xt7pzg6g2753 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pzg6g2753/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1964-03-feb27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-03-feb27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-03-feb27-ec. 1964 1964-03-feb27-ec. 2011 true xt7pzg6g2753 section xt7pzg6g2753 

         Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Exec.-tve Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the Univers-ity of Kentucky Thursday, February 27, 1964.

         The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in special session in the Office of the President on the campus
of the University on Thursday, February 27, 1964, at 2L00 o'clock, Eastern
Standard Time.  The following members were present. Dr, Ralph Angelucci,
Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr, Rcbert Hiilenmeyer, and Mr.
Floyd Wright from the Board of Trustees. Dr. H, B. Murray and Mr. Smith
Broadbent were unable to be present. In addition, Dr. John W. Oswald, Dr,
A.D. Albright and Dr. R. D. Haun were present, representing the, University

        A, Meeting Called to Order

        Dr. Ralph Angelucci, chairman, having determined that a quorum
was present, called the meeting to order at 2: 35 p.m. After welcoming those
present, including the members of the press, he indicated that the meeting had
been called at the request of the President and turned the meeting over to Dr.

        B, Approval of Contracts with Department of Health, Education and

        Dr. Oswa.ld requested permission to present for consideration of the
Board two contracts with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, which
had come to his attention after the February 2-1 meeting of the Executive Commit-
tee and which repaired action prior to the March 20 meet-ing. He then read the
following recommendation and background statement:

Contracts with Department of Health, Education and Welfare

Recommendation: that approval be given to two Cost Reimbu-sement Contr.,.cts
with the Department of Health, Educat-on and Welfare to conduct a short-term
counseling and guidance training Institute and a regula.x sesscon ccunseling and
guidance training Institute,

Background: The College of Education will conduct twvvo counseling and guidance
training Institutes, one during the summer session 1964 and one during the academic
year 1964-65, which will be underwritten by the Department of Heal.th, Education
and Welfare, in the amounts of $20, 760 and $84, :383 respective..  fIt is necessary
for the University of Kentucky to sign Cost Reimbursement Contracts, which are
standard form contracts and which have been examined by legal couns el. in order
to receive the grants from the Department of Health, Edu?.cat.cn arcd We.fare, It
is recommended that the proper author-ities be authorized to execute the contracts.


         On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by .Judge Sutherland, and so
 ordered by the chairman" the University authorities were authorized to execute
 the two Cost Reimbursement Contracts as presented,

         C. Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer Named

         Dr. Oswald said that he had requested this meeting in order to make a
 recommendation to the Executive Committee for the appointment of a Vice Pres-
 ident-Business AffaIrs and Treasurer of the University, One of his first tasks
 when he assumed the presidency in September was to undertake the search for
 a person to fill this key position in the Un-.versity.  Although the University is
 organized for the purpose of teaching, research. and service, the operation of an
 organization such as this is big business and requires capable persons to handle
 the fiscal affairs and to handle the increased number of research contracts and
 grants which will be coming to the University.

         The first step taken was the appointment of a special faculty committee
whose instructions were to advise the president in two areas--first in the area
of the over-all organization of the business office, including its relationships
with the Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Extension Servi'ce, and
the Medical Center. and second, in the light of the findings from the study of
the organizational pattern, to screen candidates for the position of Vice Presi-
dent--Business Affairs and Treasurer of the University, This has culminated
in a recommendation from thIs committee and endorsed by the President to the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Mr, Robert F. Kerlev, Assistant
to the Vice President of Governmental Relations at the University of California,
for the pcsitcon of Vice President- -Busi.ness Affairs and Treasurer of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, effective as soon as possible and not later than April 15,

        Dr. Oswald gave a brief biographical. sketch of Mr, Kerley and indicated
 that he had been familiar with his work and his ability for a. number of years.
 His duties at the Univers:tAy would embrace the fcllo--ving areas: 'I) accounting
 and fiscal management of the Universitr, i.nclud--ng the Treasurers act:rti es
 and investment of endowment and other available funds; I'd) business managernent
 of the UniversIty whi.ch would include the various facets such as p.irchasing
 and the business management of the au-xili.ary enterprises (residence halls,
 cafeteria, bookstore, etc. )- (3) su.iperv-isiorn of the non-academic personnel
 programs of the Univers'ty; (4) physical plant, inclsud'ng Ma'.ntenance and Opera-
 tions, and responsibility for the implementaticn of the physical constructiLon
 projects and, with Dr. Albright, Dr. W::Illard and President Oswald, over-all
 planning and implementatilon of the total campus plan; (5) he?.L with the Kentucky
 Research Foundation contracts and/or grants- (6) safety and se.curity; and
 (7) bo'nding and control.

        Dr. Albright indicated his wvholeheartevd concurrence in the recomb-
mendation and Dr, Angelucci on behalf of the member s of the Executive



Committee indicated that they had had the opportunity to meet and talk with Mr.
Kerley on several occasions and were impressed with his vast knowledge of
business affairs relating to a university and felt that he was an able administra-
tor and an able man. The Finance Committee of the Board also has endorsed
Mr. Kerley's appointment and the other members of the Board of Trustees who
have had the opportunity to meet Mr. Kerley are enthusiastic over his appoint-

        Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that the recommendation of Mr. Robert F.
Kerley as Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer of the University
be approved with his appointment to be effective as soon as possible and not
later than April 15, 1964. The motion was seconded by Judge Sutherland and
passed unanimously.

        President Oswald then indicated to the members of the press that Mr.
Kerley was on the campus and arrangements were made for a brief interview
following the adjournment of the meeting.

        D. Meeting Adjourned

        There being no further business, Judge Sutherland moved for adjourn-
ment at 3:00 p.m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

James A, Sutherland, Secretary