 5:33:33“; 93$.3W’Mw 33/3,";‘3; $5
3 3.3333333033833331}, Burgunfiyffmt) SAL IEaeg,1§;2§:k§1 89 3 3 3 "gwitw:fl3= 331/W33‘wxqwfi-qw - ,3?" 3;
t I‘Reg. $139374}; 5 f f3.”- mé 3W 3:33.334" w W“ "x; 3,3 / ,/f
: ; : “i, . 73,: ~ : - $=° - ,
I . 3 . . ,. 3 , .3 1 ; 2: ~ * ’vu’refwdwlb' . we?“
3 Sxegfield 591m F010 mum. Hushpuppy Dress Shoes 3 -» )3 :3 3 j» ..T (mired 330 6:33:53“? 3
3i (Reg. $24515} {Siifwm 8? Mac F3); 3‘ 3 ' it} '3 f: ‘- SfNDA I; BR LUVCH i)
3 SALE $17.99 29% OF- ; ; ‘ Wm
g ‘ _ _ ~ Selection ofFresh Baked Breads 3
i I ,. 3 3 / i ? ; = ' - Extended Dessert Table 3
3 3 \- ‘ ) #3335333! \ 3/ 3' 3 3 is {Eli - Omieue & Stigma Wames _ 3
7 33,33,33‘3333533‘3", f ‘ 3 < ’- x 3 ., I» nmr 'oun: : v.44: Ia. 3 8‘ :
3 3,, .... W 3 ,3: 3.3; masher, 3 13
3: 3 £ % K For Reservations calt: (859) 985-3?00 §£ ‘g, ’ 3
3 ~MW 3 i 3 3;} rep-3:24. «wanna-.---..“ . g 3
: .\. H onchell S x 3 : $3,, 3, “mm“ '
3 3 3 § . 3 M , mmdbmnch. 333 s 3 3 I
I ‘3?“ IIC’inG .Plaz(i.60t;--?25~?5}6 j {E k ‘ . ‘v _ ~ ,3 3 _3 . i "‘5 3
3.": ‘

 MAY 2001
Page 6 - 2001 KPA Ad Contest
-. *4" 3 Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL Category 10 - MULTIPLE Second Place - THE WAYNE COUN-
' ’ __;- .737 ‘1 ,3 : First Place - THE TRIBUNE-COURI- First Place - THE JESSAMINE
, ER, BENTON, Terri Noles/Vicky JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins/DeAnna 23:80“ 15'HOUDAYGREETWG
‘ 013883 " 'i . Penney W°rks’Li“da Wiley First Pl TIE CYNTHIANA DEMO-
. g, ' . ' ’ .: . Great tie-in with artwork and copy. Great promotional idea. Gave adver- CRAT fish J ', ,

' ' ” H " ' Not cluttered! tisers a lot of readership with art N' ’ f lenlunsSuzxngman
Caml‘DEPAR'IMENT/ Second Place - THE JESSAMINE from/by children. Good use of full FF”??? w°§tlgce$e$nHAr§e§gag§
DISCOUNT/WYSNRES JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins/Sharon color in ads. "S ace ' ' , _ '
First Place - THE JESSAMINE Bailey Second Place _ TIE _ HARRODS- BURG HERALD, Jackie Larklns
JOPRNAL’ Peggy Adkins/Sharon Great tie-in with World War II cam- BURG HERALD, Cathy Caton Unique art treatment. Simple design
Bailey paign honoring veterans. Good way to bring advertisers into giakesglt gland on??? SlEtstgyg/[rfgtfi
82833509 t°f 6010’, “0t overdone Third Place - MT. STERLING ADVO- store via coupons JOURINALang-gy Adkins

an u ' CATE, Lisa McNay Second Place - TIE — CYNTHIANA . 3 .

Second Place -_ THE WOODFORD Good use of spot color good toe with DEMOCRAT, Suzie Fryman/Staff Effectlve tle-ln of product to season.
SUN, Margie HolbrOOk/Ann rt k d h dl' Cl (1 Good customer service ad Good use ofspot color and white space.
Routt/Cindy Centers 3 w‘” 3“ ea "‘8' ea“ 3 ' Third Place _ THE TRIBUNE- ThirdPlace-THEOLDHAM ERA, Stafi‘
Unique. idea to .group ads into one. Category6-FO0D/DRUCJLIQUOR COURIER, BENTON, Valera Nice €010? reproduction.

Clean, Informative layout. Color not First Place _ MT. STERLING ADVO- Gore/Krystal Stevenson/Twila Hurst Category 16 _ AGRICULTURE]
%‘;l§rge;f1ng- MT STERLING ADVO CATE, Jo Ann Halsey Packed with information to attract LAWN AND GARDEN

CAI'I“E AT: Roundtree - Clean layout, good use of white space. readers. Effective use Of full color. First Place _ THE JESSAMINE
Excellent use of jewelry as a border. dumps Off page. Crisp, concise. Says Category 11 - CREATIVE USE JOURNAL) Peggy Adkins
Product used as a desi element It and gets out Of there. Simple. OF THE NEWSPAPER Nlce headline! Clean layout.

g“ - Second Place - THE ANDERSON First Place - TIE _ THE CADIZ Second place - THE TRIBUNE-

Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE NEWS,_Staf‘f RECORD, Christy Whiting COURIER, BENTON, Joyce
First Place _ CYNTHIAN A DEMOC- Attractlvte, good use of color. Tells a Great readership building idea. Pays for ISJchoemng/Brandl Peal
RAT, Sabra Oller/Joyce Wilson success 5 ory. 'ts 1f d ll d rt‘ - too. eadline is attention-getting, as are
Tasteful use Of color, ad packs a lot of Thlrd Place ‘ MT- STERLING ADVO' 1131351319132]: [.1 SEES? TfigefisslgiMlNE SPOtS-
information. Attractive use of feath- CATE, Lisa McNay JOURNAL, Dave Eldridge Third Place - MT. STERLING ADVO-
ering in photos. Would recommend Clever way to show PTOdUCtS- NOt Good message connecting publication CATE,L1sa McNay
taking advantage Of double truck lay- cluttered to the community. Good use of spot color for gardening ad.
out and 5 read headline return then -
repeating‘it. Category 7 . FURNITURE fig‘g’gfingfigw Whig: CADIZ gage& 17 - CLASSIFIED PAGE/
Second Place ‘ TIE ’ THE WAYNE FlrSt Place ' THE JESSAMINE Subtle, but effective. Clean layout. F' Pl _ TH J SS IN
COUNTY OUTLOOK, Staff JOURNAL, DeAnna Works/Sharon Good use ofwhite space lrst ace. E E AM E
Great blend Of historical interest cars Bailey - Third Place _ CYNTHIAN A DEMOC- '(JIIOURIEAL, Lmdla Willley d d 1. h
and today’s deals. Clean, easy tO read Impressed With clean ad layout. Use RAT Linda Wright/Suzie F r yma n ean, UDCthDa , we '01‘ ere r 1g ‘3-
with prices. “0010” enhanced design. Beadtiful ad good color and innova- Second Place - THE ANDERSON
Second Place - TIE - CYNTHIANA Second Place - THE JESSAMINE me idea. ’ gE‘g’Sngta“ d _f. d1 11 d
DEMOCRAT, Sabra Oller/Joyce JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins/Dave 8? a 9, Yea er “en y, we use .
Wilson Eldridge Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT/ Thlrd Place - THE CADIZ RECORD,
Dominant consumer benefit with Artwork reproduction excellent. Easy DINING Staff . .
coupon. Effective way to communi- to read ad! First Place — MT. STERLING ADVO- User-friendly, light, readable-
cate a lot of info without overwhelm- Third Place - MT- STERLING ADVO- CATE, Jo Ann Halsey
ing. Effective use Ofwhite space. CATE, Glen Greene/Lisa McNay Personal, appealing. Strong prize ggfiggAlTslblsngCIAL
Third Place - THE JESSAMINE Good use of pictures/illustrations. message. First Place _ THE CADIZ RECORD
JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins/Sharon Second Place — THE JESSAMINE Beck BO essN ron Mitchell/Staff ’
Bailey gatetgtg‘ly 8 - REI‘APIJEEEEQEEMINE JOURNAL Peggy Adkins Veryynicegflrookiné and a handy size

lrs ace - i .
Good use Of color, clean layout. JOURNAL, DeAnna Works/Sharon Eye goes to ad, lots Of color. Busy, but Good work on the ad sales for this
‘ catching. ro'ect Ever thin is clean

Category 3 - I’IARDWARE/ Bailey. ‘ Third Place _ TIE _ THE JES- g .l d P] y 'gI‘ E . N
APPLIANCE STORES Effective branding ad. Good use of SAMINE JOURNAL Peggy Adkins econ ace ' H TRIBU E-
First Place - THE WAYNE COUNTY color. Not cluttered, a lot of eye Jumps Offpage. ’ ggthIdERIBENT'ON, Staff. 1
OUTLOOK, Staff appeal. Third Place - TIE - CYNTHIANA . f° 3 .Sa 8.3 ”file“ p’°"‘d¥“g “59f“
Strong graphics and color. Simple Second Place - TIE - CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT Trish Jenkins/Suzie in ormatlor‘i‘ In t” e community. Cover
message. DEMOCRAT, Trish Jenkins/Suzie Fryman ’ glllfito: a}: fun. THE TRIBUNE
Second Place - THE CADIZ Fryman T ts t hed ad rt' 3' te ded. 1r ace ‘ ‘
RECORD, Vyron Mitchell/Jennifer Good reader ad. Blended art, looks arge ma C ve lser m n COURIER, BENTON, Staff
Wallace like it belongs. Effective to show Category 13- SPECIAL _

Good local art shows product effec- what’s available for auction. SECTIONS gFtEgOEISI: BEST USE
tively, good spacing. Second Place - TIE - THE JESSAMINE First Place - THE CADIZ RECORD, First Place _ THE JESS AMINE JOUR-
Third Place - TIE - THE TRIBUNE- JOURNAL, DeAnna Works/Linda Wiley Vyron Mitchell/Becky Boggess N AL Pe A dkin s/Sharon Baile
COURIER, BENTON, Joyce Attractive layout. Self contained on Outstanding sales effort. Good use Of Ve ,nicggdblor Readable y
Schoening/V icky Penney page. Good use of color. theme advertising. Segn d Place _' CYNTHIAN A DEMO-
Items and prices give incentive to Third Place - THE WAYNE COUNTY Second Place - TIE - THE ANDER- CRAT Trish Jenkins/Suzie Fr man .
shop today. OUTLOOK, Staff SON NEWS, Staff Colorv’venusedw demonstrate Zoducts
Third Place - TIE - THE LEBANON Good contrast Of color. Yellow is Thorough theme, great sales effort. Third Place _ THE TRIFIBUNE—
ENTERPRISE, Mary Ann Blair/Mary inclusive. Good eye appeal. Good theme relationship ads/point of COURIER BENTON Krystal
May pride for community. ’. ’

Good use ofillustration. Category 9 ' CLOTHING STORES Second Place - TIE - THE JES- ISgtfefven'son/chky 1:)enney l (I

First Place - TIE - THE JESSAMINE SAMINE JOURNAL Staff ectlve tle’ln etween C0 or an
gP‘ethg 4 ' FméggIAIEJEB A N ON «(JEOUSINAL IfDEADEa WM? 1 d Great idea of including class pictures. message.
lrs ace — . 00 use 0. ac groun co or an Good sales effort. Category 20_ BESTAD SERIES

ENTERPRISE, Mary Ann BMW/Mary Photo W191“ the ad message Third Place - THE CADIZ RECORD, First Place - CYNTHIANA DEMOC-
May . FlrSt Place ' TIE ' THE CADIZ Vyron MitchelVBecky Boggess RAT, Beverly Linville/Suzie Fryman
Clever idea, good use'of Spot color. RECORD, Becky Boggess/Jennlfer Excellent angles of material, strong Kids and puppies always work.
aye-catching Illustration. Excellent Wallace d f d / h‘t theme tie-ins for ads. Effective continuity between ads.

eme. ery goo use 0 a Space w l e S (1 Pl _ THE JESSAMINE

Second Place - THE ANDERSON space. Category 14 - GROUP ,gfi’gNAL gm Adkins/Sham Bailev
NEWS, Staff Second Place - TIE - THE JES- PROMOTIONS Tasteful ahd effective way for a diffi-
Good eye on a nostalgia page. Good SAMINE JOURNAL, DeAnna Works First Place - TIE - CYNTHIANA DEMO~ cult-tO-reach business to get message
targeting ofmessage. Copy and artwork flowed well in CRAT, Sabra Oller/Suzie Fryman out K .. L
Third Place - THE JESSAMINE unique shape Ofad. Attractive, shows products. Good use 1' _ q ADVO-
JOURNAL, Peggy Adkins/Linda Second Place - TIE - CYNTHIANA Ofpictures. Innovative border. $§§§§3€§fl§agffmmc
Wiley DEMOCRAT, Trish Jenkins/Suzie First Place - TIE - THE OLDHAM Kids work Effective theme tie-in
Like head. Good use of community Fryman ERA. Staff ' ' I
service support. Good use of photo and space. Clcan. Effective. tasteful use Of spot color. see WEEKLY 3‘ page 15

 f; 3a .-= 2‘ 5“
2001 KPA Ad Contest - Page 7
Choose Your Gown For the ‘ IVE LUNCHES .,,
5- ' .
Hohday Season From... UNDER $400 _
AND I , 5 13.39%;
3 . . . 3:5:‘33 :33. .33‘35-55" 2:
“they 9 [ GUARANTEE i 33‘s
3 Bridal & (=9 3 1w 3 YOUR FOOD
333 9“ * 33“ ”$55.35: . .3 ,4
83.33.333.333. e 10 MINUTES 33333323333333
5 Hopiansvflle, KY 3,325,333 _ -
270 ’ 389 ‘ 033-0 .5 ‘5
Owned by Kent and Karen Boyd - 2216;633:202 3:: 3::}: Serve: mu; Me: a.
. 33 - -» . om“:
” Bridal Prom 3 3 -. 3 Pork "(bacterium Sandwich Only I
. t .. 5 3 Macy sandwich s 99;
Pageanh'y, Tuxedos v 5 Champ Sandwich
3 ....,., 3 ‘ 3’ 3 ‘W‘enmmmcs inmthetinxyour mdcriswiggu 333mm oniy.
] ‘Momkay am Friday 11 am «Spin, ONLY
.- ' Substitute Onion Rings for Fries - omy 50¢ More 3
. I» , .5 SubstiMc Salad for Cote 833w - oniy 70¢ ”are l
.. . . , 3. g . names COFFEE-- 3
333- 3 3 "My {hm Friday 6 mm. ~ 10 mm. I
. E . With any grand-st m: Purchase. 1
- 2a. “No sad. “ems.” I
2 ..egaas‘im;_5:5:§~\.;,MN... N”, 5§.2.~;....,......., ..§£;. 3, a .333. 3‘32.“ 5 {eggs . Famfly Restauran
3 “3355*" it; _ 4984
.53 33 3.~;§;._3;;-33;333;.35;f _3.. . .3 .3 33>“. Maysvmn Rd, Mt. Steflin
., *5;'5;§;;;§i§§=i;§.;;:;§~';§f,;f;;3..-s;:.3i-g;;:”.=§.3.3 ‘21; 53‘” ' . * ' 52$ Elli" 0” CC"? 00
5.55 § 3 i 3. ” i . ' i521?"
33-53 .v; ,. .” , .. .. .. . g
55532135332 .33 T