xt7pzg6g2b20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g2b20/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1997 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 3, Fall 1997 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 3, Fall 1997 1997 1997 2012 true xt7pzg6g2b20 section xt7pzg6g2b20 ff;. , `I`.‘V 4;. . V
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    COX/ER: pim; [/em- 1997-98 OFFICERS  
Q   E1  head coach Hal Munune  
• isflying high with PRESIDENT.
’  » enthusiastic alumni and M“'"W,”Q€ Smith
M fins aver his Jhatball Edge Z"
Q philosophy that jheuses www Jam ,
T  0,, ,,,, ,,gg,4 and smce has been researching and teach-
ing British arrel parliamentary history.
• • • h .r .
FoUnd¤TIon Honors Presldent Wethlngton He is in England, researching at the British
I . . . ., . . . , . , · . . ·md Bodleian libraries. The rrrclrives there con-
Irls rresrderrt (.lrarles I. \\(‘IlllIl*’t()Il r. rs This years arrrrual Iund-rarsrnf bane uet V _ 1 _1 ` _ _
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. . . . , . : *. . , . ‘ re r· W rr ·r¤sree rrr r
(.lrarrdler I‘(lIIlI(l2lIl(lIIS lxentuelresrderrt_ llanr would say, \\eye trrtrorrs ol hrrlrer education. Students can *1*1*11 U111111°1111 11111 11°11O11 1*116 $11111011
‘ 1 · 1 1 ' '   yrrted about the w·rr" Co rswell says and likens
got to Iraye a Iirst-rate library to be an orrtstarrd- receiye grants lor each year they are in college. (1 ‘_ ‘(* _ 1+ (   ‘ ‘
ing IlIll\`I`I`SII}`.w .·\rrd \\'etlringtorr has brrilt srrclr 11* l1111.l13°1 111 11 *11*1}* 111 11111111   911 11119
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(·|I.III(H(,I. I.~(IIIII(|.III(III ( P ( ( ( when he returns tronr England.
V ` . I V . , UK reserrcrers were inyoyee in tiscover- e . · . . .   . I . t, ut.,
l)e\Iorsey said that nlrrle (.lrandler had no , _ I(II (1 SI _ I( _ ( __I, _. . A ,I 111111111g 11*1* *119111 111* 211111*11 1*11111 *11111
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orig rrrrr.rr<|u.rrrrt.rrrer ur r rr presrernt, (I (I I I I I I I. ,50 II I , to .
. . __ . . r · · eee res-·· rcr·‘s or. Fears. roy A · .. -s· 1. · · . ·-. s· s·
|I(. |III(] ](II(IIIIII IIIS IIII|I(.I._ HIIIIIII. I(II(| III(._ HIS (11 (1*11 1 (11 1*1 11 (1 * ( . American Foreign Relations, and rs an expert
I . ‘ . _ , Srnars Plain was built rn the rnrel-IbI)()s by (IIIIIIE \wI€tII.IIIIW.II.
darldi was the srrrartest rrrarr rn (arse) (.orrrrt); _I I( )I _ _II _ __ II _· * = ~ _ _
arr r·... s...—r· IlIl‘tlI}I1lI‘(lI(lII1I rzrrr rzrr rmt are *_‘*’ *"* **1 1 "*‘“*¥"1 11‘ ""*"_ 11*“¥"‘ * ’“‘t1· He is Marr: rmt <>I Iris I<·II<>WShir> time rrr
I(_(_(_   Ilrey began planning e·onstructron ol the out- K(.IItIICt(»\,- WIIIIIIQ (I j()()_II(III(` ]I(I(Ik (III U S I¢(II·_
. ' _ _ 1 I _ , . r <*\ ' '
\\1l‘IlllIIQI(1ll lreearrre Il l{`s presielerrt in l$)$)(l 1111111 111111S111I1 1111111 111 1911 111111 US111111 1111 111111111 elgltl l`t‘l<lOlIS l1l`OlN the American R€\'()llltI()l] to
II|`I(.I- ,(.I\-I,Ig(.IQ|II \»(.(II~, IIS (.|I(III(.(.[}(,I—(,|`I|I(» me it (l*‘(`¥l(l*‘ I><·I<>¤‘<· tll°‘}' "‘)lU"1*llV*l}` 111*1 ‘1· the end ol this cerrtrrry. The boole will be part ot
IZonrrrrurrity College Systenr. Ile began his 1111111111111 *11111 *1111* *111 1`111111111111 111 *l‘**l“" 1V11` the Oxlorel UllI\'(?l'SIt\’ Press`s l11lllt1—\r'()lUl]]€
' ‘ `. I,. .",".).' ‘. ' I' ‘, ., , , 1 I
career in higher edrreatiorr in I965 as a Iaerrlty 1*1111* II<>l> 9111*11* 11*1111 1* 1111111111 m 11* 9*11 l1rsIor·yry1t/re Urrrterl Sfr1r‘e.s·.s·er·rcs.
  , , I;. I, I ,. ._\_ _` '. _, »‘.I rI.. )" I · . . .. .
rrrerrrber on I Iss l.e\rrrr<>r><>s<·l<>2t$1 \\·II UPIIIIW et IIW tothe Joint where theres noturnin lI‘2lll 2l|`(‘ll2l<‘0l0I{I$t$. tl1<" UK Eyerr tor sorrleorre who has l`(*(j(1I\'(1(l a long list
llarrrrrrond. rerrourrerl heart surgeon \\Villianr Denartnrerrt ol .—\rrtlrrorolog\‘. the Kentrrclw oIVnational and loe·al awards and grants, receiv-
l)e\r·ies_ legerrdarw I lx sportseaster Urnwoorl lleritage(Zonnciland 5hal1lS _   .._`         Bll`(l €XC€ll€(l EIS H Mtiipijjg   ggt gff tO ti    
l<> il¤*‘ Unl\'<‘¤`$l*}' <>ll l _ \    `T       ill Ynnnlng bnnk Pnss start as head coach Hal Mumme secured
K""l""l*Y nm] HW I ll {t r a fini? ruin. 4 in [Fil   receive'? dsteusive UK’s 500th pigSls
Including the 1997 honorees. UK has Higgs was drafted by the Dallas Dcgrcc (joinnlotion Scholarship Fund
retired 45% jerseys ol` lormer \\`ildcats play- Cowboys and enjoyed an eight-year career Noyv in its scvcnth ygtul tho A'l`&'[` Loiig
ers and coaches. Previous players and in the National Football League with Distanco Award nrograin has donatod
coaches who have been honored include Dallas. Philadelphia. Miami. and Arizona. inoro than $3507000 to tho soholarshin
(Jeorge .~\dams. lirmal .~\lleu. Sam Ball. He lives in Dayie. Fla. [tiud_
(S l'{I·]X’1`l`l`KY.·\1.l`\1\l`S FALL 1997

 B I° E ' M D' ffl
. . . ut m atmg y znner. ..
BY cram 1sAAcs     ‘     »        l
 V,    ‘   »·A~V       »  
It’s 6:30 p.1n. and you’ve just now had a ’ _ V-V'‘“     .-·.V _   r “»V` ‘    
· chance to sit down and catch your breath     _,_,        ft?  l"‘iYi`" 
j after a full day’s work. When the phone   l` · n `"``"   ‘   »      
rings, you answer it and learn that a stu-   _ - Q}   Z   `  
r dent from UK is calling.   V ~'i'-   ` fl
Do you       ..,.   ¥ `
1. Tell ‘em you didn’t go to school at A   [_ Q. c 4.
UK. " .a=?u,°  
2. Tell ‘em your dead . ` _ '   " 
3. Ask the caller why you’re getting a ' 4 N _,  _,__:,,, A
call —— you’ve never given and never will. __ :     Nj  f4 ‘ .;_
4. Listen to the caller describe oppor- n   ___,        33        
tunities for you to support your alma   ,_   " . V  Q}  _` F   . QV; fi ~ _   °j
mater and then pledge to the designation r,     5     [ 2  
of your choice. {     r N V`; ·.   -—
(#1 will be verified through a check of lin _   »   — \`\\  _, ,,_... ;
records, #2 will be verified in writing to _,   __/_  f’ il   f“*°Yi·‘??»      "_