xt7pzg6g288d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g288d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-04-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  8, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  8, 1927 1927 1927-04-08 2012 true xt7pzg6g288d section xt7pzg6g288d f










Officials Will
Publish Summer Edition


We Rest
Staff Serves Notice of Intended Brief Vacation

U. K.


it may concern::
Whereas, owing to the
wisdom of ancient calendar-maker- s
Twenty-fiv- e
Cents Will Bel who placed Easter at tie time
Added to Registration Fee for
when college spring fever generalr
Each Session As Subscrip- ly reaches its apex, and
tion for Paper
Whereas, students of the university will enjoy a period of five
SENATE APPROVES PLANS days' rest from the turmoil and toil
of classroom work beginning WedTo Work in Cooperation With nesday, April 13,
Be it therefore resolved that the
The Department of
staff of The Kernel hereby serves
notice of its intentions likewise to
The Kernel will enter another field take a vacation, and furthermore
ef collegiate journalism this year with not to publish a paper next week.
Given under our hand and seal
the publishing of ten issues during the
summer session which opens at the) this eighth day of April, 1927.
uaiverity on June 13. The paper will
be published by the present Kernel
Plans for the summer issues were
warked out some time ago by Kernel
officers and submitted to university
The matter was prented
to the university council in the form
of a petition after having been heartily endorsed by Dean William S. Taylor, director of the summer session.
- The council
acted on the petition
favorably, votjng that 25 cents be Fourteenth Annual Tournament
'added to the registration fees for Consisting
of Discussions,
each session of the summer session as
Declamations and Musical
the subscription for The Kernel.
Events Will Be Held
In taking this step, The Kernel becomes one of the pioneers in the
: South in the publishing of a univer- - DEBATING
sity paper for the student body of a
summer school. Several institutions Members From Sixteen Districts
Will Compete In Various
m other parts of the country have
been successful in similar projects
;waad with the increased enrollment
expected at the summer session here
The fourteenth annual tournament
fthk year, it is likely that The Kernel of the Kentucky Interscholastic
;. will become a regular feature of the League will be held on the campus
summer sessions.
from April 13 to 16. The tournawork in toopera-jtie- a ment is sponsored by the extension
--The Kernel will
with the department of journal- department of the university, and will
ism, which will offer courses both consist of debates, declamations for
semester of the summer session, in af- both boys and girls, public discussion
fording an opportunity to students to contests, musical events for vocal and
get practical experience in news- - instrumental solos, band, orchestra
paper work. Practice may be had in and choruses, and scholarship tests in
algebra, general science, English and
all three departments of the paper
American history. It will .probably be
editorial, business and mechanical.
the largest ever held here, as several
events have been added and each dis
trict in the state will enter contestants in most if the events.
Debates Are Feature
Wednesday, April 13, will 'be entirely devoted to debates, which will conDelta Rho and Beta Zeta Chap- tinue through Thursday and Friday,
ters Will Entertain Dele-- " when the final speeches will be held
at 8 o'clock at night to decide the
gates From 14 Colleges
state championship. The winning
and 18 Universities
team will be awarded a large silver
cup, and each member will receive a
To whom






KY., APRIL 8, 1927


Will Inaugurate Freshman Week Here
University Senate Approves Plan Submitted by Committee ; Will Be Observed September
Purpose Is to Acquaint Incoming Students With Institution and to Make v''
Them "Feel at Home;" Plan Is Being Adopted by Larger
Universities of Country
Keeping .abreast with the larger campus with the exception of those
universities freshman week will be students assisting faculty members in
observed at the university next Sep- the week's work. Although definite,
tember for the first time in the history plans have not been announced it is
of the institution, according to an announcement made Wednesday by the understood that these student assiscommittee on freshman week. Ten- tants will be. selected largely from
camtative plans for the week were approv- Omicron Delta Kappa, honorary
ed by the university senate at its pus leaders' fraternity, and from the
meeting March 31 and details are men's student council.
The purpose of freshman week is
now being worked out by the comto assist new students in becoming
some of the
Freshman week will be observed oriented; in teaching them university;
of the
from September 15 to 20. Attendance history and aims registered
and ma
throughout the entire week will be re- - in getting them
triculated conveniently; and gen
-- it
i. j
erally making them "feel at home."
freshmen. Those reporting later
purpose the incoming dan
the scheduled time will be subject to,F? this divided
; will be
into approximately
a penalty for late registration.
twenty-fou- r
sections of thirty stu
Students Will Assist
dents each. Each section will have
During freshman week all upper-- 1 one certain room for its week's
will be asked to stay off the quarters and will be under the im




mediate supervision and guidance of
a faculty leader and a student as
Includes Many Features
According to the present plans the
program for the week will include
enrollment; physical, mental, English,
and mathematical examinations; pay
ment of fees; classification; campus
tours; lectures on various phases of
university life; entertainment and
other features.
Recently a questionnaire was sent
out by "School and Society" to one
hundred of the universities having the
largest enrollment. Of these institutions approximately seventy-fiv- e
either had freshman week already or
were planning to inaugurate it this
year. The questionnaire revealed further that every school which had tried
it in a systematic manner was in favor of the plan.

Wildcats Will Cross Bats
With Veteran Wolverines
Get Your Skates!
Physical E.d. Department to
Conduct Novel Derby
A roller skate derby, that's the
latest feature to be arranged by
M. E. Potter, director of
athletics at the university. The
idea was adopted from Big Ten
institutions but being in Kentucky,
it is naturally a "derby," regardless of what it is elsewhere.
The events will be arranged so
that both boys and girls may compete in the contests which will be
held following the return of students from Easter vacation.
According to Mr. Potter, the derby should prove to be a big success if students here evince the interest in the contest which students in other institutions have


Clever Take-Off- s
Given D ( T p, RPVIFW Students Will Enjoy
yj' L ' iu-"- -"
Vacation of Five Days MAY DAY PLANS
Easter Holidays Begin April 14; WILL INCLUDE
MEET TO BEGIN Women's Administrative Council IS SUltLbM-UHas Charge of Program at
Classes Will Be Resumed
Regular Regimental Parade Fol- Second
April 19
lows Presentation of Newly





Delta Rho chapter of Delta Delta
Delta at the University of Kentucky
' and Beta Zeta chapter at Transylvania College, together with their
alumnae will be hostesses to Delta
province at the convention to be held
in Lexington at the Phoenix hotel,
This convention is one
of the three province meetings to be
held at this time. Delta province will
probably have the largest
tion since it is composed of fourteen
college chapters and eighteen university chapters. Almost one hundred
guests are expected to
and twenty-fiv- e
" Among the national officers who
will be present at Delta province convention are: Mrs. S. L. Slover, national president; Miss Pearl Bonisteel,
national treasurer; Miss Elizabeth M.
Roff, national marshal and Mrs.
Thomas E. Ellsworth and Mrs. Vin- 14-1- 7.




University Rifle Team
Wins Silver Loving Cup


Championship In
Corps Area With
7,698 Points


The rifle team of the Reserve


ficers Training Camp of the University of Kentucky received a sterling
silver loving cup Friday, given to it
for winning the Fifth Corps Area
championship for the year. Kentucky won the championship with a mark
of 7,698.
Major General William Weigel,
Fifth Corps Area commander in his
letter, which accompanied the cup,
complimented on its efforts. This
makes the second consecutive time the
University of Kentucky has won the
championship . If the team comes

through with a victory next year, the
cup will remain in the permanent
possession of the team.
The members of the team are: Jess
"Musical Fraternity Elects New Laughlin, "dward Carleton, Herman
Officers; Poole Is President
Combs, Edward Crady, Robert Darsie,
Fife, James Hester, Karl
Cyrus Poole was elected president Hohmann, Albert Johnson, Virgil
of the Phi Mu Alpha, musical fratern- Johnson, Earl May, John Richardson,
ity, at an election held Sunday after- Robert Sauer, Stanley Stagg and William Weems.
noon in the music department.
The remaining officers are: Vice
president, Frank Cummins, secretary,
treasurer, J. Humphreys' historian
Niel Plummer, librarian, Penrose Ec- ton.
Plans were discussed for the new
university song book which is being
, compiled
by this organization.




"Get-Togethe- r"


The second annual women's ban-- j
Elected Sponsors to' the
quet of the University of Kentucky
Unit by President McVey
was held last night at the
Phoenix hotel.
Women's COLORS
Administrative Council was in charge
of the program and the plans fo- r- - The grst regimental inspection and
the affair.
review of the university R.O.T.C. unit
Miss Jeannette Metcalf, president was held Wednesday
afternoon at the
of the council acted as toastmistress, seventh and e5 hth h
at which
the subject of her toast being Av time President McVey presented to
The other toasts were given thp nif thp Bwu
uy me ciass represeniauves; Virginia also the new national and regimental
Boyd, senior; Pauline Adams, junior; colors, with due military coremony.
Rankin Harris; sophomore; Isabel
The R.O.T.C. band participated in
Smith, freshman.
the formations and ceremonies and
The Alpha Gamma Delta Scholar- after the presentation, the regular
ship Cup was presented to Elizabeth regimental parade was conducted, fol
Cramer, a freshman. Y. W. C. A. of- lowed by other military maneuvers.
ficers for the coming year were an- The new sponsors, took part in the
nounced. The customary pledging for ceremony and will be present at all
Chi Delta Phi, honorary literary
the formations to lend dignity and
was held. The pledges are inspiration to the cadets. The new
Martha Minihan, Elizabeth Wood, regimental colors have recently been
and Cynthia Smith.
completed; they are light blue, having
on them the U. of K. coat of arms and
the R.O.T.C.
This first review of the season was
well worthy of merit and promises
well for the other three, joractjee re
views wnicn nave oeen set lor April
11, 21, and 26. These reviews have
Men and Women Representing been arranged to prepare the univer
Colleges and Universities in sity for the. annual regimental inspec
tion by the Board of Inspection of
Seventeen States Attend
the War Department which will be at
Convention Now in Session
the university on May 2 and 3
PROGRAM COVERS SIX DAYS this year. May 25 is the date set for
the military field day, the last military
Universities and colleges of sixteen formation of the year.
or seventeen different states are represented at the Fifth Annual Institute
for Registrars which opened at the
university last Monday and which will
continue until Saturday. This organization, which is the first of its kind,
was instituted by Ezra L. Gillis, registrar of the university, several years Recent Shipment of Instrumehts
ago. All of the meetings of the asIncludes Handsome Bass
Two'Flugel Horns
sociation have been held here.
As has been the custom previously,
and Set of Chimes
the Kentucky branch of the American
Association of. Collegiate Registrars A ID A TRUMPETS NOVEL
is holding its fifth annual meeting in
connection with the national institute.
An extensive campaign for the acOnly one afternoon will be devoted to quiring of new standard and novel
its program, whereas programs in band instruments is now being conformer years have occupied two days. ducted by Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer, diThe meeting was opened with a wel- rector of the band, and other memcoming address by President McVey, bers of the faculty interested in the
and speeches have been given by Mr. organization.
Since the band has
Gillis, Dr. J. B. Miner, Prof. C. C. been under the leadership of Professor
Ross, Mr. Ernest Miller, Mr. W. N. Sulzer it has grown to such an extent
Beetham, president of the organiza- - that the old instruments have not been
adequate for the sixty members, and
it has been due to his efforts that the
musicivis are now able to enjoy more
The most important purchase made
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journal- recently was that of a York model
istic sorority'will give a bridge party bass sousaphone, costing about $400.
in the palmroom of the Phoenix hotel This horn is decidedly the most expenthis afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The sive and beautiful in the possession of
price of admission will be 50 cents the band. Plated with an attractive
and prizes are to be given at each silver frosting, and with a huge gold
table. Every one is cordially invited bell, it is indeed a beautiful instruto attend.
ment. Heretofore all bass horns have
had as a case, a large, unwieldy
trunk-lik- e
affair which could not be
carried. This instrument is complete
with a new model case which may
easily be carried by one man.
Since the first appearance of the
concert band at the gym this season,
an interested member of the board of
officers of the university made possible the purchase of a set of tympani
have been good for a take-ofThe latest production of the Rom and cathedral chimes, which have just
any theater for some unknown rea arrived. These are to bo used
We apologize. concert work only.
son was not touched.
Other instruments in shipment are,
The Kentuckian was not mentioned
because we never did believe in free
advertising, anyway.
The "Kat" realizes that many more
or less prominent students expected
to be mentioned and were not. If you
are one of those or if your outfit did Students Urged to Attend Ser
not come in for what you thought
vices This Sunday
licity it is not that you were deemed
The University Y. W.
A and
unworthy of notice. But we had to Y. M. C. A. have designated Sunday,
draw the line somewhere.
April 10, as 'Go-t- o Church Day" and
BUT! Wait, oh wait, for the May urge that every student and faculty
Day edition. For that is the day member attend the church of his
on which the "Kat" will again hold choict on that day.
The various ministers of the city
forth and 'teach tho youth of the
campus. The "Kat" will be the unoffic have promised to preach special sermons for college students and the pro
ial queen of the May. If we overlook
ed you once we will try not to let it grams are expected to be very inter
occur again. And if the truth should esting. If the plan proves successful
be told we hope you won't feel bad this year the "Y" plans to make the
So be sure to save a dime from your observance of
April allowance for the "Kat."
an annual custom.





Easter holidays will begin Thursday morning, April 14, and students Queen and Attendants Will Be
of the university will enjoy a vacaElected by New System
tion of five days. Classes will be reNominations Will Close
sumed on Tuesday, April, 19, at 8
April 19

Students wholive in near-b- y towns
and cities are planning on spending
their brief rest at home. Ones who
are so unfortunate as to live so far
from home it will be impossible for
them to make the trip, hope to find
some kind of pleasant diversion here
in Lexington by which to occupy their
spare time.
The registrar's office reminds students of the penalty for missing their
last class before a holiday or the first
class after a holiday. One tenth of
the student's scholastic standing will
be taken from his average for this



,Frank Davidson Will Take Part
of William Blayds

A very important change has been
made in the cast of the Stroller play
as Frank Davidson has been assigned
the role of William
the nervous and care worn
and secretary of Oliver Blayds
the great poet.
Mr. Davidson who is a freshman in
the university has become outstanding in campus dramatics. He recently took part in the first Romany production of the year, "The Torchbear-ers- "
where he was excellently cast in
the role of Mr. Twiller. The part of
is similar to
that of Mr. Twiller. Those who saw
the Romany play will be convinced
that he will be able to handle this
character perfectly. Mr. Davidson has
also taken part in many 6ther campus
.activities and is a member of the
- Sigma Nu fraternity.



Well folks (note the Will Rogers
salutation), the "Kat" is, so to speak,
out of the bag and now that it is,
members and pledges of Sigma Delta
Chi can come out of the gutter and
get up on the curb with the remainder
of the student body.
In such a publication as this it is
natural that we should have forgotten
some things and it is to acknowledge
this and to apologize for the oversights that this story is written.
In the first place we discovered that
we had failed to take the customary
crack at the glassed-i- n porch of the
Alpha Gams. That has in the past
been good for one or more wisecracks
and we cannot imagine being so forgetful as to overlook it.
It seems also that the "Kat" failed
to comment on the hilariously successful basketball season just past.
That too was an oversight.
The numerous fires on the campus
lately escaped our notice for which
That should also
we are regretful.





SuKy Circle Adopts Tentative
Program for Days
In accordance with general plans
his year the
for making Mr
largest student celebration ever held
oh the campus, Suky circle at its regular meeting held Tuesday afternoon
adopted a new system for the election Qf May Queen and her attendants this year.
One of the features of the new plan
calls for the publication in The Kernel of pictures and brief sketches of
girls nominated for May Queen. The
circle hopes by this means to arouse
more interest in the election and to
reduce to a minimum "campus
Ke contest.
Must Turn in Nominations
To facilitate the carrying out of
these plans, Suky circle has decided
that all candidates must be
and must be nominated by
written petitions signed by not less
than twenty male students and turned
in at the dean of men's office not later
than 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, April
19. All nominations must be accom- -

Students Interested in Mak
ing Team Are Asked to Report Tonight in White



to select the members of
the debating team for next year are
to be held in White Hall tonight at
7:30 o'clock, according to an announcement from Professor Sutherland, director of public speaking and
coach of the debating team. All students interested in this type of work
are asked to, report at this time.
The try-owill be somewhat different this year. At the time of the
try-othe chairman shall distribute
mimeographed copies of some magazine article which has been selected
by the three judges of the contest. A
proposition shall be stated and fifteen
minutes shall be given for preparation
of the first speech.
All students wno are to appear in
the contests of the Triangular Debating League composed of Berea College, Centre College and the Univer- Try-ou-



The regular meeting of the Lexington section of the American Chemical Society will be held tomorrow
night at the University Cafeteria at
5:45 p. m. Dr. Neil R. Cordon, of the
University of Maryland, will be the
guest of the association for the meeting. Followiner the dinner Dr. Gordon
will speak to the section on "The Re- search Institute for Chemical Educa-- 1
tion." All members are cordially
to attend.


John Kennedy Receives
Military Appointment
University's Former Band Instructor Is Made Major in
Infantry Reserve
John J. Kennedy, formerly cpnnec-te- d
with the Military Department of
the university, and also instructor of.
the university band, has received
notification of his promotion to the
rank of major in the Infantry Reserve
and the Kentucky National Guard, effective March 4, according to information reaching the campus.
Major Kennedy was at the university for five years .resigning to take
a position with the United States
Radiator Corporation with headquarters at South Bend, Ind.
Mrs. Kennedy, who was almost as
well known on the campus as her husband, is in Lexington for a visit with
her mother, Mrs. M. K. Price, and
will leave in May for South Bend to
join Major Kennedy.
at the university. Mr.
Kennedy received his appointment as
second lieutenant in the Officers'
serve Corps.






Kentucky Will Seek Revenge
For Many Defeats Suffered
at Hands of Michigan




Visitors Have Developed Sisler,
Vick and Bloft For
Big Leagues
A big jump from Kentucky

Wesley-a- n

to Michigan, but tomorrow will
determine the success of such a gigantic advance.
A snarling, expert pack of Wolverines from the University of Michigan, who have lived and talked baseball ever since their advent in this
world, will come to Lexington tomorrow, as they have come in the last 12
years, to play the 'Cats and hoping to
beat them as they have beaten them
eleven years of the twelve. The fire
works are scheduled to begin at 3:00.
Walleyed Wolverine in 1921
The one time that the Wildcats
have been able to silence the heavy
artillery of the Michigan pastimers
was in 1924. On the other 11 occasions that Wolverines have met Wildcats, the Wolverines triumphed, sometimes by victories that resembled two
or three touchdown runaways.
Michigan has always been noted for
the prowess of her baseball teams
and the big league calibre of some of
her individual players. George Sisler, now a first baseman of the St.
Louis Browns beat Kentucky in 1915
on Stoll field. Sisler, who captained
the Wolverines, twirled Michigan to
a 1 to 0 victory, won in the tenth inning when the mighty George socked
the ball over the fence for a home






poli-tfcs"- in

Kampus Kat Makes First Appearance
On Campus; Feature Writer Points
Out Numerous Editorial Oversights

Change Cast


Our Enthusiasm Thrives on Their
Contempt" Says Writer In Speaking
Of Masculine Depreciation qf Poet
Frankly we'll have to admit that
We college women can at last relax Mr. Sandburg has rather a way with
with an ecstatic sigh, and say a la the ladies also, that he seems to enKipling that the tumult and the shout- joy this talent. And we maintain in
ing has died, and our "lion" has de- spite of masculine contempt (which
parted. After a round of breathless we must term jealousy), that Mr.
teas and hurried dinners, the Ken- Sandburg is one of the most delicious-l- y
charming people we have ever seen,
tucky co-e- d has forgotten all previous
secret loves to pore over books en- which alas does not make us different,
titled "Collected Poems" or "Slabs but places us with the groat feminine

of the Sunburnt West" for the cul- majority.
We started out flagrantly ignorant,
ture bug has bitten the campus and
the Sax culture bug is no longer the most of us, of his works. We knew
he had written a biography about Linnovelty it was yesterday.
Feminine hearts always seem to coln and a poem about Chicago and its
to triple their beats at the exotic in famous hog butchers. But when we
masculine nature so it is not remark heard that resonant voice with its
able that a group of
"blase" ' faintly foreign accent we surrendered
should lose their equilibrium : unconditionally, bought books, tried to
get them autographed, and quoted
over a fascinating and talented
who sank nonchalantly to a free verse in our usual carelessness as
guitar and looked distractingly like to rhythm and meter.
a tramp with dangerous blue eyes.
Really it's a great delight to have
After all, college men, there's not something new to talk about. Chat
such a lot of romance in campus chat- ter about the weather, and the latest
ter about "moon" and last week's

Nashville Banzer Offers Prize.
for Undergraduate Speeches
on "Progress, Resources and
Needs of the South"
An intercollegiate oratorical contest
iTogress, Resources and
Needs of the South," sponsored by the
Nashville Banner, of Nashville, Tenn.,
will be held at the State War Memorial building at Nashville, May 21.
All undergraduate students of any
four-yecollege in the South are eligible to enter in the regional contest,
to be held May 17. The place for the
regional meet will be announced April
21 by the Board of Directors. The
length of the speeches must not exceed twenty minutes.
Four prizes
will be offered, $500 for first place,
$250, $150 and $100 for second, third
and fourth places respectively.
The contest is an outgrowth of the
Know Tennessee" contest which was
held in Nashville last year under the
auspices of the Nashville Banner, and
is patterned after the National Constitution oratorical contest, open to
all high schools in the United States,
sponsored by the American Federation
of California.


Y.W. Elects
New Officers of Organization
Are Announced
Election of the officers of the Y. W.
C. A. of the university, which closed
Wednesday, determined the officers of
the organization for the ensuing
year. The results of the election are
as follows:
Lydia Roberts, president.
Virginia Robinson,
Louise Rogers, secretary.
Margaret Gooch,
Elise Bureau, treasurer and chair

Sir George Paish Will Speak
April 19

Sir George Paish, "Lookout Man
of Europe," will speak at the uni
versity convocation Tuesday, April 19,
at 10 o clock in the men s gymnasium.
Sir Paish will speak on "America as
a World Leader."
Doctor McVey also announced that
Sir George Paish, was formerly editor
of the "Statist" internationally known
authority on financing.
Mr. Paish visited former President
Taft in 1910, predicting the greatest
war of mankind. In 1913 he visited
President Wilson and urged his aid in
preventing the World War he prophesied.
Mr. Paish is advisor to the
Chancellor of the Exchequer and British Treasury, and served as advisor
to the British and Allied armies during the World War.
He will address the Commerce club
of tho College of Commerce in the


� tfiE



Subscribe for

Repeal of Half Cent Levy Is
Carried Into Following Meeting of General



The University of Kentucky is one of
few Universities that has no
Alumni Fund

An endowment fund should be raised
and maintained by the graduates
and former students of

fund could be raised without a single
donation from any Alumnus.

A sufficient .number of life members
would create this fund.

You .should do your part for this fund



sician and is located in Terrell, Tenn.

Class Personals
o- -




Arthur Yane Lester is chief
neer and a member of the Industrial
Building Company, of Dayton, Ohio.
He has offices in the Riebold building.
Joseph Morrow is a minister and is
teaching in the Caney Creek Community school at Pippapass, Ky.


Garnett Rosel Klein is heating and
ventilating engineer for the Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburg,
Pa. His address is 632 Florence avenue.
Alleen Petit Lary, (Mrs. W. S.
Webb) is living in Cherokee Park,
Nicholasville pike, Lexington, .Ky.
Charles Dickens Lewis is at
College, Nashville, Tenn.
Albert Ross Marshall is an oil operator and lives at 707yBullock Place,
Lexington, Ky.
William Lee Pennington is teaching
in the Louisville Male High School of
Louisville, Ky.
Wade Hampton Perkins is located
at 732 Colfax street, Denver Col.

John Hickey Kehoe is manager of
the Royal Laundry, in Reno, Nev. His
address is 457 Lake street.
Jesse Sherman Lawhorn is president of the Red Granite Copper and
Water Power Company with offices in

the Daniels building, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
William Lyne is a farmer and lives
near Nicholasville, Ky.
David Campbell Maddox is a phy

Edward Owen Guerrant Kelly is
entomologist for the Kansas State
Agricultural School at Manhattan,
Cornelius Railey Lyle is with the
Armstrong Cork Company of Pittsburg. His address is 5436 Stanton
William Mathews Marks is with the
Western Electric Company of New
York. He lives at the Times Square
hotel, New York City.
Isabella West Marshall, (Mrs. Gra
ham Edgar) is living in Dayton, Ohio,
Mina Garrard Miller, (Mrs.
C. Abbott) is living at 751 West
Emerson street, Paragould, Arkansas,
Miriam Wynter Naive, (Mrs. Thom
as H. Cutler) is living at 1211 Elmer
ine avenue, Jefferson City, Mo.
Lucy Hargis Norvell is living in
Carlisle, Ky.
Alice Cortney Pence, (Mrs. Arthur
E. Cannon) is living in Fargo, North
Charles Duke Perrine is chief en-- ;
gineer for the 3Ierchants Heat and
Light Company of Indianapolis, Ind
He live at 744 West Washington


"By individual letters addressed to
the Senators before the eighteenth of
November, I had anticipated most of
the vital points in the manifesto and
had done much to explain and concil
iate. I argued that while the denominational colleges had done a great
and indispensable work in laying the
foundation of the classical and liberal
education which the Commonwealth
required, the time had come for a
new departure in education, for the
endowment of which Congress, under
the act of July 2, 1862, had made
provision; that Kentucky's allotment
of land had been practically wasted;
that it devolved upon the state, having accepted the trust, to make good
the deficiency caused by mismanage
ment, and that the Agricultural and
Mechanical College had neither the
disposition nor the intention to interfere with the work of the existing
colleges; that the new institution, to
the maintenance of which the state
was committed, should make provision not only for the classical education which congress contemplated, but
for those scientific subjects which lie
at the foundation of modern agriculture and industrial development, and
that provision for the endowment of
research followed as necessary consequence; museums, laboratories and
mechanical appliances unknown to the
collegiate work of the existing col
leges were indispensable, and that
whereas the former had thought in
hundreds of dollars, the latter must
now think in thousands and tens of
thousands. Endowment by private
benefaction might suffice for the col
leges of olden time, but endowment
by the state was an absolute neces
sity for the college and university of
the modern type. When the legislature" assembled, the outlook
gloomy in the extreme. Blanton,
Dudley, Beatty, Miller and Wagner,
were there representing their re
spective colleges. Dozens of letters
for the members came in by every
mail, protesting against the 'iniquity
and the continuance of the tax. To
add to our embarrassment we had
been misled by our architects. The
buildings were only half completed
and the money was all expended. It
became apparent that unless we could
borrow to complete the