xt7pzg6g355h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g355h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1943 journals 036 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.36 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.36 1943 1943 2014 true xt7pzg6g355h section xt7pzg6g355h Regulatory Series, Bulletin 36 . July, 1943
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
‘ THOMAS P. COOPER, Director
· · The Kentucky state seed tag has become a familiar fixture on
bags of seed, and practically all farmers and seed dealers in the
state recognize its value. It is a fairly reliable index to the contents
- of the bag, thus showing its value to prospective purchasers. In times
like these when every dollar must be made to count, wise farmers
l are sowing good seed. They know the use of low grade seed may
mean the loss of a crop and the additional loss of money, labor and
time which were necessary in making preparation for the crop.
They know that tl1e tag enables them to prevent such losses by _
· avoiding the purchase of undesirable seed.
The information on the tag is secured by careful inspection and
accurate analysis by officials who are thoroughly trained and .
equipped for their work. The enforcement of the law has been just
but courteous, and has resulted in drastic reduction of practices ‘
which were detrimental to both farmers and seedsmen.
During the fiscal year July 1, 1942, to June 30, 1943, inspectors
examined 5,456 lots of seed and took official samples from 658 lots.
V This is an increase of   per cent over the five-year average of in-
' spection. Analysts have spent approximately 1.200 hours making
1,416 tests on official samples. Enforcement officials have passed
upon all violations and other irregularities.
- Submission of Samples For Analysis
Attention is again called to the conditions governing submission
of samples for analysis.

Any individual, firm, or corporation resident in the State of
Kentucky may obtain free analysis of eight (8) samples of per-
sonally owned seed during a calendar year, provided that not more
than two (2) such samples are submitted in any calendar month. \
A fee will be charged for each sample submitted in excess of this
number. A list of the amounts of such fees will be furnished upon
The sample of seed must be taken in such a way that it repre-
sents as accurately as possible the lot being sampled. To this end it
is important that equal quantities be taken from each container
sampled, and f1·om a similar place in each container, in a given lot '
of seed.
In lots of five bags or less, each bag of seed should be sampled.
In larger lots, every fifth bag should be sampled, but never less
than tive bags. Whenever there is evidence of lack of uniformity in
a lot of seed, each bag should be sampled separately. The samples
from each bag may be kept separate or they may be combined in
composite samples as circumstances require.
The following are minimum weights of samples to be submitted
for analysis:
Grass seed not elsewhere mentioned, white or
alsike clover, or seeds not larger than these ............................ 2 ounces
Red or crimson clover, alfalfa, rye grasses,
brome grasses, millet, flax, rape, or seeds
of similar size ...................................................................................... 4 ounces
Cereals, vetches, or seeds of similar or
larger size .............................................................................................. 8 ounces
lf means of weighing are not available, samples may be meas-
ured as follows; Grass seed, one teacup; alfalfa and clovers, one
teacup; cereals (corn, wheat, rye, and seeds of similar size), two
Seeds submitted for analysis should be placed in containers
which will not break easily in the mail, prefe1·ably in regular seed
envelopes about 4x6 inches and mailed to the Seed Laboratory, Ex- .
periment Station, Lexington, Kentucky. Sometimes, when such
envelopes are not used, it takes nearly as long to unwrap a package
and transfer the contents to a container suitable for filing as it
does to make a purity test. The following should be plainly written
on the outside of each envelope or package; (l) Name and address

of sender, (2) kind of seed, (3) sender’s mark, (4) kind of _
test desired.
Caution: Do not send samples in containers of metal, or use
wire in tying packages.
4 Explanation of Tables
Results of analysis of official samples are shown in tables on
following pages. Table 1 shows the percentages of purity and germi-
nation stated on tags, the presence of an excessive amount of noxious _
weed seeds, the presence of noxious weed seeds 11ot shown on tags, `
irregularities in tags, absence of tags, and the results of official
analyses of samples. The variations allowed in purity, germination,
. and weed seed per ounce are the same as those published in Ken~
· tucky Regulatory Series, Bulletin No. 4, Revised. Results within
the allowed variation are marked with "—}—" if above, or "—" if
‘ s below statement on official tags. Variations greater than those al-
lowed constitute violations of the Kentucky Seed Law, and such
results are printed in bold-faced type. In the table, "L" means
· listed and "F" means found.
. Table 2 is a classification of samples according to wholesale
dealers from whom they were purchased, and indicates violations
Table 3‘ contains a summary to show the kind and number of
» violations detected.

Lab. Kind of seed and . G '- N '
No. \ name and address of dealer \ Purchased from ` Purity h ngltlgii ` wezzilgggd .
Bl¤€€1‘¤$5 Percent Perceht A
0-3685 ..,, A. T. Sanders, The C. S. Brent Seed Co., L 87.99 L 80 l
Lancaster Lexington, Ky. F -— F —\-
0-3706 .... Farmers Supply C0., The C. S. Brent Seed C0., L 85.71 L 82
Lexington Lexington, Ky, F + F +
0-3711 .... Carter Supply C0., The C. S. Brent Seed Co.. L 90.41 L 80
Lexington Lexington, Ky. F -|— F -}-
0-3719 .... Morgan & Crenshaw. Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 85
Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F —— F —|—
0-3727 .... John B. Penn Co., Lewis Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F + F +
0-3728 .... Lot T Co. G. M. Taylor Seed Co., L 85 L 85
John B. Penn Co., Georgetown, Ky. F -}— F +
0-3740 .... Lot 1 D. G. May, L 85 L 85
Clell Coleman & Sons, Harrodsburg, Ky. F -5- F -
Harrodsburg _
0-3741 .... Farmers Union Supply Co., Ross Seed Co.. L 85 L 80
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F -}— F —-
0-3746 .... H. c. Harmon, Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L so
Lebanon Louisville, Ky. F -\- F +
0-3761 .... Lot 2611 Scott Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Ward’s General Store, New Albany, Ind. F -l- F -l—
0-3766 .... Lot 469 Yopp Seed C0., L 88.62 L 80
J. P. Page & Son, Paducah, Ky. F -{- F -{-
0-3770 .... Lot Z-397 Corneli Seed Co., L 87.25 L 80 _
Dairyman’s Feed & Supply Co., St. Louis. M0. F + F + EX¢0SS1V¢
0-3797 .Dorsey Bros. & Fisher, Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Carlisle Louisville, Ky. F 4- F +
0-3806 .... Lot C-1302 The Livingston Seed Co., L 87.37 L 80
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati. Ohio F -— F G3
0-3808 .... Lot 2351 The J. Chas. McCullough L 86.15 L 80
O. E. Donovan, Seed Co., Cincinnati. Ohio F — F +
0-3809 .Lot C 1305 The Livingston Seed Co., L 86.54 L 80
T. T. Hill & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio F + F 66
0-3814 ..., Peck’s Farmers Supply Co., Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Sharpsburg Louisville, Ky. F + F +
0-3816 Lot H B M G. M. Taylor Seed C0., L 86 L 90 ·
L. C. McLoney & Sons. Georgetown, Ky. F + F +
0-3818 ..Lot 1423-*5 41 Woodford Spears & Sons. L 86.15 L 80
L. C. McLoney & Sons, Paris, Ky. F + F +

Lab. Kind of seed and . Germi- Noxious
. No. * name and address of dealer | Purchased rrom ' Purrty V nation ' weed seed
Percent Percent
0-3821 .... Richmond Hatchery, Ross Seed Co., L 80 L 75
Richmond Louisville, Ky. F — F -4-
. 0-3822 ..., Lot 2616 Scott Seed Co., L 80 L 80
Richmond Hatchery, New Albany, Ind. F -4- F —
0-3843 .... Lot 42-6 Sphar & C0., L 85 L 80
Garrard Mills, Winchester, Ky. F -4- F -4-
Lancaster ;
0-3851 .... Lot C 1308 The Livingston Seed Co., L 86.54 L 80 Not listed ·
_ Roy Vice Cincinnati, Ohio F — F 71
0-3868 .... Corbett Hdw. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80 Not listed
Elizabethtown Louisville, Ky. F -4- F -4-
_ 0-3875 .... McCauley Bros. Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F — F —
0-3885 .... Gentry McCauley Seed C0., Jas. S. Wilson & Sons, L 82 L 80
` ‘ Versailles Paris, Ky. F — F 69
0-3887 .... Lot 2624 Scott Seed Co., L 80 L 80
J. E. M. Milling Co., New Albany, Ind. F 4- F -4-
i 0-3889 ..., Farmers Union Supply Co., Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F -4- F -4-
b 0-3890..,.Farmers Supply C0., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 85 Not listed
Eminence Louisville, Ky. F — F —
0-3895 .... Dodd's Corner, Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Nicholasville Louisville, Ky. F — F -4- ·
0-3896 .... Lot W. R. S. Sphar & C0., L 85 L 70 _
4 Lillard Miles, Winchester, Ky. F -4- F —
0-3904 .... Lot 1423-% 41 Woodford Spears & Sons, L 86.15 L 80
Fayette Seed Co., Paris, Ky. F -4- F 4-
Lexington _ .
0-3905 .... Lot 62841 Rerun Woodford Spears & Sons, L 99.42 L 87
Fayette Seed C0., Paris, Ky. F — F 4-
I 0-3914 .... Lot A W. P. & Keller Little, L 88 L 94
- Growers Tobacco Warehouse, Lexington, Ky. F 81.10 F ——
0-3924 .... Conner, Hayden & Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Bardstown Louisville. Ky. F -4- F +
0-3940 .... Lot 69 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 86.01 L 85
' Guenther Hdw. C0., Dieterich, Ill. F -4- F —
0-3953 .... Lot D 4050 Ed. F. Mangelsdorf & Bro., L 85.10 L 83
Hickman Hdw. C0., St. Louis. Mo. F 4 F -4-
0-3973 .... Cadiz Hdw. Co. J. M. Schull: Seed Co., L 85.01 L 85
Cadiz Dieterich. 1'll. F — F —-

 6 Kmrrucxy Acnrcomuimr. EXPERIMENT STATION
Lab. Kind of seed and P ,t Germi- Noxious ’
No. name and address of dealer Purchased fmm un Y nation weed seed
· Percent Percent V
0-3974 .... Albert Wallace, C. B. Ragland Co., L 87.38 L 80 A
Cadiz Nashville, Tenn. F -1- F -— \
0-3982 .... Lot 176 Chambers Seed Co., L 90.25 L 80
Vick Smith, Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
Bowling Green
0-3988 .... Scottsville Feed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Scottsville Louisville, Ky. F -1- F +
0-3993 .... Bale Hdw. & Impl. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Horse Cave Louisville. Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3997 .... E. S. Ferrill & Son. E. S. Ferrill & Son, L 80 L 80
Buffalo Buffalo, Ky. F —— F -1-
0-4006 .... E. S. Ferrill & Son, E. S. Ferrill & Son. L 80 L 80
Buffalo Buffalo, Ky. F -— F -1-
0-4016 .... Lot 62442 Woodford Spears & Sons, L 89.64 L 84
L. C. McLoney & Sons. Paris, Ky. F -1- F —
0-4025... Lot C 1306-1 The Livingston Seed Co., L 83.07 L 76
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati, Ohio F 77.88 F -—
0-4029 .... Lot C 13278 The Livingston Seed Co., L 86.45 L 80
T. T. Hill & Son. Cincinnati. Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-4035 .... Lot B112-12 The Market Gardeners’ L 90.59 L 80
Warsaw Hdw. Co., Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F 85.06 F -1- Excessive
0-4042 .... Lot 2626 Scott Seed C0.. L 85 L 80
J. W. Purkey & Son. New Albany, Ind. F + F 69
0-4045 .... Farmers Grain & Produce Co., The C. S. Brent Seed Co., L 85 L 85
Irvine Lexington. Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-4048... Ky. Wholesale C0., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Pikeville Louisville, Ky. F — F —
0-4052 .... Robinson & Turley, Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Richmond Louisville. Ky. F — F —
0-4053 .... Richmond Hatchery, Lewis Seed Co., L 85 L 82
Richmond Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —
0-4057 .... Lot 42-4 Sphar & Co., L 85 L 80
Renfro Supply Co., Winchester, Ky. F — F + Excessive
0-4068... Morris Bros., Lewis Seed Co., L 85 L 82
Somerset Louisville, Ky. F -1- F 72
0-4081 .... Geo. P. Taylor C0., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Burnside Louisville, Ky. F — F -—
0-4089 .... Red Bird Lewis Seed Co., L 85 L 82
Borders Bros. Hdw. Co., Louisville, Ky! F -1- F - ·
0-4104 .... Lot lll The Mahan Co., L 85 L 80
Harper & Runyon, Winchester, Ky. F 80.93 F 61 Excessive

Lab. Kind of seed and _ _ P .t Germi- Noxious
. N0. name and address of dealer P¤¤¤h¤S<¢d fwm uu Y nation weed seed ·
` Percent Percent
0-4105 .... Lot: 1 W. L. Thomas Hatchery, L 85 L 83
W. L. Thomas Hatchery, Flemingsburg, Ky. F — F 72
0-4107 .... Lot C 1333 The Livingston Seed Co., L 85.76 L 80
· Roy H. Vice, Cincinnati, Ohio F — F -}-
0-4108 .... Lot 112 The Mahan C0., L 78 L 75
Williams Groc. C0., Winchester, Ky. F — F 58
0-4109 .... Lot 106 The Mahan Co., L 85 L 80 Not listed “
Williams Groc. Co., Winchester, Ky. F — F 70
- Paintsville
0-4112 .... Lot C 1331 The Livingston Seed C0., L 85.76 L 80
Peck’s Farmers Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -{- F -i-
b Sharpsburg
. 0-4123 .... Grigsby & Co., Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Bardstown Louisville, Ky. F -i— F —
_ 0-4124 .... Lot 178 Chambers Seed Co., L 90.25 L 80
" Grigsby & Co., Louisville, Ky. F -i- F -—
0-4130 .... Red Bird 21;*,*: Lewis Seed Co., L 85 L 82
Humphrey Bros., Louisville, Ky. F 1- F 73
_ Bloomfield
0-4139 .... Lot C 1333 The Livingston Seed Co., L 85.76 L 80
Chas. P. Houchins & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio F 1- F 50
‘ Mt. Olivet
0-4140 .. Lot 2858 The J. Chas. McCullough L 85.15 L 80
O. E. Donovan, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F till
0-4147 ...Lot 3025 The J. Chas. McCullough L 88.20 L 80
Melvin Hart, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F 5
· Falmouth
0-4151 .... Lot 384 The Market Gardeners L 85).03 L 83
Keith & Lykins, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F —- F 1
0-4157....J. D. Ashcraft, Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Irvington Louisville, Ky. F i- F —
I 0-4172 .... Lot 111 The Mahan Co., L 85 L 80 _
Bell Cty. Supply Co., Winchester. Ky. F 751.74 F 56 Excessive
0-4178 .... Lot B-43 AMS-G C. B. Ragland Co- L 87.38 L 80
Allen & Jenkins. Nashville, Tenn. F 80.76 F —
‘ Bowling Green
1 0-4209 ..Lot 2858 The J. Chas. McCullough L 84.45 L 80
Hess & Racke, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -— F —- Not listed
0-4217. Tru Val Lot 3278 Purcell Seed Co., L 85.40 L 80
Gresham Bros., Evansville, Ind. F 3- F —

Lab. Kind of seed and 4 P _.t Germi- Noxious
N0. name and address of dealer P¤r¤l¤¤><=·d from uu Y nation weed seed
Percent Percent l
0-4222 .... L. H. Barclay & Son, Yopp Seed Co., L 87.67 L 80
Arlington Paducah, Ky. F -l- F —
0-4260 .... John B. Penn & Son, Lewis Seed C0., L 85 L 80
Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F —- F ——
0-4262 Arthur Blackaby, Ross Seed Co., L 80 L 75
Eminence Louisville, Ky. F + F —-
0-4280 .. Lot J. D. G. Sphar & Co., L 83 L 73 _
Robinson & Turley, Winchester, Ky. F -l- F -— Not listed
0-4245 .... Geo. P. Taylor Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 99 L 90
Burnside Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —
0-4281 .... Robinson & Turley, Ross Seed Co., L 99 L 85
Richmond Louisville, Ky. F -l- F -{-
0-4283. 'I`riplett's Store. Louisville Seed Co., L 95) L 90
Corbin Louisville, Ky. F -l- F ~—
Orchard Grass
0-3699 Lot 153 National Seed Co., L 85 L 80
IIansford’s, Louisville, Ky. F l- F -l-
0-3700. Lot 709 Chambers Seed Co., L 85.05 L 85
Morris Bros., Louisville, Ky. F 80.34 F -l-
0-3747 Lot 153 National Seed Co., L 85 L 80
Scottsville Feed Co., Louisville, Ky. F — F -1-
0-3804 ,Lot 2512 The J. Chas. McCullough L 86.20 L 88
Kenneth T. lvlarqnelte. Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F l F -l—
0-3813 Adams & Moore. Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 85
Cynthiana Louisville, Ky. F -l— F -l-
0-3828 Lot 1602 Green Bros., L 85 L 85 Not listed
Robinson & Turley, Nashville, Tenn. F 72.31 F l-
0-3871 Corbett lldw. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 85
Elizabethtown Louisville, Ky. F 76.93 F l- `
0-11878 l\l¤·Cauley Bros. Seed Co., Unknown L 82.14 L 85
Versailles F { F , Excessive
0-3907 Farmers Supply Co., The C. S. Brent Seed Co., L 83 L 84 _
Lexington Lexington, Ky. F — F -1-
0-3964 .. Lot 556 Yopp Seed Co., L 85 L 85
.1. P. Page & Son, Paducah, Ky. F — F -§-
0-3981.. Lot 160 C. B. Ragland Co., L 87 L S0 Nut listed
R. E. Petrie, Nashville, Tenn. F A- F -§—
Bowling Green

‘ Lab. Kind of seed and _ P _.t Germi- Noxious ‘
N0. name and address of dealer Purchasvd hom uu Y nation weed seed
Percent Percent
0-3991 .,.. Lot 217 National Seed Co., L 78.87 L 86
Scottsville Feed Co., Louisville, Ky. F 4- F —l-
A 0-3999 .... Lot 218 National Seed Co., L. 85 L 85
H. D. Jones, Louisville, Ky. F -i- F -l-
0-4014 .... Adams & Moore, Ross Seed Co., L 82 L 85 _
Cynthiana Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -l- Excessive
0-4022 .. Lot 2946 The J. Chas. McCullough L 87.70 L 87 V
Kenneth T. Marquette, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F - F -1-
0-4032 ..Johnson Coleman, The Market Gardcners' L 80 L 80 Not listed
. Powersville Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -l- F -l-
` 0-4033 .... Lot 1327 The Livingston Seed Co., L 85 ·L 85
Walton & Rednour, Cincinnati, Ohio F -— F 4-
0-4040 .... Lot 186 National Seed Co., L 85 L 90 _ _
Knox Cty. Supply Co., Louisville, Ky. F -— F —- Excessive
_ 0-4041 .,.. Hart Bros., The C. S. Brent Seed Co., L 85 L 84 _
Berea Lexington, Ky. F — F -l- Excessive
_ 0-4047,.. Ky. Wholesale Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 85 L 85 _
Pikeville Louisville, Ky. F -3- F -{- Excessive
0-4061 .... Lot 186 National Seed Co., L 85 L 90 _ _
Renfro Supply Co., Louisville, Ky. F — F -l- Iuxeessive
0-4066 .... J. H. Tate & C0., Ross Seed Co., L 85 L 85
~ Monticello Louisville, Ky. F 74.47 F l-
0-4117 ...Lot 2946 The J. Chas. McCullough L. 87.70 L 87 Not listed
J. F. Bertram & Son, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F —l-
0-4149 .... Lot 4057 The J. Chas. McCullough L 86.31 L 85
Melvin Hart, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F —- F -l-
0-4164. Lot 217 National Seed Co., L 80 L 85
E. W. Simpson Louisville, Ky. F -{- F +
V 0-4175 ..., Red Bird Lewis Seed Co., L 82 L 85
‘ Ky. Wholesale Co., Louisville, Ky. F 70.67 F g-
0-4179 .... Lot 274 Ragland, Potter & Co., L 85 L 85 Not listed
Ideal Hdw. Co., Glasgow, Ky. F · F -§-
Glasgow _
0-4205.. Lot 579 Yopp Seed Co , L 78.11 L 90 Not listed
L. H. Barclay & Son, Paducah, Ky. F 58.85} F -,-

Lab. Kind of seed and 1 d f . Germi- Noxious
No. name and address of dealer Pure use mm Purity nation weed seed
Rcdtop Percent Percent
0-3670 ..Lot 175 AMS-46 J. M. Schultz Seed C0., L 92.14 L 90
U-Tote-Em Groc., Dieterich, Ill. F —— F -l- ,
0-3697 ..., G. M. Estes. Louisville Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Science Hill Louisville, Ky. F —l- F -l-
0-3751 .... J. C. Cook, Ross Seed C0., L 92 L 90
Tompkinsville Louisville, Ky. F —- F —l—
0-3771 .... Lot 177 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92.41 L 90
Clinton Hatchery, Dieterich, Ill. F -l- F -l-
0-3786 Shelbyville Feed & Seed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Shelbyville Louisville, Ky. F -,- F -l-
0-3831. Hoosier Lot R F Wyatt Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Robinson & Turley, Petersburg, Ind. F -— F -l-
0-3841 .... Garrard Mills, Lewis Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Lancaster Louisville, Ky. F -l- F -|- -
0-3847...Lot 162 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92.29 L 90
Garrard Mills, Dieterich, Ill. F -l- F -|-
0-3855 .... Lot 839 Chambers Seed Co., L 93.06 L 94
Grigsby & Co., Louisville, Ky. F -|- F —
0-3860, Lot 859 National Seed Co., L 87.58 L 90
Barnett-Sullivan & Co., Louisville, Ky. F — F -|—
0-3863 Lot 839 Chambers Seed Co., L 93.06 L 96
Ceeilian Milling Co., Louisville, Ky. F A- F -l-
0-3869 ...Coi·bett Hdw. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Elizabethtown Louisville. Ky. F -l- F —l»
0-3913 Levi Gotl`. Jr., Ross Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Winchester Louisville, Ky. F ,- F —
0-3915.. Grayson Cty. Supply Co., Lewis Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Leitchfield Louisville, Ky. F — F (
0-3916 Grayson Cty. Supply Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Leitclilicld Louisville, Ky. F ;- F -l—
0-3922 Lot 839 Chambers Seed Co., L 93.06 L 94
Grigsby & Co., Louisville, Ky. F A- F A-
0-3928 Aaron L. Moore & Son, Lewis Seed Co., L 81.87 L 90
Leitchtield Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —
0-3929 Aaron L. Moore & Son, Purcell Seed Co., L 92.35 L 90
Leitchtield Evansville, Ind. F —§- F 81
0-3931.. L. B. Carden. Louisville Seed C0., L 92 L 90
Hartford Louisville, Ky. F + F -l-

Lab. Kind of seed and . Germi- Noxious
_ No. name and address of dealer Purchased from Purity nation weed seed —
' V Percent Percent
0-3933 .... Lot 840 Chambers Seed Co., L 95.80 L 93
Cecilian Milling Co., Louisville, Ky. F 92.96 F —-
0-3939 .... Lot 170 J. M. Schultz Seed C0., L 90 L 90
Guenther Hdw. Co., Dieterich, Ill. F + F -|-
‘ A Owensboro
0-3941 .... Lot R K Wyatt Seed C0., L 92 L 90
A. E. Cohen, Petersburg, Ind. F + F +
0-3950 .... Lot 403 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92 L 90 ;
Norris Hdw. & Seed C0., Dieterlch, Ill. F + F -|-
0-3959 .... Lot 177 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92.41 L 90
Clinton Hatchery, Dieterich, Ill. F -{- F —
_ Clinton
. 0-3963 .... Lot 549 Yopp Seed C0., L 90 L 90
J. M. Hunt & Sons. Paducah, Ky. F 4- F -{—
‘ · 0-3965 .... Lot C 173 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92 L 90 Not listed
Dairyman's Feed & Supply C0., Dieterich, Ill. F -|- F 81
0-3968 .... Lot 2319 Dairyman's Feed & Supply Co.,L 92.07 L 90
Heathe Hdw. & Furniture Co., Mayfield, Ky. F -{- F —
‘ Benton
0-3970 .... Lot 150 J. M. Schultz Seed C0., L 80 L 80
- U-Tote-Em Groc., Dieterich, Ill. F — F -{-
0-3985 .... Allen & Jenkins, C. B. Ragland Co., L 92.55 L 90
Bowling Green Nashville, Tenn. F -{- F -}-
· 0-3987 .... Lot 2442 Farmers Elevator Co., L 92.18 L 90
Hughes Hdw. Co., Franklin, Ky. F -1- F -i-
, Franklin
0-3998 .... Lot 162 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L 92.29 L 90
Ideal Hdw. Co., Dieterich, Ill. F |- F -[·
0-4067 .... J. H. Tate & Co., Ross Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Monticello Louisville, Ky. F -§— F -{—
0-4071 .... Morris Bros., Louisville Seed Co., L 92 L 90
Somerset Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -i—
0-4093 .... Fancy Lot 6642 E. S. Ferrill & Son, L 92.52 L 90
Borders Bros. Hdw. Co., Buttalo, Ky. F -{- F —
_ . 0-4100 .... Lot 2527 Scott Seed Co., L 96 L 90
H. C. Harmon, New Albany, Ind. F — F —
, Perryville
0-4132 .... Red Bird Lewis Seed C0., L 92 L 90 Not listed
Humphrey Bros., Louisville, Ky. F — F -}-
0-4218 .... Gresham Bros., Dairyman’s Feed & Supply Co.,L 92 L 90
Eddyville Mayfield. Ky. F -i— F +

 12 Kmvrucxv Acarcurroam. EXPERIMENT STATION
Lab. Kind of seed and _ P .t Gerrni- Noxious
N0. name and address of dealer Purchased fwm um Y nation weed seed
Percent Percent
0-4221...Lot 16 Covington Bros. & C0., L 93.60 L 90
Prince Hdw. Co., Paducah, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-4233 ...Dowell's Market, Ross Seed Co., L 92 L 90 \
Liberty Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —-
0-3694 ...Lot 2022 CSC Chambers Seed Co., L 99.05 L 98 Not listed
L. D. Flanagan. Louisville, Ky. F -1- F 90
Russell Springs
0-3701.. Durham Impl. Co., Ross Seed C0., L 99 L 90
Stanford Louisville, Ky. F -1- F +
0-3732 .... John B. Penn Co., Lewis Seed Co., L 99.20 L 90 _
Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —
0-3737 ,... G. M. Taylor Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L 99 L 90
George own Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1
0-3773 .... Lot G Young & Conway, L 90 L 90
Watson Coal & Feed C0., Morganfield, Ky. F 84.62 F -1-
0-3779...Lot 2022 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.05 L 98 L
C. L. Jewell & Son, Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3796 ...D0rsey Bros. & Fisher, Ross Seed Co., L 99 L 90
Carlisle Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3836 .... Lot L L 98.86 L 90
A. T. Sanders, Unknown F -1- F -1-
0-3870 ...Lot 10 National Seed Co., L 99 L 90
Corbett Hdw. C0., Louisville. Ky. F -1 F -1-
0-3961... Bardwell Hdw. Co., Dairyman's Feed & Supply Co.,L 99.20 L 90
Bardwell Mayfield, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-4158... Lot S-20-2
Coleman Feed & Supply Co., Unknown L 99.44 L 90
Marion F — F -1-
0-4219 .... Lot 3623 Purcell Seed Co., L 99.56 L 90
Gresham Bros., Evansville, Ind. F 1- F -1-
0-4227 .... J. A. Bennett. Ross Seed Co., L 99 L 90
Taylorsville Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-4241... Lot 2022 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.05 L 98
Morris Bros., Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -
0-4250. A. T. Sanders, Louisville Seed Co., L 99 L 90
Lancaster Louisville, Ky. F -1- F 1-
Timothy ‘ _
0-3671.. Tru Val Lot 3445 Purcell Seed Co.. L 99.60 L 90
Trigg Cty. Trading Co., Evansville, Ind. F -1- F -1-

Lab. Kind of seed and d f _. Germi- Noxious r
No. name and address of dealer Purchase mm Pmlty nation weed seed
. Percent Percent
0-3673 .... Lot 601 The Market Gardeners L 99.50 L 90 V Not listed
Hess & Racke, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3674 .... Lot C 730 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90
Hess & Racke, Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
4 Alexandria
0-3680 ,... Geo. P. Taylor Co., Chambers Seed Co., L 96 L 80
Albany Louisville, Ky. F -1- F 44 .
0-3690  W. Noland, The C. S. Brent Seed Co., L 99.50 L 95
Richmond Lexington, Ky. F -1- F 84
0-3698 .... Lot C 72021 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90 Z
G. M. Estes. Cincinnati, Ohio F 1- F —-
Science Hill
0-3702 .... Durham Impl. Co., Ross Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Stanford Louisville. Ky. F -1- F 81
_ 0-3712 .... Lot 576 National Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Carroll Cty. Farm Bureau. Louisville, Ky. F -|- F -1-
· · 0-3733 .... John B. Penn Co., Lewis Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3769 ...Lot 929 Dairyman’s Feed & Supply Co.,L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
Carlisle Hdw. Co., Mayfield, Ky. F -1- F —
0-3772 .... Lot 40 Wyatt Seed Co., L 99.25 L 80
A. E. Cohen, Petersburg. Ind. F -1- F 47
· Greenville
0-3781 .... Lot 1249 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90
C. L. Jewell & Son, Louisville, Ky. F » F —
0-3783 .... Shelbyville Feed & Seed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
1 Shelbyville Louisville, Ky. F -|- F 1
0-3784 .... Shelbyville Feed & Seed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Shelbyville Louisville, Ky. F -|— F -1-
0-3788 .C 708 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
W. H. Brock & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3792 ..Lot 182 The Market Gardeners L 99.50 L 90
Cut Rate Groc., Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
Flemingsburg .
0-3793 .... Lot 2537 The J. Chas. McCullough L 99.60 L 90
Millersburg Coal & Lmb. Co., Seed Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3794 .... Lot C-702 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
' Ratlifl Bros. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F —
U-3798 .... Lot 2537 The J. Chas. McCullough L 99.60 L 90
Dcgsefg lilros. & Fisher, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F 1-
ar 1S e

Lab. Kind of seed and d f .t Gerrni- Noxious
No. name and address of dealer Purchase wm Pun Y nation weed seed »
Percent Percent
0-3805 .... Lot C702 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 80 Not listed
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3807 .... Lot 177 The Market Gardeners’ L 99.60 L 90
O. E. Donovan, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3810 ,... Lot C 711 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90 A
T. T. Hill & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio F J1- F -1-
0-3811 .... Lot 0115 Northwestern Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
Veach C. Redd, Keokuk, Iowa F -1- F -1-
0-3815 .... Lot C-702 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
Peck’s Farmers Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F -1- °
0-3817 .... Lot C 711 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
L. C. McLoney & Son, Cincinnati. Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3830 .... Robinson & Turley, Ross Seed Co., L 98 L 90
Richmond Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3837 .... A. T. Sanders, Louisville Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Lancaster Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3838 .. Lot C 711 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
W. A. Farnau, Cincinnati. Ohio F -1- F -1-
0-3842 ...Garrard Mills, Louisville Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Lancaster Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -|-
0-3852 ...Lot 1249 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.83 L 93
Grigsby & Co., Louisville, Ky. F —- F -1-
Bardstown —
0-3862 ...Barnett-Sullivan & Co., Ross Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Harrodsburg Louisville, Ky. F -1- F —
0-3865 .... Lot 1249 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.83 L 93
Cecilian Milling Co., Louisville, Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3867 .... Red Bird Lewis Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Corbett Hdw. Co., Louisville. Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3877. McCauley Bros. Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L 98 L 90
Versailles Louisville. Ky. F -1- F -1-
0-3886 Lot 1249 Chambers Seed Co., L 99.83 L 93 ·
Gentry McCauley Seed C0., Louisville, Ky. F — F -1-
0-3894 Dodd's Corner, Ross Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Nicholasville Louisville, Ky. F — F — Excessive
0-3906 Lot 2619 The J. Chas. McCullough L 99.60 L 90 Not listed
Farmers Supply Co., Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -1- F 1-
0-3925 Conner. Hayden & Co., Ross Seed Co.. L 99.50 L 90
Bardstown Louisville, Ky. F — F -1-

Lab. Kind of seed and . Germi- Noxious
No. ` name and address of dealer } Purchased from \ Purlty i nation I weed seed
Percent Percent
‘ 0-3945 .... Lot 942 J. M. Schultz Seed C0., L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
Denton Hdw. Co., Dieterich, Ill. F + F 80
U-3958 .... Lot 3619 Purcell Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90
Shaver Seed Co., Evansville, Ind. F —{- F +
Mayfield I
0-3972 .... Lot 933 Dairyman’s Feed & Supply C0.,L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
· Crawford-Ferguson Co., Mayfield, Ky. F + F 79
0-4003 .... Lot 390 The Market GHYd€H€l`S, L 99.55 L 91
. Farmers & Merchants Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -i- F -{-
Milling Co., Brooksville
0-4004 .... Lot C 725 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90
p Farmers & Merchants Cincinnati, Ohio F — F -{-
‘ Milling Co., Brooksville
0-4010 .... Lot C-702-2 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.75 L 90
Carlisle Milling & Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -l· F 80
h 0-4012 .... Lot C 710 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
Ratliff Bros. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F — F —
_ Carlisle
0-4018 .... Lot C 711 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.65 L 90
L. C. McLoney & Sons, Cincinnati, Ohio F — F -}-
. Cynthiana
0-4020 .... Lot 0115 Northwestern Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90
Veach C. Redd, Keokuk, Iowa F —{— F -1-
0-4072 .... Morris Bros., Lewis Seed Co., L 99.50 L 90 Not listed
Somerset Louisville, Ky. F -5- F —-
0-4097 ,... Lot 2303 Scott Seed Co., L 98 L 90
Greenwell Feed Store, New Albany, Ind. F -l- F —|·
0-4114 .... Lot C 716 The Livingston Seed Co., L 99.60 L 90
Peck’s Farmers Supply, Cincinnati, Ohio F -4- F -
0-4134 .... Humphrey Bros., Lewis Seed C0., L 99.50 L 90
Bloomfield Louisville, Ky. F -—· F +
0-4135....A. B. Waggener Co., Louisville Seed Co., L 95.15 L 85
( Burkesville Louisville, Ky. F -}- F 18
0-4146 .... Lot T 305 Corneli Seed Co., L 99.80 L 92
E. M. Smith & Son, St. Louis, l\'lo. F — F A-
0-4150 .... Lot 3049 The J. Chas. McCullough L 99.60 L 90
Melvin Hart Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F -,- F  
0-4153 .... Lot 198 The Market Gardeners L 99.60 L 90
Keith & Lykins, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F 3- F -;-

L.b. Kind of seed and . G '- N '
N10. 1 name and address of dealer Purchased frvm Purity Digg;) Wegélgggd
Percent Percent
0-4165 4... Lot 2267 Scott Seed C0·. L 98 L 90 i
E. W. Simpson, New Albany, Ind. F + F +
0-4166 .... Lot 366 The Market Gardeners’ L 99.50 L 90
Walton & Rednour, Seed Co., Cincinnati, Ohio F + F +
0-4208... Lot 464 Yopp Seed Co., L 99.68 L 92
J. P. Page & Son, Paducah, Ky. F —— F -|-
O-4226... A. B. Waggener Co., Louisville Seed C0., L 95.15 L 85
Burkesville Louisville. Ky. F -|- F 22 ·