xt7pzg6g305r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g305r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1981-06-26 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, June 26, 1981, no. 358 text The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, June 26, 1981, no. 358 1981 1981-06-26 2014 true xt7pzg6g305r section xt7pzg6g305r K C.Ofgx7/Q_
. A I/2]/8lI E  I E N N0. 358
E - _;     CALENDAR
g June 26 Library Faculty Meeting (last Green Bean mistakely
Q A read June 28} Gallery, King North, 8:30.
A "New Documents from the Underground Railroad" will be the subject
Q “ gf a talk by David Leer Ringo on Sunday, July l2. The program will
be held at 3:00 p.m. in The Gallery, Margaret I. King Library ~N0rth, .
on the University of Kentucky campus. A
A Ringo, of Singer Island, Florida, will explore new insights into
the organized freeing of Southern Slaves during the Civil War. In
his talke he will discuss original manuscript documents from his own
library. He also has a book in progress based in part on these ma-
terials. A
A Distinguished Alumnus of the University of Kentucky and an in-
dependent scholar, Ringo has worked professionally in engineering,
y investment banking and corporate management. As a private interest,
he has actively collected books, maps and manuscripts in America and _
northern Europe. His special interests are the history of Kentucky,.
the colonial history of New York and New Jersey and Flemish history.
An exhibit from his collection will be on display at the library. _
The talk, sponsored by the Library Associates is free and open to .
the public. For further information call 258-2651.
Contributors: Nancy Baker (editor), John Bryant, Pam Fields,
Paul Willis

E Q ·
Q - August 13-14, l98l
2 PLACE: I University of Kentucky HOST: Mr. Russ Powell
E ` Anderson Hall Engineering Librar·
Q I - College of Engineering _ University of Kentu
Q . 606—258—2965
1 ‘ -
Q QBJECTIVE: ¤ To update skills in Literature Searching and to involve
Q I ' people who have a general knowledge of Literature
Q - Searching and need more advanced training. ‘
g INSTRUCTORS: Mr. Ron Kaminecki
§ Dr. Joe Disalvo A .
  PROGR_A__M ~
g August 13, 1981 Thursday Morning Session ‘ ‘
1 . ““—*‘“—““”*""“"_‘
E 8:00 — 8:30 Coffee and Donuts
Q 8:30 — ll:30 Room 263 Science and Technology Data Bases—Ron j
Q Kaminecki _
Q _ Room 265 Nonbibliographic Data Bases—Joe_Disalvo I ‘
{ 11:30- 1:30 *LUNCH V A
Q Thursday Afternoon Session _
Q 1:00 — 4:30 Room 263 Advanced Search Strategy—Ron Kaminecki
Q **Room 265 Tutorial Terminal Practice—Joe Disalvo
Q August 14, 1981 Friday Morning Session
Q 8:00 — 8:30 _ Coffee and Donuts
S 8:30 -11:30 Room 263 Advanced Search Strategy—Joe Disalvo
Q Room 265 Business Data Bases—Ron Kaminecki
Q· 11:30 -1:00 *LUNCH Friday Afternoon Session
Q 1:00 — 3:30 **Room 265 Tutorial Terminal Practice—Ron Kaminecki ~
Q & Joe Disalvo
SQ COST: $25.00 per 2 day sessions (discount considered if attending all 1
Qi four sessions)
li *Registration includes lunch if you attend both the morning and after-
H noon sessions on the same day. ‘ ~
IQ **Meet in Room 265 then go to Terminal Room.
  " Q
  • ;;     Wai     _: 1

.he procedures for Branch Library requests for photocopies of p
g Library monographs and serials have been changed. Once it has  
.en determined that the item is in the King collection, an Intra- 1
ibrary Loan Request form should be filled out and mailed to either L
Melanie Palasia in Circulation (book requests), or Lewis Warden in 1
· periodicals/Newspapers/Microforms (periodical requests). Telephone I
requests should be limited to emergency situations. _
ri The item will be located, copied, and returned to the Branch I
` Library as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the Branch ( (
to praviae a correct citation and call number. Intralibrary loan .
ggpying is a service limited to the UK Library system and all copies
will be charged to_the Libraries. As in the past, copy service re- l
quests from individuals must be made in person and the materials to be
Copied brought to the Periodicals/Newspapers/Microforms Department
service desk.
Request forms are available from Melanie and Lewis.
€..>PP.0.R£1@§$ FOR. .P. R.OF§;§`g19li€=.I;.EtiQ*i?&i“9l(.AlE.AE. ‘ .
Systems Librarian. University of Rochester. Deadline: July 31,
1981. Salary $24,000+. l
Curator, Contemporary Culture Collection. Temple University. Dead-
line: July 31, 1981. Salary-$14,0UO. §
Reference Librarian~ Natural and Applied Sciences. Rutgers University.
Deadline:‘ August 1, l98l. Salary $18,826. 1
Librarian of the Mann Library (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, i
Human Ecology, Division of Biological Sciences, and Nutritional {
Sciences. Cornell University. Deadline: September 1, 1981.
Engineering Librarian. University of Alabama. Deadline: July 13, 1
1981. Salary $15,30G. . 1
Reference Librarian, Science. University of Tennessee. Deadline: ·
July 15, 1981. Salary $l4,000~$l6,000. I
Undergraduate Reference Librarian (half~time) Temporary appointment
(September 1981 ~ August 1981), University of Tennessee. Deadline: ·
July 15, 1981. Salary $7,000. n
Librarian, Special Collection. Center of Alcohol Studies Library. Q
Rutgers University. Salary $lS,826. l
Latin American Bibliographer and Instructor of Portuguese, Ohio State 1
University. Deadline; July 1, l98l, Salary $15,0UOe$l?,0OU, ;
Reference Librarian. Ohio State University. Deadline: August 1,
1981. Salary $l5,0GO~$l8,3@G. _ .
I Information Specialist. .Mechanised information Center (MIC) Ohio State ·
University. Deadline: August l, l981» Salary $l3,320w$l5,720, ,

Curator, Gest Oriental Library and East Asian Collections. Prin.
University. Deadline: July 15, 1981.
Reference Librarian (2 positions) Rutgers University, Newark Campus.
One available August 10; the other October 1. Deadline: August 7,
p 1981. Salary $16,120+. ‘
EEE}?   I 1
LT III Engineering Library
If interested, see Faith Harders. People not currently employed by the
library system must go through University Employment.
. I

   1 V\lA>< L    
f _ _ _ June 1981
  mom Lsb L
The LS0 and invited guests gave Elizabeth Howard (Biological
Sciences Librarian) and Adelle Dailey (Music Librarian) a great sendoff
on June Sth. Assorted roses (compliments of our green thumbed staff
; members) adorned room son where a buffet luncheon was served to the
- approximately 100 guests. In honor of their retirement the LS0
presented Elizabeth with a heart—shaped lead crystal covered candy dish
and Adelle with a lead crystal basket with a silver handle. Elizabeth
» L is retiring after 17 years of service and plans to travel and write.
Adelle retires after 21 years of service and after traveling in Europe
_ L ¤ she plans to come back to U.K. as a Donovan scholar.
Three friends of the Library who are retiring were also honored by
T the library staff. Dr. Lewis Cochran, Mr. William Davis, and Mr. John M .
L _ Simcox were presented with gifts purchased by private funds but
- presented on behalf of the library staff. Dr. Cochran was presented A
( with an engraved gold lighter, Mr. Davis and Mr. Simcox both received
initialized key chains. The LSO joins together to wish all these people
L well on this milestone in their lives.
A L The LS0 has put together photo albums highlighting some events of
p 1980 and the memorable events of 1981. There are duplicate pictures
g available on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in
T havlng» any of these contact Barbara Galik in Reference. We also have
f the negatives from all the events except the 1980 LS0 picnic and
Y Christmas party (camera malfunction foiled our photogaphic attempts for
. that event). lf you are interested in copies of these pictures check
,y with Barbara Galik in Reference at 7~l631.
8 HELP - HELP -- The 1980 LS0 album is available for inspection in the
L Q V Director's office. We would appreciate it if you would lend us a hand
P on some of the unknown faces. Please browse through it and add anyone
fi you can to the list. we plan to pass this along to archives so let's ~i
L have an accurate record of the staff and friends. We hope to bring them A
] out at the golden jubilee. ,
A Don't forget the LS0 picnic in July. ·
The LS0 will be active during the summer with activities and fund
raisers. Be on the lookout for their events. They hope to raise some
‘ cash to have some good parties and buy volleyball equipment as well (a
bake sale in July so far). Be a friend and support LSO.

 You will be soon receiving a ballot to amend the LSO constitution. _ ’;» I
- So far you will be asked to consider the addition of two committees, a Q]
Staff Lounge Committee and a Fund Raising Committee.
» · The Great Chefs are alive and well they are just out of a place to
B perform. They have had some logistics problem this spring but hope to_
( be cooking again by late summer or early fall. »”
y CONGRATULATlONS to CATHY (Cataloging Department) and KENNY HAYS on the
“ —marrlage of their daughter Sara to Ralph McDonie. The marriage took
place on June 13th at Immanual Baptist Church.
CONGRATULATIONS to SANDRA (Cataloging Department) AND PHIL MUENKS on the
recent birth of their first grandchild. Andre Lynn Medford was born on
_ ‘ Saturday, June 6th, at 8:15 p.m. in Clyde, North Carolina. Her proud
parents are Andy and Phyllls Medford.
CONGRATULATIONS to ELLEN BAXTER (Chemistry/Physics Library) —on the
_ recent birth of her first grandson and second grandchild. Lee McGarvey
I Baxter was born on Tuesday, June 9th, at 2:06 p.m. in Good Samaritan
· Hospital. Lee joins his parents Tommy and Trish Baxter and a 3 1/2 year
4 old sister Emily.
_ ‘ (SO LONG to SANDY GILCHRIST who has left us to go to South Carolina. The .
· ·· Reference Department gave Sandy a real sendoff with a reception. »
` ¤ THANK YOUS . ` é ·
June 8, 1981
Dear Barbara, W
I want to thank you and all the members of the Staff Organization
for the lovely gift and beautiful luncheon you had for Adelle and me.
It certainly took lots of hard work to have such a wonderful party. I
I I shall cherish the pretty glass box as long as I live and it will
always remind me of you and all the Staff and that lovely day. —-
Sincerely, Elizabeth.
( Dear Barbara,
~ Please convey to the Library Staff Organization my gratitude for
{A the beautiful luncheon you arranged for Elizabeth and me last Friday.
E _ lt was truly a memorable occasion for mel The lavish food, the elegant
( · flowers, the kind words, and the handsome gift of crystal will be part
l` of my most happy memories of the library and my colleagues.
E With gratitude and all good wishes to the LSO and to you V
I personally. -- Adelle - ‘
l Thank you so very much for.your contribution to our class in memory
l of Mr. Shubert. lwe appreciate the gift and the thoughts behind it. ~—
_ Sincerely, Phelathea Class. (Mr. Shubert was Vivian Hall‘s father and _
f the ESO made a contribution in his memory.)
A Thank you for being so nice to me during my stay here in the
Library and for including me in the retirement activities and dinner. —-
I _ John R. Simcox · ‘
  . 2. I