xt7pzg6g3652 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g3652/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_135 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 135 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 135 1922 1922 2014 true xt7pzg6g3652 section xt7pzg6g3652 ,g   Ki`,. ,`.ii   T:L·i**/gy  
/y;_._s—" °·U» <.y cuoiicl-ation of thi· 1‘¤»ll4·;;i· uq- _\;;~ii»i1lti1l~.;, University of Kentucky,
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SI·Ill[)Z(} ]{ll[(`$ for Table S1-It1'11{;. B01`111·1- $\°11l1l;: 1111- 1:1111-* 1111
scc that thc (1111111,*1 1-00111 is 1-10:111 2`lll(l fl 0o1111`111·1:111l1- t1-111111·1·:11111‘1-. ii"
A pad of llC‘2l\'}' (*10111, v1-ry litllo l:11·g01· 111:111 111l* 1:11111-. 111:111-11   **1*
11111101* tho t:111l01·l0tl1 1OSSC]lS 1111is0 :11111 gi1·1-s il 1l(‘111‘l` :111111-:11*:11111 ‘ dl`}
Spread t110 t:111100l0tl1 SIllOO11l1}’ :11111 1-v1-11ly, wi1l1 1111- l'(`ll1ll11l V
croasc at thc C€Il1CI` of t110 t?1l)1C. A (jCll1(’l`l)1Cl'C of 1'I'1‘S1l 1`11111‘1‘1‘#. _ 111*
arraiigcd in a low 1-:1s0 01- l1owl so as 1101) to ()llS1l`lll'1Q 1110 110--`  _ *111
across t110 ta1110, will add 11111011 to its {l1j1l`2ll‘1,1\’(‘]lOSS. l’1111·0 1111   1111
silver with lower Clld 0110 111011 from tl10 (](`1Q`1! of 1110 1:11110. l(111\‘1‘* , *11>
should 110 on tl10 right of th0 platc, with $11:11-11 C(1Q`L‘ 1lll`ll1‘1l1"' 1-11
Ward it. Spoons :11*0 011 tl10 right of tho 1{ll1\'0S. l1`01‘1I‘il muy lu- in llue<·¤:n1e1·¤¤f ilu:
·l pl;u·<·, il' pl:¤i··< ul‘<· pil•·rl l¤<·l'or<· ilu- om- wlui will sei-yi-, 'l`lu-
wi,.I- Elmo ~lu»nl·l lu-ul llu·1ip<»l`1lu-lnii1'··. l1' l»1·eupu····. ,\l`l`£|llQ4‘ ull ·li~lu·s uml plullers so us to inuke
Y`   ilu~iul·l··l·»<·l{<~1‘·l<·1‘ly uml l¤»1l\“f¤ltl<'l'4i\\'illl|Q`,
l‘— ~ ju/i/i .<»i-mi. \\'lu·n wuiting on ilu- l21lil<‘£ll\\`£l}`$ ilo so ui
‘ .iii§·~il_i· uml illll¤‘l(l_\’ u< p··~~il»l<·. .ln~l li··i'·ii·e ilu- nu-ul is si-i‘x‘e·l
;l;·· elu~~··~ ~lu·nl·l lu- tille·l Til lull Willi l·l°1‘>ll. wilil \\`2ll()1‘ uml the .
i 3»in¤··i·. lrl'¤‘illi l`i·r»in wliiuli l‘£li'l1 helps l1iin·
i ~»~l1'.lu»l·lin:‘ ii low uml Mi it i·un lu- ··u~il_x· 1·e;i··lu··l. l’lut·-s uml
  i»ilu·1·ili~lu·~ niu_x· lu- plu··e·l l'i·¤»in1lu-l·-l'I wnli ilu-lel'1 liuml. 'l`lu_-
  i;il·le niuy lu- l<··pi nuire :il1ru<·li\‘<- uml l··~< ¤·1‘r»we i< ]`i‘l|l¤¤\`<‘¤l lu·l.¤»l‘<‘ llu· lll‘Xl i< >¤·l‘\’i·¤l. 'l`ul{e will li1‘>l lliO V
    pl;iiu·i·» uml lurgi- ·li>lu·s uml ilu-n ilu- plutes uml sniuller ilislies.
 _ IM/i1i··1.-/ifin;. Serupe lluul l`i·i»n1 ull ili>lu·s uml pile lllClll ue-
 { ¤’·il`\llll!` ui lqiml. l{in1ui·¢·liy lkuul. Souk s1i¤·l<_v ilislies i11 hot
i  » wm-i· uml wipe ;j`l`l‘il<_\' 
  • lu-s ont well willi puper ll(*l‘luinl·l ulwuys lie well wuslieil uml ·e1‘~. F ill" l1¤1l1‘ lluule neul _in1··. .\ll ninu-¤·i-ssury noise in euting uml liumlling ilio iw- i ‘ll*ll*`* 21i— ilu- lulile uml in ilu- kilelu-n sluinlil lie uvoiileal. Tlic l l··· l lj--iY·> *lll’llll1ll'l( np, 'l`lu- spoon should F' ` S (/‘fI'('I([(II' No. 135 be placed in the saucer when not in use. A fork or spoon should _ be provided for serving eaeh food and should always be used ._ instead of one`s own fork or spoon. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURING The sueeess of a reeipe often depends upon aeeuraey in A nieasureinent. For dry lnaterizlls, till measure to overtlowing_ then level off with the straight edge of knife. Pack hutter and other solid fats and hrown sugar. For liquids just till the niea<- I sure. Flour should he sifted onee before ineasuring and put lightly into the measure. 'l`o get one—half at spoonful, till, level ntf and divide in half lengthwise of the spoon. Fig. 4 sltows how to measure lj teaspoonful. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS vt. ..,..,.........i................,...i.,... teaspou pt. ...........i..,............,..,........,...,.. pin: · tb. .................................. tablespoon qt, ..........i.....................,...._.,..._ qinr: <·. ,...........................i................... cup lh. .................,........................ ponml » ind ....i....,.............................,.... hour oz. .,..................l........._,._i._.,... mime TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS 3 t, ._........................ 1 th. 2 e. water or other liquid ,..._,.........l lla p 16 th .._..................._,.. 1 c. 2 e. sugar ...........,......._,_..__.___,._..,,___.... lllt. 2 c. .............,.......... 1 pt. 2 e. hutter or other solid tat ........ llll. 2 pt. .......,....i........... 1 qt. 4 c. ilonr .............,.....,.....,.._.._...._..,.....i lib ’ _. ; as iE‘· _ Q . I ` ii'; F L l·`i:. 2. M<·nsurin;: No. l. in l ; /*`¤»~¤/.< /'rr»_}r rl. ('nuxzw Nw. 2 f) lm .4‘ 1 _ *' gy · ` I K ` in Q t uu. , and ‘ V · cus 2 put Bvcl » _ ` (ms K {*1;. .74 M··:•~·::.*.: Nm .. pix: _ - war: \ .» 0:md \, ’ WIDCE . 1 ` l 1 NJA i __ l 1 lb. » — V 1 iu. 5 "’ Y.; QV • ' ., , y g i ·_ ‘ . » N + •· ·¤ Fi;. 4. llvzwmxxizzs Nw. Z1. ·· } · W , ' l ¤··s 1 1 . l(l (`111‘1·11’111‘ .\111_ /C1'.7 LESSON I. CREAMED AND ESCALLOPED VEGETABLES, 1 I‘1‘1!·111·~‘111,1 111 l111;1/11/1/1<_ $1·l1·1·1 l`1·1·~l1. 11111l.1111.1·;··1l ·-_- 1 1:1l1l1·< 1111 111··~l111111 ~1/1· 1·;11l11·1· 1l1:111 l:11‘;1· 1>ll\'\. ` 1, .l1` \\1l11··l. ;1ll11w 1l11· x·1·u··1:1l1l1· 111 ~11;1l< lll 1·1·l1l 11;;: ~··· · ` M_ l1l'1*~ll~‘111‘·l. l$1·i11»1··· 111·»·11;11·111g·, 111:1~l1 1l11·x’1·:1·1;1l·l1~ lll 1·1·l1l 11:1111. ._ . l1`x1·;1·1:1l·l1·~:11·1-1.111.-11111l1·1l.1l1··11;111·1·~l11111l1l l11· 1 ·_ _: l11·l11·1‘1·1l1··]J :11‘1· ;11l1l1·1l. . l}1`1·;111~·· 111111·l1 11l1 1l11·l1‘ lllllll`l1lll ~11l1~1:111··1·~ :11·1· _lll¤` ;. . 1 1l11· ~l<111. 1·1111··1· l··.1~‘1· ·~lilll\ 1111 1l11· x‘1·;1·1;1l1l··~ 111· 1·1~1111»1.~ .1 _· 1 _. \‘1·1·_x· 1l1111 ]1;1l'll2!`. \11~g··1;1l1l··~ \ll'llllll l11·1·1111l<1·1l lll :·~ l111l1- x1;111·1· ;1~ 1»11~<€1 · 1 ;1\’1111l l1·~~ 1111 1:11111·1‘;1l ~11l1~1:111111·— 11111l 111 1l1·ll1·;11·· ";11····~ 'l1 . . 1 w11111·\—.1111·l11~l1·1`1 ~l11111l1ll11·~·1\‘1·1l l.11l' ll\¤‘ lll ~11111·~. ~;1*:»·· \_ 11 1l` 11 l`1lllll*‘l l-- ~1·1·\’1·1l \1‘11l1 1l11· x‘1~u1·1;1l1l1·, 1 l`1-·1l{ 1·lll}` lllllll 11·111l1·1· 1·111·11u‘l1 111 ~·~1·\‘··. 1l\‘1·1·1·1111l;Z1;; ~. ~ i 1l11· 1l11\‘111· i1lll1·1~1·1···l<1·1l. 11·11111x·1-11 1'1·111111l1·~11.1·~· ‘_ Creamed Carrots , ZZ :11··lii1:11-_ ll:1l<·‘ lTl ·’ ]]l(l1I(`l`flll. 11\’1·11 lll llllllllll`S 111* 1ill 1‘l`llllll1S ;11·1- lll'1l\\'ll. 1 T }1'1_/11r1111·1. l)l’1‘|li|I'21ll11ll 11l` \'1·g·1·1;1l1l1·g l`111- 1l11· 1l`;Illl1‘, l":11‘1·1·"" l1lIll1‘llll 2311. _ ~ I·`u·u/.< /'1‘:»4,l¤ rl, (lm/1‘.~·¢ .\'¤»_ ;' 11 LESSON II. STUFFED TOMATOES AND PEPPERS · \`.-g·v1;ll·I··~ l.¢·l'lil il l:n1‘u’·· purl ··l’ nur l'<·¤»·l. <·l1ln<·r ln ilu- l'·»1·1n Q .\l;l·ll ll1•·_\ L1l‘··\\' ¢¤l‘ £l< ll1<·~4·ll1‘¤···<»l' *llll¤‘l’ l‘4¤¢>¤l<_ l`¤»1·1; ;;‘l\‘¤·\ l He ·,»l r»lll_\' Il1¤· \··:··l22l·l¤‘ \\<‘ •·:¤l l4l‘»»111 Il1·· ··<»l». lnlll ;1l~<» ¢·r»1‘|1-111¤·;1l, ;»»;;l1·~·l¤_ ···»m ~_\ mp. ··<»r11 ··il ;m·l zu lz¤1·u·· x·;»1·i»·1_x·<·l' |»1·<·:¤l;l'u~1 ;..~.l~_ ;l~ ¤·`»·ll :¤~ l1··HllH_\‘. g1‘ll~;l1l»l l_\‘·· l|¤¤lIlll|_\'. lllll \\'ll¢'l| \\‘¢· ; L _; ,l.>l ]{ ,,{ II \.·;.·1;ll»l·· \\·· r1~1|;nll_\ lil·‘Jlll ~·¤l1z·· I¤£lI'l Ml. il |¤l21l1l \\`lll¤‘l1 I ;~_,·; l»· ~··1‘\·#»l \\lll| lII•‘2ll\. 'llll·· l‘·····l \`&|l\1•· nl. ;s \‘<·;;`<·I;ll¤l<· l~ - ·_~l··~l l.»1‘;‘··l_\` lr_\ Il|·· |»11l‘l ··l` Ela·· ]>l:11nI \‘»lnl<·l1 l— ll\<‘ll_ ;l~ l< ‘ `g_.· gy l»\ `llv ]'¤·ll·¤\\lIlL; lJll¤l·‘, ` ( Part of Plant Vegetable Chief Value in Body I l’·¤i;1i··~ ’ l`.11’1‘¤>t< _ _ ; _ I· UI 'I`·1II',t· 'l`Il!·HiEl; >l·ll('ll nlllll >vlrZ.l! ` 1h·»·t<, .-my ('·~l·~1‘j· \. . . . L $_ :l .\>IHH_;l:ll\ Al.;1··..1. >.:!»~l.•11¤··~» . l`··lZ1 Za >·· g lll111l¤.l:·· I l S]>i:1;l»·E1 . l`;ll»lm:·· .\lf11··:`.xL $lll>rZ.il1L‘¤ s I P7 L .1S l.u:1m··· l`¤·lZz1Z»»,~·· ( ‘ A `I`111·ni;~ ::··—»·:1s \`E;;m1iw··> " # l{;1I··_ .21 U b A l. lllllll —~;· t1xz~l»-x·- tl11i·>:1< _ _ _ » . _, WI , _. _ ,. )llll<·l'.ll >11¤»s2;em·es —.~l..~. l.;11‘:1\ 2 in lll¤\~~\f1l [`_[1|li1l,»~.\· j` _\ll1:n·I`;1l $l1l>Sl1llll‘L*$ I 'l`·»111z•l\>··s ‘ I, I St{Ilil>ll Klim·:·;x} S11l»>t;am·<¤s _ ‘l‘ " - "· Viilii ‘ ll1llIlI*l{lll ` I-`L;u·.¤:· l"lll‘ _ I (`11n·11111lw1‘ i Slmw >11;;11‘ 1¤.l·~. f I Okrzu, lm; | Eel .= I I -1 | (lUl`Il I QI I ' ·,, . ;11‘·1 In Nlll l nouns l l`I`Ull‘lI1 'l'°` I l'1‘:1s I ws 1 ('}~I`l'l’/1/I` .\41». /1/.] ` \`1-u·1·1;1l1l1-~ u1·1- ulso 1·ul11ul»l1- iu :‘1\‘i11u‘ l»11ll1 1·· 1l»1· 1`·»»».i ul l (ll" &‘2lllS1*Ul· 1l11-lu1·;·1-u111111111I Ul.l*(‘lllll|l\1‘\\`lll<'ll ll11~_x` |'*!lllillII_ 'l`j~ \ Q ml is ll$(°l.lll lu i111·1·1-u1< Stuffed Peppers im 6 ;:1·1—1-11 p1,-pp1-rs IZ ll-. 1·1·1¤111i,.< r 1 1 0:111111 *;1·.<·?1·1;·;-··=l i1.1z11 ··-· 1· » K 2 tl1. lm:11-1‘ Zll¢‘.ll Q `lll 1 Z} 11 milk or \\’.ll¤‘l` Sul: l illl lllll ~l11·1· t`1···111 \ll°lll 1-ml ·»l' p··pp··1·~ 1»1· <'lll p··pp»·1·~ l ···~ ;·· W wise-. ll1·1111»\‘1- >1····l<, l’u1·l»··ll lll llll|llll¤‘<. llo mu l··u1·· 1-- A i ml lll ilu- \1‘u11·1·. lllll 111114111 iu ~lllilll lm-····< uml l¤l'l·\\ll lll l·¤1"~ - ,\·l1lli·111i·l.111··u1 uml l»1·1·u·l 1·1·11111l1~. S]\l`l!ll(l·‘ \111l1 p··pp» :· .1 I U · sult, l·`ill p1·pp1·1‘~ \1‘lIl1 111iXI\11‘~·. l`·>\`<*l‘ Wllll l-l1'*-‘l'·"l ~ T ill uml l>ul;1- ill*<*lll 1·-11 lllllllll<‘\ iu l11·1 <1\<‘ll, 1 A Stuffed Tomatoes ti 1111-1li11111 six··1l lllll1ll.l1‘~ *3 1l1 lim Xj. 1 ;»p[1¤-l- ~- - I Ll). l111it1·;· ml 1·l1i.·}1-:1 1»··1»"1··v·· ‘ *21l1_Ii:1··l}‘1·l1·p;¤··l t>Ylll*ll *; 14 l11·1~.11l 1t‘:1111‘·< l 1 vg! Sul: uml p··;-;»·-r ‘ \\vlp1-uml1·1·111·»\‘··1l1l11~li·1·~l'1···111~1··111·-ml»»1`1l1-·1»»11-.1‘· ~. { luliv will ~1·•·Ulll 5 lllllllll*‘>. A\·l1l l'lll1‘l(k*Il 1»1· 1»1l11-1- 1m·u1~. l-I'~‘.l·l ·‘l`·1ll.—` - l** lm11utnp11lp. uml sult uml pl-pp1-1· 111 1u~1¤-. A\¤l¤l l 1·:‘g‘>ll:‘l-Q . l1cul<·11uml Iill lf\lll2llfll‘S \\~llll 111ixt111·1-. l’lu1·1· lll l11111··1····l pu-~ S]l1'lIllilt* \\‘l1l1 ln11tl1-1·1-1l l'l'ill'l{l‘l' ··1·11111l1s uml l>ul<·- :1l-um I'* ` ul 111i1111t1-s in hot ovcu. ` 1, ]·'c_/`¢r0n1·1·. lrI`l‘>ll l·`1·11i1s uml \'1-g1·1ul»l1-¢l¤·" I W Sluplw l·`1»1»1ls, l‘lill'IIll‘I`N~ l311ll1-1l11 Wl. I LESSON III. LETTUCE AND CABBAGE SALAD T GI')l/`)’IlZ R1:/ns _;`m‘ Nrrlurl .lI1r/mln;]. Nulml g'l`t‘•‘ll> $2ll°}Y, lu-11m··· muy l··* 1 livpt 1>l11-1l \'(‘{Il*l 2ll1ll’S, fruits. 111· lIlt‘£ll< >l11111l»l llc cut in smull picca-s of llllll.<)l'lIl sim- uml Sll2l|ll‘, 1\ll 111ul1·1·i;1l~ » cxccptgu-011s sl1<;11l1ll»1·111ixell wllln u lillll- l1]gI1l_x· se-;1s¤111¤31l #ill**'l ` I [*111111/x I'1*11_111*I, (.101H‘s1 X11. rf ]Z5 111·1·»i11! 111111 111111\\'(T|1 111 51111111 till se11s11111:11. '1`his 111*11cess 15 M 1111111111 111111*i11111i11! 111111 1111* 1111xl111*1· 1'1lI` <1~:1S1111i11z i11g1*e11ie11t5 is W 1·11111·11 il 111:11*i1111111·, l11*1·11L 1'il1`(‘ $111111111 111· 121111·11 with the 502150])- Z` , 111u- (111 >1111111s 111111 111•· <1·11···li1111 111`<11i1:11111·1·1111111i1111t11111s, 511111115. ` ,111111111 111* <‘<11<1 \\`1l1‘ll >1*1‘\‘<*11. '1`111· sz111111 ~111111111 1111111 1'1·es11 and , 11111*111·11\‘·· 111 1·111111* :11111 ilI'1`1llI}Il'lll<)|l1. _ 1111,11 11_1` »111H11l111•'I|lil11'1`1211S111·11 11s 11*1111, 111·1·111·11 111 1<1·1·11 111e 1110011 - 1 y 11t’1l1111>', $21111*1* l11·(1\'111\x :1 Q111111 \\`2l§` 111 11<1-, 111 i'l11111l111L111OI]S, [ s111:111 111111·*1111< 111' x*1~g1·111l111·<, 1111l111$7 1i~11 1·1· 1'1*11i1< 11*11i1·11 might x 11111 11~·11~···1 11T11··1·11*i>1·. =§ Cooked Salad Dressing Q 15,112 1: 111, 1111111* 1. 1. 1,, t. 11111>1111*11 111111; 2 r·;;s 1 · 1*; 111, Sl1Q1lI` 11: 111. Il1(‘1[*’11 1>11I(u?' 1 1·`··w !1'11111$ ('i1}'{‘11IlL‘ $.1 1-, 111111; 1 *1 0, \`1U(‘¥11I` 1_ _ )11x111·1* 111!`1`\`l11(1111S, 111111 }`(111{S of egcs s1ig*11111* 11l'i11L'1l. but- 1, * 11*11 1l1111{ :11111 \`1111‘Q`&11` \`1‘1‘}‘ >111\\'1}’, (`l1l\1{ 11\‘1*1‘ 111111111Q* Wzlief · 1111111 111ix1111*1· 111i1·1<1~11s, s11*:1i11 i1` 110cess111*y 111111 1·11111. ~ Lettuce Salad *1* · 1\1*1*1111ue 1`1*1·s11, l‘1(‘1lll 11-11111-0 1011ves 11*11i1·11 11111*11 l1c1·11 chilled. in * 1111*1_111>1 111·1`111*1~ s1—1*x*i111:, 11111110 s1111111 (1l'L‘SS111Q` 111 the ce11te1* of the 1112111* 111* 111;1111·1*, $11ces 111` 11111*11-11011011 eggs 111:1}’ 111* US011 f0T 11 11, .~ 1 §!’21I`I11<11. ii Cabbage Salad s111'C<1 L'11111111g\1 very 11l1(‘ 111* (*11017 it 111111 lll1X 11*1111 \1I`['S$li]g. '1`11i<11111y be g!'ill'l11S11l‘<1 \\'1111 $1112111 pieces 1111 1*011 111* green peppers- · 1 11* 1 Cheese Crackers 1,,, _ 13 c1*111,·1<01*s I1 1, 51111 W1 1 $1 U1. :1*:11011 cheese Dash 110111101* ,11111 ; $1111*1111 Tg 111. cheese 1111 011011 ('l`1`11‘1{Ol', s111·i111<10 with Sfllt 1111,11 ` 1111<1111—11111·1- :11111 11111st 111 11 111011e1·11te 111*011 1111 cheese is wel} l 1 14 (`[I‘·‘I¢/ur Xu. lfi.7 I.’t_t`·i1~Iut. l)l'I‘[lill'illll>II uml l'st· ul` l·`¤>ml, llullvtiu Il.} l·`.~tl.·;·__f ~ }` lluurtl l`¤»t· \VtIt‘2Illl>IIiIl l‘ltllll‘IIll(lll, \\';I>lIlIIg‘It»|t_ It L .` · l`.. pp. llli. $*7. l’t·it·t· Lit) wuts. _ LESSON IV. POTATO SALAD, VEGETABLE SALAD . 5/0111;/4* of l`¢y]¢ [uh/(ns. \\`lllll‘I' \·t·gt·lul1l<-s iuu_x· ltt· l;.·p· ;‘.;— ,- u lung ti1m· il` t‘&lI`l‘l·llll}' storvtl. lrish pt>tutuI·s. tt1i·uips_ It y·-~ ·\ ` V ` t‘iIl'1`<>l$.&‘ll‘.. \\‘l1t·u Iulivu l.l'·· l»1·ush···l li;i_·. · ly uml pilwl iu u Ilurli. tlry pluvv, wml vmnugh ln pi·t·vt·ut \pu§‘}_; — qt \\'lTl1l¤l1l {llllI§`t‘1' t»l` l'i·t·¤·xiti;‘. Sttuush uml pumpkins sh·»ul·l · sprvutl iustt·u·l ut' pilt··l. |)1·i<·ll lwuiis. pt-us uml ···u·u \lI·~IIl·l W liupt p1·ut<·a·tt··l l.l'I>lI1 tlh·t uml Ilust. uml l.l'lllll ruts. I Potato Salad · 2 an puL;1;ul·t1l>t—s lg t. pt·pp··:· i 1 [l1_ mimml put·sl<·y H <·. <·li¤»;»p··tl i····l ·»:· ;:·~; ' M t. oufou juice pt·ppt·i·s ur lmzh l _ Pt t. suit . l.`ut uultl. l¤<·il·~ug··· lt‘£I\`l‘S. llurtl-l>ttil¤~lIILi' pt·us_ lu~t·ts_ l¤t·uiis_ uspuruuus. t··iu:¤l·¤ . ctw. Just lll‘l'|1l`l* s¤·I·\‘iI1g· tulx with ltttiltwl or llliI_\`tIlIllill*•` ltug¤· lt-:1\·t·s. l`ui‘¤· sh··ul·l . tul;··u tn t·<»tultim· t·ulu1·s uml lluvwtrs wliivh ltlvml xwll. i LESSON V. PLAIN AND FOAMY ONILET, RICE IVIUFFINS ])i`(`Sfi'l'f![lvfIIl of ];'y;y;.<. \\’h<·u oggs url- lu l»t· l;t·pt luv ~··II¤l‘ time iu lurgte quuutili¤·s they un: put, into mltl slttruutn u pluw _ \\'l1(‘1’t* they l‘2llI lm lwlli nl` thu liziarltzriu thul, l‘&IlISl‘ all-I-uy. .\l`l·‘l` 2 thc PQQS are lzllivii out 0l` <·0l'4' .\vU, .} x I xqxi x,,,,,.· i._x· lx;xx·kixxg` x·x· x·x»:xIxxx;;· xx xxlx ~x»xxx·~ ~xxI·~l:xxxx·<: xx‘}xxx·lx xxill xxrxx- ' x lx. gx-»x xixx·xxx i'x·x»xxx lIx<· :xxx‘. 'I`}x·· ~xx}·~1:xxx···· xxlxix·Ix lx:x~ |:x···xx fxxxxxxxl x ` ‘xx·· !xxxx~x ~:xxx~x';x··xx»x·_x· S< ;x ~xx|xxxx·»xx x·I' "xx‘zx1··x· :lxx~<." I,xxxx·· ·xxxxx··x· :xl~·· x~ :··x··[. 'l`x» xx~·· xx‘;xx··x‘ :·l;x~~. ;x·{·l Ei x»zxx‘x~ lxxxxlwl zxxxxx ‘ x‘|W}"xl \\`iI{*‘I' xii I PIII.] |'¢IIIi‘t‘H]I°1|I*‘*I \\`}|]•'I° 2lJ|\\ illlil |llIT illlil El Kyi. 4-],~;xxx x·x·xx··Ix x·x· ~x··xx·· _j:xx‘. |’xx1 xIx·· ··}··:xxx_ fx···~Ix x·u‘u~ xxx l»·· x»x·x·· —··x‘x‘<··I xxxxxx IIxx~. (`¤xx‘··x· x}x·· _xxxx· xxx x·x‘¤·x··x·x x'x‘¤»xxx <|lI~l. \\~]l<·1l ih, .~;g< ;xx·x· x;·l—;··xx ·»xxx x'··x‘ xx~··. xx:x~lx xlx··xxx ·-xxx···1‘xxll_x4 ;xxx·l xi'x1x··_x· gxxw; A ` im ;.x xxx- l»x»§l···l. 'xx·~x |·x·x··lx1|x··~|xx·lI xxl xxe·~ I;xxxg·· ··xx·I, ` MW Plain Omclet _ . !·:;< UI Adi ` I "x_!xxij\xxZ"x\`:1[x·!‘ M x, ;··—;·xxx·x· . : 1 ·, ?»·xzi··:· ,.,,,; » li··;xx ··::~ ~lx:lx1I_x‘ xxx Ixl··xxxI _x·»]lx~ xxxxxl xx‘}xxx•·~. A\·l·x xxxxlk » x‘x·l ~x#:x~~»xxxxx;‘. }'xxI }xxxxxx·x‘ xxxx·· Ixx·x x*x’_xxxxg· xxzxxx. \\v}x··xx xxxvllxnl. ‘xxx·xx Exx xxx·· xxxxxxxxxw-. .\~ ix ¤‘<>¢*]{~]xI'x¤'l{Ixl!1x|x}•·~\\`xTll1.*¤l`l{Ix]l ix V `,·;;. 1Jx~x‘··;xx·]1··xi;x ··x·x·:xxxx_x‘x··»xx<]~xx·xxx·_x‘. I’}xx····xxxx lxx»xx··x· xxzxrx ‘. jsxxxx <»x‘ x`x···—xx 1'rxxxx ~2xxxx···. ·xx· x·}x}>]i¤·s ;xxxxl xxx··xx~xx> l`lig·l11ly l»1111;·1·;··l. l>l>lll' i11 ll1n‘ lIllXllll`¤‘ ligliily uml ~1»1·»·;1·l _· · »·\‘c11ly (lll lllu 11:111. <`·»1»l;m·1·i·41 l·»\1‘ ll2llll<‘. \\`ll1‘ll ~··1. l\lll i l1<11 1111*11 l`¤¤1· u l`··11‘ lllllIlll1‘S 1<1 ·l1‘)‘ <111 1·»1», 1 i ` 11i Rice Muffins 1; 1*; ;·, 1l;>:11· 1 1; mill; i_ $4 0. ;·m>l;;—ll riw 1 wu; ` ` ZZ L l1;1l;i11g 1>1>w1l1~1· 1 Lli. m··l1···l l`;1Z 2 th. SllQLll` l; 1. §Llll Blix uml sil`1 l'l<1111‘. >ll;`Ell', >ul1 uml l1ul;i11g· ll(l\\rlll‘l`. .`\·nY A lj. lnulf 1l11~ mill; uml 1l1;~ vg`;. xwll llL‘2ll1‘ll. 1l1·- l`l‘lllilllllig·l11ly g1u~;1<·.~·l Illllllllll puns. { ` ]1’r_/W rv mw. l':Q!`~ilIl1lllll'll'l'$C2lSl'llll¤$l2lll1'¤‘ ll*¢'¤l 111 111ul;·· il I11·~~` · II ll1lXllll`l’ liulil is ¤·ull··l)\\'(l<‘l', wlm·l1 is u (‘0llll]lCl`('lill p1·1·11;11·:1li<111 ·*l sorlu uml swims u<·i`! _\'11, ;’ 11 Q_ S11-:1111. J._ .\E1· 111-:111-11 1111111-:;;~111‘ 111111:1 l1:1111·1‘. $I1il`1J•‘*l 1`111·1l\y1111 11:111-111:1111-11~111:‘~11111~-1111111->1.·. Sponge Cake 1 ,1;;. 1 lll. 11-1111111 1111111; 1 11_ ,—1;_11· 1: E··111·1:1 11:111 }§I`LI1~·11 lj 1 12 1I1111:· ‘ 4 1211;.: _\1·lla~ 1111111 1l111·l<. :11111 ~11u‘:11· 21-11*l1l1lll}·. :11111 11-1111111 ,1] ~··· :11111 1-11111, 1.111 :11111 111111 11g-111lv 111111 1l11~ 11l1X1111'*° 111·· \\lI11·‘\ 111111-11 11:11c 1*l'<'1l 111-:111-11 ~11I14. $11.1 1111111-111~111\\‘1y1111x111z _ l1ul111y. 12:1111- 111 >l11x1· 11\·1-11 :11111111 1; lllllll`. f 1111*1-1 1-1111111 :1 ~11111l:11· 1·;1l<1- 111- 111:1111- 1I~11ILi 11-~~1·::‘.' z LESSON VII. SERVE SUPPER /1'1_‘11-1,111, ll·111‘ 111 $1-11-1-1 l·`11111l<. \\`l1:11 1111- 1211111 X1-1-11~. l"i11'III- 1.1 ` 1-1·~` 1111111-1111~1I~. Y . .\ \\'1‘1*l{.\ l·`11111l 1111* :111 1\\'1‘I'£IL;•· l";IIIl1l_\`_ 1·`;11‘111~-1·~` ` 1111111-1111122*. LESSON VIII. BEEF OR LAMB STEW 1 f`1 ·1». 1 .1*1111 .1/111¥.~·. 1\l1-:11— iI1`1‘ 1-11111:1-11 111 1111111·11x·1-1111-11:1x‘111·. 11 _ ··l11111:1·1l11-11-x1111·1·:1111l111l<1ll:111yl1