xt7pzg6g4k3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g4k3g/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1941 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration Division of Community Service Programs, National Archives (U.S.); 12 leaves 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.13/32 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XIII Civil Works Administration, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series XIII Civil Works Administration, Number 32 North Carolina 1941 1941 2015 true xt7pzg6g4k3g section xt7pzg6g4k3g     _ F ` { V MJN|x1lEng11\1OFI§ENTUCKV `  
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    ’ @4 9 1 SERIES XIII . · `
z   'A   A No. 32. N012111 CARQLINA W ` .
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  f S; The Survey of Federal Archives —
fl - g   Work Projects Administration
$ . f of North Carolina
   ` V; Raleigx
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_ Prepared by
` I The Survey of Federal Archives
Division of Professional and service Projects
Work Projects Administration
The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor
> .
Raleigh, North Caroline
The Survey of Federal Archives

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} 1
i 3
The Survey of Federal. Archives  
* 2
_ Philip M. Hamer, National Director Y 
Emily Bridgers, State Supervisor  
A A . ·. . A- l i
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’ Division of Professional and Service Projects  
A . . . EE 
A Florence Kerr, Assistant _C_om;iissioner  
May E`. Campbell., State Director QV ;
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· ACR  TE2CJ”;aC is ADl·iII1l.>‘ITRATlOiJ y e
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A Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner  
A Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator it? 
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 ;§ rnsimcn
)i The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
Q, Of the WOTK of ThE Survey of   operated as‘a nation-
_¥ wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l, 1936 to
gf June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
QQ Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of the
(gg Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
yy that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration.
,# The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows; Series I
(ig consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
(Q? and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal
(gg archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information
iti secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series
ji number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the
QQ Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government.
it Within each series No. 1 is a general introduction to the field organiza-
ii tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding
lt, numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to
(Q  .`— each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for
iii Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
Q; For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
1, related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
Y1 dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was
Eli secured), general description of informational content, description of the
)%$ system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose
`fg of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.),
I,) linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the
it records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other
(Q; identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which
(EY this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which
iT` it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National
'fz Archives. when it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which
`pf has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is
*f given by use of the reference "See addenda."
1Y, In North Carolina the work of the Survey was under the direction of
·YT Dr. C. C, Crittenden, Regional Director, with Miss Mattie Erma Edwards as
li) assistant, from its inception until June 1937. Since that time it has
(YT been under the supervision of Miss Emily Bridgers. This Inventory of the
¤}{ records of the Civil Works Administration in North Carolina was prepared
[Zi in the Raleigh office of the Survey.
h` ‘ Emily Bridgers, Supervisor
li Raleigh, North Carolina Survey of Federal Archives
,;~ Ogtgbgy Q1, 1940 in North Carolina
ti ·

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té Page
if    IIITR ODUCTI ON ........................... I
l ‘?V E Asmtviiir
git Records of CNA County Offices in ERA District 8 ....... . 4
  numtut I
tg; Durham County Survey of the Blind . . , . . . ......... 5
tie Records of CWA County Offices in ERA District I . . ...... 6
7;, Records of the Greensboro, High Point, end CWA County
{Qi Offices in ERA District 5 . . ...... . ....... . 7
 Q Records of the Greensboro Office ......... . . . 7
QQ, Records of the High Point Office . . . ......... 8
Lg Records of CWA County Offices . . . . .......... 8
  nsw BERN
ij Records of CWA County Offices in ERA District 2 .... . . . . 9
ig State Administrator, Office of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
,  5 srmzsyiiin
gg Records of CWA County Offices in ERA District 6 ......· 12
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I? The Civil Works Administration was inaugurated by Executive Order of the
ij? - President dated November 9, 1955, under authority of the National Industrial
All Recovery Act of June 16, 1953.1 The purpose of the organization was to in-
iii crease employment quickly by providing unemployed persons with regular em-
i[§ ployment at regular wages on a program of socially and economically desira-
i l»  j ble public works which should be a part of the program under preparation by
iQ the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. Approval of the pro-
xii sram rested with the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works. Ad-
1Qi ministration rested with the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Relief
;§ Administration. So far as practicable, the latter official used for the
-é administration of the Civil Works program existing Federal, state, and local
if divisions of the Emergency Relief Administration.?
Yi By presidential decision, the Civil Works Administration was discontinued
ia March 31, 1934, and its activities at that time were absorbed by an expanded
ig State Emergency Relief Administration. The work program was reestablished
QQ as work relief and administrative control was returned from Federal authority
WQ to State Relief Administrations.
li} In North Carolina, the Civil Works Administration was inaugurated on
F» November 15, 1955. State and local Emergency Relief administrators were
gQ appointed by the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator to act in addition
QT as Civil Works administrators. Existing state and local organizations of
g, the Emergency Relief Administration, expanded to meet increasing demands
Q, of the Civil Works Administration, became state and local organizations of
yQ  `, the Civil Works Administration. The state organization was expanded to
g{ include engineers, architects, and construction men, and newly created
Mf divisions of Purchasing, Compensation, Safety, and womenvs work, and a
hl Pay Roll Division of the Auditing Department.
Q, The personnel of the State Civil Works Administration consisted cf the‘
tf state administrator, to whom all division heads were directly responsible,
ti a chief auditor, a statistician, a director of public relations, and a
Qj supply officer, each in charge of his respective division and serving in a
ji dual capacity for the Emergency Relief Administration and the Civil works
}§ Administration. In addition, the organization was expanded to include the
iQ following personnel serving for the Civil Works Administration only;
AE A consultant engineer, assisted by a state engineer, state project
iQ supervisor, chief office engineer, and director of public school projects.
Eli 1. United States Statutes at Large, XLVIII, 195.
iY 2. Eor—a—discussion_of—the-administrative organization and functions of
#1 the Emergency Relief Administration in North Carolina reference should be
Y made to the inventory of the archives of the North Carolina Emergency Relief
yQ Administration, number ll in Series IX, ygspellaneous Agencies, of the
U Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, now in publication in
,~; Rdleigh dEE¥tEFiEEl'ReEords Survey Project, Division
IQ of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration.
P    z

i 2
QI Introduction
kg Field engineers, directly responsible to the chief enrineer, supervised
tj work projects in local communities and acted as liaison officers between
dg the state office and local offices.
jg A purchasing officer in charge of the Purchasing Division, which W&S
jj responsible for the purchasing or renting of materials, supplies, equip-
*$ ment, and tools for Civil works Administration projects. This officer was
_§ assisted by two assistant purchasing officers and a specifications Gngineer.
yi The state disbursing officer of the Veterans? Bureau in Charlotte,
ji appointed as State Civil Yorks Administration disbursing officer directly
mj responsible to the Department of the Treasury for all Civil Works Adminis-
‘n tration disbursements.
i" ‘ A director of the Women*s Division in charge of all Civil Works i
Q, projects promoted especially for the employment of women and known as
[{ service projects. ‘
ji A safety director, assisted by three field svpervisors, in charge of
fr the Safety Division which was organized January l, l954, with headquarters
}_ at Winston—Salen, to protect and safequard workers on projects. In coopera-
§ tion with the First Aid and Life Saving Services of the American Red Cross,
QY this division gave first aid training to all employees of the Civil Works
ji Administration.
[ A director of compensation, resncnsible to the United States Employ-
ii ces' Compensation Comnission and the state Civil Yorks administrator for
,j the proper investigation and reporting of all injuries sustained by all
.5 employees on Civil Works Administration projects.
f A supply clerk, in charge of supplies for both state and local
§A administrations.
fi Territorial division in the field necessarily coincided with that Of
W? the Emergency Relief Administration. Organization of local Civil Works
L` Administrations in counties and larger cities under administrators directly
fl responsible to the state administrator paralleled that of the state
bi administration. Assistant disbursing o*fieers, in chcree of all local
;_ disbursements, were jointly responsible to the state disbursing officer
{ and the state administrator. Local adjustment committees received wage
it rate complaints and made necessary adjustments.
yl All approved Emergency Relief Administration work relief projects were
t{ transferred from the Emergency Relief Administration to the Civil`Works
l`, Administration, the new work program of which was composed of heavier con-
fj struction projects than that of the Emergency Relief Administration.
jj Projects were of three classes; local, state, and Federal. Apnlica—
M; tions for local projects, initiated by locel governmental agencies, were
Y, approved by the local administrator and forwarded to the state oyfice for
Qf final approval. Applications for state projects, initiated by state
- il governmental agencies, were made directly to the state o?fice. Local
C} projects were sponsored by local govirnmental units, local boards of educa-
Q` tion, or directors of publicly owned institutions, or were jointly sponsored
ig by local governmental units and various state departwents. In zany
j instances, they were jointly supervised by the Civil Works Administration
- end the sponsoring agency. State projects were sponsored by various state
.§ departments. Federal nrojects, approved by the Federal Civil Works Ad-
f ministration, were sponsored and directed by various Federal departments
’r and bureaus. Persons on such Federal projects were in addition to the

 i T
i, Introduction 3
t’ *
ti quota allotted to the State. Responsibility for successful prosecution of
ti all projects rested in the Engineering Division of the Civil Works
YQ Administration.
’j Labor for Civil Works Administration projects came originally from three
pg sources: the relief rolls of the Emergency Relief Administration, the
[ registered list of the unemployed in the offices of the National Reemploy-
tg ment Service, and trade union membership. Fifty per cent of the quota of
3; workers allowed to North Carolina for work on Civil Works Administration
*, projects was supplied by transfer to the Civil works Administration from the
Ig work and direct relief rolls of the Emergency Relief Administration. Be-
lg tween November l5 and December l,_l9}3, relief workers were certified from
gi the Social Service Division to the Engineering Division which classified
~% and assigned them to project work. After December l, 1953, under the regu-
gi lations of the Federal Civil Works Administrator, workers on Civil Works Ad-
pg ministration projects were requisitioned by the local administrator from the
{l Rational Reemployment Service. In Fayetteville and Wilmington a few men
ai were secured through trade unions. when the work program.was again trans-
Q, ferred to the Emergency Relief Administration in April 1954 and was re-
,é established as work relief, employment, except non-relief skilled, was
‘g again restricted to those eligible for relief.
{Q Records of the Civil Works Administration were left in the custody of the
;§ North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration. when the letter organiza- ‘
ji tion consolidated administration into thirty-one districts in November l934,
gg and, in August l955, into eight districts to coincide with the eight origi-
Qg nal districts of the Works Progress Administration, records of the Civil
gf Works Administration in the various counties composing the new districts
ll were in general assembled in the district offices of the Emergency Relief
.§ Administration. ’
Yi Inventories are incomplete, however, When the Civil Works Administra-
ifi tion was discontinued, various records which were of value to state or
gf Federal agencies were given into custody of the respective agencies. Many
pj records were of such a nature that they could not be separated from those
Iii of the Emergency Relief Administration. In addition, when the survey was
,2 made records of the various county units of the Civil Works Administration
fi were in process of shipment to district offices of the Emergency Relief Ad-
;}§ ministration, where they were being assembled for shipment to Raleigh. It
V] was consequently difficult, and in some instances impossible, to survey
A-; them properly. Uith the exception of certain records of McDowell and
L} Rutherford counties, which were located in Asheville, and a few Granville
 ,€ County records, which were filed in the Raleigh office, records of the
 *§ counties which composed ERA Districts Z, 4, and 7 were not located. Records
iQ? are now stored in a building, known as the Record Building, in the State
$`Q Fair Grounds several miles west of Raleigh on U.S. Highway 64. To locate
ji; additional records of the Civil Works Administration, it is advisable to
LQ consult sections of the Inventory devoted to related agencies, particularly
YE those on the National Youth Administration and the works Progress Adminis-
ii tration, and the section on the North Carolina Emergency Relief Adminis-
?f tration in the Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina. Certifi-
ii cation records of_tlE“Civil”EErZs Administration, which were placed in
fi custody of county welfare departments for reference in certifying workers
,€ to the Works Progress Administration, are listed in the section on the
{5 Works Progress Administration.
I 2. 

 lg County Offices, Asheville 4
L, A report of the organization and activities of the Civil Works Adminis-
 g tration in North Carolina may be found in the final report of the North
‘ pj Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, published by the State in l956
lg under the title, §mer§eney_Relief in North Carolina, A Record of the
l, Development~and_the_Activities ofTtHE"EEE€EYYEHQHHEEYEEEEEEHEETREliET
    glmini stig_c>_n_,_ l9 5 2 —i9 5 5 . E&?i“€sT?>‘£"HiT'é,"B`d'§ TiEi¤'T`iE~T“the"§t at e
5) Libfafy 3Hd in the D. i§—lEll Library of State College in Raleigh, North
._; Carolina, and in The National Archives in Washington, D. C.
*  1%
A   é§i¤2“‘.EC`—*!;%E.
Q Ashland Avenue School, Ashland Ave.
Qt When this inventory was taken, Civil Works Administration records for
V, the counties in Emergency Relief Administration District 8 were being as-
{1 sembled and temporarily stored in the Ashland Avenue School in Asheville.
Qt Not all of them had been received and files were consequently incomplete.
{“ Counties which composed the district were as follows; Avery, Euncombe,
QT Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison,
., Mitchell, Polk, Swain, Transylvania, and Yancey. Records for Avery, Eun-
j combe, Clay, Graham, Madison, Mitchell, and Yancey counties were not
OY located. Various records for McDowell and Rutherford counties in District E
j were also stored here. ‘
fi l. CHEROKEE COUNTY, l955 - l954. Correspondence, time sheets, pay
l. rolls, and reports on projects. Filed alphabetically by subject. (Never.)
ZF lO x l2 folders and loose sheets, 4 in., in drawer of filing case. ITL
lj corner room, 2d floor. (226)
5. 2. EAYWOOD COUNTY, l955 - l954. Pay rolls shoving name and classifica-
ji tion of worker, hours worked, and amount due. (Never.) 9 x lOi folders,
;Y 6 in., in drawers of filing case. HW. corner room, 2d floor. (255)
Q; 5. }ENDERSON COUNTY, 1955 — 1954. work assignment slips, personal data
;p cards, project approval records, pay rolls and time sheets, purchase orders,
if vouchers, and requisitions. Filed alpheboticilly by Subj€GT· (Never.)
A Variously sized bundles, 4 ft. 5 in., in pasteboard box. NW. corner room,
it 2d floor. (254)
it 4. JACKSON COUNTY, 1955 — l?54. Records of sanitary project, water
V Y line records, and time sheets. Filed alphabetically by subject. (Never.)
i Variously sized loose sheets, 5 in., in pasteboard box. TEL corner room,
fj 2d floor. (252)
Y 5. ‘MCDOWELL COUNTY, l955 — 1954. Workers* personal data cords, time
I sheets, pay rolls, and garden and project reports. Filed alphabetically
Q by subject. (Never.) lOi x lé folders, l ft. 6 in., in drawers of filing
i; case. lil. corner room, 2d floor. (22d)

   . ‘
 ri 1 .
¤ County Survey of the Elind, Durham 5
jj 6. MACON COUNTY, 1955 - 1954. Assignment and identification cards, time
j sheets, pay rolls, and project reports. Filed alphabetically by subject.
·e W (never.) 4 X 6; cards, 7 in., in card file. NW. corner room, 2d floor.
5, (227)
iq A
Q  £ 7. POLK COUNTY, 1955 ~ 1954. Project register and pay roll analysis.
·_ lj (Never.) 15 X 17 Sheets, 5 in., in pasteboard boX. NW. corner room, 2d
( E riser. (251)
‘ ,1 .
QQ 8. RUTTERFORD COUNTY, 1955 — 1954. Correspondence, office and project
 ¥ records, pay rplls and time sheets. Filed alphabetically by subject.
if 10 X 12 and 115 X 15 folders, 2 ft. 9 in., in drawers of filing case. IWL
 g corner room, 2d floor. (250)
(L 9. SUAIN COUNTY, 1955 — 1954. Paid bills, time sheets, pay rolls, cash (
Y vouchers, contracts for grazing cattle, reports on pasture rents, en@ineer—
gi ing and purchase records, and reports on projects, including unapproved
(E applications for projects. Filed alphabetically by subject. (Never.)
,2 10 X 12 folders, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawers of filing case. NW. corner room,
{ 2d floor. (225)
»* 10. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, 1955 - 1954. Pay rolls. (Never,) 9 X 12
? sheets, lg in., in pasteboard boX. NW. corner room, 2d floor. (229)
;_ 1
F` ,
gi nvasigg 1
{ Durham Dairy Products Company Bldg.
_ 3 510 Memorial St.
(1 The office of the Civil Works Administration in Durham County was es-
_— ,ii tablished in 1954. When the Survey was made, records of a survey of the
A  1} blind in Durham County which was made by the county office were in the
l (1. custody of the treasurer of the Durham County Association for the Blind at
1 V the office of the Durham Dairy Products Company.
U `) 11. SURVEY OF THE BLIND, 1954. Card record of the blind in Durham and
X g Durham County, showing name, sex, color, address, date of birth, period of
O 1. blindness, training in blind school, if any, economic status, type of work
g for which trained, source of support, and whether or not in need of relief.
_· { Filed alphabetically. (Emergency, official.) 5 X 8 cards, 2f in., in 1
), drawer of filing case. Lust room on left. (128) V
- 5

 _1 County Offices, Elizabeth City 6
  .i.. .ELI 
it Lambert Bldg., 509 Colonial Ave.
t _
t Offices of the Civil Works Administration in Elizabeth City were main-
; tained in the Virginia Dare Arcade Building on East Main Street. when the
l inventory was taken in April 1936 Civil works Administration records for
Ar counties composing Emergency Relief Administration District l were tempora-
J rily stored in the basement of the Lambert Building where the Emergency
i Relief Administration maintained a district office. Counties in the dis-
{ trict were as follows; Bertie, Cennen, Cnowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates,' (
` Halifax, Hertford, Martin, Northampton, Pasquotank, Ferqnimans, Tyrrell, ,
by and Washington. Records for Chowan, Currituck, and Northampton counties
_ were not located.
Y 12. BERTIE COURTY, 1953 — 1934. Correspondence, reports, time sheets,
Q and pay rolls. (Seldom, official.) Variously sized loose papers, 3 ft. 6
Y in., in wooden box and transfile drawer. Disorderly. storage Room. (457)
Q 13. CAMDEH COUFTY, 1953 — 1934. Correspondence, reports on projects, 1
2 and applications for approval of projects. (Seldom, official.) 9 x lla- -
7 folders and loose papers, 2 ft., in transfile. Scattered. Storage Room.
; 14. DARE COUNTY, 1933 — 1934. Pay rolls, wage scales, requisitions for
Q workers, assignment cards, project records, and telegrams. (Rarely, of— 1
ficial.) 3 X 10 envelopes, bundles, and cards, 9 in., in drarer of filing
1 case and pasteboard box. Storage Room. (461)
( 15. GATES COUNTY, 1933 — 1934. Correspondence, contracts, purchase ‘
? orders, vouchers, pay roll records, applications for approval of projects,
E workers¥ assignment, identification, and record cards, including those of
é workers transferred from ERA work relief, and reports, including reports on
i material received, work projects, completion of projects, and Public Wel-
i fare relief funds. (Occasionally, official,) Variously sized loose
E papers, folders, bundles, and cards, 6 ft., in transfile. Some of records
g scattered. Storage Room. (450, 458, 460)
j 16. HALIFAX COUNTY, 1954 - 1935. Teachersf weetly reports, pay rolls,
{ record of compensation payments during disability, and records of approved
E projects. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 11% folders, 4 ft., in transfile.
{ Filed chronologically. Storage Room. (455)
, 17. HERTFORD COUFTY, 1934 — 1935. Weekly pay rolls, project registers,
i records of child welfare survey, and telegranm. (Seldom, official.)
— Variously sized loose papers, 5 ft., in 4 pasteboard files and transfile.
é Scattered. Storage Room. (459)
{ 18, MQRTIN COUTTY, 1933 — 1934. Old welfare letters, lunch room re-
( oorts, and applications for work projects. (Rarely, official,) variously
Y sized folders, envelopes, and bundles, 2 ft., in transfer case. Scattered.
Q Storage Room. (462)
g V

 x · °
Q; Greensboro, High Point, and County Offices, Greensboro 7
is 19. PASQUOTADK COUNTY, 1933 — 1934. Correspondence, telegrams, pay roll
{ analyses, bids on truck hire, copies of applications for approval of r .‘ .
.% projects, and project registers. (Seldom, official.) 14 X 24 folders, 10
3 in., in transfile. Storage Room. (451)
Q 20. PERQUIRANS COUNTY, 1933 — 1934. Correspondence, applications for
é approval of projects, project progress reports, and contractors? bids.
j (Seldom, official.) Variously sized folders and loose papers, l ft. 6 in.,
{ in pasteboard box. Storage Room. (456) _
1 21. TYRRELL COUNTY, 1934. Miscellaneous correspondence, reports on
( freight bills, drayage and materials needed, and CCC camp reports. Filed ‘
I alphabetically by subject. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 11% folders, 2 ft., i
; in transfile. Storage Room. (454) ,
22. WASHINGTON COUNTY, 1933 — 1935. Correspondence, telegrams, pay
( rolls, purchase orders, vouchers, employees* record, identification, and
registration cards, project records showing project number, description,
I and work data, transmittal sheets, and weekly reports. (Rarely, official,)
i Variously sized envelopes, bundles, cards, and loose papers, 6 ft. 9 in.,
g in 3 drawers of transfile and pasteboard box. Storage Room. (452) r